Canada to Incorporate Social Scores in Banking

Posted originally on Mar 14, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


The Canadian banking system is set to be radicalized by open banking framework. Proponents are framing this as a way for banks to easily share information and access user data. The truth of the matter is that this is an opportunity to merge social standings with banking to provide government complete control over our finances.

The organization Open Banking Excellence, a World Bank partner that originated in the UK, claims that it will host all of a bank’s relevant needs in one place. The organization, which has reached 40 countries, aims to “create exceptional platforms and content that promotes knowledge sharing, new thinking and partnerships within the industry – catalysing the adoption of Open Finance and Data for better financial inclusion worldwide.”

CBDC Cover

“It’s about having that fairer, more inclusive, more open society,” said Helen Child, founder of Open Banking Excellence. Open Society, well, that does sound familiar. Why is there a need for inclusivity and fairness in banking when it should come down to numbers? “It drives financial inclusion,” she added, “It’s democratizing data.”

Data. That will be worth more than gold as we move forward with a cashless society. There is no easier way to control the masses than to control their access to money, their ability to buy, trade, and freely move about. The Canadian Press outlined the true motive in plain sight: “One of the biggest areas of growth is in credit assessments. Under open banking, lenders could directly access an individual’s banking data, so they can look beyond credit scores. Consumers can also use it to build their credit scores, for example, by proving reliable rent payments.”

Looking beyond credit scores equates to determining if a person is fit to participate in the global economy based on their personal views. Look at what happened to Nigel Farage. He never committed a crime or did anything to warrant what many have called the “Farage fiasco.” Nigel was suddenly debanked by Coutts and was unable to access any of his checking or savings accounts. His credit cards were deactivated. He was unable to participate in society without a moment’s notice.

Nigel Farage 2019 WEC

Farage did his due diligence and found that there were countless people who experienced the same financial attack carried out by the banks on behalf of the government.

This is a widespread phenomenon. We saw it happening commonly during COVID lockdowns, where users were not permitted to access places if their digital COVID passports failed. In China, when banks were facing a liquidity crisis, the CCP simply denied depositors the right to access their money and blocked them from physically accessing their banks. The government successfully prevented a bank run. We saw a few celebrities debanked from the system for voicing unpopular opinions without any legal proceedings or crimes committed.

Canada is one of many nations hoping to use unofficial social scores to control the masses. All of these actions are setting the stage for how CBDC will operate, a collective network containing everyone’s personal data and accounts. Governments have already begun debanking individuals and these steps will make it increasingly easier to force the masses to bow down and relinquish all control to the almighty government.

Socialism – Where Starving People Break into Zoos to Eat the Animals

Posted originally on Dec 5, 2023 By Martin Armstrong


There is a rumor going around that people under socialism faced such severe food shortages that they were forced to break into zoos and eat the animals. Unfortunately, this is a fact. Reports were circulating in Venezuela of people consuming zoo animals around 2016 and 2017. The animals that remained in these zoos starved to death or ate one another. The people were in such dire conditions that they were forced to consume dogs, cats, decaying meat, and anything else they could find.

Thatcher Socialism

Hugo Chávez is celebrated as this social justice warrior for eliminating capitalism in the 2000s. Socialism does not work because the system eventually runs out of other people’s money, as Margaret Thatcher once proclaimed. We only need to look at recent history to see the severe consequences of switching to this system. Venezuela first reported that they had a “nutritional emergency” in February 2016.  President Nicolás Maduro also declared an “economic emergency” in January of the same year, providing him the power to rule by decree. Inflation was running at 141.5%, according to Venezuelan authorities, but the IMF believed the figure reached 270% in 2015 and had the potential to reach 500% by the end of 2016.

Similar to how central banks and Treasury Secretaries downplay inflation today, the talking heads denied anything was wrong. The socialists claimed that acknowledging the food shortages could lead to American intervention, and Maduro consistently blamed US sanctions for his nation’s failure. As reported by a Spanish newspaper, this is how the average person waiting for their food rations: “Five hours in line to buy a chicken; kicks, pushes, and blows of all kinds to be one of the fortunate ones to enter the supermarket and get away with a bag of flour or rice, basic goods that Venezuela does not have available to everyone, unfortunately.”

Maduro told the people to grow their own food and gloated that he too was producing his own eggs and produce. The government owned the grocers and the food production companies, and stepped in numerous times to shut down any intervention by the private sector. Politicians take no responsibility for the suffering endured under their policies, and this is precisely what a portion of the West is fighting to implement today.

Social Justice Warrior Murdered – Family & Friends Apologize to Killer

Armstrong Economics Blog/USA Current Events Re-Posted Oct 6, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Ryan Thoresen Carson, 32, was a self-proclaimed liberal social justice warrior. He worked as a campaign manager for the New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG) and was a vocal supporter of reverse racism. Carson frequently took to social media to claim that crime was decreasing across New York. Besides, anyone breaking the law is simply a victim of systemic racism who should not be held responsible for their actions. Carson took his white guilt to the grave.

Carson and his girlfriend were waiting on a bench at a bus stop in Bedford-Stuyvesant when a failed member of society approached them. The misunderstood man, at no fault of his own apparently, approached Carson and said, “What the F are you looking at?” He then repeatedly stabbed Carson to death and let him bleed out on the sidewalk. The victim of systemic racism then spit on Carson’s girlfriend before kicking his dead body for good measure. Hopefully, the man (sorry for assuming gender) can be reimbursed for his knife, and the police don’t waste resources investigating this simple misunderstanding that happens so frequently that it has become a part of city life. Carson’s family and friends are now coming out to apologize for Carson’s entire existence as a straight white male.

“I was present once when he literally talked a guy out of mugging him,” Carson’s friend said. “He gave him some money.” “I know he would have wanted people to use his death as a means to talk about structural wrongs in the city,” another friend told the press. “I’m absolutely positive that he would immediately see that this was a person who was suffering from a lack of resources in our community, who probably needs better mental health support, possibly housing, possibly drug support, drug treatment,” a third friend said. “What he would want to avenge his death is for us to fix how broken this city is.”

These are the people voting for far-left policies. We wonder why politicians gain support as their cities burn down in flames. Far-left liberalism should be listed in the DSM-V as a serious mental illness. These people genuinely believe crime is a conspiracy, and any crime that does take place is solely due to socioeconomic standings or race. The man who took Carson’s life was not “suffering from a lack of resources.” He was a murderer who used his own free will to take the life of an innocent bystander and will likely re-offend if he remains in society. Blaming this on race in and of itself is racist, as HUMAN BEINGS do not act this way.

Social Justice Fallacies

Armstrong Economics Blog/Economics Re-Posted Sep 23, 2023 by Martin Armstron