The Second Motive of the Migrant Crisis Revealed

Posted originally on Feb 28, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Dollar Beat Up

I revealed how Democrats planned the deliberate invasion of America to secure votes for socialistic policies. There is a second motive that is not largely understood, but it becomes apparent when you follow the money. In particular, follow the dollar.

The dollar’s purchasing power is significantly less than it was a few short years ago. Americans understand that inflation is here to stay, and the cost of living far outpaces what they earn. Americans mourned the American dream and are living in survival mode. During private waves, when the public turns away from the government, people hoard their money. The American people no longer revere the USD and are turning away from all government investments. They see the value of their dollar declining every time they go to the store, pay their mortgage, or glimpse at their bank account. Tax season highlights the misuse of government funds as we are taxed every time we look at the dollar.

You know who does revere the dollar? Everyone living outside of America, especially the people in third world countries who still place the dollar on a pedestal because its purchasing power far outweighs their own national currency. Migrants are not following the American dream to build a new life; rather, they are following the dollar.

Fiat Money

Now, our fiat currency could easily be exposed for being worth less than the public perception. “Money” is merely worth its associated cost. There is not some magical bank within the Federal Reserve where they actually store trillions of dollars to use for every outlandish spending package. The Federal Reserve simply prints more money when demanded by monetary and fiscal policies. The dollar remains the strongest currency in circulation, for now, but it does not have the same strength as it once did.

The migrants provide the illusion of a stronger dollar and a reason to print in continuation to meet the monetary policies enacted under Biden. Furthermore, the migrants are provided with free housing, health care, food, and all other living expenses in order to perpetuate the concept of a strong dollar. If they were permitted to work, they would see that their wages would not take them far. They have no concept of American taxation. Therefore, the second motive behind the deliberate invasion of America lies within the declining purchasing power of the USD.

Interview: Gold Surges Between War-Driven Inflation Dynamics

Posted originally on Jan 14, 2024 By Martin Armstrong |

Interview with GoldSeek Radio:

Head of Armstrong Economics, Martin Armstrong, reviews charts of the major indexes in real-time, noting “2024 could be a chaotic year.”

– Interest rates rise during boom periods.

“Yeah, I think people have to understand that the vast majority of analysis out there is all domestic. They’re just calling for the Fed and I think so many of them are talking about a major crash in 2024. What they never do is look outside the country. And honestly, if you look at the 3 indexes look at the Dow, the S&P, and then the NASDAQ, you’ll see the Dow leading.

And that is basically showing you that what’s going on here is international capital inflows. I mean, the more it’s getting crazy for wars just about everywhere. From Asia, you’re looking at the Middle East. You’re looking at Europe. We have probably more institutional clients than anybody in the world and they’re all starting to wake up a little bit and hedging their bets and they’re moving money to the States. That’s why the Dow has been rising, more so than you see. We have probably more institutional clients than anybody in the world and they’re all starting to wake up a little.

… but then again you have people just looking at the Fed and talking about ‘Oh, transparency.’ And is they only ever keep talking about old defense, going to ‘Lower rates, lower rates, lower rates.’

If you really look at it, objectively, interest rates always rise during boom periods, and they decline during recessions and depressions. We are looking at increased inflation, probably into 2028 caused by shortages and war. But you’re looking at a declining economic growth, so that ends up being more like the 1970s…and you’re looking there at what we call “Stagflation” where the inflation rate will be higher than economic growth.

– Increased inflation could erupt due to supply shortages and skirmishes.
– Stagflation similar to the 70’s could soon come to the domestic economy.

“That was basically caused by OPEC raising the price of oil dramatically and that created a cost-push inflation. So everybody’s costs were rising dramatically. Anything that had to do with plastic, went up dramatically and that created eventually the inflationary boom between 1976 going into 1980. As for gold rose to $875, etc…I think gold was about a $100 in 1976 and it rose to about $400 but that was by December 1979, the last six weeks of the rally, which peaked in 1980 on January 21st. So from December to January 21st, that’s when Russia invaded Afghanistan. So it was the geopolitical stuff that took gold from $400 to $875. So it’s important to understand inflation is not the major driving power but inflation when war is around – that’s what broke Bretton Woods…it was the Vietnam War.”

– Funds may be flowing into the blue-chip Dow Jones 30 stocks from global unrest.
– Geopolitical opinion and commentary.

Gold v Political Reform

Posted originally on Jan 14, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Dow Gold Ratio Y 1 13 24

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, My wife insists that I write to thank you for making me invest in stocks rather than gold. We split the money, and my wife invested in the Dow with your 2015 ECM turn, and I kept the gold. She beat me on the Dow since it closed in 2023, up about 250%. After reading your input into history, am I correct that this argument of fiat currency is erroneous? It seems like civilizations have risen and fallen, no matter the money system at the time. Could you elaborate on whether this is true or false?

Disappointed goldbug.


ANSWER: Not many men would admit their wives beat them in investments. Many things have been used for money, from bronze and clam shells to emergency paper currency. Those who insist that somehow gold is the only thing that is money do not know their history, and in the process, they have been misled seriously, which actually prevents them from seeing the real problem. Bitcoin is not money nor a medium of exchange because not everyone will accept it. A medium of exchange has to be something that everyone accepts.

There is a common theme that runs through ALL forms of money, and it has NOTHING to do with what is being used as the medium of exchange.

Minoan Ingot Sheep Skin

If we are objective, even metal has varied. Bronze was valuable because it could be used to make a tool or a weapon – hence the Bronze Age. It was first used in an ingot form. However, it was cast in the shape of an earlier form of money – sheepskins. Thus, the story of Jason is in search of the golden fleece.

Rome AesSignatum Bull
Lydia FirstCoins

The Romans cast bronze into ingots, and the value was equal to one head of cattle. The first coins of Rome are also bronze, beginning with just lumps and then taking the standardized weight and shape. In Turkey, they began with what was known as electrum, which was a natural alloy mixture of gold and silver found in the riverbeds.

The official first coins were struck in Lydia, modern-day Turkey. This was the first “fiat” money since it was declared a standard value by the king, who applied the image of a lion. This was his badge, certifying its value and weight.


For example, there was a metal that was second to gold, which was really just brass. Orichalcum was the legendary metal of Atlantis, whose buildings were said to have been clad in this rare metal that looked similar to gold. Orichalcum was mined in Atlantis in ancient times, but by the time of Plato, this metal was unknown. Orichalcum was a legend by Plato’s time when he mentioned it in his story of Atlantis in the Critas of Plato. Critias (460–403 BC) says that Orichalcum had been considered second only to gold in value and had been found and mined in many parts of


Nero also experimented with issuing the traditional bronze coinage in Orichalcum (brass). In order to render the Dupondius distinguishable from its half-denomination, Roman As a radiate crown was added to this denomination, leaving the traditional laurel wreath style portrait for the Roman As. The Dupondius reform prevailed until the end of Dupondius’s regular issues, while the experiment in brass died out following Hadrian (117-138AD).

Common Theme

A gold standard will not solve the problem because it is NOT what is being used as money but the system. If governments issued platinum coins and claimed these are worth $100,000 each, that is also fiat, where the government decrees the value. This common thread that runs through everything is the trustworthiness of the government. As long as we have socialism, where politicians promise things, they will always create more money to accomplish that. DEBT = MONEY that pays interest. People also point to the Fed and overlook the fact that it is Congress that creates the money by issuing debt that can be used as an asset in a loan.

Gold will not solve the problem. We need political reform FIRST and then worry about constraining government thereafter.

Debanking Gold Dealers

Armstrong Economics Blog/Banking Crisis Re-Posted Aug 28, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

I reported previously that a dealer I knew suddenly had his credit line closed. I have warned that besides banks preparing for the coming CBCDs closing local branches in the USA as well as in Britain, I seriously question if they will allow people to buy precious metals and use cryptocurrencies post-CBDC. This is about control, and they want to shut down what they view as the underground economy, which they estimate is 20%-35%, and this is about increasing their taxation to automatic theft. This is the net result of Direct Taxation, which the Founding Fathers warned would happen, so they prohibited any form of Direct Taxation in the Constitution. The Socialists seized power and pushed for the income tax in 1913, and that has been a slow grinding process that led to eventually owning nothing and being very miserable – not happy.

Welcome to the Tyranny of Republics that NEVER Represent the People as History Warns

Spoofing = Manipulation?

Armstrong Economics Blog/Traders Re-Posted Aug 23, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

QUESTION: Marty, How the hell are you? It’s been too long. This case of charging manipulation of precious metals being “spoofing” is the end of the free markets. This eliminates the locals, and trading will never be the same. I remember when the lawyers over the insider trading cases with Michael Milken came to you, and you wrote about that back then and how they turned it upside down. Do you think turning spoofing into manipulation is the death knell of trading as we head into 2032?


ANSWER: Yes, it has been a long time. I don’t know how you trade size anymore. I would not want to trade a major fund in this atmosphere. I probably should explain why Milken and all those charged with insider trading were really innocent. During the Great Depression, insider trading was defined as a director who knew the company would go bankrupt, and he sold his shares BEFORE releasing that information. That is what REAL insider trading indeed was.

The problem with our law is that a prosecutor gets to create a new theory of the law and then charges you, and it can be precisely the opposite of what the law was intended to do. I saw them charge Muslims after 9/11 with money laundering because they paid off one credit card with another. That certainly was not the intent of money laundering. If you have cash now, they will consider it money laundering because you are trying to avoid taxes.

The theory they used against Milken was that, let’s say, you and I intend to take over General Motors. The legal theory was that we defrauded the person reading this from the same OPPORTUNITY to make money. They did not lose anything. They turned inside trading upside down. The various lawyers came to me because I had written about what real inside trading was back in 1986.

Trading has always been just a poker game. When I would call a bank for a quote, they would always try to read what I would do and move the spread in that direction. Sometimes, you have to pretend to be a buyer if you really have the size to sell. If “spoofing” is now manipulation, trading is finished. You cannot call Goldman Sachs and say, gee, I want to sell $1 billion. They will clip you.

John Maynard Keys wrote in 1926 “The End of Laizzez-Faire” which was the piece that argued that the government can MANIPULATE the economy by using interest rates to manage demand. It was the “New Economics” which completely failed. Before he died, he admitted he was wrong and that not even central banks could manipulate the trend of the economy, no less a single market. Paul Volcker, back in 1979, wrote about the failure of Keynesian Economics in his Rediscovery of the Business Cycle. I remember Paul and I had a conversation about that back in 1998.

Even Larry Summers, the father of NEGATIVE interest rates, admitted that economists cannot forecast the future trend of the economy. Absolutely NOBODY can manipulate any market that changes its direction. Yes, locals could gun for stops and move the quotes on the London Fix, so it kicks off the stops. But that does not change the trend. Those who have pushed this theory that the metals are manipulated have been wrong in their analysis. They push this theory that the metals rise with inflation when they have not done so for centuries.

Gold declined for 19 years, from 1980 to 1999, while the national debt kept rising so much for the debt and inflation theories. Gold does NOT rise with inflation – it rises with geopolitical uncertainty. And when we were on a gold standard, gold declined with inflation. Moving to some gold standard will NOT defeat the business cycle and prevent inflation. There is far more to inflation than just the nonsense of the quantity of money. Most of the theories these people push to sell their gold are false, and as a result, they then have to claim that gold has been manipulated to keep it suppressed to cover their ass, for their analysis is biased.

Even the propaganda they put out about the Great Depression is false. Commodities peaked in 1919 with the shortages thanks to World War I. Silver declined and made its low in 1932, with the stock market collapsing from its 1919 high. Then there is the propaganda that gold and the share market are supposed to decline because of Keynesian Economics raising interest rates. Sorry! That is also a myth and fake news, yet they preach that every time. The stocks soared, and they called it the Trump Rally while the Fed kept raising rates. Gold also rose with rising interest rates.

Welcome to the chaos and misinformation that has plagued investors since the Great Depression.

M A interview with, Man in America

Armstrong Economics Blog/Armstrong in the Media Re-Posted Aug 19, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Will They Shut Down Gold & Cryptocurrencies with CBDC?

Armstrong Economics Blog/Civil Unrest RePosted Jul 27, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

There is no question that the real problem here is that the financial system is collapsing. These morons have been borrowing since World War II with ZERO intention of ever paying off the debt. They are running out of buyers. Attacking Russia and China has divided the world economy, which may be the Neocons’ goal, but they do not care about the country or the people. They are just sick individuals engaging in hate crimes. Now they are running out of buyers for their endless borrowing. They NEED to default on the debt, and it is what Schwab is really saying you will own nothing and be happy.

Do not forget that Christine Lagarde, who is now the head of the European Central Bank, got where she is because of Schwab. She was on his board of trustees. The same is true about the head of the IMF and the head of the EU. The World Economic Forum has infiltrated everything. They are pushing for the end of any possible right to vote. We, the people, are far too stupid to understand the world as only they can. After all, they see themselves as a demigod since they are above everyone else.

Democracy is how Trump came to power. They are not about to allow a non-career politician to ever take power. This is why they are attacking RFJ. Democracy becomes evil “populism” when the people vote against the establishment. This is also why they are doing everything possible against Trump. If that does not work, they will assassinate him as they did to JFK.

If you are going to play poker, you better know who you are playing against. Do they bluff? Can you tell? Those who blindly think that somehow cryptocurrencies will be the alternative of CBDCs are too caught up in their own BS to open their eyes. This is all about total control. There is NO WAY that these people will allow any private cryptocurrency to complete. In addition, the controls that Lagarde is talking about will also be the shutdown the purchase of gold and silver post-2024. This is a game for ultimate power. That is what we face going into 2032. They will fail, for freedom will surface, and we are looking at massive civil unrest and, ultimately, revolutions worldwide. Any alternative will threaten their power.