Biden’s Neocons all Personal Ties to Ukraine

Posted originally on Jun 17, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Bidens Neocons

The White House has been usurped by Neocons, who all have personal family ties to Ukraine and Russia and were all Jewish whose families were persecuted during the hatred of the Jews back around 1905. This presents a MAJOR conflict of interest when there is a concerted push to go to World War III, and the West is the instigator. The press mischaracterizes Putin’s warning. Is this where you want to go, as it threatens that he is the aggressor? The mainstream media is so evil anymore; they have abandoned their role as independent journalists. A three-year-old could Google and look up who started this war, and it was Kiev on the command of Victoria Nuland.

Attorney General Merrick Garland is not just a disgrace to his office but a threat to our future. He is clearly a traitor by every possible means, intent on election rigging and interference to ensure that we go to war as decreed by the Neocons who really run the White House. Garland was the chief judge of the D.C. Circuit, which, along with the Second, are the two most corrupt court systems in this country, being highly politically motivated.

Looking closely, you will see a sinister connection between Garland, Victoria Nuland, and Anthony Blinken. In the case of Garland, his mother was Shirley (née Horwitz; 1925–2016), and his father was Cyril Garland (1915–2000). He was raised as a Conservative Jew, and like Victoria Nuland, they, too, changed their family name to hide their background. The family name had been changed from Garfinkel several generations earlier. Merrick’s grandparents left what is now Ukraine, fleeing antisemitic pogroms as was the case with Blinken. Two of his grandmother’s siblings were killed in the Holocaust.

Neocon Couple Kagan Nuland

Victoria Nuland is really of Ukrainian Jewish descent. Her family changed their name to try to hide their Jewish ethnic background. She really would be Nudelman, not Nuland. She is actually the daughter of Yale bioethics and medicine professor Sherwin B. Nuland, who changed his surname from Nudelman to Nuland. She retained her family name, Nuland, to perhaps further hide her Jewish/Ukrainian connection by marrying Robert Kagan. Ron Paul plainly wrote: Victoria Nuland exemplifies the neocons who have led US foreign policy from one disaster to another for the past 30 years while evading accountability. 

Blinken Anthony

Anthony Blinken also has family ties to Ukraine, which also introduces a conflict of interest regarding anything to do with Russia. He was born in 1962, the son of Donald M. Blinken, who was born on November 11, 1925, in Yonkers, New York. Anthony’s Grandfather was Moritz (Maurice) Blinken (1900-1986), who was born in Kiev and married his wife, Ethel Horowitz (1903-1997).

Anthony’s grandfather and mother were of Ashkenazi Jewish descent, which is significantly different from the Spanish Sephardic Jews. All Reform and Conservative Jewish congregations belong to the Ashkenazic tradition. I knew Edmond Safra, who was a Sephardic Jew. His family disapproved of his marriage to Lily because she was an Ashkenazi Jew.

Blinken’s Great-Grandfather Meyer Yankelevich Blinkin (1879 – 1915) was from Kiev, then the Russian Empire who, according to Antony Blinken himself “fled pogroms in Russia” which were a violent riot that was aimed at massacring and expelling the Jews in Kiev in 1905. Meyer fled Kiev when he was 25 years old in 1904. His two grandsons, Alan Blinken and Donald Blinken, served as U.S. ambassadors to Belgium and Hungary, respectively.

Civilization Rule of Law

Garland’s tenure as attorney general has shown a very serious abandonment of the rule of law for political gain. He was eager to appoint a special prosecutor to tear Trump apart, who has declared he will continue to prosecute Trump through the election and even if he wins. When it came to Biden, Garland reluctantly put in a special prosecutor and then prohibited him from investigating anything to do with kickbacks, his family, and Ukrainian connections.

However, what Garland has done systematically over the past six months has shaken the rule of law to the point foreign nations have lost all faith in the American Justice System, and Biden was a joke at the G7 meeting. Garland’s failure to order a special counsel to look into the extensive evidence of corruption surrounding the Bidens is clearly a biased decision that should warrant his own impeachment for obstruction of justice, which he loves to put others in prison for. The testimony in the Biden impeachment hearing provided ample evidence that Biden lied repeatedly about his knowledge of this corruption and his interaction with these foreign clients.

Garland has been so obvious in his haphazard inconsistency in these investigations. First, Special Counsel Robert Hur found that Biden knowingly retained and mishandled classified material. However, he concluded that Biden’s age and diminished faculties would make him too sympathetic to a jury. It was less sympathetic than pathetic, given that this is the same man who is running for re-election to lead the most powerful nation on Earth. Even more obvious, Garland has not made efforts to reach a consistent approach in the two cases by dropping charges based on the same crimes by Trump in Florida and Biden for the very same act.

Second, Garland has allowed Special Counsel Jack Smith to maintain positions that seem diametrically at odds with past Justice Department policies. This includes Smith’s statement that he will try Trump up to (and even through) the next election. Smith has sought to abuse the law by seeking a sweeping gag order against Trump to deny him free speech protections by gagging Trump from criticizing the Justice Department or Smith. When it comes to Trump, Garland claims Smith is independent but denies that to anyone to investigate the Bidens.

Garland’s most outrageous political act has been the claim of executive privilege to withhold the audiotape of the Hur-Biden interviews. He put Bannon in prison for asserting executive privilege and Smith insists that Trump has none.


The Biden Administration is a hand-puppet, and What is interesting is that Special Prosecutor Smith was a director of investigations for the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, which many are starting to see is also politically compromised by the Neocons.

Will Russia Push the Button?

Posted originally on May 1, 2024 By Martin Armstrong |  

Dmitry Konstantinovich Kiselyov (born 1954) is the latest warning to the West to issue an ultimatum to the UK and the US. On Russian TV, Kiselyov warned that if a Western power deploys soldiers on the ground in Ukraine to ‘inflict a strategic defeat on Russia,’ it will result in Armageddon. Of course, what I find stunning is how the Western press characterizes him as “Vladimir Putin’s propagandist,” and the implication of those words is that they are not a real threat. The press takes NOTHING said from Russia seriously – it’s all a joke, just propaganda. As they said of Rome when it fell, the Romans were still laughing, watching the games to notice they had been invaded. Not a single journalist has any integrity, for they never consider when they are reading the American/European propaganda that what if they are sleepwalking society into nuclear war?

Kiselyov is not going to say this on national TV without the Kremlin actually delivering this warning. He said:

‘If Nato countries send their troops into Ukraine in order to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia, then the very moment about which Putin once said, “Why do we need the world, if there is no Russia in it?” would come.‌”

Russia has indeed threatened to ‘turn the US into radioactive ash’ and ‘sink Britain’ below the waves. While some Nato leaders have been more circumspect, this need for war to justify the defaulting on debt that is the real factor behind the West’s desire for war will have far greater consequences than these fake world leaders who are all hand puppets of the Neocons. Kiselyov added: “This is not propaganda.” Yet in the West, the Neocons are saying this is a bluff, and Putin will never use Nukes so the West can completely destroy Russia – their hated enemy for decades, without a shot fired?

I have an old Russian friend who we met back in Tokyo some 20 years ago.  She has reiterated to me a question, and she is NOT political or involved in the government.

“Why does the world hate us so much?”

This is where my experience with governments and geopolitics clashes with the reality of humanity. I know the answer is that these fake leaders will NEVER admit that borrowing year after year to get votes is coming to an end and they can no longer sustain our present monetary system—which is why they are moving to CBDCs, and many are talking about now taxing even unrealized gains in stocks and real estate. They think they can cover up their disastrous fiscal mismanagement since World War II with war.

NATO is scared to death if there is no threat of war, then they will be irrelevant and defunded with the money going to Climate Change. They should heed the words of Mahatma Gandhi, but of course, they will NEVER listen: “An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.” If NATO keeps up this propaganda that Russia will invade and seek to conquer Europe, what they are doing is pushing Russia into a corner where they might as well commit the annihilation they have been accused of harboring.


When I went into the Kakadu in North Australia and lived off the land for two weeks, my guide, who was the real live version of Crocodile Dundee, warned me that a wounded snake is far more aggressive and even more vigorous/dangerous, so never approach such a snake or I would be dead in minutes. No amount of “training” can prevent terrified wild animals from behaving instinctively or defensively, and trainers and handlers cannot always protect themselves and the public. This has been documented many times with trainers being attacked.

Propaganda Fake News

To think for even one second that a nation will not defend itself when its existence is threatened is absolute stupidity. But we have no real investigative journalists and the mainstream media are just propaganda agents that they are accusing Kiselyov of being. Russia will launch whatever it has, as would China, and so would the United States if it is about to be conquered. A defeated person is ALWAYS far more dangerous, just as that snake I was warned about.

Merkel_Minsk_Buy_Time_to Prepare for wart

This war would be over in 24 hours—instruct Zelensky to HONOR the Minsk Agreement that the West negotiated to buy time to start this war. The West played Putin for a fool. He has offered peace many times. But the West wants the war to cover up the collapse of this, ending borrowing with no intention of ever paying off any debt. All pensions will collapse when they get to the point that they are unable to sell new debt to pay off the old.

Zelensky Pope

The Pope offered to step in to negotiate peace and Zelensky told him to mind his own business.


I warned on February 22, 2022, that Volodymyr Zelensky would be the man they hired to create World War III. My sources made it clear that the election was rigged. The oligarch behind Zelensky was the same one who hired Hunter Biden. Our future will be destroyed by this man who takes orders from the American Neocon. There will be no DEFEAT of Russia. For anyone in charge of a country that was about to be destroyed, the natural response is to take everyone else with you – just push the bottom.

(1) Russia won – Ukraine has lost, and NO Amount of Money will win this war
(2) The Administration is pouring money down a black hole where NOBODY knows where it is going
(3) Congress is throwing money into a failed war, and they do not demand any accountability, as was the case with Iraq and Afghanistan. Why?
(4) Those who will benefit are the Western firms that invested in Ukraine and have lost their shirt – Another bailout?

This is why our insane leaders are urging us to send in troops to Ukraine, which will start World War III. Russia is warning us NOT to do this, and our Western Press refuses to acknowledge anything our warmonger leaders are doing, no less the risks that they are subjecting everyone to over a civil war the West began with this intention from the outset. Some inside Russia advocate nuking Kyiv in a major display and then showing the world what will happen if we continue to go down this path. They suggest this is the ONLY way to stop World War III and that the people will wake up and overthrow the warmonger leaders pushing us to Armageddon.

2023_02_21_Putin_Speech 2

Putin is NOT a warmonger despite all the bullshit put out by the Western Press. The West staged the Moscow attack and did not even try to hide that they were behind it. They are desperate to try to get Putin to attack anything in NATO so they can pretend he is the aggressor when it is our Neocons and NATO. What I fear is that Ukraine will try to kill Putin, KNOWING that such an act will replace him with a warmonger, and we will get into World War III. I can confirm that the critics behind Putin have been telling him this war is with the USA and NATO – not Ukraine. The hardliners have told him he should have taken out Ukraine as the US did to Iraq, and this war would have been over in 6 weeks, and Zelensky would not have been able to create his media tour.

If Ukraine kills Putin, it will be at the direction of NATO, and then they will get their World War III. That would be the result if Russia attacked Washington to kill Biden, no matter how unpopular he is. Such an act would galvanize the USA into a single action for war,

My concern is that Ukraine is stupid enough to attack Russia and try to kill Putin for his inauguration day – May 7th.

Nuclear Launch Button R

Beware the Ides of May

Posted originally on Mar 26, 2024 By Martin Armstrong

ISW Russia_is_preparing_for_WAR with NATO 3 25 24

The Western Press continues to report only the propaganda from the NEOCON mouthpiece, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), which Victoria Nuland’s sister-in-law runs. I have warned that they were trying to start war BEFORE the election, and the two main targets in time were May and July. Be very careful of any media that uses the ISW as its source. It was Victoria Nuland’s husband, Robert Kagan, who wrote the Washington Post piece calling Trump a dictator because his wife has been in every administration EXCEPT Trump’s.

Victoria Nuland is really of Ukrainian Jewish descent. Her family changed their name to try to hide their Jewish ethnic background. She really would be Nudelman, not Nuland. She is actually the daughter of Yale bioethics and medicine professor Sherwin B. Nuland, who changed his surname from Nudelman to Nuland. She has retained her family name Nuland to perhaps further hide her Jewish connection by being married to Robert Kagan. Victoria speaks Russian, French, and some Chinese. Hiding her Jewish background is critical. Her father was raised by parents who were Orthodox Jewish immigrants from Ukraine. Hence, her grandparents were Jewish Meyer Nudelman (1889-1958) and Vitsche Lutsky (1893-1941). This explains why Nuland has been a public proponent for Ukraine to wage war against Russia.

Neocon Couple Kagan Nuland

Her husband, Robert Kagan, authored the “real Iraq Study Group” report of the American Enterprise Institute. This was the Neocon view of regime change. Kagan was said to have convinced President George W. Bush, to order the “surge” plan for changing the course of the Iraq War. It was Kagan who co-founded the neoconservative think tank in 1997 which was known as the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) with fellow Neocon William Kristol, who has a track record of usually being wrong. This has been the legacy of the Neocons in general.

Ron Paul plainly wrote: “Victoria Nuland exemplifies the neocons who have led US foreign policy from one disaster to another for the past 30 years while evading accountability. “ It is indeed time that we examine their Neocons who constantly usurp American foreign policy and will drive us straight into World War III. This may indeed be a family feud with Russia given both the Jewish and Ukrainian backgrounds.

1 30 98 Opinion_Bombing_Iraq_Isn_t_Enough_The_New_York_Times

Her Husband and Kristol used PNAC, from 1998 onward, to further the Neocon wars and their quest for Regime Change. Kagan was an early and strong advocate of military action in Syria, Iran, and Afghanistan as well as to “remove Mr. Hussein and his regime from power”. Kristol and Kagan teamed up and wrote an opinion piece in the New York Times where they put forth what is now known as fake news: They actually wrote:

“It is clear that Mr. Hussein wants his weapons of mass destruction more than he wants oil revenue or relief for hungry Iraqi children.”

They put forth their idea that the United States had the right to engage in regime change in other countries. They also wrote in the New York Times:

“And Iraq’s Arab neighbors are more likely to support a military effort to remove him than an ineffectual bombing raid that leaves a dangerous man in power.”

What I know from sources was that there was an intelligence report dated September 21st, 2001, that stated bluntly that there was NO evidence linking Saddam Hussein to the 9/11 attacks. Later, in the 2004 9/11 Commission report, they too concluded that there was NO “collaborative relationship” between Iraq and al-Qaeda.

Ruble M Array 3 24 24

The objective here is once again to bring about a REGIME CHANGE this time in Russia. I was in the middle of all of that back in 1999 when they wanted me to invest $10 billion into Hermitage Capital. I refused. I am very concerned about MAY for the computer has targeted that month as a monumental turning point with a Directional Change and rising volatility after that. These people are DESPERATE to keep their hand-puppet Joe Biden in office, for they can do whatever they want. The proposition is to create war BEFORE the election, banking on the prospect that no incumbent president has ever lost during a war. Of course, LBJ refused to run after he realized he had been lied to to get involved in Vietnam.

Churchill on Truth

Nobody believes this attack in Moscow was Islamic Terrorists. They die in such events that they go to heaven, and all sins are forgiven in a holy war. These four guys fled back to Ukraine. Anyone can pick up a phone and take credit for something. If this were a terror attack, you would expect it to have been in the USA since Putin supports Iran. It just does not make any sense, and as Churchill warned, during the war, TRUTH is so precious she has a bodyguard of lies to protect her and keep her neatly hidden. Like the Weapons of Mass Destruction that never existed, the truth will surface in the history books.

Pushing for War – Ukraine About to Fall

Posted originally on Mar 20, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

2023_02_21_Putin_Speech 2

For some time, I have reported that Special Forces have been in Ukraine, and Russia knows that. Now, leaked documents have confirmed that reality. Even in Vietnam, there were special forces there well before any official invasion. Ukrainians have used this, claiming that NATO is in Ukraine and hiding in schools using children as cover. Russia has been deploying thermobaric weapons, also known as a vacuum bomb, which is a type of explosive munitions that work by dispersing an aerosol cloud of gas, liquid, or powder, and it is more deadly than a conventional weapon of the same size. It uses the air around it, and this sucks in the oxygen – hence the vacuum bomb. Americans have been killed on the battlefield there, but they are private mercenaries. CNN reported that the dead American was Special Forces.

I have renowned sources, and I have been warning that the figures all along that Ukraine was winning have been nothing but propaganda NEOCONS also being pushed by Victoria Nuland’s sister-in-law, who runs the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), which is all about promoting war. They have been putting out the nonsense that Russia is losing and is weak to sell the idea that the West should just walk in and destroy Russia, and the Russian people will cheer for saving them from Putin.

I could say the same that the Americans would cheer if the Russians came to save us from the warmongering Democrats and RINOs. Both are just absurd statements. Putin is popular despite the BS from the ISW because he was NOT a Communist, and he was NOT an oligarch. To the Russian people – he was their savior from a corrupt government despite the nonsense that others put out because their assets were seized for illegal trading in Russia. Nobody wanted the opposition to Putin, for they were representing the old world of the USSR that nobody wanted to return to.

Khruschev Nikta

Like the Institute for the Study (promotion of) War (ISW), NATO is also an organization that only promotes war; when communism fell in 1991, NATO should have been disbanded or drastically reduced. Instead, it moved eastward, showing it was never about communism. The entire threat was supposed to have been COMMUNISM – not the Russian people as a race. NATO needs to keep the threat of war alive, or they will lose their jobs.

The NEOCON movement really got started because the Communists’ mantra was to spread their economic religion, Marxism, to the world. Marxism so indoctrinated them that they thought this was the way of the future and that it would eliminate the business cycle. Keynes also tried to eliminate the business cycle. This dream of perpetual economic growth and endless deficit spending without ever paying a price down the road.

NY Times Duranty 1931

The New York Times was cheering Stalinism and stressed that this was the solution to the Great Depression. They were promoting Communism as most of the media back them, and they were putting out pure propaganda. It took the New York Times until 1990 to admit that their reporting covered up the truth about Stalin and the massive starvation in an effort, like Schwab, once again, to sell “equality” as our salvation. The New York Times covered up more than 7 million people who died of starvation in the Ukraine famine because it exposed that Communism had failed. The New York Times wrote that their reporting on the Russian Revolution constituted “some of the worst reporting to appear in this newspaper.” They never revoked his Pulitzer Prize for writing fake news about Stalin.

I strongly recommend you watch the movie “Mr. Jones.” This exposes the TRUE STORY of how the New York Times tried to support Communism in the United States back then, with their top journalist, Walter Duranty (1884-1957), who was their main man in Moscow—the New York Times promoted him to be awarded the Pulitzer Prize for reporting on how Communism was Utopia and our future. When Gareth Jones (1905-1935) reported in March 1933 that this was all a lie, the truth finally began to appear.

This is what we face ONCE AGAIN with mainstream media promoting World War III. They NEVER seem to give 2 cents for the people. This is always about their perceived agenda, as they did with COVID. We need a revolution in mainstream media, which has fallen so far that the vast majority no longer trust anything they report, and this is worldwide.

I reported from my sources that 100,000 Ukrainians had been killed in the first few months. I got the typical hate mail that claimed I was putting out Russian propaganda. My sources were from Ukraine – not Russia. Then Ursula delivered a speech and said 100,000 had already died. Zelinsky had he take that out of her speech, claiming that was CLASSIFIED information.


Trust me, if Zelensky is assassinated, it will be by Ukrainians who have figured out this guy is a puppet and is destroying his own country with a deal to be whisked off to a villa in Miami when the last Ukrainian falls. He is a comedian in high heels with ZERO expertise in military matters. He has suspended all elections because he would never win an election there after what he has done to Ukraine.

Zelenskyy Johnson

Only after more than 500,000 Ukraians are now dead have the press there begun to publish the truth. Borris Johnson flew urgently to Ukraine to ensure that Zelensky would reject any peace deal because the West was using Ukraine to try to weaken Russia so NATO could then move in for the kill. NOBODY ever expected Ukraine to defeat Russia, which had troops that were 10x that of Ukraine, without drafting people. The West has used the Ukrainian people for their objectives. Zelensky was never allowed to negotiate for peace. He was to destroy his own country for a villa in Miami.

ECM Ukraine 8.6 R

We are now approaching that point where Ukraine is on the verge of losing everything. The first cyclical turning point of importance will be April 19/20, 2024. Zelensky has betrayed his own people, and some are starting to wonder if it is not payback for their hatred of Jews.

Kaganovich Lazar 1893–1991

It was Lazar Kaganovich (1893-1991) who was Stalin’s right-hand man, who proposed and carried out the taking of food from Ukraine that left 7 million dead. The Ukrainians were wrong to blame Russians when Kaganovich was Ukrainian. Behind the facade of propaganda about Russia taking the food, Kaganovich was Jewish and many scholars quietly think he proposed that to also punish the Ukrainians for joining Hitler and exterminating Jews.

Only after becoming president did Zelensky claim publicly to be Jewish, who converted to Christianity, and his children were baptized Christian. Here, he is in an act joking about how they used to confiscate the wealth of Jews and Russians. Some wonder if he is not the 21st Century version of Kaganovich. TRUST ME – If Zelensky is assassinated, it will not be because of Putin. Many people now see him as a traitor to their own people. Even the Neonazis are starting to see he is another Kaganovich.

Ukraine_Hryvnia W Array 3 20 24

We are rapidly approaching the point where Ukraine may collapse. This is why Macrone came out and talked about sending in NATO Troops. We are approaching the day when the last Ukrainian is about to fall.

3 14 24 Polish Ambassador will be forced to enter war if Ukraine fails
EU Wants War

Europe wants war at all costs BECAUSE the financial system is collapsing. They never consolidated their debts, as I warned them that the Euro could not survive long-term without a single national debt. All they accomplished was to transfer the currency risk to the bond markets.

NATO F16s 2024

Meanwhile, NATO has changed the terms that the US would approve F16s only to defend Ukraine. NATO says they have permission to fly into Russia to attack anything inside Russia. There is NO HOPE to avoid war without a wholesale change in leadership among ALL Western governments because they now NEED war. There are plenty of people who are just brainwashed and think what the world needs is to destroy Putin. The sanctions did not work, and our computer warned the West that it would lose. This is total insanity.

Biden Secon Term

Others are silently cheering war in hopes of reducing the population, all to reduce CO2.

Nobody seems to think about the future or WHAT IF they are wrong.

Tremors in the Dark Force – Architect of the Ukraine Crisis, aka World War Reddit, State Dept Executive Producer Victoria Nuland Will Retire This Month

Posted originally on the CTH on March 5, 2024 | Sundance

TMI… If George Soros and Madeline Albright had a love child, it would be Victoria Nuland.

Victoria Nuland, the third-highest ranking U.S. diplomat, and one of the principal agents responsible for attempted color revolutions, (ie. Russia and Ukraine), will retire and leave her post this month, according to The State Department today.

This is a good indicator that things are not going according to the Obama/Biden agenda. GOOD!

Anthony Blinken – Victoria Nuland has let me know that she intends to step down in the coming weeks as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs – a role in which she has personified President Biden’s commitment to put diplomacy back at the center of our foreign policy and revitalize America’s global leadership at a crucial time for our nation and the world.

Toria’s tenure caps three and a half decades of remarkable public service under six Presidents and ten Secretaries of State. Starting with her very first posting as a consular officer in Guangzhou, China, Toria’s had most of the jobs in this Department. Political officer and economic officer. Spokesperson and chief of staff. Deputy Assistant Secretary and Assistant Secretary. Special Envoy and Ambassador.

These experiences have armed Toria with an encyclopedic knowledge of a wide range of issues and regions, and an unmatched capacity to wield the full toolkit of American diplomacy to advance our interests and values.

What makes Toria truly exceptional is the fierce passion she brings to fighting for what she believes in most: freedom, democracy, human rights, and America’s enduring capacity to inspire and promote those values around the world. (read more)

If you believe that last paragraph, start writing reviews on the culinary nuances of Gas Station Sushi.

Slava Ukraini, comrades!  /s

The Elites Want War to Reduce the Population ASAP for Climate Change

Posted originally on Feb 28, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

This entire conflict was manufactured by the American Neocons led by John McCain and Victoria Nuland.

McCain Climate Change

It was McCain who started the Climate Change agenda on Capital Hill, and it had nothing to do with the planet. He was arguing against fossil fuels to cut off Russia’s energy sales. It was never about the climate, but they tell a lie often enough; as Hitler’s head of propaganda asserted, it will soon become the truth.

That strategy is working well in every aspect. They used it against Trump as well. Victoria Nuland is using it against anyone who is against war. She is running around calling them “Putin’s wing of the Republican Party.” The Democrats always start the wars, and the Republicans have to end them. That was Nixon’s pledge to end Vietnam; he was elected with over 60%. The exception was when Dick Chaney ran the White House and put his company, Haliburton, in charge; he invaded Iraq on the lie that he had weapons of mass destruction when the object was to seize the oil wells. His daughter is so against Trump and pro-war it must be a family tradition.

McCain and Lindsey Graham were caught on video preaching war with Russia.

Then you had Lindsey Graham boasting that sending all this money to Ukraine was the best Congress ever spent to kill Russians if he said that in the USA, it would be a hate crime.

2019 Zelensky Wins

When Zelensky was elected, he promised to reduce the tensions with Russia, even CNN said back in 2019.  Ukrainian sources have long maintained that the election was rigged. Whatever the truth is behind that is almost irrelevant. This war was started by the interim UNELECTED government installed by Victoria Nuland.

Victoria Nuland masterminded the interim government for Ukraine to start this civil war. She made international headlines back then if the EU disagreed, her leaked phone call “FUCK THE EU” made global headlines. It showed who was really in charge. This war began with the installed UNELECTED government, and the platform of Zelensky was supposed to end the war and seek peace, which got him elected. That is what the people voted for, but the Neocons have been working hard to create World War III, and Zelensky has betrayed his own people from the start.

Macron Putin Meet

Back in 2022, Macron met with Putin to preserve peace. For a split second, Macron seemed to be the only reasonable European leader at the time when they were all cheering for World War III. Now Macron has switched sides and is pushing for World War III, perhaps to cancel a future French election like Zelensky and convert France into a dictatorship as Zelensky has done to Ukraine.

Zelensky_Pursue_Nuclear_Weapons_2 23 22

Ukraine had more nukes than China. It agreed to return them to Russia in return for their neutrality. NATO agreed not to invade, and so did Russia. Saying he would rearm with nuclear weapons the day before Putin came to the rescue of the Donbas was to ensure Putin would respond since he was then violating the  Budapest Memorandum of Security Assurances.

Zelensky Did not warn people Washington Post 8 19 22

Even the pro-Ukraine Washington Post, which can’t wait to start World War III to sell more papers, reported that Zelensky knew when Russia would invade and did not warn his people because of money. “If we had communicated that … then I would have been losing $7 billion a month since last October, and at the moment when the Russians did attack, they would have taken us in three days,” Zelensky said. They always want civilians to die so they can blame the other side and get support. That is an old trick and we see that with Hammas against Israel.

Macron send in the troops

All of a sudden, Macron has switched sides and is outright proposing to send NATO troops into Ukraine because Ukraine is about to fall. He knows that has been the plan all along – NATO to invade Russia. The propaganda is so bad that we are drowning in lies. Zelensky is lying to the world, claiming only 31,000 of his troops had died when the number was 100,000, even Ursula said in her speech, and Zelensky made her take that out to hide that Ukraine is losing badly. By pretending Ukraine is winning, he keeps the hopes up and the money flowing into his pockets.

I had reported that 100,000 Ukrainians had been killed in the first few months back in 2022. People said I was spreading Russian propaganda, confirming to me that they were being successfully brainwashed. My info was coming from the Ukrainian sources – not Russia. Then Ursula stood up and said 100,000 Ukrainians had died in battle, and Zelensky made her take that out, saying it was classified information. He has lied to the world and his own people all along, for he is promised a golden parachute when he has destroyed Ukraine and will escorted to live in Miami, trying to wash all the blood from his hands. Here is the original video, and you can see the edited one – again, this is not a Russian source. Wake up!

Kaganovich Lazar 1893–1991

Zelensky has destroyed his own country, and there are many Ukrainians who want him dead. If he is assassinated, it will be by a Ukrainian for destroying his own country. There are even anti-Semitic rumblings that it was Lazar Kaganovich, who was Stalein’s right-hand man, who suggested taking the food from Ukraine. He was a Ukrainian who also destroyed his own country.

Here is Zelensky before being President, says his salary is small and he is joking about confiscating money from Russians and Jews. Kaganovich was Jewish, and only after being elected did Zelensky claim to be Jewish. Some now think he is destroying Ukraine like Kaganovich, and the motive was that they joined Hitler in killing Jews, for they, too, were Nazis. This is the rising sentiment in Ukraine as the nation is on the brink of collapse.

Ukraine has been cannon fodder, and the West was using Ukraine just to kill as many Russians as possible BEFORE then NATO intended to invade Russia. Zelensky has finally admitted, “They have a great superiority.” Absolutely NOBODY ever expected Ukraine to defeat Russia. This has been a major propaganda operation from the very beginning. Let’s knock off the bullshit here. This is like Cuba trying to conquer the United States.

Zelensky has staged news in full production to keep the money flowing to Ukraine, as he is a good puppet of Victoria Nuland.

Minsk Agreement Head of State

Putin even tried to explain the importance of the Minsk Agreement to Zelensky. Yet, Zelendsky has outlawed speaking Russian and outlawed the Russian Orthodox religion, directing them to be subservient to the Patriarch he set up in Kyiv.

Ukraine Christmas Dec 25
Christian Persecution

Then, to further demoralize all Russians living in Ukraine, he declared that Christmas would be December 25th, not January, as the Orthodox have celebrated since 400AD. What’s next? Throwing Russian Orthodox Christians to the lions for refusing his decrees?

Merkel_Minsk_Buy_Time_to Prepare for wart

The West negotiated in bad faith, intended from the outset to create this war. I cannot imagine a head of state signing a peace agreement and then admitting that they never intended to honor it.

Macron NATO send Troops to Ukraine

On December 31, 2022, French President Emmanuel Macron, during his New Year’s address, chastised the French workers with a lengthy discussion on pensions and the need for the French to work more. Then he brought up the climate crisis, declaring that the “energy transition is a battle that we must win.” All of a sudden, Macron has advocated sending NATO troops to Ukraine, which would be the start of World War III. Britain has come out rejecting that scheme. I suppose Macron wants Putin to nuke Paris so he can create jobs for his unions to rebuild the city.

Civilians always Die in War

I cannot stress more that the Neocons are advocating war and the total destruction of Russia, swearing that. they will NEVER use nuclear weapons because they know they will. These Neocons are traitors to the countries they are from, just as Kaganovich was to Ukraine. The GREAT LIE is they make people think war is a video game and only soldiers will die. That is far from the truth.

When we look at World War I, the total number of military and civilian casualties was about 40 million. The number killed ranged between 15 to 22 million, but this broke down to 9 to 11 million military personnel, with civilian deaths of about 6 to 13 million. In addition, there were about 23 million wounded military personnel.

World War II was by far the deadliest military conflict in human history, with a total estimated death total of 70–85 million people. The breakdown shows the real cost of war that our governments seem to cheer on. There were 50–56 million who were killed directly in the war. Because you cannot grow food in such events, there were an additional estimated 19–28 million deaths from famine. The civilian deaths totaled 50–55 million. Today, the world leaders seem to be cheering for war. The mainstream media is constantly advocating for war because they are bought and paid for by the establishment – obedience to authority.

Nuclear War

Even if there were no nuclear weapons, just keeping with World War II, 3% of the world population was killed. Today, that will be about 250 million – almost the equivalent of the entire United States. These people are freaking out over the population, and they want a good pruning of the herd. In 1900, the world population was 1.7 billion. That became 6 billion by 2000, and now 8 billion by 2024. This is why these people want war – they want to reduce the population, end all sovereign debts and unfunded entitlements, and usher in a new postwar boom to rebuild the cities they have destroyed.

DJIND W World War I

NATO may be planning to invade Russia, but China and North Korea will join the action. Based on our computer’s forecasts, this will NOT end nicely for the West. I wish I were wrong, and Socrates is wrong. But it seems to be inevitable at this point. NOBODY is interested in peace. Honor the Minsk Agreement, and this war is over in 24 hours. This is what Victoris Nuland is saying – war will stimulate the economy.

Intl War Index 12 30 22

Thank you, Macron, for showing the world the real agenda. When will you be satisfied? Killing off 50%, 4 billion people with World War III? Or shall we take it back to 1900 with just 1.7 billion?

It was said Blessed be the Peacemakers.

It is hard, if not impossible, to find one today in political office.

Direct Democracy to End Treason of UNELECTED Bureaucrats

Posted originally on Feb 26, 2024 By Martin Armstrong

I find it interesting how Victoria Nuland has to label any opponent with a derogatory name. She claims that Putin silences any opposition to challenge him in an election when, in fact, the Biden Administration is doing that to Trump, and this is becoming a trend as Brazil seeks to imprison Bolsonaro. Not only can we not afford 90 days more of this Biden hand-puppet of the Neocons, but we can no longer afford to let UNELECTED people like Victoria Nuland set policy. This is why they love Biden. He is on vacation 40% of the time, and she runs Foreign Policy.

2021 Hill draft Women

Victoria Nuland exaggerated Putin sending 1,000 young Russian boys to death. That is what she has done to Ukraine – used them for cannon fodder. But she was preparing for this war. In 2021, they were pushing to force girls to register for the draft because they do not have enough males to do and die for her objectives. Putin has offered to negotiate constantly. They sent the British PM Johnson to kill the peace deal. She wants only war! She is Ukrainian by heritage, and she PERSONALLY hates Russians.  Nobody voted for Victoria Nuland.

Russia and China abandoned Communism and joined the world economy. She has sought to tear that apart, and now we have a divided world, and globalism is dead. It was John McCain who pushed climate change, and that was to end fossil fuels only to try to undermine the Russian economy. He never had any concern about climate.

Some have asked me about my comments that perhaps we need a Direct Democracy, and they will often respond that the people are fools. All of that is true, and they can name the players in football but not their congressmen.

The unelected deep state pulling the strings loves their power, and they are not going down without a fight I fear they will try to assassinate Trump and call it COVID.

I had a friend who was married for 60 years, and when someone asked how he did it?
He would say they agreed; he makes all the major decisions, and she handles the rest.
They would then ask what major one you have made. 
He said none have come up yet.

We should have a right to vote directly on major issues like war and taxes. In Switzerland, they have a form of direct democracy. We have to stop these people like Victoria Nuland, who sneak their way in and then impose their personal biases and hatred. This woman accuses Putin and does the exact same thing.

NATO & Russia Moving Toward War

Posted originally on Dec 30, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

Communism v capitalism

QUESTION: News from Russia is claiming there will be a major war with NATO. I do not understand if Russia is no longer Communist; what is the real issue that we have to move to World War again?


ANSWER: It’s just time. Having met a Neocon face to face, all I can offer is my opinion. They sought to do what Khrushchev threatened to bring communism to the world, so they claimed they would conquer the world by imposing their version of democracy, which is propaganda. We are NEVER asked if our taxes should be raised or if we want to go to war with Russia and China. Vietnam saw an 18-year-old sent off to die when he was too young to drink or to vote. But that was their version of democracy. No better than the communists, from what I can see. There is no common sense and certainly no logic to try to wage war against Russia and China and claim they would never use nukes, even if they were about to be destroyed. This is just insane.

Everything is always a knee-jerk reaction. The Warsaw Pact was created on May 14, 1955, in response to West Germany joining NATO on May 6th, 1955 – 8 days before. The Democrats impeached Trump twice, and now the Republicans are impeaching Biden. No matter what you look at, when one side does something, it results in the other side responding in the same manner. This never ends.

Neocons for NATO

Posted originally on Dec 18, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

NATO North Atlantic Terror Organization

A Donald Trump win would be a complete disaster for the Neocons. He repeatedly stated that withdrawing from the war in Ukraine would be his first priority on day one in office. Trump threatened to leave NATO and was a harsh critic of the organization as he did not see the benefits for the US. Congress cannot take that chance again and has voted to ban any president from withdrawing from NATO.

The measure received bipartisan support and the effort was led by Senator Tim Kaine (D-Va.) and Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) as part of the National Defense Authorization Act. The United States provided $821 million to NATO  in its FY 2022 budget. NATO members agreed to spend 2% of their GDP on the alliance back in 2014 when fears of Russian aggression were spreading. Only three other nations adhered to that target, and as of July 2023, only 10 of the then 31 members were meeting their target.

NATO 1991 Russia Join scaled

The United States contributes more than any other NATO member. The United States, United Kingdom, and Germany pay for over 40% of NATO’s budget. NATO continually expands, also expanding the threat of war. Everyone knows the rules of Article 5 – if one nation is attacked, all nations must respond. Yet they are strategically growing NATO by welcoming countries that are a hop, skip, and jump away from “unfriendly” nations. This is precisely what the Russian government wanted to prevent, as they felt backed into a corner by NATO aggression.

Many decades ago, Russia wanted to join the alliance under Yeltsin, who worked to defend his country from the old hardline Communists. NATO declined as they needed an enemy as an excuse to maintain their alliance. To the Neocons, Russia will always be the USSR and the Communist enemy along with China. In 1997, the same year Yeltsin was reelected, then-Senator Joe Biden begged NATO to welcome all the Baltic nations. That was two years before Putin came to power, as Russia has always and must always be the enemy.

America has been the world’s war financier since WW2. Congress effectively welded international foreign interests with domestic policy by forcing the nation to back NATO indefinitely. I say indefinitely as Neocons are on both sides of the political arena and would never vote to leave NATO.

Saving the Best for Last Re-Posted Nov 9, 2023 By Martin Armstrong  


QUESTION: You said Ukraine never shot down 6 of Russia’s unstoppable hypersonic weapons. Do you think that was all propaganda?



ANSWER: Absolutely. Neither the US nor Russia will commit their most critical weapons to Ukraine. Why? Because it reveals your best car and allows the opposition to gather intelligence to defeat them. Look at the HIMARS rockets that were going to change the game. Russia jammed its guidance systems that rely on GPS. The US would NEVER have given Ukraine our top shelf. That would be like playing poker and showing your hand before the betting begins.

You save the Best for Last