Anger Games – Biden Campaign Organize Extremely Divisive Event in Philadelphia

Posted originally on the CTH on May 30, 2024 | Sundance 

There were seemingly only a few dozen people who attended the speech; but wow was the Joe Biden event divisive.  Also, watch how many times Joe Biden is going back to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  Philly, then South Carolina, then back to Philly, then South Carolina, that’s the pattern.  BLM then AME, then back to BLM, then back to AME.  This is the 7th time Biden has gone to an organized event in Philly (it’s not about campaigning).

The Biden campaign organized what the media are calling a “black outreach” event; however, the remarks and speech was one of the most divisive, toxic and bitter racist events in modern political history.  The Biden campaign is relying on the formula they used in 2020, where James Clyburn, Barack Obama, the AME Church and Black Lives Matter organizers activated a regional playbook to influence the election.

In the big picture the Black Lives Matter (BLM) group are the ballot harvesters, the essential foot soldiers for the race-based electoral system Clyburn and Obama constructed. The AME network are the ballot counters, the precinct poll workers, spread throughout the various urban enclaves of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Virgina and both Carolinas. It’s a race-based coalition, dependent on conformity to achieve the 2024 objective.

The extremely toxic remarks made by Joe Biden were intended to rally the racist sentiment amid the black voters in the key precincts within key states.  However, for 2024 the challenge is larger. Minorities are just like all Americans who are negatively impacted by Bidenomics, inflation, energy prices, the open border and illegal migration ¹intended to suppress wages.  WATCH:


The AME Network is the race-based element they need for actual ballot manipulation in Pennsylvania (Philadelphia County), Georgia (Fulton County), Nevada (Clark County), and Michigan (Wayne County).  It is the AME Church who organizes the racially motivated ballot creators, counters and precincts etc.  If you know the playbook, if you have watched the prior performances, you can clearly see the 2024 moves they make {GO DEEP}.


¹In 2007 Barack Obama promised to make “energy prices skyrocket” in order to achieve the climate change mission. A strong case can be made that in order to execute the domestic Green New Deal (internationally known as Build Back Better), which is essentially a wealth distribution scheme that parlays into a socialist system of carbon taxation, inflation becomes the biggest risk.   In order to try and mitigate the damage from skyrocketing energy cost inflation wages must not be allowed to rise and generate the upward spiral.  The open borders and illegal immigration create a massive influx of low-skilled workers that suppresses wages.

Where is the POTUS?

Posted May 9, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Biden 2024 Lets finish the job

America needs a strong leader to restore law and order in our society. Our leadership has chosen to create division and cause neighbors to turn on neighbors. We are facing the highest national debt in US history, lower purchasing power, inflation that will not wane, a sharp wave in crime, a housing crisis, two proxy wars with a third on the way, and no one has taken a stand to calm the fear of uncertainty that has caused the people to lose all trust in government.

Where is the POTUS, the commander-in-chief? Not only do the American people need the president, but all of Washington needs a centralized authority figure to connect each branch and cabinet. One of the president’s primary roles is to ensure that all of Washington is working collectively, but our current president is nowhere to be found.

Joe Biden has addressed the public on fewer occasions than any other president in the past four decades. The Times wrote, “For anyone who understands the role of the free press in a democracy, it should be troubling that President Biden has so actively and effectively avoided questions from independent journalists during his term.”

The Times even endorsed Joe Biden during the 2020 US Presidential election, but now they are forced to admit that the president is a failure. “That systematically avoiding interviews and questions from major news organizations doesn’t just undermine an important norm, it also establishes a dangerous precedent that future presidents can use to avoid scrutiny and accountability. That is why [publisher A.G.] Sulzberger has repeatedly urged the White House to have the president sit down with The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Reuters, CNN and other major independent news organizations that millions of Americans rely on to understand their government.”


The press secretary refuses to answer questions on behalf of the president. He has been seen with note cards that dictate which reporters he may call upon during Q&A sessions, and those reporters are equipped with pre-approved easy questions. All of this is a deliberate attempt to hide Joe Biden’s failing mental health, as he always misspeaks when not reading directly off of a teleprompter. And people want another four more years of this mess?

I reported in December that Biden had spent at least 40% of his entire presidency on vacation. The man with arguably the most important job in the world has set the record for taking more time off than any other president, collectively absent for over a year of his first and hopefully last term. He has only held four events before 10 AM and around a dozen past 6 PM. His former Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, once said that he does nothing prior to 9 AM, but it is closer to 10 AM if you look at any of his public schedules.

How will Biden physically manage an additional four years when he is not fit enough to currently hold office? He has refused to take a mental health examination, but we simply do not need one at this point. A company would crumble if the person in charge was absent, avoidant, or dismissive of any real responsibilities. But we accept this level of incompetency for the person in charge of a nation?

The Never-Ending Cold War

Posted originally on Feb 15, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

NATO North Atlantic Terror Organization

QUESTION: Do you believe Putin has no interest in starting World War III? Was he telling the truth when he said, “It is absolutely out of the question? You just don’t have to be any kind of analyst. It goes against common sense to get involved in some kind of a global war, and a global war will bring all humanity to the brink of destruction. It’s obvious.”


Khruschev Nikta

ANSWER: Look, this is all propaganda from the Neocons, especially Victoria Nuland and her sister-in-law running the Institute for the Study of War. When Khrushchev ran the Soviet Union, his comment that we will bury you was more of a religious cult where they really believed that Communism was the way to the future. The Neocons got all riled up over that and took the opposite position that they would spread democracy to the world. That became the Cold War. The problem is Communism fell, and their ideology switched from anti-communism to racism – anti-Russian.


Remember McCarthyism? He created such a communist scare in the United States he was turning everyone against one another. He accused Democrats of being Communists and the American Civil Liberties Union of being a communist organization. McCarthy was manufacturing evidence to haul in people for interrogation. McCarthy’s methods wwere finally episoded in the television documentary series See It Now, hosted by journalist Edward R. Murrow, which was broadcast on March 9, 1954.

Nixon Kruschev

Those were different days when North Korea tried to invade the South. Vietnam, we assumed, was all really about communists. The Neocon McNamara apologized before he died that we sent 50,000 Americans to their death for what he said was really just a civil war, and we should learn from those mistakes. We have not.

The days of empire-building are gone. Russia has NO INTENTION of returning to communism. The people would overthrow the government if they tried. The Russian people have their freedom and are not interested in returning to communism. They cannot. They all now own where they once lived and have credit cards and mortgages. This is NATO propaganda to remain relevant in a world where Russia is no longer some communist in a quest to spread its philosophy to the world.

Once you hand Power to any Organization

They will never return it willingly

and do anything to retain it

It has been the Neocons who are deliberately trying to provoke World War III. They have spent their entire lives consumed with hatred. We were on the verge of World Peace, just like the Romans. When everyone realized they benefited from being part of the Roman Empire for the common market and could sell their goods throughout the Empire, the people would not support rebellion as long as they were profiting from being part of Rome. When China and Russia benefited from integrating into the world economy, their people would never allow their governments to wage war. Remove that economic benefit, and then naturally, the people will rise and demand retribution against those who have stolen their livelihood.

The Neocons think putting sanctions on Russia would cause the people to overthrow Putin; they are dead wrong. They will only inspire hatred of the West. They are not stupid. They know the cause of their economic problems – the hatred of the Neocons.

Democrat Politicians are ALL Wannabe Tyrants

Posted originally on Rumble by Sean Parnell: Battleground on: Nov 14, 5:00 pm EST

Ron DeSantis Drops to Fifth Place in Latest New Hampshire Polling

Posted originally on the CTH on September 20, 2023 | Sundance 

Representative Victoria Spartz (R-IN) is Ukranian by heritage, and understandably she is a full supporter of Ukraine (and NATO) in the battle against Russia.  That said, what Ms Spartz notes in her comments and questioning of Attorney General Merrick Garland is very accurate.

Representative Spartz puts the context of the citizen fear of the soviet era KGB into the context of American fear of the weaponized DOJ.  “People are scared of our government,” she outlines.  The comparison is accurate in context and history.  However, as Spartz goes on to share, the end result is horrible for Ukraine, as the constituents in her community will no longer trust the word of the American government.  WATCH:

DOJ Protects Bidens Refuses to Comply with Rule of Law

Armstrong Economics Blog/Rule of Law Re-Posted Aug 31, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

The Biden Administration has been a major constitutional threat to the very existence of the United States. The Department of Justice (DOJ) informed the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday night that it would not cooperate with subpoenas for two FBI agents involved in the department’s investigation of Hunter Biden because of the committee’s stipulations for their depositions. Never in my entire life have I ever witnessed the total collapse of the rule of law. The DOJ will indict Trump, but not any Democrat. This is the final straw. The entire purpose of the rule of law is the alternative to force. When the Supreme Court ruled that blacks had no rights, the only solution was the Civil War. We are rapidly approaching this critical turning point.

The uproar and violence over the 2016 election never saw anyone ever charged. So why now?

Confidence Declining

Armstrong Economics Blog/Gov’t Incompetence Re-Posted Aug 30, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

COMMENT: Marty, I just wanted to thank you for opening my eyes. The logic that the market commentators make no sense. Bloomberg wrote, “Bets on a rate hike in 2023 fell after worse-than-expected economic numbers bolstered hopes the Fed can pause in September.” So you are right. They are cheering worse economic numbers because interest rates will decline. You are correct. Rising interest rates show demand for money and an expanding economy. But rates decline with economic declines, and stocks typically drop. I feel stupid that I never saw that for myself. It seems people are losing confidence in the government with this persecution of Trump and hiding the corruption of the Bidens. Everyone you talk to is just fed up with politicians.

No wonder the mainstream press will never quote you because you make sense.



PS Stay safe with this storm. We do need you.

REPLY: I understand what you are saying. I realized that the analysis changed after 1929 because we became socialists when I wrote The Great Bull Market in History in 1986. What did the Fed want us to do? How high should we jump? The economy is preparing to turn down with the ECM by May 2024. Consumer Confidence among Americans dropped the most in two years. Many of my clients overseas now see the fate of America much more clearly than domestic Americans. They view that once the Democrats have used the law to persecute Trump legally while the evidence about corruption with the Bidens goes unanswered, the confidence in government is collapsing.

I fear they will rush this whole CBDC agenda and move toward a much more Totalitarian State because they can feel their power slipping through their fingers. This abuse of the law is one of the critical issues that precede the decline and fall of a nation.

There is clear evidence that supports an impeachment trial is not a criminal prosecution of Biden and his son. Documents have surfaced that show that Joe Biden was NOT acting in line with U.S. policy as VP when he threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine until Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin was fired! That was personal and not the policy of the US government. The prosecutor Shokin was investigating the precise corruption at Burisma Holdings, which paid Hunter Biden over $1,000,000. Shokin says that the Biden’s were bribed to terminate his investigation. While the Democrats want to imprison Trump, they refuse to discuss any of these documents because they knowingly used these exact lies as the pretense of impeaching President Trump.

There is now an October 2015 memo that summarizes the recommendation of the Interagency Policy Committee. That task force was created to advise the Obama White House on the notorious corruption in Ukraine and whether they were trying to clean it up. That was necessary for more aid. These documents show that U.S. policy did not call for a threat to withhold funding unless this prosecutor investigating corruption was fired.

Biden made the threat in December 2015, two months after the memo was published, and no other documents show the U.S. policy called for Shokin to be fired. On top of that, even the IMF in FEBRUARY 2016 threatened to cut off funding for Ukraine unless they showed progress in reforming corruption.

By November 2016, Biden is telling Poroshenko not to ask for any more money for Trump may start to investigate. I know Ukraine. I was asked to take them on as a client, and the first words were we can pay you offshore so you do not have to pay taxes. I said thank you very much, but I declined. You cannot imagine the level of corruption in Ukraine. It is the MOST corrupt government perhaps ever to have existed anywhere in the world, no matter what decade or century.

Prosecuting Trump and all of these prosecutors coordinating these attacks while the Justice Department does NOTHING with the Bidens is indeed collapsing the confidence in government. This is all part of the decline and fall of Republics, which is what 2032 is all about. I have a lot on my table right now. Another book I am working on is a review of the various forms of government and what worked and what failed – the good – the bad – the ugly. This will probably be read in January.

The last book is now out at Barnes & Noble on the truth behind Cleopatra – the real version, not the WOKE nonsense that she was black. I used the coinage to show the real story, where there was no steamy love affair; she was a brilliant woman who used Mark Antony to create a civil war in hopes that the once great empire of Alexander the Great would defeat Rome and her son by Julius Caesar would restore the throne of the Ptolemies. The Legionary Denarii of Mark Antony was funded by Cleopatra, and up to 100 years later, the amount of money was so great that these coins accounted for 20% of the money supply a century later. Sorry, whatever movie you watched or were taught in school was fake news.

Have Trump’s Lawyers Been Compromised?

Armstrong Economics Blog/Rule of Law Re-Posted Aug 15, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

QUESTION: In “The Trump Florida Indictment Violates the Constitution,” you recommend that Trump’s lawyers should file motions to dismiss based on substantive due process violations. I am a lawyer and believe you’re correct. Any speculation as to why they don’t?


ANSWER: Not sure if they are representing him. This has never been done before. It is certainly a ripe question of first impression for the Supreme Court. I would be jumping all over this.

My concern is that there has to be a reason they are NOT really defending him. They may have been intimidated by the government. They imply the IRS might personally audit them if they do not cooperate. I am stating this OPENLY for someone had better really defend Trump, for this is more than him; this is the entire rule of law on trial here. As you know, once they create a precedent, they will cite Trump’s case and start indicting people in one district after venue shopping and then put them on trial only to comply with the 6th Amendment.

They already rig the selection process for judges more often than not. Here is my docket sheet. Judge McKenna granted my motion to compel the government to explain the case against me because they constantly changed the theory. The prosecutors went to the Chief Judge and had my case removed from Judge McKenna to John F. Keenan, who, on the first day, overruled Judge McKenna and denied my motion after McKenna had granted it. The Chief Judge then sealed my docket so I could never see how they rigged my case. I have witnessed every dirty trick in the book that these people pull.

The court-appointed lawyer David Cooper never said a word. This was an outright denial of my Due Process right, and he REFUSED ever to file an appeal. The Supreme Court has subsequently held that a lawyer who refused to file an appeal is ineffective assistance of counsel. I believe the government threatened him, and they may be doing the same to Trump’s lawyers. Of course, they will never admit that.

Lawfare Rep Goldman Admits Biden Broad Immunity Deal Was Political Construct Intended to Protect Biden Family from Future Accountability for Prior Criminal Conduct

Posted originally on August 13, 2023 | Sundance 

Wickedness has a way of manifesting in the human body.   As the physical lifeforce within Daniel Goldman begins diminishing, the pale and sullen former Robert Mueller operative appears on CNN to discuss the Hunter Biden case and the appointment of the special counsel.

Skilled in the dark arts of lawfare, Representative Goldman spins the investigation to its situational opposite; however, he does reveal that David Weiss was motivated by politics when he constructed the plea agreement for Hunter Biden.  According to Goldman, the plea deal was built around broad immunity for any criminal conduct so that a future DOJ -one not in alignment with the Biden crime syndicate- could not hold the Biden crime family accountable. WATCH:

…”Now, in the ordinary course, you would not give immunity for other conduct than what is charged. But this is not the ordinary course, because you have a petty, vindictive bully running as the — for president on the Republican Party who will use revenge and weaponize the Department of Justice to potentially charge Hunter Biden.

So, even though I’m sure Hunter Biden has confidence that David Weiss will not charge him with additional crimes, they have no confidence that, if Donald Trump wins, that he would weaponize the Department of Justice to charge Hunter Biden, go back and charge him.”…

Devin Nunes – David Weiss is Another John Durham Protective Silo – The Deep State Operation Tracks Back to Obama Weaponizing Intel and DOJ

Posted originally on the CTH on August 11, 2023 | Sundance 

This interview segment is almost as if Devin Nunes reads here.  The former House Intel Committee chairman outlines the appointment of David Weiss as another DC silo creation similar in construct to John Durham. {Direct Rumble Link}

Obviously, Nunes is correct.  Additionally, as Nunes accurately outlines the entire weaponization process traces back to when Barack Obama took office and unleashed the apparatus of the intelligence agencies to target domestic political opposition.  At the same time, Obama’s AG Eric Holder created the DOJ National Security Division and then weaponized surveillance under the auspices of FARA and FISA Courts to target one side of the political dynamic.  WATCH:

Elevator Speech:

(1) The Patriot Act turned the intel surveillance radar from foreign searches for terrorists to domestic searches for terrorists.

(2) Obama/Biden then redefined what is a “terrorist” to include their political opposition.

The changed definitions continue through today.  The DHS partnership with Big Tech is an extension of the issue.  Thus, political opposition spreads “disinformation,” ergo the voice and content of the political opposition must be removed.  The targeting is one long continuum.