Canada Moves to Ban Christianity – Changes to Bill C-367

Posted Originally on Mar 6, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Canada News Ban

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has passed numerous pieces of legislation prohibiting free speech in Canada, yet nothing has been as restrictive as Bill C-367, an amendment to the Criminal Code that will prohibit Canadians from expressing “an opinion based on a belief in a religious text. If passed, people can be arrested for quoting the Bible on Canadian soil.

Proponents are cloaking this attack on religion under the premise that it will curtail antisemitism. Yet, months ago, Justin Trudeau stood with Zelensky and the Canadian Parliament, celebrating a known Nazi war criminal, and even giving him a standing ovation.

This is precisely what the bill would remove from the Criminal Code of Canada through Private Member’s Bill C-367: Removing Religious Protections For Antisemitic Expression:

3) No person shall be convicted of an offence under subsection (2)
(a) if he establishes that the statements communicated were true;
(b) if, in good faith, the person expressed or attempted to establish by an argument an opinion on a religious subject or an opinion based on a belief in a religious text;
(c) if the statements were relevant to any subject of public interest, the discussion of which was for the public benefit, and if on reasonable grounds he believed them to be true; or
(d) if, in good faith, he intended to point out, for the purpose of removal, matters producing or tending to produce feelings of hatred toward an identifiable group in Canada.

Defences — subsection (2.1)

(3.1) No person shall be convicted of an offence under subsection (2.1)
(a) if they establish that the statements communicated were true;
(b) if, in good faith, they expressed or attempted to establish by an argument an opinion on a religious subject or an opinion based on a belief in a religious text;
(c) if the statements were relevant to any subject of public interest, the discussion of which was for the public benefit, and if on reasonable grounds they believed them to be true; or
(d) if, in good faith, they intended to point out, for the purpose of removal, matters producing or tending to produce feelings of antisemitism toward Jews.

first they came for the communists but i was not Martin.Niemoller.Religion.FreeSpeech

This is an outright attack on religion. There are countless examples throughout history from every area of the globe where religious prosecution led to heinous massacres. Outright bans on religion start off small, removing a provision or two, until the government deems entire groups of people a danger to society.

I discussed the case of Pastor Artur Pawlowski who was arrested for speaking out against the Canadian government, in particular their COVID era restrictions on medical autonomy. Pawlowski was charged with criminal mischief for preaching from the Bible to the Trucker Convoy. He did not commit a violent offense nor did he say anything “hateful,” but the words from the Bible are now deemed as offensive similar to how the government is labeling words like “mother” or “father” unacceptable.

Religion demands that followers believe in a higher power greater than the almighty government. Statistics Canada reported that only 68% of Canadians identify as religious, with a notable decrease among the Christian community in particular. The same organization believes that non-Christian religious affiliation will double by 2036. An Angus Reid survey from April 2022 showed that religious tolerance in Canada is at an all-time low, with 22% of respondents saying all religion is harmful to society.

This legislation will prohibit Christians, Muslims, and others from freely expressing their opinions. They speak of banning antisemitism, but the law will also target Jews. Anyone expressing an opinion “relevant to any subject of public interest” based on a religious text will be considered a criminal, a danger to the new world order. For example, if someone says they are against MAID, child transgenderism, abortion, or anything that is not deemed acceptable by the Abrahamic religions, they will be accused of promoting hate speech and prosecuted for their religious beliefs.

Karl Marx deemed religion the “opium of the masses” that was intended to give false hope to the impoverished who should fill their hearts with hatred and entitlement. “The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness. The demand to give up the illusion about its condition is the demand to give up a condition which needs illusions,” Marx continued.

What is happening in Canada will spread throughout the Build Back Better nations under the direction of the World Economic Forum. This is happening precisely on target with our model’s forecasts.

It is rather stunning how we come to major religious events every 309.6 years. This appears to be a change in beliefs that does not necessarily suggest complete changes in religions but rather moving away from the belief in a higher power. Often, these are shifts that become more fundamentalist in their beliefs or a turn toward liberalism. There are two primary cycles. First, we can look at the cycle of change in religion, which seems to follow the 309.6-year cycle, which is, of course, the 8.6-year frequency. The second is to look at the derivative of the 8.6-year, which produces a target for a major collapse in religion, which is underway at this time, by 2033.

Categories:GREAT RESET

Inflation Dropped in Canada – So Why is the Cost of Living Unaffordable?

Posted originally on Feb 22, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

canadian dollar C

Statistics Canada reported that inflation slowed in January to 2.9%, beating expectations of 3.3%. So why are Canadians still struggling to afford basic necessities like rent and food?

Mortgage interest costs remain the top noted driver of inflation after rising 27.4% YoY, while rentals increased 7.9% during the same period. Bank of Canada governor Tiff Macklem explained that the central bank cannot fix the housing crisis through cuts. “Housing affordability is a significant problem in Canada but not one that can be fixed by raising or lowering interest rates,” he noted at the beginning of February. The Bank of Canada has voted to raise interest rates 10 times since March 2022, with little to no impact on inflation.

The central bank cannot manage supply and demand. noted that rentals have been rising by C$373 per month since COVID restrictions and lockdowns decimated the global economy. Demand far outweighs supply, and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. noted that vacancies are at their lowest level since they began reviewing the data in 1988.

The Bank of Canada building

Trudeau’s government only cares about the rising debt-to-GDP ratio, and analysts cling to their failed theories of Keynesian economics. What percentage of interest costs are in that deficit, and what happens when they can no longer sell the debt? These are questions entirely overlooked.

The Canadian dollar is simply worth less than it was before the COVID lockdowns, and the Canadian dollar’s decline is contributing to the rising cost of imports.

The Bank of Canada has the same issue with its central bank as many other nations – the government will not stop spending. Total government spending for the 2023 fiscal year through the end of March 2024 is estimated to be C$488.7 billion.

Yet, the Trudeau Administration announced this week that they will be spending another C$300+ million on ammunition for Ukraine as Canada, like all other NATO nations, has been prioritizing spending on foreign wars while ignoring its growing deficit.

Canada’s deficit is expected to hit C$38.4 billion in 2024/25 and C$38.3 billion in 2025/26. Who is the largest buyer of Canadian debt? Foreign investors from the United States who purchased around $13.1 billion of Canadian debt securities. Canada saw a high in foreign share acquisitions in December 2023 to the tune of C$29.4 billion, with non-US foreign share investment reaching C$6.3 billion.

Investors are mainly seeking instruments denominated in USD that are issued by Canadian banks. Now, Canada must make investment opportunities more lucrative for the US buyer compared to domestic investments. Hence, the BoC is moving in line with the Federal Reserve, but both are utterly helpless as they cannot control fiscal policies.