The 10 Bn Euro Paris Olympics Disaster

Posted originally on Jun 25, 2024 By Martin Armstrong


The French are outraged by the amount of money their government has spent on the 2024 Paris Olympics. The government has already spent 9 billion euros on the games, but costs continue to grow daily, and it is now estimated that it will cost France at least 10 billion euros to host the games. There have been countless mishaps when building arenas that have multiplied costs. Parisians know that their city cannot hold the estimated 15 million visitors. Macron believes he is royalty, and hosting the Olympics has always been about boasting rights as it never results in a profit for the hosting country.

Emmanuel Macron had the audacity to announce that open water games would be held in the Seine River, which is brown, unsanitary, and completely contaminated by sewage. Macron said that he and the mayor of Paris would take a swim in the Seine on June 23 to show the world that it is not a floating water of waste. Creative protestors, the French decided to show their disgust by collectively pooping in the river on the day the president was set to swim. Websites were constructed to tell people in neighboring cities precisely when to poop in the river so that it would reach Macron in time for his swim. The river was still utterly polluted on June 23, and Macron conveniently announced that he would delay his swim until after the July election.

There is no plan B for hosting the outdoor swimming events and this puts the world’s top athletes at risk as entering those waters is a complete health hazard. There have been countless failures so far and the budget for these games is outrageous. The government spent 188 million euros building the new Olympic Aquatics Centre in the Saint-Denis neighborhood of Paris when the budget was only 70 million euros. The most appalling aspect is that even after spending far beyond the budget, there was a miscalculation in building the venue and it is too small to host most of the swimming events. This has not prevented politicians from using the wasted tax money as a photo opportunity.

The initial budget for the Olympics was proposed in 2017, and yes inflationary issues are partly to blame for the obscene faults in the budget. Yet every Olympic committee is raising its costs. The Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games, for example said they need to raise costs by at least 10% for the Olympic Village and security.

The final cost of the Olympic games will not be known until 2025. It is simply propaganda to believe that the Olympic games will benefit the people of France in any way, as the costs involved will exceed revenue. Macron, per usual, is only interested in promoting his own image and legacy and has no regard for the welfare of his own people.

One Killed, One Seriously Injured – Hungarian President Viktor Orban Motorcade Crash in Germany

Posted originally on the CTH on June 25, 2024 | Sundance

Hungarian President Viktor Orban is not liked by NATO and Western leaders for his opposition to the war in Ukraine. Hungary just took over as rotating lead of presidency of the EU. Germany is the largest nation in the EU and vehemently opposed to the Orban peace initiative.

President Orban was traveling to the airport in Germany, when suddenly a car made an unexpected turn into his motorcade. One motorcycle officer was killed, another seriously injured. Viktor Orban is unharmed. Samantha Power and William Burns shout, “VERDAMMT!

GERMANY – […] The crash took place at around 11.15am in the district of Degerloch in Stuttgart, Germany, when the Hungarian leader was being escorted to the airport.

[…] The Stuttgart traffic police motorcycle squad were escorting the Hungarian president to Stuttgart Airport on Löffelstrasse.

However, a woman, 69, driving a BMW reportedly drove through an intersection that had been closed off by the police for Orban’s convoy at Albplatz.

She is understood to have turned left at the Rubensstrasse intersection and hit the motorcycle of a 61-year-old male officer who was accompanying Orban’s car.

Due to the force of the impact, the police vehicle was thrown onto the motorcycle of a 27-year-old colleague who had used his motor to block the intersection for traffic.

Both police officers were seriously injured in the collision and were rushed to hospital, reports Bild.

But despite the best efforts of paramedics, the 61-year-old cop died of his injuries shortly afterwards.

The public prosecutor’s office and the Stuttgart police announced the horror collision in a statement. (link)

Suspicious Cat remains, well, suspicious.

WarRoom Battleground: The Lies Of Think Tanks, Pentagon, And The Deep State-6/21/2024

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: June 23, 2024 at 08:30 pm EST

Canada’s Population Explodes Surpassing 41 Million

Posted originally on Jun 24, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Canada’s population has surpassed 41 million, but it is not due to new births. Statistics Canada declared that the population rose 0.6% or 242,673 people since last quarter, standing at 41,012.563 as of April 2024. The nation rose by 1.27 from 2022 to 2023 or a 3.2%. . Nearly all population growth (99.3%; 240,955 people) were solely attributed to migrants arriving in Canada.

“In 2023, the vast majority (97.6%) of Canada’s population growth came from international migration (both permanent and temporary immigration) and the remaining portion (2.4%) came from natural increase,” StatCan said in a statement. “This was the second straight year that temporary immigration drove population growth and the third year in a row with a net increase of NPRs (non-permanent residents),” it said. The number of new arrivals is increasing in 2024 at a rapid pace, far too rapid for the economy to maintain.

Now, government agencies claim that Canada’s population requires “temporary immigration” for labor and the population has grown by 100,000 migrants every quarter since Q3 2021. Canada’s unemployment rate rose in April to 6.1% from 6.1% in March, with the rate at only 5.3% in April 2023. The migrants are not filling in-demand labor roles. As with the US and every western country that permitted open borders, these people are living off of the tax payers and not producing anything. Trudeau totes that skilled labor is needed throughout Canada but the people coming in are not filling those roles either.

Trudeau has permitted an influx of migrants throughout the past six years at a pace that has only accelerated. Every recent poll has found that Canadians are concerned about the record number of new arrivals. The government has stated it would begin to cap immigration but that only applies to those entering legally.

Sentiment toward immigration has turned sour. Canadians are worried about inflation and the housing crisis. A Leger poll learned that 75% of Canadians felt that immigration was fueling the housing crisis. The Association for Canadian Studies and the Metropolis Institute surveyed Canadians in January 2023 and 21% reported that there were too many migrants. They conducted the same poll a year later and the number of concerned legal residents more than doubled to 50%. An Abacus Data survey found that 67% of Canadians believed the rate of immigration was far too high. Trudeau’s popularity is declining as Canadian society and culture begin to shift. The US is not the only country relying on an influx of immigrants and war to alter elections.

Hearts of Oak: The Week According to… Leilani Dowding

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: June 22, 2024 at 09:00 pm EST

Raheem Kassam Breaks Down Nigel Farage’s Election Future

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: June 22, 2024 at 01:00 pm EST

20 Minutes with Neil Oliver Banned by Google

Posted originally on the CTH on June 22, 2024 | Sundance 

In prior months you may remember me saying the mechanisms of control will shift to specifically target individuals, not ideas.

The banning, blocking, removing and censorship of ideas, thoughts and concepts was the control activity that took place in the past six to eight years.  Now that many of those black-listed ideas and opinions have been shown to be more accurate than the approved, white-listed claims that stood before, the censorship effort has to modify and target the truthtellers.

Thus, in this censorship game, big tech moves to target individuals.  As CTH predicted a few years ago, Neil Oliver is one of those individuals.

During his recent interview with Tucker Carlson, Neil Oliver delivered some insight, thoughts and datapoints about SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) and the subsequent gene modification serum, fraudulently called “a vaccination,” that remain miles beyond controversial.

Within the 2+ hour interview, that 20-minute segment was banned from the Google approved version of the interview on YouTube, and only exists on the Rumble version.  {Direct Rumble Link Here} I am sharing that part to expand the discussion because the topic is stunningly critical and important.  CTH readers well understand that our conversation is generally at least six months ahead of the population discussion based on a non-traditional perspective of information and subject analysis. WATCH:

Neil Oliver: How Banks Took Over Empires, and the Truth About WWII, Brexit, & COVID

What Neil Oliver discusses beginning at 01:47:25 is exactly what we have discussed on these pages for years.  It was also during my trip to DC during the COVID lockdown of 2020 that I had the painful realization the best message anyone could deliver would be to “live your absolute best life and do it right now.”

Oliver is the only other voice I have consistently heard saying that “the need for control is a reaction to fear, and *they* are scared.”  Oliver sees the same fear in the control system that I do, and that many of you can see.  The people and financial agents manipulating the institutional mechanisms are fraught with fear; thus, their extreme fiats and overreaching.

Also, like Oliver, I am optimistic.  However, my pragmatic optimism comes from a more faith-filled disposition.  I am thankful for the “GREAT SORTING” that took place, and I do not pretend that it never happened.  Actually, this “Great Sorting” was/is the source of inspiration to reaffirm the non-pretending part of life.

I will not walk around and pretend that I did not learn about people close to me based on their reaction to the COVID-19 fear and control.  I do not espouse a negative reminder or judgement, nor do I need to pretend the dividing line was not clearly learned.

As Oliver said in a great metaphor, the COVID-19 response overall was like being a child and watching a false fire in the house.  For many of us we saw our family and friends rush onto the lawn without concern for our well-being.  Then, when they realized the fire threat was fake, they returned only to find us looking -perhaps glaring- at them quite differently.

I will not pretend those lessons were not learned.

Yes, I now have a better idea how the cattle cars were loaded in Germany and Poland without opposition.  Yes, I now have a better understanding of exactly what percentage of the authorities will comply with demands to arrest free-range people, just because they are given instructions to arrest non-compliant citizens.

Yes, in many examples I have redefined the word “trust” within my own psyche.  Yes, yes, yes, to all the lessons as I watched the people in every house on the block run onto the lawns simultaneously, and yes, I took note of exactly who it was.

This “Great Sorting” helped me sort out a lot of things in my actual, physical and literal life as it pertains to exactly how to live the best one – and who to hang around while doing it.  Again, without judgement, deep things were learned about deep things.

Perhaps we are all very thankful for the “great sorting,” and the benefits of the non-pretending life that it affirmed.

Wolverines, Neil….  WOLVERINES! 

Macgregor: Our Border Is Bleeding And Needs To Be Secured

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: June 21, 2024 at 07:30 pm EST

Macgregor: Nothing Overseas Is More Important Than What’s Happening In America Now

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: June 21, 2024 at 07:30 pm EST

Interview: Western Empire Facing Same Collapse as Rome in its Final Days

Posted originally on Jun 22, 2024 By Martin Armstrong