The World’s Most Censored Democracy

Posted originally on Apr 24, 2024 By Martin Armstrong  

Australia is rapidly becoming the most censored “democracy” in the world. The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) regulates all media from broadcasting, telecommunications, online search results, video games, to social media platforms. The Classification Board and Classification Review Board decides what information Australians can and cannot see. The government has even appointed an eSafety Commissioner to specifically oversee “online safety” and prohibit Australians from viewing anything the government deems unfit.

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel is an Orthodox Christian priest with a massive online following. Mari preaches at the Christ the Good Shepherd Church in Wakeley, delivering powerful messages that have been resonating with believers and non-believers alike. Everyone is aware that Australia has a migrant crisis no different from other developed nations. A few weeks ago, Mari was delivering a sermon when an Islamic extremist approached him with a knife. Australia does not want the people to bear arms but that does not deter attacks.

The 16-year-old terrorist, who was clearly motivated by religion, rushed the altar with a knife and attempted to repeatedly stab Mari. The unarmed bishop held his crucifix up to the attacker and miraculously prevented the switchblade from fully opening, saving his life. The video of the attack has gone viral across the internet, met with an outpouring of sympathy from people around the world. The Australian government is angry that this video is painting migrants in a poor light and is demanding that it be scrubbed from the internet.

If he [the bishop] didn’t get himself involved in my religion, if he hadn’t spoken about my prophet, I wouldn’t have come here. … If he just spoke about his own religion, I wouldn’t have come,” the attacker said. It took the Australian government time to investigate whether this was a religiously motivated attack. After all, Christians are not a protected class and acts of violence against them are dismissed. “We believe there are elements that are satisfied in terms of religious motivated extremism,” New South Wales Police Force Commissioner Karen Webb stated before she later deemed it a “terrorist incident” due to public backlash.

Mari was also outspoken about COVID, lockdowns, and vaccine mandates. He criticizes the Australian government openly and honestly.


Australia’s eSafety Commissioner is attempting to remove the video from the internet. X (formerly Twitter) owned by Elon Musk revealed that the eSafety Commissioner contacted them to take down the video. “The Australian eSafety Commissioner ordered X to remove certain posts in Australia that publicly commented on the recent attack against a Christian Bishop. These posts did not violate X’s rules on violent speech,” the company stated.

Julie Inman Grant

Julie Inman Grant of the eSafety Commissioner is far within the deep state. She was offered a role with the CIA in the 90s but declined as she wanted the acknowledgement. “I wouldn’t be able to tell my friends and family what I was doing,” Grant stated on turning down the job. She proceeded to find a role in Microsoft as a government affairs manager before moving to Australia in 2000. Grant was awarded the title of national eSafety Commissioner in 2017.

Australia is livid that Elon Musk will not remove the video. “We know, I think overwhelmingly, Australians want misinformation and disinformation to stop. This isn’t about freedom of expression,” said Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. “This is about the dangerous implications that can occur when things that are simply not true, that everyone knows is not true, are replicated and weaponized in order to cause division and in this case to promote negative statements and potentially to just inflame what was a very difficult situation.”

What disinformation? It is a real video of an attack that occurred as a direct result of hatred against Christians. “I’d like to take a moment to thank the PM for informing the public that this platform is the only truthful one,” Musk responded, adding, it is “absurd for any one country to attempt to censor the entire world.”

The World Economic Forum has praised Australia for their extreme censorship efforts, deeming the eSafety Commissioner Grant “the world’s most influential leaders revolutionizing government.”

One must ask – why are they afraid of this particular video circulating? We must recognize the content that the globalists do not want us to see in order to understand the larger agenda.

Violent Crime in Germany Hits 15-Year High

Posted Apr 10, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 
German Refugees

Germany was once a safe nation. Violent crime has reached a 15-year high, with homicides, knife assaults, and rapes drastically increasing. Crime rose by 5.5% last year alone, with 6.6 million incidences reported. Other nations like the UK, US, Canada, France, Sweden, Finland, and everywhere else that permitted, if not encouraged, open border policies have also seen an uptick in crime but no one wants to point out the obvious.

Migrants were responsible for around 40% of violent crimes in Germany last year, but the non-German national population only composes 15% of the population. Angela Merkel sold off Germany in 2015 when she urged all refugees to come to Europe to seek a better life. The migrants never stopped showing up. Germany handled over 350,000 asylum applications in 2023, and that only accounts for those who went through the judicial process.

The left refuses to hold migrants responsible for crimes and will not acknowledge that different cultures simply do not integrate well into Western societies. Lamya Kaddor, a Green Party MP, said that migrants are simply over-represented in crime statistics. “The crime rate is higher among socio-economically disadvantaged groups, which very often include foreign nationals,” she stated. Politicians like Kaddor do not care about the safety of their constituents and will never back away from open border policies.

Merkel Forcing Refugees

The migrant crisis is deliberate and apparent in all Build Back Better nations. These people are living off of the government, are unvetted, and have no allegiance to their new homebase. Southern European nations are in an even worse state as boatloads of new migrants wash upon their shores daily. Merkel humiliated Greece during the bail-out process, and now the European Union as a whole has its foot on the necks of all nations under its control. No one voted to allow these migrants into their hometowns. It is hard to say that Europeans live in a democracy as they are under the control of the European Union, which is following orders from the World Economic Forum these globalists do not merely want a one-European government but a one-world government where the few rule the masses.

Ep 3322a – Fake News Pushing Economy Great, [CB] Pushes Narrative, Watch Argentina

Posted originally on Rumble By X 22 Report on: Apr 4, 2024 at 5:30 pm EST

ADUs Destroying Community

Posted Apr 5, 2024 by Martin Armstrong


Comment: Thank you Martin Armstrong to take time to write on 15 min cities and accessory dwelling units or the ADUs. I must reach out and ask you to share my personal story on how ADU is destroying my once charming neighborhood. I believe everyone should have access to shelter, and I do not want these people on the streets. My heart goes out to those without and I felt bad for their situations until I witnessed what permitting legal squatting brought. Permitting people to live in huts in the backyard is not the solution as I have seen firsthand over the last year or so.

A few of my neighbors built ADUs units behind their homes. They built them themselves and they look like tiny wooden sheds and are eyesores. How anyone can manage to live there is beyond me, as they have less space than most garages. All the renters are single men without consistent employment who probably would not qualify for an apartment since they do not seem to be going to work but lurk around the neighborhood instead. Strange men are scattered around my neighborhood and their friends are not the type of people I would want in my town. One man died inside his unit from drugs. My neighbor replaced him with a new renter within the month, another single man who lurks around. I have a teenage daughter and two little ones. I was never worried about their safety in this neighborhood, but there is now riff-raff in this neighborhood and I do not feel safe. My husband will not let them play outside alone. The people who believe these shelters are a solution are mistaken.

Reply: Your concerns seem valid. Depending on the zoning laws in your area, anyone can build and rent out an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU). There are no requirements for the tenants or background checks. The shelters themselves need only be 375 sq ft and may not exceed 40% of the primary property’s floor area or 1,000 sq ft.

Proponents of these shelters say they are a great way to assist family members, but that is not the intention. I personally would not allow my family members to live in a shed outside my primary residence. The fact of the matter is that these units largely do not look or function as “in-law suites.” People are becoming desperate for additional income in this economy, and renting out a sliver of their land is now an option. Primary homeowners are also now qualifying for loans to build these structures, and contractors specializing in ADUs are becoming commonplace. In Florida, for example, many cities require ADUs to be rented out by low-income individuals. Again, they do not need to pass a background check or register with any agency. You must ask yourself who would want to live in these conditions.

So you are correct in your fears that anyone could be living in those units. Your neighbors cannot easily evict a tenant once they move in as they are now protected by tenant rights. These men could have used a fake name or identification (neither are requirements) and your own neighbor may not know who is living on their property. They do not need to be citizens of the United States either.

It is up to individual counties and cities to prohibit these ADUs, which are simply a step above homelessness. They will lower the neighborhood’s value as no one wants this sort of thing in their community. I am sorry you have to deal with this situation that is spreading across the Build Back Better countries.

Scotland’s Hate Crime Law

Posted Apr 5, 2024 by Martin Armstrong

No crime needs to be committed for someone to be prosecuted. They are using famed author J.K. Rowling of the “Harry Potter” series as their first public example to show that even a billionaire celebrity can be silenced for going against the woke narrative. Rowling was first criticized years ago when the woke left deemed her fictional characters to be homophobic, ableist, and racist. The author double-downed on her innocence and pointed out that it absolutely absurd to assume for people to claim that her books have victimized them.

The law in Scotland went into effect on April 1. Rowling took to social media to point out that this law protects biological males who have committed crimes against biological women. “If what I’ve written here qualifies as an offense under the terms of the new act, I look forward to being arrested when I return to the birthplace of the Scottish Enlightenment,” the author stated. “If you genuinely imagine I’d delete posts calling a man a man, so as not to be prosecuted under this ludicrous law, stand by for the mother of all April Fools’ jokes,” Rowling stated in another tweet.

You must understand that they are attempting to implement these hate speech laws throughout the Build Back Better nations. The aim is to alter our reality, censor our ability to speak freely, and pander to a small fragment of the population who is guaranteed to vote for blue and green policies.

Minister for Victims and Community Safety Siobhian Brown, an actual job title and government-funded agency, believes hurt feelings can be “traumatic and life-changing” and believes the world must be silenced. The government may deem what is and is not offensive. People will become fearful to speak their truth or question authority as it could come with consequences.

They are passing similar laws in Canada, the United States, and throughout Europe. These tyrannical measures will give governments only provide governments with unbridled power to censor speech and warp reality.

The New Squatting Real Estate Market in NYC

Posted 0riginally on Apr 5, 2024 by Martin Armstrong

World War III is coming Sooner than you may think, Be Prepared

Attached is a PDF file that is explaining how we have gotten to the point that a Third World War is very likely. The blame for this resides in Klaus Schwab who created the World Economic Form (WEF) in 1971. Schwab has written two books on his theories which are a cross on Marxism and Technocracy which will be explained in the attached paper. His first book published in 2016 was The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the second published in 2020 was COVID-19: The Great Reset. In this book Klaus has the help of Thierry Malleret a French economist. Klaus and is associates have since 1971 has taken over the European Union (EU) as his followers now hold most if not all key EU positions. The WEF and the US neocons would Love for what is show below to happen in 2024.

Klaus and his supporters believe that only “technical” people are capable of ruling us. Because only people with degrees in science, engineering economics and medicine to name a few and the intelligence and know how to properly rule us. His long term goal is Trans-humanism, which is the belief that “WE” can be uploaded into an danced computer and therefor live forever. I have background in the fields need to do this if it was possible and my option is Klaus is dreaming. The attached book is a free download and the one that is attached here is a “Version 01” and there will be new uploads of this book as justified by new data and research.

The image below is the cover for the book I am writing. It reflects the world that Klaus & Gates want to create. As you can see he lives in the Utopian upper city and we live in the Primitive Serf/slave lower city.

This is the world that the world elites want to make for you!

This is my book you can download

WarRoom Battleground EP 505: Debunking Trans Day Of Visibility

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: Apr 2, 2024 at 01:00 am EST

The far LEFT = Anarchism?

Posted 0riginally on Apr 2, 2024 by Martin Armstrong


Sometimes, you can be so LEFT that you really become an anarchist.

Putin Spotted Laughing as Biden Celebrates with “Oyster Bunnies”

Posted originally on the CTH on April 1, 2024 | Sundance

I strongly doubt that Chairman Xi, President Putin or Chairman Kim think about Joe Biden for a single moment. Everyone knows Biden is a propped optic for the people behind the administration who control him.

At a certain point it just gets embarrassing to keep pretending. Check his polling, Biden isn’t collapsing because the left dislike his policies; Biden is collapsing because more and more leftists are being ridiculed and shamed.

Today, Joe Biden celebrated his national transgender egg roll days with the “oyster bunnies.” WATCH:


It was really bad.  Really bad.
