The Ukrainian Financial Panic

Posted originally on Dec 31, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

Time Men of Year Zelensky Hitler Stalin

I have warned that Zelensky will go down in history as the evil ruler he truly is. And for those who constantly want to pretend this is Russian propaganda, tell that to the 500,000 Ukrainian soldiers who are dead and all the broken homes Zelensky has left behind, along with the 8 to 10 million who have fled Ukraine. Worse still, he is making it a criminal act to flee the country and avoid his draft to justify the EU arresting Ukrainians and deporting them back to be sent to their death on the front lines.

The idea of ​​drafting another 500,000 Ukrainians to be sacrificed on this Neocon Altar for nothing more than a territorial grab of the Donbas is causing absolute panic sweeping the country. Zelensky’s penalties are to be introduced for those who refuse to comply. Ukraine’s financial system is on the brink of collapse. Our Ukrainian sources are reporting that there has been a run on ATMs in Ukraine. Apparently, Ukrainians have withdrawn about a billion dollars from their accounts in a single day! We are looking at a financial crisis unfolding in the Ukrainian banking and financial system thanks to Zelensky’s legislation intended to force conscription to raise another 500,000 people to be sent to the frontline. As part of this bill, Zelensky intends to isolate people who evade the draft by removing them from carrying out any financial transactions or selling property.

Ukraine ECM
ECM Ukraine 8.6 R

As a result of Zelensky’s proposed law, Ukrainians are in a state of panic. They have been plundering their accounts and are now hoarding cash and abandoning the banks. Our model warns that Ukraine will NEVER succeed in this war, and it may no longer even survive as a nation-state post-2026. Indeed, 2026 is showing up on both the ECM for Ukraine as well as on the ECM based entirely on the beginning of this proxy war against Russia. Zelensky’s new law also lowered the age and introduced three months of basic training for 18 to 25-year-olds.

  • The conscription age is to be lowered from 27 to 25 years;
  • The introduction of basic three-months-long military training for all Ukrainian citizens aged 18 to 25 in every educational establishment;
  • The introduction of optional military service for persons aged under 25 who were not able to complete basic military training;

It does not matter how many Ukrainians Zelensky throws into this meat grinder. Ukraine will NEVER prevail over Russia. The West knew this would be the outcome. They were simply using Ukraine to weaken Russia for the kill, which they hoped would be delivered by NATO. That is why they are now prodding the Baltic states to wage war with Russia to justify NATO troops to engage Russia head-on. Financial support is waning because they know Ukraine is just cannon fodder.

Zelensky ECM
Zelenskyy Johnson

Zelensky is becoming perhaps the most hated Ukrainian leader to date. I would not put it past a coup unfolding with his assassination that they would probably try to blame on Putin. Many in the government now see that this has never been about protecting the Ukrainian people. Even the local Ukrainian Press published a story about how Boris Johnson came from England to kill any peace deal. This has been nothing about just sacrificing Ukrainians to weaken Russia.

Ukraine Hryvnia M Array 12 31 23
Russian Rubles M Array 12 31 23

When we compare the Ukrainian and Russian currencies, we can see that the critical climax of the Ukrainian financial crisis appears to be by March, which is the time of the Russian election. We may see this push to raise another 500,000 Ukrainians to be sent to the front lines as the driving force that coincides with the Russian election, whereas May 7th is the swearing-in date of the next term for the President of Russia.

Has Europe Just Committed Suicide?

Posted originally on Dec 29, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

Merkel_Minsk_Buy_Time_to Prepare for wart

Europe has laid the groundwork for World War III and the destruction of Europe as a whole, all to save its failed fiscal management of the economy. Using the Ukrainian war that the West instigated by promising democratic elections to the Donbas in BAD FAITH just for being Russian, the European Union Council adopted a 12th sanctions package against Russia. This time, they sealed the fate of the world and Europe by also announcing that the end of this contrived Ukrainian war would not be lifted after the conflict ended. From the very beginning, Europe negotiated in BAD FAITH with the intent of creating war. They promised to allow the Donbas the dignity and respect every human society deserves – the right to determine their own fate by a free election.

The Donbas was to be allowed to vote on their independence all because Nikita S. Khrushchev had merely redrawn borders for administrative purposes, designating that they would be governed from Kiev. The New York Times has put out real propaganda just as they once hailed Stalin as the economic model for the United States back during the Great Depression. When Gareth Jones (1905-1935) in March of 1933 exposed the New York Times reporting as propaganda, the truth finally began to appear. However, it still took the New York Times until 1990 to admit they engaged in fake news pushing communism on America. The NYT wrote that their reporting on the Russian Revolution constituted “some of the worst reporting to appear in this newspaper.” Their journalist Duranty even supported Roosevelt’s New Deal. He helped install drastic progressiveness in taxation. This time, the New York Times outright lied:

“Mr. Putin is repeating his longstanding argument that Ukraine’s borders are an artificial creation of Soviet planners who unjustly cordoned rightful Russian land within the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic.”

Is the New York Times just cheering on World War III in hopes of resurrecting a totalitarian state in the aftermath?

Mariupol_Maps Ukraine

Anyone with any sense of history knows that there was NEVER a Ukraine, and the border of Russia under the Tsars was the Dnieper River. The very name “Ukraine” means borderland. They joined with Hitler, who promised them their own country upon his victory. Kiev was the birthplace of the Rus (Russians), whose city was destroyed by the Mongol invasion of 1240AD. They were dispersed, and eventually, Moscow began to rise as a city.

Ukraine Map

This is why, to this very day, much of Eastern Ukraine is still the homeland of Russians who were promised to be able to hold their own election to separate from Ukraine to rejoin their own ethnic people. It was Khrushchev who redrew the borders, as Putin stated during the Soviet Union period.

Khruschev Brezinski

Not only did Khrushchev rise through the ranks to head Russia after being in charge of rebuilding Kiew after World War II, but his successor, Brezhnev, was born in the Donbas, which the West wanted to now claim was Ukraine to provoke war.

Volodymyr nthe Great

There are NO Ukrainian coins. The earliest coins of Kiev are that of the Rus or Russians. After the fall of Kiev to the Mongols in 1240, there were no coins. Money became foreign Byzantine coins or silver ingots known as hryvnias. During World War I, there was a brief attempt West of the D River, creating the Ukrainian Revolution of 1917 to 1921. This involved some paper money that was briefly issued. The first coinage of Ukraine as a nation was in 1992. Because the Rus displayed a trident on their coinage, today, the Ukrainians try to claim they were their coins, but this was just not true.

The war for the territory that was NEVER the borderland and thus NEVER occupied by Ukrainians amounts to a territorial grab. It would be as if Mexico seized Texas and then outlawed English as a language. Over 500,000 Ukrainians have died in these proxy war games waged by the West. Merkel has so much blood on her hands that it will NEVER be washed off. She will go to her grave with the stain of so many people who have died for her treachery. Is it truly worth the destruction of Europe all for this nonsense of personal hatred of Russians because they were once communists? Or is this really just a cover-up for the economic collapse of a failed Western economy that borrows every year with no intention of ever paying off any such debt?

The Ukrainians hate Russians so profoundly that they have outlawed their religion, and now Ukraine has even abandoned Eastern Orthodox Christianity. They have now announced that Christmas will be that of Western Christianity – December 25th. Whatever they can do to offend every Russian living in what they claim is Ukraine, they are doing, and the West supports this abuse, even denying the freedom of religion. All of this is because the West needs war as the excuse for the collapse of the monetary system.

The people of Russia never wanted to return to the days of the Soviet Union. Once they tasted freedom, all the propaganda that Putin wanted to resurrect the old Soviet Union was just nonsense. Rome was the greatest empire ever to exist, with decades of peace because everyone benefited from the common market. Europe has chosen hatred rather than prosperity driven by the Neocons, who now also control NATO. The future is being determined right now. Europe has just condemned its own people to war. For what? To deny the people of the Donbas what the West had promised under the Minsk Agreement? Or are they, too, just pawns in this game to retain power?


The new sanctions package they recently announced includes a ban on the import, purchase, or transfer of diamonds from Russia beginning on January 1, 2024, and tightens enforcing a Western price cap on Russian oil at $60 a barrel. Worse still, they have violated international law and set a highly dangerous precedent whereby some 61 people and 86 Russian companies were also sanctioned, according to a list published by the European Commission. They have even sanctioned Putin’s cousin, Anna Tsivileva, and the son of former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, Ilya Medvedev. If there is a dispute between countries, this precedent destroys the rule of law and the world economy. So if a war between the US and China unfolds, then each side can confiscate the assets of private citizen based entirely on their race and ethnic background.

ECM Wave 2020 2028 Pi

The world economy has been torn to shreds. It will NEVER return before 2032. We are looking at the economic decline our Model warns will unfold between May 7th, 2024, and 2028 as we head into 2032. The leaders of the West are NOT interested in peace. They are brainwashed by the Neocons and NATO, which has been scared to death that peace with Russia makes them irrelevant. So, to retain all the jobs in NATO, their self-interest is always to talk up war. Peace means they are no longer relevant or necessary.

Intl War Index 12 30 22
Pax Romana 2

This is NOT my personal opinion. If I could stop it, I certainly would. Our leaders are playing with more than fire; they are playing with the destruction of Western Society as we have known it since the end of World War II. These stupid sanctions have ensured that globalization has come to an end. It was that economic interconnection that created the countless years of peace under the Roman Empire – Pax Romana. The cornerstone of civilization is free trade. When everyone benefits by joining together, the economy expands, and peace flourishes.

What our illustrious leaders are doing is following the Neocon recipe for war. Impose sanctions, wage economic war, and the people will overthrow their governments. The Russians and Chinese are NOT stupid. They know who is waging this economic war, and it is the West. The West has undergone a coup like Rome many times. The Neocons are in complete control of the White House and the EU, not to mention the NATO – The North American Terrorist Organization. These people are trying to conquer the world, not much different than the ambitions that drove Alexander the Great (336–323BC), Hannibal (221–202 BC), Julius Caesar (58-44BC), Attila the Hun (434-453), and Genghis Khan (1206-1227), Napoleon (1799-1815), Adolf Hitler (1934-1945), Josef Stalin (1924-1953).

72 USA Revolution Extended Raised
1833 Russia 12 Roubles Platinum

Cyclically,  2024 is right on schedule with Russia’s 72-year revolutionary cycle. Many have dreamed of the conquest of Russia, for it is one of the wealthiest nations in natural resources, which include gold, platinum, and diamonds. Russia produced platinum coins between 1828 and 1845. No Western Nation was ever able to produce Platinum coinage.

Kolchak Alexander Vasilyevich

Indeed, just before the Communist Revolution of 1917, Russia had the largest gold reserves of any nation on earth. For nearly 100 years, people have been searching for those gold reserves, which weigh nearly 500 tons (a ton equals 32,150.7 troy ounces of gold). That is 16,075,350 ounces or $32.150 billion at $2,000 an ounce. The Russian Empire’s gold reserve fell into the hands of Alexander V. Kolchak in November of 1918 when he overthrew the government in Siberia supported by the Triple Entente allies. Kolchak was the leader of the White Anti-Bolshevik movement in Siberia during the years of the Russian Civil War. The gold was transported from the capital, Petrograd, during WWI because of the German threat of invasion of the city.

Kolchak’s gold, as it has been called, has been looked for on the Yamal Peninsula. Others suggest carts with Kolchak’s gold might have been found in the Altai Region. Still, others have said that Kolchak’s gold was dropped into Lake Baikal. These headlines have been following the search for the Russian Empire’s gold.

Lithuania Map

For the first time since World War II, German troops have crossed Poland, moving to Lithuania to defend the border with Belarus/Russia being stationed there until 2027. NATO cannot admit Ukraine as long as it is at war. Therefore, NATO is seeking to create the same situation in the Baltics, and the people of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are now to be sacrificed on the altar of the Neocons along with the more than 500,000 dead troops of Ukraine and the 8 to 10 million Ukrainian refugees who have fled to Europe with no intention of returning home.

Estonia has passed the same law as Ukraine, outlawing the Russian language to discriminate against the Russian population that lives there. Can you imagine if the US outlawed Spanish or Canada outlawed speaking French? This is a deliberate act to invoke a response from Russia as they did to the people in the Donbas.  NATO wants war, and they are determined to create World War III. Nobody is interested in peace whatsoever.

Lithuania is now considering imposing a “WAR TAX” on its people, as reported by the local press- BNS. Yet, BNS interviewed 16 economists, who agreed that increasing defense funding is necessary. However, they disagree on whether it needs a separate tax, with only five supporting that. This tax they seemed to foolishly tell the people they are seeking to boost their deterrence capabilities, insisting that it will not be possible to rely on borrowed funds alone.

News agency BNS asked sixteen economists and experts to evaluate the defense tax idea this year. Five would tend to support it; eight believe that a separate tax is not necessary. BNS also noted that the tax can be debated, but would the taxes collected be used transparently and according to the intended purpose? Another emphasized the priority is to have not only resources but also robust and efficient government institutions.

1 Kohl Dictator
Death of Euro

The design of the Euro was unsustainable in the long term. The ONLY way the Euro could have competed with the dollar was to consolidate the debts. However, Chancellor Kohl knew he would have lost 7:1 had he allowed the German people to vote on joining the Euro. So, he admitted he denied any democratic principle, took Germany into the Euro, denying the people a right to vote, so the compromise was that there would be no debt consolidation. I know since the commission came to our 1998 London Conference, and I warned then there would NEVER be a single interest rate in Europe for the member would be no different from the states in the USA – each pays a rate based upon their credit score.

Unfortunately, now, with debt crumbling beneath the surface, they need to escape responsibility for the coming sovereign debt crisis. The way to do that is W A R! They are pushing hard to get Sweden into NATIO.

This is the unspoken agenda. Sadly, these people in power do not care about the people. There are too many of us anyway, according to Bill Gates. They are deliberately seeking to use the Baltics to try to get Russia to take the bait to justify World War III. NATO is also expanding its authority to Asia, knowing that this will be a war between the West, Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran, just for starters.

Kaja Kallas

The small nation of Estonia is also desperately trying to sacrifice its people for NATO and the Neocons. Prime Minister Kallas is using Estonia’s strategic position to further this proxy war with Russia. She has outright stated that negotiating a peace deal with Putin is off the table. She is willing to sacrifice her own people for personal safety before she gets a free flight to the USA.

For us, it is important to not make that mistake again like we did in Crimea, Donbas, Georgia,” she said. “We have done the same mistake already three times, saying that, you know, negotiations, negotiated peace is the goal. … The only thing that Putin hears from this is that ‘I can do this because no punishment will follow.’”

She deliberately fails to mention the Minsk Agreement and how the West negotiated peace in bad faith because this has been the intention from the very start – to create World War III to end democracy and move to a totalitarian state proposed by Klaus Schwab and the end of the United States as all power is then usurped into the United Nations.

Zelensky Lives in Luxury – Top Aides Acquire $75 Million Yachts

Posted originally on Nov 29, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

As the people of Ukraine continue to suffer under his rule, Zelensky is living a lavish lifestyle. The former comedian is said to have properties around the world. So while he is begging the world to “do their part” and fund his war, he is using much of the funds for his own pleasure. Two of his associates, Boris and Serhiy Shefir, are taking the fall after it was discovered that people acting on behalf of Zelensky purchased two yachts worth $75 million.

The yachts named “Lucky Me” and “My Legacy” were purchased in Abu Dhabi and Antibes in October 2023. The names alone are an insult to the people. Zelensky has repeatedly fired top-level officials for misusing foreign aid while hiding his own wrongdoings. Zelensky is listed in the Panama Papers, and the fact-checkers try to divert people away from this fact. I estimated last October that he had $100 million stashed offshore, which was a conservative estimate as others were claiming the figure to be closer to $850 million.

Zelensky 850

Zelensky purchased a $5 million property in Egypt under his mother-in-law’s name, Olga Kiyashko. “A suspicion is creeping in that Ukrainian bureaucrats, with the help of their relatives, are stealing financial aid to Ukraine from the West,” the political scientist continued. He stressed that Ukrainian corruption is to blame and that egocentric officials who prioritize personal gain over care for their own people infest and control Kyiv’s political system,” Egyptian political scientist Abdulrahman Alabbassy commented. It is said Zelensky owns a $35 million home in Sunny Isles Beach, FL, but I have not been able to verify the claim.

Fried Zelensky Fink Yellen

His people are skilled in hiding money and assets. Before he was installed as president, Zelensky gifted the majority of his stake in numerous businesses to Serhiy Shefir who later became his top consultant and is now one of the two brothers taking the blame for purchasing the luxury yachts.

Zelensky’s victory in Ukraine will be looked upon as the Judas who sold his country for 30 pieces of silver. The corruption in Zelensky’s government is perhaps the greatest in the world. He is leading men and women to slaughter while half the population has fled. There is no strategic benefit to the Ukrainian people, and Zelensky’s promises of ending corruption and peace with Russia, for which the people voted, have been ignored. The volatility will rise sharply from 2024; a critical target will be 2026.


Privately Everyone Admits Ukraine is at a Stalemate Position – Publicly Western Govt Must Retain Face

Posted originally on the CTH on November 25, 2023 | Sundance

Speaking to our CTH audience following direct conversations in the EU, I can assure you that privately it is well known that the Russia-Ukraine conflict is at a designed stalemate. Russia has solidified the western frontlines in Ukraine in exactly the position originally intended. Additionally, the fortifications are of such strategic scale no one in the Western alliance would dare to propose any effort for direct confrontation.

This is the reality on the ground in Ukraine, and if you look carefully at western reporting, you will see indications of the unspoken truth.

Bild reported that inside the German govt, there are leaks about conversations between U.S and German officials. “While outwardly expressing full support for Ukraine, behind closed doors in Berlin and Washington plans are being hatched to force Ukraine into talks with Russia to freeze the war on its current front lines, German newspaper BILD said in a report published on Nov. 24.” {link}

The Biden administration, specifically the Dept of State and CIA are now managing the narrative. The Eastern EU bloc (NATO realists) well understand the dynamic, although you will see opaque indications from traditional western media. However, if you look carefully, you will note one of the indications of this dynamic can be found in the unwillingness of the U.S. to provide logistical support for advanced M1A2 tanks to engage the Russian lines {link}.

[…]  Since receiving its first batch of Abrams in September, Ukraine has likely mixed them with the US-made M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, Cancian told BI.

Bradleys arrived sooner and have made their presence felt on the battlefield already.  For now, because of winter conditions, sending small Bradley-and-Abrams groups would be “inefficient” and “hard to support” logistically, he said.

Sumlenny cited the July offensives by the 47th Mechanized Brigade in the Zaporizhzhia region, where he said Ukrainian troops suffered heavy losses of Bradley armored vehicles against Russian defenses.  At the time, 34 of the 100 Bradley tanks the US had provided had been destroyed, according to Oryx, an open-source military research group. {link}

The Russian military have long ago positioned their strategic assets to take out any advanced armored columns.  All of the primary routes for U.S. provided Ukrainian tank deployment have been field targeted by proactive artillery placement.  Any advancing U.S/Ukraine armor would be walking directly into previously sighted positions.  It is a literal stalemate with air combat as the only solution to break the hardened fortifications.  The Russian air defenses are also positioned against this approach.

You cannot gather a comprehensive understanding of this dynamic without traveling to the epicenter of the discussion; so, that’s what I did.  From those discussions, and from discussions with actual Russians who know the strategic intent of the front line (Russian) fortifications, you can easily see how the Western alliance is having to face the reality of a stalemate yet needing to save face given the nature of the prior expenditures.

Negotiations between Ukraine and Russia are not a matter of “if”, but “when”, and that means politics drives the decision making.

This is the reality of the situation.

The overwhelming majority of the Russian people stand in support of the efforts by Vladimir Putin.  They do not necessarily align with the man, but they do align with the intention of national defense against western/NATO encroachment.

Winning is not the western/NATO objective.  Saving face is the priority.

Everything else is World War Reddit!

Privately Everyone Admits Ukraine is at a Stalemate Position – Publicly Western Govt Must Retain Face

Posted originally on the CTH November 25, 2023 | Sundance

Speaking to our CTH audience following direct conversations in the EU, I can assure you that privately it is well known that the Russia-Ukraine conflict is at a designed stalemate. Russia has solidified the western frontlines in Ukraine in exactly the position originally intended. Additionally, the fortifications are of such strategic scale no one in the Western alliance would dare to propose any effort for direct confrontation.

This is the reality on the ground in Ukraine, and if you look carefully at western reporting, you will see indications of the unspoken truth.

Bild reported that inside the German govt, there are leaks about conversations between U.S and German officials. “While outwardly expressing full support for Ukraine, behind closed doors in Berlin and Washington plans are being hatched to force Ukraine into talks with Russia to freeze the war on its current front lines, German newspaper BILD said in a report published on Nov. 24.” {link}

The Biden administration, specifically the Dept of State and CIA are now managing the narrative. The Eastern EU bloc (NATO realists) well understand the dynamic, although you will see opaque indications from traditional western media. However, if you look carefully, you will note one of the indications of this dynamic can be found in the unwillingness of the U.S. to provide logistical support for advanced M1A2 tanks to engage the Russian lines {link}.

[…]  Since receiving its first batch of Abrams in September, Ukraine has likely mixed them with the US-made M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, Cancian told BI.

Bradleys arrived sooner and have made their presence felt on the battlefield already.  For now, because of winter conditions, sending small Bradley-and-Abrams groups would be “inefficient” and “hard to support” logistically, he said.

Sumlenny cited the July offensives by the 47th Mechanized Brigade in the Zaporizhzhia region, where he said Ukrainian troops suffered heavy losses of Bradley armored vehicles against Russian defenses.  At the time, 34 of the 100 Bradley tanks the US had provided had been destroyed, according to Oryx, an open-source military research group. {link}

The Russian military have long ago positioned their strategic assets to take out any advanced armored columns.  All of the primary routes for U.S. provided Ukrainian tank deployment have been field targeted by proactive artillery placement.  Any advancing U.S/Ukraine armor would be walking directly into previously sighted positions.  It is a literal stalemate with air combat as the only solution to break the hardened fortifications.  The Russian air defenses are also positioned against this approach.

You cannot gather a comprehensive understanding of this dynamic without traveling to the epicenter of the discussion; so, that’s what I did.  From those discussions, and from discussions with actual Russians who know the strategic intent of the front line (Russian) fortifications, you can easily see how the Western alliance is having to face the reality of a stalemate yet needing to save face given the nature of the prior expenditures.

Negotiations between Ukraine and Russia are not a matter of “if”, but “when”, and that means politics drives the decision making.

This is the reality of the situation.

The overwhelming majority of the Russian people stand in support of the efforts by Vladimir Putin.  They do not necessarily align with the man, but they do align with the intention of national defense against western/NATO encroachment.

Winning is not the western/NATO objective.  Saving face is the priority.

Everything else is World War Reddit!

Ukraine sending WOMEN to front lines in DESPERATE move as NATO now pushing peace! 

Posted originally on Rumble By Redacted News on:Nov 21, 4:00 pm EST

Saving the Best for Last Re-Posted Nov 9, 2023 By Martin Armstrong  


QUESTION: You said Ukraine never shot down 6 of Russia’s unstoppable hypersonic weapons. Do you think that was all propaganda?



ANSWER: Absolutely. Neither the US nor Russia will commit their most critical weapons to Ukraine. Why? Because it reveals your best car and allows the opposition to gather intelligence to defeat them. Look at the HIMARS rockets that were going to change the game. Russia jammed its guidance systems that rely on GPS. The US would NEVER have given Ukraine our top shelf. That would be like playing poker and showing your hand before the betting begins.

You save the Best for Last

Zelensky is the War Criminal Re-Posted Nov 8, 2023 By Martin Armstrong