What really happened when Baltamore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge was hit (?) by a container ship on March 26, 2024 at 2:28 am EST

But first a picture of the bridge before the collapse

This is the path the containor ship used.

The narative is that the out of control ship hit one of the two main supports and destroyed it causing the entire bridge to collapse into the Chesapeak Bay. However, looking at all the videos and pictures something didn’t look right to me. Before I continue with my analysis wach this video to get a good view of the what happened to the ship and the bridge.

Now that you have seen the result I’ll explain why I can qualified to make this analyisis of what you saw. After getting my commision as an infantry officer MOS 1542 I was picked to enter the Officers Training cource for becoming a Green Beret. Between September 1966 and September 1967 I was trained to be an Green Beret at Ft Bragg NC and receved my new MOS 31542. And as partof our training we had a course in explosives to include how to take down a bridge. And I will add that in HS I placed first in physics in the state academimc testing in the Cuyahoga Country area.

Next lets look at another Video. Pay atteention to the 2:08 – 20:12 minute time and you will see a light orange water spout coming up from the water on the Port side at the water line of the Containor ship and then another one going up also on the port side and then the bridge comes down on the contanor ship . I’ll explain this later. The best way to watch this is drag the start point to 20.05 then stop the play. then do quick start – stop and the video will advance a small amount. Keep doing that untill 20.12.

This is the support that was destroryed allowing the bride to collaspe

This picture is of a generic bridge support as would be used on the Francies Scoot Key Brifge

Now Look at the bow on the Port side of the container ship there is no little to no damage on the , port side how is that possible.

Here is a picture of the Starboaod side with no damage on the bow but major damage on the deck where the bridge came down on it. Note no damage on the water line.

Here is a good view of the ship sitting over the destroyed Support

Now e have a SONAR image taken by the Core of Army Engeeners.

The is the entire span of the bridge

But as we saw there was only damage to the Contanier Ship on the deck nothing at the water line yet the Container ship sits on top the rubble at the bottom?

This is the other good support

On march 26, 2024 at 1;28 am EST the Francis Scott Key Bridge was hit by a loaded caotainer ship and the bridge came down into the Chesapeake Bay. After wathing a lot of videos and looking at a lot of pictures I got a feeling tha something wasn’t right between what I heard happened and and what I saw in the pictures and videos.

I looked at every thing mutiple time and came to the concustion that this was not an accident but a Black Swan Event! The Francis Scott Key bridge being destroyed by being hit by a cargo ship that just happens to be out of the shipping channel and then just happens to have a “power” failure and then just happens to hit a weak spot in one of the two main support column taking down the entire span over the Chesapeake Bay …. this is very unlikely.

 (Via MSM) – […] The Singapore-flagged 948 ft. Dali vessel crashed into a column supporting the Francis Scott Key Bridge at around 1:30 a.m. local time in Baltimore, causing part of the bridge to collapse and catch fire before sinking?

The port of Baltimore is a key port in the US and it is now shut down until all the debris in the bay can be removed. Shutting this port down is a major blow to the US economy and also to the EU which gets coal and LNG to make up for what that they can no longer get from Russia. We also know that the US was involved in taking out both the Nord Stream 1 and 2 Natural Gas pipe lines from Russia into Germany. And that was blamed on Russia even though it made absolutely no sense. Just turn off thee valves if you wanted to cut the gas supply, The plan here would be to issue a report where they would claim that it was the Russians that did it. This would be a direct attack on the US and would mean Biden could declare War on Russia. This would be a perfect False Flag event! To be effective this would have to be the first or second week of May 2024. (revised by new infornation to early September.

Why do I think this is Black Swan event? Well we know the US Neocons want war with Russia so what if they used some of our black operation underwater teams with explosives to place them on the bridge supports with a remore controled deonnation device. Then they hack into the ships systems and steer it into the bridge support. But there was a problem as the container ship didn’t appear to actually hit the bridge support. But they never intended the ship to hit the bridge,there were explosive charges placed there under water on the support column that is what actually took down that bridge. You can see the two water spouts from the explosions on the attached video link above.

As new information becomes known I may modify this post in the future.

Jack Posobiec On The FBI Opening Investigation Into Baltimore Bridge Collapse

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: Apr 15, 2024 at 01:35 pm EST

More Questions About Bridge Disaster Answered (Ep. 2217) – 03/28/2024

Published originally on Rumble By The Dan Bongino Show on Mar 28, 2024 at 11:00 pm EST

Ep 3315b – [DS] Sends A Message To The American People, Black Swan, Trump: “I Love The Truth”

Posted originally on Rumble By X 22 Report on: Mar 28, 2024 at 5:45 pm EST

Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse – Black Swan Event

Posted originally on Mar 28, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

The Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore collapsed on March 26, 2024, at 01:28 EDT after being struck by a cargo ship owned by Brawner Builders Inc. The ship named the Dali was operated by Synergy Marine Group. This black swan event was extremely strange, catastrophic for the US supply chain, and certainly a black swan event. For the purpose of this post, I will refrain from speculation and stick to the facts at hands to explain how crucial this bridge was to the US.

Official reports say that what happened was simply an unfortunate accident. “We’re going to send all the federal resources they need as we respond to this emergency. I mean all the federal resources — we’re going to rebuild that port together,” Biden said after promising to use federal aid to rebuild the bridge, a feat that will take years to achieve. “Everything so far indicates that this was a terrible accident,” he added. “At this time, we have no other indication, no other reason to believe there’s any intentional act here.”

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency stated that there was a “power issue” that caused the crew to lose control of the ship. There was a loss of propulsion from the motor, several tests failed, and the pilots notified the Maryland Department of Transportation and the Maryland Transit Authority. There was an attempt to deploy anchors but it was far too late, especially for a ship of that size and weight.

James Mercante, the president of the New York Board of Pilot Commissioners, said that the Dali became “a dead ship just being carried by the current or its own momentum.” US Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg did not say what caused the power outage and does not have a timeframe for when the bridge will be rebuilt. “The impact of this incident is going to be felt throughout the region and really throughout our supply chains,” Buttigieg said. Baltimore is currently under a state of emergency, and Mayor Brandon Scott believes it will last for “the foreseeable future.”

Others believe this was a deliberate attack of US infrastructure based on various factors that do not seem to add up. Could it have been an inside job or a foreign agent? The truth will come to light, as it always does.

Let me begin by explaining how crucial the Francis Scott Key Bridge was to America’s supply chain. Around 52.3 million tons of international cargo estimated to be worth $80.8 billion passed through the port in 2023. Around 4,900 trucks, carrying around $28 billion in goods, must be rerouted due to the bridge collapse. It is the second busiest strategic roadway in the US for hazardous materials. These hazardous materials include diesel fuels. Did you know that diesel fuel is not permitted to be transported via tunnel? Fuel prices will rise, fertilizer prices will rise. The bridge was built to handle hazardous materials like propane, nitrogen, highly-flammable materials, large cargo materials, and more.

The timing could not have been worse for American agriculture.

Baltimore is the largest entry point for all large agricultural and construction equipment, and this will have a ripple effect across US agriculture in general. It has been noted that this collapse occurred during the peak of planting season for Midwest region as the ground has begun to thaw. Our entire food supply is at risk.

The bridge helped to link major cities from Baltimore like Philadelphia, Washington, and New York. Over 15,000 people are employed directly through the port, and 139,000 have indirect jobs in connections. All of this amounts to $3.3 billion in personal income, as noted by Axios.

Analysts are saying this will cripple Baltimore, but it will send ripple effects throughout the entire US economy.

The angle the cargo ship took is extremely confusing. Engineers are perplexed by the situation. How did it manage to take out one of the two major anchor points? The video makes it look as if the ship deliberately steered into an anchor point. The cargo ship never made it into the approach land in the channel. Where was the harbor pilot? There was no horn blast or warning tug. There was no tug boat, but they say that it was not needed once the ship entered the channel. There happened to be a full moon that enabled maximum tidal shift. My eyes may deceive me, but the video footage makes it look like the captain steered directly into the support beam at the last minute.

Half a mile of  the bridge simply collapsed. It looks more like a strategic demolition based on how the bridge crumbled. Now, here in Tampa Bay, a cardo ship hit the Sunshine Skyway Bridge over 40 years ago. A portion of the bridge came down but it did not simply fall into the waters in the same manner. This is reminiscent of the 9/11 collapse, but of course, people did not have smart phones back then. This event happened in the middle of the night when few people were around to witness it. Some say this passage is hard to navigate but cargo ships managed just fine for nearly half a century up until this week.

Baltimore Police Commissioner Richard Worley said, “There is absolutely no indication that there’s any terrorism, or that this was done on purpose.” The US government insists this was simply a tragic unpreventable accident. Official reports say there were no signs of explosives and no foreign terrorist agency is claiming responsibility for the event.

The same ship collapsed a bridge in Belgium back in 2016, and I do not think this was an act of foreign terrorism.

This event divided the US along the Mason-Dixon line, bringing us back to the pre-Civil War era. Did US intel have a role in this “accident” that happened at the worst possible time? Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum stated that an attack on infrastructure – a cyber pandemic — would cause the COVID-19 crisis to look like a “small disturbance” in comparison. Carefully watch the video below and note how they explain these events to us long before they take place.

NTSB Give Update on Baltimore Bridge Collapse, Investigation and Current HAZMAT Concerns for Baltimore Harbor

Posted originally on the CTH on March 27, 2024 | Sundance 

The NTSB gives an update on the Francis Scott Key bridge collapse in Baltimore, Maryland, following the impact of a Singaporean-flagged cargo ship, the Dali.

According to the update, 56 containers of hazardous materials were on board, including corrosive flammable cells, lithium ion batteries, and other hazardous materials.  Some of the HAZMAT containers were compromised and some fell into the water.  The briefing also gives a preliminary outline as an outcome of an initial review of the voyage data recorder (VDR) for six hours 00:00 to 06:00 on the morning of the impact. The timeline discussion occurs at 11:00 of the video below.  WATCH:

(Via Fox News) -[…] Homendy said the investigation would be a “massive undertaking” that is expected two take one to two years. She added that the NTSB will not hesitate to issue urgent safety recommendations during that time frame. A preliminary report is expected in only two to four weeks.

Part of the investigation will be determining what caused the ship to lose power before hitting the bridge. The source of that outage remained unknown as of Wednesday, Homendy said.

Homendy said tugboats were called to help the vessel leave the port and get to the main channel. The vessel does not have any tugboats at this time. Homendy confirmed that vessel did not have any tugboats helping it navigate through the waters before it hit the bridge. The VDR showed that the pilot called for tugboats just before 1:30 a.m. after the vessel hit the bridge.

The NTSB has confirmed that there were 21 crewmembers on board the vessel at the time of the accident plus two pilots. (LINK)