Petition to Remove Trudeau from Office

Posted Apr 13, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Canada’s Population Hits New High

Posted Apr 2, 2024 by Martin Armstrong

PM Justin Trudeau’s goal of importing immigrants is going as planned. Statistics Canada reported that the nation added over 1.27 million new residents between January 1, 2023, and January 1, 2024. This 3.2% uptick in the population is the highest on record since 1957.

Yes, immigration is the main reason that Canada’s population is soaring. Statistics Canada said that the population would have only grown around 1.2% if not for open border policies. The Trudeau Administration insists that overflowing the country with immigrants is mandatory to increase labor. “It is not the bodies we are bringing in; these are bodies that fill in the empty spaces in the labour market,” a rep for the Toronto Metropolitan Centre for Immigration and Settlement at Toronto Metropolitan University, told Global News. “They bring a very-high level of skills.” Canada’s unemployment rate rose to 5.8% in February 2024 from 5.7% the month prior. Notably, young men are increasingly unemployed based on the data.

Where are the highly-skilled workers that the left speaks of? Canada is facing a shortage of healthcare providers. One in five Canadians in Ontario (2.2 million people) do not have regular access to a primary care physician as the universal health care system has failed. Toronto and other provinces have the exact same crisis. Countless health care workers fled the field in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and never returned. The doctors imported to Canada are not even permitted to work, with current estimates stating 13,000 qualified immigrants are currently unable to practice medicine due to red tape.

Canada is experiencing a housing crisis, with an estimated 35,000 homeless people living on the streets at any given night. Around 235,000 Canadians are unhoused. There is a massive shortage of housing, with new builds reaching only 320,000 in 2022. Most estimates believe that Canada will need to build an additional 4 million new housing units by 2030, of course, to accommodate the CURRENT population.

Canada’s economy, infrastructure, and society cannot accommodate this rapid population boom. This is happening among all the World Economic Forum-guided nations. It is completely unsustainable by design.

Gun Homicides in Canada – Why Restrictions are NOT the Answer

Posted originally on Feb 7, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Look at history to see what happens when a nation unarms its citizens. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has taken a strong stance in favor of disarming Canadians as his regime becomes increasingly tyrannical. His administration has introduced several measures aimed at tightening gun laws to reduce any government opposition. Trudeau implemented a ban and mandatory buyback of over 1,500 models of assault-style firearms, including AR-15 rifles, in addition to placing a nationwide freeze on handgun sales and transfers. But who is committing the crimes?

Statistics Canada released a report entitled, “Firearms and Violent Crime in Canada, 2022,” which found that ILLEGAL gun owners commit the majority of gun-related homicides. Out of 113 homicides involving a gun, only 24 deaths were committed by legal gun owners. Out of 49 homicides involving illegally obtained firearms, 36 were unregistered and not legally owned at the time of the crime. There were only 8 cases involving firearms stolen from legal gun owners, but 5 of those 8 guns were purchased illegally from legal owners.

Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights CEO Rod Giltaca stated that he believes the Liberal government, NDP, and Bloc Quebecois have been targeting law-abiding citizens deliberately. “This coalition government has bragged endlessly about their implementation of “the most significant in gun control in a generation”. Not only are more Canadians left terrorized, dead, and injured than in the last 30 years, but they’ve dealt more damage to gun clubs and the law-abiding firearms community than any government in the history of our country.”

Gun Violance

Canada has not confiscated guns yet and cannot find a vendor to implement the buyback program. It has been four years since Trudeau announced the program, but no one has put it in motion. Trudeau has seen the increasing rebellion of Canadians and knows that many will not willingly abandon their rights.

Compiling all the data, only 13% of homicides were committed by licensed gun owners (16 of 119 deaths). The Trudeau Administration is clearly targeting legal gun owners as they know that law-abiding citizens are not the problem. These measures embolden criminals as they will find a way to obtain firearms on the black market regardless of legal restrictions. A push for gun control is a push for increased government control over a population that will be helpless and unable to defend themselves.

MAID Expansion Temporarily Halted

Posted originally on Feb 7, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


Canada is delaying the expansion of its MAID (Medical Aid in Dying) program as they cannot find enough doctors willing to kill people who do not have terminal illnesses. Over 13,500 Canadians were legally euthanized in 2022 under MAID. State-sanctioned suicides rose significantly from 2021 (10,064) to 2022, and Health Canada expects the number to skyrocket once the program is expanded. In fact, 4.1% of all deaths in Canada during 2022 were through the MAID program. Suicide is now encouraged by the Canadian health system as they aim to normalize the option for non-terminal ailments.

“Will we evolve into a culture of death as the preferred option for those who suffer from mental illness or will we choose life?” Conservative MP Ed Fast questioned. The expansion scheduled for March 17, 2024, has been temporarily halted as they cannot find enough doctors willing to abandon their Hippocratic oath and become executioners rather than treatment providers. The initial program was aimed at those who were suffering a slow and painful inevitable death, or so it seemed.


(The above chart shows the number of people who changed their minds during the 10-day waiting period)

Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Justin Trudeau’s dad, supported eugenics and population “cleansing.” The Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation provided the initial foundation for the practice by highlighting the scientific achievement of genome sequencing and combining it with the potential for “reducing the burden of disease on themselves and on society as a whole.”


The program was always meant to be a form of eugenics, cleansing the undesirable from the world. Rather than focusing merely on race or disability, the program encourages anyone untaxable to die. Too depressed or poor to work? A lethal injection is the Liberal government’s proposed solution. It did not take long for lawmakers to write bills expanding the criteria for MAID. Poverty, for example, is reason enough for a state-sanctioned execution as people are deemed “too poor to live with dignity.” A disturbing poll from 2023 found that one-third of Canadians supported eliminating the homeless population under MAID.

The Trudeau Administration wants to expand this program to include children as well. The same poll found that 24% of Canadians believe that parents should be allowed to kill their terminally ill children without punishment. MAID has been continually expanded to kill off the undesirables, or the “useless eaters,” as Hitler called them.

Jitler Trudeau

Canada’s Special Joint Committee recommended that children should have the ability to enter the MAID program without parental consent. They call these children “mature minors,” and state that children may choose death if there is “reasonably foreseeable” death OR have a “mental disorder is the sole underlying medical condition.” Parents are currently losing custody of their children for not permitting them to transition to a different gender. We may see the day when parents lose their children to a sinister health system that has become a serious threat to society as a whole.

MAID teams have infiltrated hospitals and medical facilities and are encouraging people to choose death. There are countless reports of people being harassed by MAID teams in their darkest hour, repeatedly being asked and encouraged to die. These people are being paid by the government to sell the idea of suicide. It is hard even to consider this method “suicide,” as extremely vulnerable people are being coerced into legal execution.

Tucker Carlson Gives “Freedom” Speech in Canada – Justin Not Happy with “Freedom” Propaganda

Posted originally on the CTH on January 25, 2024 | Sundance 

Justin from Canada is oh not too happy with Tucker Carlson for traveling to Calgary (rebellious audience 4,000) and then stadium show for 8,000 rebels in Edmonton.  Apparently, Justin does not like it when Tucker comes to Canada.   WATCH:


[JUSTIN is Big Mad – Article Here]

Canadian Federal Court Rules Use of Emergency Powers to End Trucker Protests Was Unconstitutional

Posted originally on the CTH on January 24, 2024 | Sundance

Justin from Canada and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland, used the invocation of the Canadian Emergency Powers Act to seize Truckers’ and their supporters bank accounts, block mortgages, eliminate loans and credit cards, seize personal assets and otherwise use financial mechanisms to target their political opposition.

Yesterday a federal judge in Canada ruled the use of the Emergency Powers Act was unconstitutional.

CANADA –  […] On Feb. 14, 2022, the federal government invoked the Emergencies Act for the first time in its history, arguing at the time that the national security risks stemming from the protests justified its use.

The move allowed the federal government to enact wide-sweeping but temporary powers to help officials crack down on protesters’ access to funds, grant the RCMP jurisdiction to enforce local laws, designate critical infrastructure and services, and impose fines and imprisonment on participants who refused to leave the protest zone.

“I have concluded that the decision to issue the Proclamation does not bear the hallmarks of reasonableness – justification, transparency and intelligibility – and was not justified in relation to the relevant factual and legal constraints that were required to be taken into consideration,” stated Federal Court Justice Richard Mosley.

Mosley added that “there can be only one reasonable interpretation” of the Emergencies Act and CSIS Act, and that he believes “the legal constraints on the discretion of the GIC to declare a public order emergency were not satisfied.”

Mosley also stated that, factoring for the definition of a “national emergency” under the Act, “there was no national emergency” to justify its use, and that “the decision to do so was therefore unreasonable” and beyond the powers of the law. (read more)

Trudeau’s Jamaican Vacation Scandal

Posted originally on Jan 24, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has found himself amid yet another scandal for allegedly using his position to accept a luxurious vacation in Jamaica over the Christmas holiday. The House ethics committee has voted to investigate the matter further. Why does this matter? Trudeau has branded himself as the dictator of ethics and expects everyone else to abide by his rules. Rules for thee, but not for me.

Trudeau’s office initially said that he was taking his family on a vacation for the Christmas season, and the PM would be paying for his trip. Then his office changed the story to say that the Trudeau family would be staying with a friend, businessman Peter Green. His family did not simply stay with a relative or crash in a spare room. Instead, they enjoyed a vacation at the Prospect Estate resort in Jamaica, free of charge. It is estimated that his stay at the resort was worth C$84,000.

The trip was essentially gifted to him, therefore breaking Canadian laws that state members of Parliament are not permitted to accept gifts, trips, or kickbacks in any form. Conservative MP Michael Barrett requested additional documents related to the trip but was denied. “The question is not that the prime minister went somewhere, he accepted an $84,000 gift,” Barrett said, referring to Trudeau’s remarks. “He didn’t sleep on a couch at Uncle Buck’s place.”


(Picture above shows Trudeau partying with his globalist friends amid the COVID lockdowns)

This is not the first time that Trudeau has accepted a gift. In 2016, Trudeau paid a visit to Aga Khan’s private island in the Bahamas where he was comped a C$271,000 vacation. The RCMP found that he was provided C$56,000 on jet ski rentals, accommodations, and meals during his stay. Again, Trudeau accepted a kickback from a person who was lobbying the Canadian government, and there was a clear unethical conflict of interest.

Many see this as a slap in the face, especially considering the median income in Canada is only C$70,000. Trudeau knew there would be no long-term consequences for his actions. He repeatedly skirts away from scandal after scandal. It is time for those in charge to realize the rules they impose on the public apply to everyone. The Canadian government should make it crystal clear to Trudeau that he is NOT above the law.

Will Trudeau Resign?

Posted originally on Dec 19, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

Trudeau EU

Will Canada’s Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, step down from his position? Seven in 10 Canadians think that Justin Trudeau should resign as the leader of the Liberal Party and Prime Minister of Canada in 2024, according to a survey by Ipsos. However, a majority of six in 10 Canadians do not believe he will actually step down. This indicates a significant discrepancy between the public’s opinion on Trudeau’s resignation and their expectations of his actions. Additionally, a growing proportion of Canadians, over seven in 10, now think it is time for the Liberals to elect a new leader to lead them into the next election.

Only 59% of respondents actually believe there will be an election in 2024. Trudeau brokered a deal with the New Democratic Party whereby the Liberals may remain in power until 2025. The problem is that Trudeau has sold out Canada to the World Economic Forum’s Build Back Better agenda. Klaus Schwab continually praises Trudeau for being one of his Young Leaders and every piece of legislation passed under Trudeau has aligned with the plans for the Great Reset.

So who would replace Trudeau in the Liberal Party? Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said she is “absolutely supporting” Justin Trudeau in the next election and will “definitely” run for Canada’s top office after Trudeau’s reign. Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland is a member of the World Economic Forum’s Board of Trustees. Canadians should expect nothing to change if they elect her to power.

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland

Before she was brought under Schwab’s wing, she wrote a book in 2012 entitled: “Plutocrats: The Rise of the New Global Super Rich and the Fall of Everyone Else.” The plutocrats are the globalists elites who control the masses. “Some farsighted plutocrats try to use their money not merely to buy public office for themselves but to redirect the reigning ideology of a nation, a region or even the world,” Freeland wrote. Now she stands on the stage at Davos and conspires with the other plutocrats, and has quickly moved up in the ranks to become a sitting board member. She knew of the power this group had long before she was invited to be in the club.

Schwab has promised these politicians dictatorial powers and the end of all democratic processes. Schwab is pushing the design of Europe upon the rest of the world, whereby the head of state NEVER stands for election. This is precisely how the European Commission operates, as it makes all laws but permits the people to vote for an MP who has no power to make or overrule laws crafted by the European Commission. Canadians should be appalled that a separate entity is controlling their politicians and OPENLY BRAGGING about infiltrating cabinets globally.

Canadian Radio and Telecommunications Commission Requires Podcasters and Platform Providers to Register With Government – “Meaningful Content” Will Be Monitored

Posted originally on the CTH on October 2, 2023 | Sundance

Comrades, all your speech are belong to us…

In order to control information that may be averse to the regime in charge, various totalitarian government operations require registration.  The registration process generates a permit that can then be leveraged against any operation that doesn’t conform to the regime fiats.

A few days ago, the North American hub of speech and information control known as Canada, announced that all internet hosting platforms that give voice to podcasters must register with the government.

Additionally, it appears that any podcast who wishes to provide information must also register.  The users and viewers do not need to register, only those providing the content.

Gee, I wonder who the core target is here?

CANADA – Today, the CRTC is advancing its regulatory plan to modernize Canada’s broadcasting framework and ensure online streaming services make meaningful contributions to Canadian and Indigenous content.

On May 12, 2023, the CRTC launched its first public consultations. After thoroughly examining all the evidence on the public record, including over 200 interventions, the CRTC is issuing its first two decisions.

First, the CRTC is setting out which online streaming services need to provide information about their activities in Canada. Online streaming services that operate in Canada, offer broadcasting content, and earn $10 million or more in annual revenues will need to complete a registration form by November 28, 2023. Registration collects basic information, is only required once and can be completed in just a few steps.

Second, the CRTC is setting conditions for online streaming services to operate in Canada. These conditions take effect today and require certain online streaming services to provide the CRTC with information related to their content and subscribership. The decision also requires those services to make content available in a way that is not tied to a specific mobile or Internet service.

A third consultation is ongoing. It considers contributions traditional broadcasters and online streaming services will need to make to support Canadian and Indigenous content. The CRTC will hold a three-week public proceeding starting on November 20, 2023, and will hear from 129 intervenors representing a broad range of interests. (read more)

Note…. Rumble streaming and Video Platform is a Canadian company.


{Background Here}

Trudeau Removing Attorney Client Privilege For Taxes

Armstrong Economics Blog/Canada Re-Posted Sep 28, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Trudeau is Klas Schwab’s pet. He does as he is told. No world leader has sought to destroy the attorney-client privilege, but Trudeau is hunting money for taxes and removing the confidentiality between Canadians and their lawyers. What is next? Priests must report every sin to Trudeau they hear in confession.

Trudeau is now passing the Notice to the Professions: whereby this is the Amendments to the Mandatory Disclosure Rules in the Income Tax Act

Trudeau looks upon the people as absolute scum. He ONLY represents the World Economic Forum. Trudeau is going after taxes and destroying the very foundation of a free society.

Canadian lawyers are objecting for this is a fundamental foundation of the rule of law in Western society. Trudeau is now removing attorney-cleint privilege with the stoke of a pen. The Attorney General of Canada has at least agreed to exempt lawyers, paralegals, and articling students, from the mandatory disclosure provisions in sections 237.3 and 237.4 of the Income Tax Act ONLY until the earlier of the Court’s decision in respect of the Federation’s application or November 20, 2023.

What Trudeau is doing is being wacthed by most Western governments. If he gets away with this, the legal profession will NEVER be the same. Trudeau represents Schwab, Soros, and the WEF – not the people of Canada.