Big Oil v. California

Posted originally on Jan 8, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Crude Oil Production

Chevron can no longer remain profitable in California, where politicians fail to understand the impact of reducing fossil fuels without a reliable alternative. The company has already pulled back hundreds of millions in spending in California over the past two years. Chevron’s Q4 filings proclaimed it needed non-cash write-downs and is expected to report non-cash charges of up to $4 billion.

At this point one must wonder if Governor Gavin Newsom wakes up each day to plot the destruction of California. Newsom announced he was taking over “Big Oil” last year by implementing legislation aimed at price gouging.

Andy Walz, Chevron’s Americas products president, explained that California’s regulations have made it difficult to remain profitable. “A margin penalty can only serve to further deter investment in the state’s energy market,” Walz wrote. “This is not hyperbole, nor is it merely hypothetical. California’s policies have made Chevron’s investments in its home state riskier than investing in other states, with projects being lower in quality and higher in cost.”


Adding to the issue, Exxon Mobil also announced it may need to write down its California assets by up to $2.6 billion. “While the Corporation is progressing efforts to enable a restart of production, continuing challenges in the state regulatory environment have impeded progress in restoring operations,” said Exxon. The company expects Q4 earnings to decline by ~$800 million compared to Q3, along with a $1.7 billion drop in industry margins.

Companies as large as Chevron or Exxon Mobil cannot simply pack up and move to another state. Instead, companies are downsizing operations in California and rejecting new projects. California is operating at a $68 billion deficit and cannot afford to lose more business. This will impact gas prices throughout the nation, not just in California. It is not the oil companies but the GOVERNMENT that is price gouging the people through regulations and taxation.

Crazy Stuff – Details of Results from Western Oil Sanctions Against Russia

Posted originally on the CTH on December 29, 2023 | Sundance

I’m very serious when I share with people that almost everything we understand about the geopolitical purposes and impacts of sanctions against Russian economic interests is entirely fabricated.  However, because the scale of the propaganda against us is so effective, breaking the mental/cognitive barrier is almost impossible.

It’s not that situations are ‘shaped’ or information is ‘manipulated,’ like would be the definition of the term “disinformation.”  But rather that the entire construct of reality regarding the economic issues -as presented- is fabricated, created by massive financial interests, and flat-out lies; I mean, total unadulterated nonsense. Complete fiction.

This latest article from Reuters, and the accompanying graphic from ZeroHedge, only scratches the surface.


We are through the looking glass folks.  Literally captive to the narrative as sold by our Western government officials, and there’s a huge one-way mirror; beyond which, massive segments of the grey zone are looking at us as if we are pathetic victims of professional propaganda.

The worst part of this dynamic is how the USA looks insufferably weak, because we are playing this massive game of pretending that only the Yellow Zone is participating in.

MOSCOW, Dec 27 (Reuters) – Almost all of Russia’s oil exports this year have been shipped to China and India, Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak said on Wednesday, after Moscow responded to Western economic sanctions by quickly rerouting supplies away from Europe.

Russia has successfully circumvented sanctions on its oil and diverted flows from Europe to China and India, which together accounted for around 90% of its crude exports, Novak, who is in charge of the country’s energy sector, told Rossiya-24 state TV.

He said that Russia had already started to forge ties with Asia-Pacific countries before the West introduced sanctions against Moscow following the start of the conflict in Ukraine in February 2022.

“As for those restrictions and embargoes on supplies to Europe and the U.S. that were introduced… this only accelerated the process of reorienting our energy flows,” Novak said.

He said that Europe’s share of Russia’s crude exports has fallen to only about 4-5% from about 40-45%. (read more)

What Alexander Novak shares is stunningly accurate, only the ramifications are far more serious.  This is why I am spending so much time trying to break the issue down into digestible portions.

Russia and Iran are now trading oil (and other things) in their own national currencies, not the petrodollar.  This is the epicenter of a process initially triggered by the BRICS economic alliance and is now taking place in real time while the proverbial WEST pretends it is not happening.   Now, it might sound esoteric, as if it is a disconnected or academic issue that doesn’t have real substantive ramifications, but that’s not true.

I can literally see how global trade is now cost-shifting as the dollar starts to weaken (become less used) as a trade currency.  Again, like our domestic social issues, this de-dollarization process is “slowly at first,” but eventually this is going to come all at once.

As USA consumers we cannot see it yet, because we are inside an economic system that is entirely dependent on dollars.  However, as the devaluation of the dollar continues slowly to happen, outside our dollar-based economy, the cost of goods, products and stuff in the ordinary life of people within the GREY ZONE is now stunningly less.  It’s not showing up in currency markets (dollar -vs- fill_in_blank), because the currency trades are not part of the trade/cost dynamic outside the YELLOW ZONE.

Go into the grey zone and compare the price of “product X” to what you would pay in the United States for “product X”, and you will see the difference in the end consumer price is starting to widen faster.   Identical goods in the USA cost much more than goods outside the “west.”

As the de-dollarization continues (mostly driven by the lessening of oil sold using the petrodollar), the disparity in price will get even more stark.   As a result of this dynamic, wages in the USA (or the “west”) must necessarily rise faster; however, that’s only part of the issue.

If I took $200 into a Russian supermarket, buying only consumable food products, I would end up with about 3 shopping carts full of food.  Take that same $200 into the average USA supermarket and you get one shopping cart or less.  This is the scale of what is likely to happen in durable goods.  The “cleaving” is underway.

Let me say that again, the “cleaving” of dollar-based price/value is underway.

Starbucks pulled out of Russia.  The building still exists, the furniture still there, the equipment still there, just a different name, “Star Coffee” lolol.   Starbucks is roughly $6 for whatever, the StarCoffee is $1.  Same stuff.   A cab/uber ride in USA might be $25, or in EU might be €30, but outside the yellow zone around $6 to $10/max.  It’s getting crazy how big the difference is.

Now, the price disparity is not in everything, only in the products that do not originate from inside the yellow zone.  The increased price of the yellow zone goods transfers into the grey zone when the product is moved.  However, if the yellow zone and grey zone both produce an identical product (or service), that’s when you see the massive difference in price.  [And no, this is not a lower cost labor issue]

Conversely, prices of goods originating from the grey zone shipped to the yellow zone will be far less than the comparable product created from within the yellow zone.

What is going to happen?

I suspect we are going to import even more products from the grey zone at a greater rate, because there’s a lower origination price and greater opportunity for profit.  Wait and see.

China needs energy, Russia needs computer chips and tech.  They are trading thusly.  Now watch… if the sanctions are ever lifted, we will start importing Russian made electronic goods, because less expensive.  It’s nuts.

Remember, our ‘western’ government is doing this to us on purpose.

Canada Limiting Oil and Gas Industry Emission

Posted originally on Dec 8, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

Crude Oil Production

Canada has announced a plan to use a cap-and-trade system to impose greenhouse gas emission limits on its oil and gas industry. Under the “draft framework,” Canada will issue emissions allowances to oil and gas producers, which will be capped at levels between 35% and 38% below 2019 levels, beginning in 2030. The government will then continue to lower allowances in stages until the industry reaches net zero by 2050.

Ottawa plans to finish drafting regulations by next year, with a final plan in place by 2026. Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault called the plan “ambitious” but “practical.” “It considers the global demand for oil and gas, and the importance of the sector in Canada’s economy, and sets a limit that is strict, but achievable,” Guilbeault said. This is all part of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s plan for Canada to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, which he announced during his election in 2021.

Critics state that the timeframe is simply not achievable for the world’s fourth-largest oil producer and fifth-largest natural gas producer. Federal Energy Minister Jonathan Wilkinson admitted that the government is uncertain how they will implement these measures without shutting down production entirely. A failed execution “would essentially make us poorer in Canada and make our American friends or folks in Saudi Arabia or elsewhere richer,” he stated.

Globalists everywhere are making lofty pledges on the heels of the COP28 summit. The only rush comes when attempting to meet these arbitrary targets. The only reason governments are targeting 2030 and 2050 is because they were directed to do so by Klaus Schwab and the globalists at the World Economic Forum. It will be interesting to see the final plans for this idea that sacrifices Canada’s economic health for the climate change psyops.

Auto Dealers Oppose Switch to EVs

Posted originally on Dec 1, 2023 By Martin Armstrong

Electric Car Charing

Governments worldwide are pushing for clean energy without a reliable alternative. Electric vehicles (EVs) are sitting stagnant on lots as the demand is simply not there for a variety of obvious reasons. Over 3,000 auto dealers from all 50 states penned a letter to President Joe Biden, explaining that his target of forcing 50% of all car purchases to be electric by 2030 is unattainable.

Mr. President, it is time to tap the brakes on the unrealistic government electric vehicle mandate. Allow time for the battery technology to advance. Allow time to make BEVs more affordable. Allow time to develop domestic sources for the minerals to make batteries,” the letter stated. “Allow time for the charging infrastructure to be built and prove reliable. And most of all, allow time for the American consumer to get comfortable with the technology and make the choice to buy an electric vehicle.”

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) believes it can reduce CO2 emissions by 10 billion tons before 2055 and has released regulations that will impact car models from 2027 to 2032. Automakers like GM, BMW, Jaguar, Ford, Mercedes, Mazda, and Nissan, to name a few, are rushing to produce EVs to meet these unattainable goals. However, as the letter indicates, the people are not buying EVs in this economy. The average sale price of an EV is over $60,000 and completely out of reach for a nation of people living on credit and drowning in debt. Additionally, every EV battery will eventually need to be replaced, and that could cost up to $20,000. Yet another issue is insurance, which costs about 26% more than the price of cars with gas engines.

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The new regulations focus solely on tailpipe emissions and fail to consider the resources needed to create these vehicles. The batteries in these vehicles use 10X more energy than the average household uses in one day. The cobalt within these vehicles is mostly mined through modern-day slavery in the Congo. This also requires mining for things like lithium and cobalt. Lithium mining is extremely harmful to the environment. South America has experienced water supply contamination near lithium mining regions, and Tibet reported marine life dying in mass near some facilities.

The infrastructure for EV transition is not available and should not be a priority. We saw California ask citizens not to power their EVs numerous times when the power grid was suffering. Some vehicles can take up to half a day to charge fully and the average model can only drive 250 miles on a single charge.


The White House insists these regulations are supporting the economy. “Bidenomics is growing the domestic EV and EV charging industry — creating good-paying union jobs in manufacturing and installation, lowering energy costs for hardworking families, improving air quality, and building the economy from the middle out and the bottom up,” a White House spokesperson insisted. This may be the most out-of-touch administration in US history.

These measures are absolutely destroying the auto industry that brings in 1.53 trillion annually in the US alone. The globalists have told us in detail that they plan to end private car ownership by 2050. They notified us of their plan back in 2016 and have not changed course. Forcing the public to go electric ensures that a good percentage can no longer afford to drive.