Denver Cuts City Budget in Favor of Migrants

Posted originally on Feb 15, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Denver sanctuary city AP 1182020

Cities across America are watching their budgets implode due to the migrant crisis. Instead of deporting the people who entered illegally, cities are beginning to cut their budgets to reallocate funds. So the taxpaying public are having their contributions unfairly stolen by their politicians to pay for illegal activities.

Denver is one of many sanctuary cities that is now slashing their budgets to make room for the migrants. Denver Mayor Mike Johnston announced public services will be cut by $5 million, and predicts the surge of unknown residents will cost taxpayers $180 million in 2024. The news comes one month after the city redirected $25 million away from legal residents. These politicians have absolutely no scope of the true cost of paying for unemployed migrants who do not contribute to society. They refuse to address the core problem, because that would unmask the true motive behind the deliberate and calculated invasion.

Johnston and other leaders of sanctuary cities continue to blame the Republicans and Trump. Johnston cited the GOP blocking the most recent spending package as the reason for the recent budget cuts. “I want it to be clear to Denverites. Who is not responsible for this crisis that we’re in [is] folks who have walked 3,000 miles to get to this city,” the mayor said. Well, you presented your city as a safe haven for asylum seekers. The truth of the matter is that you did not expect Abbott and others to ship migrants to your door.

“Despite broad bipartisan support, I think [former President] Trump and Republican leaders saw this as a chance that if this bill actually passed, it would have successfully solved the problem facing cities and the border, and they would have rather seen it fail, so they could exacerbate these problems, extend the suffering of American people and of newcomers for their own electoral changes this November,” Johnston continued.

This is actually how these people operate as they believe spending more money, on foreign wars at that, could act as a viable solution. A child with a piggy bank has a better grip on finances. These cities refuse to admit that perhaps building a wall or simply securing the border, GOP-led initiatives, would curb the crisis. Is all of this chaos worth turning your cities blue? Biden has the authority to stop this madness at any time.

We will see more cities slash their budgets as they realize they simply cannot afford to bankroll tens of thousands of people. This will lead to increased civil unrest as Americans watch their quality of life drop as their taxes are misused for political ploys. The asinine amount of money American citizens pay in taxes should not be spent on people from foreign nations, be it on wars or migrants.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott Releases Statement: “I have declared an invasion under Article I, § 10, Clause 3 to invoke Texas’s constitutional authority to defend and protect itself”

Posted originally on the CTH on January 24, 2024 | Sundance

Governor Greg Abbott today issued a statement on Texas’ constitutional right to defend and protect itself as President Joe Biden continues to attack Texas and refuse to perform his duties to secure the border.

“The Executive Branch of the United States has a constitutional duty to enforce federal laws protecting States, including immigration laws on the books right now,” reads the statement. “President Biden has instructed his agencies to ignore federal statutes that mandate the detention of illegal immigrants. The failure of the Biden Administration to fulfill the duties imposed by Article IV, § 4 has triggered Article I, § 10, Clause 3, which reserves to this State the right of self-defense. For these reasons, I have already declared an invasion under Article I, § 10, Clause 3 to invoke Texas’s constitutional authority to defend and protect itself. That authority is the supreme law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary.”  [Full statement pdf HERE]

Astronomical Sanctimony – New York City Mayor Sues 17 Charter Bus Companies Trying to Stop Illegal Aliens from Reaching His Sanctuary City

Posted originally on the CTH on January 4, 2024

This latest action by Democrat New York City Mayor Eric Adams is remarkable.  Even the leftist media are stunned at the action being taken by Mayor Adams in order to stop illegal aliens from reaching his sanctuary city.   The ideological hypocrisy is off the charts.

Mayor Adams has brought a lawsuit [SEE pdf HERE] against the charter bus companies who are transporting the migrants who crossed the southern U.S. border.  Adams is relying on a 19th century New York State law that prohibits anyone from assisting in the relocation of a person, to New York, who cannot sustain themselves.

From the lawsuit: “Section 149 of the New York Social Services Law requires that “[a]ny person who knowingly brings, or causes to be brought a needy person from out of state into this state for the purpose of making him a public charge  . . .  shall be obligated to convey such person out of state or support him at his own expense.”

[Source pdf Link]

(Via CBS New York) – In a stunning and unexpected move to stop Texas Gov. Greg Abbott from shipping busloads of asylum seekers to New York City, Mayor Eric Adams has filed a lawsuit against 17 charter bus companies used by the Lone Star State.

He wants the bus companies to reimburse the city for the hundreds of millions of dollars it’s cost to shelter them.

Just call it the Empire State strikes back, with a bold counter punch to Abbott.

“New York City has and will always do our part to manage this humanitarian crisis, but we cannot bear the cost of reckless political ploys from the state of Texas, alone,” Adams said.

[…] The mayor sued the bus companies who, since the spring of 2022, have been used by Abbott to ship asylum seekers to New York, with officials showing them maps, giving them bar-coded bracelets with their destinations clearly marked, and then checked by drivers to make sure they land in the city.

The suit seeks $708 million to compensate the city for the cost of shelter, food and health care.

“These companies have violated state law by not paying the cost of caring for these migrants,” Adams said. (read more)

Biden Suing Texas to Stop Them From Deporting Illegal Aliens

Posted originally on Jan 3, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


Biden’s controlled Justice (JustUs) Department has sued the state of Texas regarding their new state law that would authorize local police and judges to arrest and remove undocumented immigrants. The Biden Administration is flooding the nation with illegal aliens. It (1) intends to grant citizenship by executive order to rig the 2024 election, and (2) it will require them to join the military to fight China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran, just to mention a few.

The Texas statute is due to go into effect in a matter of months. Biden is claiming that this Texas law is unconstitutional, allocating powers to local officials that have been reserved for the federal government. However, the Supreme Court ruled in HARRIS V. McRAE, 448 U.S. 297 (1980) that the Constitution is NEGATIVE, not POSITIVE. That means there is no obligation by any state to provide services to illegal aliens any more than to citizens.

Biden has turned the Constitution upside down. Texas and any other state are NOT under any obligation to provide anything to illegal aliens. They should all get a free bus ticket to Washington, DC. Let the Congress members fight their way to get home and to work, stepping over all the people living on the streets. The Supreme Court was confronted with an abortion case, and the issue was whether the state should pay for it as a right. The holding is very clear and correct. The Constitution is NEGATIVE, and as such, it is a RESTRAINT upon government – not a POSITIVE instrument that compels the government to provide any social benefits whatsoever as some entitlement.

To all our readers in Texas, get a hold of your state representative and tell them NOT to provide anything to illegal aliens whatsoever. Hand them a free bus ticket to Washington, DC. That’s it.

Illegal migration into the United States is supported, no Demanded, by Biden

Have you ever boiled milk?  It happens slowly at first, then suddenly all at once….  Slowly AT First (SAF)!

Currently the influx of illegal, unvetted, unchecked and undocumented migrant arrivals into our country is happening at the rate of more than 200,000 every month.  That’s three college football stadiums of unknown characters arriving and disbursing each month.   These statistics are just the recorded intercepts and releases, this statistic does not include those who found a way through without presentation at the border.

This scale of influx has been happening for almost three years now.

We are beyond the point then the unsecured border is the issue…. With tens-of-millions of unknown migrants seeded throughout the nation, we are now in the consequence phase.   We are now in the consequence phase.  Repeated, intentionally because so many people just don’t understand what those consequences will mean.

The “fundamental transformation” is proceeding without any impediment.  However, now we see various voices in the uniparty politic starting to position themselves, their statements, their expressions, in such a manner as to avoid blame for a situation that is about to explode.

Senate Blocks Foreign Border Spending Package

Posted originally on Dec 8, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 


The Senate has prevented the US government from sending billions to aid foreign wars in a 49-51 vote. Republicans demanded that protections for the US border be implemented in the latest $111 billion spending package. The nation is spending billions on the illegals entering the country and those requesting a secure border are asking for a fraction of what the Biden Administration sent to Ukraine alone. Biden is now threatening to send American troops to Ukraine if he cannot send a blank check.

Biden continued with the claim that Putin wants to build the Russian empire and will not stop at Ukraine. “We’ll have something that we don’t seek and that we don’t have today: American troops fighting Russian troops,” Biden declared. Now some say Biden was merely stating that America would be forced to act if Russia attacked a  NATO nation. The truth of the matter is that Biden is threatening to kill American men and women if he does not secure funding. National Security spokesperson John Kirby reiterated Biden’s threats. “America will not only spend money, but also shed its own blood,” he claimed. “If you think the cost of supporting Ukraine is high now just imagine how much higher it’s going to be not just in National Treasure but in American blood if he [Putin] starts going after one of our NATO allies… we [will] take our Article 5 commitments very seriously,” said Kirby.

Invasion is Here

Senator Bernie Sanders actually sided with the GOP over this issue as he did not want to send Israel “no-strings-attached money.” Sanders believes Netanyahu is a far-right extremist but does not believe the war can simply end. Rather, he does not believe America should focus on funding foreign wars at this time. “The problem with saying it is, it is not going to happen, because in Hamas, you have a corrupt terrorist organization that has stated before the attack on October 7, and after the attack on October 7, that their goal is to destroy Israel and engage in perpetual warfare,” Sanders continued. “To simply say ‘cease-fire,’ in my view, would be to provide false hope to anybody. I don’t know how you have a cease-fire with a group who says we don’t want a cease-fire.”

As for the Biden Administration, the situation at the US-Mexico border has never been worse. Americans want American taxes to go toward securing our own border and we deserve to have representation.

Background, Migrants Imploding Welfare State Re-Posted Nov 14, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 


People are coming to America for a better life at your expense. The excuse that migrants came here to work and contribute to our society does not match the statistics. As the NY Post recently reported, only 2% of 139,500 migrants in New York have applied for work permits, and thousands more are on their way to our cities to live off the welfare state.

New York received an influx of 2,800 additional people last week alone. There are 65,500 people living in shelters throughout the city at the expense of the taxpayer, and the mayor believes the city will spend of $2 billion this year on funding. We are putting more resources into supporting people who broke our laws by entering the country illegally than we do on our own citizens.

You can work your whole life and send countless funding into Social Security, only to receive the bare minimum upon retiring. You receive no interest on these funds and it is not optional to opt-out of contributing. The average retiree is expected to live on $1,555 per month, which is not enough to live in any US city.

Meanwhile, migrants are receiving a one-time payment of $2,275 and at least $1,225 per month which is more than they likely ever earned from their country of origin. Their room and board is on the taxpayers’ tab and there is no urgency for these people to enter the workforce. In fact, it seems as if they are encouraged to continue milking the welfare system to become utterly dependent on the state. I am stating figures from the US, but migrants are also living on the welfare system in Canada and every other Build Back Better country.

It is not economically feasible for the US to continue funding illegal immigration. And yet, thousands of people are crossing over into the US everyday and no one preventing the invasion of America.

The Migrant Crisis – You Ain’ Seen Nuffin Yet! Re-Posted Nov 8, 2023 By Martin Armstrong

WEC 2023_Barbarians_at_Gate C 1

We have a monumental crisis with the migrants, for we already know that Middle East terrorists have already entered thanks to Biden’s look-the-other-way policy. The proposal Republicans are pushing is that migrants would also be ineligible for asylum if they have been convicted of felonies or other “serious crimes,” including DUI or certain drug offenses.

The Republicans have called for codifying the so-called “remain in Mexico” policy first enacted under former President Donald Trump. Anything the Trump did, Biden reversed regardless of its credibility or not. Trump’s policy required migrants to stay in a neighboring country while they await decisions from U.S. officials.

New York City is in crisis. They are buying bus tickets and taking migrants to Canada. All of this is because of Biden’s open border policy. We have yet to see the crisis from this policy thus far.

Pro-Palistinian Protests Re-Posted Nov 8, 2023 By Martin Armstrong


QUESTION: Well, you projected a Middle East war two years ago. Do you see this escalating to the entire region?


ANSWER: You are witnessing pro-Palestinian protests on a grand scale. They are applying so much pressure; even Obama is distancing himself from Biden, and there are Democrats starting to push for him to withdraw from the 2024 election. All of this is going over the heads of just about everyone. I will cover this issue in detail at the WEC. But to suffice it to say that there is another whole dimension here. Turkey is seeking to rile up the Arabs coming out, calling Israel committing war crimes. Erdogan is doing this strategically, for it has been his dream for years to resurrect the Ottoman Empire.

So, while people focus on hating Putin, you better start looking more closely at the Middle East. Turkey is a member of NATO, with US bases there and nukes pointed at Russia. This was a massive protest to storm the US base there. American soldiers in the Middle East are now at risk. If they defend themselves, then the US will also be a war criminal in addition to the Great Santin.

Merkel Welcome

Europe has been infiltrated by Muslims thanks to Merkel. France will be the predominant Muslin before this cycle ends. Christian families on average in France have 1.8 children, whereas the Muslims in France average 8.1. We have a lot more problems waiting for us ahead.  You will see terrorist attacks inside Europe, and the same will take place inside the USA. This will justify more lockdowns.

Nordic Countries Promise Mass Deportations Re-Posted Nov 2, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 


Religious zealots have come out in full force in recent weeks. European nations are now realizing that they made a grave mistake by opening their doors to countless migrants who do not share the same culture or values. Reuters reported that Nordic governments are now planning to deport immigrants who have not established legal residence.

Denmark has only allowed enough refugees into their borders to meet the United Nations quota and has received harsh criticism for not leaving its borders open. “The Swedish government is truly looking at how the Danish government has worked with both fighting organised crime but also on migration issues,” Sweden’s Minister of Migration, Maria Malmer Stenergard said. Finland, Iceland, and Norway have also agreed to collaborate with their Nordic neighbors to purge invaders from their lands.

EU Immigration

This is another issue with the concept of the European Union. Brussels decided that these nations were obligated to allow foreigners into their borders. Nations like Poland and Hungary have been condemned for their “far-right” policies by preventing a mass influx of migrants. Poland’s MP Dominik Tarczynski has been extremely outspoken about forbidding Muslims, in particular, from entering his nation.

Poland has one of the lowest levels of unemployment in the Eurozone, and permitting in immigrants under the guise of “skilled workers” is unnecessary. The European Union is run by the globalist elites who are pushing for open borders. Yet another reason why individual European nations are questioning their position within the union as Brussels is pressuring all nations to adopt their ideologies.

Refugee we are not going back

I mentioned in another article that nearly 70% of violent crime in France is committed by migrants. There are extreme risks involved when mixing cultures that do not align. Henry Kissinger recently came out and said the EU made a “grave mistake” with their open immigration policies. “It was a grave mistake to let in so many people of totally different culture and religion and concepts, because it creates a pressure group inside each country that does that,” Kissinger stated. This comes on the heels of pro-Hamas, not pro-Palestine, protests emerging across Germany. In fact, violent protests are emerging across all of Europe. “The Middle East conflict has the danger of escalating and bringing in other Arab countries under the pressure of their public opinion,” Kissinger noted.

We will see more mass deportations as civil unrest grows and countries become serious about securing their borders amid a rise in crime and violent protests. No one is willing to accept the people of Palestine after what happened after Syria. There may need to be negotiations or repercussions for origin countries that refuse to accept their own people back. This will become an extremely hot topic as countries begin to select who can stay and who must leave.