Excess Deaths – Thank you Pfizer

Posted originally on Jan 7, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Social Justice Fallacies

Armstrong Economics Blog/Economics Re-Posted Sep 23, 2023 by Martin Armstron

Populism v Democracy

Armstrong Economics Blog/Politics Re-Posted Sep 3, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

COMMENT: You are just a Trump supporter. Nothing else.

REPLY: I feel sorry for you. You cannot obviously question whatever the government tells you. You are the prime example of what Stanley Milgram uncovered – Obedience to Authority. I hope you have no family. Under your guidance, you have condemned their future to economic slavery, just as I saw in East Germany before the wall fell. You do not have the courage to even sign your comment. I strongly recommend you read Stanley’s book.

No person is perfect – Trump included. You hate Trump so much, but you think our politicians in Washington really care about you? Good luck with that one.

Here is John Kerry also explaining that democracy is populism when it votes them out of power and must be terminated. This is your Climate Zar who flies around in his private jet telling coal minors to make solar panels, and you should live in his 15-minute cities and walk everywhere – no more cars.

I am so glad I am not 18 years old. It’s people like you who are cheering on a new Dark Age. They call it the Dark Age after Rome fell in 476 AD. Thus, Europe was thrust into a time of “darkness.” The years that would follow, lack of books, freedom, knowledge, any scientific advancement, and the collapse of all cultural advancement until the Renaissance. You already live in a Darl Age imposed by censorship, which is the beginning of the decline and fall.

Wikipedia is now Officially Government Propaganda DO NOT DONATE ANYTHING

Armstrong Economics Blog/Press Re-Posted Aug 5, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Larry Sanger, one of the founders of Wikipedia, states plainly it is now all propaganda


Harris – Reducing the Population is a Real Goal

Armstrong Economics Blog/Population Re-Posted Jul 20, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

The White House claims that Vice President Kamala Harris made a gaff by saying that the goal was to “reduce population” when she should have said pollution. Of course, the immediate claim is that anyone disagreeing with that statement is engaging in a conspiracy theory. As they say, actions speak louder than words. She actually said the truth, and it is not a conspiracy theory. In Washington, they have been concerned with reducing population, which is the entire agenda behind climate change.

This entire LGBTQ is being pushed, but not for equality, for they won that in the Supreme Court. The military also had Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell. This transgender push is to reduce the population. Only 1.6 million people in the entire United States identify as transgender. This is only 0.0048% of the population. Yet you would think it is really a sale effort to increase that to a majority to reduce the population. Speaking to people I know who are gay, they are suffering the blunt edge of this movement, for they are being thrown into the same category. They have chanted at Pride events, “Give us your children,” but if Jeffrey Epstein said they would petition for his execution.

This is NOT ending discrimination – it is creating it! Pushing it in schools and now separating boys’ and girls’ gyms in school is somehow identifying you as racist and far right. When military parades used to take place, it was just those of the various armed services. No longer. There has to be a “pride” flag. How about flags for every religion as well?

It was NOT a gaff. They tried to change it to pollution after the fact because of the backlash. This is by no means a conspiracy theory. This has been a movement funded by the rich people behind the climate change agenda. They both go hand-in-hand on the same path to hell. Don’t forget Gates’ fund to chip all women like a dog so he can use 5G to turn off the ability even to have children.