Biden Forced to Stop Funding United Nations Relief Agency After Evidence of 12 UNRWA Agents Participating in Oct 7 Terrorist Attack Against Israel

Posted originally on the CTH on January 26, 2024 | Sundance

Evidence has been shown to the Biden administration and the United Nations that 12 members of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) were actual participants in the October 7th Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel.

Yes, you read that correctly. The U.N. was an actual participant in the premeditated slaughter of Israeli citizens.

(Via Axios) The State Department on Friday said it is pausing additional funding for the UN Palestinian refugee agency after Israel alleged 12 UNRWA employees were involved in the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack.

The big picture: It’s the first step by the Biden administration against UNRWA since renewing U.S. funding to the agency after the Trump administration completely cut it off.

State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said the U.S. is “extremely troubled by the allegations” and the administration has “temporarily paused additional funding for UNRWA while we review these allegations and the steps the United Nations is taking to address them.”

State Dept – “The United States is extremely troubled by the allegations that twelve UNRWA employees may have been involved in the October 7 Hamas terrorist attack on Israel.  The Department of State has temporarily paused additional funding for UNRWA while we review these allegations and the steps the United Nations is taking to address them.

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken spoke with United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres on January 25 to emphasize the necessity of a thorough and swift investigation of this matter.  We welcome the decision to conduct such an investigation and Secretary General Guterres’ pledge to take decisive action to respond, should the allegations prove accurate.  We also welcome the UN’s announcement of a “comprehensive and independent” review of UNRWA.  There must be complete accountability for anyone who participated in the heinous attacks of October 7. (LINK)

Driving the news: A senior Israeli official said the Shin Bet and Israeli military intelligence provided information that pointed to the active participation of UNRWA staffers and the use of the agency’s vehicles and facilities during the Oct. 7 Hamas attack.

“This was strong and corroborated intelligence,” the official said. “A lot of the intelligence is a result of interrogations of militants who were arrested during the Oct. 7 attack.”

State of play: UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini said he has terminated the contracts of the accused staff members and launched an investigation to “establish the truth without delay.” (Axios More)

UNITED NATIONS – “The Israeli Authorities have provided UNRWA with information about the alleged involvement of several UNRWA employees in the horrific attacks on Israel on 7 October.

“To protect the Agency’s ability to deliver humanitarian assistance, I have taken the decision to immediately terminate the contracts of these staff members and launch an investigation in order to establish the truth without delay.  Any UNRWA employee who was involved in acts of terror will be held accountable, including through criminal prosecution.

“UNRWA reiterates its condemnation in the strongest possible terms of the abhorrent attacks of 7 October and calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all Israeli hostages and their safe return to their families.

“These shocking allegations come as more than 2 million people in Gaza depend on lifesaving assistance that the Agency has been providing since the war began. Anyone who betrays the fundamental values of the United Nations also betrays those whom we serve in Gaza, across the region and elsewhere around the world”. (LINK)

Ukrainian Spy Chief Asks West to Empty Warehouses of Military Supplies

Armstrong Economics Blog/War Re-Posted Sep 20, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

The West has provided Ukraine with EVERYTHING, from weapons, training, and money to removing their opponent from the SWIFT system and irreparably harming their relationship with Russia. The blank checks to Ukraine are real, as we have come to learn as week after week, politicians travel to Kyiv to offer more and more. Major General Kyrylo Budanov of Ukraine knows that there would be no war without Western aid, and said that he knows Western nations can provide more since “warehouses in Western countries are not completely empty.”

According to Joe Biden, the US is low on ammunition but there are always supplies and fund for Ukraine.  Budanov said that Ukraine’s current arsenal could be depleted by 2023, or in three years. “We are dependent on external players,” he admitted. “Russia is mostly dependent on itself.” That is because the West is using Ukraine as cannon fodder as the war was planned many years ago. Everything had to fall into place from installing Zelensky to using the fake Minsk Agreement to buy time to build up Ukraine’s military.

Zelensky plans to travel to New York to ask the United Nations General Assembly for MORE. How are the people not concerned with this guy showing up to every major event and begging for funding from countries that are on an economic decline? Ukraine will never stop asking for money and the West will never stop providing it to them.

Hence, NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg is already preparing the public for a “long war.” “Most wars last longer than expected when they first begin,” Stoltenberg told Funke media. “Therefore we must prepare ourselves for a long war in Ukraine.” He spreads the lie that Russia wants to wipe Ukraine off the map when Putin has made his intentions very clear from day one. Had the signing nations abided by the Minsk Agreement, there would have been fair elections in the Russian regions of Ukraine and all of this could have been avoided. But the neocons want war with Russia. “We all want a quick peace,” lied Stoltenberg. “At the same time, we must recognize that if [Ukrainian President Volodymyr] Zelenskyy and the Ukrainians stop fighting, their country will no longer exist. If President Putin and Russia stop fighting, we will have peace.” All of the peace offerings have been declined. War is the only option now, and Ukraine will continue to milk its Western allies for everything they can give.

G20 & the One World Government Dream

Armstrong Economics Blog/Rule of Law Re-Posted Sep 14, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

The movement toward a One World Totalitarian State is proceeding. India is the Chair of the G20. This is the proud symbol of the G20 in Lucknow, (Uttar Pradesh) India. The leaders of the G20 over the weekend reached an agreement to impose by sheer force digital currencies and digital IDs on their respective populations. This will allow them to monitor their people’s spending and crush dissent. However, the digital IDs will become a shared network to deny travel to individuals they deem non-compliant to their tyranny. This is the problem when you have career politicians, for they are not on our side but sit above us and look down with disdain.

The G20, under India’s presidency, adopted a final declaration on the subject over the weekend in New Delhi. The digital currency objective is to eliminate the underground economy; canceling paper money will make paying cash under the table impossible. They claim this will eliminate all crime, such as bank robberies and even prostitution.  They also argue it will eliminate bank runs. The estimations of the UNTAXED economy vary between 20% to 40%. While they cleverly state that there are no discussions on eliminating cryptocurrency, they will seize all cryptos, which would still allow an underground economy – the gray market.

Christine Lagarde has admitted that there will be controls on digital currency. The G20 announced they had agreed to build the necessary infrastructure to implement digital currencies and IDs. As I have warned, this is all part of 2032. This will fail, and in the end, this will lead only to revolution. There is ZERO economic benefit to digital currency. They do this purely to control the economy and eliminate the grey market.

We must understand that this is why the Democrats oppose Robert F. Kennedy as they do Trump. The Republicans hate Trump. These people only want “career” politicians. We, too, are their hated enemy. Anyone who thinks they care about us is just a delusional fool. We are the ants in the ant farm, and they want to observe everything we do, just like the Communist leaders did 34 years ago.

Trilateral Commission: 2023 is Year 1 of New World Order

Armstrong Economics Blog/Great Reset Re-Posted Aug 28, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

The Trilateral Commission is a private group of elites formed in 1973 by David Rockefeller to discuss control of Europe, North America, and the Asia-Pacific region. Membership is invitation only and their meetings are shrouded in secrecy. Takeshi Niinami, Meghan O’Sullivan, and Axel Weber are the three chairs of the organization. Although the members of this organization are not household names, they are very powerful decision-makers – the elite appointed by the dollar.

In leaked notes from a conference held earlier in the year, one speaker has declared that 2023 is year 1 of the New World Order. “Three decades of globalization — defined as integrated, free-market based and deflationary — has been replaced by what will be a multidecade period of globalization defined as fragmented, not-free-market-based but industrial-policy based and structurally inflationary. This year, 2023, is Year One of this new global order.”

This group is also working in secrecy to alter the world as we know it. They are another version of the World Economic Forum in every way possible. They developed a Task Force on Global Capitalism in Transition to transition the modern world away from capitalism. As stated on their website: “There are growing concerns about whether market-based economies will be able to address three major challenges. First, climate change. Second, the disruptions triggered by the digital revolution. Third, rising inequalities.”

And 2023 is the first year of this New World Order, as we have seen all the globalists embedded in politics implement policies to achieve these goals. Remember, all of the rules they want to implement are for you and me – not them. “Moving toward a more sustainable and inclusive capitalism is a defining challenge of our age. The task force hopes its work stimulates discussion, debate, and, ultimately, decision,” the website also states. “Inclusive capitalism” is an oxymoron. Capitalism by definition is “an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit.” It is not meant to be a fair and equitable system. Everyone has an opportunity to earn in this for-profit system that demands hard work over welfare.

The Trilateral Commission is something I will discuss more as many have not heard of the organization. They are so confident that their ideals have been embedded in our society that this is supposedly year 1. The elitists will fail miserably, but chaotic times are ahead. It is no longer a conspiracy that there is a global cabal of elitists who are actively changing society as a whole.

Fingerprint Cards AB – One BIG Step Closer to Digital IDs

Armstrong Economics Blog/WEF Re-Posted Jun 25, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

The World Economic Forum (WEF) quietly partnered with Fingerprint Cards AB, the world’s leading biometrics company. The WEF has been discussing combining biometric data with financial services since at least 2016. Fingerprint Cards AB, based in Sweden, specializes in digital security and aims to make humans “the key to everything.” The company has installed programs on nearly every device, from smartphones to smart homes, and relies on personal data to access accounts. This new partnership with the World Economic Forum is intended to push forward the digital ID system in the quest for total control.

The United Nations (UN) also partnered with the WEF to implement digital IDs. As their video explains, they will track you “from the day you join to the day you part.” The UN wants humanity to store all their data on their digital IDs and, as with all invasive technology, markets the program as a solution for simplicity. The World Economic Forum has long said that the push for the Great Reset would require the people to surrender their privacy. The technology from Fingerprint Card AB was the missing link.

This company will use biometric data such as fingerprints, iris scans, DNA, and even inserted chip devices to link all of humanity to one centralized banking system. Going a step further, the goal of a one-world government would provide one centralized group with the power to access this data. Socrates indicates this plot will fail, but the road to failure will be long and destructive. Everyone will be linked to this global database, and it will be impossible to participate in society without joining. The WEF wants digital IDs to link to personal bank accounts for ultimate control. Gone are the days when the superior army ruled. Whoever controls the data will control everything and everyone.

UN’s Plan to Rule the World – The Summit for the Future & End of Individualism

Armstrong Economics Blog/WEF Re-Posted Jun 23, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Klaus Schwab is a control freak in how he runs the World Economic Forum. Make a single mistake and you are in trouble. Schwab seeks perfection and he is taking those ideas and seeking to indoctrinate the entire world. He has his young global leaders infiltrating governments around the world as we saw in New Zealand and Trudeau who has been a one-man invasion to utterly destroy Canada once and for all and seeks to terminate its energy production.

But behind all these efforts and slogans that you will own nothing and be happy which has sent Blackrock off into buying private homes with the objective to own everything and fulfill Schwab’s agenda ensuring the average person will own nothing, Schwab’s agenda is far more sinister than most realize. He is perhaps the worst Marxist in history for he is strategically assaulting our way of life knowing that pushing the WOKE equality agenda has a specific goal of dividing society into groups to fight among ourselves while he and his authoritarian lords are scheming against everything that makes worth living and to terminate our independence and even our human rights.

Schwab’s plan is now being fully adopted by the United Nations. They have embraced the system developed by the World Economic Forum (WEF), which is outlined in three new policy briefs from the UN titled, “A Global Digital Compact, Reforms to the International Financial Architecture, and The Future of Outer Space Governance.

The sinister goal is to advance the United Nations as the new world government. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’s “vision for the future” is ultimate control and the daring scheme to monitor everyone just as Schwab does inside his WEF. This is Officially titled “Our Common Agenda,” where Guterres’ “vision” is to be given the green light in September 2024 during an event dubbed, “The Summit for the Future.” The UN describes this goal to control the entire world as “an open, free, secure and human-centered digital future.”

From the very beginning, the United Nations has seen itself as eventually becoming the one-world government power. They rejected the idea of freedom and viewed that they needed to control society for “unrestricted individualism is equally erroneous” so we are to be treated worse than a student in high school who must ask permission to go the bathroom.

The United Nations/WEF wants now to not just create a Digital ID for every person on the planet, but eliminating all paper currency means that every person on the planet must also have a bank account.  Schwab and the United Nations now want all Digital IDs linked with the bank or mobile money accounts. They argue that this will improve the delivery of social protection coverage and serve to better reach eligible beneficiaries. At the same time, it will track every individual on the planet. Do we donate to their opposition and have our accounts frozen like Trudeau did to anyone who donated to the Truckers?

They claim that Digital technologies will eliminate crime. How do you pay a prostitute or buy illegal drugs? But how do you pay the 16-year-old girl who just babysat your kids when you and your wife went to a show? So the homeless who are mentally ill will probably be imprisoned if they do not have a bank account – for their own safety of course. In the town I grew up in, we had what you called a bag lady. She pushed her shopping cart around and slept in doorways. When people found out she had a son who was a doctor in the next town, they were outraged. When she died, there was over $200,000 in cash in that shopping cart. Still, she preferred the homeless life.

Both Schwab and now UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres both speak in lock-step about basically regulating the global digital future and they see themselves as those on top who do the regulating of the scum people beneath them. We are no longer human beings, but we are seen as a plague of rodents, and the herd needs to be thinned out.

Of course, Schwab and his WEF along with the United Nations are all UNELECTED organizations seeking to rule the world using phrases such as “international cooperation” and Schwab’s favorite “stakeholders” who will come to surrender all our rights to them all so they can advance principles, objectives, and actions that they see as their globalist agenda to rule the world.

This digital future as envisaged by Schwab and the United Nations is going to be quite the opposite of open, free, or human-centric, however. You cannot have “unrestricted individualism is equally erroneous” and it must be one policy fits all. Is this not what Kiev is trying to impose on the Dondas outlawing their language and freedom of religion? This authoritarian UN “vision” for a future global financial system, is supposed to be harmonized the entire world with Schwab’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The problem is that communism collapsed because all advancement of society comes from the ground up – not from centralized authoritarian control.

This became self-evident in the 1959 famous kitchen debate between Nixon and Khrushchev. The entire advancement of everything came from human innovation and curiosity. Those are qualities that are not possible by the government. Nevertheless, all the lessons that Marxism failed are overlooked because these people seek absolute control over our lives. The world is to be ruled by something they call “the apex body” they intend to establish. Both Rome revolted in 509BC and overthrew such a body as did Athens in 508BC.

After Athens revolted and established Democracy in 508BC overthrowing what the UN and Schwab want to recreate – the Thirty Tyrants. Athens eventually collapsed in 404BC – two 51.6-year ECM cycles later. Nothing lasts forever. The Thirty Tyrants were the dream of Sparta. Athens was conquered by the ancient Communist State – Sparta, which never issued coins keeping with their rejection of private property just as Schwab is proposing and Blackrock is carrying out – you will own nothing and be happy.

Sparta rejected individualism just as the UN and Schwab’s WEF and they never issued coinage using these spit iron rods. This is the same agenda that Schwab and his WEF, the United Nations, and all Schwab’s young global leaders are pushing for – the elimination of all paper money and moving to digital where they can control every aspect of our entire lives.

The key actors here would be the UN chief, as well as the Group of 20 (Tyrants), the Economic and Social Council, and “heads of international financial institutions” which will establish complete and ultimate control over everything. This is the bottom line “vision” of the United Nations and their “Global Digital Compact.”

What they are conspiring behind our backs and mainstream media will NOT explain, is their sinister and evil objective to have people, devices, and entities, all tied up in a connected network that could apparently be centrally administered by them and subordinated to this unelected group of self-anointed bureaucrats.

Where is Joe McCarthy when we really need him? Schwab and the United States are actively seeking to subordinate the United States and are actually planning this future scheme and do not give a second thought to any negative impact, for they care nothing about individual rights, only their desire to control civil society on a global scale.

These ideas that always support their authoritarian world rest on the fallacy that a one-world government will end the war. That is nonsense. Just look at Rome and you will see many civil wars and revolutions within a one-world government. Here is the form President of France stating openly that the entire idea of creating the European Union was to create a one-European government to end future wars.

As I have explained, Schwab is strategic. He is forming key alliances always to further his personal view of a new world order under the theories of Karl Marx.  Schwab’s WEF has just partnered with a leading biometrics company to advance its own agenda to digitize humanity. Swedish biometrics company Fingerprint Cards has taken a big step into the WEF’s New Champions Community, an assembly of mid-sized enterprises.

Schwab wants to track absolutely every person on the planet and this is behind his promotion of biometric forms of digital ID and claims the technology would serve as a new great steward of humanity to eliminate inequality. We are to allow someone so sinister to be able to hack our minds to create “social inclusion?” Schwab’s Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, who when the history books are written on this endeavor, will perhaps go down alongside Hitler’s Dr. Josef Mengele (1911-1979) where Hitler sought to also create the perfect race.

This Dr. Yuval Noah Harari admits that the tyrants of history lacked the technology to hack humans but it now exists. Charles Burgeat, Senior Vice President of Strategy at Fingerprint Cards, actually said:

“As a proud member of the WEF New Champions Community program, we want to be recognized as a purpose-driven company that contributes positively to the changes needed to operate in the new digitalized world. By joining this Community, we look forward to brainstorming and exchanging ideas with peers, and bring our expertise of the biometrics industry.”

Fingerprint Cards have been losing money and it hopes by adopting the WEF agenda to hack individuals, it will become profitable. The idea is you cannot use a phone or access any bank account without your fingerprint.

Schwab does not believe in Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand. He does not understand why Marxism collapsed because it rejected not just religion, but also humanity. The individual was to be eradicated and children were taught that the biological parents were not real – the state was their true parent.

Individualism is evil. We are to be zombies that are nothing more than biological robots. Even the movie ‘The Matrix’ created a fictional world in which people still made choices. Schwab does not believe that we can be trusted to make our own decisions. To those who have been conditioned to just hate Donald Trump, look at this next clip from the London Financial Times. This explains that it was in 2016 when Trump was elected that they all came to the conclusion that we could no longer be trusted to vote. Democracy suddenly became Populism and it had to be eradicated. You now see this agenda of Schwab’s WEF and the United Nations and what they are really seeking to eliminate – your independence.