The Elites Want War to Reduce the Population ASAP for Climate Change

Posted originally on Feb 28, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

This entire conflict was manufactured by the American Neocons led by John McCain and Victoria Nuland.

McCain Climate Change

It was McCain who started the Climate Change agenda on Capital Hill, and it had nothing to do with the planet. He was arguing against fossil fuels to cut off Russia’s energy sales. It was never about the climate, but they tell a lie often enough; as Hitler’s head of propaganda asserted, it will soon become the truth.

That strategy is working well in every aspect. They used it against Trump as well. Victoria Nuland is using it against anyone who is against war. She is running around calling them “Putin’s wing of the Republican Party.” The Democrats always start the wars, and the Republicans have to end them. That was Nixon’s pledge to end Vietnam; he was elected with over 60%. The exception was when Dick Chaney ran the White House and put his company, Haliburton, in charge; he invaded Iraq on the lie that he had weapons of mass destruction when the object was to seize the oil wells. His daughter is so against Trump and pro-war it must be a family tradition.

McCain and Lindsey Graham were caught on video preaching war with Russia.

Then you had Lindsey Graham boasting that sending all this money to Ukraine was the best Congress ever spent to kill Russians if he said that in the USA, it would be a hate crime.

2019 Zelensky Wins

When Zelensky was elected, he promised to reduce the tensions with Russia, even CNN said back in 2019.  Ukrainian sources have long maintained that the election was rigged. Whatever the truth is behind that is almost irrelevant. This war was started by the interim UNELECTED government installed by Victoria Nuland.

Victoria Nuland masterminded the interim government for Ukraine to start this civil war. She made international headlines back then if the EU disagreed, her leaked phone call “FUCK THE EU” made global headlines. It showed who was really in charge. This war began with the installed UNELECTED government, and the platform of Zelensky was supposed to end the war and seek peace, which got him elected. That is what the people voted for, but the Neocons have been working hard to create World War III, and Zelensky has betrayed his own people from the start.

Macron Putin Meet

Back in 2022, Macron met with Putin to preserve peace. For a split second, Macron seemed to be the only reasonable European leader at the time when they were all cheering for World War III. Now Macron has switched sides and is pushing for World War III, perhaps to cancel a future French election like Zelensky and convert France into a dictatorship as Zelensky has done to Ukraine.

Zelensky_Pursue_Nuclear_Weapons_2 23 22

Ukraine had more nukes than China. It agreed to return them to Russia in return for their neutrality. NATO agreed not to invade, and so did Russia. Saying he would rearm with nuclear weapons the day before Putin came to the rescue of the Donbas was to ensure Putin would respond since he was then violating the  Budapest Memorandum of Security Assurances.

Zelensky Did not warn people Washington Post 8 19 22

Even the pro-Ukraine Washington Post, which can’t wait to start World War III to sell more papers, reported that Zelensky knew when Russia would invade and did not warn his people because of money. “If we had communicated that … then I would have been losing $7 billion a month since last October, and at the moment when the Russians did attack, they would have taken us in three days,” Zelensky said. They always want civilians to die so they can blame the other side and get support. That is an old trick and we see that with Hammas against Israel.

Macron send in the troops

All of a sudden, Macron has switched sides and is outright proposing to send NATO troops into Ukraine because Ukraine is about to fall. He knows that has been the plan all along – NATO to invade Russia. The propaganda is so bad that we are drowning in lies. Zelensky is lying to the world, claiming only 31,000 of his troops had died when the number was 100,000, even Ursula said in her speech, and Zelensky made her take that out to hide that Ukraine is losing badly. By pretending Ukraine is winning, he keeps the hopes up and the money flowing into his pockets.

I had reported that 100,000 Ukrainians had been killed in the first few months back in 2022. People said I was spreading Russian propaganda, confirming to me that they were being successfully brainwashed. My info was coming from the Ukrainian sources – not Russia. Then Ursula stood up and said 100,000 Ukrainians had died in battle, and Zelensky made her take that out, saying it was classified information. He has lied to the world and his own people all along, for he is promised a golden parachute when he has destroyed Ukraine and will escorted to live in Miami, trying to wash all the blood from his hands. Here is the original video, and you can see the edited one – again, this is not a Russian source. Wake up!

Kaganovich Lazar 1893–1991

Zelensky has destroyed his own country, and there are many Ukrainians who want him dead. If he is assassinated, it will be by a Ukrainian for destroying his own country. There are even anti-Semitic rumblings that it was Lazar Kaganovich, who was Stalein’s right-hand man, who suggested taking the food from Ukraine. He was a Ukrainian who also destroyed his own country.

Here is Zelensky before being President, says his salary is small and he is joking about confiscating money from Russians and Jews. Kaganovich was Jewish, and only after being elected did Zelensky claim to be Jewish. Some now think he is destroying Ukraine like Kaganovich, and the motive was that they joined Hitler in killing Jews, for they, too, were Nazis. This is the rising sentiment in Ukraine as the nation is on the brink of collapse.

Ukraine has been cannon fodder, and the West was using Ukraine just to kill as many Russians as possible BEFORE then NATO intended to invade Russia. Zelensky has finally admitted, “They have a great superiority.” Absolutely NOBODY ever expected Ukraine to defeat Russia. This has been a major propaganda operation from the very beginning. Let’s knock off the bullshit here. This is like Cuba trying to conquer the United States.

Zelensky has staged news in full production to keep the money flowing to Ukraine, as he is a good puppet of Victoria Nuland.

Minsk Agreement Head of State

Putin even tried to explain the importance of the Minsk Agreement to Zelensky. Yet, Zelendsky has outlawed speaking Russian and outlawed the Russian Orthodox religion, directing them to be subservient to the Patriarch he set up in Kyiv.

Ukraine Christmas Dec 25
Christian Persecution

Then, to further demoralize all Russians living in Ukraine, he declared that Christmas would be December 25th, not January, as the Orthodox have celebrated since 400AD. What’s next? Throwing Russian Orthodox Christians to the lions for refusing his decrees?

Merkel_Minsk_Buy_Time_to Prepare for wart

The West negotiated in bad faith, intended from the outset to create this war. I cannot imagine a head of state signing a peace agreement and then admitting that they never intended to honor it.

Macron NATO send Troops to Ukraine

On December 31, 2022, French President Emmanuel Macron, during his New Year’s address, chastised the French workers with a lengthy discussion on pensions and the need for the French to work more. Then he brought up the climate crisis, declaring that the “energy transition is a battle that we must win.” All of a sudden, Macron has advocated sending NATO troops to Ukraine, which would be the start of World War III. Britain has come out rejecting that scheme. I suppose Macron wants Putin to nuke Paris so he can create jobs for his unions to rebuild the city.

Civilians always Die in War

I cannot stress more that the Neocons are advocating war and the total destruction of Russia, swearing that. they will NEVER use nuclear weapons because they know they will. These Neocons are traitors to the countries they are from, just as Kaganovich was to Ukraine. The GREAT LIE is they make people think war is a video game and only soldiers will die. That is far from the truth.

When we look at World War I, the total number of military and civilian casualties was about 40 million. The number killed ranged between 15 to 22 million, but this broke down to 9 to 11 million military personnel, with civilian deaths of about 6 to 13 million. In addition, there were about 23 million wounded military personnel.

World War II was by far the deadliest military conflict in human history, with a total estimated death total of 70–85 million people. The breakdown shows the real cost of war that our governments seem to cheer on. There were 50–56 million who were killed directly in the war. Because you cannot grow food in such events, there were an additional estimated 19–28 million deaths from famine. The civilian deaths totaled 50–55 million. Today, the world leaders seem to be cheering for war. The mainstream media is constantly advocating for war because they are bought and paid for by the establishment – obedience to authority.

Nuclear War

Even if there were no nuclear weapons, just keeping with World War II, 3% of the world population was killed. Today, that will be about 250 million – almost the equivalent of the entire United States. These people are freaking out over the population, and they want a good pruning of the herd. In 1900, the world population was 1.7 billion. That became 6 billion by 2000, and now 8 billion by 2024. This is why these people want war – they want to reduce the population, end all sovereign debts and unfunded entitlements, and usher in a new postwar boom to rebuild the cities they have destroyed.

DJIND W World War I

NATO may be planning to invade Russia, but China and North Korea will join the action. Based on our computer’s forecasts, this will NOT end nicely for the West. I wish I were wrong, and Socrates is wrong. But it seems to be inevitable at this point. NOBODY is interested in peace. Honor the Minsk Agreement, and this war is over in 24 hours. This is what Victoris Nuland is saying – war will stimulate the economy.

Intl War Index 12 30 22

Thank you, Macron, for showing the world the real agenda. When will you be satisfied? Killing off 50%, 4 billion people with World War III? Or shall we take it back to 1900 with just 1.7 billion?

It was said Blessed be the Peacemakers.

It is hard, if not impossible, to find one today in political office.

Direct Democracy to End Treason of UNELECTED Bureaucrats

Posted originally on Feb 26, 2024 By Martin Armstrong

I find it interesting how Victoria Nuland has to label any opponent with a derogatory name. She claims that Putin silences any opposition to challenge him in an election when, in fact, the Biden Administration is doing that to Trump, and this is becoming a trend as Brazil seeks to imprison Bolsonaro. Not only can we not afford 90 days more of this Biden hand-puppet of the Neocons, but we can no longer afford to let UNELECTED people like Victoria Nuland set policy. This is why they love Biden. He is on vacation 40% of the time, and she runs Foreign Policy.

2021 Hill draft Women

Victoria Nuland exaggerated Putin sending 1,000 young Russian boys to death. That is what she has done to Ukraine – used them for cannon fodder. But she was preparing for this war. In 2021, they were pushing to force girls to register for the draft because they do not have enough males to do and die for her objectives. Putin has offered to negotiate constantly. They sent the British PM Johnson to kill the peace deal. She wants only war! She is Ukrainian by heritage, and she PERSONALLY hates Russians.  Nobody voted for Victoria Nuland.

Russia and China abandoned Communism and joined the world economy. She has sought to tear that apart, and now we have a divided world, and globalism is dead. It was John McCain who pushed climate change, and that was to end fossil fuels only to try to undermine the Russian economy. He never had any concern about climate.

Some have asked me about my comments that perhaps we need a Direct Democracy, and they will often respond that the people are fools. All of that is true, and they can name the players in football but not their congressmen.

The unelected deep state pulling the strings loves their power, and they are not going down without a fight I fear they will try to assassinate Trump and call it COVID.

I had a friend who was married for 60 years, and when someone asked how he did it?
He would say they agreed; he makes all the major decisions, and she handles the rest.
They would then ask what major one you have made. 
He said none have come up yet.

We should have a right to vote directly on major issues like war and taxes. In Switzerland, they have a form of direct democracy. We have to stop these people like Victoria Nuland, who sneak their way in and then impose their personal biases and hatred. This woman accuses Putin and does the exact same thing.

Haley wants a Department of Offense

Armstrong Economics Blog/Politics Re-Posted Oct 24, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Nikki Haley has made it clear that should would lead America straight into a nuclear war if elected president. She told Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu to “finish them” and proposed an all-out genocide as the solution to the conflict. “I say this to Prime Minister (Benjamin) Netanyahu: Finish them. Finish them. Hamas did this. You know Iran is behind it. Finish them,” she shouted, urging for an immediate escalation by including Iran and later China. Now, Haley believes that the Department of Defense should be changed to the Department of Offense.

America is seen as the aggressor in China and Russia. The Middle East believes America is the aggressor in the Israel-Palestine war, and has been since it sends billions off to Israel each year to fund their military. There can be no peace with a Neocon in charge. Haley mentions nothing of the near 5,000 people who have died in the past few weeks alone.

Hamas released two American hostages last week, and Haley is discouraging the safe release of the others through diplomatic negotiations. Does she want Hamas to kill off their remaining bargaining chips? “But let me tell you what I told the Biden administration today: Don’t fall for it,” Haley said. “… They are doing this to earn favor with America because they want to try and look good in the eyes of America. Don’t fall for it.”

Anti-Zionism is antisemitism.

— Nikki Haley (@NikkiHaley) October 23, 2023

Half of these 2024 US Presidential candidates speak more on foreign affairs than anything happening at home. Let us remember that America has not actively declared war, and no one is encroaching on US soil besides the millions of illegals we purposely allowed in. She is another America Last mindless political drone spewing globalist fantasies. “We’ve got to be smart, and we’ve got to be ready,” she said. “I’m tired of talking about a Department of DefenseI want a Department of Offense. Every enemy needs to fear us,” the Neocon demanded.

She is utterly clueless. The world sees that America has all the military might and funding. The world no longer fears America because we A) have extremely weak leadership and B) a completely divided nation. It matters not if we double funding the DoD because our commander-in-chief is senile, and those pulling the strings are incapable of bipartisan relations, let alone foreign relations. A staunch Neocon like Haley is incapable of thinking of the lives on the line or the repercussions of provoking our enemies. She should drop out of the race entirely if she wants any foreign nation to fear us once again as America needs a level-headed adult capable of tactful and strategic relations at this volatile point in history.

Wow, Just Wow – Presidential Candidate Mike Pence Says a Collapsing USA is Not His Concern, Supporting Ukraine is Priority

Posted originally on the CTH on July 14, 2023 | Sundance 

Before getting to this rather jaw-dropping moment, let me first paint the Big Club agenda within it.  Everyone knows the Big Club is stressed about the inability of Ron DeSantis to launch a successful campaign.  Trillions are at stake, and they have invested hundreds of millions into the effort. Things are getting serious now.

You have heard me repeat it before; the Big Club it is a large network of aligned financial interests.  It does not take a lot of organization and/or the creation of some massive global conspiracy, to create outcomes of mutual benefit when the interests of the parties are aligned.

Bob Vander Plaats is a big Ron DeSantis supporter in 2024 as he was for Ted Cruz in 2016.  Team DeSantis in 2024 are the same people as team Cruz in 2016.  The network of Vander Plaats and team DeSantis are aligned in common interests.

Vander Plaats organizes the candidate summit knowing the person selected to moderate the discussion is against the interests of all GOPe candidates.  The outcome was predictable and by design.  Using their GOPe vulnerabilities Tucker Carlson eviscerates the DeSantis competition.

During a discussion of priorities, Mike Pence says the state of our USA is “not my concern.” Mike Pence will never recover from this.  WATCH:


Another clip:

Is the US is Low on Ammo?

Armstrong Economics Blog/War Re-Posted Jul 11, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Sun Tzu suggested appearing weak to your enemies when you are strong. He did not suggest appearing weak when you are already weak. The world knows that America is having trouble recruiting new soldiers, and now the world also knows that America is low on ammo. Biden has completely abandoned all domestic policy in favor of the proxy war in Ukraine.

Biden revealed his cards at a CNN town hall meeting. “The Ukrainians are running out of ammunition, the ammunition that they used to call them 155-millimeter weapons. This is a— this is a war relating to munitions, and they’re running out of those— that ammunition, and we’re low on itAnd so what I finally did, took the recommendation of the Defense Department, to not permanently, but to allow for [their use] in this transition period,” he announced. It is completely unacceptable that the US is depleting its own supply.

Cluster munitions are banned in over 100 countries. “Last year, WH Press Secretary Jen Psaki called the use of cluster bombs a ‘war crime.’ Now President Biden plans to send them to Ukraine. Stop the ceaseless escalation! It is time for peace,” Robert F. Kennedy tweeted. “Biden was opposed to cluster bombs in 1982 as well, when he opposed their sale to Israel,” Kennedy noted in another tweed. “What happened to his conscience?”

The White House covered Joe’s mistake and said that the US will ramp up production in the coming months. They claim that the cluster munitions are now permissible to use since Zelensky promised not to drop them on civilians. GOP candidates Pence and Haley are cheering the decision. So who is the real war criminal?

Zelensky Cancels All Elections Becomes Dictator for Life

Armstrong Economics Blog/Ukraine Re-Posted Jul 8, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

QUESTION: Is it true that Zelensky is canceling elections?


ANSWER: On June 22, 2023, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is a dictator installed by the West to create World War III against Russia. Zelensky told the BBC that Ukraine’s scheduled 2023 parliamentary and 2024 presidential elections would occur only if martial law had ended by that time, as reported by the New Voice of Ukraine. Hence, he has a personal reason not to seek any peace whatsoever.

There is NO WAY Zelensky is fighting for democracy – this is all propaganda. He hates Russians and refuses to allow them to separate as per the Mink Agreement and, at the same time, refuses them to vote in any Ukrainian election, no less for their independence. Zelensky is an outright war criminal, and over 8 million Ukrainians have now fled their own country because he refuses to end the war and is destroying his own country all for Blackrock’s investment scheme. His own people would remove him from office, so he cannot allow any election, and there is no way NATO or the USA will allow free elections in Ukraine.

There is no way this war will end without the Donbas’ destruction and Russia’s fall. It is a proxy war that the United States started. CIA chief John Brennan traveled to Kiev in 2014 and instructed them to begin the civil war. Kiev called the Russians of the Donbas “terrorist” because they sought independence from Kiev just as Kiev sought independence from Moscow.

Biden & Harris are clearly a no-brainer for the Neocons. There is way too much at stake. If the Neocons could, they would suspend elections in the USA as well. These people have wanted to destroy Russia for decades. They have waged endless wars, one after the other, and never won a single one. The Taliban are now major arms dealers selling billions of dollars of the weapons we left behind. They intend to escalate Ukraine and need to get the US directly involved because they cling to the idea that no president has ever lost an election during a time of war. They need to escalate this war and soon. The rumor is that Ukraine will detonate a dirty nuclear bomb and blame Russia, and then NATO and the USA invade.

Russia Accuses US of Preparing for Biowarfare via Mosquitos

Armstrong Economics Blog/Disease Re-Posted Jul 5, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

This story seemed far-fetched when first public, but now we know the extent of Bill Gates’ plan to modify mosquitos. We have seen a resurgence of once dormant viruses at the precise time that Gates’ allowed Oxitec to release diseased mosquitoes into the environment. Russia has repeatedly said it has information that the US is planning to drop diseased mosquitoes on Russian troops.

The head of Russian Radiation, Chemical, and Biological Protection Troops, Igor Kirillov, first reported that the US had plans to drop mosquitos on the battlefield via drones. “The flooding of Kherson region planned by the Kyiv regime can complicate the situation, including with regard to arbovirus infections,” Kirillov said. “After a drop in the water level, it is possible to form foci of diseases transmitted by mosquitoes, primarily West Nile fever.” He further stated that the US has patented a drone that would be used for this exact purpose. “The description of the patent emphasizes that the infected soldier is not able to perform the combat missions assigned to him,” he stated.

The US is already using drones to drop disease-ridden mosquitos on its own citizens. They claim that they are only dropping male mosquitoes that do not bite, but people are already falling ill with malaria after it was dormant in the US for 20 years. The United Nations also has access to these drones.

Spreading disease is against the Geneva Convention which protects soldiers against inhumane treatment during war. Nothing is fair during war, and the Neocons do not care about the men and women on the battlefield. The chance of this biowarfare tactic happening in the near future is high. Again, they are already infecting American citizens in this manner in plain sight.

Interview: Living in a Coup with Massive Election Rigging & War

Armstrong Economics Blog/Armstrong in the Media Re-Posted Jul 2, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Commentary by Greg Hunter:

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong was forecasting “chaos” in 2023, and that’s exactly what we got.  His cycle work says don’t look for it to get better anytime soon.  Armstrong explains, “We are in the midst of a coup.  We have all these people who have been neocons for 30 years.  Even Ron Paul said recently that the neocons have been waging war for 30 years and have not won a one single one.  This is what they live for.  Look at the clip of Lindsey Graham saying this is the best money we ever spent killing Russians.  How can you take pleasure in that statement that this is the best money we ever spent killing Russians.  This is not defense.  These are the words of a psychopath in my mind. . . . They are not about to accept anybody who is going to be against war.  The neocons are in full control of the government—period.  We are living in the time of a coup.  The United States is not the free country you thought it was. . . .”

Armstrong also predicts that the neocons will rig the 2024 election so Biden (or some other neocon) gets a second term.  Is there any way to stop this election rigging and fraud in 2024?  Armstrong says, “I don’t believe so.  Our computers show that holy hell breaks loose starting in 2025.  I think the problem will be the cheating will be in everybody’s face this time.”

Armstrong also says the neocons will try to start a war before the 2024 election so Biden will win because a wartime president has never lost an election.  Armstrong says the cheating will be necessary because the real poll numbers for Biden are in the single digits and not the 40% approval ratings the Lying Legacy Media tells you.  Armstrong contends Biden’s approval number is still stuck at 9.5% with his deadly accurate Socrates computer program, but the big reason for Biden and his crew to worry is the real inflation number.  Armstrong says, “Inflation is subsiding a little bit, but it is basically still over 26%.”

Armstrong says Biden’s approval numbers are so low and inflation is so high that they have to have war with Russia.  War is the reason they had to remove Trump out of the White House because Trump was against constant war.  Armstrong adds, “No way they are going to allow a free election.  It you think the CIA cannot rig the vote, I don’t know what planet you live on.”

Don’t expect Fed Head Jay Powell to lower interest rates.  It will be just the opposite.  Armstrong explains, “What is Powell looking at?  War is the number one cause of inflation.  He can’t say because you people are dumping all this money into Ukraine, inflation is only going to go higher because then he is criticizing the government.  So, he just says he’s looking at ‘international considerations.’  Look what the Vietnam war did.  It broke the back of Bretton Woods.  War is always the number one problem.  The neocons only care about winning, and they do not care about the country.  The do not care about your 401-k or your retirement.  They could care less.”

In closing, Armstrong warns, “Russia is like a wild animal, and if it is cornered, it will attack.”  This means the whole thing in Ukraine could go nuclear if Russia is pushed into a corner.  And what about all that debt the western world has built up?  Armstrong says, “They intend to default on all the sovereign debt. . . .I don’t see this succeeding.  I think it’s all going to collapse.  The reason why they are doing this is they realize they are losing power.  They feel it slipping out of their fingers.  The more that happens, the more they become aggressive.  That’s what this is all about.”

Visiting Zelensky Mike Pence Declares “No Room in Republican Party” for Those Who Do Not Support Ukraine War

Posted originally on the CTH on June 29, 2023 | Sundance 

Presidential candidate Mike Pence made a pilgrimage to Ukraine to meet with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and affirm Pence’s position that the unilateral power of the Ukraine government needs to be supported.

Mike Pence then presents himself as the arbiter of what it means to be a Republican with a Twitter message saying, “I know the difference between a genius and a war criminal, and I know who needs to win this war in Ukraine, and it’s the people fighting for their freedom and fighting to restore their national sovereignty. There is no room in our party for apologists for Putin. There is only room for champions of freedom.”

Americans must sacrifice to support the magnanimous interests of the industrial military complex. Failure to adhere to the dictates and fiats of Republican power will not be tolerated in his party.

NEW YORK (AP) — Former Vice President Mike Pence made a surprise visit to Ukraine on Thursday, meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and touring the war-torn country as it fights Russian aggression.

Pence, who this month launched his campaign for the Republican nomination for president, has been deeply critical of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

He has called on the U.S. to deliver more military aid to the country and criticized GOP rivals who have questioned the ongoing U.S. involvement, saying there is no room in the party for “Putin apologists” and pushing back against those who want the U.S. to take on a more limited role on the world stage.

Pence spent roughly 12 hours in the country Thursday, according to an adviser, with stops in Moshchun, Bucha and Irpin, according to NBC News, which traveled with him.

“I’m here because it’s important that the American people understand the progress that we’ve made and how support for the Ukrainian military has been in our national interest,” he told the network. “I truly do believe that now, more than ever, we need leaders in our country who will articulate the importance of American leadership in the world.”

In addition to his meeting with Zelenskyy, Pence received multiple briefings, including one from Ukrainian officials on the country’s current security situation and one on allegations of human rights violations by Russians accused of abducting Ukrainian children in a bid to weaken Ukrainian resolve, the adviser said. (read more)

West’s Russian Propaganda Changing History?

Armstrong Economics Blog/Russia RePosted Jun 28, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

COMMENT: Thank you for your neutrality. I would point out that the West has rewritten history as if Russia had no role in defeating Hitler. Russia occupied Berlin for two months before the Americans and British arrived. They act as if Russia was never there.

Thank you once again


ANSWER: You are correct. The Americans and British troops did not enter Berlin until the 4th of July and Russia had already taken Berlin and did occupy the city for two months before the West arrived. Russians entered Berlin on April 21st, 1945. However, the friendship between Russia and the United States goes back centuries before the American Neocons tried to rewrite history.

My father was with the Seventh Army which was created during World War II under General George S. Patton. My father served with General Patton, so I am very familiar with the events that really took place. My father was with Patton from North Africa into Germany where they captured Nuremberg and then Munich.

The United States supported Russia during the 1863 Crimean War. Some 30 American surgeons volunteered to serve in the Russian military. However, Russia sent its warships to protect New York City and San Francisco in 1863 against the British and French, who considered the American Civil War an opportunity to conquer the United States, perhaps. There is a lot of history between the United States and Russia during the 19th century, which was always our ally.

In fact, Abraham Lincoln drew his Emancipation Proclamation taking the actions of Tsar Alexander II (b: 1818; 1855–1881), who issued his own Emancipation Manifesto on March 3rd, 1861, emancipating 23 million Russian serfs. American abolitionists cheered his action and pushed for Lincoln to do the same, which he finally did on January 1st, 1863. Russians were actually shocked when the American states descended into armed conflict over the issue.

So, while Russia took Berlin, and many would know that if they just Googled the truth, most fail to know that it was Russia who came to the aid of the United States during the American Civil War and that there was close communication back then.

Unfortunately, these Neocons do not represent the feelings of the average American, who spins nothing but hatred. Why? Who knows. Perhaps their mothers, if they had one and were now grown in a pod, dropped them on their heads when they were very young. Instead of being a serial killers on the street, they aimed for the big guns and created endless wars to satisfy their insatiable hatred for others.