Does China Control America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserves?

Posted originally on Apr 19, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Sen. Eric Schmitt, R-Mo. Reminded the US Energy Secretary, Jennifer Granholm, “We are not governed by a world government – yet!” The Biden Administration consulted with China before selling off America’s strategic petroleum reserves. In 2021, Granholm admitted that she spoke with the Chinese Communist Party about coordinating how America would handle its nation’s highly sensitive emergency oil reserves.  “Does [China] call you to ask about decisions on what to do with their strategic petroleum reserve?” Schmitt questioned.

Granholm followed the Biden Administration protocol and blamed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. She stated that America was simply insisting that the world operate in a coordinated effort to supply other nations with oil amid a shortage, a shortage that was directly caused by the West. China now has a large stockpile while America has a depleted supply. The reserves have been depleted for years and the people in charge never bothered to replenish America’s stockpile.

Instead, 900,000 barrels were sold to China through Sinopec, a Chinese corporation “which in turn had received billions of dollars from BHR Partners.” This private equity firm just so happens to be co-founded by none other than Hunter Biden, who owns a 10% stake in the company. The public must realize the implications of having a president who has been bought and paid for. I do not criticize Hunter or Joe to simply dismiss the Democrats, I have been trying to expose how major decisions regarding America’s future have been biasedly made by people profiting from shorting America.

It seems as if Joe Biden is making it increasingly easier for China to succeed at the expense of America. The latest round of proposed tariffs will simply make it easier for China to shy away from trade with the US. China was once the largest debt holder of US national debt, a figure that continues to grow every second. China is no longer lining up to purchase our debt. Why would a nation buy the debt of its enemy? That is akin to pulling a gun on someone and asking them for money to pull the trigger.

The rule of law in America has been distorted and there are two tiers of justice. The Biden crime family is above the law. Did Joe Biden put America’s future at risk for personal profit? There MUST be a serious investigation into Joe’s ties with the CCP and Ukraine because we have not yet witnessed the full repercussions of having a treasonous commander-in-chief.

Chairman Xi New Year Message About Taiwan: “China will surely be reunified”

Posted originally on the CTH on January 1, 2024

In his New Year message to the people of China, Chairman Xi Jinping affirms the intention to unify Taiwan with China.

[Full Translation HERE] From the speech:

“We will continue to support Hong Kong and Macao in harnessing their distinctive strengths, better integrating themselves into China’s overall development, and securing long-term prosperity and stability. China will surely be reunified, and all Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Strait should be bound by a common sense of purpose and share in the glory of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.”  ~ Chairman Xi Jinping (link)

This is sure to create anxiety amid the DC interventionists within the U.S. foreign policy establishment.  However, with the USA bogged down in two regional conflicts, Israel/Gaza and Ukraine/Russia, the window for China to influence the Taiwan election is wide open.

ALJAZEERA – […] Beijing’s policy towards the self-ruled island it claims as its own will again be under the spotlight when voters in Taiwan go to the polls on January 13 to choose a new president and parliament, and the United States will be watching closely.

At the moment, William Lai Ching-te, the incumbent vice president and the candidate of the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), is expected to emerge the winner.

That result would likely rankle Beijing, which portrays Lai as a “separatist” bent on independence and ensure continued tension across the narrow strait that separates the island from China.

“Washington is well prepared to deal with any choice that the Taiwan electorate makes, but there’s certainly going to be different opportunities and challenges depending on what the results of the election are,” Rorry Daniels, the managing director of the Asia Society Policy Institute, told Al Jazeera, adding that the US would be considering strategies for the “appropriate political signals” to deter any Chinese military responses. (more)

China Extends Olive Branch to US Re-Posted Nov 17, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

China US Trade War

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit concluded with China and the US agreeing to partner on trade military strategy. The love-hate relationship between America and its largest trading partner has been strained for may years and completely counterproductive. China’s President Xi Jinping made it clear to Biden that the US is either for or against them.

“If we regard each other as the biggest rival, the most significant geopolitical challenge and an ever-pressing threat, it will inevitably lead to wrong policies, wrong actions and wrong results,” Xi explained. “China is willing to be a partner and friend of the United States.”

America’s leader, sadly, appeared utterly incapable of having a conversation with Xi. In an embarrassing chain of events, Joe Biden managed to anger China by once again referring to Xi as a dictator. “He’s a dictator in the sense that he is a guy who runs a country… based on a form of government that is totally different from ours,” the man who received the most votes in US history stated. Chinese media has not reported Biden’s comments, and Xi has agreed to send US zoos giant pandas to appease the mindless masses like our president.

The real question remains – can the US stay away from Taiwan? Xi called the issue “the biggest, most dangerous issue in US-China ties,” as the neocons have been extremely vocal about their willingness to defend Taiwan. “China has never bet on the United States to lose, has never intervened in US internal affairs and does not intend to challenge or replace the US. China is happy to see a confident, open and prosperous US,” Xi stated, making it clear that China is focused on advancing economically and not going to war with America.

China’s willingness to partner with the US correlates with its current economy. Foreign investment into China fell to negative territory for the first time since 1998. Now, Chinese leaders want to put differences aside and work with America’s private sector. China has been attempting to mirror America’s business economy since 1978 and embark on a path of capitalistic consumerism.

Every promise will fall to the wayside if the US does not respect the One China policy in regard to Taiwan. China cares not about its other allies and their ongoing wars at the end of the day. Taiwan is the key piece that could make or break US-China relations for generations to come.

Mercantilism v Consumerism – China’s Direction

Armstrong Economics Blog/World Trade Re-Posted Oct 26, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Mercantilism is the economic theory that trade generates wealth and is stimulated by the accumulation of profitable balances, which a government should encourage by means of protectionism, according to the Oxford Dictionary. We see nations like Germany rely on this model as they produce various products to export through trade. German manufacturing has provided the nation with Europe’s strongest economy, but this is not the model China is following to become America’s successor as the financial capital of the world.

Italy may have a lower GDP than Germany, but the average Italian has a higher net worth than the average German. The average Italian has a household net of $295,020. In contrast, the average German household is worth $304,317. Yet Italy has half the GDP of Germany at 2.108 trillion compared to 4.26 trillion. A few short years ago, the average Italian or Spaniard had a higher net than the average German despite Germany having the strongest economy in the continent.

Germany has clung to inflationary fears in the aftermath of the hyperinflation that arose post-World War II. The government has kept taxes high as a result. What made America great was consumerism – people lined up to sell products to Americans. Germany, on the other hand, focuses on producing products to sell to someone else.

China understands what Germany does not. China is moving in the direction of the US to create a consumer-based economy. It will take time, but in 15-20 years, nations will line up to sell to the Chinese.

Chinese Migrants Actively Breaching US Military Sites

Armstrong Economics Blog/War Re-Posted Sep 6, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

This entire migrant crisis would not be permitted to occur under anyone but the untouchable Joe Biden. Reports have circulated at the Department of Defense, and FBI tracked more than 100 incidents of Chinese citizens breaching military bases by posing as tourists. I mentioned in an earlier blog how there were reports of military-aged Chinese men with military-styled haircuts lining up at the border. They have now become bolder in their attempts to shake US national security.

Trained Chinese soldiers were found scuba diving in Florida to a site where the US military commonly launches rockets. These “migrants” attempted to cross into a missile range in New Mexico. A group of Chinese nationals told the guards at Fort Wainwright, Alaska, that they were tourists and had reservations at a hotel on a military base. The FBI said that some of these Chinese migrants strategically used Google Maps to locate the nearest fast food restaurant near a military base. They have been trained and provided specific targets.

An FBI agent told Fox News: “The Chinese government is engaged in a broad, diverse campaign of theft and malign influence without regard to laws or international norms that the FBI will not tolerate. In coordination with our defense and intelligence community partners, along with state and local law enforcement, the FBI is committed to protecting our national security and defense information from the Chinese government’s actions and ultimately, their efforts to undermine our democracy and those who defend it.”

How could they possibly protect Americans when untold numbers of migrants are crossing the border each day? It is easy for the average man to enter the US-Mexico border, but a trained soldier will have no problem bypassing the barely existent security checkpoints. The enemy is already on US soil, plotting their next attack, and the US government is doing absolutely nothing to prevent it.