Neocons & their Hatred of all Russians – Destruction of Nord Stream

Posted May 2, 2024 By Martin Armstrong |  

Former CIA analyst Larry Johnson explains that there is a mountain of evidence confirming that the American Neocons were behind the destruction of Nord Stream sabotage of September 26th, 2022 (2022.736) that left Europeans’ wallets empty as energy prices soared. The destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline was carried out by the American Neocons, for this has been their objective since the 1950s, and even though communism collapsed, they have continued to hate all Russians no matter what.

The Neocons have constantly wanted to cut off Germany from buying Russian energy on their theory that this would undermine Russia and it would collapse so they could invade and slaughter Russians on a wholesale basis. They argued that imposing 100% sanctions on exporting energy would hit Moscow, where it hurts, and undermines its economy. That was the real objective of eventually destroying the Russian economy. Germany replied that they could not just cut off Russian energy cold turkey. They had the largest economy in Europe. But, the Neocons do not care about how many dead Ukrainians they have caused, nor do they care about Germans and their economy. They are the very evil that they insist Russians are.

The destruction of Nord Stream came 51.6 years on target with the frequency of the Economic Confidence Model. Indeed, ever since 1971, Russian gas has powered German homes and businesses. Without that energy, Germany would never have risen to the #1 economy in Europe, and Americans would not have enjoyed their BMWs, Porsches, and Mercedes. What these Neocons are too stupid to understand is that the selling of energy to Europe was undermining Communism. The Soviet Union opened the Institute for Management of the National Economy, which was the first school in a Communist nation for business administration and management science. These were fields long rejected as a feature of Western capitalism. The Institute was inaugurated within the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. The Roman Empire grew because it was beneficial to be part of the Empire for that allowed free trade. When the people benefited economically, it restrained their leaders and promoted peace. Free trade with Europe was undermining Communism. It took just 18 years for that to take place.

The Neocons, from the outset, did everything in their power to deny Germany access to Russian energy, all for political objectives. It was 1955 when West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer (1876-1967) visited Moscow and then established diplomatic relations for the first time between the new Federal Republic of Germany and the Soviet Union. Adenauer was Chancellor from 1949 to 1963. He opened the door for the trade agreement that followed in 1958, and by 1960, bilateral trade between the countries was booming.

1958 Russia German Trade Agreement

The Trade Agreement was reported worldwide by the Associate Press on April 9th, 1958 (1958.271). Even so, from the very beginning, that trade link between Germany and Russia was controversial, to say the least. The United States, at the direction of the Neocons, was always against it and would criticize Germany behind every closed-door session. However, the US
intimidation failed because it was necessary for the German people and their future.

Germany consumed just under 20% of all Russian gas exports in 2020. About 50% of all of its gas was coming from Russia. Germany was clearly Russia’s #1 customer. That was why the United States took the initiative to simply blow up the Nord Stream Pipeline without consulting with Germany.

US NATO Embargo on Pie to Russia

In early 1963, the US and NATO imposed an embargo against shipping pipe to Russia to complete its energy pipelines. They were taking the position that this would strengthen the Russian economy, and it would be used to expand their military. This was typical paranoia. However, we must also look at this from their perspective to understand the evolution of events rather than form a one-sided bias.

Khruschev Nikta

The American Neocons are traitors to the United States. Since 1950, they have objected to buying any energy from Russia. Their entire theory has been to starve Russia no matter what its economic philosophy might be – just kill every Russian so they can sleep at night. When Kgruschev said, “We will buy you,” this is what inspired the Neocons to take the opposite position, swearing to spread DEMOCRACY (really authoritarianism) to the world, justifying regime change to assassinate and remove by any means anyone they disliked from Saddam Husein to Qadafi.

Great Red Scare 1919

Since the Russian Revolution of 1917, we have had many Red Scares. During the whole era of McCarthyism, often known as the Second Great Red Scare, McCarthy headed the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations in 1953 and 1954. During that time, he used his power to engage in communist-hunting operations. McCarthy’s committee began an investigation into the United States Army. The more famous account was November 25, 1947, when the House of Representatives approved citations of contempt for the Hollywood Ten.

The House Committee on Un-American Activities became notorious, seeking to imprison people for a belief. The Hatch Act of 1939 banned membership in subversive organizations. Some viewed it as an anti-union or anti-labor legislation. Hundreds of people and others were prosecuted under this law between 1941 and 1957. McCarthyism was justified through the characterization of American communists as completely under Moscow’s control, that any American Communist was a puppet of the Soviet intelligence services.

To stay in the limelight and bask in the glory of defending America, McCarthy began to manufacture evidence with specificity that was headline-grabbing sweeping accusations to gain support to imprison anyone who thought of Communism. The popular view of the Communist Party had been that it was despicable and annoying, yet it was never a threat in America. Communism was popular in Russia because serfdom ended in 1861 with American slavery, but then they owned nothing and were not happy. That is why Marxism took hold in Russia during the late 19th century for they did not own land and most employment was still in agriculture.

McCathyism Lie 1951

By 1951, people were waking up to McCarthyism and that it was a big Red Scare that was based on a lot of manufactured evidence and lies. Welcome to the age of American Neocons – people who live in hatred of others and exaggerate the truth to remain in power and stay relevant.


President Harry Truman, who pursued the anti-Soviet Truman Doctrine, called McCarthy “the greatest asset the Kremlin has” by “torpedo[ing] the bipartisan foreign policy of the United States.” Eugene Victor Debs (1855–1926) was an American socialist, political activist, and trade unionist and a founding member of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). However, he was also a five-time candidate of the Socialist Party of America, running for President of the United States in 1904, 1908, 1912, and 1920 when he ran for president from prison in 1920.


Debs ran for President from prison in the 1920 election. Many people voted for him; he received the most significant number of popular votes ever received by a Socialist Party candidate in the United States. It is important to clarify that there was also the Communist Party, which was separate and distinct from the Socialist Party at the time. It is Ironic that FDR, running as a Democrat, was really advocating socialism, which Debs had advocated, except for war.

It was Woodrow Wilson who sent the Department of Justice to imprison Debs, and they used his speech against the Wilson administration for its support of World War I. Wilson was vicious and called Debs a “traitor to his country.” On June 16th, 1918, Debs made a speech in Canton, Ohio, where he urged resistance to the military draft imposed by Wilson. For that, he was arrested on June 30 and charged with ten counts of sedition.

The Neocons have hated Russians and Chinese because they were communists. However, when communism collapsed, and they were no longer trying to spread that philosophy to the rest of the world, the Neocons never stopped their hatred. When Ronald Reagan wanted to meet with Gorbachev, they objected and warned Reagan not to go because “you can never trust a Russian,” confirming that people judge others by themselves because you can NEVER trust an American Neocon. They will send you and your children to die for their personal vendettas.

McCain Climate Change

It was John McCain, the grandfather of Neocons, who promoted this nonsense of Climate Change NOT for the planet but to push Europe into nuclear energy to cut off Russia’s income from energy. John McCain for the sole purpose of destroying the Russian economy since 50% was all fossil fuels. John McCain used Climate Change as his weapon to achieve the Neocon goals. John McCain was pushing for nuclear power in Europe also to undermine the Russian economy – not for climate concerns.

Loyds refuse to pay for NordStream R

Loyds Nord Stream v (1) LIC and (2) Arch – CL-2024-000094 – Defence

The British insurance companies have refused to pay any claims for Nord Stream. Switzerland-based Nord Stream AG filed a lawsuit against the insurers for refusing to compensate the company. Nord Stream estimated the cost incurred by the attack to be between €1.2 billion and €1.35 billion and is seeking to recoup over €400 million in damages. The insurers, Lloyd’s Insurance Company and Arch Insurance Company, responded that since the Nord Stream explosions were “more likely than not to have been inflicted by… a government,” they have no responsibility to pay for damages to the pipelines. They state in court “the fact that the explosion Damage could only have (or, at least, was more likely than not to have) been inflicted by or under the order of a government,” they have refused to pay any claims.

Warmongers Neocons

Nord Stream was destroyed by the American Neocons, and it was an act of war by UNELECTED bureaucrats without the AUTHORIZATION of Congress or the people. This was treason, for they have abused the power of the Executive Office, and this warrants an investigation, and they should stand trial. These people will create World War III and manipulate society into this self-destruction that our computer warns the United States will lose this time. As Ron Paul pointed out, they have been waging wars for 60 years and have not won a single one. Communism fell – get over it. They are pissed off that they did not get to shoot anybody because it fell all by itself.

Ukraine Cannot Win

Posted originally on Nov 28, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

When I said that Ukraine had lost 100,000 soldiers DEAD, I got a rash of emails claiming I was spreading Russian Propaganda. Then the head of the EU said that in a speech, and Zelensky said it was classified and she had to take that out. Of Ukraine’s 700,000 army, more than 150,000 are DEAD, and nearly 300,000 have been injured. This is why Zelensky has been conscripting 16-year-old boys and, behind the curtain, insisting that the EU forcibly return all able-bodied people to the front line. My same RELIABLE sources have the number of dead and injured Ukrainians approaching 500,000. The battle for Bakhmut was senseless. Zelensky ordered soldiers to their deaths, all to pretend he was winning for fear that the money would stop flowing.

Ukraine not only blew up the Nord Stream, undermining the German economy and sending unemployment up from 4.7% to 5.8%. Zelensky denied that Ukraine blew up the Nord Stream.  Moreover, Ukraine has been behind the assassination attempts inside Russia. Zelensky has been desperate to create World War III. He shot a missile into Poland and tried to blame Russia. The Dutch Court covered up the shooting down of the Malaysian passenger jet when the Ukrainians tried to blame that on the Russian-Ukrainians living in the Donbas. Zelensky is trying to blow up the Turkish pipeline all to undermine the Russian economy with no regard for what that will do to Europe, whom he then demands more weapons and money.

The Neocons have to be removed from power. They have been trying to undermine Russia by cutting off its energy sales since 1980. They imposed sanctions on Poland and Russia while creating pipelines to send gas to Europe. They started the Syrian Civil War, and that was the arms dealings hidden by the Benghazi incident. They signed the pipeline deal from Nigeria to Europe 2 months before they directed the Ukrainians to blow up Nord Stream. Then the Niger coup stopped that pipeline, and Victoria Nuland urgently flew to Niger to try to save the pipeline. The Neocons will not stop, and they pull off these covert acts all outside of Congress, circumventing the Constitution with every breath they take.

They are behind the Middle East war to circumvent the Suez Canal in hopes of destroying that, rerouting everything through Israel to cut off all trade with Russia once again. When will the Ukrainians rise up and overthrow Zelensky, who has sold his country to the Neocons? It looks like his days are numbered as we head into 2024. The Ukrainian people have been played for fools. They have been the vanguard to die for the dreams of the Neocons, and what do they stand to gain? Absolutely nothing!

Ukraine Complete Disaster – Neocons Lose Again?

Armstrong Economics Blog/Ukraine Re-Posted Jul 25, 2023 by Martin Armstron

Ukraine is a complete disaster. I have been warning that our sources from UKRAINE, not Russia, have been warning that the country is on the brink of collapse. The American Neocons are being confronted with the fact that there NEVER was any chance that Ukraine would defeat Russia and putting this high-heel questionable gender dancer in high heels in charge of war was in itself a war crime. There is absolutely no war Ukraine can win anything. This is why Zelensky has been so desperate o drag in NATO because he knows they cannot retake the Donbas no less defeat Russia. The American Neocons were hoping to weaken Russia so they could contrive some scheme to justify going in for the kill.

There are rumblings behind the curtain now that a peace deal has to be struck of Ukraine will collapse if their own troops do not rise up and assassinate Zelensky for his profiteering and slaughter of his own people. After all, numerous Roman generals found themselves in a position where they did not want to fight so they assassinated their leader. In the case of Maximinus I (235-238AD), his own men, humiliated by their defeat, now entered the tent of Maximinus and murdered him. To demonstrate their new loyalty to Rome, they cut off his head and sent it to Rome. This was no isolated incident. It became rather common for the troops when ordered to fight a wrong war, turned to assassinate their own general.

The fact that the Wall Street Journal on July 23rd wrote:

“Western military officials knew Kyiv didn’t have all the training or weapons—from shells to warplanes—that it needed to dislodge Russian forces. But they hoped Ukrainian courage and resourcefulness would carry the day.”

The fact that this even appeared in the press shows that there is discontent behind the curtail. All we have heard to date are lies about how Russia is weak and losing. That is precisely the opposite of the truth and that is info from Ukraine – NOT Russia. Zelensky has kept up a false image of victory only to keep the money flowing into Ukraine. The population of Ukraine had stood at about 36 million before the war. At least 500,000 are now dead and the real number of Ukrainians who have fled their home may now exceed 10 million. Zelensky has destroyed his country all for the Donbas which was never Ukrainian territory nor occupied by Ukrainians. This has been a proxy war against Russia and Zelensky has BETRAYED HIS OWN PEOPLE for a handful of silver.

Selensky’s dream of selling Ukraine to Blackrock is really disgusting. He has had no problem letter his country brun because the more that burns, the greater the rebuilding project. He has been bragging that this will be the biggest investment opportunity for Europe with no mention of how many Ukrainians must die for he dream. Many have compared him to Nero letting Rome burn so he could build his grand golden palace.

Poland is likely to take Western Ukraine in the outcome here. That was their territory 1918-1945 and the Ukrainians slaughtered more than 100,000 Polish simply for ethnic cleansing. What is not given a lot of attention is that within Ukraine, there are ethnic Polish and Hungarians who have also been abused by the Ukrainians. The Ukrainians did far worse than just killing Polish for which they have refused to ever apologize.

The Polish Association of Memory of Victims of Crimes of Ukrainian Nationalists documented 135 methods of torture and murder practiced by Ukrainian Nazis. Poland officially called the Ukrainian actions genocide. The Ukrainians have been protected by the CIA for decades ONLY because they hated Russians. They continue to protect the Ukrainian Nazis only because they are waging war against Russia.

The Ukrainians were unprecedented in their war crimes during WWII and the sheer outright cruelty one would expect only exists in some B-Rated horror movies. This included:

  • Running children through with stakes
  • Cutting a person’s throat and pulling their tongue out through the hole
  • Sawing a person’s torso in half with a carpenter’s saw
  • Cutting open the belly of a woman in an advanced stage of pregnancy, removing the fetus, and replacing it with a live cat, before sewing up her abdomen.
  • Cutting open a pregnant women’s abdomen and pouring in broken glass
  • Nailing a small child to a door.

In retribution, Ukraine is likely to lose the Western provinces to Poland. As I have said before, Ukraine had finally achieved sovereignty. They have thrown that all away for their hatred of Russians when in fact the

What the Ukrainians overlook is that Stalin’s seizure of the food from Ukraine and their starvation have two MAJOR factors they do not want to acknowledge.

(1) Stalin was not Russian, he was from Georgia.

(2) Stalin’s right-hand man proposed starving Ukraine and he was Ukrainian – NOT Russian.

Lazar Kaganovich (1893-1991) was in charge of taking the food from Ukraine. Some say he was Jewish and sought retribution against the anti-Jewish attitude in Ukraine. His real name was KAGANOVICH, LAZAR MOISEYEVICH. He joined the Communist Party in 1911 and became a member of the Kiev committee of the party in 1914. The following year, he was arrested and restricted to residence in Kabana. He fled Ukraine and lived in various parts of Russia under the false name of Kaganovich. There he played an active role in the October Revolution in the Red Army. He rose to be the right hand of Stalin and then convinced Stalin to take the food from Ukraine most likely as retribution for his arrest.

Ukraine is a very troubled country. Its people suffer under propaganda and Bandera’s philosophy was pure hatred and ethnic cleansing. In speaking with some very naive Ukrainians, they were told they had to fight for Russia and would not stop with the Donbas. Now they will lose a lot and the West is more likely to be taken by Poland. The only peace deal will be to surrender the Donbas to Russia. Odessa at best would be a neutral demilitarized city to allow access to a port for exports. Zelensky is desperately still seeking to get NATO to intervene and now escort their grain exports. He will never be satisfied until he creates world war III. The entire population of Ukraine stands at best 0.4% – not even half of one percent of the world population.

The Ungrateful Ukrainians – Screw You – We Will Do What We Want With Your Weapons

Armstrong Economics Blog/Ukraine Re-Posted Jul 19, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

So far, our totally impartial computer continues to point to World War III, and the American Neocons do not care about the country, our people, or anything other than defeating Russia despite the fact it is no longer a communist country. I have heard from Ukrainian sources that this is not about their freedom. If so, just let the Donbas vote democratically as per the Minsk Agreement, and the rest of Ukraine is free. They tell their people this is necessary because Russia will then want the rest of Ukraine. That is nonsense. Russia could have wiped out Ukraine in the first six weeks had they done what the US did to Iraq. That is why there are those in Russia who feel that their hands have been tied by Putin not wanting to take all of Ukraine.

We will provide Ukraine with cluster bombs and F16s, and they will use them to attack Crimea and Moscow itself in hopes of dragging in the entire world. The Neocons are running the White House. And until the press starts looking beyond the nonsense from Biden as if he is really making these decisions, the future will only get darker with each arms shipment.

The NATO Crisis Pushing Us into War

Armstrong Economics Blog/NATO Re-Posted Jul 14, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

I have been very busy with the whole NATO meeting and questions coming in from important sources. Fortunately, there are some who are looking at our model’s forecast. NATO has stated that while Ukraine can join the military alliance, that will only happen “when allies agree and conditions are met.” Zelensky, who I have ZERO respect for and who I see as nothing more than a war criminal and a profiteer allowing his country to be destroyed.

All of this so he can enter his dream deal with Blackrock to create the “biggest” investment opportunity in European history. Zelensky has continually criticized the “absurd” delay in joining NATO when the rules are unambiguous – NATO cannot accept any member who is at war. Zelensky cares nothing about the world – just the annihilation of Russia.


Zelensky who only wears army clothing to psychologically present that Ukraine is at war and will never dress as a head of state should. FDR and Churchill never dressed like that nor did Tony Blair or Bush. Everything he does is a psychological tactic to get money. Zelensky has refused to accept the rules of NATO that Ukraine cannot join while it is at war with Russia. My Ukrainian sources are viewing Zelensky for what he is – a despicable profiteer and an actor. Before he was president, he did not claim to be Jewish. He joked about confiscating the property of Jews. His children were baptized and were not raised Jewish. Just another lie in his thirst for profiteering.

Zelensky has destroyed Ukraine all for a land grab of territory that has historically been Russian for centuries. The hatred of Russians would only lead to genocide if Ukraine got its hands on the Donbas. Proof of that statement was the massacre of Russians in Odessa in 2014 which began the entire separatist movement. Quebec wanted to separate from Canada. They did not launch a civil war and begin bombing citizens in Quebec. The Donbas had a basic human right to decide their own fate while the Ukrainians did the same to separate from Russia.

Meanwhile, NATO clearly wants the war to continue while pretending they are not waging war directly against Russia. This is why they are also sticking to the rules to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO. Nevertheless, they are providing Ukraine with everything a NATO member would get except “official” NATO troops on the ground. We know that NATO troops are there, just without insignia to pretend they are mercenary troops – not sanctioned by NATO.

NATO has agreed to begin an F-16 training program in Europe in August to train Ukrainian pilots on the warplanes that the Ukrainians will use to invade both Russia as well as Crimea. Clearly, NATO is under the control of the Neocons and they are hoping for an excuse to justify World War III to conquer Russia while asking China to please wait patiently in line for their turn. They know this is crossing the line to provoke Russia. NATO is sacrificing the Ukrainian people for their end goal – the total destruction of Russia. This is why I call them the North Atlantic Terror Organization. All they care about is war – not the people of Europe or America where we are to sacrifice not just our children for their warmongering, but the future of the entire world economy.

As a result, Putin has responded by sending an ultimatum to NATO that handing any F-16s to Ukraine would now be considered a “nuclear threat” since they are capable of delivering B61 nuclear bombs and Ukrainians are simply irresponsible itching to engulf the entire world in war. Russia has for the first time upgraded the threat meaning that if F-16s are delivered to Ukraine, this will automatically activate their nuclear deterrence doctrine. The hardliners in Russia are screaming for they fully know the objectives of the American Neocons and handing F-16s to Ukraine will subject Russia to the risk of a surprise nuclear attack.

Upon returning from the NATO meeting, Biden immediately call in all in selected reserves and other individuals for active duty. The unspoken outcome of the NATO meeting is that they simply want war and the Donbas is merely the excuse to justify the conquest of Russia – the Neocon dream for decades. We are preparing for war and as I said, the Neocons are deeply afraid of Trump or anyone else coming into the White House. They will need to start a war using some false flag trying to provoke Russia for they know Biden is toast. The scuttlebutt is that no president has ever lost an election in a time of war.

Zelensky has called for the suspension of elections while the war continues. So he has no incentive to seek peace which is why he told the Pope not to seek peace and NATO needs to claim that a nuclear attack of any sort on Ukraine will be a threat to the EU so that will bypass the whole NATO membership issue.

You can see that our international war model which was published back in 2019 has been targeting 2023 for years. This is what many in strategic positions have been inquiring about. The outcome is not going to be favorable to Western Civilization. But the Neocons have full control of the White House and NATO itself. The only European leader cautioning following the United States has been Macron in France.

Zelensky will go down in the history books along with Hitler and a few others. We are to lose our future, that of our children all for Neocons’ and Ukraine’s rabid hated of Russians?

Zelensky Cancels All Elections Becomes Dictator for Life

Armstrong Economics Blog/Ukraine Re-Posted Jul 8, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

QUESTION: Is it true that Zelensky is canceling elections?


ANSWER: On June 22, 2023, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a dictator installed by the West to create World War III against Russia. Zelensky told the BBC that Ukraine’s scheduled 2023 parliamentary and 2024 presidential elections would occur only if martial law had ended by that time, as reported by the New Voice of Ukraine. Hence, he has a personal reason not to seek any peace whatsoever.

There is NO WAY Zelensky is fighting for democracy – this is all propaganda. He hates Russians and refuses to allow them to separate as per the Mink Agreement and, at the same time, refuses them to vote in any Ukrainian election, no less for their independence. Zelensky is an outright war criminal, and over 8 million Ukrainians have now fled their own country because he refuses to end the war and is destroying his own country all for Blackrock’s investment scheme. His own people would remove him from office, so he cannot allow any election, and there is no way NATO or the USA will allow free elections in Ukraine.

There is no way this war will end without the Donbas’ destruction and Russia’s fall. It is a proxy war that the United States started. CIA chief John Brennan traveled to Kiev in 2014 and instructed them to begin the civil war. Kiev called the Russians of the Donbas “terrorist” because they sought independence from Kiev just as Kiev sought independence from Moscow.

Biden & Harris are clearly a no-brainer for the Neocons. There is way too much at stake. If the Neocons could, they would suspend elections in the USA as well. These people have wanted to destroy Russia for decades. They have waged endless wars, one after the other, and never won a single one. The Taliban are now major arms dealers selling billions of dollars of the weapons we left behind. They intend to escalate Ukraine and need to get the US directly involved because they cling to the idea that no president has ever lost an election during a time of war. They need to escalate this war and soon. The rumor is that Ukraine will detonate a dirty nuclear bomb and blame Russia, and then NATO and the USA invade.

Biden Approves Sending Cluster Bombs to Ukraine as NATO Prepares for Discussions of Ukraine Entering Alliance

Posted originally on the CTH on July 8, 2023 | Sundance 

This latest development from the Biden administration is concerning on many levels.

The White House is announcing their approval to send cluster bombs to Ukraine in an effort to provide a very deadly and dangerous type of munitions that have been resoundingly criticized by most of the western alliance. Cluster bombs are not just dangerous on the battlefield, they are also notorious for creating collateral civilian damage.

That said, when you overlay the reality of the Ukraine policy, essentially World War Reddit, being driven in large part by a psychological operation that is challenging to figure out from a reality perspective; in combination with very unstable people in the U.S. government seemingly playing war within the larger policy agenda; one must also look at this from a Russian intelligence position.

Is the Biden administration really willing to deploy cluster bombs or is this some PR narrative intended to give the impression the U.S. is willing to up the stakes in the use of weapons that will continue escalating, regardless of consequence. There are a lot of unstable minds within this larger Ukraine narrative as promoted by the White House, Pentagon and State Dept (CIA).

WASHINGTON DC – The Biden administration on Friday announced it will include cluster bombs in the United States’ next $800 million weapons package for Ukraine, as well as armored vehicles and air defense missiles.

President Joe Biden acknowledged it took some time to be convinced to provide the controversial weapons, but he stressed the importance of supporting Ukraine’s ammunition supplies while preserving U.S. inventories, as well as discussing how Kyiv plans to deploy the bombs.

“We’re in a situation where Ukraine continues to be brutally attacked across the board by these cluster munitions with dud rates that are very high,” Biden said in an upcoming interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria.

National security adviser Jake Sullivan also responded to humanitarian concerns about the controversial cluster bombs by emphasizing the need to provide Kyiv with artillery and by saying that Ukraine has already been targeted by Russia’s cluster bombs.

“We recognize that cluster munitions created risk of civilian harm from unexploded ordnance,” Sullivan said during a White House press briefing. “This is why we deferred the decision for as long as we could, but there is also a massive risk of civilian harm if Russian troops and tanks roll over Ukrainian positions and take more Ukrainian territory and subjugate more Ukrainian civilians because Ukraine does not have enough artillery.”

Cluster munitions are designed to destroy multiple targets at once by dropping explosive “bomblets” over a wide area, risking potentially harming civilians or other unintended targets. Both sides are already actively using the weapons. Ukrainian cluster munitions killed at least eight civilians in Izium last year, according to Human Rights Watch. (read more)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The White House on Friday said President Joe Biden and fellow NATO leaders will discuss at next week’s summit what steps Ukraine must complete to join NATO and that Kyiv has additional reforms to make, as it fights Russian invaders.

Jake Sullivan, Biden’s national security adviser, said Ukraine will not be voted into NATO membership at the summit in Vilnius, Lithuania, but he encouraged Ukraine’s President Volodomyr Zelenskiy to attend to discuss the matter.

“The NATO summit will dive into the question of NATO’s relationship with Ukraine both the question of its pathway towards future membership and the question of an ongoing partnership that has existed for several years,” he said. (read more)

Russian Coup & Civil War

Armstrong Economics Blog/Russia Posted Jun 24, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

COMMENT: Marty, Socrates has simply outdone itself. You warned that Putin could face a coup by May/June 2023. That was a year ago. Nobody can beat Socrates, as you said at the WEC, not even you. Your gift to humanity is why they hate you so much.

Take care, my friend. We really do need you now.


REPLY: Yes, I know. This gives me no joy to pound my chest. We live not just in interesting times, but treacherous times as well. Everywhere I look, I see the same patterns of Rome reemerging over and over again. There will come a time that even the US Military will split and some will realize that the enemy is really within.

Putin’s speech is historic for he mentions “treason” and “mutiny” twice, but notice that he now explains that Russia is “fighting hard for its future”, implying that indeed it is at war with the United States and NATO that wants to see every Russian annihilated from the face of the Earth. I suppose it is no longer WOKE to go after people of race or gender confusion, so they have turned their sheer hatred against the Russian people which is still the same rooted hatred in bigotry.

Putin has also labeled the immediate events as an “internal mutiny” and a “stab in the back”, mentioning “Wagner” and said he is “doing anything I can to repel this attack.” This is the coup where Yevgeny Prigozhin, the head of Wagner, is leading this coup just as Roman generals did during the 3rd century. Prigozhin has said that Putin made the ‘wrong choice’ and soon Russia will have a ‘new president’ which is clearly a coup.

I have confirmed reports from multiple sources that Wagner’s forces and perhaps others who have defected are heading to Moscow. Additional reports are coming in that the Russian airforce is now attacking Wagner’s forces. Members of Wagner are now saying that the trigger for a CIVIL WAR was pulled by Putin. There does appear to be a major coup attempt that is emerging into civil war.

If we use the ECM from the day the Soviet Union flag was replaced with the Russian flag on December 25th, 1991, we reach the critical Pi Target on May 26th, 2023. Historically, that is where the worse part of the chaos begins to unfold going into the peak which in this case will be 2039. All the propaganda and demonizing of Putin to justify war is coming back in the face of those spouting this nonsense. This is a civil war unfolding as I have been warning. Their view is not that Putin is this demon, but he has been too “soft” and the military views that this war would have been over in 6 weeks had Russia attacked Ukraine as the US did to Iraq instead of just defending the Donbas. Replace Putin and we get World War III.

Lindsey Graham does not support the Constitution of the United States. When it came to the alleged terrorists, he wanted to deny them a lawyer. If an American was taken prisoner by a foreign enemy and denied human rights, he would be the first to champion an invasion. I lost all respect for Graham when he refused to comply with international law.

Here is Graham cheering that it’s the best money the US has ever spent to kill Russians. If it were Americans in the Donbas, the US would also be there to defend them in a civil war had it been instigated by Russia. This is a sick individual who takes pleasure in killing Russians. This is how Americans are being viewed because we elect such people. From overseas, the opinions of Americans are becoming one of the sheer warmongers who will sacrifice all of Europe to kill Russians. Macron of France is urging Europe to distance itself from the United States thanks to people like Graham.

From the outset, Graham has done nothing but preach war on Capital Hill. The Ukrainians do not live in the Donbas. They are NOT fighting for their freedom – that is all such BS. They are seeking to kill Russians and outlaw their religion and language. This is a territorial action – not for freedom, democracy, or justice.

Now we have Graham desperate to start World War III. He simply hates the Russian people. They are no longer Communists trying to spread Marxism. Putin never made on step to try to reconquer Eastern Europe. The Russian people do not want such a war. Nevertheless, all we have heard from Graham is more and more war.

Graham is perfectly willing to sacrifice every Ukrainian as long as they take a Russian with them. Over 8 million have fled to other countries. 3 million have fled back to Russia.

Graham and McCain met with the Ukrainian Nazis and cheered them on to go kill Russians. The problem Graham has is that statistically, even up to 10x the number of civilians are killed compared to soldiers.

Neocons have been around for centuries. They may lament when it is time to die, but that will mean nothing. They obviously do not believe in God or any last judgment or they would not do what they do.

To our Russian Readers

Graham does NOT represent the average American any more than his painting Russians are all Evil is true about the Russian people. Putin is correct. You are indeed fighting for the very survival of Russia as a sovereign state. Many sought to conquer Russia from Hitler and Napoleon while Stalin rejected Lenin’s idea and demanded authoritarian rule. Many have sought to invade Russia all for the wealth of your nation. Graham will probably be remembered for his hatred when the history books are written on this period into 2032. WHY SOME JUST ALWAYS WANT WAR IS ONE OF THE DARK SPECTS I SUPPOSE OF HUMANITY REGARDLESS OF THEIR NATIONALITY.

The Collapse in Confidence of US Government is Here

Armstrong Economics Blog/Politics Re-Posted Jun 24, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Despite the cheering from the Washington Post, CNN, NY Times, the rest of the anti-Democracy press, and all the Democrats who were brainwashed into thinking Trump really won only because of Putin in the Hillary version of conspiracy theory (misinformation), what they have unleashed is the international collapse in confidence of the United States. Ever since Trump’s arrest, my phone has been in meltdown mode. People who were even on the fence about my case suddenly called and said gee, they use the criminal law for political purposes in the United States. Once upon a time, they trusted the United States. It seems that Trump’s arrest is now a sea-change in realization.

People are starting to wake up. The list of people they go after criminally who are whistleblowers in some capacity like Snowden and Julian Assange is just the tip of the iceberg. Criminally charging Trump was crossing the Rubicon. Then the Democrats stated that Biden will not debate anyone – Democrat or Republican. That is in itself a confirmation that he is not competent to be president. Yet he is the perfect patsy for the Neocons to run the show. When Lindsey Graham holds up a sheet and quotes Biden as authority for him and his fellow Neocons to declare war on Russia, it confirms what I have been saying. The United States is no longer a free nation. We are living in a coup, but the press is silent as was the press in every such incident from Communist Russia to Venezuela when the state turns against its people.

So, the Democrats who do not care about the Constitution or our future as a nation can cheer that this is your time to utterly destroy the other 50% of Americans who you despise so deeply. You will win the 2024 election if Biden can make it that far, and every investigation into him and Hunter will be blocked by the Department of Justice, FBI, and the NSA because this is now about the power resting in the hands of the Neocons who just want war. So pack your toothbrush, you will get to fight Russians in Ukraine and put your political dreams on the line.

These leftist zealots are cheering the end times like the Romans who they said were still laughing when the barbarians stormed the gates. For EVERY phone call I have had from Asia to Europe, they are all expressing complete shock that the United States is collapsing in the midst of political corruption. Suddenly, our forecast that the 2024 election might not even take place or certainly will not be real is starting to hit home. They are now all seeing that our forecast about the 2024 Presidential Election would be the most corrupt in history and mark the END of democracy in the United States is not so far-fetched.

These leftist people just do not get it. They crossed the Rubicon and now the view of the United States from the outside looking in, nobody seems to believe that America is still the beacon of liberty to the world. It is becoming so obvious that our computer will be right once again.

This year 2023 was a MAJOR turning point and an important Directional Change.  You can see that 2025 is the biggest target for a decade. Announcing that Biden will not debate anyone is on par. I am warning you that the Neocons need to create war with Russia BEFORE the November 2024 election for in their mind, no president has ever lost an election during war. It will also allow them to create the excuse to suspend the election during a national crisis.

Desantis – PLEASE stay here in Florida. They will never let anyone win that office anyway. The Neocons are in charge. Stalin was correct. It does not matter who you vote for. Those who count the votes decide the election. Anyone who thinks the CIA cannot rig the election is an absolute fool.

Sign of the Times

Armstrong Economics Blog/ECM Re-Posted Jun 22, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

The picture of our times is without question quite depressing certainly on a moral foundation if not on the material side as well. Our government has been seized by the Neocons who care nothing about the welfare of the state, only to bring death and destruction to their personal hated enemies. Every line that we read brings to mind the sad state of our future and the fact that the nation has fallen cascading into evil times.

First and foremost remains the outright moral deterioration domestically by companies rushing to jump on the WOKE bandwagon polarizing the nation and making discrimination against the gay community far worse than at any point in history. Perhaps the worst of all was Disney – a company that was supposed to care about children has turned into an evil empire that seeks to undermine the relationship that binds a family together.

I grew up with a boy who ended up being gay. We all played together. He did not know he was gay until puberty hit. Disney taking a stand to teach young children even about transgender is bordering on child abuse as a pedophile would talk about sex with a child. Disney’s new Pixar Movie ‘Elemental’ opened with the worse Box Office day in history – $29.6M. Public companies making political decisions violates their fiduciary duty and is polarizing the nation.

People are dumping stocks of those who have been endorsing this WOKE agenda and Disney is perhaps the worst of all for they are advocating indoctrinating children. Disney peaked back in February at around 113 and has fallen to about $87 – a 23% decline thanks to WOKE. Even the Washington Post is losing money and is starting to lay off people – probably anyone who has any independent thought is the first to go. It may be very dangerous to have WOKE stocks in your portfolio.

Add to this domestic upheaval dividing the country deeply, and we have the most corrupt and wretched Ukrainian War, which was begun in the pure spirit of Neocon hatred, greed, and ambition. This Ukrainian war began with foreign mercenaries volunteering only to return remarking how corrupt Ukraine really is to the point that American weapons are vanishing and being sold on the black market.  The lies of Zelensky have persisted shrouded in raw hatred and he refuses to negotiate peace rendering any reasonable solution hopeless. The greed of companies like Blackrock cheering on the deaths of hundreds of thousands and the more destruction the more profit they see in their eyes.

Year after year men and money had been lavished on the war to no effect and when the final catastrophe becomes apparent, World War III, Zelensky and his Ukrainians will be cheering but fail to understand that they will never again have their own country. You do not agree to be a proxy war for the United States and survive. The Neocons will bleed Ukraine dry economically and reduce its population. Zelensky has come out with the standard NEOCON propaganda that if Ukraine loses, Russia will then go take all of Eastern Europe. Russia has only taken the Donbas and could have utterly destroyed Ukraine just as the US did to Iraq. They did not destroy the power grid, the water supply, or the communications which has allowed Zelensky to plead to the world as if he is Joan of Arc in drag with his stiletto high heels. Russia has never had any interest in invading Eastern Europe or Western Europe and they have had more than 30 years to do so.

This is just standard Neocon propaganda and Zelensky spouts out the same nonsense. On top of that, Zelensky is telling Israel that they can stop the Iranian drones by starting an open war against Iran. So what if a few million people die? Zelensky is a psychopath when it comes to other people’s deaths. This Ukrainian government cares nothing for peace. They live and breathe nothing but hatred.

“If any candidate thinks supporting Ukraine is too costly, are they ready to go to war? Are they ready to fight? Send their children? Die?” Zelenskyy said. “They will have to do it anyway if NATO enters this war, and if Ukraine fails and Russia occupies us, they will move on to the Baltics or Poland or some other NATO country. And then the U.S. will have to choose between keeping NATO or entering the war.”

This Ukrainian War has weakened and destroyed the global economy. You now have IRAN and CHINA both pushing their alternatives to SWIFT. Besides ending world peace and the global economy, it has escalated inflation on a grand scale. The NEOCONS care nothing about the living standard of the people nor the economy going forward. They care even less about American or European livelihoods. Zelensky’s administration is purely evil people no different from the Nazis put on trial at Nuremberg.

The NEOCONS are manipulating society to achieve their personal goals no different than the Nazis. Goring’s remark at the Nuremberg Trial should be a warning to all of us for this is the same strategy being used by the NEOCONS to whip us up into World War III.

At home, the bulwarks of social order seemed to crumble away. Private wars, riots, open highway robbery, murder, abduction, and armed resistance to the law, prevailed on a scale that had been unknown since World War II around the world. The satellite evidence has suggested that the Trudeau government in Canada and his WEF climate change zealots have endorsed/created a false flag by setting Quebec on fire all to blame climate change to further get people to surrender their future to the WEF’s indoctrinated fools.

Everywhere we turn, people are creating insurmountable obstacles to world peace and the advancement of society both economically as well as geopolitically. We are headed to the destruction of the world economy as we know it. What we are headed into is an opportunity to remake the world into our vision of freedom – not Schwab’s vision of totalitarianism of Marxism. But in the process, all Western sovereign debt will default and from the ashes, China will replace the USA as the next financial capital of the world. BLACKROCK – kiss your ass goodbye and take your idol Schwab with you!