Cowards Surrender, Americans Fight for Justice

“Do they want to have a civil war? Because this is how you get civil wars. If the soap box is suppressed, and if jury box doesn’t work, and the ballot box is rigged, what’s left other than the ammo box?”

Re-Posted from the Canada free Press By Abernathy Crumm —— Bio and ArchivesNovember 9, 2020

Despite widespread and compelling evidence that Democrats perpetrated massive voting fraud on the American people, many supposed conservative pundits, writers, and personalities are declaring Biden the winner.  Before the recounts, lawsuits, and investigations are concluded, these geniuses, you know, the ones that brought us President McCain and President Romney, are belly up for the corrupt-o-crats in the Democrat party and their sycophant Never-Trumpers.  Even GW Bush has kicked the voter to the curb declaring the election was “fundamentally fair” in a call to Biden.  I guess he is a deep state kind of guy now.  Let me get this straight:

The propaganda arm of the Democrat party called the election for Biden on cue

  • We kicked the Democrats rear in everything, but the Presidency?
  • The guy who couldn’t fill one bus for a rally won?
  • The battleground states coincidently had all the problems?
  • More votes than voters?
  • 90% or higher turnout?
  • 4 AM truck deliveries of boxes to counting centers?

    There is a special place in hell for people who try to take over a country with fraud

    There is a special place in hell for people who try to take over a country with fraud.  They are stealing the birthright from people who work hard for a living, care for their families and communities, and actually try to be honest in their lives.

    President Trump is a far better conservative than all of the “do the right thing and surrender” crowd, he knows what is worth fighting for.  The integrity of our electoral process should be one of those things, but did we ever really have it?  Democrats have played Republicans for many years; they have no moral or ethical qualms with cheating.  The surrender crowd is like an abused spouse who caves to the serial abuser after a few mumbled apologies.  The behavior never changes until someone goes to jail.  In the not too distant past, punishment for such crimes included a rope and a tree.

    I read a comment to an article written by the excellent Larry Correia: THE 2020 ELECTION: F**KERY IS AFOOT.  It was prescient:

    “Do they want to have a civil war? Because this is how you get civil wars.  If the soap box is suppressed, and if jury box doesn’t work, and the ballot box is rigged, what’s left other than the ammo box?” 

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