Riots Erupt on UCLA Campus and Universities as Pro-Hamas Groups Clash With College Students

Posted originally on the CTH on May 1, 2024 | Sundance

There was a meme we often shared 15-years-ago as the era of Obama’s political rise started to manifest in full glory.  The Chicago Marxists, who used the power of political correctness, guilt and progressivism to manipulate public opinion, were successful.

The radicals took control of the executive branch institutions, George Soros began funding networks connected at various state levels to the judicial branch institutions and the manifesting results were predictable.

All of the current violent and extreme pro-Hamas college activity flows from the same system of NGO’s and political activist groups connected to the Obama network.  They hate Israel, and they hate the USA.

CALIFORNIA – In UCLA last night protesters and counter-protesters were seen clashing with sticks, and tearing down metal barricades, TV footage showed. Others were seen launching fireworks or hurling objects at each other in the dark – lit up with laser pointers and bright flashlights.

The Los Angeles police department said that ‘officers have been deployed, and are currently on the UCLA campus, to assist in restoring order.’

The nationwide protests have posed a challenge to university administrators trying to balance free speech rights with complaints that the rallies have veered into anti-Semitism and hate.

The unrest has swept through US higher education institutions like wildfire, with many student protesters erecting tent encampments on campuses from coast to coast.

In another of the newest clashes, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, police moved in Tuesday to clear one encampment, detaining some protesters in a tense showdown.

A week-long occupation was brought also brought to an end at northern California’s Cal Poly Humboldt while Portland State University’s campus, in Oregon, was closed Tuesday ‘due to an ongoing incident’ in the library.

Local media reported around 50 protesters had broken into the building a day earlier.

And Brown University reached an agreement in which student protesters will remove their encampment in exchange for the institution holding a vote on divesting from Israel – a major concession from an elite American university. 

Shocking footage from the scene at UCLA showed both sides openly clashing as college security abandoned the scene and local police were nowhere to be seen.

Just before 11pm local time in Los Angeles, the violence escalated when the pro-Israeli side surrounded the pro-Palestine group. During this standoff, a firework was thrown at the camp.

The video showed both sides using pieces of wood as makeshift weapons. The walls of the encampment were smashed, at least one person could be seen being dragged on the ground by another group.

‘Horrific acts of violence occurred at the encampment tonight, and we immediately called law enforcement for mutual aid support,’ UCLA’s vice-chancellor Mary Osako said in a tweet.

The LAPD said in a message that their presence was requested on campus at UCLA due to ‘multiple acts of violence.’

These clashes lasted for around 90 minutes before Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass announced that law enforcement was about to be deployed at the college. At 1:30am local time police officers and the California Highway Patrol arrived. (READ MORE)

Incompetent Bureaucrats Know Nothing Whatsoever about Immigration

Posted originally on Apr 24, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

This is what happens when Soros funds Bureaucrats to destroy the very country they grew up in. Soros is out to flood the USA to destroy our politics and culture.

Soros US must fall

Soros Meddling in Texas

Posted originally on Feb 1, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Soros one world government

George Soros is using his fortune to support the establishment once again and now has his sights set on Texas. Amid the Texas border standoff, Soros has spent nearly $3 million to support five separate groups in Texas determined to flip the state blue.

Texas Majority PAC, funded solely by Soros and his Democracy PAC II, has been operating off the radar since December 2022. “Texas Majority PAC is a research and development institution dedicated to flipping Texas blue by building year-round Democratic infrastructure in the key regions of Texas,” the description notes. “TMP invests in partners running voter engagement and turnout programs in an effort to bring their work to the scale required to win statewide office in Texas.”

Those affiliated with the group are confident they will continue to receive funding. Soros personally provided the group with $1.4 million and funneled an additional $850,000 through his Democracy PAC II. “We need millions of more dollars and hundreds of more full-time staff to do this,” the group’s executive director, Katherine Fischer, told The Texas Tribune. “Texas Majority PAC works with partners across the state to create the conditions that will make flipping the state possible.”

Soros Austin Defund Police

What conditions are required to flip Texas? The group has been extremely vague but there are numerous theories. Again, this is only one of FIVE known groups that Soros is bankrolling.

Texas is a Republican state, but Trump barely secured the Lone Star State in 2020 when he defeated Joe Biden by a mere six percentage points. Donald Trump received 52.06% of the total vote, which amounted to 5,890,347 votes. On the other hand, Joe Biden received 46.48% of the total vote, which was 5,259,126 votes.

Texas Majority PAC is run by staffers from  Beto O’Rourke’s 2022 failed campaign. O’Rourke lost the 2018 Senate race against Ted Cruz and has not sought any office since. Ted Cruz is up for re-election this year, and rest assured this PAC will do everything to prevent him from winning. O’Rourke was an outspoken advocate for illegal immigration and removing any border between the US and Mexico.

Texas is narrowly holding on to its red state values. One of the “conditions” that could flip Texas is the very issue Governor Abbott is fighting to prevent – illegal migration. These globalists will continue the invasion of Texas in a sinister attempt to flip the state, thereby removing any barriers that would prevent illegal immigrants who they see as future blue voters.

The Year from Political Hell

Posted originally on Jan 8, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Political Hell

QUESTION: Can you elaborate on 2024 being the year from hell with elections everywhere? We all know about Trump and Putin. Is the rest of the world going nuts as well?



ANSWER: Oh, I would say that is a fair statement about the entire world. Pakistan is perhaps the role model for Biden. The general election has been postponed until February – or perhaps later. Imran Khan, a former president they put in prison, has warned that the election risk there is just another political farce. Of course, the champion of freedom fighting for Democracy, the totally corrupt President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine, was trying to imprison his opponent and his predecessor, Petro O. Poroshenko, and had the ultimate excuse – postponing all elections until he defeated Russia, which is not even possible.

viktor orban

It will be interesting to see if the EU starts to collapse. European Council President Charles Michel will run as a candidate for the European election in 2024. This will present a bit of  CRISIS to fill a top diplomatic position. EU leaders must then quickly appoint a successor for his vacated Council post or face a dilemma. Hungary takes over the rotating presidency of the Council in July. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has been fighting against creating World War III and this endless support of Ukraine, which is losing badly. Orban could fulfill the role of Council president if EU members do not quickly agree on a candidate. Given the conflict they have with Hungary, this is going to be a real test of the EU. February has been showing as a Panic Cycle, and May remains the big target.  This may be the real conflict for the EU.

Bangladesh is going through its tyranny as well. The voting took place amid a boycott by the main opposition. When we look at the country, the same tyranny is unfolding. Bangladesh is becoming a one-party state dominated by Sheikh Hasina for the 5th term. They are starting to call her the Iron Lady.

aiwan_Taiwanese_Stock_Index Array Y 1 7 24

One of the key elections will be in Taiwan. Beware, January 13th could prove to be an unlucky day for an election that could impact the world. Lai Ching-te is the deputy to President Tsai Ing-wen and a fellow member of the independence-minded Democratic Progressive Party. He is leading in the polls right now. Lai is the candidate most likely to provoke tension with China, and the people seem to think the US will send troops to defend them at all costs. Indeed, China has named him the “destroyer of peace.” Looking at the Array, we had a double-Directional Change for 2024, and it appears to be a reversal of the uptrend into 2026.

South_Africa_FTSE Y Array 1 7 24

In South Africa, the African National Congress will most likely lose its majority for the first time since apartheid ended. There have been rolling blackouts since 2007, which has increased ever since 2020.  This has boosted support for various movements proposing Cape independence since 2009.

Download List of Elections Worldwide

The 2024 Elections Appendix

Crime is Killing Brick & Mortar Stores Re-Posted Nov 16, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

Crime in America is completely out of control. Since looting is legal in Soros-backed blue cities, countless stores and businesses are fleeing. This is also occurring with the most basic stores, such as pharmacies and grocers. Countless stores have begun locking up their inventory, and shoppers must flag down an associate to purchase low-cost items. They do not even do this in third-world countries as the issue here is psychological. Crime and not creative destruction will be the end of brick & mortar stores.

One pharmacy in Washington, DC, has resorted to arranging pictures of products on their shelves. One social media user showed that even the toilet paper is missing from the shelves, replaced with a framed picture of the product. The workers at these locations cannot personally shop for each customer, and people are refraining from in-person shopping in general.

Around 70% of the US population shops online, spending an average of $3,428 per year. This figure will likely rise as it is simply not possible to shop in physical stores amid this intense crime wave. Online shopping in the US has increased by 16.2% since 2020, and global online sales are expected to reach $7 trillion in 2024. This is an international trend as countries like the Philippines (+26%), India (+26%), Indonesia (+23%), Brazil (+22), and Vietnam (+19%) among countless others have seen a spike in e-commerce in the past year alone.

In Asia, the shift toward online shopping is due to convenience. This is the creative destruction Schumpeter promoted, as it is simply faster and more time-efficient for many to shop online. In the US, however, the trend toward online shopping is being fueled by CRIME.

But brick & mortar stores have served a purpose in our society. If I buy a new suit, I want to feel the material and try the clothing on. I do not want to return and reorder items as that eliminates the convenience factor. The troubling thing here is that Americans living in high-crime cities no longer have access to the basic necessities. No one wants to wait 15 minutes for an associate to grab toilet paper from the back of the store. How low have we fell as a society when we cannot trust our fellow man to act humanely? There are countless societies that have say markets with no cashier as each person is trusted to leave behind the proper payment.

We will see a surge of government-run stores that are guarded and managed by the public sector. The globalists will have an easier time turning American cities into 15-minute cities since the city government will already have control over the food supply, and those receiving government aid will be required to shop there.

So while brick & mortar stores are dying, there is a cancerous wave of degeneracy infecting American cities. In recent years, the government led masses to feel entitled and underprivileged. They are the victims despite committing crimes. This view is promoted in universities as well. That us vs them mentality has led to a divide where Americans do not view their fellow Americans as neighbors and it is destroying the most basic aspects of society.

Harley Schlanger – Soros, Global Bankers Are Attempting To Destroy Nationalism, Patriots Are Rising

Posted originally on Rumble By the X22 Report on: Nov 11, 9:15 am EST

Soros Open Society Behind the Left’s Support for Hamas

Armstrong Economics Blog/Corruption Re-Posted Oct 19, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

The far left in America is supporting Hamas, a terrorist organization. They make it clear that they are supporting Hamas and not merely the innocent civilians of Palestine. Groups like Black Lives Matter have posted images of paragliders, which would have been akin to someone posting a plane crashing into a building shortly after 9/11. Then we have Joe Biden coming out and celebrating the birthday of the man whose death began Black Lives Matter while also pledging support for Israel.

One of the most powerful puppeteers on the left supports Hamas and global terrorism – George Soros. Yes, this is the man who openly said on “60 Minutes” that he felt no remorse for helping the Nazis confiscate the Jew’s belongings before sending them to concentration camps. George handed the power down to his son Alex who has become embedded in the conflict.

Alex was one of many who signed a letter to President Biden urging him to prevent Netanyahu’s judicial renovation. “Sadly, we must acknowledge that warnings from the United States did not ultimately prevent the Israeli government from acting on this agenda,” the letter stated, later urging Biden to appoint a new ambassador to Israel. The same letter also urged Biden to reopen the US consulate in Jerusalem to work with the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. “Americans who care about Israel are horrified to see the government assault on the state’s democratic norms and institutions,” Alex Soros stated.

The Soros family is playing both sides. Alex Soros penned an op-ed for CNN in July, one month before his letter to Biden, entitled “Opinion: President Biden has taken a vital step to counter antisemitism in America.” He complains that the likes of Donald Trump and Elon Musk criticized his father. The article states that Jewish Americans were fighting antisemitism, and that Israel’s treatment of Palestine was one of the reasons. “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government has adopted increasingly aggressive and hostile policies towards its Arab population, elevating extremists to cabinet rank, authorizing new settlements in the occupied West Bank and proposing dramatic new curbs on the independence of the judiciary — a stance that drew criticism from Israel’s traditional allies and propelled hundreds of thousands of protesters into the streets,” Alex Soros wrote.

Remember the Cloward-Piven strategy of creating civil unrest to create a regime change. “It is essential that the tools used to combat antisemitism cannot be repurposed to target academics, activists, students and advocacy groups that voice support for Palestinian human rights and restrict the free speech and policy disagreements that are at the very heart of an open society,” he continued. Now we see this very thing unfolding in America as leftist students and advocacy groups, all funded by the Open Society, firmly support Hamas.

Categories: CorruptionPolitics

Soros has Always Supported Hamas

Armstrong Economic Blog/Corruption Re-Posted Oct 13, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

It comes as no surprise that George Soros had once supported Hamas. Although he is Jewish, George Soros was able to evade capture by siding with the Nazis during World War II. The clip has since been removed from YouTube, but Soros explained on an episode of “60 Minutes” how he proudly served the Third Reich. Now, the media is up in arms after finding out that the elder Soros published an article in the Financial Times on March 19, 2007, entitled: “America and Israel Must Open the Door to Hamas.”

Soros based George W. Bush for supporting the Israeli government during the 2006-2007 Fatah-Hamas conflict. “Demonstrating military superiority is not sufficient as a policy for dealing with the Palestinian problem,” Soros wrote, urging the former administration to recognize Hamas as a legitimate form of government rather than a terrorist organization.

Soros gifted Al-Shabaka $550,000 between 2017 and 2021, as revealed by the MRC. “George Soros has consistently and continuously funded the most hateful, anti-American, and anti-freedom organizations in the world, and that includes terrorist organizations that want to bring an end to a Jewish state,” said MRC Business Vice President Dan Schneider. “But instead of shining a light on his disgusting plans, legacy media has protected him from criticism.” Soros and the Open Foundation Society have funded terrorist groups throughout the world, and will likely continue to do so through his foundation under the control of his son, Alex.

The whole “there are Nazis on the far-left” conspiracy has been proven factual. How much more evidence does one need?

Soros Targets Media in Maine

Armstrong Economics Blog/Politics Re-Posted Sep 22, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Alex Soros confirmed that he will be focusing his attention on having Joe Biden re-installed as president. The Soros family and the Open Society Foundation are no strangers to using the media to their advantage. “Whoever controls the media controls the mind,” as they say. Now Swiss billionaire Hansjörg Wyss and the Open Society Foundation are pouring money into a dozen newspapers in Maine to ensure the facts are reported from the opinion of the far-left.

The two billionaires funded the National Trust for Local News, which is now the state’s largest newspaper publisher. Wyss also funds States Newsroom, which is beginning to expand to Maine. He has already spent half a billion on far-left political groups and is meddling in the election under the guise of philanthropy. Why does an 88-year-old Swiss man need to spend that much on US politics?

The Open Society Foundation has spent $52 on media manipulation since 2003, according to a report from Media Research Center. Biden won Maine in 2020, allegedly, but the state narrowly swung blue in 2016. Alex Soros supported the Biden-Harris agenda and will back them in the lead-up to the election. Soros admitted his fear — a “MAGA-style Republican victory” would “undermine” the Great Reset. The Soros family backed every far-left violent “advocacy” group during Trump’s presidency, as I suspect they took Hillary’s loss personally. Expect to see altered headlines that skew left more than usual.

Orban on Soros

Armstrong Economics Blog/Hungary Re-Posted Sep 9, 2023 by Martin Armstrong