Trump Files OPENING BRIEF; Maine’s “MANDATORY” Removal; Jack Smith Can Go To…

Posted originally on Rumble By Robert Gouveia on:Dec 26, 5:00 pm EST

House Minority Leader Says Democrats Will Never “Yield” Power

Posted December 26, 2023 | Sundance | 361 Comments

Yeah, well, if you want to understand the ideology of the leftists, communists and facists, look no further than this proclamation from House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries:


This is a completely loaded public declaration by the Democrat House Leader.

It goes without saying that mainstream media will ignore the extremism as presented, because that would involve an open admission that everything the Democrats accuse others of doing, including election denial, is exactly what Democrats do.

This statement from Hakeem Jeffries sounds a lot like David Plouffe and the “his kind” statement, because the expressed totalitarian ideology is exactly the same.

Revolution v Civil War

Posted originally on Dec 26, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

Civil Unrest 2023

A revolution cannot be used interchangeably with “civil war.” For you see, a civil war occurs when the people are divided and fight one another; a revolution occurs when the people join forces and overthrow the government. As indicated in the Oxford dictionary:

Revolution – a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favor of a new system

Civil War – a war between citizens of the same country

Politics has successfully divided the nation, and the pandemic exacerbated the differences between the left and right. They have attempted to divide us by class – the haves and have-nots. We have the welfare state on one side and a select few amassing the majority of the world’s wealth on the other. The 99% in the middle are now fighting against one another, with some pushing for socialism to ensure we are all financially equally. As the saying goes, “You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.”

Women Trump Protest Wall

They have attempted to divide us through religion, as we even saw Soros-backed protestors entering churches during services. Traditional values have been demonized by the left, who believes those wishing to preserve their way of life are outdated. The nuclear family, pillar to any religion and society as a whole, has been destroyed. Monogamy has fallen out of popularity and birth rates continually decline. People on the far-right do not want abortion under any circumstance or same-sex marriage. The people on the far-left believe children should have the authority to change their gender, and there are hundreds of genders to choose from.


They have attempted to divide us through race. They implemented Critical Race Theory curriculum in the schools intended to create white guilt and anger among minorities. Kids don’t see race, but the schools ensure they do at a young age. Politicians on the left continually promise reparations, believing that people should pay for the misdoings of their ancestors even though only a tiny fraction of Americans had ancestors who owned slaves. The public school curriculum supports far-left ideologies and indoctrinates young minds to believe in a false reality.


We saw the rise of movements like Black Lives Matter, where it was permissible to burn down cities with no legal repercussions in the name of civil rights. Then we have a disproportionate of number of Blacks in our prisons due to laws that were intended to target them. We saw a rising wave of hate against Asians after China was blamed for spreading COVID to the world.

Speaking of COVID, the pandemic did more damage to divide our nation than anything in recent history. People were forcibly separated and forbid to socialize with their own families. Religion was not enough of an excuse to avoid the vaccine or attend religious services. Countless small businesses failed and people lost their jobs, contributing to the class warfare crisis. The unvaccinated were demonized as the biggest threat to the nation and there were calls for their extermination. Everyone was forced to choose a side amid the pandemic.

If the people were not divided, they would realize that government is pinning us against one another. The current administration took the Constitution and set it on fire. We are rapidly losing every single freedom from free speech, the right to bear arms, and even the most basic right to elect the people in positions of power who make decisions on our behalf. The government is the enemy – there will be a revolution once people realize their fellow neighbor is not the problem.

By the time we get to 2032, that will be the light at the end of the tunnel. Neither side will accept the results of the election if they bother to hold one at all. The USA will eventually break into three primary regions: 2) the South & Midwest Bible Belt will join together against, 2) the Northeast, and 3) the Pacific States will be their own la-la-land. The volatility will begin in 2024, but by 2032, the United States of America will be far from united.

What Kind of American Are You?

Posted originally on Dec 26, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

What Kind of American Are You

This new movie coming out in the Spring of 2024 by A24 will be a blockbuster. The line “What kind of American are you?” is such a profound question that illustrates the deep division within this country. Historically, the army will split and choose sides. The proposition of the Great Taking is really a misconception of history and the confiscation of gold. If the government took everything from everybody, they would be overthrown instantly. The only way the government would survive is with the army. Strip them also of assets and their families, and the government will fall.

Yeltsin Tank

However, the greater risk is the deep division that will erupt after the 2024 election, pitting left v right, and that alone would turn bloody. However, even that is not the greatest risk. The government could bring in troops from the UN and NATO, just as in the NIKA Revolt. The Russian coup failed when Yeltsin stood on that tank, and the soldiers did not fire on their own people. The political solution is to have foreign troops who would have no problem killing people.

Killer Robots

That is also why the government wants automated drones and robots. They will follow orders and kill indiscriminately. Without military force, governments collapse. They know that. They teach the NIKA solution in political parlance.

Dr. Carol Swain On Societal Decline Felt Everywhere From Universities To Churches

Posted originally on Rumble By Steve Bannons War Room on Dec 23 2023

Klaus – Soviet Style Christmas

Posted originally on Dec 24, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

Santa Klaus Schwab

Lenin Was Right – He Knew Best

Report: RNC Corporation Has Lowest On Hand Bank Funds Since 2016

Posted originally on the CTH on December 23, 2023 | Sundance

As the story is told, the “republicans” have the lowest amount of reserve cash on hand in the past seven years. However, as readers here are well aware, it’s not the republicans that are “running out of money,” it is the RNC Corporation that is running low on funds. These are two distinctly different things.

In the era of the great political awakening, the term “uniparty” has now become a well-known in conservative lexicon to describe our national political situation. The RNC and DNC are two private corporations that form each wing of the Uniparty vulture.

The RNC and DNC are private entities, private corporations, that manage the illusion of the two-party political system in the United States. The reality is that both corporations are funded by the same multinational donors.

The RNC and DNC are essentially private clubs, business entities that exist within a political system they create and control. In the era of Donald J Trump, this stark reality is now clear to almost every voter.

As a result, the RNC corporation does not receive most of its funding from the American electorate. The people have switched from funding the republican corporation, the RNC, to directly funding the individual republican candidates.

The people who control the RNC keep the illusion in place because they have no option; their entire business model is dependent on retaining a false premise. However, the people have moved on. The RNC is irrelevant to grassroots, small donors. Only the multinationals continue funding the RNC, which makes the candidate funding from the RNC an outcome of who the multinationals, hedge funds, and Wall Street billionaires choose to select.

The MAGA base does not fund the RNC, and in most instances the RNC funded candidates are antithetical to the objectives of the America-First movement. This inherent reality creates two types of Republicans, the RNC/Corporate republicans – beholden to the multinationals and millionaires, and the MAGA republicans who must serve the interests of the MAGA voters.

We are currently in this transitional phase, which is why we see the constant battle between the two distinct groups of republicans in DC.

Candidate President Donald Trump often is in a position of trying to connect the two disparate groups; however, recently there has been a more confrontational approach toward the corporate controlled republican politicians. This dynamic, conflict and inherent battle is what we call “The Big Ugly” and it must be waged in order to stop the historic illusion of choice being gamed by the RNC.

[Newsweek] – The amount of money that the Republican National Committee (RNC) had on hand for spending at the end of November was the lowest bank balance it has had at that point in any year since 2016, disclosures to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) show.

In a filing on Wednesday, the GOP governing body revealed it had $9.96 million to spend as of November 30, which is less than half what it had to work with when Donald Trump was contesting his first presidential election.

By comparison, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) reported cash on hand of over $20 million for the same day. Both parties’ committees have seen downward trends in funds they can draw upon since 2021, but the RNC’s balance has been around half that of its counterpart in the past two reporting periods.

[…] Oscar Brock, an RNC member from Tennessee, told the Post: “We’re going through the same efforts we always go through to raise money: the same donor meetings, retreats, digital advertising, direct mail. But the return is much lower this year. If you know the answer, I’d love to know it.” (read more)

Given the nature of corporate political structures, I suspect Kevin McCarthy will eventually replace Ronna McDaniel…

….And so it goes, and so it goes. 

It All Depends on the Military

Posted originally on Dec 22, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

Yeltsin Tank

QUESTION: Do you think we will enter a civil war?


ANSWER: I do not think that we will be in civil war, but we do have to understand if any state tries to succeed, it could turn to violence based on precedent. Everything will depend on the military. If they turn on the people, then yes. If they support the people, it can be a bloodless event like Yeltsin standing on the tank in 1991.

The computer shows that the nation is deeply divided, and we will see civil unrest post-2024 because this is spinning out of control. The Democrats are not unified, and neither are the Republicans, for that matter. We need reform, and that is what Washington is fighting against. The party is over. They have to realize it is time to clean the garbage in DC. This whole nonsense with Trump is trying to block him to maintain the status quo. It only divides the country.

Our future will be determined by the military, as in just about every situation throughout history.

Over Half of Democrats Want a New POTUS

Posted originally on Dec 20, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

Democrats Stake in the Heart

The Democrats simply have no voice within their own party, and the Republicans are no better. Joe Biden admitted that he is only seeking a second term to prevent a Trump victory. Biden does not want to be in the Oval Office and has no passion for the job, but it is expected of him. The establishment has him completely under their thumb. Biden allegedly received more votes than any president in US history, but most of the people who voted for him did so because they also hated Trump. Now, over half of Democrats want him out of office.

A recent poll conducted by Fox News revealed that 54% of Democrat primary voters would prefer an alternative to President Joe Biden as the 2024 nominee, while only 43% want to keep Biden. The poll also showed a slight increase in negative sentiment against the president compared to previous months. The Democratic Party is reported to have no “plan B” if Biden does not run for reelection because the establishment does not plan on having a fair election.


What could Joe Biden possibly campaign on? I genuinely cannot name one accomplishment. His presidency has set historical records for border crossings, inflation, homelessness, crime, and government spending, to name a few items. The bribery attempts made during the last election will not work as Biden failed to make good on his promises. Then you have strong support for Palestine among liberals, especially the youth who predominately vote blue. Hence, Biden’s people indicted his main opponent and painted his supporters as domestic terrorists. They weaponized the FBI and CIA and manipulated the media with endless propaganda. The establishment now refuses to allow any Democrat to run against him. Do you still believe we live in a democracy?  

Tennessee Jet “2 + 2” Live at red Rocks

Country singer from Oklahoma writes honest lyrics about life in the USA today. He’s grounded in reality and waxes philosophical in an interview I heard this week. One expletive at the end. When he refrains “How dare you..” it reminds of climatist, Greta Thunberg. But he has reason to challenge us.

In this version the originally? you can hear the words better