The Truth Always Surfaces

Posted originally on Dec 10, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

Zelenskyy Johnson

COMMENT: It first seemed you were just a Russian supporter. The more I read, the more I became shocked that we have instigated this conflict with Russia and all the conspiracy theories are being proven true. The person who referred me to your site said you had the best sources because everyone wanted to know what Socrates was forecasting. Your post today about Boris Johnson telling Zelensky there is no peace with Russia truly hit home. These people have no qualms about letting millions die for nothing. It makes me wonder if these people want power and enjoy hurting others. I cannot comprehend their thinking, let alone their moral character. Johnson has the blood of many on his hands, and he cannot wash them clean like Pontus Pilate.


REPLY: The West wants this war. Zelensky was told to keep fighting to kill as many Russians as possible. Lindsey Graham said it was the best money he ever spent to kill Russians. The problem is that 500,000 Ukrainians are now dead and still counting. Not a single leader in the West gave 2-seconds of thought about all the Ukrainian deaths and that 8 to 10 million have fled their homes. They have destroyed Ukraine because of their hatred of Russians. It was the unelected interim government installed by the US, EU, and Britain that started this civil war, attacking the Donbas on their instructions. The people voted for Zelensky because he promised peace. Johnson interfered and said no way.

McCain was at Maidan encouraging a revolution and that the United States would stand behind them. Can you imagine if a Russian addressed the crowd on January 6th, encouraging them to overthrow the government? The Neocons have used Ukraine for their purpose to wage war against Russia, and they never cared about the Ukrainian people or their country.

McCain at Maidan
McCain Kiew This is your moment
Ukraine Map

Khruschev arbitrarily drew the Ukraine border for administrative purposes. He grew up there and was responsible for rebuilding Kiev after World War II. His successor, Brezhnev, was also born there in the Donbas. Does that mean the Cuban Missle Crisis was not with Russia, but with Ukraine since they claim the Donbas? From the beginning, before the US started this civil war, I had employees on both sides in Donetsk and Kyiv and warned on February 20, 2014, that Ukraine should have been divided based on language. I stressed that point again in 2022. I also warned back on December 3rd, 2013, before the Maidan Revolution, that “Ukraine Maybe The Most Important Country To Watch.” This has NEVER been my personal opinion or wish. Our computer pinpointed Ukraine before anything even took place.

Our computer pinpointed Ukraine as the place where World War III would begin. 

Ukraine Cannot Win

Posted originally on Nov 28, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

When I said that Ukraine had lost 100,000 soldiers DEAD, I got a rash of emails claiming I was spreading Russian Propaganda. Then the head of the EU said that in a speech, and Zelensky said it was classified and she had to take that out. Of Ukraine’s 700,000 army, more than 150,000 are DEAD, and nearly 300,000 have been injured. This is why Zelensky has been conscripting 16-year-old boys and, behind the curtain, insisting that the EU forcibly return all able-bodied people to the front line. My same RELIABLE sources have the number of dead and injured Ukrainians approaching 500,000. The battle for Bakhmut was senseless. Zelensky ordered soldiers to their deaths, all to pretend he was winning for fear that the money would stop flowing.

Ukraine not only blew up the Nord Stream, undermining the German economy and sending unemployment up from 4.7% to 5.8%. Zelensky denied that Ukraine blew up the Nord Stream.  Moreover, Ukraine has been behind the assassination attempts inside Russia. Zelensky has been desperate to create World War III. He shot a missile into Poland and tried to blame Russia. The Dutch Court covered up the shooting down of the Malaysian passenger jet when the Ukrainians tried to blame that on the Russian-Ukrainians living in the Donbas. Zelensky is trying to blow up the Turkish pipeline all to undermine the Russian economy with no regard for what that will do to Europe, whom he then demands more weapons and money.

The Neocons have to be removed from power. They have been trying to undermine Russia by cutting off its energy sales since 1980. They imposed sanctions on Poland and Russia while creating pipelines to send gas to Europe. They started the Syrian Civil War, and that was the arms dealings hidden by the Benghazi incident. They signed the pipeline deal from Nigeria to Europe 2 months before they directed the Ukrainians to blow up Nord Stream. Then the Niger coup stopped that pipeline, and Victoria Nuland urgently flew to Niger to try to save the pipeline. The Neocons will not stop, and they pull off these covert acts all outside of Congress, circumventing the Constitution with every breath they take.

They are behind the Middle East war to circumvent the Suez Canal in hopes of destroying that, rerouting everything through Israel to cut off all trade with Russia once again. When will the Ukrainians rise up and overthrow Zelensky, who has sold his country to the Neocons? It looks like his days are numbered as we head into 2024. The Ukrainian people have been played for fools. They have been the vanguard to die for the dreams of the Neocons, and what do they stand to gain? Absolutely nothing!

Zelensky Lives in Luxury – Top Aides Acquire $75 Million Yachts

Posted originally on Nov 29, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

As the people of Ukraine continue to suffer under his rule, Zelensky is living a lavish lifestyle. The former comedian is said to have properties around the world. So while he is begging the world to “do their part” and fund his war, he is using much of the funds for his own pleasure. Two of his associates, Boris and Serhiy Shefir, are taking the fall after it was discovered that people acting on behalf of Zelensky purchased two yachts worth $75 million.

The yachts named “Lucky Me” and “My Legacy” were purchased in Abu Dhabi and Antibes in October 2023. The names alone are an insult to the people. Zelensky has repeatedly fired top-level officials for misusing foreign aid while hiding his own wrongdoings. Zelensky is listed in the Panama Papers, and the fact-checkers try to divert people away from this fact. I estimated last October that he had $100 million stashed offshore, which was a conservative estimate as others were claiming the figure to be closer to $850 million.

Zelensky 850

Zelensky purchased a $5 million property in Egypt under his mother-in-law’s name, Olga Kiyashko. “A suspicion is creeping in that Ukrainian bureaucrats, with the help of their relatives, are stealing financial aid to Ukraine from the West,” the political scientist continued. He stressed that Ukrainian corruption is to blame and that egocentric officials who prioritize personal gain over care for their own people infest and control Kyiv’s political system,” Egyptian political scientist Abdulrahman Alabbassy commented. It is said Zelensky owns a $35 million home in Sunny Isles Beach, FL, but I have not been able to verify the claim.

Fried Zelensky Fink Yellen

His people are skilled in hiding money and assets. Before he was installed as president, Zelensky gifted the majority of his stake in numerous businesses to Serhiy Shefir who later became his top consultant and is now one of the two brothers taking the blame for purchasing the luxury yachts.

Zelensky’s victory in Ukraine will be looked upon as the Judas who sold his country for 30 pieces of silver. The corruption in Zelensky’s government is perhaps the greatest in the world. He is leading men and women to slaughter while half the population has fled. There is no strategic benefit to the Ukrainian people, and Zelensky’s promises of ending corruption and peace with Russia, for which the people voted, have been ignored. The volatility will rise sharply from 2024; a critical target will be 2026.


Privately Everyone Admits Ukraine is at a Stalemate Position – Publicly Western Govt Must Retain Face

Posted originally on the CTH on November 25, 2023 | Sundance

Speaking to our CTH audience following direct conversations in the EU, I can assure you that privately it is well known that the Russia-Ukraine conflict is at a designed stalemate. Russia has solidified the western frontlines in Ukraine in exactly the position originally intended. Additionally, the fortifications are of such strategic scale no one in the Western alliance would dare to propose any effort for direct confrontation.

This is the reality on the ground in Ukraine, and if you look carefully at western reporting, you will see indications of the unspoken truth.

Bild reported that inside the German govt, there are leaks about conversations between U.S and German officials. “While outwardly expressing full support for Ukraine, behind closed doors in Berlin and Washington plans are being hatched to force Ukraine into talks with Russia to freeze the war on its current front lines, German newspaper BILD said in a report published on Nov. 24.” {link}

The Biden administration, specifically the Dept of State and CIA are now managing the narrative. The Eastern EU bloc (NATO realists) well understand the dynamic, although you will see opaque indications from traditional western media. However, if you look carefully, you will note one of the indications of this dynamic can be found in the unwillingness of the U.S. to provide logistical support for advanced M1A2 tanks to engage the Russian lines {link}.

[…]  Since receiving its first batch of Abrams in September, Ukraine has likely mixed them with the US-made M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, Cancian told BI.

Bradleys arrived sooner and have made their presence felt on the battlefield already.  For now, because of winter conditions, sending small Bradley-and-Abrams groups would be “inefficient” and “hard to support” logistically, he said.

Sumlenny cited the July offensives by the 47th Mechanized Brigade in the Zaporizhzhia region, where he said Ukrainian troops suffered heavy losses of Bradley armored vehicles against Russian defenses.  At the time, 34 of the 100 Bradley tanks the US had provided had been destroyed, according to Oryx, an open-source military research group. {link}

The Russian military have long ago positioned their strategic assets to take out any advanced armored columns.  All of the primary routes for U.S. provided Ukrainian tank deployment have been field targeted by proactive artillery placement.  Any advancing U.S/Ukraine armor would be walking directly into previously sighted positions.  It is a literal stalemate with air combat as the only solution to break the hardened fortifications.  The Russian air defenses are also positioned against this approach.

You cannot gather a comprehensive understanding of this dynamic without traveling to the epicenter of the discussion; so, that’s what I did.  From those discussions, and from discussions with actual Russians who know the strategic intent of the front line (Russian) fortifications, you can easily see how the Western alliance is having to face the reality of a stalemate yet needing to save face given the nature of the prior expenditures.

Negotiations between Ukraine and Russia are not a matter of “if”, but “when”, and that means politics drives the decision making.

This is the reality of the situation.

The overwhelming majority of the Russian people stand in support of the efforts by Vladimir Putin.  They do not necessarily align with the man, but they do align with the intention of national defense against western/NATO encroachment.

Winning is not the western/NATO objective.  Saving face is the priority.

Everything else is World War Reddit!

Privately Everyone Admits Ukraine is at a Stalemate Position – Publicly Western Govt Must Retain Face

Posted originally on the CTH November 25, 2023 | Sundance

Speaking to our CTH audience following direct conversations in the EU, I can assure you that privately it is well known that the Russia-Ukraine conflict is at a designed stalemate. Russia has solidified the western frontlines in Ukraine in exactly the position originally intended. Additionally, the fortifications are of such strategic scale no one in the Western alliance would dare to propose any effort for direct confrontation.

This is the reality on the ground in Ukraine, and if you look carefully at western reporting, you will see indications of the unspoken truth.

Bild reported that inside the German govt, there are leaks about conversations between U.S and German officials. “While outwardly expressing full support for Ukraine, behind closed doors in Berlin and Washington plans are being hatched to force Ukraine into talks with Russia to freeze the war on its current front lines, German newspaper BILD said in a report published on Nov. 24.” {link}

The Biden administration, specifically the Dept of State and CIA are now managing the narrative. The Eastern EU bloc (NATO realists) well understand the dynamic, although you will see opaque indications from traditional western media. However, if you look carefully, you will note one of the indications of this dynamic can be found in the unwillingness of the U.S. to provide logistical support for advanced M1A2 tanks to engage the Russian lines {link}.

[…]  Since receiving its first batch of Abrams in September, Ukraine has likely mixed them with the US-made M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles, Cancian told BI.

Bradleys arrived sooner and have made their presence felt on the battlefield already.  For now, because of winter conditions, sending small Bradley-and-Abrams groups would be “inefficient” and “hard to support” logistically, he said.

Sumlenny cited the July offensives by the 47th Mechanized Brigade in the Zaporizhzhia region, where he said Ukrainian troops suffered heavy losses of Bradley armored vehicles against Russian defenses.  At the time, 34 of the 100 Bradley tanks the US had provided had been destroyed, according to Oryx, an open-source military research group. {link}

The Russian military have long ago positioned their strategic assets to take out any advanced armored columns.  All of the primary routes for U.S. provided Ukrainian tank deployment have been field targeted by proactive artillery placement.  Any advancing U.S/Ukraine armor would be walking directly into previously sighted positions.  It is a literal stalemate with air combat as the only solution to break the hardened fortifications.  The Russian air defenses are also positioned against this approach.

You cannot gather a comprehensive understanding of this dynamic without traveling to the epicenter of the discussion; so, that’s what I did.  From those discussions, and from discussions with actual Russians who know the strategic intent of the front line (Russian) fortifications, you can easily see how the Western alliance is having to face the reality of a stalemate yet needing to save face given the nature of the prior expenditures.

Negotiations between Ukraine and Russia are not a matter of “if”, but “when”, and that means politics drives the decision making.

This is the reality of the situation.

The overwhelming majority of the Russian people stand in support of the efforts by Vladimir Putin.  They do not necessarily align with the man, but they do align with the intention of national defense against western/NATO encroachment.

Winning is not the western/NATO objective.  Saving face is the priority.

Everything else is World War Reddit!

Zelensky Tried to Capture Russia in 2012? Re-Posted Nov 13, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

Some say that life is a movie, which is certainly the case for Volodymyr Zelensky. Zelensky is first and foremost an actor. He was a proper choice as a puppet president because he could successfully parade around as if he were a concerned leader when he only cares about stuffing his pockets with the USD while his own people perish. In 2012, two years before the Ukrainian Revolution, Zelensky was parading around as Napolean in a comedy where he invades and attempts to capture Russia but fails.

“Rzhevsky vs. Napoleon” was released on the 200th anniversary of Napoleon’s failed invasion of Russia in 1812. Life truly is stranger than fiction at times. In the film, Zelensky portrays an over-the-top comedic version of Napolean and invades Moscow. A man dressed as a woman, acting as a Russian spy, seduces Zelensky in the film. He ultimately loses the war due to sheer stupidity. So while Putin was president, making serious life and death decisions for a nation, Zelensky was running around like an utter fool. Hence, Ukraine banned the film in 2015 prior to Zelensky being installed as president. But nothing can ever truly be deleted from the internet.

When the real Napolean attempted to conquer St. Petersburg, he failed largely due to Russian Field Marshal Mikhail Kutuzov. Kutuzov knew he could starve out France’s army, leaving them to battle the harsh winter without supplies. Ukraine would have been depleted of its resources as well, but the West has prevented that from happening.

There is a reason that this film is banned in Ukraine, and most have never heard of the title. How could you take this man seriously as a leader after watching this nonsense? Should Britain ask Mr. Bean to become the Prime Minister? Perhaps Adam Sandler would do a better job in office than Joe Biden. Zelensky is an absolute joke, and one should wonder why governments have given him hundreds of billions when he is not qualified to lead even an imaginary army. Zelensky has always been after fortune and fame — he is NOT a real leader.

Saving the Best for Last Re-Posted Nov 9, 2023 By Martin Armstrong  


QUESTION: You said Ukraine never shot down 6 of Russia’s unstoppable hypersonic weapons. Do you think that was all propaganda?



ANSWER: Absolutely. Neither the US nor Russia will commit their most critical weapons to Ukraine. Why? Because it reveals your best car and allows the opposition to gather intelligence to defeat them. Look at the HIMARS rockets that were going to change the game. Russia jammed its guidance systems that rely on GPS. The US would NEVER have given Ukraine our top shelf. That would be like playing poker and showing your hand before the betting begins.

You save the Best for Last

Zelensky is the War Criminal Re-Posted Nov 8, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 


Zelenskyy Highlights New Western Democratic Norms and Cancels Election

Posted originally on the CTH on November 7, 2023 | Sundance 

Ukrainian President Volodymyr has once again cancelled elections within the nation, preferring to continue his rule by unilateral fiat.

A growing opposition movement to Zelenskyy is very visible, and the Ukraine President has refused to consider a need to negotiate with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

KYIV (Reuters) -Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy dismissed as irresponsible any notion of holding an election in wartime as talks have heated up recently whether Kyiv should be voting when under Russia’s assault.

Calling for unity to avoid pointless political discussion, Zelenskiy’s comments appeared to rule out any suggestion Ukraine should hold a vote to demonstrate its democratic credentials remain in good order.

[…] In his nightly video address, Zelenskiy said it was critical to concentrate on the military challenges facing Ukraine as it tries to push out Russian forces occupying nearly one-fifth of its land more than 20 months after launching their invasion.

“We all understand that now, in wartime, when there are many challenges, it is utterly irresponsible to engage in topics related to an election in such a frivolous manner,” he said. (read more)

Sunday Talks – Zelenskyy Invites President Trump to Ukraine, Scoffs at Possibility of Peace Negotiations with Russia

Posted originally on the CTH on November 5, 2023 | Sundance

First things first.  Did you notice the byline on the NBC report we discussed about U.S. and EU officials beginning talks with Ukraine about peace-talks to end the stalemate.  For those who didn’t notice, Kristen Welker was one of the reporters who wrote the article {NBC LINK}.  Then today, Zelenskyy appears on NBC Meet the Press, with Kristen Welker, to discuss the status of the Ukraine war and say there is no “stalemate.”  Funny, but not accidental, how that happens.

The full interview link is here (and below); however, during the interview Welker asked Zelenskyy about President Trump saying he would end the conflict within 24 hours.  Zelenskyy scoffs at the possibility and rejects that any peace negotiations could take place.  WATCH (3 mins): 


I’m going to try and put the absurd nature (literally his World War Reddit disposition) of Volodymyr Zelenskyy over there on the side for a moment [that’s not easy], and accept his pronouncements are with what he genuinely believes, with the full weight and support of the U.S. State Dept/CIA to frame his reference.


On Saturday, I sat down with an emotional President Volodymyr Zelenskyy who spoke to me in both Ukrainian and English and acknowledged his people are tired but undeterred. His plea to U.S. lawmakers: give Ukraine one more year of aid and it will be able to close its funding gap or, he warned, the price for the United States will be even higher.


President Zelenskyy, let me start off by asking you: It has now been more than 600 days since Russia invaded Ukraine. How would you describe the state of the war right now?


Thank you very much for the question. As far as the situation on the front is concerned, I think – of course, I cannot provide all the details to you. But nevertheless, we hold the initiative in our hands. You can imagine what a full-scale war or what two years of a full-scale war is like. Everybody gets tired. Even the iron gets tired. But, nevertheless, I am proud of our warriors and of our people, that they are strong. Our people are helping. Our people are mobilized. And our people have a strong desire to win. Again, some spheres, Kristen, we see steps forward. Sometimes they are slow steps because of the landmines which Russia planted there while we were preparing for a counter-offensive. And in some spheres, we have problems with the air. Unfortunately, this thing hasn’t changed since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. We have seen Russia’s domination in the air. It’s a fact. And without the air defense, our steps forward are slow.


But I can give you one example about Black Sea. We have great success in the Black Sea. Even after Russia blocked Black Sea and canceled our grain corridor, grain initiative — by the way, we help by this corridor countries of Asia, countries of – every country to manage the hunger. And I think that was very important, crucial. And when Russia canceled it because they had initiative in the Black Sea, they blocked Black Sea. Now, we really defeated it. We really defend our Black Sea, and Russian fleet is being destroyed by our ammunition. And now, Russia doesn’t control fleet. That means that we used all ammunition — sea, drones and air defense — to defend this region. It’s very important. That was a signal – signal that we can manage this war even against such a terrorist organization like Kremlin.


The strategy of this war. This summer, and you reiterated right now, the progress has been slower than desired. And recently one of your top generals said Ukraine has, quote, “reached a stalemate.” Has the war reached a stalemate?


Kristen, you know, on the 24th of February when Russia invaded our cities, country, our land, our families, and they attacked all of us, the world gave us three days. Some European countries who really believed in us, they said one month. Others said it will be very quick. And this is really this situation, what they said. But now we speak with you. Now, it’s almost two years. Now, initiative in our hands. Yes, a lot of people, of course, in the world are tired. Of course, it’s understandable. Somebody tired on the battlefield, somebody tired on the works, and somebody tired abroad. They want to come back home to their husbands, to their soldiers, to these guys, women and children. Somebody tired from European leaders to support Ukraine. Yes, of course because long war.


I hear you rejecting the characterization by your top generals that this is a stalemate. Are you changing strategies, as has been reported?


I believe that today indeed, the situation is difficult. I don’t think that this is a stalemate, this attack on the, on the, on the part of the Russian army. But before that, we did a lot. We have done a lot. We had a very difficult situation. They thought that they would checkmate us, but this didn’t happen. And on the contrary, we took the initiative in our hands. Now, Russia wants to do – to attack us. They are attacking us in the east of our country while losing thousands of people and hundreds of units, pieces of weaponry. We don’t see it. But in the Andriivka direction in the last week, 200 pieces of weaponry, of ammunition were lost – have been lost. Thousands of people have been lost. They have been killed.


So we don’t see details. Sometimes our attitude to the war, that somebody staying on the one – one place. But it’s not just stay. When you stay, you kill the enemy, and this is the fact. Of course, Russia understands that now when focus from Ukraine taken off, and when this focus to the Middle East, and when they try to divide the world in this crisis, Israel/Palestine crisis, and of course, of course Russia is very happy with this war. They don’t count how many children were killed there. They don’t think about the flag or nationality. We saw some moments their attitude. We saw what was in Makhachkala, Dagestan. This is the part of Russia. This is what the biggest wave of antisemitism. So what they want? They just want to divide the world, to take focus from Ukraine to another war. And if it will not be enough for them – I’m again repeat it, and I’m repeating it these two years – if it will be not enough for them – it will not be enough. Because Syria was not enough. They began in Ukraine. After Ukraine, in the Middle East. They will continue their plan. And you see that Iran is supporting them, in Ukraine supporting them with the weapons and now in the Middle East again.


So, President Zelenskyy, are you looking at a shift in strategy to try to gain the upper hand right now?


Our military are coming up with different plans, with different operations in order to move forward faster and to strike Russian Federation unexpectedly. But barehanded, it’s impossible to do without weapons, without relevant, proper weapons. It’s a fact. Therefore, we have to prepare. We have to clearly understand what steps could be more appropriate, and we have to move forward faster.


President Zelenskyy, NBC News is reporting that U.S. and European officials have begun quietly talking to your government about what possible peace negotiations with Russia might look like to end this war. Have you personally been involved in these talks, and what’s the status of these talks?


A lot of different voices around us. I heard a lot of different voices and emotions and without any contradictions and propositions, a lot of different things. But as for me, I don’t have – for today I don’t have any relations with Russians. And they know my position. That is the position of my country. That is the position of our people. We don’t want to make any dialogue with terrorists. And the president of the United States and Congress, bipartisan support, all these people, they know that I am not ready to speak with the terrorists because their word is nothing. Nothing. We can’t trust terrorists because terrorists always come back, always come back.


As you know, with this attack against Israel, Americans are now being asked to fund two wars. And there’s growing skepticism about ongoing support of Ukraine, particularly among Republicans in Congress. What is your message to U.S. lawmakers who don’t want to send another dollar to Ukraine?


Thank you very much for this question. First of all, it’s not aid to Ukraine. I think that it is aid to the United States and the European Union. As I said, I believe that Ukraine is defending our joint values, common values. I will repeat: I believe that Putin wants to divide Europe, to weaken the United States of America. And he always wants to find a hot spot in Europe so that there is no stability in Europe, in the Middle East – what’s happening now – and on other continents, too. And I believe that Ukraine is defending both the European Union, the European continent, and our common values.


My message, one more message, you have to understand how we fight, how we live. You have to understand, just to come to Ukraine and see. We are the same people. We have the same values. I’m really thankful to President Biden. By the way, he was here. And I think he’s a strong man. And it was a historical moment. He’s a hero because he was in those moments under a Russian missile attack. But he was here, and he understood more about Ukraine. Yes, he knew Ukraine even before this invasion. Yes, he knew, but he understood the heroic attitude Ukraine has to democracy, to their people, to their houses, to their families. And he understood. He began more strongly to help us. And I’m also thankful to Congress. I had the opportunity to address Congress two times. And really, Congress and the bipartisan support was very important in a very important moment. Now, it’s a very important moment not to lose the will, not to lose this strong position and not to lose your democracy.


As you know –


Please, it’s very important. Now, you don’t send your soldiers. God bless. Don’t send your daughters and sons to other NATO country. Because if Russia will kill all of us, they will attack NATO countries, and you will send your sons and daughters. And it will be – I’m sorry, but the price will be higher. That is my signal. And believe in democracy, believe in Ukraine.


How long should they expect to send more money? When do you anticipate you can end this war, President Zelenskyy?


I think that the next year with the challenges, because this is the year of your elections. Now, again, we see the critical situation in the Middle East. So I think your help is very important for the next year. And that is crucial. And I think, if we will manage all the things that I said, the gap will be minimized in our budget. And after that, after next year, if – it the war will not finish next year – if – if it will not finish – I think that using air defense systems, using this platform of cooperation and co-production, and using these new jobs, I think we will manage to minimize this gap and you will not help us such high price. I’m sure. That’s it.


And to be very specific, I’m going to ask you about the election momentarily. You are asking for more air defenses. F-16s obviously are in the process of being ready. What more air defenses do you need, President Zelenskyy? Can you be specific?


Yes. Anti-drone systems and specific drones which our defense ministers and commanders they know very well. That’s drones which can attack enemies and also drones which are intelligent. They provide intelligence. So these specific things we began to produce.


And when we come back, more of my interview with President Zelenskyy, including his response to former President Trump’s proposal to end the war in 24 hours.


Welcome back. As the Republican presidential candidates prepare to meet in Miami this week for their third debate, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy spoke directly to the frontrunner who will not be on stage, former President Donald Trump.


President Zelenskyy, former President Trump, who is the GOP frontrunner, has said that if he is reelected he could end this war in 24 hours. What is your reaction and message to former President Trump about that?


Former President Trump said that about 24 hours, that he can manage it and finish the war. For me, what can I say? So he’s very welcome as well. President Biden was here, and he – I think he understood some details which you can understand only being here. So I invite President Trump. If he can come here, I will need 24 minutes – yes, 24 minutes; not more. Yes. Not more. Twenty-four minutes to explain President Trump that he can’t manage this war. He can’t bring peace because of the Putin. If, but always there is an “if,” If he’s not trying and if he’s not ready to give our territory for this terrible man, for the Putin, if you are not ready to give it, if you are not ready to give our independence, he – he – he can’t manage it. Yes.


You have –


– So he’s very welcome.


He’s welcome to come to Ukraine. Other presidential candidates have obviously come to Ukraine as well. Have you had any contact with former President Trump since he left office, President Zelenskyy?


No. No. No, no. That’s why he’s very welcome to repeat our tradition, which was when he was the president.


Do you think he would have Ukraine’s back if he were to be reelected?


Really, I don’t know. Really, I don’t know. I hope that – that – that it depends not only on the president institutionally. I think it depends on the opinion of Americans, of your society. I think that is most important. I think it’s important in the United States and EU, the attitude of just ordinary people. It’s their support. It’s their money. It – it depends on them.


There are reports that you plan to visit Israel. Is that true, and what will your goal be?


From the very start, on the first day of the attack by the terrorist organization Hamas against Israel, we condemned this aggression and we stated our position. And I said that we are ready to go to Israel today. It is difficult to say because I’m a president of a country at war, and you know that on our battlefield it’s very hard. Therefore, my visit there depends on a number of things. I have to be open. First – so what’s happening on the battlefield defines many things. And, second, it depends on whether we will be able to get our citizens of Ukraine who are stranded there. If we can get them out of there, if for this it’s necessary for me to be there, in Israel, in Egypt, wherever our people are released, I will fly there if it’s possible. If that can be done without my involvement at the level of diplomacy, they will do that then.


Do you believe Israel is following international law?


I have to be sincere. We are looking at this situation as if something new. It’s not a new situation at all. It’s a fire that has been burning between Israel and Palestine, and some people are still throwing matches into this fire. And I’m sure that Russia was behind and sponsoring Hamas. And Iran, too. That’s who is to blame. When we talk about laws, rules, where there are terrorists, there are no rules. Everything is beyond laws. Everybody’s trying to save their own lives and fight against the enemy using all the effort, all the forces. First, in order to finish this war and sit down at the negotiation table, pressure on Russia and Iran, you have to admit that these countries are behind approaches. And I would also add North Korea there. You saw how many North Korean munitions were found in Gaza. It’s a fact, absolute fact. And it’s difficult, of course. The main thing is that if terrorists are attacking, if terrorists attack, if they behead children, you have the full right to defend people and defend your own country, state. But we have to understand: If we can open humanitarian corridors, take away prisoners of war, help people who are not involved there, the whole world should do this and the whole world should do all they can to stop this war.


President Zelenskyy, thank you so much. Before you go, if you want to share: What keeps you going? Do you ever feel defeated?


I have a lot of power, but even feeling strong, and I have a lot of energy, it doesn’t mean that we want to fight all our lives because the price is high, like I said. Because the war takes the best of us, the best heroes, the best men, women, children. That’s it. But we are not ready to give our freedom to this [EXPLETIVE] terrorist, Putin. That’s it. That’s why we are fighting. That’s it.


President Zelenskyy, thank you so much for your time this morning. We really appreciate it.


Thank you.
