The Level of Pretending Needed to Believe This Is Jaw Dropping

Posted Originally on the CTH on August 15, 2023 | Sundance 

The Fulton County clerk of courts is putting out the third public statement trying to explain and justify why they posted the grand jury indictment of Donald Trump before the grand jury had even met to vote on the indictment.   This latest explanation is so incredulous it’s almost impossible to believe they are making this public:

According to the story above, the original indictment before the jury met, was a trial run upload, made of a totally fictious construct, with totally random charges, that just happened to line up with the exact same charges, in the exact same sequence, as the indictment after the jury voted.  …

Yeah, when you are trying to get out of a hole this deep, it’s best to stop digging.

I wonder if Suspicious Cat believes the clerk?

The Least Popular GOP Presidential Candidate

Armstrong Economics Blog/Politics R-Posted Aug 8, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

No one took Chris Christie seriously when he was the governor of New Jersey. People accuse him of turning voters to Obama in 2016 since he debated so poorly. Christie was disliked in New Jersey, so much so that he flipped the state blue when he left. He recently traveled to Ukraine to show that he stands with a new forever war and is a willing puppet of the deep state. Still, he is the least popular candidate in the Republican Party.

Trump continues to stand as the top GOP presidential candidate with a 71% favorability rating. Florida’s Ron DeSantis holds second place at 63%. All other candidates have ratings beneath 50%, with Ramaswamy edging 48% as 23% stated they have never heard of him in general. Former Vice President Mike Pence is the second least favorable candidate, with a rating of 39%. This is no surprise since Trump is in the lead, and his supporters dislike Pence after he turned on the former president. Christie and Pence also have a big common interest not shared by Trump or DeSantis.

Chris Christie managed to score a 45% unfavorable rating. He still qualifies for the first Republican primary debate in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on August 23. It will be hard if not impossible to recover in the public eye, and his attempts to gain support have failed. Who would want to lend money to a candidate who is this far behind in the polls? He took his time in Ukraine to criticize DeSantis, Trump, and Ramaswamy for giving people a “false choice” by saying America has no choice but to fight alongside Ukraine in this needless war.

Interestingly, the two least popular candidates are pushing the Ukraine agenda and were formerly major Trump supporters (obviously, as one was his VP). Now they claim Trump is unfit to serve and Christie even said Trump may spend the election trying to stay out of jail. These men had nothing but praise for Trump for years until they decided that they wanted his spot. Pence and Christie both visited Zelensky early to show support at the beginning of their campaigns. The Republican Party has become the party of peace, and opposing the war is considered radical by the liberals. Considering the surplus of issues Americans face every day, no one is going to be impressed by a candidate who champions foreign policies that have no benefits for our own nation.

Massachusetts GOPe Propose Primary Delegate Change to Weaken Trump Nomination Effort

Posted originally on the CTH on July 29, 2023 | Sundance

When the warnings were first issued about the California effort, the professional Republican class claimed the effort to undermine the Trump primary race was a vast MAGA conspiracy. However, those who have walked the deep political weeds have known how the state affiliates of the RNC always align to the larger corporate agenda.

According to CBS, the Republican Party in Massachusetts is now proposing a similar change to their distribution of delegates in the 2024 primary election in order to help support the non-Trump corporate approved candidate, likely Ron DeSantis.

Before getting to the CBS report, it is worthwhile remembering none of this is without precedent. Factually, when the RNC -a private corporation- first constructed the roadmap for Jeb Bush at their winter meeting (December 2014), the state of Florida was the key. Prior to the Trump entry, Florida changed their primary date for 2016 and aligned to deliver a winner take all distribution as part of the Jeb roadmap. Marco Rubio was designed to deliver an endorsement and then skyrocket Jeb through the remaining states.

The people who organize and control the RNC Club never forgave Donald Trump for upsetting their 2016 “illusion of choice” system. Everything thereafter has been a Big Club operation to counterattack that takeover. What we witnessed in the past seven years and what we witness today, all stems from that initial thundershock.

MASSACHUSSETTS – For many years, the Massachusetts Republican presidential primary has been a winner-take-all affair. But that might be about to change.

In an interview Wednesday morning with WBZ-TV, state GOP Chair Amy Carnevale disclosed that the party is “seriously considering” a switch to proportional allocation of delegates. A party subcommittee has met to discuss the change once and may approve it at a forthcoming session.

This could prevent former President Donald Trump, the likely winner of the March 5, 2024 GOP primary here, from walking off with all 40 delegates to the national convention, even if he wins 50% or more of the vote.

Why the change now? Asked in our interview about Trump’s impact on her party, Carnevale chose her words carefully, but did say “I do hear from Republican legislators that they really want to focus on issues of concern in Massachusetts, and having the drama associated with a former president is not helpful to those Republicans.” (read more)

They have plans…

They have schemes…

They have tricks….

They have money…

They have party control…

…But the one thing they do not have are voters.


We are the workforce.

We are also digital warriors, meme creators, artists, researchers, autists and ordinarily invisible people now considered dissidents in our own country.

We are the backbone of industry, the people who keep it all functioning, the builders, diggers and blue-collar workforce that keeps everything functioning.

We are the people they will never fully control. We speak in languages they do not understand, and we absorb targeted ridicule as fuel.

We are the movers of goods, the truckers, the farmers, the nameless people behind the skilled trades that keep what they call American society moving.

We are the people who grow the food, pick the food, transport the food, stock the food, cook the food and facilitate the life they live.

We are a visible, yet disregarded, insurgent force within their sphere of life that is never considered; yet, we control the outcomes of every moment they value.

We pick up the trash, answer the phones, run cables to their devices, mow their lawns, solve their problems, control the flow of essential services and keep our heads below the radar.

We can cripple them effortlessly, simply by stopping what we do.

We are the majority.

We are a self-reliant, freedom loving, normally peaceful and God-fearing assembly.

We drive them to their destination; we are comfortably out of mind until needed, and yet we are irreplaceable for the things they require.

We are armed with tools, hammers, pens, rulers, mice, pickup trucks, laptops, post-it notes, stickers and alternate forms of messaging that circumvent the control mechanisms deployed to create our silence.

We are inside every facility, every institution, every meeting, every moment of their existence – and we notice everything.

We have the eyes of mice and the ears of elephants.

We are there when they do not expect, and we melt away before they notice our appearance.

We are smart, strategic, highly intelligent and carry a brutally obvious and pragmatic common sense that finds optimal solutions to everything.

We identify our tribe immediately and without conversation.

We see what they hide, we hear what they whisper, we decipher their codes, and we understand the complexity they create in their effort to conceal.

We control the physical world that operates around every element of society, and we value real and tangible assets.

We do not sit around pontificating eloquently about philosophic nuances; we get shit done.

We are the people who facilitate their ability to take us for granted, and we do so without issue, resentment or desire for recognition.

We are optimistic, affable, kind, generous, friendly, loyal, warm and quietly spiritual in purpose.

We are polite, considerate and slow to anger.

We prefer to be left alone. However, pushed entirely far enough, decisions are reached. Right now, we are tenuously staring with deepened gaze.

We are increasingly pissed off…. Big Time!

In every town, village and hamlet we are encountering the same conversation. On every porch, in every shop, at every event, the topic is the same.

Right now, we are taking this fury to the platforms of visibility where we hope to influence outcomes. But if that effort fails, and/or if the command-and-control authorities make the mistake of thinking they can shut down our visibility and therefore control the dissent, there will be no quarter provided in the aftermath.

The two biggest mistakes they can make right now is not understanding why we have begun to bow our heads.

First, our heads are not bowed because we are subservient, cowering or accepting the current effort to control us….

….We are praying!

Their second mistake would be to ignore that we are not praying for us…

….We are praying for those who trespass against us!

They may not like what follows, “Amen!”

We are resolute and of common purpose.

We are MAGA, and we are Americans!

The Big Ugly Surfaces in The Story of Mike Davis and Harmeet Dhillon, Contrast Against the Backdrop of GOPe Maneuvers in California

Posted originally on the CTH on July 6, 2023 | Sundance 

I will be as generous in explanation as brutal honesty permits.  This is hopefully the last I will write about the internecine network of California GOPe manipulative politics and the latest episode of republican fraud within in.

Fibber Mike Davis (below left) gave an interview {Rumble Segment Here} which now provides some clarity on his character and the issues of his defense of Harmeet Dhillon (below right), in an effort to protect her from the outcome of Dhillon’s own creation.   Within the interview Davis notes that in addition to her RNC and California GOP professional relationships, Dhillon also represents the Trump campaign as a lawyer.

Within the interview we discover who and why Davis was protecting when he made claims about the Trump campaign seemingly being okay with a California GOP scheme to allocate proportional delegates to Ron DeSantis.  In essence, the “Trump campaign official” who didn’t raise objections to the CA rule change, the one Mike Davis was protecting from scrutiny, was actually Harmeet Dhillon herself. The same Harmeet who signed off on the 6/17/23 email proposal, then reversed after sunlight.

Mr. Davis also admits he and Mrs. Dhillon have a professional working relationship with the Article III Project organization that forms the basis of Mr. Davis’ affluence and influence.  Davis and Dhillon swim in, and benefit from, the same financial ocean.   Here’s the result:

Within Harmeet Dhillon’s lengthy explanation of her backtracking [SEE HERE], in the second segment {SEE HERE} she uses carefully constructed lawyer speak to highlight that she was duped by the other two California GOP officials, Jessica Patterson and Shawn Steel.  Mrs. Dhillon will not and cannot say she was lied to, for two reasons.

Mrs. Dhillon carefully says, “I was told by the state party” and “I accepted these representations” in the customary way a lawyer would obfuscate their choice not to say I was lied to.  Indeed, against the inaccuracy of the original justifications by Dhillon, and if we are to take Mrs. Dhillon at her word, she says in her reversal of position that she was misled and mistaken in her opinion by materially false representations of Jessica Patterson and Shawn Steel.

Unfortunately, Harmeet Dhillon cannot be more deliberate in her statement because she has a professional role to maintain, and the admission that she was duped is against her brand image.

Harmeet Dhillon represents herself to her clients and her audience as the counterbalance to manipulation in elections and politics.  If Dhillon were to admit she was a victim to manipulation in California election rules and politics, her brand would suffer significant harm.

Given that Mrs Dhillon is supposed to be a subject matter expert in the world of political rules and specifically RNC constructs, she cannot be viewed as incompetent to the rules and constructs she is expected to comprehensively understand.

As a result, Harmeet needs to carefully extract herself from a situation that shows her inept ability, yet simultaneously admit the original position she took was wrong.

Navigating a professional path between duplicity and incompetence is always challenging.  Making matters worse, Dhillon is being paid by the Trump campaign specifically for legal expertise navigating rules and regulations of GOP primary electoral politics.

Despite the wide grin on the face of Marc Elias, getting the rules wrong in Harmeet’s own backyard is not a good look and not funny.  Everything that followed Dhillon’s original really bad GOP rule justification is an exhibition in professional face-saving.  However, this is not the first time Harmeet Dhillon has fallen back on the “I accepted these representations” excuse.

When Dhillon was originally challenged on the 2022 partnership with notoriously corrupt and conniving Henry Barbour in Mississippi, Mrs. Dhillon also defended and justified her lack of knowledge about the Barbour background by saying she was assigned the role to work with Barbour by the RNC (Ronna McDaniel).

It’s never Dhillon’s fault.  Her lack of knowledge or skill within the job of her self-proclaimed political and electoral expertise is always the fault of others. 🙄 Just ask Laura Ingraham, Tucker Carlson or a host of other incompetence justifiers within the world of political interest. Perhaps even ask voices within the orbit of President Trump himself and you will find a multitude of high praise statements and cover stories.

This is where Lisa Monaco, Marc Elias, Mary McCord, Andrew Weissmann, Norm Eisen and Barry Berke start laughing uncontrollably.

This is also why Steve Bannon’s frequent WarRoom guest, Attorney Mike Davis, stepped in so quickly after the Laura Loomer revelations began to get traction and sunlight.  Davis continued to say the proportional rule change was not objected to by the Trump campaign; yet, Davis would not say who in the campaign was seemingly aware of the CA GOP rule change and was okay with it.

The “Trump campaign official” who didn’t raise objections to the CA rule change, the one Mike Davis was protecting from scrutiny, was actually Harmeet Dhillon herself.

After all, as noted by Mike Davis, Mrs. Dhillon is an attorney for the Trump campaign, and the leaked email containing the position of Harmeet Dhillon, Jessica Patterson and Shawn Steel -from three weeks ago- was against the interests of President Trump.  Surely, if the rule change was an issue, the attorney for the Trump campaign would not support it.

It is much easier to protect incompetence by saying “go fuck yourself” to questioning, than to admit a person with a close business relationship has just made a very big mistake.  {DIRECT RUMBLE LINK}

Mike Davis Helps Clear Confusion Over Proposed California GOP Delegate Rules Changes


President Trump should recognize the value in what Ms Laura Loomer has just provided.  Loomer likely saved the Trump campaign from something a thousand times more costly than the monthly billing cycle of Dhillon Law Firm.  And Loomer did it all free of charge – because it was the right thing to do.

Consider me done with this episode, unless the critics want to continue engagement.


Laura Loomer Wins – Harmeet Dhillon Retreats from California GOP “Proportional” Rule Position, Now Backs “Winner-Take-All” Option

Posted originally on the CTH on July 6, 2023 | Sundance 

It is difficult to overstate just how impactful Mrs. Laura Loomer was/is in blocking a California scheme that appears to be part of a wider GOPe plan to dilute the primary election delegate distribution against the interests of President Trump and his supporters.

Mrs. Loomer exposed a three-week old plan by state RNC leadership Jessica Patterson, Shawn Steel and Harmeet Dhillon to change the California Republican primary outcome to a proportional distribution of candidates.

Loomer published the contents of a leaked email from the three organizers Patterson, Steel and Dhillon.

As people realized what was happening, all behind closed doors and hidden from public review, outrage began to surface.

Today, after initially trying to justify her position, Mrs. Dhillon reverses course and now supports the ‘winner-take-all’ option. An option that was always available, but purposefully ignored in the plan to deliver the delegates via proportional distribution. As you will see below, Dhillon an RNC rules committee member, claims she was unaware of the rule and led astray by the statements of Mrs. Patterson and Mr. Steel.

First, here’s Mrs. Loomers statement upon hearing of the Dhillon reversal:

RNC CA Committeewoman Harmeet Dhillon is now backtracking. She just sent an email out saying that she supports California’s “winner take all” threshold for delegates, that this is her “personal opinion” and doesn’t speak for Jessica Patterson and Shawn Steel? and that she “regrets” that the CA GOP’s back door plan to have a bylaw amendment to remove the “winner takes all” threshold wasn’t communicated to the public and the delegates.

That’s nice and all, but if that’s the case, why was she signed onto the Amendment proposal that was sent out on her behalf on June 17 by CAGOP Chair Jessica Patterson?

In other words, they got caught and now they have to save face.

If this is how Harmeet feels, then I strongly suggest she say so publicly and not support the bylaw change at the CAGOP executive meeting on July 29.

I hope everyone sees they had no plans of ever telling the delegates this information until I blew the whistle.

This is very easy. The RNC’s own rule book says that individual states can keep their “majority takes all”threshold for delegates.

There is no need to change the rules, even if the CA Primary is now earlier. If this is how Harmeet now feels all of sudden, then she needs to oppose the bylaw amendment and keep the language as is so that all of the delegates are awarded to the winner and there’s no way to have a brokered convention.

This is just a very long way of her saying “we got caught doing something we shouldn’t be doing behind closed doors. Now the cat is out of the bag and I know this isn’t going away, so let me try to distance myself from Jessica Patterson and Shawn Steel so that I can try to save face.”

The only way this is going away in any capacity is if all 3 RNC reps from California rip up the bylaw amendment and keep the winner takes all language.

There could very well be protests outside of the CAGOP Executive meeting on July 29 unless this is changed. (read more)

If you carefully read the statement made by Dhillon, you will notice a great deal of disingenuous language used in an effort to cover her tracks.  She seems to portray herself as being hoodwinked by the other participants, which, when combined with the attempted defenses by her DeSantis supporting allies, seems to be the way Dhillon plans to remove herself from the sunlight.

The RNC National Committeewoman, who ran to become the RNC Chairwoman and sits on the RNC Rules Committee, now claims she was not aware of the rules and further disagrees with the content of the letter that was decided three weeks ago.  Something apparently happened between the agreement with the other executives and today.  That something was likely Laura Loomer.   Read the Dhillon letter carefully.


For comparison, this was Mrs. Dhillon’s position 18 hours ago.

Again, keep in mind Mrs. Dhillon, who ran for RNC chair 5 months ago, is the California RNC Committeewoman, and she sits on the National RNC rules committee.

Suddenly, all of the stuff in Mrs. Dhillon’s prior position is claimed to be untrue in Mrs. Dhillon’s current position.

Yesterday, the RNC rules were “legally necessary” and the deadlines were “looming”.   Today, the RNC rules do not make the proportional requirements mandatory, and there is plenty of time for debate and discussion.  Go figure.

In the bigger picture, Mrs. Loomer’s supernova of sunlight has now put the RNC/RGA and DeSantis team into a position of vulnerability.  There is a possibility that people will begin to understand that all of the GOP candidates are not trying to win the 2024 nomination; rather they are in the race as part of the Big Club plan to gain collections of individual delegates that can be reassembled into one larger delegate bloc at the RNC convention.

California was only one state that was organizing their rules to participate in the block Trump effort.

Keep watching…

The Left is Moving to Rig All Elections Everywhere

Armstrong Economics Blog/Politics Re-Posted Jun 30, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

The LEFT is now totally out of control. Fearing that they may lose against Trump and that their BS charges are so obviously political, they are now looking to charge Trump with inside trading to make him a normal type of criminal, even though this is still all politically motivated.

In London, they have closed the bank accounts of Nigel Farage and his entire family because he is the face of the Reform Party. In Parliament, they accuse him of taking 500k from Russians, which he denies, and they refuse to show any evidence. This was the excuse used to shut down all his accounts and even his children.

This is the standard operating procedure. In my case, they stole my children’s saving accounts. They froze my mother’s accounts even her Social Security funds. When she called the bank, they gave her the number of Tancred Shiavoni lawyer of the receiver. My lawyers filed a letter to the courts that they then cut off all of my mother’s medicine, and she would die in the process. Then they claimed the bank made a mistake but I had no account at my mother’s bank.

There is ABSOLUTELY no rule of law anymore. Anyone who questioned our computer forecast for the last 8 years and that there may not even be a 2024 election in the United States or, at the very least, it will not be legitimate had better get their head out of the sand. Your freedom is gone. This is all about the Neocons having seized control, and they are out to utterly destroy Russia. They are now pushing to give Ukraine the long-range missiles so they can attack Moscow and start WWIII.

They have brainwashed King Charles, who started the Climate Change Clock in London to usher in the new age of totalitarianism. They will eventually create climate lockdowns which will really be to prevent civil uprisings that they know will lead to revolutions.

This is the dismantling of all freedom and above all the end of our right to vote on anything. We are too stupid and when the people elected Donald Trump, that is when Democracy suddenly became evil populism and they realized that they could be voted out of power. The solution – Climate Change to justify the end of all civil liberties and to end democracy once and for all.

Here is John Kerry also explains that democracy is populism when it votes them out of power and must be terminated.

Word of Warning – They Can’t Put Trump in Prison But They Can You for Protesting

Armstrong Economics Blog/Politics Re-Posted Jun 14, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

This will be a day remembered in the history of the entire world. It is the day that the United States indicted and arrested a former president to prevent him from running in the 2024 election. Even Richard Nixon was pardoned because they fear that the civil unrest that might unfold would tear the fabric of the nation apart. Today, the Department of Justice is praying for anything to start to arrest anyone protesting for Trump and call them a domestic terrorist to set an example by striking fear into the heart of people to vote for Biden and shut the hell up. This was the day that the United States begins its decline and fall.

The Arrest of Donald Trump on charges related to the alleged mishandling of classified documents has demonstrated to the world that the United States is no longer the beacon of liberty and justice for all. Besides Biden having classified documents, taking actual bribes, and Hillary setting up a private server on which there were also classified documents so nothing she had on that would be accessible under the Freedom of Information Act because it was private – not government. This has clearly shown that the Biden Administration has weaponized the Department of Justice just like every other corrupt government including Ukraine – Zelensky criminally charge his opponent as well.

Today marks the very first time a former president has ever been arrested by the U.S. government. Trump pleaded not guilty to all charges. MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber reports was so excited, it probably pissed his pants. No doubt the jubilation is static at CNN, NY Times, Washington Post, etc, etc.  As they said when Rome fell, they too were still laughing.

ANY Republican politician that abandons Trump you now know their true colors. The reason why, the rumor running around is that the DOJ is cheering for they intend to indict Trump supporters on whatever scheme they can make up before the 2024 election. So you will see, Republican throwing Trump under the bus. This is a warning to anyone who thinks they really can drain the swamp. DeSantis – please stay here in Florida. You will NEVER make a difference in that town. The time for declaring the Democracy of Florida is rapidly approaching.

And to those who hate Trump, this has nothing to do with Trump. If the Republican gain power, they will retaliate with the same vengeance and lack of rule of law. We have crossed the Rubicon. As for the RINOS who will not defend the country, the constitution, or even speak up about the weaponizing of the DOJ against political opponents, we now know who you really are and you do not stand by the Constitution. We live in a full-blow authoritarian dictatorship. As even the cartoons use to sign off  – That’s All folks! We now have less than 8 years left. Protesting will do nothing at this point, The Die has been Cast, as Caesar said when crossing the Rubicon. There is absolutely nothing we can do to reverse the trend.

Sheesh, 20 House Republicans Join With Democrats to Stop Censure of the Insufferable Adam Schiff

Posted originally on the CTH on June 15, 2023 | Sundance 

Good grief, who needs Democrat firepower when you can always count on Republicans to shoot themselves to save their enemies.  Twenty House Republicans joined with House Democrats to defeat a censure motion that would have triggered an investigation of the notoriously corrupt Adam Schiff (CA).

Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL), who really does seem to be a great MAGA addition to the House, created a censure motion that she advanced on Tuesday. Luna’s measure would have formally reprimanded Schiff for his conduct while Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI), where he lied about Trump-Russia intelligence. 

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy blocked Schiff from the HPSCI this year and Luna’s measure would have established an ethics investigation that could have resulted in a $16,000,000 fine if they found he committed the infractions. 

As ridiculous as this sounds, 20 House Republicans came quickly to Adam Schiff’s defense.  Current “Republican” HPSCI Chairman Mike Turner (OH) was one of the GOP members who supported Schiff along with Republican Thomas Massie (KY) who recently endorsed Ron DeSantis.  What a bunch of knuckleheads.

(WASHINGTON DC) – Republicans joined most Democrats in voting to table a measure to censure Rep. Adam Schiff for his previous leadership of the House Intelligence Committee and probes into former President Donald Trump.

The vote: The measure was tabled by a 225-196 vote, with 20 Republicans voting alongside most Democrats. Other Democratic lawmakers were lined up ready to defend the Californian on the floor, but Wednesday’s vote stops the effort from advancing to a full House vote.

Schiff’s response: “It’s a continuation of a downward spiral. There are a number of members here now who are just kind of ugly performance artists. It’s all about getting attention, doesn’t matter whether it’s good attention or bad attention, it’s all about the notoriety,” Schiff told reporters after the vote.

Republicans from districts won by President Joe Biden like Rep. Mike Lawler (R-N.Y.) and the current chair of the House Intelligence Committee, Mike Turner (R-Ohio), were among the Republicans who voted with Democrats to defeat the measure.

Seven lawmakers voted present on the measure, including all five Democratic members of the House Ethics Committee and Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.). Democratic ethics panel members generally vote present on any ethics matters that come before the House. (more)