Nobody will be Safe if they are Vaccinated

Posted Jan 19, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 
Mandatory Vaccine

The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are mRNA vaccines, which contain tiny fragments of the genetic material known as “messenger ribonucleic acid.” There have been deep concerns that this entire technology may have long-term implications for human society.  There was a Swedish study that tested whether the vaccine’s mRNA could be converted to DNA and found that this was the case in certain lab-altered liver cell lines under experimental conditions. The mainstream media immediately came charging out to defend Pfizer, as always. They immediately downplayed the study, claiming that it did not assess whether the vaccine alters the human genome or what the effects of that would be. The mainstream media was banning anyone who dared to say the vaccines were harmful in any possible way.

MEDIS Trust is so low

The mainstream media sought out people who would defend Pfizer, calling them experts, saying additional research is needed because the findings in the lab setting cannot be used to make inferences about what might happen in a human body. This has led to a lot of people hoping that journalists defending Pfizer were really vaccinated rather than with water, for they deserve what they have sown. You do not mandate the entire world to be vaccinated with anything that has not been tested for long-term effects. That is no different than the medical experiments carried out by the Nazis.

Coronavirus Cycle

I did an interview in Canada back in 2020, and I just mentioned that the whole COVID-19 was a scam based on SOURCES that Klaus Schwab told friends before anyone heard of COVID-19 that a “virus was coming.”  The interviewer was suddenly canceled. My sources are renowned. I stated emphatically that Schwab had made phone calls and told people a virus was coming. This was BEFORE anyone heard of COVID-19.

This is a tactic of psychological warfare. You demonize something or someone, and you create such fear that you turn to them as your savior. COVID-19, I believe, was deliberately created in a lab; I had information in ADVANCE that a “virus was coming,” and that was told to friends of Schwab. This was used for absolute tyranny, and they are using Climate Change in the very same manner.

The truth is starting to surface. This miscarriage rate among vaccinated girls is off the charts. I know of young girls who were vaccinated and began to experience problems with their periods. We know that Fauci gave questionable testimony. I know of several people who suddenly had cancers emerge months after being vaccinated and who were in perfect health before. I know of several young people who died of heart problems in their 20s after being vaccinated. Mainstream media has conspired against the people and refuses to expose anything except cancel everyone who dares to question the narrative.

WSJ 2009 Shrink Population

The real question is, was this an intentional effort to reduce the world population, which has also been a stated goal of Bill Gates and his pet billionaires? When will someone start a class action suit against these people and demand all the communications between them? They are going after Trump and all his Twitter files. How about those involved in COVID-19 right through to the WEF? Defend the people just for once instead of trying to silence all dissent.

Bill Gates told the world: “But you don’t have a choice. People act like you have a choice, you don’t have a choice,” Bill Gates proclaimed three years ago in regards to the mRNA vaccine. He financially benefited from this, owning all sorts of rights, and NOBODY dares to ask anything!

There is something VERY VERY VERY wrong here. This is from the CDC’s website, which clearly has a section on the measles vaccine (MMR), warning that those who have these conditions should NOT be vaccinated. That is absent concerning COVID. Why?

CDC Covid Vaccine

Now, here is the page from the CDC on the COVID-19 vaccine, which they have taken down. There is no section whatsoever to warn people who should NOT be vaccinated. Why? Not only has the mainstream media conspired against the people, but our own governments.

2032 Beyond

The Monetary System is collapsing. I believe Schwab has taken our 2032 and converted it into his Great Reset, which he intends to create his version of Communism or modern-day Serfdom. They know the system is collapsing, and this is all about power and how to retain it over the scum beneath their feet – we, the people. What mainstream media is covering up is absolutely sickening. They have sown their own future, for when 2032 comes, I am sure that the people will rise-up and ensure that any such media operation is ever again conspiring against the people and that they deserve the worst criminal penalty possible.

Former Bill Gates’ Vaccine Scientist forecast

Posted originally on Dec 19, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

Gates Population
Population Growth 1950 2022

Our computer has forecasted this for post-2032: there will be a sharp population decline, which was perhaps Gates’ agenda all along. He is following in his father’s footsteps, convinced he has to do everything to reduce the population. His father did that by creating Planned Parenthood, convincing women it was their right to kill their babies, and placing them in minority neighborhoods some believed was a racist agenda. Even Justice Ginsberg commented that Roe v Wade was all about reducing population – not women’s rights.

2009 Ginsberg Eugenics
WSJ 2009 Shrink Population

I guess that Soros and Buffett want to take as many people with them as possible since they can’t take their money.

Bill Gates: You Don’t Have a Choice (A Reminder) Posted originally on Sep 5, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

“But you don’t have a choice. People act like you have a choice, you don’t have a choice,” Bill Gates proclaimed three years ago in regards to the mRNA vaccine. Gates, with no medical training, has not abandoned his lofty goal of altering the population through medical tyranny. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation websites discusses the Immunization Agenda 2030, a key piece to the overall agenda.

The Immunization Agenda 2030 (IA2030) discusses the need for continued COVID-19 vaccines, despite numerous governments claiming the virus is no longer a cause for concern. “Moving forward, strong immunization systems will be needed to ensure that people everywhere are protected against COVID-19 and other diseases,” the website states. “Ensuring everyone receives the vaccines they need will provide exceptional return on investment and help keep the world safe from future pandemics.” They say the people have a “fundamental right” to vaccinations, but no right to medical independence.

Vaccinate World 300x199

What can vaccinations do, according to IA2030? They have the ability to completely eliminate poverty while contributing to a strong workforce. Vaccine manufacturing will also contribute to “national industrial infrastructure” in low to middle income economies. The vaccines can even combat climate change! “Immunization protects urban public health and interrupts disease transmission, ensuring sustainable cities and communities,” page 14 of the IA2030 document reads. The magical medicine can also solve gender equality! “Removal of gender-related barriers to vaccination contributes to gender equality, as it supports women’s full participation and equal opportunities for accessing health services.” Climate, gender, sustainability, equality – is there anything these vaccinations cannot do? I guess the biggest downfall of the COVID vaccine, in particular, is that it DOES NOT PREVENT TRANSMISSION OR INFECTION.

Gates stresses the importance of global cooperation by all governments. There will be more vaccines as this program is designed to “accelerate the development of new vaccines,” meaning more experimental jabs will appear on the market without proper testing. There will also be global stakeholders behind these vaccines who will ensure that their investments are secured by pushing the larger Agenda 2030. “You act like you have a choice!” Yes, I do, and I will not risk my life for Gates and his globalist stakeholders who want us to abandon medical autonomy for profit.


The Gates of Hell

Armstrong Economics Blog/WEF Re-Posted Sep 20, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

I think Bill Gates will go down in history as in the list of the top 5 demons who have waged war against humanity. He represents what some call the Gates of Hell. Nobody will stop this guy; he is out to reduce the world’s population, no different than Hitler or Stalin. Nothing this guy does shows he cares about humanity. The Telegraph reported back in September 2018:

“The billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates has delivered a stark warning on population growth in Africa, saying if left unchecked, it could unravel decades of progress and fuel instability across the globe.”

Gates pretends to care about society with his FORCE vaccines. Yet this is contrary to all his efforts that claim we are doomed unless we REDUCE population as his father did with abortions and Planned Parenthood.

They were very clever in telling women it was their RIGHT to kill their children. Ruth Bader Ginsburg made it clear when she got to the Supreme Court it had NOTHING to do with women’s rights — it was all about reducing the population, especially among minorities, not much different than Hitler with his Aryan Race. Just last year, Gates launched a program for condoms in Africa. Even back in 2013, GATES SWORE HE WOULD REINVENT THE CONDOM.

Why would ANYONE believe Gates on anything? These vaccines are NOT intended to help society. Klaus Schwab also makes the short-list of the greatest threat to humanity. His World Economic Forum joined Bill Gates-controlled GAVI to promote using biometric tracking technology to force-vaccinate African children to take Gates’ malaria vaccine that does not even work. This vaccine produced deadly meningitis in at least one out of a hundred children receiving four doses.

NOBODY will stop the WEF or Bill Gates because our career politicians sanction whatever they want to do if perhaps the bribes are big enough.

Why is Bill Gates Buying Anheuser-Buch Shares?

Armstrong Economics Blog/Corruption Re-Posted Sep 11, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Bud Light, America’s former #1 selling beer, has fallen after the company went woke. So why then would billionaire Bill Gates purchase 1.7 million shares worth around $95 million in parent company Anheuser-Busch? Through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust, the fake philanthropist is purchasing numerous shares of alcoholic beverages. He also bought a 3.76% stake in Heineken Holding NV or 10.8 million shares worth $939.87 million at the time.

What was considered essential during the pandemic? Alcohol. Liquor stores were permitted to remain open throughout the entire pandemic to quiet the masses. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) reported that a quarter of people began drinking more than usual during the dark days of the pandemic, and alcohol sales jumped 3%. We know from countless other studies that mental health issues skyrocketed at this time, and the NIH stated that many began drinking more as a coping mechanism. The same phenomenon happened in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina in 2005 when alcohol sales went through the roof, and years earlier, the alcohol industry profited off the back off the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a glass of scotch from time to time. However, one must wonder why every health organization and government deemed alcohol, a known carcinogen, an essential during the pandemic. The CIA once studied how to “promote the intoxicating effects of alcohol” during the MKUltra studies. Of course, the disturbed researchers also laced the alcohol with other drugs, but they found alcohol could “enhance the ability of individuals to withstand privation, torture and coercion.”

Panic sells alcohol. People were less likely to take to the streets when they were home, numb to their existence. If there were another lockdown due to the climate or a virus, alcohol would still be deemed an essential service that all must be able to access. Bill Gates is preparing to profit off of our suffering in every way possible.