The Biggest Issue With Joe Biden’s EV Mandate Has Absolutely Nothing To Do With EVs

Posted originally on the CTH on March 21, 2024 | Sundance 

This is a good opportunity to emphasize a key point that is often missed.   In the research and discussion outline yesterday, about Joe Biden’s EPA publishing new regulations for the auto industry, we dove deep into the background of what actually creates the issue. {GO DEEP}

The issue that should concern everyone is not the Joe Biden administration and their ideology around climate change, or the EPA, or even the viability of EVs themselves.  The issue that should draw the biggest concern is how the regulation originates; what is the impetus; who are the beneficiaries?

The regulation itself did not originate in the EPA, nor was it created from an origination process amid climate ideologues in the administration.  Everything starts with BlackRock positioning their assets.  From that empirical point, all political activity then takes place, which includes the regulations to support the BlackRock objective.

A massive, multinational investment firm is in control of political outcomes in the USA.  That should be the emphasis, not necessarily the regulation that flows as an outcome of that control, and certainly not the debate over whether EVs are a viable alternative to combustion engines.

BlackRock, and the control agents of finance, banking and investment, would like nothing more than to see Congress have debates about climate change, the viability of EVs as an alternative to combustion engines, the nuances of power grid generation from alternative energy sources, the scale of energy need as estimated and debated for the next two decades, etc.

All these points of debate become useful political policy issues that divide and contrast.  Sure, Congress would love to hold hearings about EV viability, U.S. grid compliance, the need for subsidized charging stations, etcetera, etcetera.  Because what is not discussed in this debate is where the subject matter comes from.

BlackRock positions their money to benefit from policy.  BlackRock, like others, then manipulate the policymakers to support their position.  We The People end up in a debate over EVs, while the BlackRock executives dance merrily into cocktail hour, discuss the latest climb in their value, and debate which politician should get a cut of the proceeds.

Nowhere in the political process on Capitol Hill does anyone ask, “How did the BlackRock investment group know to support Chinese EV plants in Mexico?”

The obvious fire of corporatism/fascism is ignored while the politicians, and us, debate the ramifications of the smoke, EVs.

Democrats would love to debate EVs and say the Republicans are planet killers.  Republicans would love to debate EVs and say the Democrats are taking away your freedom.

Meanwhile, corporations are running the U.S. government…. and people are oblivious.

The elected political representatives are dancing tools, useful for the purposes of distracting the American people, and funded by the corporations who need them to continue the distractions.

In a very similar fashion to how laws are written by K-Street corporations and sold by lobbyists, so too are regulations originated by outside groups and then pushed into the administration.  The politicians and/or bureaucrats in the administration then benefit financially from implementing the regulation.

The issue with Joe Biden’s EPA mandate for EV use is not an issue over which form of energy development is more useful for the passenger transportation needs of American consumers.  The issue with Joe Biden’s EPA mandate is that BlackRock originated it.

Once you elevate to the level of root cause, then you start to ask, “What else is BlackRock originating?

2022 – NEW YORK, March 24 (Reuters) – BlackRock Inc’s (BLK.N) chief executive, Larry Fink, said on Thursday that the Russia-Ukraine war could end up accelerating digital currencies as a tool to settle international transactions, as the conflict upends the globalization drive of the last three decades.

In a letter to the shareholders of the world’s largest asset manager, Fink said the war will push countries to reassess currency dependencies, and that BlackRock was studying digital currencies and stablecoins due to increased client interest.

A global digital payment system, thoughtfully designed, can enhance the settlement of international transactions while reducing the risk of money laundering and corruption”, he said.

Russia enters Ukraine Feb 24, 2022.  Less than 4 weeks later, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink is outlining a dollar-based central bank digital trade currency.

Huh. Imagine that.

Everything else is chaff and countermeasures.

The Ruse of Bitcoin & Crypto

Posted originally on Feb 21, 2024 By Martin Armstrong |  

Fink Larry

BlackRock CEO & World Economic Forum Trustee Board Member

Larry Fink Turns Bullish on Bitcoin

Larry Fink has changed his tune on crypto, saying suddenly it could “revolutionize finance,” endorsing an industry he once viewed with skepticism. Of course, as a board member of Scwab’s WEF, the crypto zealots cheered. Still, they think that Bitcoin can replace the dollar and end inflation, which they think is the result of paper money. That only reveals their own ignorance of what money is and the role it has played since the dawn of civilization.

Private Assets Government Assets

Worse still, they are telling people Bitcoin is going to be $60,000+ and fail to comprehend that even assuming that the dollar was replaced with Bitcoin, a rally then in the currency would subject the country to a Depression as took place during the 1930s.

1900 20 40

What made the depression so great was that private assets collapsed, and there was a flight to quality being cash. If Bitcoin replaced the dollar, the country would collapse, the debt would be unpayable or serviced, and private assets would decline, including gold. Democrats would no longer be able to run for office, for they could not promise gifts if you vote for them in the spirit of Marx. This is far more complicated than simply replacing the dollar. Even the people constantly calling for the collapse in the dollar do not comprehend that you are really talking about the collapse of the entire government, its debt, and the political system that would most likely fuel the divorce between the Blue & Red States. It was the dramatic rise in the dollar that compelled FDR to confiscate gold and devalue the dollar. It was the high price of the dollar that resulted in protectionism because the politicians did not understand the currency.


They seem oblivious to the fact that the coming Central Bank Digital Currency in the USA would be unconstitutional, and the Federal Reserve will NOT issue one. Instead, the top banks are all moving to create their own and pitch for their version that will be programmable and traceable. The rumor is Fink would love to take over Bitcoin. WHY? Because all the tracing and reporting will be done by the private sector and under CURRENT law, banks MUST report suspicious behavior. So it is the COVID Model where the private sector did the censoring of free speech that the First Amendment ONLY restricts the government – not Facebook, YouTube, et al.

The Bitcoin zealots seem to overlook that the very nature of an ETF is at odds with the original ideals of Bitcoin. ETFs are an investment vehicle that’s categorically different from the original ideals of digital assets and will push the industry in the precise wrong direction into the ultimate way the government can trace everything you do and make sure they tax everything.

Gold v Political Reform

Posted originally on Jan 14, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Dow Gold Ratio Y 1 13 24

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, My wife insists that I write to thank you for making me invest in stocks rather than gold. We split the money, and my wife invested in the Dow with your 2015 ECM turn, and I kept the gold. She beat me on the Dow since it closed in 2023, up about 250%. After reading your input into history, am I correct that this argument of fiat currency is erroneous? It seems like civilizations have risen and fallen, no matter the money system at the time. Could you elaborate on whether this is true or false?

Disappointed goldbug.


ANSWER: Not many men would admit their wives beat them in investments. Many things have been used for money, from bronze and clam shells to emergency paper currency. Those who insist that somehow gold is the only thing that is money do not know their history, and in the process, they have been misled seriously, which actually prevents them from seeing the real problem. Bitcoin is not money nor a medium of exchange because not everyone will accept it. A medium of exchange has to be something that everyone accepts.

There is a common theme that runs through ALL forms of money, and it has NOTHING to do with what is being used as the medium of exchange.

Minoan Ingot Sheep Skin

If we are objective, even metal has varied. Bronze was valuable because it could be used to make a tool or a weapon – hence the Bronze Age. It was first used in an ingot form. However, it was cast in the shape of an earlier form of money – sheepskins. Thus, the story of Jason is in search of the golden fleece.

Rome AesSignatum Bull
Lydia FirstCoins

The Romans cast bronze into ingots, and the value was equal to one head of cattle. The first coins of Rome are also bronze, beginning with just lumps and then taking the standardized weight and shape. In Turkey, they began with what was known as electrum, which was a natural alloy mixture of gold and silver found in the riverbeds.

The official first coins were struck in Lydia, modern-day Turkey. This was the first “fiat” money since it was declared a standard value by the king, who applied the image of a lion. This was his badge, certifying its value and weight.


For example, there was a metal that was second to gold, which was really just brass. Orichalcum was the legendary metal of Atlantis, whose buildings were said to have been clad in this rare metal that looked similar to gold. Orichalcum was mined in Atlantis in ancient times, but by the time of Plato, this metal was unknown. Orichalcum was a legend by Plato’s time when he mentioned it in his story of Atlantis in the Critas of Plato. Critias (460–403 BC) says that Orichalcum had been considered second only to gold in value and had been found and mined in many parts of


Nero also experimented with issuing the traditional bronze coinage in Orichalcum (brass). In order to render the Dupondius distinguishable from its half-denomination, Roman As a radiate crown was added to this denomination, leaving the traditional laurel wreath style portrait for the Roman As. The Dupondius reform prevailed until the end of Dupondius’s regular issues, while the experiment in brass died out following Hadrian (117-138AD).

Common Theme

A gold standard will not solve the problem because it is NOT what is being used as money but the system. If governments issued platinum coins and claimed these are worth $100,000 each, that is also fiat, where the government decrees the value. This common thread that runs through everything is the trustworthiness of the government. As long as we have socialism, where politicians promise things, they will always create more money to accomplish that. DEBT = MONEY that pays interest. People also point to the Fed and overlook the fact that it is Congress that creates the money by issuing debt that can be used as an asset in a loan.

Gold will not solve the problem. We need political reform FIRST and then worry about constraining government thereafter.

US DC Court of Appeals Just Destroyed America

Posted originally on Dec 1, 2023 By Martin Armstrong

Sri_Srinivasan Chief Judge DC Court of Appeals

The legal system is clearly trying to absolutely destroy Donald Trump for simply going to Washington to “Drain the Swamp,” which he discovered included both sides. We now have a ruling that is so BIASED against Trump that it has now effectively removed all immunity for anyone in Congress and even prosecutors. All you need to allege now is that any act by any of these pretend representatives or protectors of the people they pulled off was NOT in their official capacity but as a candidate for the next endless re-election term. The average Congressman spends about 60% of their time preparing for the next election as a candidate.

U.S. Circuit Judge Sri Srinivasan, who was NEVER even a judge, was controversially appointed under former President Barack Obama to the position of Chief Judge no less of the DC US Court of Appeals. This biased judge, in trying to destroy Donald Trump, wrote in the ruling:

“In arguing that he is entitled to official-act immunity in the cases before us, President Trump does not dispute that he engaged in his alleged actions up to and on January 6 in his capacity as a candidate. But he thinks that does not matter. Rather, in his view, a president’s speech on matters of public concern is invariably an official function, and he was engaged in that function when he spoke at the January 6 rally and in the leadup to that day. We cannot accept that rationale,” 

This decision was unimaginable for any true court decision. Srinivasan went out of his way to make sure Trump could be sued by hundreds of people over January 6th. We should file class action suits against EVERY politician in Washington who voted for mandatory vaccines and loss of jobs for refusing to comply when they received ANY money whatsoever from Pfizer – like Fauci. This so-called judge, who was never a judge before, is outrageous. Back in 2010, the Obama administration nominated Srinivasan to one of two vacancies on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, thinking he was clever because, never being a judge, nobody could review his past rulings. That was unheard of.

The nomination of Srinivasan was rigged, for he was opposed even by Obama supporters since he was only a prosecutor. Then, in June 2012, Obama nominated Srinivasan to the seat on the D.C. Circuit on January 2, 2013. His nomination was returned due to the sine die adjournment of the Senate, meaning it was adjourned without a date to reconvene. Obama resubmitted it the next day.

2024 Rotate

To twist the law like this to desperately find a way to hold Trump guilty on every possible move has turned the entire rule of law upside down. I now encourage an onslaught of class-action lawsuits should be unleashed on politicians with any connection to Pfizer. Even Judges are no longer immune under this decision if they ruled for political or personal purposes and not in their official capacity. Any judge who ruled on COVID and had shares in Pfizer acted illegally. When the computer forecast that the 2024 election will be the death knell to the longevity of the United States, NEVER in my wildest imagination would I have ever guessed that the rule of law would have collapsed in such a manner.

Voter Fraud

Our Computer Projected that the 2024 election will NEVER be accepted by either side.

For a judge to move from the district court to the Court of Appeals, he typically must be 65.

Srinivasan was previously NEVER a judge but is also 56 years old today and was in his 40s when appointed.

Was his qualification being non-WHITE?

Auto Dealers Oppose Switch to EVs

Posted originally on Dec 1, 2023 By Martin Armstrong

Electric Car Charing

Governments worldwide are pushing for clean energy without a reliable alternative. Electric vehicles (EVs) are sitting stagnant on lots as the demand is simply not there for a variety of obvious reasons. Over 3,000 auto dealers from all 50 states penned a letter to President Joe Biden, explaining that his target of forcing 50% of all car purchases to be electric by 2030 is unattainable.

Mr. President, it is time to tap the brakes on the unrealistic government electric vehicle mandate. Allow time for the battery technology to advance. Allow time to make BEVs more affordable. Allow time to develop domestic sources for the minerals to make batteries,” the letter stated. “Allow time for the charging infrastructure to be built and prove reliable. And most of all, allow time for the American consumer to get comfortable with the technology and make the choice to buy an electric vehicle.”

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) believes it can reduce CO2 emissions by 10 billion tons before 2055 and has released regulations that will impact car models from 2027 to 2032. Automakers like GM, BMW, Jaguar, Ford, Mercedes, Mazda, and Nissan, to name a few, are rushing to produce EVs to meet these unattainable goals. However, as the letter indicates, the people are not buying EVs in this economy. The average sale price of an EV is over $60,000 and completely out of reach for a nation of people living on credit and drowning in debt. Additionally, every EV battery will eventually need to be replaced, and that could cost up to $20,000. Yet another issue is insurance, which costs about 26% more than the price of cars with gas engines.

mercedes benz vision eqs 112 1568072784

The new regulations focus solely on tailpipe emissions and fail to consider the resources needed to create these vehicles. The batteries in these vehicles use 10X more energy than the average household uses in one day. The cobalt within these vehicles is mostly mined through modern-day slavery in the Congo. This also requires mining for things like lithium and cobalt. Lithium mining is extremely harmful to the environment. South America has experienced water supply contamination near lithium mining regions, and Tibet reported marine life dying in mass near some facilities.

The infrastructure for EV transition is not available and should not be a priority. We saw California ask citizens not to power their EVs numerous times when the power grid was suffering. Some vehicles can take up to half a day to charge fully and the average model can only drive 250 miles on a single charge.


The White House insists these regulations are supporting the economy. “Bidenomics is growing the domestic EV and EV charging industry — creating good-paying union jobs in manufacturing and installation, lowering energy costs for hardworking families, improving air quality, and building the economy from the middle out and the bottom up,” a White House spokesperson insisted. This may be the most out-of-touch administration in US history.

These measures are absolutely destroying the auto industry that brings in 1.53 trillion annually in the US alone. The globalists have told us in detail that they plan to end private car ownership by 2050. They notified us of their plan back in 2016 and have not changed course. Forcing the public to go electric ensures that a good percentage can no longer afford to drive.