Ohio Election Rules Create Mess for Biden Replacement During DNC Convention, Maybe….

Posted originally on the CTH on May 30, 2024 | Sundance

I will openly admit to being one of those political followers who thought/think the DNC cannot stick with Joe Biden if they want to win the 2024 general election.  Every move by the Barack Obama network and the hardcore leftist community generally aligned and reconciled with the DNC replacing Joe Biden at the Chicago convention in August.

However, as many people have noted the Ohio rules for ballot placement ahead of the 2024 general election require the party candidate to be certified by the national party prior to August 7th.  The DNC nomination convention is August 19th, this creates a problem.

The Democrats are solving the problem by holding a “virtual roll call of delegates” prior to August 7th, which will adhere to the Ohio rules and reconcile the timeline disparity.  However, this “virtual roll call” would then seemingly stop any Chicago convention effort to announce a horrible illness (or other) and replace Biden/Harris with something akin to Newsom/Rice.

Knowing the DNC and RNC are private clubs that can make up their own rules about how party nominees are decided, I’m still not sure the Ohio dilemma has blocked the replacement plan completely.  If the DNC apparatus wants to nominate someone other than Biden, or replace Biden with someone prior to the 2024 election, there’s seemingly no national rule that would stop it.

It is only a state issue that can seemingly disrupt the DNC national agenda, and the state issue only impacts that state.  Yes, if adherence to the aggregate primary election will of the voters is the paramount factor, then Biden/Harris will be 100% guaranteed as the ticket following the “virtual roll call of delegates.”  Then again, what is the primary function of the convention (other than platform) if the virtual roll call determines the candidate prior to August 19th?

Perhaps this recent issue and subsequent solution explains why Politico recently published a widely reported article about most Democrats freaking out with the certainty of Joe Biden as the party nominee now in place. [SEE HERE]

(VIA POLITICO) – A pervasive sense of fear has settled in at the highest levels of the Democratic Party over President Joe Biden’s reelection prospects, even among officeholders and strategists who had previously expressed confidence about the coming battle with Donald Trump.

All year, Democrats had been on a joyless and exhausting grind through the 2024 election. But now, nearly five months from the election, anxiety has morphed into palpable trepidation, according to more than a dozen party leaders and operatives. And the gap between what Democrats will say on TV or in print, and what they’ll text their friends, has only grown as worries have surged about Biden’s prospects.

“You don’t want to be that guy who is on the record saying we’re doomed, or the campaign’s bad or Biden’s making mistakes. Nobody wants to be that guy,” said a Democratic operative in close touch with the White House and granted anonymity to speak freely.

But Biden’s stubbornly poor polling and the stakes of the election “are creating the freakout,” he said. (READ MORE)

Again, knowing how openly extreme the communists and leftists are now, I don’t put anything beyond their ability to change it, break the rules about it, manipulate it, or totally stop the customary way something was being done in order to be more extreme.

The professional political left is visibly emboldened by their seemingly untouchable control over the institutions of power.  Breaking the party rules and norms to install a more progressive candidate is not exactly a big deal when we consider the weaponized government institutions they have assembled.

Biden Signed an Executive Order Sweepting New Executive Order

Posted originally on May 19, 2024 By Martin Armstrong  

Biden Signs Executive Order

Biden Signed an Executive Order Granting the Entire World the Right to Vote in 2024 if their government is Labour/Left, except for China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Texas, and Florida along with Men can just “identify” as women in sports to end discrimination.

The Staff will write it up later.

Does China Control America’s Strategic Petroleum Reserves?

Posted originally on Apr 19, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Sen. Eric Schmitt, R-Mo. Reminded the US Energy Secretary, Jennifer Granholm, “We are not governed by a world government – yet!” The Biden Administration consulted with China before selling off America’s strategic petroleum reserves. In 2021, Granholm admitted that she spoke with the Chinese Communist Party about coordinating how America would handle its nation’s highly sensitive emergency oil reserves.  “Does [China] call you to ask about decisions on what to do with their strategic petroleum reserve?” Schmitt questioned.

Granholm followed the Biden Administration protocol and blamed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. She stated that America was simply insisting that the world operate in a coordinated effort to supply other nations with oil amid a shortage, a shortage that was directly caused by the West. China now has a large stockpile while America has a depleted supply. The reserves have been depleted for years and the people in charge never bothered to replenish America’s stockpile.

Instead, 900,000 barrels were sold to China through Sinopec, a Chinese corporation “which in turn had received billions of dollars from BHR Partners.” This private equity firm just so happens to be co-founded by none other than Hunter Biden, who owns a 10% stake in the company. The public must realize the implications of having a president who has been bought and paid for. I do not criticize Hunter or Joe to simply dismiss the Democrats, I have been trying to expose how major decisions regarding America’s future have been biasedly made by people profiting from shorting America.

It seems as if Joe Biden is making it increasingly easier for China to succeed at the expense of America. The latest round of proposed tariffs will simply make it easier for China to shy away from trade with the US. China was once the largest debt holder of US national debt, a figure that continues to grow every second. China is no longer lining up to purchase our debt. Why would a nation buy the debt of its enemy? That is akin to pulling a gun on someone and asking them for money to pull the trigger.

The rule of law in America has been distorted and there are two tiers of justice. The Biden crime family is above the law. Did Joe Biden put America’s future at risk for personal profit? There MUST be a serious investigation into Joe’s ties with the CCP and Ukraine because we have not yet witnessed the full repercussions of having a treasonous commander-in-chief.

Putin Spotted Laughing as Biden Celebrates with “Oyster Bunnies”

Posted originally on the CTH on April 1, 2024 | Sundance

I strongly doubt that Chairman Xi, President Putin or Chairman Kim think about Joe Biden for a single moment. Everyone knows Biden is a propped optic for the people behind the administration who control him.

At a certain point it just gets embarrassing to keep pretending. Check his polling, Biden isn’t collapsing because the left dislike his policies; Biden is collapsing because more and more leftists are being ridiculed and shamed.

Today, Joe Biden celebrated his national transgender egg roll days with the “oyster bunnies.” WATCH:


It was really bad.  Really bad.


Ep 3292a – Big Names Selling Off Stocks, Pattern Established, Market Correction Coming

Posted originally on Rumble By X 22 Project on: Feb 26, 2024 at 7:45 pm EST

DC Uniparty Spends Another $95 Billion to Protect Ukraine and Israel Borders… USA, NotSoMuch!

Posted originally on the CTH on February 13, 2024 | Sundance 

Republican senators Boozman, Capito, Cassidy, Collins, Cramer, Crapo, Hoeven, Ernst, Grassley, Kennedy, McConnell, Moran, Murkowski, Romney, Rounds, Sullivan, Thune, Tillis, Wicker, Young, and Cornyn all voted to send $95 billion to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan to protect their borders while leaving our borders unprotected.

This is the UniParty in all its glory:


Most people just don’t realize the nature of the opposition we face. ¹The elected representatives simply don’t care what our opinion is, they will do whatever serves their interests and too hell with the voters.

WASHINGTON DC – The Senate approved $95 billion in aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan aid by a 70-29 vote early on Tuesday morning, sending the bill to an uncertain fate in the House, where Speaker Mike Johnson is giving the legislation a frosty reception.

Despite a last-ditch effort from conservative opponents of the bill, Johnson‘s cold water and former President Donald Trump’s attempts to kill the legislation, Republican support for the deal actually grew overnight, with 22 GOP senators voting in favor of the package — a kind of rejection of those in the party, like Trump, who argued any aid should be structured as a loan. (read more)

¹Now, imagine if we had some simultaneous triggering mechanism that could abruptly initiate a total work stoppage, a general labor strike, in the states or hometowns of the aforementioned senators.  Perhaps that would get their attention.

At least there are a few states where both senators held the interests of their voters in mind.  Florida, Missouri, Vermont, Alabama, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Nebraska all voted against the Ukraine spending bill.

Ep 3281a – The [CB]/Biden Have Lost The Economic Narrative, The More They Do The Worse It Gets

Posted originally on Rumble By X22 Report on: Feb 12, 2024 at 9:30 pm EST

Psalm 109:8

Posted originally on the CTH on January 29, 2024 | Sundance 


Psalm 109:8 “Let his days be few; and let another take his office.”

Sunday Talks – Senator Lankford Explains How Current Law Would Stop Border Crisis and New Law Will Stop Border Crisis

Posted originally on the CTH on January 28, 2024 | Sundance

In his own words, Senator James Lankford says if President Trump was president today the border crisis would not exist, because the existing law would be enforced.  Simultaneous to this, the same Senator Lankford says the new law he proposes will create significant border enforcement.

If the executive branch can ignore the current border enforcement law (they can and do), what makes Lankford believe new legislation will not be ignored by the same executive branch (they will)?  This non-pretending reality frames the essential point:  the element of “enforcement” is not within the legislative branch, so the entire effort is a moot exercise. WATCH:

Margaret Brennan is especially annoying in this interview.

[Transcript] – MARGARET BRENNAN: And we’re joined now by Oklahoma Republican James Lankford. He’s in Oklahoma City this morning. Good morning to you, sir, it has taken you two months to get this bipartisan deal. Do you have the support of your fellow Republicans to actually vote this through?

SEN. JAMES LANKFORD: Well, actually, I wish it would have taken only two months. It’s taken about four months to be able to go through this, we started in October. Everyone’s looking to be able to read the bill at this point. That’s the key aspect, we’re working on the final aspects of it to try to be able to get it out. So everyone can get a chance to read it. Right now, they’re all functioning off of internet rumors of what’s in the bill, and many of them are false. So people want to be able to just see it, read it and go through it. And to be able to see the dramatic change that this really makes and how we handle our immigration system, and how we work to be able to secure our border completely. That’s been the simple request of Americans, whether you’re Republican, Democrat, or independent, people just want a secure border, where we have legal immigration, but we’re not promoting illegal immigration. And that’s what we’ve seen in the last three years.

MARGARET BRENNAN: So you don’t have a vote count yet?

SEN. LANKFORD: Do not have a vote count yet on this because everybody’s got to be able to read it to be able to go through. But I do feel very positive about it because even the initial feedback has been good.

MARGARET BRENNAN: So you just heard the details laid out there by our immigration correspondent, how do you balance the shutdown power that would be in these new authorities versus the right to claim asylum?

SEN. LANKFORD: Yeah, this is similar to what we had to under Title 42, during the pandemic time period, where we reach a crisis point to say we can’t actually operate. So we don’t have that authority. Right now, as the United States, we’ve reached crisis points. For instance, when we got four or 5,000 people crossing the border, we can no longer process those individuals. So right now, the Biden administration is just releasing them into the country. That’s what’s driving the mayors in Denver, in Chicago, in New York City and other places around the country crazy to say, when the border gets crowded, you just release them to our cities, and it causes all the chaos in these cities. This is a new authority to say, when we can no longer detain and deport, when we can’t process the people and actually make a decision right there at the border, then we’ll actually turn those folks back around to Mexico and say, “We can no longer do this.” That gives the authority to the United States into law enforcement, rather than the authority, just the criminal cartels. Right now. The cartels can just rush our border, they’ll get through as many people as they want to be able to get through. We can not have criminal organizations running our southern border, we have to be able to run our southern border.

MARGARET BRENNAN: So parole authority has been a sticking point for Republicans throughout. I know the administration has used it in a novel way to resettle 1 million people. So how are you changing that authority?

SEN. LANKFORD: Yeah, humanitarian parole is still- is still an issue for us. But it’s been an authority that every President has had to have basic humanitarian parole, but as you mentioned, this administration has used humanitarian parole in a way no other administration has. They’ve said, if you’ll just tell us in advance that you’re coming, come to a port of entry, the first day you get here, we’ll hand you a work permit, and we’ll release you into the country under parole. Well, that’s actually attracting more people, of course, people from around the world are going to want an American work permit to show up. So instead of deterring immigration, they’re literally incentivizing illegal immigration,. They’re handing people a parole and a work permit day one. That has to stop, we can’t just have a system where we have that. In between the ports of entries, when it gets crowded, they’ll just release them under a parole authority there. And they’re just released in the country. We don’t know if they qualify for asylum. We don’t know where they are. By the hundreds of thousands people are just being released in the country. And we have no tracking on them at all. That has to stop. This is a national security issue for us. May I remind you that we’ve had 50 people come across our border that we’ve interdicted, that are on the terror watch list. Just in the past four months, we’ve had tens of thousands of people that came across our border that were identified as a national security risk. Those individuals should not just be waived into the country.

MARGARET BRENNAN: So the conservative Wall Street Journal editorial board called this the best chance in years to fix asylum law and parole loophole. But Donald Trump, who is the front runner to be your party’s nominee in 2024 is telling Republicans not to support this. Here’s what he said last night in Las Vegas.


FORMER PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: A lot of the senators are trying to say respectfully they’re blaming going to me– I said that’s okay. Please blame it on me, please, because they were getting ready to pass a very bad bill. And I’ll tell you what a bad bill is– I’d rather have no bill than a bad bill.


MARGARET BRENNAN: Can you get this passed without Donald Trump’s approval?

SEN. LANKFORD: Well, I’m looking forward to President Trump having the opportunity to be able to read it like everybody else. There’s a lot of misinformation out there right now that I hear this comment that it waives in 5,000 people, it hands out work permits that- all those things are not true. There’s just a lot of internet rumors that are running around on this right now. We’re looking forward to getting the information out and I can say, there is no question no matter what your political persuasion is, we would not have had the immigration crisis we’re experiencing right now, if President Trump would have been president the last three years. There’s no way we would have had 8 million people illegally cross our border, because he would enforce those different authorities and would have made sure that we actually secure a border. But even while he was president, he was specifically asking Congress to change the standard on asylum to be able to tighten up, to be able to give them additional funds for deportation. All of those things are in this bill. So if he were to be president, this would be new authorities that he had actually asked for when he was president before.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Right. And I just- you just said that he has not read this bill. He doesn’t essentially know what he’s talking about. So this deal–

Sen. Lankford: — Well, I’m not saying that. I’m just saying there’s just a lot of rumors that are out there about the bill. And I want to make sure everyone has a chance to be able to read it before they make a final judgment.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Right. So the deal you just said would give any future president and the current one new authorities. So on the trail, Trump has vowed to block legal immigrants based on their beliefs to end birthright citizenship, to carry out mass deportations, and he has not ruled out separating kids from their parents. Would you trust Donald Trump with these new authorities?

SEN. LANKFORD: I would actually because these are not only new authorities that had been asked for by multiple presidents, whether it be President Trump, President Obama, President Bush before that, this is a basic thing that we have to have for our national security. When we talk about asylum, right now you cross the border, and you literally say, I have fear in my country, and you’re released into the United States and await a 10-year hearing. No one thinks that actually makes sense to have a 10-year backlog for just saying the magic words. I have fear in my country. We don’t really know if they qualify for asylum. We don’t know their criminal record. We don’t know anything else about it. That absolutely has to change. That’s been an issue for a very long time that changes this in law.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Well, we will have to see where we are on the vote count. But I want to ask you, back in 2022, Donald Trump endorsed your reelection. And in that endorsement, he said, “James Lankford is strong on the border.” Has anything changed with your thoughts about endorsing Donald Trump for president?

SEN. LANKFORD: No, it hasn’t at all. Obviously, he’s been very engaged, as I’ve mentioned already on it, none of the things that are happening in the last three years in the border would have happened if Donald Trump was actually president. He knows I’ve been very passionate about the border. This is an issue I’ve worked on for a very long time. He and I worked together when he was in the White House on some of his border policies. And when he did his big proposal, that was a legislative proposal, because again, President Trump proposed new laws and new issues on this, because we know that we have gaps in the system. So if you want to be able to secure the border, you can have President Trump to be able to come in to actually secure the border, because he’s going to focus in on that. But if he comes in and is elected by the American people to come this November, he’s going to want these additional authorities in this because it will help every president from here on out.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Yeah, but you’re not endorsing him?

SEN. LANKFORD: I actually haven’t endorsed anyone on it. But he’d be a much better president than what we’re dealing with right now, definitely on national security.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Okay. Before I let you go, I want to get your reaction to the news that he was ordered to pay $83 million to a person that a jury found he defamed after a separate jury found that he had sexually assaulted her. Does it give you any pause about him returning to office?

SEN. LANKFORD: It doesn’t. Obviously, these are legal cases. I don’t want to jump in the middle of a legal case. It’s been interesting the number of legal cases that have come up against President Trump and then have failed and had been dropped or had been kicked out of the courts on it. This one’s actually went through. He’s already said he’s going to challenge it. So let the courts actually make their decisions and let the American people make their decisions. We got states like Colorado that are trying to be able to block the people of Colorado from being able to choose who they vote for. Let the American people decide this in November.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Well, the Supreme Court might decide on that one. We will have to leave it there for today, James Lankford. We will be focusing on what progress you were able to make. We’ll be back in just one minute.

{End Transcript}

Three U.S. Service Members Killed, 25 Wounded, in North Jordan Drone Attack

Posted originally on the CTH on January 28, 2024 | Sundance 

The White House released the following statement:

“Today, America’s heart is heavy. Last night, three U.S. service members were killed—and many wounded—during an unmanned aerial drone attack on our forces stationed in northeast Jordan near the Syria border.  While we are still gathering the facts of this attack, we know it was carried out by radical Iran-backed militant groups operating in Syria and Iraq.” (LINK)

A few more details are starting to emerge including the number of “many wounded.”  According to recent media reports 25 were wounded along with the 3 killed.

Yahoo – “Biden said the United States “will hold all those responsible to account at a time and in a manner our choosing.”

There was no immediate reaction from Jordan, a kingdom bordering Iraq, Israel, the Palestinian territory of the West Bank, Saudi Arabia and Syria.

U.S. troops long have used Jordan as a basing point, and the attack took place in northeast Jordan near the Syrian border. U.S. Central Command said 25 service members were injured the attack in addition to the three killed.

Some 3,000 American troops typically are stationed in Jordan.

Jordanian state television quoted Muhannad Mubaidin, a government spokesman, as insisting the attack happened outside of the kingdom across the border in Syria. The conflicting information could not be immediately reconciled.” (more)

I guess we are not supposed to remember this earlier announcement from three months ago:

…”I have also activated the deployment of a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) battery as well as additional Patriot battalions to locations throughout the region to increase force protection for U.S. forces.”… (link)

Apparently, there are drones capable of outwitting the THAAD defense system, or something.