Macgregor: Our Border Is Bleeding And Needs To Be Secured

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: June 21, 2024 at 07:30 pm EST

Macgregor: Nothing Overseas Is More Important Than What’s Happening In America Now

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: June 21, 2024 at 07:30 pm EST

Interview: Western Empire Facing Same Collapse as Rome in its Final Days

Posted originally on Jun 22, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

We Need some New Conspiracy Theory Because They Keep Coming True

Posted originally on Jun 22, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Keating Paul

I stated that I first encountered this when I had the mandate from Hong Kong to negotiate with Australia to try to buy an island or allow them to migrate and create their own city in the upper left-hand region of Australia. I met with former Prime Minister Paul Keating. Everything I offered was rejected. I finally just asked him if this was racist. He said no. They were fleeing communism and would vote conservative. Keating was a Labour government.

I have stated from the beginning that this open border was to change the politics of the United States. The migrants will be allowed to vote, and Biden will most likely grant them citizenship because he will step down and be replaced in August. The migrants will then vote, and Biden will never have to stand for any crimes whatsoever. He will go down in history as the man who not just allowed the Neocons to take the White House but also flooded the country to change the politics.



Excellent Discussion – Tucker Carlson Interviews Neil Oliver

Posted originally on the CTH on June 21, 2024 | Sundance

Neil Oliver is one of my favorite pundits and voices.  During the COVID-19 nonsense, Oliver was one of the most valuable voices of reason and pandemic narrative destruction.  In this interview with Tucker Carlson, Neil Oliver walks through his great awakening and talks about the ramifications of having the scales dropped from his eyes.

The first several minutes of this video are excellent and the discussion gets deeper and more specific as it goes along.  At around the 17:30 point, there is a very funny dynamic where Neil Oliver doesn’t realize that Tucker Carlson was originally pushing the COVID-19 fraud.  Oliver talks about being targeted by the Vax/Mask/COVID mob without realizing that Carlson was one of the panic pushers; with Carlson famously going so far as to visit Mar-a-Lago and tell President Trump in 2020 that he wasn’t taking the SARS-CoV-2 issue seriously enough.   Neil doesn’t realize it, but Tucker gets very uncomfy and awkward as Oliver asks Carlson how he dealt with the hate.

Neil Oliver has a great way of articulating his thoughts and pragmatically discussing them in a way that permits the viewer to join in the process.  What Oliver describes is the same thing that many of us felt and experienced.  This is a very good interview.  WATCH:

00:00 Neil Oliver
01:07 Conspiracy theorist
10:07 The Great Sorting (COVID)
18:29 What does Democracy really mean?
29:49 Being slandered by the Left is a badge of honor
42:48 The corruption of the media in the UK
48:48 The Scottish hate speech law
1:01:54 Trump and Brexit
1:12:38 Are we heading towards revolution?
1:29:48 Has the American Republic fallen?
1:35:02 The banks
1:48:05 The hero’s journey

After watching this video, I am prone to pose the vaccination resistance question again for a new audience that may have missed it the first time around.

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: June 20, 2024 at 08:30 pm EST

Posted originally on Rumble By Bannons War Room on: June 20, 2024 at 04:00 pm EST

Job Market Contracting in California

Posted originally on Jun 21, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Leaving California

California’s job market is contracting thanks to policies implemented by Governor Gavin Newsom. California was once a hub for technology but sky-high corporate and personal taxes have caused businesses to flee. Rampant crime has forced brick and mortar locations to shutter. Rising minimum wage costs have forced companies to automate low-skill positions. And the brunt of the burden comes down to taxation.

The situation in California is so dire that job openings have fallen by 42% in two years. Second to Kentucky (43%), California has experienced the largest decline in job openings. Now, some are blaming the Federal Reserve for adjusting artificially low interest rates. Inflation is a reason for the lack of openings, but the Federal Reserve is not to blame, as I have pointed out on a number of occasions.

The unemployment rate in California as of April 2024 was above the national average at 4.8%, a slight decline from March’s reading of 5.3%. This means that nearly one million people are unemployed and the state’s economy has only added about 50,000 new jobs from September 2022 to September 2023, but estimates believed the state’s job market would grow by 300,000.

The state deficit reached nearly $73 billion as of March 2024, according to the Legislative Analyst’s Office, but Newsom is reporting a deficit of “only” $40 billion. The state has been hunting their own residents for taxes to fix this crisis. They have even imposed an exit tax so that businesses and individuals are forced to hand over their earnings to California even if they flee the state, as so many have been doing since the pandemic began.

The number of social programs have continued to grow, despite the state having the largest deficit in the nation. They have handed over free home loans to migrants, offered free vodka and beer to homeless addicts, and even found a way to profit off of the state’s rising homeless population through useless agencies that exacerbate the problem they aim to solve.

California is an example of woke socialistic policies going bust. Millions of residents have fled the oppressive state in recent years. Major businesses and sources of tax revenue have left such as Oracle, Tesla, Apple, Charles Schwab, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Planatir, etc. In fact, over 352 companies fled California between 2018 and 2021 alone, including 11 Fortune 1000 companies. This could happen on a national scale if oppressive tax policies like the capital gains tax gain traction.

Canadians Want Trudeau OUT

Posted originally on Jun 21, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


Canadians have long been done with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his oppressive regime. The tides for Trudeau turned in a major way during the coronavirus pandemic when he did all in his power to take away the rights of Canadians. Since then, he has forgone domestic interests in favor of the globalist cabal. New polls show that Canadians want Justin Trudeau out of office permanently.

A new Ipsos poll ahead of the House of Commons summer break reflected anti-Trudeau sentiment throughout Canada. Most (68%) Canadians said that they did not want Trudeau to return to his position after the break. Those in Alberta (79%) and Atlantic Canada (76%), where his policies are decimating industry, felt the strongest about him stepping down from his role. Around 75% of Canadians said they want to see ANY other political party take over control of Canada as they have had enough of the Liberals.

Ipsos CEO Darrell Bricker said these figures are “close to rock bottom” and the lowest they have seen for the prime minister. The poll declares Conservatives should secure “a comfortable victory” with 42% of the vote, with Liberals coming in second at 24%, followed by the NDP at 18%.

On the other end, Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre has grown in popularity. Nearly half of all Canadians (44%), despite party alliances, have stated he is the best candidate for the job.

The next federal election will be held in October 2025. Trudeau and his administration have repeatedly declared that they would seek re-election despite the wishes of the people. The Liberals have had a grip on Canada for over three decades, but the tides may be changing.

Will Macron Start War to Retain Power?

Posted originally on Jun 20, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Macron_snap_election 6 9 24

The Rassemblement National (RN), which the press calls the far-right in France, has become the ant-war party with hopes of displacing Macron as prime minister after France’s upcoming parliamentary. In 2022, Marine Le Pen doubled down on her criticism of Europe in support of the Ukrainian war and counteroffensive as tensions within the Russian government were rising. Le Pen saw through this warmongering and was not deflected from her line of consistent opposition to economic sanctions against Russia and deliveries of heavy weapons to Ukraine.

It is important to clarify what is at stake. The government has most of the power only on the DOMESTIC FRONT. Macron may be counting on the Rassemblement National (RN) to accelerate the deficit reduction plans by putting the spendthrift in that position. He thinks that the people would revolt against the far-right for deficit reductions.

Macron Putin Meet

Nevertheless, President Macron remains the head of the military and wields influence abroad – not parliament. However, the division of power when it comes to FOREIGN POLICY is very murky, which can become an issue for France’s position with respect to Russia and Ukraine. Macron has been trying to reestablish the de Gaullist Dream of France as the leader of Europe. He has even presented himself as the leader and kingmaker of Europe while simultaneously trying to assert France’s role in every crisis from Ukraine to the Middle East. This was even begin his meeting with Putin to try to raise the image of France as the key player in this geopolitical game of chance. All of this has taken place despite Paris’ ultimate influence being quite limited in such matters.

Macron send in the troops

When peace was unpopular in Europe, Macron flipped his position and called for World War III. Macron appears to be a geopolitical pendulum swinging back and forth between two extremes and never actually taking a centrist position.

Macron will have to deal with the new parliament for at least a year, after which he can call another snap election. Make no mistake, Macron won a second mandate in April 2022 and is president for three more years until 2027. Neither parliament nor the government can force him out before that. Therein lies the problem. He may be moving toward creating some false flag to justify entering World War III all to retain power since his position is anti-Russia and pro-World War III.

1967 France Exits NATO

There has even been talk among the far right to remove France from NATO, as de Gaulle did in 1967. What is truly ironic is that the far right is generally anti-war, while the left knows that their socialist promises are bringing the economy down. They will be unable to provide all the promises they have been making, including pensions. They NEED war as a cover for decades of fiscal mismanagement. With war, they get to default by restarting with a new government. In France, this is the Fifth Republic, and every new government never honors the debts of the previous.

Continental60 1779

In the US Constitution, it was clear that the framers intended for the previous debts to be paid. They never were. It was Alexander Hamilton’s plan that proposed that Congress would agree to redeem Continental Currency at $100 to $1 new US dollar bonds with an indefinite maturity. This was an effort to give some value to the worthless Continental currency and avoid an economic depression by wiping out the value of the currency held by the people. Many did not redeem their currency thanks to the Act of 1790, which they read as an ultimate guarantee of 1:1. They lost everything, and there was never any effort to redeem at face value as implied.

Article VI, Clause 1:

All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.

This provision called the Debts Clause, provides that the United States will recognize the debts and engagements of its predecessor governments—namely, the Continental Congresses and the federal government under the Articles of Confederation. This is only a declaratory proposition that misled people to believe they would cover those debts. This was propaganda for it served to assure the United States’ foreign creditors, in particular, that the adoption of the Constitution did not have the magical effect of dissolving [the United States’] moral obligations.

To assure creditors that the new government would honor these obligations, the Articles of Confederation provided:

All bills of credit emitted, monies borrowed, and debts contracted by, or under the authority of Congress, before the assembling of the United States, in pursuance of the present confederation, shall be deemed and considered as a charge against the United States, for payment and satisfaction whereof the said United States, and the public faith are hereby solemnly pledged.

Let me make this definitively clear: the very question of whether the new constitution should include a similar provision arose at the Constitutional Convention. As initially proposed, the Debts Clause provided that The Legislature of the U.S. shall have power to fulfil the engagements which have been entered into by Congress, and to discharge as well the debts of the U.S.: as the debts incurred by the several States during the late war, for the common defence and general welfare.

There was a debate over whether this Debts Clause should provide that the new Congress shall discharge the debts, which would be mandatory, or should it be merely that it has the power to do so, and this “discretionary” power was the result. The only redemption was Hamilton’s offer to exchange Continental dollars for US dollars at 100:1. The United States pretended it would honor those debts but in the end it concluded to default.

With the “far right” anti-war surging in Europe, Macron has taken a monumental gamble in his attempt to halt their ascendency. The greatest fear here is that Macron may become so desperate that he needs to start a war with Russia ASAP to claim you do not remove the head of state in times of war. Macron may hope to stop the far right, but the people do not want war. While he may risk handing them domestic power, hobbling the final years of his warmongering leftist government, the media pretends to be “centrist,” when the truth is precisely the opposite. Anyone visiting Paris right now can see that it needs a power wash from all the migrants, and there is no way France even appears to be ready for the celebration at the Paris Olympics.

CAC_40 M Array 5 5 24
CAC_40 M Array 6 9 24

The first round of voting will be on June 3oth, 2024, will be followed with the second round on July 7th. The current Prime Minister Gabriel Attal’s government will remain in place until the day after the second round of legislative elections, July 8th, 2024. When we compare the arrays of the CAC40 from April and May, we can see that a Directional Change appears in July, and we still have the Panic Cycle in September.

CAC_40 W Array 5 27 24

The computer was picking up the elections in the Weekly Array of May 27th. A Directional Change appeared the week of June 3rd and the volatility picked up after the election during the week of June 10th. Note the trend sideways for three weeks in the end of June when we have the first French round on the 30th and then note the change for two weeks into the week of July 8th after the Second Round.

CAC_40 W Array 6 10 24

It appears that the trend will shift after the second round on July 7th. Note the rising volatility during the week of the 15th of July and the Panic Cycle during the week of July 29th. There are concerns that Macron is in charge of the military, and the election cannot change that. He seems to be a diehard warmonger at this stage in the game, and we do need to be concerned that a loss for him on July 7th may encourage him to try to start a war to regain power.

They Rarely Report the Revisions – Three Months of 2023 Job Gains Wiped Out After Updates

June 19, 2024 | Sundance | 20 Comments

One of the Bidenary impacts to economic analysis and/or economic outcome review has been the inability of any government statistical data to make any sense.

Quite frankly, almost every financial pundit in mainstream media pretends the data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) or the Dept of Commerce is accurate.  It’s not, and we all know it.

Just like every other institution in Washington DC, the systems of economic tracking have lost all their credibility.

That said, even with all the pretending intended to prop-up the Biden administration, eventually the results on Main Street are so obvious the data manipulators have to quietly attempt to smooth the disconnect.   This story below is about one small part of that operation.

WASHINGTON DC – […]  Job growth was overestimated by more than 770,000 last year. Put differently, about 1 in 4 jobs that were supposedly added last year never existed. That’s like eliminating all of the jobs gained in three whole months of 2023.

Overly optimistic employment estimates help explain why polling of people’s perceptions of the economy has been so terrible yet the official data from the Biden administration has looked so robust, at least in terms of the number of jobs. Much of the other data has been downright rotten.

With prices rising faster than earnings, the average worker’s weekly paycheck buys 4.4% less today than when President Biden took office. Homeownership affordability has plummeted because the monthly mortgage payment on a median-price home has more than doubled. Three-quarters of Americans now view fast food as a luxury they can’t afford. Gasoline prices are up 46%.

And now, even the job numbers have lost their luster, especially when you consider that millions of those added jobs are from double counting. Whenever someone who is already employed has to get a second — or even a third — job just to help make ends meet, that increases the number of payrolls, without increasing the number of people employed. (read more)

To give you an idea of the scale of the problem, here’s a reminder of SEC Chairman Gensler from last year.

This is the Security and Exchange Commission Chairman.