4.12.24: Greater multi-level sting op, No Name?, FISA, Minority report, MSM hides gov corruption, Pray!

Posted originally on Rumble By And We Know on: Apr 12, 2024 at 12:00 pm EST

Lara Logan Reveals How Radical NGO’s Are Laundering Taxpayer Dollars to Go After Conservatives

Posted originally on Rumble By Charlie Kirk show on: Feb 29, 2024 at 5:00 pm EST

Data Analytical Services (DAS) – Hemisphere Project Expanded – Government Surveillance

Posted originally on Nov 29, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

Government Spying on Everything

Snowden and others warned us. The US government has been spying on citizens at the federal, state, and local levels. Telecommunications company AT&T partnered with Data Analytical Services (DAS) to provide them with our digital footprints. The government is targeting everyone under the assumption that every American is a criminal.

They speak of the Stasi as if that was a time long ago and forgotten. Trillions of phone records are in the hands of government permanently. AT&T received indirect financing grants for its participation in the mass surveillance program. The government could target a criminal, or their neighbors, relatives, someone merely in their phone contacts list, or even the victim of a crime. The local cop could ping in to see his girlfriend’s phone location, for example. Warrants are no longer required.


US Senator Ron Wyden wrote a letter of “serious concerns about the legality” of DAS to US Attorney General Merrick Garland, obtained by Wired. Wyden said the program “would justifiably outrage many Americans and other members of Congress.” The DAS has expanded after project Hemisphere, the previous government surveillance program that has been largely scrubbed from record. Obama began Hemisphere in 2013 and also partnered with AT&T for data-mining services. Trump reinstated and later halted the program, while Biden refunded and recharged the initiative. Hemisphere was simply renamed to DAS since the cover was blown.

Big Brother

DAS operates under a program called HIDTA, which is dedicated to drug trafficking and the ongoing lost war on drugs. But they are not limited to tapping the phones of alleged drug dealers or buyers. DAS bypasses numerous laws by claiming they are not wiretapping citizens, which would require a warrant. They claim they are merely storing data instead of conversations. They are able to track locations using this data as well. “The scale of the data available to and routinely searched for the benefit of law enforcement under the Hemisphere Project is stunning in its scope,” Wyden’s letter to Garland says.

The government also has access to our email history. They can search as far back as 1987 if that data is available. The program knows if someone switches numbers and everyone has the potential to be targeted. Technically, these law enforcement agencies need a subpoena, which is easy to obtain and often bypassed. Of most concern is that data exists, and the government has a verifiable way to track citizens’ whereabouts at all times without reason of suspicion.

Open the Floodgates – Entering the US is Easy

Armstrong Economics Blog/Immigration Re-Posted Aug 28, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

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The border is literally open to all as it has been revealed that border gates have been permanently welded open. The US government claims this was done in preparation for the monsoon season and to help endangered animals safely pass. In Arizona alone there are 114 gates open areas that attract over 1,400 illegal aliens from throughout the world every single day.

The people breaking the law by entering from the southern border are laughing at us. “It was so easy to get into the US. Nothing like our journey through Mexico. That part was hard,” she added. “I thought there was going to be more security,” one migrant from Cuba told the New York Post. Border agents have reported busloads of people arriving as if they were on a guided tour.

Biden is auctioning off unused materials intended to secure the border. Democratic governors are complaining that they cannot handle the large influx of people but they have not turned on Biden. Senate Republicans are demanding that the Department of Defense (DOD) step in and prevent the Biden Administration from auctioning off the remaining border wall materials for pennies on the dollar.

There are reports of men from China and other nations arriving with what appears to be military haircuts. Biden is an utter disgrace to America, a treasonous crook openly selling out our country. America has been invaded. I cannot comprehend how anyone could still support that man after the chaos he has caused over the past three years.

Wikipedia is now Officially Government Propaganda DO NOT DONATE ANYTHING

Armstrong Economics Blog/Press Re-Posted Aug 5, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Larry Sanger, one of the founders of Wikipedia, states plainly it is now all propaganda