Germany Moving into Recession

Posted originally on Jun 16, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Germany Recession

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, Thank you so much for coming to Germany. Your view is always the best, for it is not based, as you say, on personal opinion. I wish the government would listen and inform the politicians to adopt a new way of managing society.


ANSWER: Yes, I know what you mean. But as I have always said, after working and meeting with governments worldwide for over 40 years, they prefer to act in their own self-interest, defined as their personal power – not the benefit of the people. This illustration is of the German GDP in the Euro, followed by the timing array, and then expressed in US dollars.

IBEUUS Y 6 16 24

Currency masks the real trends. I try to explain that, but as you know, most people in these meetings cannot grasp the concept. You are not common in government. There needs to be more like you. More than a simple one-dimensional view seems too complicated for them to understand. When I am gone, hopefully, they will be able to take what I have done without prejudice as to who developed it. That’s just the way it goes. They used to say a prophet is never accepted in his own land. Keynes was criticized in the 1920s. Marx was embraced only after he died.

ECM 2007 Detailed

As you can see, German GDP peaked in terms of real international value in 2007 with the Economic Confidence Model, and the Euro peaked in 2008. The high value of the Euro in 2008 reduced exports, and the recession began with that turning point on the ECM. The Pi Target on that wave was the precise day Greece turned to the IMF for a bailout, launching the European Debt Crisis.

ECM Wave 2020 2028 Pi

German REAL GDP in international value terms will not bottom until 2030. The ECM turning point suggests that Germany is headed into a recession that overall will appear to bottom in nominal terms in 2028, but in real terms, it will extend into 2030.

Estonia’s Date with Destiny

Posted originally on Jun 16, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Estonian_foreign_minister_on Ukraine

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, You have a large following here in Estonia. It was disturbing for our leaders to talk about breaking up Russia. As you know, this region has been at war with Russia many times, as well as others. Do you have any projections for Estonia from your computer for our future?

Thank you


stonia Share Market Y 6 15 24

ANSWER: Yes, there have been many wars over the years. Your share market peaked 3 years ago for a reason. There is a Directional Change next year and a sharp rise in volatility into 2026. On June 17th, 1940, that is when the Russian Red Army occupied Estonia and Latvia. Then, on August 6th, 1940, Estonia was declared the Estonian SSR and incorporated into the Soviet Union by the communists. Unfortunately, the West is determined to destroy and conquer Russia mainly for wealth, not much different from the motives of Hitler and Napoleon. This is not going to end well. It appears to be headed to a climax in 2026, which is 86 years from 1940.

Your Prime Minister, Kaja Kallas, is boasting, telling the BBC that Russia’s Vladimir Putin is “afraid” of a war with NATO. She seems to be part of the world leaders ushering us to our end. They really think that they can destroy Russia without nuclear war, and Putin will fold and surrender.

They have all been brainwashed by the Neocons and are pushing for World War III because the Neocons hate Russians and they have risen to the top where they are now in full control of the White House, NATO, and have led the EU leaders down this path where they are told that they can destroy Russia and Putin is just bluffing.

Putin has issued another chilling warning to the West, saying its ‘selfishness and hypocrisy’ has led to a ‘dangerous turn of events’ and brought the world ‘close to a point of no return’. Speaking to foreign ministry officials, the Kremlin, Putin said: ‘Calls to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, which possesses the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons, demonstrate the extreme recklessness of Western politicians.

I can tell you that the discussions are absurd. The sales pitch to destroy Russia completely is serious. The entire purpose of allowing Ukraine to now use Western missiles to attack inside Russia was to claim the Ukrainians make their own decisions, and they intend to try to undermine Russia’s nuclear capability. They took at their early warning radar that had nothing to do with Ukraine. That was to warn of a West’s nuclear attack. Ukraine deliberately sought to undermine Russia’s nuclear capability.

They are now claiming that the tide of war is beginning to turn in Kyiv’s favor by allowing them to begin to strike targets inside Russia. They are telling the leaders that they can defeat Russia and to ensure a Ukrainian victory; they must not listen to Putin’s “hollow words,” for its ailing nuclear capabilities are no threat to NATO. This is why your PM said what she did to the BBC.

This will come to nuclear war because the West is in full control of the Neocons, who just hate every Russian on the planet and want to pull off their own genocide.

They Are Wong & This Will Not End Well

UK SHOCK POLL — Nigel Farage’s Reform UK Is For The First Time Now AHEAD Of The Conservatives

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: June 8, 2024 at 02:00 pm EST

Odd Dynamic – G7 Leadership Meet in Italy as Nations They Represent Rebuke Their Leadership

Posted originally on the CTH on June 14, 2024 | Sundance

It is a very strange dynamic to watch the G7 leaders assemble in Italy this year, against a political backdrop there they have essentially been rebuked by the citizens of the nations they are supposed to represent.  It’s a very odd dynamic indeed.

PICTURED: German Chancellor Olaf Schulz just lost his election and now exists in the minority within his country. French President Emmanuel Macron just lost an election, quickly cancelled parliament and called for a snap election because he was crushed in the results.  Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has a minority government, the lowest approval rating ever, and is tenuously clinging to his position. U.K Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is just a few weeks away from leading his party to a total wipe out in the British election; the only question in Great Britain is how badly Sunak will lose.  Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has led his country into a position of lengthy economic stagnation, massive inflation and his approval numbers are the lowest in history…..  Then there’s Joe Biden, sitting in an even worse position without a literal clue about where he is.

The two European reps, President Ursula von der Leyen (far right above) and Council President Charles Michel (far left above) are not even elected by EU citizens and represent nothing but a bureaucracy of insufferable leftist pontification.

This is what’s called “the G7” and supposed to represent the assembly of the largest industrial economies in the world, which isn’t even accurate any longer.  The Russian economy is now larger than Germany, which makes Putin’s economy bigger than any EU nation.  It’s a very sad state of affairs and considering the COVID “Build Back Better” agenda the G7 followed, they did this entirely to themselves.

With Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Iran now part of the BRICS+ group, and with dozens of countries wanting to join Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, the G7 is barely relevant as a shrinking majority economic bloc.

Not coincidentally, this G7 assembly is also the group of nations who organized the economic sanctions against Russia.

UK Requires Residents to Register Chickens – War on Farming

Posted origially on Jun 14, 2024 By Martin Armstrong

Chicken of Egg

The Great Reset requires those in power to usurp our ability to farm and cultivate our own food. What better way to control the masses than to have complete control on their ability to survive. The World Economic Forum has proposed a ban on farming, a ban on gardening, and bans on any attempt to live off the land that already provides us with all we need as humans. Nations are slowly implementing laws to restrict our access to food. In the UK, anyone owning a chicken must register with government.

Beginning in the fall of 2024, anyone in the UK who owns a single chicken in England and Wales will be required to register their bird before October 1, 2024. Those in Scotland have until September 1, 2024, to register. The previous law required anyone with 50 or more birds to register, but the government now wants to know who may have access to eggs and meat. Poultry keepers must renew their registration every 12 months.

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) claims that they are simply attempting to prevent diseases from spreading. Are the people who own a handful of chickens really contributing to the spread of the bird flu? Why should people who own a single bird be required to maintain a permit with the federal government? This is government overreach at its finest. Next, they will expect an egg tax or require poultry owners to vaccinate their birds with an experimental substance.

Make no mistake about it – these measures are intended to control the food supply. Will the people of the UK protest or fail to adhere to this asinine law? Germany already requires citizens to register their chickens, and other nations will follow the WEF agenda.

IMF Digital Currency to Replace the Dollar

Posted originally on Jun 14, 2024 By Martin Armstrong |  

Bitcoin Fiat Currency

Years ago, when I wrote that Bitcoin was created by the NSA, some Bitcoiners attacked me and insisted that Satoshi Nakamoto was the creator of Bitcoin.  Yet someone who created such a product never stepped forward and would have been a billionaire on royalties. But this fictional character was not much different than Lee Harvey Oswald, who the CIA has insisted killed JFK with his magic bullet. At least with Oswald, there was a real man who they cleverly ensured he would be killed to deny any trial. Then, the CIA refused to release files to cover up the entire affair.

Tiberius Aureus Genuine India Imitation

Bitcoin was presented as an anti-government creation that would defeat central banks, and some claimed it would become the new reserve currency. I laughed at that because such claims were absurd and demonstrated that it was a sales pitch for no government to arbitrarily create a reserve currency. I have illustrated many times how the currency of the major economy is always imitated, proving that it always was not gold or silver; there was a premium because of who they were. As illustrated above, Southern India issued gold imitations or Roman coins rather than their own because the coinage of Rome was seen as the power on earth.

Gordian III Aureus Indian Imitation R rotated e1624916896889
Trajan Decius Aureus Indian Imitation

Trajan Decius (249-251AD) was the first emperor killed in battle by the invading barbarians in 251 AD. What is interesting in this is where the Indian Imitations end with Trajan Decius. The power of Rome was starting to decline, and with it, the imitation of its currency.

Financial Capital World Economy

The Financial Capital of the world has always migrated, and the United States, in the arrogance of the Neocons, WEF, UN, and Bill Gates, who all think they can dictate to the world, are in their lust for importance and power are destroying this nation, and that title will pass to China.

The pure stupidity of believing that Bitcoin will replace the dollar was remarkable to me, for it illustrated what Julius Caesar observed long ago—people believe what they want to believe. They never consulted history, much less the facts. They celebrated a fictional Japanese character, while those who created Bitcoin at the United States National Security Agency laughed at how easily it was to fool people all the time. Of course, the Bitcoin believers argue that this is ridiculous claiming that there’s no solid evidence to support it.  Neither is there a real Satoshi Nakamoto. They may celebrate Bitcoin as an alternative to evil central banks, but they fail to apply that distrust of government to the NSA and CIA.

As I wrote years ago, just look into Bitcoin’s source code. The key to Bitcoin is its use of Secure Hash Algorithm 256, or SHA-256, which is used for everything. This mathematical formula jumbles data into a string of seemingly random text, making it nearly impossible to crack. Those of us in the world of programming are familiar with this algorithm, for it is the direct work of Glenn M. Lilly, who is a mathematician under the direction of the NSA. He designed and eventually published the algorithm back in 2001. Lilly later became the NSA’s chief of mathematics research. All you have to do is look into the NSA and you will discover that it was THE FIRST to even describe a Bitcoin-like system back in 1996. That paper was titled:

How To Make A Mint: The Cryptography Of Anonymous Electronic Cash.

The NSA’s 1996 plan to create anonymous electronic cash (

In this paper, you will discover the proposed system that uses public-key cryptography to allow users to make anonymous payments without revealing their identity. If we look at the very name Satoshi Nakamoto, in Japanese, “satori” is a mythical creature that can read minds. Satoshi in Kanji is 覚, which generally means “wisdom,” so if we look at 中本聪,

 中 is the “middle”, 本 the “root”.

聪 means “cleverness”

The name of Bitcoin’s pseudonymous creator, Satoshi Nakamoto, can be interpreted as a reference to the U.S. spy agency as a reader of minds and cleverness.

IMF Coin

The general talk has been that the end of the fiat monetary system is imminent. Central bank digital currencies allegedly threaten the US dollar, according to some very shallow reasoning and a total lack of understanding about why the dollar is even the reserve currency. Beyond that delusion, these people claim that cryptocurrency will end fiat currency. However, private cryptocurrency is not backed by anything, either.

There is also serious talk behind the curtain, including the United Nations trying to become a one-world government that will be a dictatorship with no democratic process whatsoever. There is some argument that the central banks’ digital currencies will not displace the dollar, and that title will go to the digital “IMF Coin,” which will become the new reserve currency.

Reserve Currency 1024x493

The dollar is the reserve currency, just as was the Roman silver denarius, because it was not just the financial capital of the world. Still, they both represented the major economy, and everyone was trying to sell to the core. Rome conquered most of the Western World at that time, and most found it beneficial to be part of Rome. They often received capital investment into emerging markets, and they produced local goods to be sold to Rome. For example, Egypt was a major supplier of wheat to Rome.

Huxley Julian
Huxley 1024x506

Today’s transactions are mostly digital, so converting paper dollars to cryptocurrency will not dramatically alter the economy. The UN and IMF are simply trying to take over the world for a power play. They do not have armies or economies to qualify for the world’s financial capital. They are drunk with this delusion of power that they can rule the world by sheer decree. From the very beginning, the elite saw in their vision that they would dominate the world and end democracy. Huxley was against the United States and believed that “unrestricted individualism” was equally wrong as a total dictatorship as in communism.

Schwab WEF End of Democracy 1024x581

Kalus Schwab’s 8 points for 2030 end the threat of “populism,” as was the case in electing Trump, by eliminating the people’s right to be heard. Schwab, the UN, and the IMF see retaining some basic human rights but removing our right to even say what kind of government we want. In their world, only the elite know what is best—not the people.

Cryptocurrency bitcoin

This is the real agenda behind cryptocurrencies: to lay the foundation for the ultimate power being handed to the UN and the IMF. This folly will not succeed. Such entities are like men and even corporations—they are never immortal. I will celebrate the day the flags of the UN are lowered forever. It has always been a dangerous and lustful entity drooling for supreme power.


This is the end goal: the IMF digital coin will replace the dollar, and all other CBDCs will clear through it internationally. The reason is that the sanctions they put on Russia led to the split of the world economy, which was the alternative to SWIFT. IMF believes that replacing the dollar will overcome the reason for the BRICS and rejoin the world economy under the IMF, removing the ability of the Neocons to use the dollar as a threat and weapon. The United Nations wants to then emerge as the world peacemaker and replace the United States under their control – not just the WHO with their health mandates. That is just the tip of this monster – the elimination of your right to vote on anything.

Schwab World Control

I have warned that the very character of Klaus Schwab is one of a control freak. Bill Gates also tends to create monopolies, which he is doing in the pharmaceutical world, forcing MNRA upon humans and livestock without long-term testing. This movement destroys the very basis of human life – the right to pursue your own path. Stalin did the same, and Russia collapsed for history stands as a witness; centralized absolute control has NEVER succeeded even once in history.

BREAKING: French Centre-Right Collapses Into Civil War Over Whether To Support Le Pen’s Nationalists

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: June 12, 2024 at 08:00 pm EST

Steenson: Ireland Experiencing Huge Revival In Nationalism

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: June 12, 2024 at 07:300 pm EST

EU to Surrender Russian Assets to Ukraine

Posted Jun 13, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Ukraine War Wealth

The United States discussed plans to provide Ukraine with a loan paid out with Russian assets that have been frozen since the start of the war. The bulk of frozen Russian assets lie in Europe, and the European Union has announced its plans to “make Russia pay” by allocating those assets to Ukraine to fund its war against Russia directly.

Ukraine will receive $1.6 billion in frozen Russian assets this July, according to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen who spoke at the Ukraine Recovery Conference 2024 on June 11. She stated that 90% of stolen Russian funds will go directly to defense, while the other 10% will be put toward the reconstruction effort. “My friends we have always said that Russia must be held accountable for its crimes and now we make Russia pay,” von der Leyen said.

Leyen Ursula von der

I already noted that President Joe Biden said Ukraine will receive a loan of up to $3.7 billion through 2025. The elites claim these funds amount to money that the Russian oligarchs stole from the Russian people, but that is simply not the case. The West has confiscated assets from a foreign nation during a time of peace as Ukraine is not in the NATO alliance. Now the West is using those illegally confiscated assets to attack its adversary. This is complete and total economic warfare.

No one knows where the money that is packaged as Ukrainian aid actually goes. Portions are funneled back into the military-industrial complex and paid out to the very nations supplying aid. Everyone acts on the invisible hand in their own best interest. None of these aid packages were meant to be a handout, and Ukraine would suffer the repercussions.


Russia was patient as the West held their citizen’s wealth hostage. Putin has said numerous times that he is fighting a war with the West and not Ukraine at this point in time. Russia would have easily defeated Ukraine had there been no interference, and Russia would have never invaded in the first place had their been no interference (see: Minsk Agreement). Boris Johnson took it upon himself to go to Ukraine the moment peace was on the table to foil that plan.

Economic warfare is now on the table. China has been watching. Europe and the US are not at war in China, Taiwan is not in NATO, but nothing is preventing them from seizing Chinese assets over Taiwan and claiming that they are merely fighting for freedom. There is no longer respect for international law; the rules no longer apply.

India Angers China with Neutrality on Taiwan

Posted originally on Jun 12, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


India has made an attempt to remain neutral throughout this massive world conflict. They are in BRICS, conduct business with the West, and abstained from voting for ceasefire between Israel and Palestine. Yet it is not possible to remain neutral amid such intense tensions between nations. India recently angered China by accepting a congratulatory message from Taiwan’s newly appointed president.

“I look forward to closer ties as we work towards mutually beneficial economic and technological partnership,” Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi told Lai Ching-te after Taiwan’s new president congratulated him on his re-election. Lai Ching-te posted on social media that he looks forward to “enhancing the fast-growing Taiwan-India partnership.”

Taiwan is expected to hire up to 100,000 Indian workers, while India is posed to open trade with Taiwan. India does not officially have a stance on the One China policy but China views any neutrality as aggression. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning released a statement after the short interaction between Modi and Lai Ching-te.

Taiwan ECM 2

First of all, there is no such thing as ‘president’ of the Taiwan region. As for your question, China opposes all forms of official interactions between the Taiwan authorities and countries having diplomatic relations with China. There is but one China in the world. Taiwan is an inalienable part of the territory of the People’s Republic of China,” Ning said when asked about the Modi-Lei exchange. “The one-China principle is a universally recognised norm in international relations and a prevailing consensus in the international community,” Mao said, adding, “India has made serious political commitments on this and is supposed to recognise, be alarmed about and resist the Taiwan authorities’ political calculations. China has protested to India about this.”

India has been on the rise. It is willing to conduct business with anyone, but that may come at a price if it angers the wrong trading partners. Taiwan and India signed the Bilateral Investment Agreement (2018), Air Services Agreement (2016), and Labor Cooperation Pact (2024). Trade between India and Taiwan reached $7.7 billion in 2021, and over 100 Taiwanese companies are now invested in India.

It remains to be seen how long India can remain neutral, not just in the Indo-Pacific but amid growing global tensions. Still, India is prioritizing domestic interests first and foremost and reaping the benefits.