She Will Bail – Senator Lisa Murkowski Again Threatens to Leave the Republican Party

Posted originally on the CTH on March 24, 2024 | Sundance

It’s really not a matter of if Republican senators will leave the party in the lame duck session after a President Trump win in November; the question is: how many?

The predictability of the issue is actually quite simple.  {GO DEEP}  Almost all senators kneel at the altar of money, nothing else.  The GOPe senators will exhaust every weapon in their arsenal on behalf of their multinational financial benefactors, prior to the November 2024 election.  Once those narrative attack weapons are exhausted, they will take the deal and quit the party in their final political effort to retain affluence.

Accepting this reality, I asked the question a few weeks ago.  The largest number of respondents said 1 to 3 senators will resign the party.


Lisa Murkowski switching parties is a no brainer. Susan Collins and Todd Young are two more possibilities. Mitt Romney has already announced he is leaving. Mitch McConnell has already announced he is stepping down from leadership and will not seek another term. A tenuous John Thune will only remain if he replaces McConnell. …. and so it goes.

I would bet on THREE Republican senators who will switch parties, but it could easily be more.

One thing is certain, those who do not switch/exit will remain as DeceptiCons and oppose: (a) any effort to confront the intelligence community they support; and (b) all Trump nominations, foreign or domestic policy, that threaten their place at the trough.


(Via CNN) – […] “I wish that as Republicans, we had … a nominee that I could get behind,” Murkowski told CNN. “I certainly can’t get behind Donald Trump.”

The party’s shift toward Trump has caused Murkowski to consider her future within the GOP. In the interview, she would not say if she would remain a Republican.

Asked if she would become an independent, Murkowski said: “Oh, I think I’m very independent minded.” And she added: “I just regret that our party is seemingly becoming a party of Donald Trump.”

Pressed on if that meant she might become an independent, Murkowski said: “I am navigating my way through some very interesting political times. Let’s just leave it at that.”

Murkowski hasn’t always been on the outs within her party. Appointed in 2002 by her father, Gov. Frank Murkowski, the senator’s politics were in line with the president at the time – George W. Bush – as she maintained a tight relationship with the senior GOP senator from her state, Ted Stevens, who helped build Alaska through federal dollars he funneled back home. (read more)


Not Just Recession—Massive Economic Shift!

Lee Camp Published originally on Rumble on November 26, 2022 

This is not just a Recession — it is a Massive Economic Shift!

New Interview: 2023 Will Be A Year Of Chaos and Big Challenges for the US

Armstrong Economics Blog/Armstrong in the Media Re-Posted Sep 5, 2022 by Martin Armstrong

Watch the latest interview above or click here.

Fannie Mae More Than Triples Negative Forecast for Housing Sales

Posted Originally on the conservative tree house on April 19, 2022 | sundance

Lots of people talk about an inflation driven recession.  Essentially, that’s a total economic contraction in the value of goods and services produced, sold and purchased, due to rising prices.   However, as CTH has been pointing out for more than six months, if you subtract the federal COVID infusion money from the overall economy, we have been in a contracting demand economy for almost nine months.

A negative GDP outcome is quite possible, perhaps likely, when the first quarter GDP figures are released on the last Friday of this month.  The most recent sales and economic data shows that U.S. consumers are prioritizing spending and high priced durable good sales are negative.

Now, Fannie Mae is delivering a rather stunning shift in their economic forecast.  In addition to projecting a recession for 2023, these revised home purchase figures are remarkable:

...”We have downgraded our total home sales forecast for 2022 to a decline of 7.4 percent (previously a 4.1 percent decline) followed by a decrease of 9.7 percent in 2023 (previously a 2.7 percent decline).” (link)

That is a very significant change in home sales forecast to the negative position.

We already have serious energy inflation to contend with and low wage growth.  We already know a third inflation wave on highly consumable goods is coming this summer, likely around 30% or more in food prices at the grocery store.

The professional forecasts are always tilted toward the positive for this administration, so this new statement by Fannie Mae should be considered accordingly.  Remember, Boy Scouts motto.

Having Children is the Most Destructive Thing the Planet?

Armstrong Economics Blog/Population Re-Posted May 12, 2021 by Martin Armstrong

These people are truly insane. If they believe that humans are the most destructive thing on this planet, then they should lead the way to mass suicide. It makes one think that perhaps in protest, we need to go have as many children as possible, for the birth rates have been declining. I have been in discussions in Europe, and the main reason they have welcomed the immigrants is that their birth rate has declined, and their social programs are collapsing. By allowing the immigrants into Europe, the true objective was to increase the workforce in hopes of sustaining the Socialist system and retirement plans that are crumbling.

Gates has won the day. He is having all of these environmentalists taking grants from his foundation to put out studies to support his position of reducing the population.

Melinda Gates to Divorce Bill – Hallelujah

Armstrong Economics Blog/Disease Re-Posted May 3, 2021 by Martin Armstrong

Bill and Melinda Gates are filing for divorce. The inside scoop is she has not been happy with his direction of changing the world and all the hate mail directed at them. It was really just a question of time. What Bill Gates has set out to force the world to ZERO CO2 and to reduce the population has gradually eaten away at Melinda. Some suggest that she has an inner conscious about humanity which is absent from Bill. This will be a most interesting DIVORCE for it seems to actually fit with our models.

I published this forecast on Gates back on May 8, 2020. I warned back then that this was the peak of his eighth 8.6-year wave which hit April 28th, 2020. Gates’ and Schwab’s attempt to take over the world using scare tactics is a very dangerous proposition. I warned that the “ideal peak in his power may have taken place on April 28th and that is good news for us. If this proves correct, he should be in for a fall in prestige and power going into 2024.”

His divorce is actually coming right on target. It is actually a welcome piece of news that his wife is divorcing him. It pretty much confirms that the peak in his power was indeed April 2020 when he launched this Great Reset. Perhaps all the hatred being poured out against Gates has finally made Melinda see the real person that he is – a very dangerous individual. The peak of his 8.6-year personal cycle also marked 26 years of his marriage.

Hallelujah – the Self-Annoited Health Czar of the World has reached his peak!


Great Reset & Fake Pandemic

Armstrong Economics Blog/Disease Re-Posted Apr 29, 2021 by Martin Armstrong


It’s one thing to steal an election, create a border crisis(when there was none) and then orchestrate an alleged attack on the Capitol, thus creating the perfect recipe for another attempt at impeachment.

But with complications now surfacing with these vaccines(and follow on boosters, which by design are to ensure a continuous feed of data into Big Tech), it appears the Lockdown states are now confronted with a serious dilemma: how to explain the drop in Covid cases and deaths in the non-Lockdown states, many of which have dropped the mask mandates. These same Lockdown states, which are pushing the vaccine, are seeing no relief, populations fleeing, and more coercive policies possibly being put into place.

This brings us to Biden’s threat yesterday stating there will be no 4th of July celebrations if not enough people sign up for the vaccine! So, what is not mandated now becomes a threat of retaliation. Against everyone. Not just the vaxxers.

Is there any doubt Biden wants to shut down the economy again, following the lead of Europe? He is trapped by the promise of the vaccine with the reopening. But Europe can’t(or won’t) with problems surrounding vaccine safety and availability. And Europe’s success in the lockdown hinges on its practice in the US.

Marty, you mentioned something happening late summer. This seems right. Perhaps it is renewed crisis overseas, perhaps vaccine fatigue setting in, perhaps resistance building nationwide against wearing masks. It may even be more racial strife…we don’t know…Whatever the cause(s), it seems to me we are getting closer to some inflection point, people beginning to fight back, government sense they are losing the PR battle(Fauci…overexposed, mendacious, a serial liar)….and perhaps major problems surfacing with the vaccines…deaths, complications, which work against the architects of this scam. The tease of reopening foreign travel looks fleeting….people are staying domestic… which means people moving around…and nothing the government can do about it…..looks to me like this idiot(B) will declare some kind of national emergency…watch!


REPLY: August is, for some reason, a period when war and civil unrest rise. It often marks major highs in markets around Labor Day, like September 3, 1929, and so many others. This is not about health; it is all about climate change. The Panic Cycles we see and the chaos between August-September may very well be domestic civil unrest, most likely starting in Europe. Literally, thousands of people are contracting COVID after being vaccinated, and some are still dying. The CDC admits over 70 people have died after being vaccinated by COVID.

The politicians have used this virus for political gains to shut down the economy and reduce CO2. The WEF has been boasting that the lockdowns are working in saving the planet. Meanwhile, they are destroying civilization, and the future people thought they were entitled to. This will come to a head, and perhaps the August-September timeframe will be the time of reckoning.