Patriots Do Not Flinch

Posted originally on the CTH onApril 9, 2024 | Sundance


We are patriots engaged in a battle of consequence!

We are the workforce.

We are also digital warriors, meme creators, artists, researchers, autists and ordinarily invisible people now considered dissidents in our own country.

We are the backbone of industry, the people who keep it all functioning, the builders, diggers and blue-collar workforce that keeps everything functioning.

We are the people they will never fully control.  We speak in languages they do not understand, and we absorb targeted ridicule as fuel.

We are the movers of goods, the truckers, the farmers, the nameless people behind the skilled trades that keep what they call American society moving.

We are the people who grow the food, pick the food, transport the food, stock the food, cook the food and facilitate the life they live.

We are a visible, yet disregarded, insurgent force within their sphere of life that is never considered, yet we control the outcomes of every moment they value.

We pick up the trash, answer the phones, run cables to their devices, mow their lawns, solve their problems, control the flow of essential services and keep our heads below the radar.

We are the majority.

We are a self-reliant, freedom loving, normally peaceful and God-fearing assembly.

We drive them to their destination; we are comfortably out of mind until needed, and yet we are irreplaceable for the things they require.

We are armed with tools, hammers, pens, rulers, mice, pickup trucks, laptops, post-it notes, stickers and alternate forms of messaging that circumvent the control mechanisms deployed to create our silence.

We are inside every facility, every institution, every meeting, every moment of their existence – and we notice everything.

We have eyes of mice and ears of elephants.  We are there when they do not expect, and we melt away before they notice our appearance.

We are smart, strategic, highly intelligent and carry a brutally obvious and pragmatic common sense that finds optimal solutions to everything.

We identify our tribe immediately and without conversation.

We see what they hide, we hear what they whisper, we decipher their codes, and we understand the complexity they create in their effort to conceal.

We control the physical world that operates around every element of society, and we value real and tangible assets.

We do not sit around pontificating eloquently about philosophic nuances; we get shit done.

We are the people who facilitate their ability to take us for granted, and we do so without issue, resentment or desire for recognition.

We are optimistic, affable, kind, generous, friendly, loyal, warm and quietly spiritual in purpose.

We are polite, considerate and slow to anger.

We prefer to be left alone.  However, pushed entirely far enough, decisions are reached.  Right now, we are tenuously staring with deepened gaze.

We are increasingly pissed off…. Big Time!

In every town, village and hamlet we are encountering the same conversation.  On every porch, in every shop, at every event, the topic is the same.

Right now, we are taking this fury to the platforms of visibility where we hope to influence outcomes.  But if that effort fails, and/or if the command-and-control authorities make the mistake of thinking they can shut down our visibility, destroy our leadership and therefore control the dissent, there will be no quarter provided in the aftermath.

The two biggest mistakes they can make right now is not understanding why we have begun to bow our heads.

First, our heads are not bowed because we are subservient, cowering or accepting the current effort to control us….

….We are praying!

Their second mistake would be to ignore that we are not praying for us

….We are praying for those who trespass against us!

They may not like what follows, “Amen!

We are resolute and of common purpose.

We are what they fear!

And Here Comes April/May 2024

Posted originally on Mar 7, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

IBEUUS W 3 6 24

The Supreme Court has set April 25th as the oral argument for the decision on whether Trump has immunity. I do not know why events will always show up with our cycle targets. I have come to believe that the PRESSURE in the system compels actions to take place on these cyclical targets. Our turning point in the Ukraine-Russia War is April 19/20th. Then we have May 7th for the ECM, which was calculated back in 1977, and it turns out to be the precise day the president of Russia will be sworn in.

ECM Ukraine 8.6 R

I cannot predict what the fundamentals will be during April—I can only make a human guess or speculate. What I find most curious is how events keep aligning with our cyclical model ascertained by Socrates as well as the Economic Confidence Model frequency.

1 ECM 2032 Pi Turning Point 1 Annotated

For those who constantly claim this is just a coincidence, this 51.65 wave began in 1985.65. For this turning point to be the inauguration day of the President of Russia after the March elections coming in as Mary 7th, 2024 (2024.35), I would remind you that at the start of this wave, I laid out that the 2016 election would be the FIRST time a third party president could win. That was Donald Trump since the RINOs were just as hateful of Trump as the Democrats. Why? Those in Marxville DO NOT LIKE outsiders.

Trump inaugeration 2017.05 sworn in

Trump was inaugurated on January 20th, 2017. That was also the PRECISE day from the start of this wave, 1985.65 + Pi—31.4 years.  Add that together, and you end up with 2017.05. Take 365 days x .05 and you get 20 days into the year – the precise day Trump was inaugerated.

1929 Wave Hitler on Pi
1998 911 Pi Target

The Pi target during the 1929.75 Wave was 1932.89 (Mov 20th/21st) – the precise day that Hitler was offered the Chancellorship of Germany. Even the 911 attack was precisely the same Pi target. I can go on and on; I will write a book on the ECM this year.

New Yorker Secret Cycle

The New Yorker called it the Secret Cycle. There is a hidden order to our very existence that is simply the rhythm that answers the question of everything. It is why no nation has ever endured, for they always crumble to dust, and empires, nations, and city-states have all been buried in a common grave for more than 6,000 years.

ECM Logo
DJIND Y Array 2 2 24

The ECM does NOT include the timing arrays that Socrates produces. The computer analyzes the time ENTIRELY on its own, and there is no human intervention. So when the Timing Arrays correlate with sowing 2032, I take that as a CONFIRMATION because it is NOT included in that Timing Array.

Someone put an array into Microsoft’s Copilot to see if it knew what it was. This was its response.

Timing Array in Copilot R
Pattern Recognition

Then, Socrates does Pattern Recognition completely differently than anything out there. It catalogs patterns, and it has over 100,000 possibilities and counting. I have not yet released the analysis of when a specific pattern appears and what pattern comes next.

DJIND Y GMW 1 8 2016

I have separate Chaos Models that reveal that there is no such thing as a RANDOM WALK. That is the excuse used by people who only see the world in a linear, straight line. They cannot see the dynamic world around them or connect the dots. Unfortunately, this is the danger of politicians making decisions in the immediate self-interest and NEVER once considering the next step. Here is Tony Blair’s apology for the Iraq War – they were wrong.

Here is MacNamaria on Vietnam – also saying we were wrong.

the REALITY of human society. We are again heading into World War III and it appears they are completely STUPID and once more never considering what happens if Ukraine defeats Russia in Crimea? What is the next step? Or is this really a plot to reduce the world population by 50% because of CO2? I thank God I am not 18 years old. Humanity is its own worst enemy. We do not need aliens to invade the blanet to wipe out civilization. We are doing quite well on our own.

As the Country Divides – so do Families

Posted originally on Mar 2, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Dividing Families

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, My son voted for Biden because he said Trump he thought was an asshole. We hardly talk any more for he is among the brainwashed. He will not change his mind, for he then has to admit he has been wrong. It has gotten to the point I am changing my will and he gets nothing. A few of my friends are in the same boat. This has divided the nation, but it is also destroying families.


REPLY: I have friend who no longer talk to their children and they are European and that is over climate change and COVID. This is the hated that is a deliberate psychological war tactic that they have used against our own people. Who cares if Trump is arrogant as long as he keeps the world at peace, protects our privacy, and stands up against the Deep State? This is becoming a vote for Trump or Victoria Nuland – because Biden is not there. Families are being broken up, and there is no going back.

Jack King Marty Armstrong

My old partner, Jack King, out of the blue one day said to me if anything happens to him, make sure his children get nothing and everything was to go to his second wife. I do not know if it was a premonition, but three weeks later, Jack died of a heart attack while scuba diving. It was Jack who opened Japan. I had to honor his wishes. So, I have seen this far more often than one might think. I am in a similar position with someone else. Blood is not always thicker than water.

Twain on a fool

You cannot argue with a fool, for they will always claim to say what they know, but it takes wisdom to know what you are saying. Mark Twain said it best. It is far easier to fool someone, as your son has been brainwashed, but it is virtually impossible to reverse his thinking to convince him that he has been fooled. To a large extent, I see this in trading. People will hold onto a loss because they cannot admit they made a mistake. That is why it is a maxim in trading – NEVER marry the trade. Unfortunately, it may simply be irreversible. I have witnessed this too many times.


As I have been trying to explain, the LEFT has been engaging in psychological warfare. The routinely demonize an opponent like Sadam Huesain, Putin, and they used that tactic of Trump. So you sone has been brainwashed and it’s no different that you still see people wearing masks and driving alone in their car. They have been psychologically damaged.

WEF Schwab You Will Own Nothing

Karl Marx and his followers view the family as a tool of capitalism. They believe its primary functions are to reproduce the workforce, pass down private property (maintaining class inequality), and act as a consumption unit to support the capitalist economy. It was more than just the state owning everything – you will own nothing and be happy as the World Economic Forum is pushing.

What this entire agenda is designed to do is to break up the family unit. This means that WEF, and Marxists, see society as being structured along class lines. Destroying the family unit ends the inequality for parents cannot then pass on anything of wealth to their children. There were some trying to push in Australia that upon your death, everything goes to the States – not your heirs. That did not go down very well. But it shows there are those out there with that mentality.

Marx insisted that institutions generally work in the interests of the elite bourgeoisie class, who have economic power over those of the much larger working class or proletariat. In Marxism, he attributed nothing to innovation and maintained that the bourgeoisie gains their wealth purely by exploiting the proletariat’s labor. For this reason, there is an inherent conflict of interest between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat in Marxism. Communism failed because innovation comes from free thinking. When you suppress individuality, the entire economy stagnates.

Nevertheless, no matter how often they fail, they are at it again because they are fools who never learn from their mistakes. What they are doing is the deliberate act of dividing the country and at the core they have been using Wokeness and demonizing Trump to destroy the family unit which they see as the foundation of the Communist state. Marx himself wrote:

“On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie.”

Marx advocated the confiscation of all property to destroy the family by simply abolishing the right to own property.

“The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital.”

Gallup Poll is Democracy Working

The refusal of your son to objectively admit that he made a mistake in voting for Biden, which is only human. If he refuses to reconsider the facts and events since 2020, this warns that he is too far gone and likely unsalvageable. I know this is hard to swallow. Gallup Poll back in 1984 found that 61% of Americans were satisfied with U.S. democracy. It was nearly as high, at 60%, in 1991. Now in 2024, it is down to just 28%.

2032 Sixth Wave

Welcome to 2032

NYC Trump’s Case is a Warning – Get the Hell Out of NYC

Posted originally on Feb 28, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

NYC Trump

COMMENT: I have been considering the issues of whether the affirmative defense of qualified and other immunity defenses are or are not available to employees of states and cities if the complaint seeks only equitable relief and not money damages, and whether such defendants can avail themselves of the immunity defenses if they are sued in their official capacities and not their personal capacities. The basic rule of most Circuits, including the Fifth, is that if you sue a public employee their official capacity, and the complaint seeks only equitable relief and not monetary damages, the public employee defendant cannot assert immunity defenses.

Petition for Writ of Certiorari: Baraka v. McGreevey_Writ Application_U.S. Sup. Ct.

I once followed the Third Circuit case of Bakara v. McGreevey 481 F.3d 187 (3rd Cir 2007) that involved those issues, and I obtained a copy of the Petition for Writ of Certiorari filed in SCOTUS. See attached. That petition talks about the split in the Circuits at the time and addresses said issues. I concluded that decisions of the Second, Third, and Eleventh Circuits are very confusing on the said issues, and I was glad I was in the Fifth Circuit. The discussion in the said Petition for Writ of Certiorari in Bakara v. McGreevey must, of course, be brought to date on the issues, but assuming there is still a split in the Circuits that could “open a door,” the following moves made by the defendants in New York v. Trump, et al could shut down the Hochul, Engoron and James fiasco, specifically any proceedings to execute on the judgment based on the verdict:

FILE A COMPLAINT against Hochul, Engoron and James IN THEIR OFFICIAL CAPACITIES, NOT IN THEIR PERSONAL CAPACITIES. The complaint would allege that the 8th Amendment was violated in New York v. Trump, et al. The complaint would seek ONLY EQUITABLE RELIEF as follows:

(1) A declaratory judgment stating

(a) the definition of “restitution” and “damages” as set forth in New York Executive Law § 63(12),
(b) the formula the court used, or should use, to calculate the amount of the verdict/judgment, and
(c) whether what is called “damages and restitution” in the statute is really a fine, penalty or some hybrid form of damages;

(2) prospective injunctive relief, i.e., a TRO [Temporary Restraining Order], a preliminary injunction, and a permanent injunction against Hochul, Engoron, and James in their official capacities prohibiting them from taking any action in the future to enforce the judgment. Seeking only equitable relief and not damages may mean that Hochul, Engoron and James cannot plead the defense of qualified and other immunities. Lawyers always want to include a deep pocket defendant to get a money judgment, so they shoot themselves in the foot by seeking personal money judgments against employees of a municipality or a state. There are many cases on this type of complaint, but I am familiar with two where the plaintiff’s lawyers sought ONLY equitable relief and not damages against public employees in their official capacities. See Gorby v. Davis and Center for Biological Diversity v. Ken Sakazar

{Plaintiffs in Gorby v. Davis filed action against Interior and FWS to set aside FWS’s finding that the desert bald eagle does not qualify as a distinct population segment (“DPS”) entitled to protection under the Endangered Species Act (“ESA”). Plaintiff’s motions for summary judgment was granted. The Court found that FWS’ 12–month finding was based on the 2007 delisting rule, which failed to comport with the notice, comment, and consultation requirements of the ESA. The Court set aside the 12–month finding as an abuse of discretion.}

THE VENUE WOULD BE the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of New York located in the James T. Foley U.S. Courthouse, Suite 509, 445 Broadway, Albany, NY 12207. Hochul is domiciled in the New York State Executive Mansion, the official residence of the governor of New York. The Executive Mansion is located at 138 Eagle Street in Albany, New York, near the state capital. The Executive Mansion has housed governors and their families since 1875. This avoids filing in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Best regards.


REPLY: I think your analysis speaks to this very issue of the perversion of law. Given that the 8th Amendment prohibits cruel and unusual punishment, I fail to see how courts can create immunity to violate the Constitution they swear to uphold. In that case, the Third Circuit’s decision extended legislative immunity far beyond the bounds of the Constitution, effectively conferring absolute legislative immunity on any activity by executive officials with even a slight connection to the legislative process.

The Supreme Court just heard an oral argument in SEC v Jaresy (22-859) on November 29th, 2023, which could also impact the Trump Case. The Dodd-Frank Act passed in the aftermath of the 2007 Crash vested the SEC with the authority to sue “any person” for violations of the securities acts, including anti-fraud claims, in its own internal administrative tribunals. That was, in my opinion, unconstitutional. This Act circumvented the Seventh Amendment and the right to a jury trial.

The Seventh Amendment guarantees the right to trial by jury in “suits at common law,” encompassing legal, as opposed to equitable, claims for penalties. The Supreme Court had long held that the touchstone for the applicability of Seventh Amendment rights was the practice of the courts of England in 1791 when the Seventh Amendment was ratified. Therefore, that history establishes that eighteenth-century English courts afforded jury trial rights that included civil enforcement actions prosecuted by the Crown whenever the right of private property was at stake, as in suits for penalties.

Magna Carta King John

We all may know that the Magna Carta established rights that were forced on King John (1166–1216) to sign on June 15, 1215, at the demands of the elite barons. The reason for that was rather important – the common man was not taxed, only the rich. A tax revolt over government abuse was at the core of this entire issue. The abuse was so profound that part of the demand included the right to trial by jury because the King would fine you whatever he pleased to really raise money.

At the time, it was said that there was hardly an Englishman who had not been amerced at least once a year. An amercement is a financial penalty in English law. It was an abuse where the king made revenue from fines during the Middle Ages. The noun “amercement” is derived from the verb “amerce,” which means the king amerces his subject, who offended some law that goes back to Anglo-Norman origin, literally meaning “being at the mercy of” your sovereign.

Patrick Henry Quotes

Therefore, in forming this nation, there was a contest between the Federalists of Hamilton, who wanted immense power for the government, and the Anti-Federalists. It may surprise many, but Patrick Henry, who every school child was taught in his memorable 1775 declaration, “Give me liberty or give me death,” refused to sign the Constitution because there was no Bill of Rights.

The king was circumventing your right to a jury trial after the Magna Carta by charging you in vice-admiralty courts where there was no right to a jury. The draft constitution’s omission of a common law jury trial right was the primary objection that nearly scuttled ratification. The Anti-Federalists carried the day in pushing through the Seventh Amendment, in large part to assure that the government could not put citizens to trial for penalties without the intervention of a jury.

That is precisely what NYC did to Trump, and they did that to me as well. It is a vile place where nobody in their right mind should do business. Will they have to go after anyone with a loan and argue they overvalued their property even after repaying it to prove this was not a political hit on only Trump? Even the New York Times explained that this statute has never before been used in a case that was not criminal fraud.

Civil Unrest 2023

Here, we have a statute where the penalty was in the judge’s hands — there was no jury — and it gave him wide discretion to do precisely what the Eighth Amendment was to prevent. This is intended to bankrupt Trump to interfere in the 2024 election. The last time states did this to ban a candidate from the ballot was in 1860 and the ban against Abraham Lincoln. That led to civil war. Democrats in Washington are already saying if Trump is elected, they will REFUSE to comply with any of his orders. This is the end of the United States, and the Civil Unrest coming post-2024, as forecasted by our computer, is now becoming more understandable.

Adjusted Civi9l Unrest

Ep 3292a – Big Names Selling Off Stocks, Pattern Established, Market Correction Coming

Posted originally on Rumble By X 22 Project on: Feb 26, 2024 at 7:45 pm EST

How to Manipulate Public Opinion – Absence of Ethics?

Posted originally on Feb 19, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Trump fined $355+ Million Goldman Sachs $550 million for the Great Recession

Posted originally on Feb 18, 2024 By Martin Armstrong |  

Judge Against Trump

COMMENT: If you want justice, go to a whore house.  If you want to get screwed, go to a courthouse in N.Y.


REPLY: That is probably very true. I guess you at least get what you pay for.

This fine imposed on Trump of $355 million, plus interest and penalties, is so outrageous it is furthering the collapse in confidence in the government, which has just become so corrupt and out of control. To put this in perspective, Goldman Sachs has agreed to pay $550 million to the Securities and Exchange Commission for the whole Mortgage-backed collapse they instigated. The billions of dollars lost by people was incalculable. It resulted in the Great Recession.

The entire world knows this NYC verdict is not just biased; it is deliberately interfering in the 2024 election. If Trump had not been running for president, none of these cases would have been brought. New York City has the most corrupt court system in the United States as well as many third world countries, and this verdict is proof of that fact.

Eighth Amendment

As I said, this verdict is so outrageous, along with the absurd jury award in the Carrol case; New York City is by no means a place to do business – EVER! The world is waking up. As I have said, when I asked a New York Lawyer why no banker ever goes to prison in NYC, his response was:

You Don’t Shit Where You Eat!

New York Governor Admits State Legal Targeting Was Only at Donald Trump

Posted originally on the CTH on February 19, 2024 | Sundance

New York Governor Kathy Hochul has admitted the lawfare deployed against the Trump organization and President Donald Trump himself was a specific plan for his targeting and any other business interests or people within New York should not be concerned.

It’s a rather brazen admission all things considered; however, if it changes the public outlook as the various New York lawfare cases against President Trump continue, is yet to be determined.

(Via The Hill) – New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) addressed New York business owners in a new interview and told them there was “nothing to worry about” after former President Trump was hit with a $355 million fine and a ban on conducting business in New York for three years.

Hochul joined John Catsimatidis on “The Cats Roundtable” on WABC 770 AM, where she was asked if other New York businesspeople should be worried that if “they can do that to the former president, they can do that to anybody.”

“I think that this is really an extraordinary, unusual circumstance that the law-abiding and rule-following New Yorkers who are business people have nothing to worry about, because they’re very different than Donald Trump and his behavior,” Hochul responded. (read more)

F – New York!

Update Far Outside the Wire…

Posted originally on the CTH on February 18, 2024 | Sundance 

You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only option.” I think it was Bob Marley who said that… lol.  But it’s true.

I’m so far outside the wire trying to research, communicate, dig through the globalist lies and quantify the crazy in terms that are understandable; sometimes I think this effort itself is nuts.  Then again, being a dissident means living your best life, and don’t stop swinging for the fences.

The original plan was to meet with people who have a solid, I mean historically impenetrable understanding of how to organize a solidarity movement, then learn, learn… ask questions, seek counsel, find the network, and put the plans into an actionable effort that could be brought back to the USA. {GO DEEP}

Yes, in case you have not been paying attention, the best people to teach you how to defend against the looming communist, fascist and corporatist encroachment are the people who fought it.

The Eastern EU countries are the epicenter of the best rebel alliance thinkers.  Pulling the labeled dissidents into my orbit, learning and questioning, has been extremely interesting and seriously informative.

The initial plan was to bring a few people back with me to the U.S., then go on a short tour of several states for meetings and discussions with stateside allies.  However, some entity at the Dept of State intercepted the plan, and we have run into newly refused visa issues even though they were previously approved.

If I was a conspiracy minded person, I would notice these visa issues “happened” immediately after my laptops and other devices were compromised by a “virus” in Prague that rendered them useless.

That said, I am not quitting the effort to bring them to the U.S. yet.  Yep, ask those who know, and you’ll discover that putting a hurdle in front of a CTH plan only makes my resolve harden.   Also, there are far more good people inside the system trying to help than there are bad people trying to harm… the difference is the bad people are in positions of power and authority.  They are few, we are many – don’t forget that.

The EU farmers, truckers, machinists, general laborers with shakable calloused hands are all super insightful and full of no-quit in their DNA, -that’s super cool.

People stateside tell me I’m crazy for trying this… hell, who knows, maybe I am.  I’ve failed a lot… but I ain’t gonna quit.  I love this country, and she’s worth fighting for.   I don’t have the answers; I just know the current status quo is not going to work – not for me, not for you, and not for the generation behind us that deserves so much better.

If you’ve got a better idea, then tell me.  Don’t be quiet… speak.   I’ve got a lot of research complete and an entire network ready to mobilize to support any stateside effort.   The rest of the world knows how important 2024 is to the USA, and they are willing to put their time into helping us get President Trump back into office.

We already know if Donald Trump can take the MAGA fight back to Washington DC, the entire apparatus of government, and yes that includes your elected representatives, will fight to destroy him at every opportunity.  So, how exactly do we: (a) support President Trump, (b) push back against the weaponized state, (c) confront our government abusers?

There are more of us than them, yet each of our efforts seems to face the full force of “them” against a divided sense of “us.”  One of the ways we have discussed direct push back is a modern version of a workers solidarity movement.  Essentially, the creation of a system where targeted general work strikes can have an impact on the system that is targeting us.

It is one thing to discuss the Polish Solidarity Movement in esoteric terms of endearment.  It is another thing entirely to think about the application of a labor strike process within the United States where 370 million people live.  However, if you apply the concept of tactical civics simultaneously, you can make an argument the tactical civics are the shield (EU truckers), and the labor strike is the spear (EU farmers).

One of the advantages we have in the USA governmental structures is the “Republican Form of Government,” or the constitutional republic and the ability of states to determine their own interests.

Think about targeting now going in reverse, where WE THE PEOPLE now target the non-compliant system operators and/or politicians.  A Senator or Congress person aligns against Trump’s interests, our interests, and instead of gnashing our teeth, we immediately begin a targeted work stoppage in/around the representative’s district.  In this scenario we don’t need tens of millions to make an impact, only a few thousand can completely change the dynamic.

How does it work?  How is it possible?  How did the people of Poland pay their bills during the solidarity strikes?  How do you organize that process so that everyone can participate, and yet no one individually needs to carry the risk of losing?  These nuts-and-bolts questions are part of my research mission.

How effective would a Congressional District (CD-??) “sick-out” be?   Perhaps timed for every Wednesday, beginning on the {fill_in_the_blank_day}, and continuing until the representative understood that he/she alone was the cause of the economic trouble in their district.  You see, the general labor strike doesn’t need to be scaled to the size of Poland circa 1980’s; instead with modern communication, it can target very specific places and create just as big an impact.

The dismantling of a weaponized government first begins with a set of political representatives who are willing to take apart the institutional tools that government uses to weaponize their power.   As we saw with the hyped and yet failed Congressional Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of Government, once the public appears to be satiated with false hope from yet another created assembly, the representative group does nothing.

The urgency of the committee silo might look entirely different if the trash was not getting picked up in the committee members’ districts.  Or the lawns were not getting mowed, or the cooks stayed home, etc.

You never realize how strong you are until being strong is your only option.

I will have much more to share on this issue as we will likely have a lot of support from ordinary MAGA-minded people in a multitude of countries.  The Dutch, German, Polish, Romanian, French, Spanish and Irish farmers/truck drivers are figuring out how effective it can be if they push back with strategic solidarity.   We can learn a valuable lesson.

Whether Donald Trump wins the 2024 election or not, the same practical process will be needed.   If Trump wins the election, it will be to provide support under the auspices of unavoidable pressure.

We don’t wait for primary races to defeat the people who stand against us in 2025; instead, we trigger the financial consequences against them immediately.

If you’ve got better ideas, then share them.   If you think this effort can work, then HELP ME HERE.

Love to all,


Because People Keep Asking

Posted originally on the CTH on February 18, 2024 | Sundance 

I’m not sure exactly what the motive is behind this, nor do I fully understand how it ties into the FISA-702 renewal effort by the insufferable HPSCI Chairman Mike Turner, but everything negative being said about Michael Shellenberger is accurate.

Trust me, if there’s one person on this planet right now without the time to deal with this nonsense, it’s me. However, from what I can ascertain, Shellenberger is reciting old information dug up by independent researchers on the Spygate operation as it pertained to the CIA, FBI and larger IC.

Shellenberger is then claiming “sources” have confirmed the CIA ran intel operations against the Trump campaign in 2016 using foreign assets and foreign intelligence partners. This is old, old, very old, information being repackaged as if it was new information and sold to an audience for the price of $9.99 subscription. In my opinion, it’s a complete con.

I have no idea who this Shellenberger idiot is, nor do I really care. You cannot plagiarize me because I give all the CTH research and analytical writing away free – openly telling people to take it and make it their own, just don’t monetize it.

It appears Michael Shellenberger is a man of low moral character who is taking the independent research work of others, repackaging it and selling it as his own work product.

This activity is likely because Shellenberger, a leftist, didn’t believe it when the Spygate researchers were tearing apart the preferred narrative and delivering atomic truth bombs in 2017 and 2018.  Suddenly, as the weight of the truth comes forth, there is no denying what was previously proven.   Everything Shellenberger is claiming now is a rehash of old information, repackaged and sold to a duped audience for $9.99 each.

Everything he claims is new, isn’t.  It’s all previously cited, sourced and disseminated information.   It’s pretty low-class to try and dupe people just to make money, but hey… that’s what some people do.

I have two words for this type of operation, and it ain’t Merry Christmas.

Nuf Said.

Moving on…..

Love to all!