Neil Oliver on the Reality

Posted originally on Jun 16, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Neil Oliver – The Season of Santa’s Surveillance

Posted originally on the CTH on December 2, 2023 | Sundance 

Against the revelation that DOJ officials gathered the Trump Twitter hit list of wrong thinking Americans, including all the metadata therein, this monologue by Neil Oliver -a good friend of the Treehouse- is timely and prescient in its forethought.

Discussing how the new legislative effort in Ireland is intended to conduct surveillance on the Emerald Isle nationalists, ie dissident voices within the Irish population considered adverse to the interests of the state, Neil Oliver outlines how the communication freedom of most Irish citizens is now dispatched.  Irish citizens are now under full government surveillance for any speech that might be considered dangerous.

Populations of various countries already experienced the testing ground of government control in the recent COVID-19 vaccination process.  Regulated freedom was contingent upon compliance with an untested vaccine, so it should not be a surprise to see the next evolution of control – the control over speech and communication.


13 years ago, people on these pages did not quite fathom what I was implying with the sharing of the image below.  However, if you have watched the Oliver monologue, and you are one of the non-pretending wolverines who find ways to live amid the surveillance with a productive free purpose, just like a Rorschach test, the imagery might take on a new perspective.

Olivers’ Non-Pretending Assessment of Global Politics

Posted originally on the CTH on November 26, 2023 | Sundance 

Neil Oliver delivered a good summation of recent global events in the world of politics when contrast against the stabbing of school children in Ireland; the resulting populist backlash to the forced multicultural import and elimination of national identity, and the immediate reaction by Ireland’s leader Leo Varadkar as he demands new hate speech laws to stop people from speaking out against government forced migration.

Once again as with Brexit and the first Trump election victory, free people are pushing back while the authoritarian government regimes of the global UniParty threaten arrest. The people speak in Holland as nationalist Geert Wilders wins election; the left goes bananas. In Argentina nationalist and populist Javier Milei wins the election, again the globalist left goes bananas.

We are standing on the precipice, fighting with the “tools of democracy,” while those who have bastardized the term dispatch any semblance of democratic norms that do not fit the UniParty agenda. As Oliver notes, in the USA Democrats and Republicans both unite the ranks of the totalitarian government; in the U.K the Conservatives and Labor party politicians form the same UniParty.

The voices of the voters are being dispatched, ignored and labeled as extreme while Ireland starts to show what comes after the ballot box approach no longer works. WATCH:


It can no longer be argued or ignored…. there is simply too much evidence.

“We are in an abusive relationship with our government.“

~ Comrade, dissident and far-right extremist, Sundance

BRUTAL TRUTH – Neil Oliver Outlines the Modern Blood and Death Created by Current Tyrants

Posted originally on the CTH on September 30, 2023 | Sundance 

There’s no pretending or pulling punches in Neil Oliver’s monologue this week. In fact, the theme of blood and carnage weaves throughout the presentation as Oliver walks through some recent events in the UK, Canada, Ukraine and the United States.

Dissident Oliver puts the cost of this western global political effort into a very human context, and asks ‘what do we care about‘, as we allow this to continue.  The examples he cites are very real and very much related.  WATCH: