Musk Outlines the Financials of Twitter – Platform Content Is Determined Through the Prism of Revenue

Posted originally on the CTH on June 1, 2023 | Sundance 

Twitter CEO Elon Musk has provided some convincing commentary about his willingness to forgo revenue in order to retain “free speech.” However, more recently he has qualified that outlook by saying, “Freedom of speech is not the same as freedom of reach.”  Musk noting Twitter will block, remove, censor, shadow ban, deboost, downrank and stop content from amplifying based on the determination of those in charge of Twitter content.

This controlled “freedom of reach” perspective, which is really shadow-banning in practice, is generally accepted and now admitted.  Against this backdrop, it becomes important to understand the priorities of the platform to understand the guidelines of the platform.  Within this context the financials are key to understanding what elements are included within “approved content.” {GO DEEP}

Twitter is now a private company, therefore understanding the financials of Twitter is a little more challenging than when they were required to post their financial statements publicly.  However, Elon Musk gave an interview with the Babylon Bee yesterday and revealed some of the internal financial challenges. [VIDEO HERE]  I am going to summarize the status of the Twitter financial position according to what Musk himself revealed.

♦ Twitter was initially purchased by Musk and his investors for around $44 billion.  The company now estimates its value around $20 billion.  Musk overpaid.

♦ Musk put roughly $30 billions of his own net worth into the purchase and financed the rest.

♦ Current outstanding debt on the financing for the purchase is around $12.5 billion. Per Musk statement.

♦ Current debt service, interest on the loans (from investors), is roughly $1.5 billion/yr.  $120.5 million per month for debt service.  Per Musk statement.

♦ Previous revenue (when public) was roughly $4 billion/yr.  Twitter was generally breaking even.

♦ Advertising revenue, as a result of changes in industry in combination with concerns about Twitter, are “half” what they were during the acquisition phase, per Musk statement.  That puts current advertising revenue around $2 billion/yr.

♦ Per conversation, current status of Twitter is -$3 billion/yr and could be as high as -$4 to 5 billion/yr.  This makes complete sense if $4 billion in revenue was generally the breakeven point (before acquisition), and now they have $2 billion in revenue and $1.5 billion in additional debt service [as they trim operational costs (including labor) to offset].

♦♦ For the bottom line to be an operational loss of $3 to $5 billion (est) per year, Twitter is generally losing around $300 million per month.

♦ There is only so much Tesla stock Musk can sell to support Twitter.  He has limits. Per conversation.

♦ Twitter has around $100 million/mo in liquid cash available. Per conversation.

Twitter is in locked contracts with AWS and Google cloud services through 2025 at roughly $300 million per year for both [AWS $100 million, Goog $200 million].

There’s your prism for platform content!

Elon Musk needs revenue desperately.

Twitter urgently needs advertising revenue.

Without revenue or acquisition of another platform (with assets) to offset the current status of Twitter, it is only a matter of time before bankruptcy.   [Note, Twitter investors are backstopped with Tesla/SpaceX as collateral against default.]

The tightrope… Elon Musk must appease the Google advertising control agents and adhere to content rules and regulation (DEI etc.) in order to maximize his revenue.  That’s where Linda Yaccarino comes in as a critical player.

Bottom line, Musk has to make decisions through one prism, THE ECONOMICS.  Musk’s decision-making, pro freedom or not, is constrained by this financial dependency. Hence, a lot of the platform censorship elements remain (including some personnel) and now the outreach to appoint Google/WEF approved Linda Yaccarino in an effort to enhance the revenue.

When you are perplexed about Musk decision making….  THERE’S YOUR ANSWER.

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Poor Kids (documentary)

Armstrong Economics Blog/North America Re-Posted Apr 10, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

This documentary is extremely hard to watch but accurately depicts the hardships millions face in the modern industrialized world. We cannot turn a blind eye to the pain and suffering that poverty creates. This is happening today in the wealthiest country in the world.

Below is an update from the documentary that aired in 2012. There was a slight glimpse of hope when Obama left office and the economy improved under Trump. Still, the funds we send overseas are needed at home. Those with the least suffer the most when the economy turns down.

This a raw reminder to count your blessing on this Easter Monday.

Alan Dershowitz Delivers a Solid Review About the Ridiculous Nature of the Trump Indictment, and the Remaining Cases as Constructed

Posted originally on the CTH on April 5, 2023 | Sundance

Often when legal professor Alan Dershowitz appears on media segments he is short on time to give context to his review.  However, in this lengthy interview by Steve Bannon {Direct Rumble Link Here} Mr. Dershowitz has the time to walk through the cases against President Trump and deconstruct the foundation of them.

It’s a good overview for the average person to understand.  WATCH:


Mexican President Lopez-Obrador Joins Hungarian Prime Minister Orban in Slamming President Trump’s Arrest

Posted originally on the CTH on April 5, 2023 | Sundance 

You know, it’s funny.  If you viewed the world through the prism of western corporate media, aside from North Korean Chairman Kim Jong-un, the other world leader to draw the strongest criticism from President Trump was Mexican President Lopez-Obrador.  Yet, both Chairman Kim and President AMLO are two of Trump’s strongest defenders against the leftist regime of Joe Biden.

Secondly, I have to give heaps of credit to President Lopez-Obrador for his comments about the Biden administration’s targeting of President Trump.  If there was one leader who was closest in proximity to feel genuine retaliation from the American targeting operation, it would be AMLO.   Yet for two years this guy has faced-down the Biden administration, undressed Biden verbally and publicly while refusing to acquiesce to the #1 priority of the current U.S. regime around energy policy.

I will admit, with all of my former reservations about the soft-socialist tendencies of AMLO, he has been a far better steward for the interests of the ordinary Mexican people than I ever suspected he would be.  On the economics of the issues critical for Mexico in the long term, Lopez-Obrador has been solid as a rock.

WASHINGTON DC – Mexican President Andres Manuel López Obrador on Wednesday slammed the history-making charges against former President Trump, but as U.S. politics is consumed by the indictment, most world leaders have been largely silent on the issue.

[…] López Obrador spoke Wednesday, doubling down on comments he made last month before charges against Trump were announced and saying the case is political.

“Supposedly legal issues should not be used for electoral, political purposes,” López Obrador said. “That’s why I don’t agree with what they are doing to ex-President Trump.” “It should be the people who decide,” he added.

López Obrador has been joined by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in publicly speaking out about the charges.

“Keep on fighting, Mr. President! We are with you,” tweeted Orban, a Trump ally whose authoritarian rule has been celebrated by many in the U.S. far right. (read more)

When the reckoning comes, and believe me the reckoning will come, Viktor Orban and Lopez-Obrador will be standing on the right side of history.

My favorite picture of AMLO in the United States:

Mark Levin, “They are Going to Make a Martyr for Liberty Out of Donald Trump”

Posted originally on the CTH on April 4, 2023 | Sundance

President Trump drew attention to this segment on his Truth Social account. {Direct Rumble Link} I’m glad he did.

Mark Levin had some good points and some righteous anger to highlight during his appearance on Sean Hannity.  Even if you are Old Yeller averse like me, you might like to see his perspective on the Trump indictment.  WATCH:  

Sunday Talks – Russell Brand Debriefs Matt Taibbi With Some Solid New Intel Surfacing About Larger Internet and Social Media Control Operations

Posted originally on the CTH on April 2, 2023 | Sundance 

U.K. cultural and political pundit Russell Brand sits down for an interview with U.S. Twitter File journalist Matt Taibbi, to discuss Taibbi’s experience with his recent congressional testimony, the advancement of the ‘Restrict Act’, and new revelations still coming from his exploration into the Twitter communication files. {Direct Rumble Link Here]

After some general overview and sense about the issues in/around congress, at 06:45 of the interview Taibbi begins to highlight new information he is discovering about how the Aspen Institute group was organizing, discussing and planning a larger objective about controlling any/all information on the internet.

Mr. Taibbi notes how the network of aligned NGO’s, government agencies and policy advisors from within the Aspen Institute were communicating with Big Tech about the best plans for both European and U.S. government regulation on speech and information on the internet.   As Matt notes, the senate ‘Restrict Act’ and the EU ‘Digital Services Act’ carry commonalities of purpose.  Additionally, as they government overseers trigger Artificial Intelligence (AI) to do the search work within content, the mechanisms within the machines will all deploy similar ideological algorithms. WATCH:

“They Are DANGEROUS People!” Free Speech Is Under THREAT!

Trump v DeSantis

Armstrong Economics Blog/Politics Re-Posted Apr 1, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

QUESTION: I thought you were supporting DeSantis. Are you switching to Trump?


ANSWER: This is not about Trump even as an individual. A lot of people hate him for being arrogant. Put personal issues aside. If we are civilized, we do not condemn a person because we do not like him. All of that is absurd. True, I was asked to meet with Trump to talk him out of running in 2024. They wanted me to meet with DeSantis and the story was he was a better “administrator.” My reply was that I preferred that DeSantis stay right here for they would eat him for lunch in DC.

Even Former U.S. Attorney General William Barr has criticized the indictment, calling it a “disgrace” and a “political hit job.” Barr was certainly no Trump fan.

True, I did not think Trump would win in 2024. There were just too many people who drank the cool-aid to get rid of him so they could do precisely what they are doing right now – climate and war. I am speaking objectively here and NOT in a political endorsement capacity. The headlines going into 2024 will now be all about Trump. Will that drown out any other potential candidates? These are the serious questions we must deal with. Some Democrats think this will guarantee their win in 2024 even if it is Biden again.

As for all the people who hate Trump and are too blind to look at this objectively, Bragg has crossed the line. This will open the door for Republican prosecutors to do the same to Democrats. This can easily collapse into political civil war at the highest levels. That will only contribute to Socrates’ forecast that the USA will probably not exist as soon as 2028.

This has NOTHING to do with Trump as a person. Open your eyes! This was a VERY dangerous move and it made no sense. All of these charges and investigations about Trump are insane. They will never change the minds of those in both camps. They are preaching to the choir as they say. The Democrats behind all of this should have left Trump alone. He would have faded into the sunset. Constantly attacking him has been also part of the Democratic strategy to tear down the Republic Party as a whole.

What I do not like is what our computer is projecting. All of this leads to just political chaos. Some believe this is a diversion created by the Neocons so they can instigate World War III while people are focused on Trump. All my sources now confirm they have brought their agenda forward for war.

So while you focus your hatred on Trump, they are coming for everything that has been on the Neocon wish list for decades. The arrays are NOT my personal opinion. That is just irrelevant. I have never been able to beat Socrates. The Arrays will be the Arrays whether or not we like the outcome. Also, Socrates has already projected the 2024 election before this absurdity.

DON’T FORGET – the 2024 Election Will Not Be NORMAL!

Tucker Carlson – Dual Justice Hits Free Speech

Posted originally on the CTH on March 31, 2023 | Sundance

For his opening monologue tonight, Fox News host Tucker Carlson highlights the increased visibility of the dual justice system as it has shown up in just the past 48 hours.

Using the Douglass Mackey conviction and the Donald Trump indictment, both from the state of New York, Carlson puts an exclamation point on the toxic nature of the two-tiered system of justice; accurately noting they are not trying to hide it, because the visibility of it is the point.  The leftists in control of power positions want Americans to see their weaponization of that position in order to create fear and anxiety.  The provocation is the point… WATCH:

“Necklaces in the streets”…. The leftists in America and the corporate media who support them, would dance gleefully at the visibility of victims in the streets who had gasoline filled tires around forced over their body then lit on fire (South African ANC “Necklaces”).