The Most Obvious Political Gaslighting Effort in Modern History

Posted originally on the CTH on June 5, 2024 | Sundance 

There are not even enough words to describe this level of manipulative lying and trying to reframe reality.  Any person who tries to support this insufferable effort should be ridiculed and shamed immediately.

[Source Link]

Joe Biden’s first day in office he reversed all of the border security measures President Trump had put into place – specifically, the remain in Mexico policy.  Now, with massive backlash starting to permeate the American electorate as the consequences of lawlessness are hitting hard, Joe Biden pretends he is not to blame for an unsecured border.

This is the biggest attempt at political gaslighting in modern history.

Four More Years PAUSE – Is Cognitive Impairment a Disqualification?

Posted originally on Apr 26, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

The world is receiving a disturbing lesson in dementia and cognitive decline as we watch Joe Biden wither away in real-time. Biden yet again exposed that he is barely capable of reading off of the teleprompter – “Four more years – PAUSE!”

The “crowd” began chanting, “Four more years!” after Biden’s mumbled attempt to incite excitement over his re-election bid. The audience is clearly a group of actors. All the support surrounding Joe is completely staged.

Biden traveled to Tampa, FL, during his most recent campaign attempt and I can say that there was absolutely no coverage of his visit. When Trump came through years ago, there were boat parades and people chanting through the streets. Traffic was as-usual during Biden’s visit and his wish to turn Florida blue is a Hunter pipe dream.

(Biden before losing his cognitive skills, — still a skillful liar)

Can a mentally impaired person legally run for the most powerful office in the world? Yes. To become president one need only be over 35 years of age, a natural-born citizen who has resided in the United States for at least 14 years. One cannot hold a federal office while serving as president, hence people in Florida were concerned DeSantis would leave his governor position if elected. A president cannot have a criminal record that includes a felony under the Gun Laws Moral limitation. A history of domestic violence could also disqualify a candidate. Anyone who has engaged in espionage or has been a threat to national security is also disqualified.

Article II, Section 1, Clause 5:

No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

The Qualifications Clause set forth in Article II, Section 1, Clause 5 requires the President to be a natural-born citizen, at least thirty-five years of age, and a resident of the United States for at least fourteen years.

I believe Joe Biden should be disqualified due to his backroom dealing with China and Ukraine that I have covered extensively on this blog. The incident with his daughter could be considered an act of domestic violence and certainly should have been investigated. Biden has a history of moral misconduct that would prevent anyone conservative from running for POTUS.

Perhaps the Founding Fathers believed the voting public would be intelligent enough to elect a mentally fit leader. It is beyond comprehension that anyone would support a man who is clearly declining. Take a look at Joe Biden years ago when he was vice president or further back when he was a senator. There is a drastic difference in his speech and mannerisms.

A pilot or doctor could not hold office if he or she were mentally incapacitated. The president is also making life or death decisions on behalf of others, and yet, he is not held accountable or demanded to undergo a cognitive test. He was found too mentally inept to face charges for mishandling classified files. Still, he is mentally sound, according to the Democrats, to run for office and make decisions that will affect not merely our generation but generations to come.

Unfortunately, there is nothing in the Constitution that disqualifies someone with an overt cognitive impairment from holding office, and hatred has surpassed common sense, as many voters would prefer a corpse over a conservative.

Biden’s Mental Decline Enabled the Neocons to Push him to Support Pro-War Policies

Posted originally on Mar 1, 2024 By Martin Armstrong


The media could not hide the damning report provided by Special Council Robert Hur. The world knows that President Joe Biden was determined unfit to stand trial, reduced to “a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” This merely scratches the surface of what the report found regarding Biden’s mental competency.

Report of the Special Counsel on the Investigation Into Unauthorized Removal, Retention, and Disclosure of Classified Documents Discovered at Locations Including the Penn Biden Center and the Delaware Private Residence of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.” is a 388-paged document that most will never read. The report did conclude that Biden likely committed a “serious felony,” but it would be difficult to convince a jury to convict him as it “requires a mental state of willfulness.”

Interestingly, Biden, who has propelled America into two global conflicts, firmly opposed sending more troops to Afghanistan. As noted on pages 117-118, the Democrats became divided on the issue. “On one side, Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Michael Mullen, and General David Petraeus supported McChrystal’s call for a counterinsurgency campaign and for significantly more American troops in Afghanistan. 190 On the other side, Mr. Biden and a number of National Security Council and other White House advisers were deeply skeptical of these proposals.” Furthermore, Biden called lobbying efforts for additional troops, “fucking ridiculous” and believed “Obama was poised to repeat the disastrous mistakes of Vietnam.”


There is much speculation over the infamous Thanksgiving memo, a handwritten letter by Joe Biden addressed to then-President Obama. Biden was contemplating stepping down as vice president over the war:

“Tomorrow the President is going to make a fateful decision regarding Afghanistan - as I sat looking out the window at the sea - thinking I should resign in protest over will bring his administration down. Although I obviously there I feel like this is what it must have felt like for Kennedy then Johnson in the early days of VTN [Vietnam]. I feel guilty and boxed in myself. Guilty not having been more successful w/ the President - and staying. Boxed in by knowing or at least feeling that my resignation would only harden his position and leave him with one less voice.”

Long-term aide Ron Klain reiterated that in 2009, Biden feared a second Vietnam and did not want to send “tens of thousands of Americans over to a pointless war.”

The man that Joe Biden was during that time no longer exists. He is not competent to form his own opinions and has become a complete puppet of the establishment that is taking advantage of a man in severe mental decline. The report states that his biggest fear was “an open-ended American commitment,” which is precisely what the US is offering Ukraine, albeit the Big Guy was not profiting off of the war in Afghanistan.

Joe Biden may have once been a “well-meaning” man. He once stood against Obama and the establishment before he was no longer of sound mind. I will refer to the most damaging piece of evidence on page 208 of the special report.

“In his interview with our office, Mr. Biden's memory was worse. He did not remember when he was vice president, forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended ("if it was 2013 - when did I stop being Vice President?"), and forgetting on the second day of the interview when his term began ("in 2009, am I still Vice President?"). 839 He did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died. And his memory appeared hazy when describing the Afghanistan debate that was once so important to him. Among other things, he mistakenly said he "had a real difference" of opinion with General Karl Eikenberry, when, in fact, Eikenberry was an ally whom Mr. Eiden cited approvingly in his Thanksgiving memo to President Obama.”

This is highly troubling and downright sad. Joe Biden was unable to recall when he served as vice president “even within several years.” The pain of losing a child is unmeasurable. Any parent would recall the precise date that their child left this world. Biden is suffering from a serious form of dementia but is expected to hold the most crucial office in the US government.

The man who once opposed senseless, endless wars is no longer with us. The establishment is in full control of the US government, and we do not have a president. The man Joe Biden was in 2009 no longer exists. Although Biden considered stepping down from office as vice president, I seriously doubt the establishment would allow him to back away now. I believe they have countless blackmail on him and his family. He would never be permitted to walk away alive.

The Supreme Court – Ballot to Immunity

Posted originally on Feb 11, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Alaska Supreme Court
14th Amendment
Nuclear Launch Button R

I have listened to the oral arguments and have considered this entire 14th Amendment nonsense. Some have tried to argue that it is self-executing, meaning that Congress does not need to write a statute. That is really absurd, for we are talking here about trying to overthrow the entire foundation of democracy when pretending to be defending it. That is like pushing the button to attack Russia because I knew they wanted to do so; therefore, I was acting in self-defense by pushing the button first.

States have the right to control their local elections. However, they cannot interfere in federal elections. To do so would mean that they are depriving the rest of the country of their right to vote, for a federal election cannot take place if some states remove a candidate and others do not. This is a justified argument for separating the United States.

While nobody raised the Commerce Clause refers to Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution, the Founding Fathers may have never anticipated a rouge action like Colorado and Maine in banning Trump from the ballot. Still, they did address this issue of one state interfering with the rest of the nation. The Commerce Clause PROHIBITS any state from trying to impose a ban on the exports of another state to boost its own production. The Commerce Clause gives Congress the power “to regulate commerce with foreign nations, among states, and with the Indian tribes.”

The Commerce Clause expressly forbids a state from interfering in national commerce. That jurisdiction is reserved strictly to Congress. I cannot imagine how any state can claim such a power to interfere in the federal election for the national office of the Federal Government that is not a local state office.

If the Supreme Court upholds Colorado’s decision, then it is time to break up the UNION, for it is no longer viable. I fear we will see violence regardless of how the court rules.

Trump Immunity

The District of Columbia Court of Appeals rejected Trump’s Absolute Immunity claim, saying: “We cannot accept that the office of the presidency places its former occupants above the law for all time thereafter,” the judges wrote.”

The Constitution does not directly discuss presidential immunity from criminal or civil lawsuits. Instead, this privilege has evolved over time through the Supreme Court’s interpretation of Article II, Section 2, Clause 3:

The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Commissions which shall expire at the End of their next Session.

It is generally accepted that the President is absolutely immune from civil liability for suits arising from actions relating to official duties. This includes all acts in the “outer perimeter” of those duties. However, the President is not immune from actions arising from unofficial conduct. In fact, nobody was actually given immunity by the Founding Fathers. It has been the course have have credited immunity – not the Constitution.

“Prosecutorial immunity” is also a judge-made doctrine that cloaks prosecutors in near-absolute immunity from suit. Under this doctrine, prosecutors cannot be sued for any actions related to their job as a prosecutor, no matter how egregious the behavior. For example, prosecutors cannot be sued for knowingly prosecuting an innocent person, withholding evidence of innocence, or even fabricating false evidence of guilt.

Prosecutors can do whatever they want, and you have ZERO rights, even human rights, against those in the Deep State. This entire question of immunity to me defied the Declaration of Independence, and this is the intent of the Constitution to restrain government. With ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY, they can fabricate evidence, put you on trial, and execute all knowing that you were innocent. This defies everything that the Constitution intended.

Declaration of Independent Complaint #15

“For protecting them, by a mock Trial from punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States.”

In 1768, two citizens of Annapolis, Maryland, were murdered by Marines from a British ship. Even though there was overwhelming evidence against them, the Marines were acquitted.

Trump Does he have Immunity

I doubted that the Washington, D.C. Court of Appeals would ever rule in favor of Trump. They have their marching orders. To me, either nobody has absolute immunity, or everyone does. There is NOTHING in the Constitution that grants such immunity to anyone! That very proposition stands in direct confrontation with the Declaration of Independence. If this disgusting Jack Smith, who indicts Trump in Washington, which he can control for a crime he has to prosecuted in Florida, shows that he is violating the very intent of the Sixth Amendment. But he is ABSOLUTELY IMMUNE for anything he does to the nation or Trump. That is wrong!

Lincoln House Divided

They had President Nixon hands down, and yet they pardoned him to save dividing the nation. Those ideas no longer exist, and the entire problem here is these prosecutions have torn the nation apart and polarized the people. They have set in motion the ultimate division of the United States – it cannot stand as a united nation when one side tries to impose a dictatorship, their ideas offending even the religious beliefs.

In Greek Democracy, it is true that women had no right to vote. What is overlooked is the fact that they did not need one. This was all before SOCIALISM, and there was not even an income tax. The head of the household voted like a congressman for everyone in the house. But those were questions like war. Even if someone killed another, the victim’s family is prosecuted – not the state. The ONLY crimes where the state became evolved were those directly against the state of offending the gods, as was the case with Socrates. With socialism, then laws were made directly against behavior, and income tax was applied to everyone. Thus, everyone then had a right to vote. This is what is tearing the country apart – this belief that one side gets to dictate behavior. What if Muslims gain political control and then dictate you have to have four wives? What if Mitt Romney were president a issued an executive order allowing multiple wives? This is the whole problem that is terminating the union.

Coke discretion

So, unfortunately, this entire immunity question is NOT law – it is the discretion of judges, and therein lies the crisis. The Founding Fathers relied upon the definition of law articulated by Lord Coke and Blackstone. Nobody seems to care anymore.

Blackstone 10 guilty

Categories:RULE OF LAW

Sunday Talks – Mitch McConnell Fully Supports Biden Request for $106 Billion in Aid for Ukraine, Israel and Hamas Humanitarian Assistance

Posted Originally on the CTH on October 22, 2023 | Sundance 

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell requested for CBS to travel to his office in DC so that he could visibly show support for the Biden administration spending effort on behalf of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza.  McConnell noted in the interview on the policy agenda for these priorities, he and Joe Biden are in direct agreement.

At the 08:32 moment, Mitch McConnell is questioned about his health and says he is healthy, “in good shape and completely recovered.”  WATCH:

[Transcript] – MARGARET BRENNAN: Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell has not done many interviews this year, but he invited us to Capitol Hill Friday to talk about President Biden’s request to Congress for $100 billion in aid for Ukraine, Israel and US border security. And that’s where our conversation began.

SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL: We have big power competition from China, and Russia and we still have terrorism problems, as the Israelis have certainly experienced in a brutal way in the last week. So I think that requires a worldwide approach rather than trying to take parts of it out. It’s all connected. The Chinese and the Russians said they’re now friends forever. Iranian drones are being used in Ukraine and against the Israelis.

MARGARET BRENNAN: There’s resistance among some Republicans, including here in the Senate, about bundling things together. Is it possible to pass Ukraine aid if it’s not tied to Israel?

SEN. MCCONNELL: I just think that’s a mistake. I mean, I know there are some Republicans in the Senate, and maybe more in the House, saying Ukraine is somehow different. I view it as all interconnected.

MARGARET BRENNAN: And you’ve said that you believe there is enough oversight of aid to Ukraine. Why hasn’t that persuaded some members of the- of the Republican caucus?
SEN. MCCONNELL: If you look at the Ukraine assistance, let’s- let’s talk about where the money is really going. A significant portion of its being spent in the United States in 38 different states, replacing the weapons that we sent to Ukraine with more modern weapons. So we’re rebuilding our industrial base.

MARGARET BRENNAN: That’s what President Biden is seeking to do.

SEN. MCCONNELL: It’s- it’s correct. No Americans are getting killed in Ukraine. We’re rebuilding our industrial base. The Ukrainians are destroying the army of one of our biggest rivals. I have a hard time finding anything wrong with that. I think it’s wonderful that they’re defending themselves- and also the notion that the Europeans are not doing enough. They’ve done almost 90 billion dollars, they’re housing a bunch of refugees who escaped. I think that our NATO allies in Europe have done quite a lot.

MARGARET BRENNAN: You sound like you have a lot in common with President Biden, and his worldview, based on what you just laid out.

SEN. MCCONNELL: Well, not on the domestic side, but on this issue that we- we’re discussing today, we’re generally in the same place.

MARGARET BRENNAN: On the issue of Israel, that does seem to be a unifying issue for many Republicans, and I want to ask you about this 10 billion dollar request the President is making. Do you think there needs to be any provisions in there that would account for the risk of human rights- human rights violations in Gaza?

SEN. MCCONNELL: Well, we want to make sure we’re not sending money to Hamas. I can tell you that. But there are genuine humanitarian needs of the people of Gaza who are not Hamas, who’ve been thrown under the bus by what Hamas did. Innocent people. But we want to be careful about how the money is spent, be sure it actually gets where it’s supposed to get.

MARGARET BRENNAN: For any military aid that’s going to Israel right now, do you think there needs to be- need to be strings attached?

SEN. MCCONNELL: Israel is our strongest ally in the world. We trust them, and we have a very tight relationship with them both on the intelligence side and the military side. So I don’t think the kind of oversight we’re talking about for Ukraine, for example, would be necessary for Israel.

MARGARET BRENNAN: You know, to do all of these things you need a partner in Congress. Senator Welch said, you are the only Republican negotiator right now, because of all the disarray in the House. How can you deliver on this at a time when you’re saying it’s essential?

SEN. MCCONNELL: Well, I hope we’re going to have a speaker sometime soon and we–

MARGARET BRENNAN: Before November 17th, when government funding-

SEN. MCCONNELL: We need one. We need one because the House can’t do anything without a speaker. And it’s a- it’s a problem, but I hope it’s gonna get solved pretty quickly.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Is there anyone in the House who can lead the Republicans?

SEN. MCCONNELL: Look, I’m not an expert on the House. I have my hands full here in the Senate, and we’re gonna do our job and hope the House can get functional here sometime soon.

MARGARET BRENNAN: There is no current U.S. ambassador to Israel right now. And some of your Republican colleagues have voiced concerns about President Biden’s nominee. Do you have concerns about Jack Lew?

SEN. MCCONNELL: He is a very controversial nominee because of his relationship with the Iran nuclear deal, which was opposed by everybody in my party. And by the way, I hope that flirtation with Iran is finally over with regard to the nuclear deal. And Senator Cotton and I also have a bill to freeze the 6 billion dollars that was on the way to the Iranians in relation to the hostage release, so-

MARGARET BRENNAN: Well, it’s in Qatar, the White House says Iran hasn’t been able to make any withdrawals from it.

SEN. MCCONNELL: Yeah, but we’d like to make it law so that it can’t be undone. Look, I think we need to get tougher with Iran. And I do think the weakness of both the Obama administration and the Biden administration, is the thought that somehow we could do business with Iran on something. And I think it’s pretty clear we can’t. I mean, they’re funding Hezbollah, Hamas, creating problems all over the Middle East, and we shouldn’t be doing any business with them.

MARGARET BRENNAN: President Biden said that he’s going to hold Iran accountable. What do you think that means?

SEN. MCCONNELL: Yeah well, I think the proof will be – what are we going to do to hold them accountable? And that’s- it’s got to be credible. You- you can’t on the one hand, be negotiating with Iran on some kind of nuclear deal that you know they won’t keep, and then turn around and declare that you’re going to get tougher with Iran. I think, number one, quit talking to the Iranians about any kind of nuclear deal. Number two, don’t give them the $6 billion. Number three, back up the Israelis in every conceivable way, after this attack by Iran-sponsored Hamas.

MARGARET BRENNAN: You-you oppose all diplomacy with Iran?

SEN. MCCONNELL: It’s not a question of whether you ever talk to them or not. But it’s a question- what do you do? What do you do? And clearly, the nuclear deal that the Obama administration agreed to and the Biden administration tried to reconnect is- is not the way to go. There’s an axis of evil in the world: China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran. And we need to stand up to the axis of evil, not try to do business with them.

MARGARET BRENNAN: I want to ask you as well about the moment here in Washington that we are in. A number of members of Congress, including Representatives Miller-Meeks, Ferguson, Bacon, Ken Buck, have said just this week that they have had death threats against them. How concerned are you about violence against lawmakers working here?

SEN. MCCONNELL: Well, I think there have been more threats lately, and I am concerned about it.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Are you concerned about more political violence? Going into an election year here?

SEN. MCCONNELL: Look, I think since 9/11, and January 6th, we’ve had heightened security here at the Capitol. I’m sure we’re a target for all kinds of evil doers both in the United States and abroad.

MARGARET BRENNAN: People wonder about your health, how are you feeling? How are you doing?

SEN. MCCONNELL: I’m fine. I’m completely recovered, and I’m just fine.

MARGARET BRENNAN: You and your office felt the need to share and disclose some of the details about your health because of some of these public incidents. And the doctor here said there was no evidence of Parkinson’s disease or a stroke or- or a seizure. And I wonder, is there anything the public should know that wasn’t disclosed?

SEN. MCCONNELL: I’m in good shape, completely recovered and back on the job.

MARGARET BRENNAN: So does that mean that you think you are able to continue serving, and you want to continue serving here at a time when we are talking about incredible dysfunction in Washington?

SEN. MCCONNELL: I think we ought to be talking about what we were talking about earlier, rather than my health.

MARGARET BRENNAN: You’ve made clear you have a lot of policy disagreements with the former president, Donald Trump. Doesn’t it trouble you that he is the front runner for the Republican nomination, given the questions he has raised about aid for Ukraine, for example?

SEN. MCCONNELL: I’m not going to comment on the various candidates for president on either side. I’ve got my hands full here in the Senate.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Former Secretary of Defense Gates told us this is one of the most dangerous moments that he has ever seen for our country. And we’re talking about the basic functioning of our democracy being a problem right now. I’ll ask you, again, who can lead the Republican Party, not just in the House, but to deliver on the vision that you are laying out here?

SEN. MCCONNELL: Typically, it’s the candidate for president, when you have a presidential election, who becomes obviously the most visible person in your party. And we don’t know who that’s going to be. In the meantime, we have divided government, we have a job to do, the election is not until next year. Dabbling in the presidential election is something I’m just not going to do. I don’t think it’s productive.

[End Transcript]

While Demanding Ukraine Funding, Joe’s Last Marble Falls Out of the Bag

Posted originally on the CTH on October 1, 2023 | Sundance

I’m not saying he has entirely lost all his marbles, but there’s certainly a giant hole in the bag.

Toward the end of his remarks demanding more money for Ukraine, Joe Biden was questioned by the DC stenographers.  In one segment he was questioned about Kevin McCarthy keeping his word to provide unlimited billions for the Ukraine laundry operation.  As Biden started to talk about McCarthy… something went wrong and he had a Mitch McConnell moment.  WATCH (prompted):


Biden will not be the DNC nominee.

Democrats and Republicans Agree – Biden is Too Old for Office

Armstrong Economics Blog/Politics Re-Posted Aug 31, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Biden mumbles through every teleprompter script he’s forced to read. He is clearly suffering from a severe cognitive decline, and yet, his administration want to keep him in office. I believe this comes down more to cognitive functions rather than age, as Trump is considered an older candidate but extremely sharp. A new poll published by the Associated Press shows that Americans on both sides fear Joe is too old to run the country.

Overall, 77% of respondents said that Joe Biden cannot handle four more years due to his age. Around 89% of Republicans agreed, as did 69% of Democrats. Around half of respondents said that Trump, who is four years younger than Joe, is too old to lead. However, that view was overwhelmingly more present among Democrats.

Around 67% of respondents believe Supreme Court justices need an age limit, and 68% believe all politicians should be forced to retire by a certain age. We have 90-year-old politicians Dianne Feinstein clinging to both power and life. Senator Chuck Grassley remains in his position at 89-years-old. Pelosi was 5 when WWII ended. There are plenty of politicians who would be considered too old to be left at home alone, let alone to make major decisions on behalf of the public.

People hate Trump enough to vote for Joe Biden even though they know he’s unfit to serve. America needs term limits. I have long stated that permanent politicians must be removed from office. They are leeches to our society and serve no purpose other than serving themselves and their donors. Trump himself has stated that anyone running for the office of President of the United States should be required to take a full mental competency test. Age aside, look at people like Fetterman. Imagine if we allowed surgeons, pilots, or others in positions of power to work while knowingly mentally compromised? “Politician” should not be a permanent career choice, rather people should choose to serve their country for a fixed duration of time while bringing skills from other areas to the table.

Confidence Declining

Armstrong Economics Blog/Gov’t Incompetence Re-Posted Aug 30, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

COMMENT: Marty, I just wanted to thank you for opening my eyes. The logic that the market commentators make no sense. Bloomberg wrote, “Bets on a rate hike in 2023 fell after worse-than-expected economic numbers bolstered hopes the Fed can pause in September.” So you are right. They are cheering worse economic numbers because interest rates will decline. You are correct. Rising interest rates show demand for money and an expanding economy. But rates decline with economic declines, and stocks typically drop. I feel stupid that I never saw that for myself. It seems people are losing confidence in the government with this persecution of Trump and hiding the corruption of the Bidens. Everyone you talk to is just fed up with politicians.

No wonder the mainstream press will never quote you because you make sense.



PS Stay safe with this storm. We do need you.

REPLY: I understand what you are saying. I realized that the analysis changed after 1929 because we became socialists when I wrote The Great Bull Market in History in 1986. What did the Fed want us to do? How high should we jump? The economy is preparing to turn down with the ECM by May 2024. Consumer Confidence among Americans dropped the most in two years. Many of my clients overseas now see the fate of America much more clearly than domestic Americans. They view that once the Democrats have used the law to persecute Trump legally while the evidence about corruption with the Bidens goes unanswered, the confidence in government is collapsing.

I fear they will rush this whole CBDC agenda and move toward a much more Totalitarian State because they can feel their power slipping through their fingers. This abuse of the law is one of the critical issues that precede the decline and fall of a nation.

There is clear evidence that supports an impeachment trial is not a criminal prosecution of Biden and his son. Documents have surfaced that show that Joe Biden was NOT acting in line with U.S. policy as VP when he threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine until Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin was fired! That was personal and not the policy of the US government. The prosecutor Shokin was investigating the precise corruption at Burisma Holdings, which paid Hunter Biden over $1,000,000. Shokin says that the Biden’s were bribed to terminate his investigation. While the Democrats want to imprison Trump, they refuse to discuss any of these documents because they knowingly used these exact lies as the pretense of impeaching President Trump.

There is now an October 2015 memo that summarizes the recommendation of the Interagency Policy Committee. That task force was created to advise the Obama White House on the notorious corruption in Ukraine and whether they were trying to clean it up. That was necessary for more aid. These documents show that U.S. policy did not call for a threat to withhold funding unless this prosecutor investigating corruption was fired.

Biden made the threat in December 2015, two months after the memo was published, and no other documents show the U.S. policy called for Shokin to be fired. On top of that, even the IMF in FEBRUARY 2016 threatened to cut off funding for Ukraine unless they showed progress in reforming corruption.

By November 2016, Biden is telling Poroshenko not to ask for any more money for Trump may start to investigate. I know Ukraine. I was asked to take them on as a client, and the first words were we can pay you offshore so you do not have to pay taxes. I said thank you very much, but I declined. You cannot imagine the level of corruption in Ukraine. It is the MOST corrupt government perhaps ever to have existed anywhere in the world, no matter what decade or century.

Prosecuting Trump and all of these prosecutors coordinating these attacks while the Justice Department does NOTHING with the Bidens is indeed collapsing the confidence in government. This is all part of the decline and fall of Republics, which is what 2032 is all about. I have a lot on my table right now. Another book I am working on is a review of the various forms of government and what worked and what failed – the good – the bad – the ugly. This will probably be read in January.

The last book is now out at Barnes & Noble on the truth behind Cleopatra – the real version, not the WOKE nonsense that she was black. I used the coinage to show the real story, where there was no steamy love affair; she was a brilliant woman who used Mark Antony to create a civil war in hopes that the once great empire of Alexander the Great would defeat Rome and her son by Julius Caesar would restore the throne of the Ptolemies. The Legionary Denarii of Mark Antony was funded by Cleopatra, and up to 100 years later, the amount of money was so great that these coins accounted for 20% of the money supply a century later. Sorry, whatever movie you watched or were taught in school was fake news.

So, not a Conspiracy? – Almost 100 Arrested in Global Pedophile and Child Sex Trafficking Ring

Posted originally on the CTH on August 8, 2023 | Sundance 

According to most western media to say there is a vast global network of pedophiles and perverts who traffic children is akin to believing in some Q-minded conspiracy.  Apparently, with headlines that appeared on AOL News today, the conspiracy is not a theory.

“Members used software to anonymously share files, chat on message boards and access websites within the network,” it said. Some were also accused of having produced their own child abuse material to share with members of the network, the agency said.

(Via AOL/NBC) – Almost 100 people in the United States and Australia have so far been arrested over child sexual abuse allegations after the fatal shooting of two FBI agents led to the unraveling of a suspected international pedophile ring, officials announced Tuesday.

The Australian Federal Police (AFP) said that 19 men had been arrested on charges of sharing child abuse material online, while at least 13 children were rescued from further harm as a result of a joint operation with the FBI, dubbed “Operation Bakis.”

The development brought the total number of people arrested as part of the joint probe up to 98, with at least 79 arrests so far carried out by the FBI, according to the Australian agency.

The joint investigation began after the two FBI agents investigating the alleged pedophile ring were fatally shot in 2021 while executing a search warrant in Sunrise, Florida, for a man suspected of being in possession of child abuse material, the agency noted in a news release.

Special Agents Daniel Alfin and Laura Schwartzenberger were fatally shot and three other agents were wounded, while the gunman, David Lee Huber, 55, was also killed, NBC News previously reported.

The Australian agency said the coordinated probe was formally launched in 2022 after the FBI provided the Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation with intelligence about Australian individuals suspected of being part of a “peer-to-peer network allegedly sharing child abuse material on the dark web.” (read more)

United States Debt Downgraded to AA+

Armstrong Economics Blog/Economics Re-Posted Aug 4, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Inflation was transitory. Now, the credit rating of the United States plummeting from AAA to AA+ by Fitch is “arbitrary,” according to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. “In Fitch’s view, there has been a steady deterioration in standards of governance over the last 20 years, including on fiscal and debt matters, notwithstanding the June bipartisan agreement to suspend the debt limit until January 2025,” the rating agency said in a statement. The last time an AA+ rating was issued was August 5, 2011, and the market took a hit.

In 2011, Standard & Poor cut its rating also after a debt ceiling crisis caused by politicians. The global markets felt the impact of that news. Fitch has been warning of a possible downgrade since May 2023, due to the massive debt burden and political mismanagement. The White House continued its spending spree and our politicians could not agree on a limit for the debt ceiling. The warnings were there.

It is concerning that Yellen is trying to stifle this news. “I strongly disagree with Fitch’s decision. The change announced today is arbitrary and based on outdated data,” Yellen insisted. Again, this is the same woman who insisted, along with Powell, that inflation was transitory and nothing to be concerned about. Yellen believes some of Fitch’s models do not accurately indicate the state of the US. Yell said “governance,” under Joe Biden, has improved due to mass infrastructure packages and investments in America that will make the country more competitive.

Yellen and others refuse to admit that the United States has deteriorated under the Biden Administration. “Governance” is one of the nation’s weakest points right now, but that would put blame on the current administration. The right and left are more polarized than ever and cannot agree on anything. The US government is heavily investing in one foreign government to fuel the proxy war while lining the pockets of “the big guy.” This administration has ruined America and there is no sugar coating what’s to come.