Russia Responds Precisely on Target

Posted originally on Apr 25, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

ECM Ukraine Russia War

Nearly $300 billion worth of confiscated frozen Russian assets have been set to the side by the West. Some of the world’s leading decision-makers have been urging the powers that be to release these funds into Ukraine, arming Russia’s enemy with the private wealth of its own citizens. Russia has finally responded to these threats near our critical turning point during the week of April 19/20, 2024.

Russian authorities released a statement to say that they are fully prepared to implement retaliatory measures.

“We also have a prepared answer,” Valentina Matviyenko, the speaker of the Russian upper house of parliament, was quoted as saying by state news agency RIA. “We have a draft law, which we are ready to consider immediately, on retaliatory measures.” While the precise retaliatory measures have not been stated, it is safe to assume that Russia will begin to confiscate Western assets. “And the Europeans will lose more than we do,” Matviyenko, who is a member of Russia’s powerful Security Council, said.

The response also comes ahead of the critical target of May 7, which also happens to be the next Russian election. The computer selected the date many years ago. The people want a strong leader who will fight to return what is rightfully theirs. The West has never technically been at war with Russia and Russia has been overly patient in awaiting a response. As it seems the funds will be released in the slush fund which is Ukraine, Russia has been forced to respond.

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It is unclear how much Russia holds in foreign assets. Russian Parliament speaker Vyacheslav Volodin said he believes that Russia would be justified in seizing these assets, especially after the US House of Representatives recently voted on legislation that will expand the illegal seizure of private Russian assets. Russia noted that Europe has more to lose than America because Europeans have more invested in Russia. Europe holds the majority of Russian assets, freezing around $224 billion in assets compared to the $5 to $6 trillion held by the US.

Now Volodin is prepared for more than mere economic warfare. In January, he stated that Russia was prepared to unleash a “global catastrophe” upon all unfriendly nations for creating this proxy war in Ukraine. “Arguments that the nuclear powers have not previously used weapons of mass destruction in local conflicts are untenable. This is because these states have not faced a situation in which the security of their citizens and the territorial integrity of their countries were threatened,” he stated in January 2024. He then stated on Telegram: “With their decisions, Washington and Brussels are leading the world to a terrible war … foreign politicians making such decisions need to understand that this could end in a global tragedy that will destroy their countries.”

EU Rebuild Ukraine with Russian Money

Now, the amount frozen surpasses Ukraine’s entire GDP, but world leaders are using it as a ruse to cover up the fact that their own nations are in a liquidity crisis. US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen falsely claims that sending off these assets to Ukraine would “incentivize [Russia] to come to the table to negotiate a just peace with Ukraine.” She knows that Moscow has been prohibited from seeking a peace treaty since this war began. Putin went on a live stream that was broadcast around the globe and said he would welcome a call from Zelensky at any time to arrange a peace treaty.

The wise have been pouring money out into anything tangible. Everything from collectible cars to art, antiques, coins, and stamps have been rising. Geopolitics have collided with plans for the Great Reset, and private assets will be used on the economic battlefield.

In this wholesale confiscation of private assets, these politicians are using the excuse of Ukraine to implement a completely new normal procedure – the confiscation of billions without asking who the funds belong to and whether there is a connection to the Ukraine war. There is no check or balance for where the money is spent or sent.


For all intents and purposes, the people who lost their life savings are mostly private citizens who have been victims of circumstance. They did not fund Russia’s invasion or have a say in their government’s decisions. Russia now states that they view this as a complete violation of international law as an act of war and they are willing to play the same dirty game.

This will change world trade entirely. People will be wary of international investments in places where they too may face illegal seizures. Why would, say, someone in China continue investing in Europe and the US when hostilities are building with Taiwan? These politicians simply fail to see the longterm damage that their policies create.

The West deliberately pushed Russia to suspend servicing their debts to Western lenders in preparation for their own excuse to suspend their own servicing of debts. As usual with sanctions, not only the person against whom the sanctions are directed, in this case, Russia, is harmed but also this has undermined the entire world economy ensuring its collapse in the years ahead. In this context, it cannot be stressed enough that sanctions historically have never worked and they know that they are generally pointless.

There is absolutely no question that we are headed into a very serious sovereign debt default. Western governments have been engaging in a Ponzi scheme, and the house of cards comes crashing down when they can no longer sell new debt to redeem the old. They need this war as an excuse to cover up their fiscal mismanagement, and they will then start all over again with digital currencies.

EU Border Chief Says Nothing Can Curb Illegal Migration

Posted Mar 21, 2024 By Martin Armstrong


Europe’s migrant crisis has been multiplying since 2015 when former German Chancellor Angela Merkel opened the gates to Syrian refugees. Everyone and anyone is now descending upon Europe, and with the backing of a centralized government in the form of the European Union, no agency can curb the unsustainable migration crisis because the invasion is deliberate.

Merkel Welcome

Lionel Shriver, head of Frontex and the EU’s border and coastguard coalition, has said that there is nothing that can be done to control migration. “To put it bluntly,” the Dutchman Hans Leijtens told an interviewer from Germany’s Die Welt, “nothing can stop people from crossing a border, no wall, no fence, no sea, no river. Sometimes it’s pretended that you can just put a lid on top of the bottle, and then the migration stops. But that’s a misconception.”

Frontex’s budget increased from €143 million for 2015 when the crisis began to €543 million for 2021. The budget is expected to reach €10,000 by 2027. Now, what is the point of enforcing the border when the politicians are openly welcoming illegal migrants? The corrupt European Commission transformed Frontex into the European Border and Coast Guard Agency in 2015. At the same time, Merkle and others were urging refugees to head to Europe where they would receive a state-funded life.

“Who am I to condemn migrants?” Hans, the man responsible for controlling migration, said. “This talk of ‘stopping people’ and ‘closing borders’ can’t be our narrative all the time. My job is to strike a balance between effective border management and respect for fundamental rights.” Basically, he must appease Brussels and has no authority to act in a way that goes against their narrative.

Similar to the US, the people in charge refuse to recognize that there is a massive migration crisis happening. The house is burning but they will not call the fire department because they refuse to see the flames. Europe’s migrant crisis started before America’s because an anti-establishment candidate who did not obey the globalist agenda secured the vote. All of the World Economic Forum, BUILD BACK BETTER, nations are aligning on a policy of open borders despite the social and economic consequences.

Europe Illegally Confiscating Russian Assets Because they NEED Cash

Posted originally on Mar 17, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

ECM Ukraine 8.6 R

As we head into a critical turning point of April 19/20, 2024 in this Proxy War the West has organized against Russia from the outset, Ukraine is on the verge of collapsing. Instead of peace, even after more than 500,000 Ukrainians are dead, the West is out for more blood. The Ukrainian people have always been just cannon fodder as they have been played for fools by the Neocons.

Zelenskyy Johnson

The West will NOT allow Ukraine to enter any peace negotiations with Russia. The tensions are rising even in Ukraine against the West as people are beginning to see that the world cares nothing about them or their nation. The peace deal that Boris Johnson jumped on a plane to ensure they would not stop the war has opened the eyes of a rising voice of discontent inside Ukraine. Many are starting to see that Zelensky is a puppet of the Neocons and NATO and that the Ukrainian people are expendable.

2019 Zelensky Wins

It is not up to the Ukrainian people whether there will be peace or not. The election of Zelensky is suspected to have been rigged by the West, and Zelensky ran promising peace with Russia after the American Neocons instructed the interim UNELECTED government to attack the Donbas and start the Civil War.

DW 3 14 24 ONLY West will decide Peace for Ukraine

It is painfully obvious that the Ukrainian people have no right to vote on the fate of their own country. Zelensky suspended elections, making him a de facto dictator. Hence, even Russia has recognized, after numerous offers for peace, that Russia’s foreign minister explained that he believes ONLY the West can decide when the war in Ukraine ends, given its support for Kiev.

Zelensky has been telling the people the propaganda that  Ukraine will win if the West keeps the money flowing. Russia’s army was 10x that of Ukraine before 500,000 Ukrainians were killed. There is ABSOLUTELY nobody in any European government, no less Washington, that EVER expected Ukraine to win. The objective was to use the Ukrainian people to weaken Russia. Even Lindsay Graham said it was the best money Congress ever spent to kill Russians. The plan all along was for NATO to deliver the final kill.

3 25 24 Europe_To_Arm_Ukraine_Using_Profits_From_Seized_Russian_Funds

The West is on the edge of a financial crisis. It is running out of cash and trying to enforce this climate-wokeness-hate-Russia agenda. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Friday endorsed a plan to buy weapons for Ukraine using profits generated from seized Russian assets. Of course, Russia has violated international law by seizing the assets. If they hand the Russian assets to the most corrupt government on the face of the Earth, Russia will confiscate all the private assets held by Europeans and Americans and be justified in doing so because there is no rule of law remaining.

Scholz announced this alongside of Macron of France and Tusk of Poland. He said:

“We will use windfall profits from Russian assets frozen in Europe to financially support the purchase of weapons for Ukraine,”


There is absolutely no question that we are headed into a very serious sovereign debt default. Western governments have been engaging in a Ponzi scheme, and the house of cards comes crashing down when they can no longer sell new debt to redeem the old. They need this war as an excuse to cover up their fiscal mismanagement, and they will then start all over again with digital currencies and their intended Bretton Woods II. The mere fact that they are tapping into Russia’s assets PROVES beyond a shadow of a doubt that they are running out of money.

All of this is to promote war, for they see that as their way out. Macron proposed sending troops into Ukraine, knowing that it was an act of war and would mean that all of Europe would now be a target for Russia. The common people of Russia, Europe, the USA, Canada, Japan, and China DO NOT support war. War is always created by the leaders, and we are expected to die and surrender our future and that of our children all for their mismanagement.