INSANE New Tax Proposal – Stealing from Citizens Legally

Posted Apr 30, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Death Taxes

Success is a punishable offense in Biden’s America. Joe Biden and his administration would like to implement a 44.6% tax on capital gainsthe highest tax on capital gains in the nation’s history. Washinton says this tax is necessary to address the looming national debt, but they are simultaneously implementing measures to ensure that the nation falls deeper into debt. Perpetually issuing new debt to pay for the old is equivalent to a Ponzi scheme that WILL FAIL.

Donald Trump’s implemented tax deductions are set to expire in 2025, which is precisely when these measures could go into effect. The proposals essentially rob those who have achieved success to pay those who leech off of the government.


Read the full proposal here.

The proposal is over 250 pages in length but looks to target all investments. The MSM will report that they are only going after the wealthiest Americans but the truth of the matter is that they will seek to squeeze everything they can out of every American, unless they fully rely on government assistance and are therefore owned by Washington.

“A new 25- percent minimum income tax would be imposed on extremely wealthy taxpayers. For high-income taxpayers, gaps in the law that allow some pass-through business owners to avoid Medicare taxes would be eliminated, and Medicare tax rates would be increased. Additional loopholes, including the carried interest preference and the like-kind exchange real estate preference, would be eliminated for those with the highest incomes. Together these reforms would sharply curtail tax preferences that allow the wealthy to pay lower tax rates on their investment income and exacerbate income and wealth disparities, including by gender, geography, race, and ethnicity.”

We are equal in rights, not talent. This proposal clearly states that successful individuals must be punished financially. Will the government curtail its own spending or address the utter deterioration of fiscal policy that has hurt all Americans? No. There are no mirrors in Washington.


C corporations, under this proposal, would be subjected to a 28% tax rate – a 7% increase. The corporate alternative minimum tax (CAMT) would rise to 21% compared to the current 15%. How on Earth does this support American business? Does he truly believe this will aid in job growth, as we have primarily only seen the public sector grow?


Think crypto is safe? Think again because this proposal wants to permit the government to determine which assets are considered actively traded.

“The proposal would add a third category of assets that may be marked-to-market at the election of a dealer or trader in those assets. Assets in the third category would be actively traded digital assets and derivatives on, or hedges of, those digital assets, under rules similar to those that apply 230 General Explanations of the Administration’s Fiscal Year 2025 Revenue Proposals to actively traded commodities. The Secretary would have authority to determine which digital assets are treated as actively traded. The determination of whether a digital asset is actively traded would take into account relevant facts and circumstances, which may include whether the asset is regularly bought and sold for U.S. dollars or other fiat currencies, the volume of trading of the asset on exchanges that have reliable valuations, and the availability of reliable price quotations.”

Socialism v Capitalism

Forget offshore digital investments because Washington wants a cut of that too:

“Tax compliance and enforcement with respect to digital assets is a rapidly growing problem. Since the industry is entirely digital, taxpayers can transact with offshore digital asset exchanges and wallet providers without leaving the United States. The global nature of the digital asset market offers opportunities for U.S. taxpayers to conceal assets and taxable income by using offshore digital asset exchanges and wallet providers. U.S. taxpayers also attempt to avoid U.S. tax reporting by creating entities through which they can act. Requiring individuals specifically 228 General Explanations of the Administration’s Fiscal Year 2025 Revenue Proposals to report their offshore holdings of accounts with digital assets, subject to significant penalties if they fail to do so, is critical to combat the potential for digital assets to be used for tax avoidance.”

This proposal is LOADED with extreme restrictions and penalties for investors, both domestic and foreign.

They want to reform how companies pay dividends. They want to reform international taxation and reporting. The statute of limitation for financial penalties would be expanded, including the payouts the government lavishly handed out during COVID.

Washington Post Socialism

The proposal would increase the top marginal tax rate to 39.6% for married individuals filing a joint return and surviving spouses. Single filers earning $400,000 for unmarried individuals will face the highest tax penalties, as will those earning $425,000 for head of household filers, and $225,000 for married individuals filing a separate return. In comparison, the current top marginal rate for married filers is currently on those earning over $731,2000 and single filers earning over $609,500. So the cost of living is rapidly rising, inflation has no change of relenting during this time of ongoing wars, but the government wants to tax those earning less more?

So, if one sells their small business, they will need to give the government about half of what they worked their entire lives to achieve. If an American’s house rose in value and they attempt to sell the estate—too bad, Uncle Sam needs half. This is a MIDDLE-CLASS TAX. The ultra-wealthy already have ways to bypass these measures. The ultra-wealthy may begin leaving America in general if they continue to demonize capitalism.

The people did not create the deficit we face today. The government continually spends with no plans to curtail spending. They have created a massive Ponzi scheme whereby they issue new debt every year to roll over the debt from the previous year. Eventually, there will be no buyers, and that is precisely how nations fail.

Beware of 2025

Posted originally on Apr 29, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Hiding Money Matress

QUESTION: Hi Martin, What are you thoughts on holding cash into 2028? You said cash was king, but there would come a time to abandon cash. It seems this CBDC thing is what you are talking about. Do you have any time yet?

See you in London

Kind regards,


ANSWER: Europeans are much more familiar with canceling currency. Those governments are much more Marxist and have been canceling currencies routinely since WWII. What happens is you are forced to bring your cash in to swap it for the new version. In this case, it will be digital. What they are going to do is then look to see who accumulated that cash. If it is a large chunk, you may be taxed, and the burden will be on you to PROVE you paid the cash.

You are better off swapping it out for gold, stocks, and even real estate outside of the Blue States and generally cities. As people migrate from those regions, the people left behind will have their taxes increased. California is the #1 state people are leaving. They have noticed, and as I have been warning, you should have got the hell out of that God-forsaken state. They are now imposing an EXIT tax to leave. The downside of real estate is that they impose a property tax on it annually. Some states include even your car. People I know used to have Ferraris no longer because they paid a sales tax to buy it, and then you are taxed on the price you paid for it annually as property tax. If you keep the car for 10 years and it depreciates, the taxes you pay just to have it will consume half the price of the car or more.

We are through the COVID crisis when it was wise to hold the case. Now, you do not want to hold cash into 2028. We are facing STAGFLATION, so inflation will rise faster than GDP. Thus, the purchasing power of cash will decline. Then, when they do the CBDC, which they plan to introduce as soon as January 2025, they will cancel all cash, force you to bring it to the bank, and report how much you had to the IRS.

Study: 25% of Gen Z Needs Therapy After Filing Taxes

Posted Apr 4, 2024 by Martin Armstrong


Welcome to the real world, kids! A recent poll by Cash App Taxes have found 1 in 4 Gen X Americans (born between 1997 and 2012) believe they need therapy after filing taxes this year. Yes, 25% of that demographic needs psychological help after learning about taxation.

Now, this generation was simply unprepared for the harsh truth about taxation. The study found that 62% of first-time filers did not know how to obtain their W-2 or 1099 forms. The study also found that many believed cypto, where around 55% of Gen Z investors have a stake, was off the radar and were surprised to find out that tax forms were required on those investments.

A lot of these kids reached voting age before they were required to pay taxes as some parents handle everything to the disadvantage of their adult children. Schools simply do not teach students about taxes. You are taxes on your sales, purchases, savings, income, etc. etc. The idea of this liberal Utopia where we all live freely in peace and harmony without consideration for money is a fairytale.

This phenomenon of the liberal dream bursting has been well recorded throughout history.

“Anyone who is not a republican at twenty casts doubt on the generosity of his soul; but he who, after thirty years, perseveres, casts doubt on the soundness of his mind,” Jules Claretie once wrote. In 1927, King Oscar II of Sweden stated, “A man who has not been a socialist before 25 has no heart. If he remains one after 25 he has no head.” We all know Churchill’s famous line that mirrors King Oscar’s sentiments.

The left panders to young voters and preys on their innocence. Millions actually believed Biden had the authority to make their student debt disappear, for example. They believe Republicans are greedy and everyone deserves to be equal. Once they realize that a large portion of their pay goes to foreign war, foreign migrants, people living off the system, corrupt politicians, etc. it becomes more apparent that equality has a different meaning. There is a reason that public schools fail to educate the youth about taxation and economics, but everyone will learn sooner or later.

US Teens Learn About Taxes

Posted originally on Feb 20, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

A new trend is circulating on the internet, where parents in the US film their teenagers’ reactions to filing taxes for the first time. The US education system does not require schools to educate students on taxes, despite it being fundamental knowledge for sound financial health.

In 2022, teens with both earned and unearned income were required by law to file a tax return if their combined gross income was greater than $1,150, or more than their earned income (up to $12,550) plus $400. Additionally, if a teen earned $12,950 or more at their part-time job in 2022, they would need to file taxes in 2023. The standard deduction for 2022 was $12,950, so as long as a teen didn’t earn more than that amount, they wouldn’t have to file taxes. Basically, anyone who worked a part-time job was forced to give a portion to Uncle Sam.

Those advocating extreme spikes in the minimum wage do not realize that teenagers will be unable to pay. Moreover, employers will not be able to hire teens and young adults as they know they are there temporarily. These kids do not understand the system, and from a broader perspective, we need a future workforce with hands-on knowledge. Why is the government taxing teenagers who are too young to vote for representation? Why is the Biden Administration hell-bent on forgiving student loans when we are forcing teens to pay on the little that they earn? Everyone wants to talk about “equality,” but few realize that some cannot obtain higher education without a job. Not all parents are willing or able to support their children when they reach 18.

As a result, the youth is not joining the workforce. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects a further decline in the teen labor force participation rate, from 34.0% in 2014 to 26.4% in 2024, citing increased school enrollment as a contributing factor. They are encouraged by the system to focus on school and take out larger loans to pay for their expenses. They do not realize that most will be unable to find work in their field of study, nor are they educated about compounding interest on loans.

In 2023, the number of employed 16- to 19-year-olds in the US was approximately 6 million, which is expected to decline. Fewer teens are working and gaining crucial hands-on experience in the workforce. We are producing a future generation of academics who simply do not know how to work.

Death by Taxation for Gig Economy

Posted originally on Jan 12, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Gig economy

The gig economy has exploded in recent years as people seek additional income to keep up with the rising living costs. The government has been attempting to exploit these workers for additional taxes for years. A new law implemented by the Biden Administration will force some businesses to classify gig workers as employees, raising costs for everyone involved.

According to a paper published by the University of Chicago, during the first year of the pandemic, there were 2.1 million new gig workers, and in 2021, an additional 3.1 million people took on gig work.  Upwork found that 36% of the American workforce has been freelancing during the pandemic, which is an increase of 2 million over 2019. Nearly 2 million Americans drive for one of more rideshare services, such as Uber and Lyft. Reuters now estimates the number of gig workers in America to be closer to 3.4 million.

WEF Amozon Delivery

It costs companies about 30% more to hire someone as an employee rather than an independent contractor. There are state laws regarding independent contract or gig work, but this is the largest piece of legislation to be passed on the federal level.

The legislation is presented in a way that will protect workers from the big bad companies. In truth, the law will raise taxes on these workers who took on these low-skilled positions for extra income. This will prevent some from, say, working for both Lyft and Uber. Trade group Chamber of Progress believes that reclassification will result in $31 billion in lost revenue.

Minimum Wage.meme_

Companies will simply limit their workforce by necessity. When Governor Gavin Newsom approved raising California’s minimum wage to $20 under Bill 1228, countless people found themselves without a job. Pizza Hut fired over 2,000 delivery drivers right before the change was implemented. California Pizza Hut and PacPizza franchises eliminated delivery driver positions entirely.

So, the kid delivering pizzas a few nights a week during college will miss out on that opportunity because the government wants to tax him as an employee. “Gig” is simply a temporary contract intended to produce supplemental income. These positions were never meant to be full-time career paths. The government should explore why so many people are seeking multiple jobs instead of preventing people from seeking out additional sources of revenue.