Canada Moves to Ban Christianity – Changes to Bill C-367

Posted Originally on Mar 6, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Canada News Ban

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has passed numerous pieces of legislation prohibiting free speech in Canada, yet nothing has been as restrictive as Bill C-367, an amendment to the Criminal Code that will prohibit Canadians from expressing “an opinion based on a belief in a religious text. If passed, people can be arrested for quoting the Bible on Canadian soil.

Proponents are cloaking this attack on religion under the premise that it will curtail antisemitism. Yet, months ago, Justin Trudeau stood with Zelensky and the Canadian Parliament, celebrating a known Nazi war criminal, and even giving him a standing ovation.

This is precisely what the bill would remove from the Criminal Code of Canada through Private Member’s Bill C-367: Removing Religious Protections For Antisemitic Expression:

3) No person shall be convicted of an offence under subsection (2)
(a) if he establishes that the statements communicated were true;
(b) if, in good faith, the person expressed or attempted to establish by an argument an opinion on a religious subject or an opinion based on a belief in a religious text;
(c) if the statements were relevant to any subject of public interest, the discussion of which was for the public benefit, and if on reasonable grounds he believed them to be true; or
(d) if, in good faith, he intended to point out, for the purpose of removal, matters producing or tending to produce feelings of hatred toward an identifiable group in Canada.

Defences — subsection (2.1)

(3.1) No person shall be convicted of an offence under subsection (2.1)
(a) if they establish that the statements communicated were true;
(b) if, in good faith, they expressed or attempted to establish by an argument an opinion on a religious subject or an opinion based on a belief in a religious text;
(c) if the statements were relevant to any subject of public interest, the discussion of which was for the public benefit, and if on reasonable grounds they believed them to be true; or
(d) if, in good faith, they intended to point out, for the purpose of removal, matters producing or tending to produce feelings of antisemitism toward Jews.

first they came for the communists but i was not Martin.Niemoller.Religion.FreeSpeech

This is an outright attack on religion. There are countless examples throughout history from every area of the globe where religious prosecution led to heinous massacres. Outright bans on religion start off small, removing a provision or two, until the government deems entire groups of people a danger to society.

I discussed the case of Pastor Artur Pawlowski who was arrested for speaking out against the Canadian government, in particular their COVID era restrictions on medical autonomy. Pawlowski was charged with criminal mischief for preaching from the Bible to the Trucker Convoy. He did not commit a violent offense nor did he say anything “hateful,” but the words from the Bible are now deemed as offensive similar to how the government is labeling words like “mother” or “father” unacceptable.

Religion demands that followers believe in a higher power greater than the almighty government. Statistics Canada reported that only 68% of Canadians identify as religious, with a notable decrease among the Christian community in particular. The same organization believes that non-Christian religious affiliation will double by 2036. An Angus Reid survey from April 2022 showed that religious tolerance in Canada is at an all-time low, with 22% of respondents saying all religion is harmful to society.

This legislation will prohibit Christians, Muslims, and others from freely expressing their opinions. They speak of banning antisemitism, but the law will also target Jews. Anyone expressing an opinion “relevant to any subject of public interest” based on a religious text will be considered a criminal, a danger to the new world order. For example, if someone says they are against MAID, child transgenderism, abortion, or anything that is not deemed acceptable by the Abrahamic religions, they will be accused of promoting hate speech and prosecuted for their religious beliefs.

Karl Marx deemed religion the “opium of the masses” that was intended to give false hope to the impoverished who should fill their hearts with hatred and entitlement. “The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is required for their real happiness. The demand to give up the illusion about its condition is the demand to give up a condition which needs illusions,” Marx continued.

What is happening in Canada will spread throughout the Build Back Better nations under the direction of the World Economic Forum. This is happening precisely on target with our model’s forecasts.

It is rather stunning how we come to major religious events every 309.6 years. This appears to be a change in beliefs that does not necessarily suggest complete changes in religions but rather moving away from the belief in a higher power. Often, these are shifts that become more fundamentalist in their beliefs or a turn toward liberalism. There are two primary cycles. First, we can look at the cycle of change in religion, which seems to follow the 309.6-year cycle, which is, of course, the 8.6-year frequency. The second is to look at the derivative of the 8.6-year, which produces a target for a major collapse in religion, which is underway at this time, by 2033.

Categories:GREAT RESET

Gun Homicides in Canada – Why Restrictions are NOT the Answer

Posted originally on Feb 7, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Look at history to see what happens when a nation unarms its citizens. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has taken a strong stance in favor of disarming Canadians as his regime becomes increasingly tyrannical. His administration has introduced several measures aimed at tightening gun laws to reduce any government opposition. Trudeau implemented a ban and mandatory buyback of over 1,500 models of assault-style firearms, including AR-15 rifles, in addition to placing a nationwide freeze on handgun sales and transfers. But who is committing the crimes?

Statistics Canada released a report entitled, “Firearms and Violent Crime in Canada, 2022,” which found that ILLEGAL gun owners commit the majority of gun-related homicides. Out of 113 homicides involving a gun, only 24 deaths were committed by legal gun owners. Out of 49 homicides involving illegally obtained firearms, 36 were unregistered and not legally owned at the time of the crime. There were only 8 cases involving firearms stolen from legal gun owners, but 5 of those 8 guns were purchased illegally from legal owners.

Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights CEO Rod Giltaca stated that he believes the Liberal government, NDP, and Bloc Quebecois have been targeting law-abiding citizens deliberately. “This coalition government has bragged endlessly about their implementation of “the most significant in gun control in a generation”. Not only are more Canadians left terrorized, dead, and injured than in the last 30 years, but they’ve dealt more damage to gun clubs and the law-abiding firearms community than any government in the history of our country.”

Gun Violance

Canada has not confiscated guns yet and cannot find a vendor to implement the buyback program. It has been four years since Trudeau announced the program, but no one has put it in motion. Trudeau has seen the increasing rebellion of Canadians and knows that many will not willingly abandon their rights.

Compiling all the data, only 13% of homicides were committed by licensed gun owners (16 of 119 deaths). The Trudeau Administration is clearly targeting legal gun owners as they know that law-abiding citizens are not the problem. These measures embolden criminals as they will find a way to obtain firearms on the black market regardless of legal restrictions. A push for gun control is a push for increased government control over a population that will be helpless and unable to defend themselves.

Trudeau’s Jamaican Vacation Scandal

Posted originally on Jan 24, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has found himself amid yet another scandal for allegedly using his position to accept a luxurious vacation in Jamaica over the Christmas holiday. The House ethics committee has voted to investigate the matter further. Why does this matter? Trudeau has branded himself as the dictator of ethics and expects everyone else to abide by his rules. Rules for thee, but not for me.

Trudeau’s office initially said that he was taking his family on a vacation for the Christmas season, and the PM would be paying for his trip. Then his office changed the story to say that the Trudeau family would be staying with a friend, businessman Peter Green. His family did not simply stay with a relative or crash in a spare room. Instead, they enjoyed a vacation at the Prospect Estate resort in Jamaica, free of charge. It is estimated that his stay at the resort was worth C$84,000.

The trip was essentially gifted to him, therefore breaking Canadian laws that state members of Parliament are not permitted to accept gifts, trips, or kickbacks in any form. Conservative MP Michael Barrett requested additional documents related to the trip but was denied. “The question is not that the prime minister went somewhere, he accepted an $84,000 gift,” Barrett said, referring to Trudeau’s remarks. “He didn’t sleep on a couch at Uncle Buck’s place.”


(Picture above shows Trudeau partying with his globalist friends amid the COVID lockdowns)

This is not the first time that Trudeau has accepted a gift. In 2016, Trudeau paid a visit to Aga Khan’s private island in the Bahamas where he was comped a C$271,000 vacation. The RCMP found that he was provided C$56,000 on jet ski rentals, accommodations, and meals during his stay. Again, Trudeau accepted a kickback from a person who was lobbying the Canadian government, and there was a clear unethical conflict of interest.

Many see this as a slap in the face, especially considering the median income in Canada is only C$70,000. Trudeau knew there would be no long-term consequences for his actions. He repeatedly skirts away from scandal after scandal. It is time for those in charge to realize the rules they impose on the public apply to everyone. The Canadian government should make it crystal clear to Trudeau that he is NOT above the law.

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland is on the WEF Board of Trustees

Armstrong Economics Blog/Great Reset RE-Posted Oct 3, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland is officially a member of the World Economic Forum’s Board of Trustees. Klaus Schwab meant it when he said he had infiltrated cabinets across the globe. They are not even trying to hide the corruption. When I mention that Canada is on track for the Great Reset, I am not discussing a conspiracy theory. People want to deny the uncomfortable truth that Canada has been sold off to the globalists.

Before she was brought under Schwab’s wing, she wrote a book in 2012 entitled: “Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else.” The plutocrats are the globalists elites who control the masses. “Some farsighted plutocrats try to use their money not merely to buy public office for themselves but to redirect the reigning ideology of a nation, a region or even the world,” Freeland wrote. Now she stands on the stage at Davos and conspires with the other plutocrats, and has quickly moved up in the ranks to become a sitting board member. She knew of the power this group had long before she was invited to be in the club.

Freeland herself refuses to admit that this is a serious conflict of interest. Yet, she, more so than Trudeau, is deep within the World Economic Forum as a decision-maker. Hence, Freeland has become a warmonger hellbent on providing Ukraine with endless funds for an endless war. She wants to achieve all of the net zero emission goals by siphoning money from Canadians. She spoke on how housing is a major global crisis but has done nothing to help Canada’s growing homeless population and has worsened matters by inviting half a million people to come to Canada. Canadians should pay close attention to the WEF’s agenda as their leaders will follow it precisely.

Trudeau Expands Ministry of Truth

Armstrong Economics Blog/International News Re-Posted Oct 3, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

The elites do not want the people openly discussing ideas. They are threatened by original thoughts and want to limit our available information for their protection. Banning together would be a threat to government, and they cannot allow the masses to know what is going on behind the scenes. PM Justin Trudeau has banned all free speech. He censored the news that could be shared on social media, and now he is cracking down on podcasts and livestreams.

Podcasts have exploded in popularity in recent years. People like Joe Rogan attract millions of monthly listeners, and he freely and openly discusses theories, conspiracies, government ploys, and any other topic of interest. The Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) will now regulate, or “modernize,” in their words, podcasts. “We are developing a modern broadcasting framework that can adapt to changing circumstances. To do that, we need broad engagement and robust public records. We appreciate the significant participation during this first phase and look forward to hearing a diversity of perspectives at our contributions proceeding in November,” stated Vicky Eatrides, Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer, CRTC.

They will begin by targeting the most popular podcasts first. Anyone earning over $10 million through online streaming must register with the CRTC by November 28, 2023. Then, the content creator must provide the agency “with information related to their content and subscribership.” The Canadian government wants to know who is listening to these perceived anti-government networks and track these dangerous characters.

The CRTC is holding a three-week (yes almost a month) proceeding to determine how they can support Canadian and Indigenous content on streaming platforms. Even their lie of wanting to promote Canadian content was poorly executed. This is Trudeau’s Ministry of Truth. He is silencing all opposition and preventing the public from sharing ideas. This will be more important than ever as we move toward 2032.

Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission Requires Podcasters and Platform Providers to Register With Government – “Meaningful Content” Will Be Monitored

Posted originally on the CTH on October 2, 2023 | Sundance

Comrades, all your speech are belong to us…

In order to control information that may be averse to the regime in charge, various totalitarian government operations require registration.  The registration process generates a permit that can then be leveraged against any operation that doesn’t conform to the regime fiats.

A few days ago, the North American hub of speech and information control known as Canada, announced that all internet hosting platforms that give voice to podcasters must register with the government.

Additionally, it appears that any podcast who wishes to provide information must also register.  The users and viewers do not need to register, only those providing the content.

Gee, I wonder who the core target is here?

CANADA – Today, the CRTC is advancing its regulatory plan to modernize Canada’s broadcasting framework and ensure online streaming services make meaningful contributions to Canadian and Indigenous content.

On May 12, 2023, the CRTC launched its first public consultations. After thoroughly examining all the evidence on the public record, including over 200 interventions, the CRTC is issuing its first two decisions.

First, the CRTC is setting out which online streaming services need to provide information about their activities in Canada. Online streaming services that operate in Canada, offer broadcasting content, and earn $10 million or more in annual revenues will need to complete a registration form by November 28, 2023. Registration collects basic information, is only required once and can be completed in just a few steps.

Second, the CRTC is setting conditions for online streaming services to operate in Canada. These conditions take effect today and require certain online streaming services to provide the CRTC with information related to their content and subscribership. The decision also requires those services to make content available in a way that is not tied to a specific mobile or Internet service.

A third consultation is ongoing. It considers contributions traditional broadcasters and online streaming services will need to make to support Canadian and Indigenous content. The CRTC will hold a three-week public proceeding starting on November 20, 2023, and will hear from 129 intervenors representing a broad range of interests. (read more)

Note…. Rumble streaming and Video Platform is a Canadian company.


{Background Here}

Canada to be Short 3.45 Million Homes by 2030

Armstrong Economics Blog/Real Estate Re-Posted Oct 2, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

The demand for housing in Canada drastically outweighs the supply. The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) has confirmed that fewer new builds are expected for 2024. In fact, the agency anticipates that Canada will be short by 3.45 million homes by 2030 – right on time. Better yet, the gap is certain to widen if/when Canada expands its immigration policies.

The CMHC expected Canada to build 18.58 million new dwellings by 2030 but recently revised that estimate down to 18.19 million. Ontario has the largest current supply gap with a deficit of 1.46 million homes. Nova Scotia, Quebec, B.C., and Alberta experienced a notable decrease in supply compared to last year’s projections. Despite Canadians having nowhere to call home, Trudeau plans to open the border to 500,000 immigrants by 2025.

“This report again highlights the crucial role of increasing housing supply if the goal is to make housing affordable for everyone in Canada. It also demonstrates the importance of examining both economic and demographic variables given the recent changes that have been experienced in both,” Aled ab Iorwerth, deputy chief economist at CMHC, said in the report. The CMHC also admitted that the supply gap will widen if immigration persists.

Therefore, expect Trudeau to extend his current immigration policies. This is precisely what is needed for the government to take over and create 15-minute cities to solve the crisis they created. It is all spelled out on the United Nations websiteAs you can see in the video below, people want to do the right thing by housing the homeless, but that is not financially possible and avoids the core issue. When there are encampments throughout the nation, the people will be less reluctant to deny government assistance. Government assistance equates to using tax dollars to subsidize housing for others, which will make it increasingly hard for those barely getting by. In comes 15-minute cities with free transportation and that affordable housing everyone has wished to see, yet it will only be affordable because you will be renting from the elite indefinitely. You will own NOTHING.

Trudeau Removing Attorney Client Privilege For Taxes

Armstrong Economics Blog/Canada Re-Posted Sep 28, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Trudeau is Klas Schwab’s pet. He does as he is told. No world leader has sought to destroy the attorney-client privilege, but Trudeau is hunting money for taxes and removing the confidentiality between Canadians and their lawyers. What is next? Priests must report every sin to Trudeau they hear in confession.

Trudeau is now passing the Notice to the Professions: whereby this is the Amendments to the Mandatory Disclosure Rules in the Income Tax Act

Trudeau looks upon the people as absolute scum. He ONLY represents the World Economic Forum. Trudeau is going after taxes and destroying the very foundation of a free society.

Canadian lawyers are objecting for this is a fundamental foundation of the rule of law in Western society. Trudeau is now removing attorney-cleint privilege with the stoke of a pen. The Attorney General of Canada has at least agreed to exempt lawyers, paralegals, and articling students, from the mandatory disclosure provisions in sections 237.3 and 237.4 of the Income Tax Act ONLY until the earlier of the Court’s decision in respect of the Federation’s application or November 20, 2023.

What Trudeau is doing is being wacthed by most Western governments. If he gets away with this, the legal profession will NEVER be the same. Trudeau represents Schwab, Soros, and the WEF – not the people of Canada.

Trudeau Ignored Warnings that Immigrants Would Worsen Housing Crisis

Armstrong Economics Blog/Real Estate Re-Posted Sep 7, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

A leaked memo from June 2022 reveals that Canada’s Justin Trudeau was warned that the mass influx of immigrants would exacerbate the housing crisis. “There is broad agreement among experts that homebuilding has been insufficient in comparison with housing demand in recent years, particularly with the increase in immigration since 2015,” the memo to Trudeau noted. “CHMC projects that the housing stock will grow by approximately 2.3 million between 2021 and 2030, and, when it incorporates economic factors alongside demographic factors, it projects that an additional 3.5 million additional housing units are needed beyond current projections to restore affordability.”

Trudeau’s response? Bring in more immigrants and feign ignorance to the growing problem. He was warned that Canada was expected to build 665,000 additional housing units in 2021, but only produced 223,000. The memo explained that the 3.5 million units budgeted for 2030 seemed impossible. This warning was sent directly to the prime minister. Canadians were struggling to find shelter but he abandoned domestic policy to promote the policies of the globalists.

The Canadian Real Estate Association states the average house now costs over C$700,000, which is 8.8 times the average income. “I’ll be blunt as well — housing isn’t a federal responsibility. It’s not something that we have direct carriage of,” Trudeau admitted last month. Knowingly permitting a mass influx of migrants when current residents are unable to find housing is the government’s problem. Trudeau blamed individual provinces for not “stepping up.” “They need to be stepping up as well, particularly on affordable housing. That is something that the federal government is taking very seriously, but we need all of us to be working together on, and that’s what we’re here to continue to do.”

Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre called out Trudeau for pivoting. “That’s funny because eight years ago, he promised he was going to lower housing costs,” Poilievre said. “No wonder he wants to wash his hands of his horrendous and unprecedented record.” The federal government dictates immigration policies. They are responsible for taxes and infrastructure. Additionally, they are responsible for corrupt agencies that are driving up housing costs. Executives at the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) received C$27 million in taxpayer funded bonuses last year in addition to their average salary of C$697,667.

Trudeau is not working to fix Canada’s housing crisis since he simply does not believe it is his problem. As an open World Economic Forum Young Leader, the ultimate goal of the housing crisis is to implement 15-minute cities where government provides basic income, transportation, and housing in exchange for your freedom.

Mass Graves in Canada Were a Hoax

Armstrong Economics Blog/Politics Re-Posted Sep 5, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

”Anytime we think about unmarked mass graves, we think about a distant country where a genocide has happened. This is not a distant country,” Dictator Justin Trudeau announced. It was an emotional narrative used to condemn the people of Canada into remembering the ill will of their ancestors. A call for supporting indigenous and minority communities. Masses of unmarked graves of children found at Catholic schools in Canada could have been a reason to abandon the church and turn toward government. Countless resources went in to promoting this narrative for two years. Problem is that there were no mass graves.

The Canadian government spent billions searching for evidence of the “cultural genocide.” The Truth and Reconciliation commission estimated that between 3,000 and 6,000 children died at these religious schools, primarily Catholic. It seemed too tragic to question. They excavated the basement of Our Lady of Seven Sorrows Catholic Church as the story said at least 60 children had been discarded there. No bodies were found. Researchers claimed that ground-penetrating sonar systems showed that there were hundreds of bodies beneath the ground, but not one has been found.

Justin Trudeau set aside a $40 billion budget for First Nations child welfare in 2021 after admitting that Canada was responsible for those deaths. Memorial services were held at sites where they believed mass graves existed. Trudeau, of course, showed up for the photo opportunity.

Canada did of course treat the First Nations people horribly. But this elaborated story of the Catholic Church covering up the deaths of countless children has been a complete hoax. The government ran with the story because it supported the right narrative.