The Greatest Threat is Always from Within

Armstrong Economics Blog/Opinion Re-Posted Aug 30, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

QUESTION: Do you think the Neocons are more dangerous than Russia or China?


ANSWER: Absolutely. In Chess, you face your adversary. You know your enemy, and you try to unravel his strategy. In geopolitics, the greatest danger is always the enemy within your own ranks. For a handful of silver, it was a Greek who showed the path for the Persians to come behind the Spartans through the hills and annihilate them from behind in the Battle of Thermopylae. Judas also betrayed Jesus for a handful of silver. History has proven countless times that your greatest enemy always emerges from within.

Any politician who now supports Ukraine and spouts out the BS we will be next is unworthy of any public office, including sanitation cleaning toilets. They have NO place in politics and should NEVER be allowed to take the White House, regardless of their party. The Neocons have created endless wars on their own theory that democracy should dominate the world. Their version of democracy is really tyranny, for we have no right to vote on taxes, vaccines, lockdowns, or war. We are drafted with not right to vote and ordered to die on a foreign battlefield because of their theory in which we have no say whatsoever.

Colonel Douglas Macgregor

Armstrong Economics Blog/Ukraine Re-Posted Aug 22, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Tucker Carlson Interviews Col Douglas Macgregor on Ukraine-Russia War

Posted originally on the CTH on August 22, 2023 | Sundance 

Tucker Carlson sits down for a sobering discussion with Col Douglas Macgregor about the war in Ukraine and the current status of the conflict. {Direct Rumble Link}

As Carlson outlines the looming possibility that NATO is going to have to enter the war because the Ukraine military is slowing being degraded, Macgregor outlines the technical and strategic issues the U.S/NATO forces would have with a war in eastern Europe.

After outlining the strategic flaws and problems the U.S. would face in a direct confrontation with Russia, the discussion then shifts to ask the obvious question: What comes now? What are the goals and objectives for Russia, now? WATCH:

Victoria Nuland – Queen of the Neocons Sacrificing Your Children for Her Wars

Armstrong Economics Blog/Neocons Re-Posted Aug 20, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

De-Dollarization; and the Neocons Aren’t Going Anywhere: The World According Martin Armstrong

Armstrong Economics Blog/Armstrong in the Media Re-Posted Aug 13, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Limited Military Draft — September 29, 2024?

Armstrong Economics Blog/War Re-Posted Aug 11, 2023 by Martin Armstron

The US military has been struggling to recruit new members for years. I have reported on this various times and noted that the computer predicts that a US draft may be approved on September 29, 2024. This date marks 51.6 years from the precise day that President Richard Nixon ended the draft on January 27, 1973.

The US military is already discussing the prospect of a “limited draft.” They are seeking 160,000 eligible people from a population of 30 million. The all-volunteer force has reached a “breaking point,” as put it, and the most effective way to solve the crisis is to force the youth into service. The military is now throwing around the idea of dedicating one month per year to recruiting a Selected Service to meet the annual recruitment goal.

Numerous countries ask all citizens to sign up for some type of service when they come of age. The US military never had the need for such a service as patriotism was high, and each branch offered numerous incentives to join. Military drafts or “conscription” date back to ancient times in Mesopotamia. The United States instituted a draft or conscription during the Civil War, which led to a series of bloody draft riots. Resistance to the draft, as managed by the Selective Service in the United States, reached a historic peak during the Vietnam War.

Every branch of the US military besides the Marine Corps has failed to meet their recruitment goals. We are low on ammo, as the commander-in-chief pointed out, and soldiers. The problem is two-fold. No one wants to enlist, and the number of young Americans who would actually qualify has reached a record low. A 2022 poll showed that only 9% of those eligible want to join the military, a major decrease from 29% in recent years.  Over half of the respondents (57%) were worried that they would suffer psychological damage from serving. A more recent poll from May 2023 indicates only 13% of 18 to 29-year-olds are “highly willing” to serve.

The last generation had the hot topic issue of 9/11, terrorism, and protecting their country’s freedom. This generation has been raised in classrooms where they sit for the pledge of allegiance and are taught that their country is inherently bad. They watched the Commander in Chief abandon their mission in Afghanistan and continually disrespect members of the military. Not to mention the military fired servicemembers who declined to take the experimental vaccine. One proposed solution was to offer citizenship to illegal immigrants who enlisted. Since top government agents are unable to define women, expect everyone to be targeted.

The US military could go into a hybrid model of recruiting new soldiers. War is coming either way. September 29, 2024, would be shortly before the next US presidential election. That, too is right on target, as the only possible way for Biden to stay in power would be to forego a real election process.

Marines Deployed as US-Iran Tensions Rise

Armstrong Economics Blog/War Re- Posted Aug 7, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

World War III continues to heat up as the US Marines have been deployed to the Strait of Hormuz. The military also plans to deploy F-16 and F-35 warplanes and an Amphibious Readiness Group/Marine Expeditionary Unit containing 3,000 troops. France24 says that Iran has attempted, sometimes unsuccessfully, to take control of 20 internationally flagged ships containing oil over the past two years. But the Associated Press reported last month that Iran had seized five ships over the same period.

Coincidentally, this news of the Marine deployment comes days after the ISW announced that Iran plans to build a drone factory in Belarus. Russia has admitted that it was having some difficulties importing weapons from Iran. The US Navy has already been positioned in this area to combat Iranian forces. Around 20% of all crude exports pass through this area of the Gulf, so of course it must be guarded. However, why send in the Marines and fighter jets?

Iran has been building its nuclear capabilities, claiming it is purely peaceful. US-Iran relations deteriorated further in 2015 when Trump withdrew from the 2015 nuclear agreement and slapped Iran with sanctions. Iran produced its Abu Mahdi cruise missile in 2020 that has the capacity to target ships 620 miles away. There has not been a Marine presence in the Persian Gulf since November 2021. They claim this recent deployment is to secure energy prices. Yet, the US, French, and British naval forces have ramped up their presence in recent months. Could they be preparing for a larger event?

Iran and Belarus Ramp Up Drone Production

Armstrong Economics Blog/War Re-Posted Aug 4, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Russia has compared the recent attack on Moscow’s financial district to 9/11 due to the civilian casualties. Both Ukraine and Russia have experienced mass civilian casualties due to drones supplied by both sides. China has come out to say it will limit drone production entirely. “The risk of some high specification and high-performance civilian unmanned aerial vehicles being converted to military use is constantly increasing,” the CCP stated. Meanwhile, Iran plans to build a drone factory in Belarus on behalf of Russia.

The Neocon center, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), first leaked plans for the project on August 1. “Iran is pursuing the construction of drone factories in Belarus and Russia, which will help Russia acquire Iranian drones more readily and provide Iran with numerous economic and military benefits,” the ISW stated. They state that authorities are looking to convert factories in Gomel, Belarus, into drone production facilities. They say it will alleviate the “logistical problems” of transporting drones from Iran directly. With Iran’s inflation sitting at 47.5%, the country is in dire need of economic support.

None of this is good news. Drone strikes against civilians will occur, as they always do. Both nations feel they are on the defense. Zelensky made it clear that peace was never an option. How could anyone “win” the war? It has now become a technology test to see how many people each side can massacre.

Trump’s 3rd Indictment May Backfire

Armstrong Economics Blog/Politics Re-Posted Aug 4, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

QUESTION: Marty, Your experience in law is well known. What is your opinion of Trump’s new indictment?


ANSWER: Never in the entire history of the United States have we EVER witnessed such political corruption using the Department of Justice. They had tapes of Richard Nixon that would have convicted him but they did not prosecute him for fear that it was not in the best judgment for the nation. Nixon had won by the highest vote, and the fact that the people caught in the break-in were actually CIA people. Nixon had a meeting with the head of the CIA and bluntly just said he knew who killed JFK.

Here we have the most desperate case against Trump, which is obviously political. In this case, you have the president of the United States engaging in political speech, and even if it is an outright lie, as so many presidents have done, it cannot be a crime. As the president, he even had a fiduciary duty to question the validity of the election, as did Hillary, when he was being told by people under oath from around the country that there were problems with the election.

The Biden Administration now has the burden to tear down the First Amendment for the government must now prove in this case, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the president’s speech is not protected by the First Amendment. That will apply to Biden and every president until the country collapses. I would be shocked if that would be upheld by the Supreme Court, even if they get the DC judge, who is notoriously biased, to rule that Trump had no First Amendment rights – as I expect she will do solely for political purposes.

There was even a lawsuit filed against Congress that they refused to investigate the 2020 election when that was their fiduciary duty to do so. I would be subpoenaing all the documents behind that decision. I would bet this judge will protect all the Democrats, and we may see the denial of subpoena powers with a motion to the Supreme Court. I do not expect Trump to get a fair trial in Washington, DC. This will only tarnish the United States even more internationally. Foreign governments will begin to think twice about holding the US government’s sovereign debt. They should switch to AAA corporate – ASAP!

Trump also had a responsibility as a United States president to raise those issues. The Biden Administration now argued that Trump’s advocacy was criminal behavior when Hillary made false claims about Putin creating RussiaGate, costing taxpayers tens of millions of dollars that proved they were false allegations DELIBERATELY made up by the Democrats. The Democratic Party was even fined for doing so. You cannot square the treatment of Hillary v Trump and pretend this is the rule of law.

The respect and trustworthiness of the United States is collapsing globally. The United States used to be the beacon of LIBERTY in the world. Those days are gone. I have been warning that the 2024 election would be the MOST corrupt in American history. That forecast made ten years ago shows how accurate Socrates has been long-term.

The federal government likely facilitated the events that occurred on January 6, 2021. The FBI has refused to answer questions regarding how many agents they had there. They successfully drew the public’s eye away from the election fraud that took place and portrayed Trump supporters as domestic terrorists. In the video above, Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) questioned Jill Sanborn, Executive Assistant Director, National Security Branch of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. “I can’t answer that,” Sanborn replied to every question. That, to me, is TREASON to the Constitution – the nation comes BEFORE the Deep State. This is why the United States, as we have known it, will NOT exist post-2032.

Cruz provided Sanborn with clear evidence of FBI involvement. On January 5, a man they call Ray Epps was filmed on video enticing the crowd to break into the Capitol the following day. His behavior was so questionable that the crowd began chanting, “Fed! Fed!” It was clear to them that he was not there to protest peacefully. On the day of the Capitol “siege,” Epps is filmed talking to another man before they begin removing the barricades. The men began encouraging others to join them.

On January 8, the FBI released pictures of the men removing the barricade and asking for any information leading to their arrests. Yet, the same image was later posted with Epps photoshopped out of the picture. Again, Sanborn refused to answer why this photo was altered. Sanborn refused to say whether Epps was an FBI agent. Her silence should tell us all we need to know. This is why the public and the world have lost all faith in this corrupt Biden Administration.

The attorney for Capitol Hill protest participant Ray Epps, former FBI agent himself John Blischak, told The Epoch Times on Jan. 12 that his client has been interviewed by federal law enforcers and “unequivocally he is not an FBI informant.” That is very narrow. That does not say he was not working for the FBI for money, nor was he an agent. An informant is someone who rats other people out willingly. The strange thing is that while everyone else is being criminally charged, they dropped all charges against Epps.

The Biden Administration is absolutely so afraid of Trump ending the careers of the Neocons and shutting down World War III that this 3rd Indictment is such a desperate attempt to use the 14th Amendment to prevent him from ever running for politics again. They made a HUGE mistake. This entire case rests upon the validity of the 2020 election. That means that Trump can now subpoena every place that was suspect in how they handled votes. They will have to prove he KNEW he really lost to create sedition. That seems to be a real stretch.

This video clearly shows people were there who were not with the protesters. Yet every person there the Feds want to prosecute as a terrorist, except their own. If I were Trump, I would now subpoena the FBI for everyone who was there on January 6th, but also all the involvement of the FBI, CIA, and NSA in rigging the election. This can be far more devastating than these desperate people realize what they have done. Anyone who thinks the CIA could not rig the 2020 election so the Neocons could wage World War III is an absolute fool. Just as Nixon threatened the CIA that he knew who killed JFK because he was also against the Vietnam War, he had better realize that there is a Deep State and they see themselves as righteous.

Zelensky is perhaps the MOST corrupt head of state on the planet. He, too, tried to use the rule of law to imprison his opponent, the former president of Ukraine Poroshenko, who would also stop the war. At least there, the Ukrainian Court refused to imprison Poroshenko, realizing that such a move would only continue the outrageous corruption in Ukraine, which has now infected the Biden Administration. The IMF has pointed out that the sheer corruption in Ukraine has been the worst in the world. They wrote: “Fighting corruption is a key demand of the Ukrainian society, is crucial to achieving stronger and equitable growth, and is part of the government’s commitment under the program with the IMF.”

The Biden administration has undergone a coup, and the Neocons are in complete control of the country. They are destroying the United States, as our computer has forecast. There will NEVER be a return to normal. There is a massive migration from the North to the South. I urge DeSantis to drop out of the run for President. They will eat him for lunch and will NEVER allow him to enter the White House. Please stay right here in Florida, for we will have to build our own wall to separate from the evil empire that is consuming the country.

Sunday Talks – Italian Prime Minister Georgia Meloni Discusses EU Challenges, Chinese Influence, G7 Obligations, Ukraine and Vision for Africa

Posted originally on the CTH on July 31, 2023 | Sundance 

Italian Prime Minister Georgia Meloni sounds slightly less nationalist and slightly more globalist in this interview as she discusses the current challenges for Italy within the European Union.  With a large focus on the African continent, mostly driven by root cause illegal immigration, Prime Minister Meloni outlines how supporting the African economic needs are a pragmatic solution to the outflow of migrants. {Direct Rumble Link} – WATCH: