Ukraine Cannot Pay Govt in 2024 Without Billions from the West

Posted originally on Jan 2, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Most do not realize that the West has been funding Ukraine’s entire government. Biden and other world leaders have promised Zelensky that they would fund the salaries and pensions for all Ukrainian politicians and government workers. Yuliia Svyrydenko, First Deputy Prime Minister, issued a warning that Ukraine will be unable to pay MILLIONS of government employees if the West does not resume payments.

The figures are correct. The West has the salaries of 500,000 Ukrainian civil servants on its payroll, along with 1.4 million teachers. The highest priced item is the 10 MILLION pensioners living completely off of foreign aid. Svyrydenko demands at least $37 billion to fund Ukraine’s government into 2024.

Congress blocked Joe Biden’s most recent attempt to send Ukraine over $60 billion. In return, Biden threatened to send American troops to the frontlines to die. The European Union, and the unelected officials at the top, attempted to send Ukraine an additional €50 billion but Hungary vetoed that support package. The EU is now looking for a loophole to send €20 billion to Ukraine without Hungary’s approval since the EU is not a union.

How can you effectively sell this idea to Europeans and North Americans amid the current cost of living crisis? The majority now realize that Ukraine will never stop begging for money. No amount will fuel the insatiable appetite of the most corrupt government in Europe. The funding mentioned is only for Ukraine’s government employees and does not include spending on the military, infrastructure, humanitarian aid, etc. Don’t forget we are also funding a war in the Middle East now too. Europe and North America cannot fund their own pension programs, and we will soon see a major pension crisis when the Baby Boomer generation leaves the workforce.

When will the people draw the line? This is what happens when you have taxation without any representation.

Eastern Europe Is Privately Not Quite as Pro-Ukraine as Western Media Claim

Posted originally on the CTH on December 3, 2023 | Sundance

If you were a curious and nationalist minded European person who wanted to better understand the dynamic of American politics, such an intentioned person would likely visit Washington DC to meet, understand and absorb the reality of USA politics.  However, that approach, while familiar, would be a mistake.

A visit to the DC beltway would generate opinions and insights from the perspective of the federal government apparatus.  Additionally, the U.S. politicians are going to repeat the policy agenda points that are debated and discussed.  But does that approach really inform the curious visitor about how Americans feel, engage and interact with the government?   The answer is no; the visitor would get the official skewed perspective, but leave without any understanding of how the policies described are actually considered by the American people.

To really understand the nature of how Americans view the political dynamic inside the U.S, as well as discover how the people would be reacting to policy or possible workarounds therein, the curious visitor would need to go to where the boots on the ground are – to the actual people who are engaging in American life.

The reverse of this scenario is also true.  Traveling from the USA to visit Spain, Holland, Hungary or Belarus, and spending time with their political leadership, will only gain you a top-level policy outline of what those officials and politicians are trying to achieve.  If there is a conflict between the official position and the actual reality on the ground, the curious visitor would never see it.

This dichotomy is the fatal flaw within the process of gathering information.  Tucker Carlson or (fill_in_blank) cannot understand how/if the political policy transfers to the citizens by talking to the known leadership.  What is happening on the ground could be entirely different, and that begins the conversation to a larger awakening.

My curiosity revolved around Western global sanctions against Russia.  It has been almost two years since massive sanctions against Russia were implemented.  The goal of the sanctions was to hurt Russia economically, weaken Putin domestically, and ultimately change the outcome in Ukraine.  However, the Russian economy is larger than before the sanctions; the Ruble is stronger against the US Dollar than before; Vladimir Putin is more supported inside Russia than before, and most of the financial and economic systems under sanction have failed to yield a substantive difference on the ground in Russia.

How is this possible, when we are told the sanctions delivered hardship to Russia?  The answer is simple; the sanctions didn’t work.   Why not?  What is happening?  These were the questions I had in mind as I went to where the economic systems are actually being engaged by the people.  I can say with certainty what I found is nowhere in any Western media presentation.

I will describe tomorrow the granular details of why the claims of the west do not match the reality of what is taking place.  On the ground, the sanctions are invisible because ordinary people in Europe, (a) are not in alignment with the expressed government intent, and (b) therefore have no issue constructing ways around them.

The US, UK, France and bureaucrats in Brussels are the tip of the spear against Russia, but behind that face there are EU mechanisms that do not align.   Things are not what they seem.

Before getting to those details, some of which have to be shared carefully due to the sensitivity of the information and process (sand in the machine), let’s start by looking at the subtle indications which will validate what we discuss next.

WASHINGTON DC – Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán regularly pushes the EU to the cliff edge, but diplomats are panicking that his hostility to Ukraine is now about to finally kick the bloc over the precipice.

A brewing political crisis is set to boil over at a summit in mid-December when EU leaders are due to make a historic decision on bringing Ukraine into the 27-nation club and seal a key budget deal to throw a €50 billion lifeline to Kyiv’s flailing war economy. The meeting is supposed to signal to the U.S. that, despite the political distraction over the war in the Middle East, the EU is fully committed to Ukraine.

Those hopes look likely to be knocked off course by Orbán, a strongman who cultivates close ties with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin and who is widely seen as having undermined democracy and rule of law at home. He is demanding the whole political and financial process should be put on ice until leaders agree to a wholesale review of EU support for Kyiv.

[…] Previous peacemakers such as former German Chancellor Angela Merkel or other Orbán-whisperers from the so-called Visegrád Four — Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic — are no longer there. The expected comeback of Donald Tusk for Poland, a pro-EU and anti-Russian leader, will only heighten Orbán’s status as the lonely, defiant hold-out.

“There is no one left to talk sense into Orbán,” a third EU official said. “He is now undermining the EU from within.”

[…] In theory, Brussels could come out with the big guns and use the EU’s so-called Article 7 procedure against Hungary, used when a country is considered at risk of breaching the bloc’s core values. The procedure is sometimes called the EU’s “nuclear option” as it provides for the most serious political sanction the bloc can impose on a member country — the suspension of the right to vote on EU decisions.

Because of those far-reaching consequences, there is reticence to roll out this option against Hungary. When EU leaders brought in “diplomatic sanctions” against Austria in 2000, the day after the party of Austrian far-right leader Jörg Haider entered the coalition, it backfired. Many Austrians were angry at EU interference and anti-EU sentiment soared. Sanctions were lifted later that year.

There is now a widespread feeling in Brussels that Article 7 could create a similar backlash in Budapest, fueling populism and in the longer term potentially even trigger a snowball effect leading to an unintended Hungarian exit of the bloc.

Given those fears, diplomats are doubling down on ways to work around a Hungarian veto. (read more)

Now you know why I went to Budapest.

What I can tell you is the nationalist outlook, a sentiment against the interests of Brussels, is not only an Orban perspective.  The Hungarian people, and the institutions therein, have no issue with Russia.  This extends to the reality within the Russian consulate in Budapest; you’ll specifically see how this all manifests tomorrow.

(Washington DC) – […] Instead of targeting flagship exports like oil and gas, Ukraine’s European allies will focus on restricting trade in diamonds, iron and copper, which are of relatively little value to the Russian state. When it comes to energy, “we’ve reached the capacity of what we can do without shooting [ourselves] in the foot and harming our competitiveness,” one EU diplomat claimed.

The biggest omission is liquefied natural gas, the all-important fossil fuel that netted President Vladimir Putin’s regime an estimated $6.6 billion in sales in the EU this year alone. Countries like Spain and Belgium have actually even boosted their LNG imports by a massive 50 percent in 2023, compared to 2022.

Meanwhile, hopes that Europe could agree to shut the door on Russia’s atomic energy sector given its dangerous occupation of Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant — the continent’s largest — have failed to materialize. Hungary is expanding one of its own atomic power stations with Moscow’s help and populist Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has vowed to veto any sanctions that would hurt the industry, despite criticism from EU and Ukrainian officials alike. Unanimous support from all 27 member states is needed to impose new restrictions, meaning talks on the subject are now deadlocked. (read more)

Privately Everyone Admits Ukraine is at a Stalemate Position – Publicly Western Govt Must Retain Face

Posted originally on the CTH on November 25, 2023 | Sundance

Speaking to our CTH audience following direct conversations in the EU, I can assure you that privately it is well known that the Russia-Ukraine conflict is at a designed stalemate. Russia has solidified the western frontlines in Ukraine in exactly the position originally intended. Additionally, the fortifications are of such strategic scale no one in the Western alliance would dare to propose any effort for direct confrontation.

This is the reality on the ground in Ukraine, and if you look carefully at western reporting, you will see indications of the unspoken truth.

Bild reported that inside the German govt, there are leaks about conversations between U.S and German officials. “While outwardly expressing full support for Ukraine, behind closed doors in Berlin and Washington plans are being hatched to force Ukraine into talks with Russia to freeze the war on its current front lines, German newspaper BILD said in a report published on Nov. 24.” {link}

The Biden administration, specifically the Dept of State and CIA are now managing the narrative. The Eastern EU bloc (NATO realists) well understand the dynamic, although you will see opaque indications from traditional western media. However, if you look carefully, you will note one of the indications of this dynamic can be found in the unwillingness of the U.S. to provide logistical support for advanced M1A2 tanks to engage the Russian lines {link}.

[…]  Since receiving its first batch of Abrams in September, Ukraine has likely mixed them with the US-made M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, Cancian told BI.

Bradleys arrived sooner and have made their presence felt on the battlefield already.  For now, because of winter conditions, sending small Bradley-and-Abrams groups would be “inefficient” and “hard to support” logistically, he said.

Sumlenny cited the July offensives by the 47th Mechanized Brigade in the Zaporizhzhia region, where he said Ukrainian troops suffered heavy losses of Bradley armored vehicles against Russian defenses.  At the time, 34 of the 100 Bradley tanks the US had provided had been destroyed, according to Oryx, an open-source military research group. {link}

The Russian military have long ago positioned their strategic assets to take out any advanced armored columns.  All of the primary routes for U.S. provided Ukrainian tank deployment have been field targeted by proactive artillery placement.  Any advancing U.S/Ukraine armor would be walking directly into previously sighted positions.  It is a literal stalemate with air combat as the only solution to break the hardened fortifications.  The Russian air defenses are also positioned against this approach.

You cannot gather a comprehensive understanding of this dynamic without traveling to the epicenter of the discussion; so, that’s what I did.  From those discussions, and from discussions with actual Russians who know the strategic intent of the front line (Russian) fortifications, you can easily see how the Western alliance is having to face the reality of a stalemate yet needing to save face given the nature of the prior expenditures.

Negotiations between Ukraine and Russia are not a matter of “if”, but “when”, and that means politics drives the decision making.

This is the reality of the situation.

The overwhelming majority of the Russian people stand in support of the efforts by Vladimir Putin.  They do not necessarily align with the man, but they do align with the intention of national defense against western/NATO encroachment.

Winning is not the western/NATO objective.  Saving face is the priority.

Everything else is World War Reddit!

Ukraine sending WOMEN to front lines in DESPERATE move as NATO now pushing peace! 

Posted originally on Rumble By Redacted News on:Nov 21, 4:00 pm EST

Zelenskyy Highlights New Western Democratic Norms and Cancels Election

Posted originally on the CTH on November 7, 2023 | Sundance 

Ukrainian President Volodymyr has once again cancelled elections within the nation, preferring to continue his rule by unilateral fiat.

A growing opposition movement to Zelenskyy is very visible, and the Ukraine President has refused to consider a need to negotiate with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

KYIV (Reuters) -Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy dismissed as irresponsible any notion of holding an election in wartime as talks have heated up recently whether Kyiv should be voting when under Russia’s assault.

Calling for unity to avoid pointless political discussion, Zelenskiy’s comments appeared to rule out any suggestion Ukraine should hold a vote to demonstrate its democratic credentials remain in good order.

[…] In his nightly video address, Zelenskiy said it was critical to concentrate on the military challenges facing Ukraine as it tries to push out Russian forces occupying nearly one-fifth of its land more than 20 months after launching their invasion.

“We all understand that now, in wartime, when there are many challenges, it is utterly irresponsible to engage in topics related to an election in such a frivolous manner,” he said. (read more)

The Meatgrinder – REPORT: U.S. and EU Officials Gently Discussing Need for Ukraine to Enter Peace Negotiations with Russia

Posted originally on the CTH on November 4, 2023 | Sundance

All things considered, this is a positive first step and the first significant indication that Western propaganda around World War Reddit is failing.

According to sources who are speaking to NBC News, U.S. and EU officials are gently beginning to talk to Ukraine government officials about what steps might need to be taken to bring an end to the Ukraine-Russia war. Obviously, for those who do not pretend, we all know the decision to end this conflict comes down to the USA telling Ukraine President Zelenskyy to open peace talks with Russia.

The EU NATO alliance has recently started to show less interest in the maintenance of a U.S. proxy war against Russia, and more open public statements that the current status of a stalemate is unsustainable given the amount of money, hardware and political energy required to maintain it.

Additionally, Zelenskyy is running out of men to throw into the meat grinder; the troops and military leaders are actually defying his orders now.

Therefore, if the Biden administration (State Dept and CIA) concede to the reality, Zelenskyy will have no alternative except to talk to Russia about ending the conflict.

This is the baseline of non-pretending honesty that President Trump has been saying in his remarks about his ability to end the “killing and death” within 24 hours. The reality of the situation is not complex.

Ukraine pledges not to join NATO, the USA pledges not to use Ukraine as a proxy nation to conflict with Russia, the untrusting Russian government keeps part of Eastern Ukraine as a safety mechanism, and the war/bloodshed ends.

However, given the use of Ukraine as a financial mechanism for U.S. politicians to get rich, and given the financial stakes for multinationals like Blackrock, there are other financial considerations which will play out in the background of any potential peace talks. In the end, just like in the beginning, it’s all going to come down to money.

(Via NBC) – WASHINGTON — U.S. and European officials have begun quietly talking to the Ukrainian government about what possible peace negotiations with Russia might entail to end the war, according to one current senior U.S. official and one former senior U.S. official familiar with the discussions.

The conversations have included very broad outlines of what Ukraine might need to give up to reach a deal, the officials said. Some of the talks, which officials described as delicate, took place last month during a meeting of representatives from more than 50 nations supporting Ukraine, including NATO members, known as the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, the officials said.

The discussions are an acknowledgment of the dynamics militarily on the ground in Ukraine and politically in the U.S. and Europe, officials said.

They began amid concerns among U.S. and European officials that the war has reached a stalemate and about the ability to continue providing aid to Ukraine, officials said. Biden administration officials also are worried that Ukraine is running out of forces, while Russia has a seemingly endless supply, officials said. Ukraine is also struggling with recruiting and has recently seen public protests about some of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s open-ended conscription requirements.

And there is unease in the U.S. government with how much less public attention the war in Ukraine has garnered since the Israel-Hamas war began nearly a month ago, the officials said. Officials fear that shift could make securing additional aid for Kyiv more difficult.

Some U.S. military officials have privately begun using the term “stalemate” to describe the current battle in Ukraine, with some saying it may come down to which side can maintain a military force the longest. Neither side is making large strides on the battlefield, which some U.S. officials now describe as a war of inches. Officials also have privately said Ukraine likely only has until the end of the year or shortly thereafter before more urgent discussions about peace negotiations should begin. U.S. officials have shared their views on such a timeline with European allies, officials said.

“Any decisions about negotiations are up to Ukraine,” Adrienne Watson, spokesperson for the National Security Council, said in a statement. “We are focused on continuing to stand strongly in support of Ukraine as they defend their freedom and independence against Russian aggression.”

An administration official also noted that the U.S. has participated with Ukraine in discussions of its peace summit framework but said the White House “is not aware of any other conversations with Ukraine about negotiations at the moment.”  (read more)

Ultimately the decision to end the Ukraine-Russia war is not up to Joe Biden.  At a certain point the CIA and State Dept will tell him the cost -v- benefit analysis is no longer worth it, politicians are getting too many angry calls from Americans, and it’s time to end the conflict.

Biden will do what he’s told and read what is prepared for him, while the people around him try to position the end of the Ukraine conflict to gain Joe Biden the Nobel Prize for peace.

The political propaganda at the conclusion of a proxy war that NATO and Biden started is very clear to see.

Pentagon Urges Congress to Approve MORE Aid for Ukraine

Armstrong Economics Blog/War Re-Posted Oct 4, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Joe Biden’s slip of the tongue about the US being short on ammo is factual. The Pentagon has sounded the alarm that they are running low on funding to replace the weapons gifted to Ukraine. Coincidentally, their warning comes immediately after Congress agreed to forego adding Ukrainian aid to the budget to prevent a shutdown. Now, did we really think they would stop sending funding?

After the budget was approved, Biden came out and said that the US must continue funding Ukraine by any means necessary. “We cannot under any circumstances allow America’s support for Ukraine to be interrupted,” Biden said. “We have time, not much time, and there’s an overwhelming sense of urgency.”

Pentagon Comptroller Michael McCord admitted that there is only $1.6 billion in funding from the $25.9 billion budget that Congress approved for Ukraine. Now, this is the very same Pentagon that has never once passed an audit. America’s favorite money laundering service admitted in June that they misplaced $6.2 billion destined for Ukraine. The Pentagon has managed to “misplace” TRILLIONS in taxpayer dollars over the years, and yet, they have never been expected to pass an audit.

The Pentagon said that there is $5.4 billion worth of weapons in US stockpiles that could be provided to Ukraine. “We have already been forced to slow down the replenishment of our own forces to hedge against an uncertain funding future,” McCord said in the letter. “Failure to replenish our military services on a timely basis could harm our military’s readiness.”

Also, coincidentally, they are saying that without a funding package, Ukraine will suffer losses by Thanksgiving, which falls on the fourth Thursday of November. This is around the time that the temporary budget will be re-evaluated.

Stop this madness. Americans do not feel a sense of urgency to send our personal weapons to Ukraine, and we certainly do not want to accumulate more debt to fight a war that only serves the neocons and globalists. It would not be unlikely for an event to occur between now and November that would change some public perspectives on increasing unlimited funding for Ukraine. This is akin to asking a homeless person for a large sum of money. We are deeply in debt with no clear way out. Domestic policy is nonexistent.

Zelenskyy Brings Tin Cup to Congress, House Cool – Senate Warm, American People Frustrated

Posted originally on the CTH on September 21, 2023 | Sundance 

Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited the White House and both chambers of congress today, as Joe Biden pledges hundreds of millions more in military weapons.

The House of Representatives has a significant faction of Republicans who are not going along with the demands to continue the bottomless pit of spending; however, in the Senate there are fewer in opposition.


WASHINGTON DC – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited Capitol Hill on Thursday seeking more U.S. assistance for the war against Russia — but his full-court press showed no signs of significantly shrinking resistance to further aid among a large bloc of Republicans.

After meetings with both House members and senators, Zelenskyy did not take questions on what — if any — commitments he secured from Speaker Kevin McCarthy on aid for his defense against Russia, or other subjects. Inside Zelenskyy’s huddle with senators, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) said the Ukrainian leader received two standing ovations from those gathered to hear his plea for the $24 billion in additional assistance requested by President Joe Biden’s administration. (read more)

It’s a sad situation when we find the White House, and both chambers of congress taking the time to show support for Ukraine while our own borders are in such a state of intentional crisis.  Apparently, congress has never heard the term, “charity begins at home.”

WASHINGTON DC – The Biden administration announced a new round of military aid for Ukraine as President Volodymyr Zelensky visits Washington, D.C., and meets with top United States government officials.

The assistance, announced on Thursday, will include weapons such as air defense systems, artillery ammunition, anti-armor capabilities, Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System rockets for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, and Javelin anti-tank missiles. It will also include controversial cluster munitions, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan confirmed. (read more)

Our U.S. government has no problem giving Ukraine cluster munitions to repel invaders….  Our borders, not so much.   See the hypocrisy?  Blood boiling.

“Between Two Ferns”

Ukrainian Spy Chief Asks West to Empty Warehouses of Military Supplies

Armstrong Economics Blog/War Re-Posted Sep 20, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

The West has provided Ukraine with EVERYTHING, from weapons, training, and money to removing their opponent from the SWIFT system and irreparably harming their relationship with Russia. The blank checks to Ukraine are real, as we have come to learn as week after week, politicians travel to Kyiv to offer more and more. Major General Kyrylo Budanov of Ukraine knows that there would be no war without Western aid, and said that he knows Western nations can provide more since “warehouses in Western countries are not completely empty.”

According to Joe Biden, the US is low on ammunition but there are always supplies and fund for Ukraine.  Budanov said that Ukraine’s current arsenal could be depleted by 2023, or in three years. “We are dependent on external players,” he admitted. “Russia is mostly dependent on itself.” That is because the West is using Ukraine as cannon fodder as the war was planned many years ago. Everything had to fall into place from installing Zelensky to using the fake Minsk Agreement to buy time to build up Ukraine’s military.

Zelensky plans to travel to New York to ask the United Nations General Assembly for MORE. How are the people not concerned with this guy showing up to every major event and begging for funding from countries that are on an economic decline? Ukraine will never stop asking for money and the West will never stop providing it to them.

Hence, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg is already preparing the public for a “long war.” “Most wars last longer than expected when they first begin,” Stoltenberg told Funke media. “Therefore we must prepare ourselves for a long war in Ukraine.” He spreads the lie that Russia wants to wipe Ukraine off the map when Putin has made his intentions very clear from day one. Had the signing nations abided by the Minsk Agreement, there would have been fair elections in the Russian regions of Ukraine and all of this could have been avoided. But the neocons want war with Russia. “We all want a quick peace,” lied Stoltenberg. “At the same time, we must recognize that if [Ukrainian President Volodymyr] Zelenskyy and the Ukrainians stop fighting, their country will no longer exist. If President Putin and Russia stop fighting, we will have peace.” All of the peace offerings have been declined. War is the only option now, and Ukraine will continue to milk its Western allies for everything they can give.

Anthony Blinken Travels to Ukraine to Announce U.S. Taxpayers Will Provide Another $1 Billion in Military Aid, Plus $520 Million for Clean Energy Initiative

Posted originally on the CTH on September 6, 2023 | Sundance 

This is beyond ludicrous now.  Secretary of State Anthony Blinken travelled to Ukraine to promote the U.S. commitment to our proxy EU country, and their perpetual money laundering operation.

In addition to announcing another $1 Billion in military and police funding, Blinken also announced that U.S. taxpayers would provide $520 million in funds for the Ukraine Green New Deal initiative to redevelop clean energy sources.   Blackrock and Vanguard are smiling large tonight, knowing that Joe Biden and Anthony Blinken are pumping profit funds directly into their subsidiary companies who will do the work.  This is madness. [Watch, Prompted]
