The Neocons & Endless Wars & Endless Corruption

Armstrong Economics Blog/Corruption Re-Posted Jun 27, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

I reported that the Pentagon admits that “due to accounting errors,” they LOST $6.2 BILLION! This is nothing new. The Pentagon has NEVER passed even one audit. Money simply vanishes and is often used by the Neocons to undermine geopolitics to further their own agenda. Then there is the sheer price gouging that is mindblowing. There is ZERO accountability EVER when it comes to war.

I have heard the conspiracy theories that this $6.2 billion funded the Russian coup. That is not true. There is a lot more behind the scenes regarding the coup and the Western press is too biased to really report the truth. They would rather portray this is the end of Putin than dig even a quarter-inch beath the surface.

I have not just reconstructed the world monetary system but also included every form of government I have been able to document. Just as I reported that the Peloponnesian War was Sparta v Athens, which was ancient Communism v Capitalism. Sparta never issued any coinage, and they rejected private property. They were the first commune that inspired Marx, the French, and many others. It was Sparta that won against Democracy, which gave people like Schwab hope.

The office of the Inspector General in our governmental system is only a symbolic gesture to the old Roman Plebeian Tribune, Tribunus plebis, the tribune of the people. The Tribune had the power to bring criminal charges against any government official. It was created because the elite’s corruption was unprecedented during the Roman Republic. Thereafter during the Imperial Era, the Emperor would claim to have the Tribucan power to defend the people against the corrupt Senate. We are desperately in need of that power being restored today. I do not support “Republics” or career politicians that can be bought and paid for. There was $2.3 trillion missing, and that was in 2001. Magically, one of the three planes during 911 just so happened to strike the Penago but only the room where all the records were stored. Obviously, the terrorists were trying to prevent the audit of the Pentagon that Rumsfeld swore would take place the day before 911.

The Plebeian Tribune defended the people against the corruption of the government. This was the prelude to Caesar crossing the Rubicon when it became clear the whole system was just too corrupt. The Plebeian Tribune was perhaps the first attempt to stop corruption. This was not a military function but rather a powerful political office. The Tribune had the power to defend the people. This function was called ius auxilii. The body of the plebeian (people) was sacrosanct – the people were Rome, not the politicians. In Latin, the term for this power is sacrosancta potestas. The Plebeian Tribune had the power to veto anything that the Senate tried to enact.

The number of Plebeian Tribunes varied, but in the beginning, there were two appointed to this position when this office was created in 494 BC. This coincided with the First Secession of the Plebeians getting their own assembly. When the plebeians seceded in 494 BC, demanding representation (similar to our not taxation without representation), the patricians granted them the right to have Plebeian Tribunes with greater power than the patrician tribal heads. These Plebeian Tribunes became very powerful figures in Rome’s Republican government. They had the right to veto but even much more. Thus, our Congress is voted by the people, and the Senate was originally established whereby the states appointed Senators. It took a Constitutional Amendment in 1912 to allow the Senate to be subject to election. We can see the original form of the US government was to mirror that of the Roman Republic. The office of the Inspector General became the substitute for the Plebeian Tribunes.

As I have said, hand ANY power to those in government, and they will expand that power endlessly. Once the plebs created a governing body, they too followed that same path of endless expansion. The number of Plebeian Tribunes grew rapidly to five from two. By 457 B.C., there were now ten Plebeian Tribunes. Soon after creating the Plebeian Tribunes, the plebeians were then allowed two Plebeian Aediles. The election of the Plebeian Tribune, from 471 BC, after the passage of the lex Publilia Voleronis, is when we then find that they expanded their bureaucracy and then a council of plebeians presided over by a Plebeian Tribune.

The power of the Tribune grew. That is when a patrician, Publius Clodius Pulcher (93–52 BC), who had a distinguished noble family, actually had himself adopted by a plebeian branch of their family so he could run for the office of a plebeian tribune under the plebeian name of Clodius. He was a populist Roman politician who saw the growing corruption in the Senate led by Cato the Younger and Cicero. He became a political contender during the First Triumvirate of Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus. He went as far as to stage an adoption by a Pleb to defend them.

As a Plebeian Tribune, Clodius pushed through an ambitious legislative program, including free grain for the poor. This would become a corrupt welfare program in itself for when Caesar came to power, he ordered a census and found extensive corruption to get free grain with multiple fictional people claiming residence in the same small flat. Nevertheless, Clodius is primarily remembered for his feuds with corrupt political opponents, particularly Cicero, whose writings offer antagonistic, detailed accounts and allegations concerning Clodius’ political activities and scandalous lifestyle. Cicero targeted Clodius, who was then tried for the capital offense of sacrilege, following his intrusion on the women-only rites of the goddess Bona Dea. They claimed Clodius intended to rape Caesar’s wife, Pompeia. Clodius’ feud with the fake news author and corrupt Cicero led to Cicero’s temporary exile. Clodius’ feud with Titus Annius Milo (died 48 BC) ended in his own death at the hands of Milo’s bodyguards. In 52 BC, Milo was then prosecuted for the murder of  Clodius and exiled from Rome. His friend, Marcus Tullius Cicero, unsuccessfully defended him in the speech Pro Milone.

Without a Plebeian Tribune with the power to bring criminal charges against anyone on capitol hill, including senators, congressmen, bureaucrats, and even the Attorney General, the corruption in Washington will consume the entire nation like cancer.

Lindsey Graham can promote World War III because of his hatred of every Russian, but the hard facts suggest that the US cannot produce as many munitions as Russia. This corruption is consuming everything! The United States spends over $800 billion annually on defense with ZERO accountability! Shai Assad, former Defense Department contract negotiator Assad said the Pentagon overpays for absolutely everything! What NASA pays under $400 for, the Pentagon pays $10,000. The West is running out of ammunition. Perhaps Lindsey and his Neocon buddies should stop skimming off these contracts and diverting money to overthrow other leaders or to keep the ones they like in power with endless bribes.

For the people, war is only death and destruction. For the Neocon politicians – it’s an endless gravy train for all their clandestine operations.

Russian Coup & Civil War

Armstrong Economics Blog/Russia Posted Jun 24, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

COMMENT: Marty, Socrates has simply outdone itself. You warned that Putin could face a coup by May/June 2023. That was a year ago. Nobody can beat Socrates, as you said at the WEC, not even you. Your gift to humanity is why they hate you so much.

Take care, my friend. We really do need you now.


REPLY: Yes, I know. This gives me no joy to pound my chest. We live not just in interesting times, but treacherous times as well. Everywhere I look, I see the same patterns of Rome reemerging over and over again. There will come a time that even the US Military will split and some will realize that the enemy is really within.

Putin’s speech is historic for he mentions “treason” and “mutiny” twice, but notice that he now explains that Russia is “fighting hard for its future”, implying that indeed it is at war with the United States and NATO that wants to see every Russian annihilated from the face of the Earth. I suppose it is no longer WOKE to go after people of race or gender confusion, so they have turned their sheer hatred against the Russian people which is still the same rooted hatred in bigotry.

Putin has also labeled the immediate events as an “internal mutiny” and a “stab in the back”, mentioning “Wagner” and said he is “doing anything I can to repel this attack.” This is the coup where Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of Wagner, is leading this coup just as Roman generals did during the 3rd century. Prigozhin has said that Putin made the ‘wrong choice’ and soon Russia will have a ‘new president’ which is clearly a coup.

I have confirmed reports from multiple sources that Wagner’s forces and perhaps others who have defected are heading to Moscow. Additional reports are coming in that the Russian airforce is now attacking Wagner’s forces. Members of Wagner are now saying that the trigger for a CIVIL WAR was pulled by Putin. There does appear to be a major coup attempt that is emerging into civil war.

If we use the ECM from the day the Soviet Union flag was replaced with the Russian flag on December 25th, 1991, we reach the critical Pi Target on May 26th, 2023. Historically, that is where the worse part of the chaos begins to unfold going into the peak which in this case will be 2039. All the propaganda and demonizing of Putin to justify war is coming back in the face of those spouting this nonsense. This is a civil war unfolding as I have been warning. Their view is not that Putin is this demon, but he has been too “soft” and the military views that this war would have been over in 6 weeks had Russia attacked Ukraine as the US did to Iraq instead of just defending the Donbas. Replace Putin and we get World War III.

Lindsey Graham does not support the Constitution of the United States. When it came to the alleged terrorists, he wanted to deny them a lawyer. If an American was taken prisoner by a foreign enemy and denied human rights, he would be the first to champion an invasion. I lost all respect for Graham when he refused to comply with international law.

Here is Graham cheering that it’s the best money the US has ever spent to kill Russians. If it were Americans in the Donbas, the US would also be there to defend them in a civil war had it been instigated by Russia. This is a sick individual who takes pleasure in killing Russians. This is how Americans are being viewed because we elect such people. From overseas, the opinions of Americans are becoming one of the sheer warmongers who will sacrifice all of Europe to kill Russians. Macron of France is urging Europe to distance itself from the United States thanks to people like Graham.

From the outset, Graham has done nothing but preach war on Capital Hill. The Ukrainians do not live in the Donbas. They are NOT fighting for their freedom – that is all such BS. They are seeking to kill Russians and outlaw their religion and language. This is a territorial action – not for freedom, democracy, or justice.

Now we have Graham desperate to start World War III. He simply hates the Russian people. They are no longer Communists trying to spread Marxism. Putin never made on step to try to reconquer Eastern Europe. The Russian people do not want such a war. Nevertheless, all we have heard from Graham is more and more war.

Graham is perfectly willing to sacrifice every Ukrainian as long as they take a Russian with them. Over 8 million have fled to other countries. 3 million have fled back to Russia.

Graham and McCain met with the Ukrainian Nazis and cheered them on to go kill Russians. The problem Graham has is that statistically, even up to 10x the number of civilians are killed compared to soldiers.

Neocons have been around for centuries. They may lament when it is time to die, but that will mean nothing. They obviously do not believe in God or any last judgment or they would not do what they do.

To our Russian Readers

Graham does NOT represent the average American any more than his painting Russians are all Evil is true about the Russian people. Putin is correct. You are indeed fighting for the very survival of Russia as a sovereign state. Many sought to conquer Russia from Hitler and Napoleon while Stalin rejected Lenin’s idea and demanded authoritarian rule. Many have sought to invade Russia all for the wealth of your nation. Graham will probably be remembered for his hatred when the history books are written on this period into 2032. WHY SOME JUST ALWAYS WANT WAR IS ONE OF THE DARK SPECTS I SUPPOSE OF HUMANITY REGARDLESS OF THEIR NATIONALITY.

Neocons Pushing for Nuclear War NOW!

Armstrong Economic Blog/Neocons Re-Posted Jun 23, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

The most notorious Washington Neocon, Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC), and his equal Neocon on the Democratic side, Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), have introduced a Resolution in the Senate in hopes of justifying World War III stating that if Russia, or one of its Proxy Belarus just as Ukraine is our Proxy, detonates a Tactical nuclear bomb inside Ukraine, or if something happens to the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant causing radiation leakage, then they want to use nuclear weapons and are saying they will completely annihilate Russia. They are calling that “an attack upon NATO” claiming that radiation would spread to Europe,  triggering a full-blown nuclear war.

So, if Russia uses a small tactical nuclear weapon, then NATO and the USA are justified in obliterating Russia where the nuclear fallout would wipe out much of Europe and spread to China. So using their logic, China would then be justified in nuking the United States.

The whole problem here is to listen to their threats. They make it sound that the West can obliterate Russia and they are somehow powerless to retaliate taking out Washington, London, Brussels, Frankfurt, Paris, Rome, and of course, the cancer destroying the world – Kyiv.

The Donbas was supposed to have a free election. It has been occupied by Russians for hundreds of years. If China invaded Guam or the Philippines, the US would likewise claim they have an obligation to protect Americans living there.

Graham is just a vile man who is consumed with hate and his mission in life is to destroy Russia at any cost even if he destroys the future of Western Civilization.

Our government NO LONGER represents the people. It represents only the Neocon agenda. Our entire future and our way of life are to be destroyed all because they hate Russians and want to kill every last one of them. It is Ukraine invading the Donbas occupied by Russians for centuries – not the other way around.

Meanwhile, that nuclear plant they claim if it leaks any radiation Graham wants to use that as the excuse to start World War III. Russia captured that early during the war. Obviously, they should now turn it off, and export the uranium back to Russia since that is now an excuse to start World War III. South Carolina, if you do not demand to impeach Lindsey Graham, you are going to be responsible for the destruction of Western Civilization.

Pentagon: $6.2 BILLION in Ukraine Aid Missing Due to Accounting Error

Armstrong Economics Blog/Corruption Re-Posted Jun 22, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

The nation was distracted by the 24/7 news coverage about the submarine that went missing while cruising around to see the Titanic. It seems that there is always a big news story put forth on days when undesirable information is released. We know the entire conflict in Ukraine was planned many years ago (see: “The Plot to Seize Russia”). We know that Biden is in bed with Ukraine – bought and paid for. Now, the Pentagon is admitting that “due to accounting errors” they LOST $6.2 BILLION!

Did the money go to contractors? Politicians? Ukraine? The government refuses to say. Deputy Pentagon press secretary Sabrina Singh explained that they originally thought $3 billion went missing, but the figure they are admitting to the public is closer to $6.2 billion. “We have confirmed that for FY23, the final calculation is $3.6 billion, and for FY22 it is $2.6 billion, for a combined total of $6.2 billion,” Singh said. “These valuation errors in no way limit or restricted the size of any of our PDAs or impacted the provision of support to Ukraine,” she added, as if taxpayers think that we aren’t doing enough for a foreign nation when America is a desperate state.

Everyone should be outraged. That is a HUGE sum of money that this indebted nation cannot afford to misplace. This entire situation reeks of corruption. If this happened under Trump, there would be a never-ending investigation from every angle. If you or I paid a penny less on our taxes, they would hunt us down with the full force of the law. That money was taken from hardworking Americans who pay their taxes. No taxation without representation is a faraway dream. WE DESERVE ANSWERS.

War & Justice Premiere this Weekend in Munich

Armstrong Economics Blog/Corruption Re-Posted Jun 21, 2023 by Martin Armstron

Premier in Munich this Weekend

I was trying to free up my schedule to fly to Munich for the Premier this weekend. This is an important film. It is about the corruption at the International Criminal Court (ICC). As I have said, I even met with people there who wanted to use my case against the Clinton Administration, but because the US is not a member, they had no jurisdiction. Well, neither is Russia nor China a member but the Neocons have managed to get the ICC to indict Putin all to create World War III. This is a very important film that I highly recommend.

When Will the World Wake Up?

Armstrong Economics Blog/Ukraine Re-Posted Jun 21, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It makes no sense for Poland to support Ukraine when they refused to ever apologize for their slaughter of 100,000 of us in their ethnic cleansing under Bandara. The rumor is that Poland had hoped that Russia would defeat Ukraine and take the Donbas and that Poland would retake the Western part of Ukraine. Have you heard anything about that?

Thank you for your truth in the middle of a war.


ANSWER: There has also been an underlying resentment in Poland against the Nazi-Ukrinians who have never apologized and have never changed. They simply still cling to their idea of ethnic cleansing and the only people acceptable in their new country are Ukrainian by pure blood. Bandera remains a national hero and he is of the same vile character as Joseph Stalin – enjoyed washing his hands in the blood of others.

Bandera’s philosophy was pure hatred. In 2014, they were out in force showing Bandara’s photo and preaching hatred of Russians. Still, to this day, even Hungarians and looked down on in Ukraine. The hatred of Bandara is deeply embedded and it is against everyone who is not Ukrainian – Russian, Polish, Hungarian, Greek. In Macedonia, the people support generally Russia and view Ukrainians as always troubling seeking war.

As one Ukrainian wrote to me:

“Despite my upbringing for some reason I never held this hatred for Russians or any other people but the Ukrainian diaspora around me has generally taken the bait.

If I hate anything it’s more the ideology that seeks to limit and enslave us with lies.  An endless battle!”

What the Ukrainians overlook is that Stalin’s seizure of the food from Ukraine and their starvation have two MAJOR factors they do not want to acknowledge. (1) Stalin was not Russian, he was from Georgia. (2) Stalin’s right-hand man was Ukrainian – Kagan who was in charge of taking the food from Ukraine. Some say he was Jewish and sought retribution against the anti-Jewish attitude in Ukraine.

Others say that he is an ancestor of Victoria Nuland’s husband Robert Kagan. I cannot verify that he is a blood relative of Lazar. His family dropped “ovich” at the end of the name. The sister-in-law of Nuland is the one that started the Institute for the Study of War, which strangely never seems to advocate peace. Even the NY Times commented on this family and their connections. Ron Paul commented that their family business is always a war against Russia. So when a family member dies in battle in their endless wars, remember who has been cheering this death and destruction. Even Europe is taking note of how this family pushing for war. And now, Nuland is #2 at the State Department in the Biden Administration. This is a coup!

Warsaw is indeed considering submitting restitution demands to Kiev for the 1943 Volhynia massacres, which saw over 50,000 to 100,000 Poles killed by the Nazi-allied Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists led by Stepan Bandera. Germany has apologized as well as Japan for their atrocities during World War II – not the Ukrainians.

This is the problem, they were parading around with banners and still supporting Bandara and his ethnic cleansing. So how could they possibly apologize when they still follow Bandara’s philosophy of only pure-blood Ukrainians allowed?

As I said, Kiev currently considers the Nazi collaborator Bandara a national hero.  If Germany still considered Hitler a national hero and built a monument to him, or Italy did that with Benito Mussolini, would that not cause many people to question Germany or Italy?

Victoria Nuland, the #2 in the US State Department, was not only there in Kiev in 2014 egging on the revolution and starting the civil war against Russia, her family is Ukrainian. Her hatred of Russians is legendary and she has infiltrated the United States with the very same philosophies.

Ukraine sought to separate from Russia and that was fine. But when the Russians in the Donbas wanted to separate from the Ukrainians, suddenly they were terrorists and Kiev launched a civil war against them. It was NOT the other way around with the support of the American Neocons.

When will the world wake up? We are being manipulated and this time we are on the side of the Nazis that our fathers fought against.

Ukraine Donation Scam

Armstrong Economics Blog/War Re-Posted Jun 20, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

SCAM Message: I am a volunteer in Kherson region in Ukraine and I must admit that the situation has become extremely dire. The Russian forces are intensifying their attacks almost on an hourly basis, which has resulted in a cut off of all essential supplies and clothing. With extreme cold and lack of food supplies, it has become extremely difficult for innocent Ukrainian civilians to survive, most of whom are homeless. Internet and all communications are heavily censored and down most of the time.
We have been promised foreign aid by countless charities and organisations but in reality, hardly anything arrives. I suspect that all deliveries are being intercepted by Russian troops.
As a last resort, I am appealing to help Ukrainian civilians in the region with all essential supplies.
We would ideally need medical supplies, food (non-perishable or longer lasting), warm clothing and anything else you may be able to provide.
If you are able to deliver help, please could you send it to the below address which we are using as shelter for the time being.

Alternatively, we are also accepting cryptocurrency donations as conventional banking instruments are simply not available to us. If you do not have cryptocurrency, you can easily purchase and send it from Coinbase, Coinpayments, Coin Mama or alternative providers.

No donation is too small and will be most appreciated.
I would like to send you some pictures and video footage of the atrocities in the region but unfortunately, the internet is too slow and very intermittent.
I would be most appreciative if you could share this message on social media and your friends to raise awareness about the situation and lobby your local government to provide more support to Ukrainian army.
Thank you for you help.

REPLY: Scammers have contacted me numerous times requesting money for Ukrainian civilians. I removed the mailing address and crypto wallet numbers from the message above. Please do not fall for these scams! A genuine charity is well-vetted, reputable, and keeps a paper trail. They would not contact you from a private email address or ask for crypto. People often fall victim to these pleas for help, they target people who mean well. But the money is not going to charity and they will try to extort you for more money.

Zelensky has basically sent out a giant scam message to the world to plea for help. No one knows where the funds are going besides the vague messages he provides. We know politicians like Biden have private interests in Ukraine but everyone turns a blind eye to the blatant fraud. No one knows how much money has been sent to Ukraine or will be sent to Ukraine. Most Ukrainians have fled, besides those Zelensky has prevented from leaving. Even civilians do not trust Zelensky. “I suspect that all deliveries are being intercepted by Russian troops,” the above message stated, as the corruption in Ukraine is so widespread that there is no trust. Do not fall victim to these scams. There are real non-profit charities that actually help people in need. Look into any charity in great detail to see exactly where the money will be spent.

Putin’s Comments on Nuclear Weapons

Armstrong Economics Blog/Russia Re-Posted Jun 19, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

I have listened to so many Western commentators who all downplay Putin at every stage in this insane game.  Putin is well aware that this is NOT a war between Russia and Ukraine, this is a war between the USA and NATO using Ukraine and Europe as its cannon fodder. The United States has been seized by a Neocon Coup. Blinken is a horrible guy and his #1 is Victoria Nuland whose family is not just biased against Russia, they have Ukrainian roots and are carrying out a conflict of interests.

The Western Press is just horrible. Either they are absolutely STUPID, or they are deliberately always claiming Russia is losing and they are weak and we can therefore smack them down like an annoying fly. The problem with this scenario is that would be precisely the scenario when Russia would use the big nukes – not the small tactical nuclear weapons. If their country is to be terminated, then why not push all the buttons?

NOWHERE in the Western Press will they ever report on the truth about anything. The press is leading us into World War III and there does not seem to be anyone in mainstream media willing to honestly report on the Neocons. All we hear is PUTIN – PUTIN – PUTIN. Funny, they did the same with SADDAM – SADDAM – SADDAM, ASSAD – ASSAD – ASSAD, and of course, they did the same domestically – TRUMP – TRUMP – TRUMP.

They refuse to report that this war would be over in 24 hours if Ukraine honored the Minsk Agreement and simply let the Donbas have a democratic vote since they are ethnic Russians that the Ukrainians hate anyway. Zelensky loves to pretend he is fighting for their freedom and for democracy. That is an outright lie. Russia has not sought to conquer all of Ukraine. Merkel admitted that the West deliberately negotiated the Minsk Agreement only to buy time for Ukraine to build this army to wage war against Russia. Why should Russia or China now negotiate with the United States knowing they do not honor their agreements? The West wanted this war. They need it to justify defaulting on all sovereign debt and resort to digital currency with Bretton Woods II. Even CNN reported that the West started the Ukrainian Civil War before they were told to bury that news.

The Ukrainian people wanted peace and that is why they voted for a comedian because he was not a politician and he promised peace – not war. Then on February 23rd, 2022 to make sure Putin would invade, he publicly announced that Ukraine would pursue nuclear weapons. Putin’s Speech to the Russian people on February 24, 2022 points out the endless expansion of NATO and how the West abandoned the Minsk Agreement which was the “path of a peaceful conflict settlement.” He also mentions the quest to arm itself with nuclear weapons and says Russia will not let that happen.

The Western Press is so biased, they refuse to seek peace and in the process, all they are doing is cheering on World War III. Now when Putin is sending tactical nukes to Belarus which also gave up its nukes when it became independent like Ukraine, is in direct response to this thirst for war that NATO is pushing for. Putin now understands that the objective is the total destruction of Russia. They ignore these threats as if they are not nonsense, but he is speaking to the Neocons and NATO. His problem is, they did not want peace and they think they can capture Russia and there will never be a nuclear war. Nobody even entertains the question: What if we are wrong?

Transcript Putin Televised Speech February 24, 2022

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Citizens of Russia, friends,

I consider it necessary today to speak again about the tragic events in Donbass and the key aspects of ensuring the security of Russia.

I will begin with what I said in my address on February 21, 2022. I spoke about our biggest concerns and worries, and about the fundamental threats which irresponsible Western politicians created for Russia consistently, rudely and unceremoniously from year to year. I am referring to the eastward expansion of NATO, which is moving its military infrastructure ever closer to the Russian border.

It is a fact that over the past 30 years we have been patiently trying to come to an agreement with the leading NATO countries regarding the principles of equal and indivisible security in Europe. In response to our proposals, we invariably faced either cynical deception and lies or attempts at pressure and blackmail, while the North Atlantic alliance continued to expand despite our protests and concerns. Its military machine is moving and, as I said, is approaching our very border.

Why is this happening? Where did this insolent manner of talking down from the height of their exceptionalism, infallibility and all-permissiveness come from? What is the explanation for this contemptuous and disdainful attitude to our interests and absolutely legitimate demands?

The answer is simple. Everything is clear and obvious. In the late 1980s, the Soviet Union grew weaker and subsequently broke apart. That experience should serve as a good lesson for us, because it has shown us that the paralysis of power and will is the first step towards complete degradation and oblivion. We lost confidence for only one moment, but it was enough to disrupt the balance of forces in the world.

As a result, the old treaties and agreements are no longer effective. Entreaties and requests do not help. Anything that does not suit the dominant state, the powers that be, is denounced as archaic, obsolete and useless. At the same time, everything it regards as useful is presented as the ultimate truth and forced on others regardless of the cost, abusively and by any means available. Those who refuse to comply are subjected to strong-arm tactics.

What I am saying now does not concerns only Russia, and Russia is not the only country that is worried about this. This has to do with the entire system of international relations, and sometimes even US allies. The collapse of the Soviet Union led to a redivision of the world, and the norms of international law that developed by that time – and the most important of them, the fundamental norms that were adopted following WWII and largely formalised its outcome – came in the way of those who declared themselves the winners of the Cold War.

Of course, practice, international relations and the rules regulating them had to take into account the changes that took place in the world and in the balance of forces. However, this should have been done professionally, smoothly, patiently, and with due regard and respect for the interests of all states and one’s own responsibility. Instead, we saw a state of euphoria created by the feeling of absolute superiority, a kind of modern absolutism, coupled with the low cultural standards and arrogance of those who formulated and pushed through decisions that suited only themselves. The situation took a different turn.

There are many examples of this. First a bloody military operation was waged against Belgrade, without the UN Security Council’s sanction but with combat aircraft and missiles used in the heart of Europe. The bombing of peaceful cities and vital infrastructure went on for several weeks. I have to recall these facts, because some Western colleagues prefer to forget them, and when we mentioned the event, they prefer to avoid speaking about international law, instead emphasising the circumstances which they interpret as they think necessary.

Then came the turn of Iraq, Libya and Syria. The illegal use of military power against Libya and the distortion of all the UN Security Council decisions on Libya ruined the state, created a huge seat of international terrorism, and pushed the country towards a humanitarian catastrophe, into the vortex of a civil war, which has continued there for years. The tragedy, which was created for hundreds of thousands and even millions of people not only in Libya but in the whole region, has led to a large-scale exodus from the Middle East and North Africa to Europe.

A similar fate was also prepared for Syria. The combat operations conducted by the Western coalition in that country without the Syrian government’s approval or UN Security Council’s sanction can only be defined as aggression and intervention.

But the example that stands apart from the above events is, of course, the invasion of Iraq without any legal grounds. They used the pretext of allegedly reliable information available in the United States about the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. To prove that allegation, the US Secretary of State held up a vial with white power, publicly, for the whole world to see, assuring the international community that it was a chemical warfare agent created in Iraq. It later turned out that all of that was a fake and a sham, and that Iraq did not have any chemical weapons. Incredible and shocking but true. We witnessed lies made at the highest state level and voiced from the high UN rostrum. As a result we see a tremendous loss in human life, damage, destruction, and a colossal upsurge of terrorism.

Overall, it appears that nearly everywhere, in many regions of the world where the United States brought its law and order, this created bloody, non-healing wounds and the curse of international terrorism and extremism. I have only mentioned the most glaring but far from only examples of disregard for international law.

This array includes promises not to expand NATO eastwards even by an inch. To reiterate: they have deceived us, or, to put it simply, they have played us. Sure, one often hears that politics is a dirty business. It could be, but it shouldn’t be as dirty as it is now, not to such an extent. This type of con-artist behaviour is contrary not only to the principles of international relations but also and above all to the generally accepted norms of morality and ethics. Where is justice and truth here? Just lies and hypocrisy all around.

Incidentally, US politicians, political scientists and journalists write and say that a veritable “empire of lies” has been created inside the United States in recent years. It is hard to disagree with this – it is really so. But one should not be modest about it: the United States is still a great country and a system-forming power. All its satellites not only humbly and obediently say yes to and parrot it at the slightest pretext but also imitate its behaviour and enthusiastically accept the rules it is offering them. Therefore, one can say with good reason and confidence that the whole so-called Western bloc formed by the United States in its own image and likeness is, in its entirety, the very same “empire of lies.”

As for our country, after the disintegration of the USSR, given the entire unprecedented openness of the new, modern Russia, its readiness to work honestly with the United States and other Western partners, and its practically unilateral disarmament, they immediately tried to put the final squeeze on us, finish us off, and utterly destroy us. This is how it was in the 1990s and the early 2000s, when the so-called collective West was actively supporting separatism and gangs of mercenaries in southern Russia. What victims, what losses we had to sustain and what trials we had to go through at that time before we broke the back of international terrorism in the Caucasus! We remember this and will never forget.

Properly speaking, the attempts to use us in their own interests never ceased until quite recently: they sought to destroy our traditional values and force on us their false values that would erode us, our people from within, the attitudes they have been aggressively imposing on their countries, attitudes that are directly leading to degradation and degeneration, because they are contrary to human nature. This is not going to happen. No one has ever succeeded in doing this, nor will they succeed now.

Despite all that, in December 2021, we made yet another attempt to reach agreement with the United States and its allies on the principles of European security and NATO’s non-expansion. Our efforts were in vain. The United States has not changed its position. It does not believe it necessary to agree with Russia on a matter that is critical for us. The United States is pursuing its own objectives, while neglecting our interests.

Of course, this situation begs a question: what next, what are we to expect? If history is any guide, we know that in 1940 and early 1941 the Soviet Union went to great lengths to prevent war or at least delay its outbreak. To this end, the USSR sought not to provoke the potential aggressor until the very end by refraining or postponing the most urgent and obvious preparations it had to make to defend itself from an imminent attack. When it finally acted, it was too late.

As a result, the country was not prepared to counter the invasion by Nazi Germany, which attacked our Motherland on June 22, 1941, without declaring war. The country stopped the enemy and went on to defeat it, but this came at a tremendous cost. The attempt to appease the aggressor ahead of the Great Patriotic War proved to be a mistake which came at a high cost for our people. In the first months after the hostilities broke out, we lost vast territories of strategic importance, as well as millions of lives. We will not make this mistake the second time. We have no right to do so.

Those who aspire to global dominance have publicly designated Russia as their enemy. They did so with impunity. Make no mistake, they had no reason to act this way. It is true that they have considerable financial, scientific, technological, and military capabilities. We are aware of this and have an objective view of the economic threats we have been hearing, just as our ability to counter this brash and never-ending blackmail. Let me reiterate that we have no illusions in this regard and are extremely realistic in our assessments.

As for military affairs, even after the dissolution of the USSR and losing a considerable part of its capabilities, today’s Russia remains one of the most powerful nuclear states. Moreover, it has a certain advantage in several cutting-edge weapons. In this context, there should be no doubt for anyone that any potential aggressor will face defeat and ominous consequences should it directly attack our country.

At the same time, technology, including in the defence sector, is changing rapidly. One day there is one leader, and tomorrow another, but a military presence in territories bordering on Russia, if we permit it to go ahead, will stay for decades to come or maybe forever, creating an ever mounting and totally unacceptable threat for Russia.

Even now, with NATO’s eastward expansion the situation for Russia has been becoming worse and more dangerous by the year. Moreover, these past days NATO leadership has been blunt in its statements that they need to accelerate and step up efforts to bring the alliance’s infrastructure closer to Russia’s borders. In other words, they have been toughening their position. We cannot stay idle and passively observe these developments. This would be an absolutely irresponsible thing to do for us.

Any further expansion of the North Atlantic alliance’s infrastructure or the ongoing efforts to gain a military foothold of the Ukrainian territory are unacceptable for us. Of course, the question is not about NATO itself. It merely serves as a tool of US foreign policy. The problem is that in territories adjacent to Russia, which I have to note is our historical land, a hostile “anti-Russia” is taking shape. Fully controlled from the outside, it is doing everything to attract NATO armed forces and obtain cutting-edge weapons.

For the United States and its allies, it is a policy of containing Russia, with obvious geopolitical dividends. For our country, it is a matter of life and death, a matter of our historical future as a nation. This is not an exaggeration; this is a fact. It is not only a very real threat to our interests but to the very existence of our state and to its sovereignty. It is the red line which we have spoken about on numerous occasions. They have crossed it.

This brings me to the situation in Donbass. We can see that the forces that staged the coup in Ukraine in 2014 have seized power, are keeping it with the help of ornamental election procedures and have abandoned the path of a peaceful conflict settlement. For eight years, for eight endless years we have been doing everything possible to settle the situation by peaceful political means. Everything was in vain.

As I said in my previous address, you cannot look without compassion at what is happening there. It became impossible to tolerate it. We had to stop that atrocity, that genocide of the millions of people who live there and who pinned their hopes on Russia, on all of us. It is their aspirations, the feelings and pain of these people that were the main motivating force behind our decision to recognise the independence of the Donbass people’s republics.

I would like to additionally emphasise the following. Focused on their own goals, the leading NATO countries are supporting the far-right nationalists and neo-Nazis in Ukraine, those who will never forgive the people of Crimea and Sevastopol for freely making a choice to reunite with Russia.

They will undoubtedly try to bring war to Crimea just as they have done in Donbass, to kill innocent people just as members of the punitive units of Ukrainian nationalists and Hitler’s accomplices did during the Great Patriotic War. They have also openly laid claim to several other Russian regions.

If we look at the sequence of events and the incoming reports, the showdown between Russia and these forces cannot be avoided. It is only a matter of time. They are getting ready and waiting for the right moment. Moreover, they went as far as aspire to acquire nuclear weapons. We will not let this happen.

I have already said that Russia accepted the new geopolitical reality after the dissolution of the USSR. We have been treating all new post-Soviet states with respect and will continue to act this way. We respect and will respect their sovereignty, as proven by the assistance we provided to Kazakhstan when it faced tragic events and a challenge in terms of its statehood and integrity. However, Russia cannot feel safe, develop, and exist while facing a permanent threat from the territory of today’s Ukraine.

Let me remind you that in 2000–2005 we used our military to push back against terrorists in the Caucasus and stood up for the integrity of our state. We preserved Russia. In 2014, we supported the people of Crimea and Sevastopol. In 2015, we used our Armed Forces to create a reliable shield that prevented terrorists from Syria from penetrating Russia. This was a matter of defending ourselves. We had no other choice.

The same is happening today. They did not leave us any other option for defending Russia and our people, other than the one we are forced to use today. In these circumstances, we have to take bold and immediate action. The people’s republics of Donbass have asked Russia for help.

In this context, in accordance with Article 51 (Chapter VII) of the UN Charter, with permission of Russia’s Federation Council, and in execution of the treaties of friendship and mutual assistance with the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic, ratified by the Federal Assembly on February 22, I made a decision to carry out a special military operation.

The purpose of this operation is to protect people who, for eight years now, have been facing humiliation and genocide perpetrated by the Kiev regime. To this end, we will seek to demilitarise and denazify Ukraine, as well as bring to trial those who perpetrated numerous bloody crimes against civilians, including against citizens of the Russian Federation.

It is not our plan to occupy the Ukrainian territory. We do not intend to impose anything on anyone by force. At the same time, we have been hearing an increasing number of statements coming from the West that there is no need any more to abide by the documents setting forth the outcomes of World War II, as signed by the totalitarian Soviet regime. How can we respond to that?

The outcomes of World War II and the sacrifices our people had to make to defeat Nazism are sacred. This does not contradict the high values of human rights and freedoms in the reality that emerged over the post-war decades. This does not mean that nations cannot enjoy the right to self-determination, which is enshrined in Article 1 of the UN Charter.

Let me remind you that the people living in territories which are part of today’s Ukraine were not asked how they want to build their lives when the USSR was created or after World War II. Freedom guides our policy, the freedom to choose independently our future and the future of our children. We believe that all the peoples living in today’s Ukraine, anyone who want to do this, must be able to enjoy this right to make a free choice.

In this context I would like to address the citizens of Ukraine. In 2014, Russia was obliged to protect the people of Crimea and Sevastopol from those who you yourself call “nats.” The people of Crimea and Sevastopol made their choice in favour of being with their historical homeland, Russia, and we supported their choice. As I said, we could not act otherwise.

The current events have nothing to do with a desire to infringe on the interests of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. They are connected with the defending Russia from those who have taken Ukraine hostage and are trying to use it against our country and our people.

I reiterate: we are acting to defend ourselves from the threats created for us and from a worse peril than what is happening now. I am asking you, however hard this may be, to understand this and to work together with us so as to turn this tragic page as soon as possible and to move forward together, without allowing anyone to interfere in our affairs and our relations but developing them independently, so as to create favourable conditions for overcoming all these problems and to strengthen us from within as a single whole, despite the existence of state borders. I believe in this, in our common future.

I would also like to address the military personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Comrade officers,

Your fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers did not fight the Nazi occupiers and did not defend our common Motherland to allow today’s neo-Nazis to seize power in Ukraine. You swore the oath of allegiance to the Ukrainian people and not to the junta, the people’s adversary which is plundering Ukraine and humiliating the Ukrainian people.

I urge you to refuse to carry out their criminal orders. I urge you to immediately lay down arms and go home. I will explain what this means: the military personnel of the Ukrainian army who do this will be able to freely leave the zone of hostilities and return to their families.

I want to emphasise again that all responsibility for the possible bloodshed will lie fully and wholly with the ruling Ukrainian regime.

I would now like to say something very important for those who may be tempted to interfere in these developments from the outside. No matter who tries to stand in our way or all the more so create threats for our country and our people, they must know that Russia will respond immediately, and the consequences will be such as you have never seen in your entire history. No matter how the events unfold, we are ready. All the necessary decisions in this regard have been taken. I hope that my words will be heard.

Citizens of Russia,

The culture and values, experience and traditions of our ancestors invariably provided a powerful underpinning for the wellbeing and the very existence of entire states and nations, their success and viability. Of course, this directly depends on the ability to quickly adapt to constant change, maintain social cohesion, and readiness to consolidate and summon all the available forces in order to move forward.

We always need to be strong, but this strength can take on different forms. The “empire of lies,” which I mentioned in the beginning of my speech, proceeds in its policy primarily from rough, direct force. This is when our saying on being “all brawn and no brains” applies.

We all know that having justice and truth on our side is what makes us truly strong. If this is the case, it would be hard to disagree with the fact that it is our strength and our readiness to fight that are the bedrock of independence and sovereignty and provide the necessary foundation for building a reliable future for your home, your family, and your Motherland.

Dear compatriots,

I am certain that devoted soldiers and officers of Russia’s Armed Forces will perform their duty with professionalism and courage. I have no doubt that the government institutions at all levels and specialists will work effectively to guarantee the stability of our economy, financial system and social wellbeing, and the same applies to corporate executives and the entire business community. I hope that all parliamentary parties and civil society take a consolidated, patriotic position.

At the end of the day, the future of Russia is in the hands of its multi-ethnic people, as has always been the case in our history. This means that the decisions that I made will be executed, that we will achieve the goals we have set, and reliably guarantee the security of our Motherland.

I believe in your support and the invincible force rooted in the love for our Fatherland.

Jeffrey Sachs on Ukraine

Armstrong Economics Blog/Ukraine Re-Posted Jun 18, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Putin Pleas for Peace

Armstrong Economics Blog/War Re-Posted Jun 14, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

The vilification of Putin has been extremely successful, so much so that no one is listening to his words. The Russian leader recently spoke of conflict resolution. That is not something a warmonger hellbent on conquering nations would discuss. And yet, Putin seems to be the only world leader discussing the potential of resolving the conflict in Ukraine without escalation.

We sincerely tried to reach an agreement [with Ukraine]. It was difficult to negotiate some kind of patchwork of southeastern Ukraine with the rest of the country, but we tried in good faith,” Putin told military correspondents according to Sputnik news. He also reiterated that their intent regarding Ukraine has not changed. He is not attempting to resurrect the USSR or threaten other nations. Putin only wants the historically Russian territories in Ukraine. Why are we starting a world war over this wish that does not involve other nations?

“What is happening there [in Ukraine] now will certainly never suit us, historically speaking. When the negotiations were held, including in Istanbul, we constantly raised this issue, and they in turn told us: ‘But there is nothing neo-Nazi about us, what do you want from us?’ [Russia wants] at least some relative legislative restrictions. In general, we also agreed on this during the round of negotiations before our troops were withdrawn from Kiev and after they threw all our agreements out of the window,” Putin said. Every attempt at conflict resolution was denied by the neocons. The very agreement that could have prevented Russia from entering Ukraine in the first place was based on a lie.

“We wanted and we still want to have the best relations with all our neighbors after the collapse of the Soviet Union. And we do so, we have come to terms with… Well, that’s what’s happened. We have to live with it,” Putin plainly stated.

It is amazing how the media portrays him as a crazed man intent on destroying the world. I discuss the propaganda techniques used at length in my new book, “The Plot to Seize Russia.” Listen to his words because is intentions are clear. He has no desire to feud with the West. ” If they really want today’s conflict to end through negotiations, they only need to make one decision – to stop the supply of weapons and equipment. That’s it,” Putin declared. The problem is that they do not want to resolve the conflict by any means other than war. Russia clearly does not want war and has been asking the world to listen to their pleas for peace.