Australia has Not Order All Cattle to be Vaccinated

Armstrong Economics Blog/Vaccine Re-Posted Aug 13, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

The rumor going aroind is that Australia has announced plans for mass injections of mRNA vaccines into livestock. This is not true. We have a lot of farmers in Australia that rely on our forecasting so we have direct sources. Officials have NOT announced such a scheme. Currently, there are no mandatory vaccinations for livestock imposed by the AUSTRALIA’S Department of Agriculture. However, the story seems to have surfaced frrom an announcement about research into potential mRNA vaccines for animals that could be used if disease outbreaks occur. Personally, I would NEVER eat beef if that took place. I would not trust Pfizer to even watch my dog. They are a digusting firm in my opinion.

My recommendation would be to offer an alternative just as Puerdue offers chicken without antibiotics. I feed that even to my dogs. An alternative market for beef would be excellent. Bill Gates, who bought the operating system from a programmer and turnintg it into Microsoft, is another one I ahev ZERO respect for. He is telling us like Pfizer to eat syntheic beef he creates and kill all the cattle all for his fictional CO2. Meanwhile, this egotistical man who things it is fine to genetically alter mosquitos and release billions into Florida and the south, is now enlisting Edinburgh-based nonprofit, GALVmed (Global Alliance for Livestock Veterinary Medicines) handing them $40 million to conduct genetic research to alter cattle. I am sick of Gates, Soros, Buffet and Klaus Schwab who seem not to believe in any God and thius want to fill that slot.

Governments have their hand out for money and have abandoned all responsibility to protect society. They have all been compromised. I have dealt with governments around the world. Governments are professional liars and are NEVER there for the people, but only for their own survival. Officials have put out the propaganda that COVID-19 vaccines saved millions of lives. This is an outright lie and they refuse to address all the deaths and injuries that these EXPERIMENTAL vaccine have caused.

The press ignored the fact that a new report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has exposed that a staggering 120,000 American children have “died suddenly” following the push to vaccinate everyone even pregnant mothers with these UNPROVEN mRNA Covid shots that our politicians handed Pfizer COMPLETE immunity from any lawsuit. If you granted that to General Motors, they would not bother to fix one in a hundred cars that blow up when you start them. Pfizer has become the very evil type of company they use to call the “Robber baron” which was a term used frequently in the 19th century during America’s Gilded Age to describe successful industrialists whose business practices were often considered ruthless or unethical. Pfizer fits that image in the 21st century. Even when I take my dogs for their vaccinations, I reject anything made by Pfizer – PERIOD!

Throughout 2021, Dr. Anthony Fauci insisted that the shots were “safe and effective” and necessary for protecting kids from the virus, despite children only showing mild symptoms if any at all. Fauci belongs in prison. It is one thing to lie out of incompetence and other to ignore all the evidence and push this on children only for the profits of Pfizer. Thern there is the FDA on December 11, 2020, granted the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine emergency use authorization (EUA) for administration in individuals 16 years of age and older by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). That was followed by the May 10, 2021, the FDA expansion of these vaccines for the use of the shots to include adolescents 12 through 15 years of age. Finally, on June 17, 2022, the FDA authorized emergency use of the mRNA Covid vaccines from Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech to include use in children down to 6 months of age. Those people in the CDC should be put on trial.

A little more than a year thereafter, our mainstream media turned a blind-eye to a CDC release which revealed that nearly half a million children and young adults had died after receiving these vaccines. There has been reasonable coralation that nearly 120,000 of the 500,000 deaths were suspected to be linked to the Covid vaccines’ side effects. Now mainstream media has become like government – they too refuse to admit that there were wrong. They refuse to utter a word further confirming that the “free press” has become our enemy. The Trump indictment is far more important that killing children.

As for the question asking if I have ever advised Pfizer, the answer is NO WAY. To me, I would not want one cent from that company. Whatever money they have made on this COVID scam I believ if blood money.

Harris – Reducing the Population is a Real Goal

Armstrong Economics Blog/Population Re-Posted Jul 20, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

The White House claims that Vice President Kamala Harris made a gaff by saying that the goal was to “reduce population” when she should have said pollution. Of course, the immediate claim is that anyone disagreeing with that statement is engaging in a conspiracy theory. As they say, actions speak louder than words. She actually said the truth, and it is not a conspiracy theory. In Washington, they have been concerned with reducing population, which is the entire agenda behind climate change.

This entire LGBTQ is being pushed, but not for equality, for they won that in the Supreme Court. The military also had Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. This transgender push is to reduce the population. Only 1.6 million people in the entire United States identify as transgender. This is only 0.0048% of the population. Yet you would think it is really a sale effort to increase that to a majority to reduce the population. Speaking to people I know who are gay, they are suffering the blunt edge of this movement, for they are being thrown into the same category. They have chanted at Pride events, “Give us your children,” but if Jeffrey Epstein said they would petition for his execution.

This is NOT ending discrimination – it is creating it! Pushing it in schools and now separating boys’ and girls’ gyms in school is somehow identifying you as racist and far right. When military parades used to take place, it was just those of the various armed services. No longer. There has to be a “pride” flag. How about flags for every religion as well?

It was NOT a gaff. They tried to change it to pollution after the fact because of the backlash. This is by no means a conspiracy theory. This has been a movement funded by the rich people behind the climate change agenda. They both go hand-in-hand on the same path to hell. Don’t forget Gates’ fund to chip all women like a dog so he can use 5G to turn off the ability even to have children.

Noble Scientist says Climate Change is a Hoax

Armstrong Economics Blog/Climate Re-Posted Jul 15, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Dr. John Clauser, the co-winner of the 2022 Nobel Physics prize has come out and said the whole nonsense of Climate Change caused exclusively by CO2 is an absolute HOAX. Anyone who has ever studied physics cannot possibly conclude otherwise. There is absolutely NOTHING that can ever be reduced to a single cause and effect in anything. It is always a complex dynamic.

Here is Bill Gates who I would not trust to walk my dog admitting that blaming CO2 is not without dispute. There is just nothing, even in market movements, that can be reduced to a single cause and effect – PERIOD! Perhaps he should have paid attention in physics class, assuming he took it.

One of our clients was one of the top 5 Australian mining companies. Their CFO lost more than $50 million in the currency. They ordered him to meet with me. He knew my track record and said perhaps it was just a coincidence. Finally, I asked him what his background was. He hesitated and said physics. I said GREAT! Now look at the market through the Second Law of Thermodynamics. His jaw dropped and said – OMG, there has to be a cycle. I said you got it.

Heat always moves from hotter objects to colder objects (or “downhill”), unless energy in some form is supplied to reverse the direction of heat flow. 

The second law of thermodynamics establishes the concept of entropy as a physical property of a thermodynamic system.

Human activity cannot possibly create a one-way street that is the typical linear analysis that if the temperature rises by 1 degree per year, then in 50 years we will be all dead. That is like saying since the stock market rose 1,000 points this year, it continue to do so for the next 50 years. It is just an absurdity and thereby it is a HOAX for nobody in their right mind would ever make such an honest forecast of this nature. According to all this nonsense, we should have been dead by now.

Greta Thunberg deleted a 2018 tweet about the urgency of addressing climate change. Her tweet included a quote from an article that said an influential scientist warned climate change “will wipe out all humanity” unless fossil fuel use was ended “over the next five years.” Some have said that Great misquoted him since he claimed he never made such comments. Anyway, we are still alive – thank you linear analysis.

Malaria is Back – Thank Bill Gates and Oxitec

Armstrong Economics Blog/Disease Re-Posted Jul 3, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Cases of malaria have emerged in the US for the first time in 20 years. The timing could not be better as they are planning to release a new mRNA vaccine to combat malaria. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded Oxitec, a biotech company, a large grant to develop genetically modified mosquitos. They are making us sick and profiting on providing us with a cure.

In April 2021, the Gates Foundation announced that 150,000 mosquitoes would be released throughout Florida. Aedes aegypti, a mosquito species known to carry infectious diseases, was set to be released in mid-2021 in both Texas and Florida. The braindead idea was that these mosquitos, although deadly to humans, cannot reproduce and therefore would eliminate the mosquito population. The number of diseased mosquitos set for release continues to increase. In August of 2020, CNN reported that 750 MILLION diseased mosquitoes were set to be released in the Florida Keys. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is utterly useless and agreed to this mass experiment without analyzing the risks. Governor Ron DeSantis did nothing to prevent these GMO insects from infecting Floridians.

Oxtitec is calling this experiment “Friendly Mosquito Technology.” The company “anticipates” that it will not post a risk to animals, people, or the environment. The government, CDC, WHO, FDA, EPA, and every corrupt government agency funded with tax dollars to protect the public is allowing this to take place.

“During these field tests, Oxitec will release into the environment male mosquitoes genetically modified to carry a protein that will inhibit the survival of their female offspring when they mate with wild female mosquitoes. The male offspring will survive to become fully functional adults with the same genetic modification, providing multi-generational effectiveness that could ultimately lead to a reduction in Aedes aegypti mosquito populations in the release areas. EPA anticipates that this could be an effective tool to combat the spread of certain mosquito-borne diseases like the Zika virus in light of growing resistance to current insecticides.”

Gates funded the largest mosquito-growing facility in the world. A two-story building in Medellín, Colombia, is producing 30 million modified mosquitos per week. They are dropping eggs packed in gelatin capsules into the water to hatch, as well as releasing fully grown adult mosquitos into the air.

The government is permitting Gates to use the population as his test subjects. Every government agency has approved of this method, swearing up and down it is safe. Now we have a resurgence of a deadly disease not seen in the US for two decades. Where is the outrage?