Interview: Will Putin Be Replaced on May 7, 2024?

Posted originally on Dec 26, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

Neocons for NATO

Posted originally on Dec 18, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

NATO North Atlantic Terror Organization

A Donald Trump win would be a complete disaster for the Neocons. He repeatedly stated that withdrawing from the war in Ukraine would be his first priority on day one in office. Trump threatened to leave NATO and was a harsh critic of the organization as he did not see the benefits for the US. Congress cannot take that chance again and has voted to ban any president from withdrawing from NATO.

The measure received bipartisan support and the effort was led by Senator Tim Kaine (D-Va.) and Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) as part of the National Defense Authorization Act. The United States provided $821 million to NATO  in its FY 2022 budget. NATO members agreed to spend 2% of their GDP on the alliance back in 2014 when fears of Russian aggression were spreading. Only three other nations adhered to that target, and as of July 2023, only 10 of the then 31 members were meeting their target.

NATO 1991 Russia Join scaled

The United States contributes more than any other NATO member. The United States, United Kingdom, and Germany pay for over 40% of NATO’s budget. NATO continually expands, also expanding the threat of war. Everyone knows the rules of Article 5 – if one nation is attacked, all nations must respond. Yet they are strategically growing NATO by welcoming countries that are a hop, skip, and jump away from “unfriendly” nations. This is precisely what the Russian government wanted to prevent, as they felt backed into a corner by NATO aggression.

Many decades ago, Russia wanted to join the alliance under Yeltsin, who worked to defend his country from the old hardline Communists. NATO declined as they needed an enemy as an excuse to maintain their alliance. To the Neocons, Russia will always be the USSR and the Communist enemy along with China. In 1997, the same year Yeltsin was reelected, then-Senator Joe Biden begged NATO to welcome all the Baltic nations. That was two years before Putin came to power, as Russia has always and must always be the enemy.

America has been the world’s war financier since WW2. Congress effectively welded international foreign interests with domestic policy by forcing the nation to back NATO indefinitely. I say indefinitely as Neocons are on both sides of the political arena and would never vote to leave NATO.

Putin’s Four-Hour Press Conference

Posted originally on Dec 18, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

Putin Political Cycle

Russian President Vladimir Putin believes his nation is leading the battle against Ukraine. In a four-hour televised press conference on December 14, the Russian president said he believes that the war will end once Russia achieves its goals. “Either we get an agreement or we solve this by force,” Putin stated.

Russia will spend $11 billion (1 trillion rubles) annually on maintaining reclaimed land. “Ukraine’s whole southeast has always been pro-Russian because these are historically Russian territories,” Putin claimed. “What does Ukraine have to do with this? Neither Crimea nor the Black Sea’s whole northern coast have anything to do (with Ukraine). And Odesa is a Russian city,” Putin said after announcing that Russia would not surrender any annexed land in Crimea, Kherson, Zaporizhzhia, Luhansk, or Donetsk.

Putin Economist

The televised event was the president’s first time addressing the public at large since February 2022, and comes days after announcing he will seek a fifth term in March. Putin took questions from the audience and journalists during the event. Some of the questions were pre-screened to allow Putin the opportunity to provide the public with the intended messaging. However, they also televised various text messages from the public that were critical of the government and world. “Why is your ‘reality’ at odds with our lived reality?” one message read.

The Russian people want the war to end as hundreds of thousands have already died. Putin claimed Russia does not plan to send additional troops into battle at this time, as over 600,000 are currently on the ground. He assured the people that better days are ahead, claiming GDP will rise in 3.5% in 2023 and unemployment will reach a historic low of 2.9%. One citizen asked about food inflation and cited eggs in particular as they have spiked over 40%. “I apologize for this, but this is a failure of the government’s work,” he stated. Inflation in Russia is running at around 7.5% despite the central bank targeting 4%.

ECM Ukraine 8.6 R

Now the people of Russia want the war to end and Putin wants to win the favor of the people ahead of the election. “There will be peace when we achieve our goals,” Putin again reassured the public. Yet, NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg made a speech around the same time urging nations to continue supporting Ukraine. Stoltenberg said that Russia will not stop at Ukraine if it achieves its objectives. “If Putin wins in Ukraine, there is real risk that his aggression will not end there. Our support is not charity. It is an investment in our security,” he said.

As long as the money continues to flow to Ukraine, the war will continue.

Saving the Best for Last Re-Posted Nov 9, 2023 By Martin Armstrong  


QUESTION: You said Ukraine never shot down 6 of Russia’s unstoppable hypersonic weapons. Do you think that was all propaganda?



ANSWER: Absolutely. Neither the US nor Russia will commit their most critical weapons to Ukraine. Why? Because it reveals your best car and allows the opposition to gather intelligence to defeat them. Look at the HIMARS rockets that were going to change the game. Russia jammed its guidance systems that rely on GPS. The US would NEVER have given Ukraine our top shelf. That would be like playing poker and showing your hand before the betting begins.

You save the Best for Last

Russia Invests Heavily in Egypt – Sun City – Nuclear Power

Armstrong Economics Blog/War Re-Posted Oct 23, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Russia poured $7 billion into Egypt in 2021 to create the Russian Industrial Zone (RIZ), the nation’s first industrial zone outside of Russia. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi developed a relationship with Russia in 2014 amid the Crimea crisis and the Ukrainian Revolution. Russia has been investing heavily in Egypt ever since and is currently pouring $4.6 billion into Egypt’s Suez Canal zone to create “Sun City,” an industrial zone covering 2,000 hectares.

Around 20% of all world trade moves through the Suez Canal. This is extremely strategic for Russian manufacturing and trade, and also explains Egypt’s refusal to support the West in its mission to escalate the Israel-Palestine war. Sun City is expected to bring 35,000 jobs to the Egyptian economy.

Egypt has become Africa’s leading destination for investment. It dethroned South Africa in 2017 to claim the title. The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) stated that Egypt “supported by a large increase in Chinese investment across light manufacturing industries and wide-ranging economic reforms, such as financial liberalisation, which is basically the establishment of higher interest rates that equate the demand for, and the supply of savings.” China’s Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) spiked 75% in 2017, providing Egypt with a large boost. The UAE, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia have also invested heavily in Egypt, especially in real estate and development.

There is nothing that the West can provide to Egypt to surpass what Arab and Eastern nations have done for its economy. The Egypt-Russia Trade and Investment Summary (YTD) 2022 indicates that Moscow and Cairo will continue to strengthen its relationship. A key to this report is that Russia is helping Egypt produce its first nuclear power plant, financing 85% of the project. El Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant will be positioned 320 kilometers from Cairo. But this deal initially began in 2015 when Russia promised to finance the project, and signed preliminary contracts in December 2017. The total project is set to cost $28.7 billion. Egypt will repay Russia the remaining 15% in installments with a repayment period of 22 years and an interest rate of 3%.

So basically, the plant will become Russia’s nuclear power in Africa and among the Arab world. They are anticipating completion in 2026 and it is safe to say that the West is going to do everything in its power to prevent this from happening. Look at the map above to see how strategic the positioning of this plant will be for Russia in not just Africa and the Arab nations but a stone’s throw away from Europe as well.

US Provokes China – Russia’s Alliance with China Grow Stronger

Armstrong Economicsa Blog/War Re-Posted Oct 20, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

China has attempted to remain neutral but the Neocons won’t allow that to happen. China is enjoying its recent economic boom and building strategic partnerships through trade and international relations. China has grown to become a global power and will become the next financial capital of the world when all is said and done. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever expect personally that the West would be the aggressor. Now I can see Neocons, who I even personally have known, are really in control of the Biden Administration. The Pentagon released the video above, with CBS News claiming Chinese fighter jets were harassing US planes in international airspace.

Were the planes flying by the coast of California or Hawaii? No. US warplanes were flying near the Taiwan Strait once again. China has repeatedly warned America not to interfere in its One China policy with Taiwan. The media spins the situation as if the government actually cares about the people of Taiwan. The truth of the matter is that the Neocons want to play war games with our tax dollars and do not like China’s recent success or status as an economic powerhouse.

China will eventually be pushed to the brink and will have no alternative but to engage in war. The Pentagon said that US and Chinese fighter planes have come in close contact 180 times since 2021, surpassing the number of encounters of the past decade. China now has the ability to push back and knows the West’s resources are stretched thin.

Putin visited Xi this week in Beijing where he was greeted as a guest of honor. Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Iran are heavily backed by Russia and China, among other Middle Eastern nations. The BRICS partnership has grown so strong that no one is dependent on Western energy, and eventually, no one will be dependent on Western trade or debt. They no longer need to use the currency of their adversary. China is attempting to remain neutral in both the Israel-Palestine and Russia-Ukraine wars, but Taiwan is where they draw the line.

As a Senator, Joe Biden scoffed at the idea of a China-Russia alliance in the event of NATO encroaching on Eastern Europe. Take a look at the video above from 1997 — yes, that was Joe Biden before his health declined to the point where he can hardly speak or step off a stage. Putin was Yeltsin’s deputy-in-chief at this time of this speech, and Bill Clinton was the president of the US. Baltic states were lining up to join NATO back then, which threatened Russia’s national security. Biden insisted that Russia would have no alternative but “to look West.” This was one of the original plans to infiltrate Russia and install a pro-Western leader.

“Yes, we see that some people consider it an attempt by the People’s Republic of China to put someone under its thumb, but we see otherwise. We just see a desire for cooperation,” Putin stated. Last year, China and Russia signed a “no limits” partnership in the wake of the war in Ukraine. They are teaming up against Western aggression, it is not the other way around. All of the players are aligning and preparing for the inevitable.

Russia Tested the Alert System on the Same Day as US

Armstrong Economics Blog/International News Re-Posted Oct 5, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

It has come to my attention that both the US and Russia held emergency alert tests on Wednesday. Unlike the US, Russia performs these tests regularly. Russia is actively engaged in war, surrounded by NATO and neocons chomping at the bit to invade. Putin has been vocal about his concerns of nuclear war, and at that point, it’s likely too late. One must wonder why both nations chose the same day to run this test.

“Hearing the sound of a siren, you need to remain calm and not panic, turn on the TV—any publicly accessible channel or radio—and listen to the information message,” Russia’s Ministry of Emergency Situations (MCHS) said via its Telegram channel. The Russian government stated that the alerts are crucial “to be confident in the performance of all existing systems for the timely delivery of signals and information to the population in the event of emergency situations.” Remember that hackers managed to break into Russia’s system earlier this year. They issued a message to the public that a nuclear attack had happened and urged citizens to seek shelter.

Russia first tested its emergency alert system in 2020 and is required to hold tests biannually. They urge their citizens to keep their devices powered on to receive any relevant alerts. “The warning system is designed to timely convey a signal to the population in the event of a threat or emergency of a natural or man-made nature,” the Ministry of Emergency Situations said.

Most countries conduct this type of testing. It is peculiar that both Russia and America would plan their tests for the same day. Is it a coincidence or something more?

Putin Interview 2020 Prewar

Armstrong Economics Blog/Russia Re-Posted Oct 1, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Zelensky insisted, thanks to Victoria Nulan, that the Minsk Agreement had to be terminated to Justify his conquest of Russia.

This is why I warned Zelensky was the man who history will remember as the next Hitler for World War III

North Korea backs Russia

Armstrong Economics Blog/War Re-Posted Sep 14, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Kim Jong Un traveled to Moscow to show Russian President Vladimir Putin his support. North Korea is completely dependent on China after the hermit kingdom was shunned from global trade long ago. Russia’s support could prove vital to North Korea as reports of famine and hardship have made their way out of the secretive country.

Kim Jong Un said Russia will secure a victory over “evil” forces. “Russia is waging a sacred fight against the West,” he said, adding that North Korea will work together with Russia to “fight against imperialism.” Three generations of dictators have been focused on demolishing the West, accumulating military supplies, and militarizing the nation in preparation for an inevitable attack. The entire Korean peninsula will be up in arms if China, Russia, and North Korea begin performing military exercises together.

North Korea has nothing to lose, a dangerous enemy indeed, and needs this partnership with Russia more than Russia needs North Korea. Absolutely no one is willing to trade with the strict dictatorship, and they are wholly reliant on China. The nation only exists because it has nuclear powers that it threatens to use frequently. Russia will likely ask for military bases, equipment, and fighters. North Korea is seeking advanced Russian technology as the nation has faced numerous embarrassments after failed military tests. In particular, North Korea wishes to launch spy satellites but has failed on numerous occasions.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that the details will be kept confidential. This partnership gives the West another reason to point its finger and say, “Those are the bad guys.” A grand-scale war is increasingly becoming inevitable.

Russian Schools Preparing Children for War

Armstrong Economics Blog/War Re-Posted Sep 8, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Numerous schools reopened this week after the summer break. Unlike US schools that are aiming to eliminate gender in textbooks, children in Russia will have a few new additions to their curriculum to prepare the youth for the ongoing war. After all, the older children must prepare and be aware of the war that they may one day fight and die in. Children will learn why Russia invaded Ukraine in  “Special Military Operation” class and will be educated on “Crimean reunification with Russia.” Putin’s aid, Vladimir Medinsky, oversaw the new updated history books that praise Russian defense or heroism vs. aggression.

The older children will learn “Basics of Life Safety,” intended as a basic military training course. Older teens will learn how to handle grenades, uncrewed aerial vehicle (UAV) operations, and the proper use of Kalashnikov rifles. Students will also learn basic military first aid, determining how to save the lives of their fellow classmates who could one day be dying before their eyes. Veterans of the ongoing war in Ukraine will visit classrooms to deliver firsthand accounts. “The new curriculum serves three objectives: to indoctrinate students with the Kremlin rationale for the ‘Special Military Operation’, instil students with a martial mindset, and reduce training timelines for onwards mobilisation and deployment,” the UK Ministry of Defence reported via a post on X.

Russians do not have the soft mindset of the West, and parents do not sugarcoat the harsh realities of life to their children. One parent told France 24 in regards to the new curriculum, “There are reasons for concerns… You just need to be prepared for anything and not be afraid.” We have seen military indoctrination in schools throughout history. Everyone likes to point to the Hitler Youth program as an example, but there are countless instances of this occurring. Various countries currently require the youth to serve in the military after schooling. However, the sudden change in curriculum shows that Russia is prepared for a lengthy battle. The nation wants to preserve its version of the historical events unfolding before our eyes. It is sad to know that the incoming class of students will one day be a deployed group of soldiers fighting a senseless war.