There Will Be No Peace As Long As Zelensky Runs Ukraine Re-Posted Nov 7, 2023 By Martin Armstrong


It is stunning how the Ukrainian people have not looked at how their country has been destroyed and over 500,000 Ukrainian soldiers are dead all for a territorial grab under the propaganda that Zelensky loves to claim he is fighting for their freedom. The Minsk Agreement allowed the Donbas to vote for they are Russian and Ukraine was NEVER prosecuted for its Nazi war crimes against Jews, Polish, Hungarians, and Russians, all because the CIA wanted to use them against Russia.


Recently, General Valerii Zaluzhny, according to the “New York Times” publicly conceded that the war with Russia has reached a standoff and a substantial technological leap would be required to overcome it, although this seems unlikely. Zelensky went nuts. Sources say he had gagged the military and will not allow then to speak the truth. Everything from Ukraine is just propaganda now, celebrating that they are always winning a war that everyone knows is unwinnable.

Blinken no deal

Ukraine had its freedom. Now, it has a country that has been undermined by this high-heel dancing actor who cares nothing about the Ukrainian people. Zelensky is told what to do by the American Neocons. Both the Ukrainian and Israeli people need to wake up. They are BOTH pawns in the chess game of endless wars instigated behind the curtain by the Neocons. Both need to honestly assess what is in their own best interest long-term for future generations. Likewise, sources say that Hamas is NOT all Palestinian. They also have among their ranks zealots from all over the Middle East who are equally willing to use Palestinian civilians for political purposes.

Zelensky “Feels Betrayed” By West Re-Posted Nov 3, 2023 By Martin Armstrong


Sorry Zelensky, there is a new, younger war in town and all eyes are on her. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told Time Magazine that he feels “betrayed” by the West since America is now funding two proxy wars. “Zelensky feels betrayed by his Western allies. They have left him without the means to win the war, only the means to survive it,” Time quoted a member of his team as saying.

Zelensky attempted to travel to Washington yet again to ask for another blank check. The entire US government almost shutdown over these blank checks but lawmakers managed to remove an additional $6 billion in aid for Ukraine to avert another crisis. Zelensky could care less about the crippling US national debt or the fact that our own people do not receive aid. He doesn’t care that the US sent more to Ukraine than all of Europe combined because Biden promised unwavering support and funding. The most alarming aspect is that he does not care about the tens of thousands of Ukrainian men who have died fighting this pointless war.

Zelensky Money Hungry

“The scariest thing is that part of the world got used to the war in Ukraine,” Zelensky said, adding, “Exhaustion with the war rolls along like a wave. You see it in the United States, in Europe. And we see that as soon as they start to get a little tired, it becomes like a show to them: ‘I can’t watch this rerun for the 10th time’.”

I for one am exhausted of hearing this former comedian with no geopolitical experience beg for fame and fortune. He knew the deal when he was installed as president. He could easily be replaced with another puppet. Did he actually think the West would show up and defeat Russia to save a nation that they wouldn’t even permit into the EU or NATO? Ukraine was merely the stepping stone for the Neocons to launch their own war with Russia. Now, the Neocons believe they can use the Middle East as their battleground instead. The invisible hand causes everyone to act in their own self-interest, and the West will put their money in that direction.

Ukraine is now the property of BlackRock and JPMorgan, and they may cause more economic hell for Ukraine than Russia ever did. It was always a game, Zelensky – a game Ukraine was destined to lose.

Did the Institute for the Study of War Stage a Mob in Russia? RE-Re-Posted Nov 1, 2023 By Martin Armstrong

An angry mob descended on the terminal of an airport in Makhachkala, Russia, looking for Jews. Telegram channel Morning Dagestan has over 65,000 subscribers, and someone posted a notice that a flight was scheduled to arrive in Dagestan from Tel Aviv. About 1,200 men stormed the airport, and the Telegram channel began urging the mob to retreat, saying things went too far. However, there is a good reason to believe that this was an orchestrated event.

Neocon Couple Kagan Nuland 274x300

The Institute for the Study of War is cited in every news article as it followed this specific event very closely. I’ve said it countless times: Do not trust ANYTHING coming from the Institute for the Study of War (ISW). The ISW is intended to promote war, and they are particularly hell-bent on the destruction of Russia. Kimberly Kagan, Robert Kagan’s sister-in-law, is the founder of the ISW, which is the source of much of the fake news. Robert Kagan and his wife Victoria Nuland are the top Neocon couple. There is a reason I have called Victoria Nuland the “queen of the neocons” due to her insistence on warfare against Russia that has been at the forefront of her entire career. I explain all this and more in my book, “The Plot to Seize Russia,” but these are extremely bloodthirsty people who have been plotting the current war for many years.

Even Vladimir Putin came out to say he believes the mob was a staged event. “The ruling elites of the U.S. and its satellites are the main beneficiaries of the global instability,” Putin said. “They are earning their bloody rent from it.” He stated that “agents of Western special services” in Ukraine have been using social media to create civil unrest in Russia. “I’m not certain if everyone in the U.S. leadership is aware of that,” he added. “It wouldn’t hurt if they run a probe into what their special services have been doing in Ukraine, trying to inspire pogroms in Russia. They are real scum, it’s impossible to call them otherwise.”

There are organizations throughout the world, such as the Open Society Foundations, which OPENLY fund protests and calculated violent events to create political instability. Anything associated with the ISW is intended to provoke war.


Lindsey Graham – Read to Declar War on Iran?

Armstrong Economics Blog/War Re-Posted Oct 24, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for educating us about the Neocons. Your special report opened my eyes and should be taught in school. Lindsey Graham, on your list of Neocons, seems to be ignorant of anything to do with the Middle East. His Meet the Press was virtually a push to declare war on Iran. That will bring in Russia, which he seems to want, and Turkey will be drawn in, which has the largest arming in the region. Besides that, 20% of the world’s oil supply still passes through the Straits of Hormuz.

His proposal to attack Iran’s oil production to cut off funds for Hamas is idiotic. Iran has thousands of missiles, if not nukes. They are sophisticated in cyber warfare. That will create World War III.

Is there nobody in Washington to push back against the lack of understanding?


Military Strength by Country

ANSWER: These Neocons are living under the false assumption that the United States is overwhelmingly powerful and that the entire world can be brought to its knees in a matter of days. Our active military is only 1.4 million compared to Russia and China, which are at 3.2 million. Even India has 1.5 million. They think because we are a major nuclear power, that nations will tremble when we say boo.  Before this began, Iran had 610,000 active. Israel had just under 170,000. Sources say that Iran has had a flood of people rushing to sign up when they raised the black flag—perhaps 2 million.

If the US attacks Iran – that is World War III. This will take it from a regional war to a global war in a matter of hours. Then we have insane Neocons claiming NATO could defeat Russia in 3 days. This is insane. Then you have those looking at the Bible who have been writing in about Armageddon when those from the North invade into the Middle East. I seriously doubt that any of these Neocons believe in the Bible.

All these people ever preach is war – never peace.

Ukrainian Nazis

Armstrong Economics Blog/Corruption Re-Posted Oct 7, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Zelenskyy Brings Tin Cup to Congress, House Cool – Senate Warm, American People Frustrated

Posted originally on the CTH on September 21, 2023 | Sundance 

Ukranian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited the White House and both chambers of congress today, as Joe Biden pledges hundreds of millions more in military weapons.

The House of Representatives has a significant faction of Republicans who are not going along with the demands to continue the bottomless pit of spending; however, in the Senate there are fewer in opposition.


WASHINGTON DC – Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited Capitol Hill on Thursday seeking more U.S. assistance for the war against Russia — but his full-court press showed no signs of significantly shrinking resistance to further aid among a large bloc of Republicans.

After meetings with both House members and senators, Zelenskyy did not take questions on what — if any — commitments he secured from Speaker Kevin McCarthy on aid for his defense against Russia, or other subjects. Inside Zelenskyy’s huddle with senators, Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) said the Ukrainian leader received two standing ovations from those gathered to hear his plea for the $24 billion in additional assistance requested by President Joe Biden’s administration. (read more)

It’s a sad situation when we find the White House, and both chambers of congress taking the time to show support for Ukraine while our own borders are in such a state of intentional crisis.  Apparently, congress has never heard the term, “charity begins at home.”

WASHINGTON DC – The Biden administration announced a new round of military aid for Ukraine as President Volodymyr Zelensky visits Washington, D.C., and meets with top United States government officials.

The assistance, announced on Thursday, will include weapons such as air defense systems, artillery ammunition, anti-armor capabilities, Guided Multiple Launch Rocket System rockets for High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems, and Javelin anti-tank missiles. It will also include controversial cluster munitions, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan confirmed. (read more)

Our U.S. government has no problem giving Ukraine cluster munitions to repel invaders….  Our borders, not so much.   See the hypocrisy?  Blood boiling.

“Between Two Ferns”

NATO – North Atlantic Terrorist Organization

Armstrong Economics Blog/Ukraine Re-Posted Sep 11, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Nothing but lies put the entire world at risk of war, which is their only purpose. If there were no enemy, there would be no purpose for NATO. Creating World War III has been their design from the beginning. Former Chancellor Merkel admitted that the Minks Agreement was to allow the Russians in the Donbas to have a democratic process to vote on separating from Kyiv, which was the way to peace. Ukraine built the largest army in Europe and now 500,000+ Ukrainians are dead. All of this is because NATO has always wanted to invade Russia, and they are praying every day for war. It’s like buying a new car but you just look at it and never drive it. They have all their theories and weapons. They want to use them.

Russian Schools Preparing Children for War

Armstrong Economics Blog/War Re-Posted Sep 8, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Numerous schools reopened this week after the summer break. Unlike US schools that are aiming to eliminate gender in textbooks, children in Russia will have a few new additions to their curriculum to prepare the youth for the ongoing war. After all, the older children must prepare and be aware of the war that they may one day fight and die in. Children will learn why Russia invaded Ukraine in  “Special Military Operation” class and will be educated on “Crimean reunification with Russia.” Putin’s aid, Vladimir Medinsky, oversaw the new updated history books that praise Russian defense or heroism vs. aggression.

The older children will learn “Basics of Life Safety,” intended as a basic military training course. Older teens will learn how to handle grenades, uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) operations, and the proper use of Kalashnikov rifles. Students will also learn basic military first aid, determining how to save the lives of their fellow classmates who could one day be dying before their eyes. Veterans of the ongoing war in Ukraine will visit classrooms to deliver firsthand accounts. “The new curriculum serves three objectives: to indoctrinate students with the Kremlin rationale for the ‘Special Military Operation’, instil students with a martial mindset, and reduce training timelines for onwards mobilisation and deployment,” the UK Ministry of Defence reported via a post on X.

Russians do not have the soft mindset of the West, and parents do not sugarcoat the harsh realities of life to their children. One parent told France 24 in regards to the new curriculum, “There are reasons for concerns… You just need to be prepared for anything and not be afraid.” We have seen military indoctrination in schools throughout history. Everyone likes to point to the Hitler Youth program as an example, but there are countless instances of this occurring. Various countries currently require the youth to serve in the military after schooling. However, the sudden change in curriculum shows that Russia is prepared for a lengthy battle. The nation wants to preserve its version of the historical events unfolding before our eyes. It is sad to know that the incoming class of students will one day be a deployed group of soldiers fighting a senseless war.

Neocons In Search Of Another Stooge

Armstrong Economics Blog/Uncategorized Re- Posted Sep 1, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Fewer than one in four Americans (24%) want President Joe Biden to run again, according to a poll published on August 17th by the Associated Press. Even 55% of Democrats do not think he should run. As far as his approval rating is concerned, he remains one of the most unpopular presidents in American history. Meanwhile, he has allowed the Republican presidential front-runner to be charged criminally, who is now under indictment for 91 felonies in four criminal cases. RFK, the Spectator, proclaimed that “everything about him screams amusing sideshow rather than [a] serious contender.” They reduce him to “the country’s most prominent antivaxxer — a fringe role almost by definition.”

They seem oblivious to all the people who have been injured by the Pfizer vaccines and those who died. My own lawyer took the shot to show he could travel, got the blood clots, and now his doctor warns he should not fly. My neighbor had COVID-19 and was forced to get the vaccination to go on a cruise. The next day, the ambulance rushed her to the hospital, where she almost died at the age of only 27. Another man who works for me and his entire family gets seriously ill from any vaccine. These pro-vaccine people are ruthless, untrustworthy, and brainwashed. They should all be deported to California. We are NOT all clones. I hate to tell them there is NO constitutional authority to force medical treatment on any citizen.

The word circulating is that the Democrats are not very happy about the Big Guy. They are searching for a replacement, but the Neocons need another stooge. It cannot be someone anti-war. That is why they must defeat Trump, which will not be easy – they have made him an international martyr. I believe that the Neocons will assassinate Trump before his hand every hit the book to be sworn in. They will blame China to justify that we should wage war on China.

The Democrats are totally out of control. These charges against Trump are solely to interfere in the 2024 election. They are absolutely desperate to impose their tyranny and overthrow the people’s rights. This is only going to lead to the collapse of the United States. They have gone to the Supreme Court asking them to ORDER the lower court to allow TV cameras in and broadcast Trump’s trial like a soap opera to convince people not to vote for Trump. This proves this whole thing is to interfere in the 2024 election, which is frightening since our computer forecast that the 2024 election will never be accepted, which was 5 years ago.

As a student of Constitutional Law, I have read Blackstone, Coke, and Monesque. What they are doing to Trump is such a violation of the Double Jeopardy Clause because the courts have been so PRO-GOVERNMENT against the common people that the prohibition against being put in Double Jeopardy demonstrates the true tyranny that the American Legal System has devolved to. By creating numerous agencies, each passes a law prohibiting the same crime. The Supreme Court has refused to honor the spirit of the Founding Fathers, and the worst example is 91 felony counts against Trump for the same pretend crime.

Let’s say that three agencies outlaw killing your spouse. Each agency could then charge you with murder. Two out of three juries find you innocent. The third is pressured by the judge and rules in favor of the government. They will not be Double Jeopardy since they allow the definition of an offense to be a statute rather than the actual crime it is supposed to outlaw. Never in history have so many agencies and states been allowed to create a plethora of statutes prohibiting the same conduct that has allowed them to charge Trump with 91 counts for the same conduct. This is as if someone shot the same person and killed them, but they charge them for each bullet he fired as a separate murder, but there is only one person.

Many have written in and said I would have made a great Constitutional lawyer. If I had chosen such a path, they would have charged me with 91 counts of contempt and imprisoned me for life without a trial. I do not tolerate fools or tyrants. The concept of Double Jeopardy has a long history, but the American courts have seriously abused its development. Its meaning has been distorted to hand the government limitless power.

The English view of Double Jeopardy, under the influence of Sir Edward Coke (1552-1634) and William Blackstone (1723-1780), meant that a defendant at trial could plead former conviction or former acquittal as a special plea in bar to defeat the prosecution. ( Crist v. Bretz, 437 U.S. 28, 32–36 (1978), and id. at 40 (Powell, J., dissenting); United States v. Wilson, 420 U.S. 332, 340 (1975))

 In this country, the common-law rule was, in some cases, limited to this rule. However,  in other cases, it was extended to bar a new trial even though the former trial had not concluded in either an acquittal or a conviction. The constitutional prohibition against Double Jeopardy was intended to protect an individual from being subjected to the hazards of trial and possible conviction more than once for an alleged offense. Blackstone in his Commentaries, greatly influenced the Founding Fathers when they adopted the Constitution. Blackstone wrote:

“. . . the plea of auterfois acquit, or a former acquittal, is grounded on this universal maxim of the common law of England that no man is to be brought into jeopardy of his life more than once for the same offence.” id/Blackstone’s Commentaries 335.

If we look at the Supreme Court ruling BEFORE with this plethora of statutes and agencies, we find the same view was taken in Ex parte Lange, 18 Wall. 163, at 85 U. S. 169 (1873):

“The common law not only prohibited a second punishment for the same offence, but it went further and forbid a second trial for the same offence, whether the accused had suffered punishment or not, and whether in the former trial he had been acquitted or convicted.”

If we look at United States v. Ball, 163 U. S. 662, 163 U. S. 669 (1896)

“The prohibition is not against being twice punished, but against being twice put in jeopardy; and the accused, whether convicted or acquitted, is equally put in jeopardy at the first trial.”

Before the court turned pro-government in the 20th century, it was being put in jeopardy twice, not that you could create ten statutes for the same crime. The underlying idea, one that is deeply ingrained in at least the Anglo-American system of jurisprudence, is that the State, with all its resources and power, should not be allowed to make repeated attempts to convict an individual for the same conduct, thereby subjecting him to embarrassment, expense, ordeal and compelling him to live in a continuing state of anxiety and insecurity.

The New Hampshire Constitution pt. I, art. 16 was adopted in 1784 and preceded the US Constitution, and it included a bill of rights that included the new nation’s first Double Jeopardy clause, stating: “No subject shall be liable to be tried, after an acquittal, for the same crime or offence (sic).” The Supreme Court of New Hampshire construes the Double Jeopardy prohibition of the state’s constitution to bar successive trials regardless of the identity of the initial prosecuting authority. State v. Hogg, 385 A.2d 844, 847 (N.H. 1978). The New

The text of the Constitution is also silent on many fundamental questions of constitutional law, including questions that its drafters and those ratifying the document could not have foreseen or chose not to address. Nonetheless, the philosophy behind the Fifth Amendment has long been settled, as stated in US v Ball back in 1896. Thus, it is one of the elemental principles of our criminal law that the Government cannot secure a new trial by means of an appeal even though an acquittal may appear to be erroneous. This has been the standard held in US v. Ball, supra; Peters v. Hobby, 349 U. S. 331, 349 U. S. 344-345 (1955)Cf. Kepner v. United States, 195 U. S. 100 (1904)United States v. Sanges, 144 U. S. 310 (1892).

We are looking at constructive amendment of the Constitution that there is ABSOLUTELY no possible way that the Founding Fathers would have allowed the same conduct to violate a multitude of statutes that would allow the government 91 chances to convict Trump for the same conduct. Not even the tyranny of King George III ever dared to get around the Double Jeopardy Clause in this manner. It is an embarrassment to the United States to the world.

Article VI, Clause 2:

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

The Supremacy Clause in the Constitution (Article VU, Claus 2) prohibits no state from writing any law that overrules the federal law. Hence, no state may charge Trump for the very same conduct that he stands charged in a federal court. The Framers of the Constitution were silent on this idea of Dual Sovereignty in criminal law, and no court can rule in that favor without the 50 states having a go at the same conduct. Naturally, the Supreme Court would never entertain that argument because it would actually benefit the people – not our tyrannical government abuses. When 2032 comes, and we get to rewrite the constitution, there should NEVER be allowed multiple prosecutions for the same conduct regardless of how many sovereigns they want to pretend to exist.

The elevation of Double Jeopardy to fundamental status by its inclusion in several state bills of rights following the Revolution demonstrated its restraint against this type of abuse by the government. The Bill of Rights, which had been adopted at the New York Convention and transmitted to Congress with its ratification of the Federal Constitution, included a declaration that.

“no Person ought to be put twice in Jeopardy of Life or Limb for one and the same Offence, nor, unless in case of impeachment, be punished more than once for the same Offence.”

James Madison’s version of the guarantee, which was introduced in the House of Representatives, and it read:

No person shall be subject, except in cases of impeachment, to more than one punishment or trial for the same offense. 

What we do know from the “intent” is that some Members opposed this proposal because it could be construed to prohibit a second trial after a successful appeal by a defendant. They viewed that as problematic. First, they argued that such a rule could constitute a hazard to the public by freeing the guilty. Second, they reasoned that prohibiting re-trials after successful appeals might make appellate courts less likely to reverse improper convictions (id/1 Annals of Congress 434 (June 8, 1789)). Ultimately, the language, barring a second trial, was dropped in response to these concerns. However,  in Crist v. Bretz, 437 U.S. 28, 40 (1978) (dissenting), Justice Lewis Powell attributed this failure to broaden the Double Jeopardy Clause to incorporate the common law rule against the dismissal of the jury before the verdict, which remains a question the majority passed over as being of academic interest only. Id. at 34 n.10. This was what I mean that the Supreme Court has allowed the abuse of the Double Jeopardy Clause to the detriment of the nation, which we are now witnessing with Trump.

Unfortunately, we no longer believe in liberty in the United States. The same conduct may violate the laws of two different sovereigns, multiple agencies, and countless statutes that criminalize the very same thing by rephrasing it in myriad ways. This has allowed a defendant to be charged innumerable times until the government wins. The Trump cases will be the epitaph of the United States and the Rule of Law. It is over. We must wait for the body of liberty to be cold before she is buried.

After the Death of Nero and the Civil War that engulfed the Roman Empire, here we have the coin issued by one of the contenders, Vitellius, with the coin declaring the Restitution of Liberty.

Ukraine Desperate to Start World War III

Armstrong Economics Blog/Ukraine Re-Posted Aug 31, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

The Ukrainians carried out a mass attack with 20 kamikaze drones against the Pskov air base 700 km from the border with Ukraine and 30 km from Estonia. The drones hit an airport near Russia’s border with Estonia and Latvia, causing a huge blaze and damaging four Il-76 military transport planes, which can carry heavy machinery and troops, the Russian state news agency Tass reported, citing emergency officials.

The development is very serious. Either the Ukrainian attack was made through the Baltic States’ air space, which is, therefore, NATO, or, as some believe, they were fired from Estonia, pointing the finger at Ukraine, which has not confirmed or denied the attack. Either way, this is becoming a war between NATO and Russia, which means the Neocons are working hard to achieve their Christmas give – World War III.

Even Orbán of Hungary has come out and said that the US needs to call back Trump. “That’s the only way out. Call back Trump.” He knows that the Neocons have staged a coup of the United States, and they are achieving their dream – World War III and the personal destruction of Russia.

Meanwhile, as hedge funds lose their shirt and the live savings of their clients because of their bearish bias against the dollar, never before has the dollar been used as extensively in international payments as it is today. There is even a revolt internally at the famed Goldman Sachs. Just about everyone is bashing David Solomon from the  New York TimesWall Street JournalNew York Magazineand The Economist.

Despite this talk of de-dollarization, the losses have been massive. The use of the euro, on the other hand, has plummeted, as SWIFT data shows. More and more serious institutions have been reaching out to us and have come to their own conclusions that the Euro is on life-support. It cannot survive while NATO ramps up war.