Pope Francis Says it Takes Courage to Surrender

Posted Mar 12, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Zelensky Pope

Pope Francis has suggested a ceasefire amid the Ukraine-Russia war after three years of destruction and tens of thousands of lives lost. “Ukraine must have the courage to raise the white flag,” the Pope said during a recent interview. The Catholic Church, the pope, and the idea of peace have received harsh backlash in response.

Ukraine’s foreign minister, Dmytro Kuleba, said that Ukraine would never waive a white flag to surrender. “Our flag is a yellow and blue one. This is the flag by which we live, die, and prevail. We shall never raise any other flags,” Kuleba said. Kuleba related the battle to one of good vs evil, a concept that Russian President Putin has vehemently denied.

These sentiments were reiterated by Western leaders who support this endless war. Latvian President Edgars Rinkēvičs said, “One must not capitulate in [the] face of evil. One must fight it and defeat it, so that the evil raises the white flag and capitulates.” Polish foreign minister Radosław Sikorski also took to social media to condemn the Pope’s comments, asking him to instead encourage Putin to withdraw his army. “Peace would immediately ensue without the need for negotiations,” Sikorski wrote. That is simply untrue and impossible. The West has put so much money into Ukraine that they fully expect a return on their investment beyond any reparations Russia could provide. The West, in all actuality, wants to take over Russia.

German Democrat MEP Dennis Radtke called the pope’s words “shameful.” “His stance on Ukraine reflects poorly on his pontificate. It is incomprehensible,” Radtke said on X. Peace is truly an incompressible solution for the West, who know that Ukraine cannot win but will keep the war raging on for their own self-interests.

Putin has been asking for a peace agreement. Tens of thousands are dead over a land dispute. The Minsk Agreement was a lie and everything promised on the basis of peace and diplomatic relations has vanished. Had we permitted historic Russian territories to vote, all of this could have been avoided. There is a reason that NATO is fiercely supporting a non-member nation in this battle because they need to use Ukraine as their battleground to defeat Russia. No one considers the actual Ukrainian people who are being used as cannon fodder.

Zelensky was naturally enraged over the prospects of ending the war, saying that although prayers were appreciated, but reiterated Ukraine needs reinforcement in the form of money and military power. “ Not 2,500 km away, somewhere, virtual mediation between someone who wants to live and someone who wants to destroy you,” Zelensky stated. Russia had no intentions of destroying Ukraine. Putin said he believes that the people of Ukraine and Russia will one day be united as they are blood. There was never even a plan to take over Ukraine as the aim was to liberate specific territories.

The Catholic Church is under fire for suggesting that Ukraine turn the other cheek. Russia cannot end this war for they are battling the entire West; Ukraine is merely the battleground. How could Ukraine win this war? There is no possibility of that happening and it is no longer Ukraine’s war. There has been no progress in three years.

“Negotiations are never a surrender. It is the courage not to carry a country to suicide,” Pope Francis accurately stated. Pope Francis continued to encourage peace and calls for a truce. He urged nations not aligned with the neocon agenda to continue offering options for peace. “Today, for example with the war in Ukraine, there are many who want to act as mediators. Turkey, for example. Don’t be ashamed to negotiate before things get worse,” he stated.

Peace has never been an option. Ukraine will continue to send men to die in battle, and those men will soon be replaced with men from other nations as the replenishment rate is unsustainable. Ukraine would NOT cease to exist if it surrendered, and Russia has no intention of empire-building. Russia has said it would be open to allowing a quiet peace negotiation and would like Ukraine to find a way to end the war “with dignity.” Only one side would like this war to come to an end, but they are in no position to surrender, for they risk their entire nation.

$118 Billion for Israel and Ukraine?

Posted originally on Feb 6, 2024 By Martin Armstrong |  

Tax Robbery

Washington has been compromised by a foreign global power. Protecting America is not a priority, in fact, abolishing America seems to be the priority for our politicians on both sides. New York is providing $53 million to illegals who are above the law, and have even assaulted police officers without consequence. The overall funding involved in the calculated invasion was unsustainable long ago. So where are our leaders sending OUR tax funds? Israel and Ukraine.

In a measure that proves politicians are two wings on the same bird, the Senate released a bipartisan proposal to secure the borders of Israel and Ukraine. Years ago, the very same people who are approving these spending packages were outraged at the proposition of a mere wall between the US-Mexico border, which would have only cost around $12 billion at the time. Washington is now requesting to send $118.2 billion to these two foreign nations.

It is now up to House Republicans to stop this madness. Some only want to fund Israel and not Ukraine. Very few are asking for all the funding to go to the US border. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said preserving Israel’s border is “sacred,” and their war should be funded without question.

America’s national debt has surpassed $34 trillion. US Federal spending has surpassed $6.5 trillion, and the federal budget is operating at a $1.9 trillion deficit. The migrant crisis will cost America untold fortunes. The masses are waking up and realizing that there are no checks and balances in Washington. Our elected leaders are permitted to do as they please with our collective funds while leaving their own people high and dry.

More Funds Go Missing in Ukraine

Posted originally on Jan 30, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

EU political corruption

Ukraine hosts one of the most corrupt governments in the world. The West and NATO have provided Ukraine with billions in funding but have been unable to track where the money is spent. They do not investigate where the money is spent because they also lack ethics and are only concerned that the war wages on. It comes as no surprise that Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has uncovered a major arms corruption scheme.

An arms dealer by the name of Lviv Arsenal and five senior members of the defense ministry are being questioned for a secret deal worth around $40 million. Defense officials expensed a purchase for 100,000 mortar shells in August 2022 but never received a single shipment. “According to the investigation, former and current high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Defence [sic] and heads of affiliated companies are involved in the embezzlement,” it said.

Ukraine’s prosecutor general claims that all stolen funds have magically returned to the military’s budget.


Then, the SCU announced that two lawmakers from the Opposition Platform – for Life Party orchestrated a heist involving 32 merchant ships to the tune of $2.1 million. The political party was banned from Ukraine for pro-Russian policies, and countless crimes are now being attributed to anyone affiliated with this party. The SBU claims that these two men illegally transferred these merchant ships through a shell company before removing them from Ukraine and stripping them for parts. The men then used the parts to assemble new ships to hide their source.  The pro-Russian group later repurposed the vessels for their own business endeavors. Again, the SBU seized all stolen assets and announced to the public after doing so.

These are merely two examples of corruption in Ukraine revealed in a single week.

Zelensky routinely puts on a charade where he pretends to address the corruption and bribery. In August 2023, Zelensky fired all regional military commissars and replaced his defense minister. “This system should be run by people who know exactly what war is and why cynicism and bribery at a time of war is high treason,” the president stated.

According to a poll, Ukrainians consider corruption the country’s second most serious problem, behind only the Russian invasion. The country is still ranked as one of the most corrupt in Europe, and its Corruption Perception Index was 33/100 in 2022, ranking 116 out of 180 countries. If Zelensky were to “drain the swamp,” no one would be left in the US-funded Ukrainian government.

Victoria Nuland – Drenched in Blood

Posted originally on Jan 29, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

She is guilty of War Crimes and should be in Prison, Not the Government.

Ukraine Desperate to Start WWIII ASAP

Posted originally on Jan 25, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Ukrainian_drones_hit_Rosneft_refinery_in_Russia 1 25 24

Ukraine is desperate. It cannot win on the battlefield, and Victoria Nuland’s sister-in-law, who runs the Institute for the Study of War (ISW), is the source of all the propaganda that keeps painting Russia as weak to get the West to attack it. Ukraine is now using drones and long-range missiles, violating the air space of NATO with no concern, and attacking an oil refinery in Finland. Now, they attacked a refinery in southern Russia. It was the Ukrainians that destroyed Nord Stream. The hardliners in Russia say they are correct and they should have nuked Kyiv.

They are now so desperate they are trying to get Russia to attack NATO air space because Ukraine has free access. Even Jamie Diamond has admitted that Trump was correct about NATO – terminate it.

These people are absolutely desperate to start World War III, and people like Nuland will never go on the front line. She is like the terrorists who send kids to blow themselves up when they would never do that. Sources have confirmed that if war with NATO unfolds, it will turn nuclear. The standard strategy would be to have a sub off the coast of Europe and take out NATO headquarters. Brussels if not also Frankfurt, before anyone could respond. This is the world Nuland and her ISW are trying to create. This woman should be in prison.

US_Dow_Gold_Ratio M 1 25 24

The three timing periods during which there is a risk of Ukraine succeeding in creating World War III as early as 2024 to help the US elections are Jan/Feb 2024, July, and Sept 3/4, 2024. This tends to be highlighted by the timing arrays in gold and the Dow.

Zelensky at WEF Summit – Trump Can’t Stop Ukraine War Even with a Putin Agreement

Posted originally on the CTH on January 17, 2024 | Sundance

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is so committed to the retention of war in Ukraine he seemingly implies if President Trump negotiates with Russian President Vladimir Putin to stop fighting, then Zelenskyy will fight both sides of the conflict.  This guy is a little weird.

(VIA NEW YORK TIMES) – […] Zelensky used an expletive to describe a Trump claim about containing Vladimir Putin. At a Q. and A. with journalists that Andrew moderated, Zelensky dismissed the idea that Trump could stop the Russian president from going after other parts of Europe. Putin, he added, “will not stop — but the question is what will the U.S. and Trump do after this point, because in this case it will mean that Europe lost the most useful and most strong army in Europe because we lost Ukraine.”

Zelensky initially sought to tamp down worries about Trump, and whether his potential re-election would lead to a drop in support for Ukraine. But he also appeared somewhat fearful about the prospect. “One man cannot change the whole nation,” Zelensky said in the Q. and A., adding that deciding on the next president is “a choice for the American nation and only the American nation.”

The Ukrainian leader acknowledged that a win for Trump, who has opposed U.S. aid to Ukraine, could affect his country’s military campaign or settlement talks. “Radical voices from the Republican Party” have created tension and pain for the Ukrainian people, he said.

Zelensky isn’t the only leader at Davos worried about Trump.Multiple attendees have told DealBook that the outcome of the election is a potential risk for business, particularly after the former president thumped his Republican rivals in the Iowa caucuses.

The Ukrainian leader has sought to shore up global business support.He spoke at a private gathering of executives organized by JPMorgan Chase, which is advising Ukraine on its reconstruction efforts.

In the audience at the Congress Center for the talk were Steve Schwarzman of Blackstone, Ray Dalio of Bridgewater, David Rubenstein of Carlyle and Michael Dell of Dell, DealBook hears. (read more)

Did you ever wonder who is giving Zelensky the script?

We know the State Dept and CIA created the guy, but did you ever wonder who exactly is giving him the specific instructions on the words to keep using.  Even when he sounds like a fool, Zelenskyy is so committed to the part he just keeps reading the script.

Britain Ready to Send Troops to Die for Ukraine

Posted originally on Jan 12, 2024 By Martin Armstrong

Nato to Enter Ukraine

I have been warning that the West desperately needs to create World War III as an excuse to cover up their fiscal mismanagement since World War II, which will inevitably result in the collapse of sovereign debt. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has now gone to Kiev to sign a “defense agreement” committing British citizens to be drafted to go to Ukraine and die for our illustrious politicians who do not even have the dignity of a dog that never shits where it eats, unlike our world politicians.

Monkey Organ Griner

Zelensky now has two new military aid commitments from NATO allies other than the United States. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has revealed he, too, is just a monkey on a leash for the Neocon organ grinders. He announced a new deal with Zelensky, handing him $3.2 billion in fresh funding to create more drones to attack Russia. Zelensky has also secured an aid package from Latvia that will include artillery weapons and munitions, as well as a plan to train more Ukrainian troops. None of this will alter the outcome. They are simply using the Ukrainians as cannon fodder to kill as many Russians as possible. Where there are no more Ukrainians left standing, then NATO will try to deliver the death blow to Russia while asking China to please wait patiently for their turn.

Sunak’s commitment to British lives without asking the British people demonstrates that the West has become not much different from the Soviet Union, which also never asked the people about waging war. You show up and die for the politicians, and there is no democracy, for you will never be allowed to vote when it concerns your own life or that of your family.

ECM Ukraine 8.6 R

Zelensky got Sunak’s security “defense agreement,” which provides security guarantees/assurances to Kyiv and is obviously a precursor to the official involvement of NATO, which has already trained the over 500,000 dead Ukrainian soldiers. Sunak committed the British to a formal involvement, meaning boots on the ground if the Russians took Donbass-Zaporizia. He has now redrawn the border of Ukraine like Khruschev did and has declared Kharkiv, Nikolaev, and Odessa-Transnistria Ukrainian territory.

Merkel_Minsk_Buy_Time_to Prepare for wart

NOBODY wants peace because they need this war. The West does not care about the Ukrainian people. Some 8 to 10 million have fled with no intention of returning. Over 1 million are now dead. All they ever had to do was honor the Minsk Agreement, in which Merkel admitted she lied to Putin and never had any intention of peace. The West has planned to create this war with Russia and China; this time, the West will lose.

Nero Dupondius RIC 338 Temple Janus

Even the Romans had the Temple of Janus pictured on this coin of Nero (54-68AD). During the war, the doors were left open because you really never knew the outcome. During peach, the doors were closed.

Get ready. The Neocons who rule the White House will also send American troops to Ukraine after the election. Of course, they will be able to use Britain as an excuse to send American troops to die in Ukraine before the election as we head into April.

Ukraine Cannot Pay Govt in 2024 Without Billions from the West

Posted originally on Jan 2, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Most do not realize that the West has been funding Ukraine’s entire government. Biden and other world leaders have promised Zelensky that they would fund the salaries and pensions for all Ukrainian politicians and government workers. Yuliia Svyrydenko, First Deputy Prime Minister, issued a warning that Ukraine will be unable to pay MILLIONS of government employees if the West does not resume payments.

The figures are correct. The West has the salaries of 500,000 Ukrainian civil servants on its payroll, along with 1.4 million teachers. The highest priced item is the 10 MILLION pensioners living completely off of foreign aid. Svyrydenko demands at least $37 billion to fund Ukraine’s government into 2024.

Congress blocked Joe Biden’s most recent attempt to send Ukraine over $60 billion. In return, Biden threatened to send American troops to the frontlines to die. The European Union, and the unelected officials at the top, attempted to send Ukraine an additional €50 billion but Hungary vetoed that support package. The EU is now looking for a loophole to send €20 billion to Ukraine without Hungary’s approval since the EU is not a union.

How can you effectively sell this idea to Europeans and North Americans amid the current cost of living crisis? The majority now realize that Ukraine will never stop begging for money. No amount will fuel the insatiable appetite of the most corrupt government in Europe. The funding mentioned is only for Ukraine’s government employees and does not include spending on the military, infrastructure, humanitarian aid, etc. Don’t forget we are also funding a war in the Middle East now too. Europe and North America cannot fund their own pension programs, and we will soon see a major pension crisis when the Baby Boomer generation leaves the workforce.

When will the people draw the line? This is what happens when you have taxation without any representation.

The Ukrainian Financial Panic

Posted originally on Dec 31, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

Time Men of Year Zelensky Hitler Stalin

I have warned that Zelensky will go down in history as the evil ruler he truly is. And for those who constantly want to pretend this is Russian propaganda, tell that to the 500,000 Ukrainian soldiers who are dead and all the broken homes Zelensky has left behind, along with the 8 to 10 million who have fled Ukraine. Worse still, he is making it a criminal act to flee the country and avoid his draft to justify the EU arresting Ukrainians and deporting them back to be sent to their death on the front lines.

The idea of ​​drafting another 500,000 Ukrainians to be sacrificed on this Neocon Altar for nothing more than a territorial grab of the Donbas is causing absolute panic sweeping the country. Zelensky’s penalties are to be introduced for those who refuse to comply. Ukraine’s financial system is on the brink of collapse. Our Ukrainian sources are reporting that there has been a run on ATMs in Ukraine. Apparently, Ukrainians have withdrawn about a billion dollars from their accounts in a single day! We are looking at a financial crisis unfolding in the Ukrainian banking and financial system thanks to Zelensky’s legislation intended to force conscription to raise another 500,000 people to be sent to the frontline. As part of this bill, Zelensky intends to isolate people who evade the draft by removing them from carrying out any financial transactions or selling property.

Ukraine ECM
ECM Ukraine 8.6 R

As a result of Zelensky’s proposed law, Ukrainians are in a state of panic. They have been plundering their accounts and are now hoarding cash and abandoning the banks. Our model warns that Ukraine will NEVER succeed in this war, and it may no longer even survive as a nation-state post-2026. Indeed, 2026 is showing up on both the ECM for Ukraine as well as on the ECM based entirely on the beginning of this proxy war against Russia. Zelensky’s new law also lowered the age and introduced three months of basic training for 18 to 25-year-olds.

  • The conscription age is to be lowered from 27 to 25 years;
  • The introduction of basic three-months-long military training for all Ukrainian citizens aged 18 to 25 in every educational establishment;
  • The introduction of optional military service for persons aged under 25 who were not able to complete basic military training;

It does not matter how many Ukrainians Zelensky throws into this meat grinder. Ukraine will NEVER prevail over Russia. The West knew this would be the outcome. They were simply using Ukraine to weaken Russia for the kill, which they hoped would be delivered by NATO. That is why they are now prodding the Baltic states to wage war with Russia to justify NATO troops to engage Russia head-on. Financial support is waning because they know Ukraine is just cannon fodder.

Zelensky ECM
Zelenskyy Johnson

Zelensky is becoming perhaps the most hated Ukrainian leader to date. I would not put it past a coup unfolding with his assassination that they would probably try to blame on Putin. Many in the government now see that this has never been about protecting the Ukrainian people. Even the local Ukrainian Press published a story about how Boris Johnson came from England to kill any peace deal. This has been nothing about just sacrificing Ukrainians to weaken Russia.

Ukraine Hryvnia M Array 12 31 23
Russian Rubles M Array 12 31 23

When we compare the Ukrainian and Russian currencies, we can see that the critical climax of the Ukrainian financial crisis appears to be by March, which is the time of the Russian election. We may see this push to raise another 500,000 Ukrainians to be sent to the front lines as the driving force that coincides with the Russian election, whereas May 7th is the swearing-in date of the next term for the President of Russia.

Zelensky Visits White House Today – A Disgrace to Democracy

Posted originally on Dec 12, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

ECM Ukraine Russia War

After threatening to send American troops to die in Ukraine if Congress did not approve the latest blank check for Ukraine, Biden has invited Zelensky to travel to the White House today. Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said the invite will “underscore the United States’ unshakeable commitment to supporting the people of Ukraine as they defend themselves against Russia’s brutal invasion.” Who has unwavering support for Ukraine besides the Neocons? Joe Biden’s approval continues to decline as his support for Ukraine rises. Our elected officials have repeatedly voted to cease funding. And yet, our president has chosen to dismiss the wishes of the people and their representatives.


America has already sent Zelensky over $111 billion to fight this proxy war. Billions have gone missing from the Pentagon since the war in Ukraine began, and there is no telling how much the government actually gave to Zelensky. Biden’s latest check would be worth $61.4 billion, bringing the US closer to having spent $200 billion on Ukraine since 2022. The entire Ukrainian government is on the US payroll on top of the endless funding to combat Russian aggression.

Do the people not see how offensive Zelensky’s visit is to US democracy? The people said no, the elected officials said no, but the “big guy” at the top is acting as a dictator and dismissing the wishes of the people. The American public has had a significantly lower standard of living since Biden took office, and I cannot think of anyone who wants to pass off our money to a foreign government to fight an undefeatable war.

Zelensky’s presence in Washington is an absolute disgrace to democracy. If the president of the United States cared about his country, he would invite the US Customs & Border Patrol to the White House and focus on redirecting funds to fix America’s broken border. Americans simply want to afford groceries and housing again, but the Biden Administration is DELIBERATELY making it harder for everyone to stay afloat.