Putin Spotted Laughing as Biden Celebrates with “Oyster Bunnies”

Posted originally on the CTH on April 1, 2024 | Sundance

I strongly doubt that Chairman Xi, President Putin or Chairman Kim think about Joe Biden for a single moment. Everyone knows Biden is a propped optic for the people behind the administration who control him.

At a certain point it just gets embarrassing to keep pretending. Check his polling, Biden isn’t collapsing because the left dislike his policies; Biden is collapsing because more and more leftists are being ridiculed and shamed.

Today, Joe Biden celebrated his national transgender egg roll days with the “oyster bunnies.” WATCH:


It was really bad.  Really bad.


As the Country Divides – so do Families

Posted originally on Mar 2, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Dividing Families

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, My son voted for Biden because he said Trump he thought was an asshole. We hardly talk any more for he is among the brainwashed. He will not change his mind, for he then has to admit he has been wrong. It has gotten to the point I am changing my will and he gets nothing. A few of my friends are in the same boat. This has divided the nation, but it is also destroying families.


REPLY: I have friend who no longer talk to their children and they are European and that is over climate change and COVID. This is the hated that is a deliberate psychological war tactic that they have used against our own people. Who cares if Trump is arrogant as long as he keeps the world at peace, protects our privacy, and stands up against the Deep State? This is becoming a vote for Trump or Victoria Nuland – because Biden is not there. Families are being broken up, and there is no going back.

Jack King Marty Armstrong

My old partner, Jack King, out of the blue one day said to me if anything happens to him, make sure his children get nothing and everything was to go to his second wife. I do not know if it was a premonition, but three weeks later, Jack died of a heart attack while scuba diving. It was Jack who opened Japan. I had to honor his wishes. So, I have seen this far more often than one might think. I am in a similar position with someone else. Blood is not always thicker than water.

Twain on a fool

You cannot argue with a fool, for they will always claim to say what they know, but it takes wisdom to know what you are saying. Mark Twain said it best. It is far easier to fool someone, as your son has been brainwashed, but it is virtually impossible to reverse his thinking to convince him that he has been fooled. To a large extent, I see this in trading. People will hold onto a loss because they cannot admit they made a mistake. That is why it is a maxim in trading – NEVER marry the trade. Unfortunately, it may simply be irreversible. I have witnessed this too many times.


As I have been trying to explain, the LEFT has been engaging in psychological warfare. The routinely demonize an opponent like Sadam Huesain, Putin, and they used that tactic of Trump. So you sone has been brainwashed and it’s no different that you still see people wearing masks and driving alone in their car. They have been psychologically damaged.

WEF Schwab You Will Own Nothing

Karl Marx and his followers view the family as a tool of capitalism. They believe its primary functions are to reproduce the workforce, pass down private property (maintaining class inequality), and act as a consumption unit to support the capitalist economy. It was more than just the state owning everything – you will own nothing and be happy as the World Economic Forum is pushing.

What this entire agenda is designed to do is to break up the family unit. This means that WEF, and Marxists, see society as being structured along class lines. Destroying the family unit ends the inequality for parents cannot then pass on anything of wealth to their children. There were some trying to push in Australia that upon your death, everything goes to the States – not your heirs. That did not go down very well. But it shows there are those out there with that mentality.

Marx insisted that institutions generally work in the interests of the elite bourgeoisie class, who have economic power over those of the much larger working class or proletariat. In Marxism, he attributed nothing to innovation and maintained that the bourgeoisie gains their wealth purely by exploiting the proletariat’s labor. For this reason, there is an inherent conflict of interest between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat in Marxism. Communism failed because innovation comes from free thinking. When you suppress individuality, the entire economy stagnates.

Nevertheless, no matter how often they fail, they are at it again because they are fools who never learn from their mistakes. What they are doing is the deliberate act of dividing the country and at the core they have been using Wokeness and demonizing Trump to destroy the family unit which they see as the foundation of the Communist state. Marx himself wrote:

“On what foundation is the present family, the bourgeois family, based? On capital, on private gain. In its completely developed form, this family exists only among the bourgeoisie.”

Marx advocated the confiscation of all property to destroy the family by simply abolishing the right to own property.

“The bourgeois family will vanish as a matter of course when its complement vanishes, and both will vanish with the vanishing of capital.”

Gallup Poll is Democracy Working

The refusal of your son to objectively admit that he made a mistake in voting for Biden, which is only human. If he refuses to reconsider the facts and events since 2020, this warns that he is too far gone and likely unsalvageable. I know this is hard to swallow. Gallup Poll back in 1984 found that 61% of Americans were satisfied with U.S. democracy. It was nearly as high, at 60%, in 1991. Now in 2024, it is down to just 28%.

2032 Sixth Wave

Welcome to 2032

Deep State wants Absentee Presidents

Posted originally on Feb 12, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

COMMENT: You have far more experience dealing with governments than any of these newsletter commentators. RFK just confirmed what you have been saying and what Putin said: that the president does not really make the decisions. RFK just said, “There are entrenched interests and special interests in government that actually benefit from having a president who is not completely competent. ” He is talking about the Deep State without using that term.

I was in Austin. I didn’t get a chance to shake your hand at Mikki’s event. I did see you talking to RFK’s people. I hope he listens to you.


Trump Cabinet Meeting

ANSWER: The role of the President is to be the referee at these Cabinet Meetings. Biden is on vacation 40% of the time. He does not have the mental capacity nor the stamina to do the job. The agencies always want an ABSENTEE president. They get to do what they want and never have to answer to anyone. This is what is tearing the country apart. We have all of these agencies doing their own thing, and nobody is coordinating anything. The State Department is driving us into World War III, and nobody can put the brakes on these people. They threaten China over Taiwan when China is the largest holder of US debt. Then, the Treasury has to send Yellen over to beg for them to keep buying US debt. If they stop, long-term interest rates will soar.

Deep State 1

We can’t even take 90 days more of this insanity. They are trying to create war by July under the theory no president has ever lost during the war. The Democrats would not even allow anyone else to be on the ticket against Biden, fearing he cannot debate and will lose. They have told Democratic states to try to remove Trump and launched relentless actions against Trump, desperate to ensure four more years with Biden and absentee leadership. This is the Deep State in complete control.

Hillary Warning the Right Will Steal the 2024 Election

Posted Feb 4, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Biden 1st President to Start both WW III & a second Civil War

Posted originally on Feb 1, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

President Trump Gives Press Conference Following Meeting with Teamsters Union in Washington DC

Posted originally on the CTH on January 31, 2024 | Sundance

Earlier today, President Donald Trump participated in a roundtable discussion with the Teamsters executive board, its president and members at the annual meeting in Washington DC.  President Trump chose to attend the conference as he continues to focus on Main Street blue collar workers who helped fuel the MAGA 2016 victory.

The blue collar MAGA coalition is expected to play a major role in the November election – particularly in Midwestern swing states like Wisconsin and Michigan.  The America First agenda delivered significant gains for U.S. manufacturing workers throughout President Trump’s first term.  At the conclusion of the meeting with Teamsters, President Trump delivered comments to the oppositional media.  [The audio improves at 01:50 of the video] WATCH:


Rudy and VDH Debrief on the New Lawfare Era Showcased by the E Jean Carroll Nonsense

Posted originally on the CTH on January 27, 2024

Rudy Giuliani brought up some good points that were surreptitiously also noted by Victor Davis Hanson.   As Giuliani noted in an interview with Newsmax, the core elements of the E Jean Carroll claims never made any sense.

Specifically, Carroll couldn’t even put a date or YEAR on her claims against Donald Trump, but that really didn’t matter in a civil case where the New York state legislature literally wrote a new law that permitted the lawsuit against Donald Trump.  WATCH:

Victor Davis Hanson makes some of the same points, only with a little more detail:

VDH – […] “The civil suit serves as a mere preview of four additional leftwing criminal prosecutions, leftwing judges, and leftwing juries to come—all on charges that would never had been filed if Trump either had not run for president or been a liberal progressive.

Yet here we are.

The E. Jean Carroll case is the most baffling of all five. She, the alleged victim, did not remember even the year in which the purported sexual assault took place, nearly three decades ago. Observers have pointed out dozens of inconsistencies in her story.

It was never clear what were the preliminaries that supposedly (Trump denies meeting her) led both, allegedly, willingly to retreat together to a department store dressing room, where during normal business hours the alleged violence took place.

Moreover, the sexual assault complaint came forward decades post facto—and only after Trump was running for and then president.

Carroll eventually sued him for battery, but well after the statute of limitations had expired and thus the case seemed defunct.

Her claims of defamation injuries arise from being fired from her advice column job at ELLE magazine.

She claimed that Trump’s sharp denials and ad hominem retorts led to her career ruin. But the loss for anyone of a column at 76 does not seem such a rare occurrence, and the absence of a salaried job in one’s late seventies for four years does not seem to equate to a $83 million hit.

And note the allegation that her dispute with Trump led to her firing was strongly denied by the very magazine that cut her loose.

But then another strange thing happened. In 2022, a new law (“The Adult Survivors Act”) was passed in the New York legislature. It also post facto established a twelve-month window (beginning six months from the signing of bill) that permitted survivors of long ago alleged sexual assaults suddenly to sue the accused long-ago perpetrator—regardless of the previous statute of limitations.

That unexpected opening suddenly gave Carroll’s prior unsuccessful efforts a rebirth. And she quickly refiled with the help of arch-Trump hating billionaire Hoffman.

Yet the bill may have been introduced with Trump particularly in mind—given the legislator who introduced it, Brad Hoylman-Siga, was known as another Trump antagonist.

More interestingly, he had earlier introduced and had passed another Trump-targeted bill. That “TRUST” act had empowered particular federal Congressional committees to have access to the New York State once sealed tax returns of high-ranking government officials—such as Trump.

That bill’s generally agreed subtext was a green light for anti-Trump members of Congress to obtain legal access to Donald J. Trump’s tax returns.

So there is an eerie feeling that the New York legislature may have abruptly passed legislation that was aimed at the past conduct of Donald Trump but only after he entered the political arena.

While these are not quite bills of attainder, there is something unsettling if they are post facto laws aimed at targeting the most famous and controversial man in America and the leading candidate for the presidency.

In essence they were targeted statutes designed to make Trump’s prior legally unactionable behavior suddenly quite legally actionable.

Trump will be subject to such special treatment all summer and fall.

Prosecutors Bragg, James, Smith, and Willis will synchronize their court business for maximum effect.

Trump again will face leftwing prosecutors, judges, and juries on charges that are politically driven, involving alleged behavior that is either usually not criminalized or not to the same degree as Trump’s case. (Do we remember the nearly $375,000 federal fine belatedly leveled at an exempt Obama but only five years after his 2008 illegal garnering of, and not reporting, foreign campaign contributions?)

The stakes are higher each day as Trump closes in on the nomination and thus becomes the hope of half the country to end the Biden madness.

Somehow Trump will have to stay calm, give no opening to his legion of hostile prosecutors, while conducting a nonstop campaign against Biden (and for a while Hayley), and while fighting to keep his name on various state ballots.

So what we are witnessing is not even the extralegal efforts of Steele/Fusion GPS, Perkins Coie/DNC/Hillary Clinton in 2016, or the 2020 “Russian disinformation” ruse/change the voting laws/infuse half a billion dollars to absorb the work of the registrar machinations against Trump.

We are way beyond all that. The legal system itself, hand-in-glove with leftwing politicos (compare campaign boasts of James and Willis, or prosecutorial visits to the January 6 committee and the White House) is turning the process of balloting and elections into an embarrassing farce.

Still, Trump will have to soldier on. He must stay controlled amid the tsunamis, not play into the hands of his accusers, and remember that he may soon be the only eleventh-hour hope to stop this mockery of American law, customs and traditions.” (link)

Has President Biden Committed Treason & Should be Removed form Office Immediately?

Posted originally on Jan 24, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Supremacy Clause U.S Constitution

We have a MAJOR Constitutional Crisis between the actions of Biden himself and the recent Supreme Court ruling against Texas relying on the Supremacy Clause, which defies the entire intent of the purpose and promises of joining the union. It is astonishing that Justices Roberts and Barrett sided with the left wing and have allowed Biden’s federal officers to continue removing the border fencing erected by the state of Texas while the case is pending.

I am sorry; the Supreme Court is seriously wrong in this decision. The Supremacy Clause may say that Federal decrees overrule state law, but here we are talking about an executive order that is not democratically enacted or even presented to Congress. If the President decrees that you must kill all your firstborn, which Congress never enacted, does that force everyone to do so because of the Supremacy Clause? It is fundamental in the interpretation of law or the Constitution that you cannot interpret one clause of the Constitution in such a way that it violates another.

Article IV

Section 4
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

Article I Legislative Branch
Section 10 Powers Denied States

Clause 3 Acts Requiring Consent of Congress
No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.

Illegal Aliens Migrants Texas Border
Border Sign

The Texas response to the Supreme Court’s order has sparked a heated debate, but honest, serious legal questions have emerged that go to the very heart of the United States’ structure and why Biden has so divided the country. It truly can no longer stand united. In defiance of the Supreme Court’s order, which was SERIOUSLY FLAWED, a decision to install even more razor wire in Eagle Pass has raised several questions about the state’s authority and its conflict with federal laws.

The defiance of the Supreme Court’s order has also raised concerns about the respect for the rule of law, as some expressed fears that this could lead to a conflict between the state and federal authorities. Under this interpretation, Biden should send troops and invade Texas as if this were the Civil War. After all, that’s what Abraham Lincoln did. Some of this is that Texas could take its case to the international court. That is absurd, for the US has refused to join the International Criminal Court, so they have no jurisdiction.

Biden Has No Authority to Refuse to Execute the Immigration Law as it stands now contrary to his Oath of Office.

Biden took an oath of office which states:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

An executive order is a directive from the President with much of the same power as a federal law. Several landmark moments in American history came about directly from the use of executive orders issued from the White House’s desk, including one Supreme Court decision that limited a presidential executive order issued by Harry Truman in Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, 343 U.S. 579 (1952). This is a critical case because it directly deals with an Executive Order.

Truman believed to avert a nationwide strike of steel workers in April 1952, claiming it would jeopardize national defense, he issued an Executive Order directing the Secretary of Commerce to seize and operate most of the steel mills in the country. There was no statutory authority granting such authority. Still, Truman asserted that it was covered by the claim that his power was based on all powers vested in the President by the Constitution and laws of the United States and as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces.

5th Amendmnet Taking Clause

The Secretary issued an order to seize the steel mills and directed their presidents to operate them as operating managers for the United States as if they were slaves. Truman did report his action to Congress, but Congress took no action. Even the Fifth Amendment Taking Clause was ignored. This even prevents the claims that the government will just confiscate everyone’s assets. The military is what supports the government and takes its assets away as well, and the government falls.

So here we have the only Supreme Court case on an Executive Order, and the Supreme Court limited and reduced it. It expressly held that the Executive Order was not authorized by the Constitution or laws of the United States, and it cannot stand. Pp. 343 U. S. 585-589. Furthermore, it expressly stated that there is no statute that expressly or impliedly authorizes the President to take possession of this property as he did here. Pp. 343 U. S. 585-586.

Biden Has Committed Treason by Deliberately Violating His Oath of Office

Section 3
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.

The Court construed the other treason offense authorized by the Constitution similarly narrowly in Cramer v. United States (1945). That case involved another infamous incident in American history: the Nazi Saboteur Affair. Cramer was prosecuted for treason for allegedly helping German soldiers who had secretly infiltrated American soil during World War II. In reviewing Cramer’s treason conviction, the Court explained that a person could be convicted of treason ONLY if he or she adhered to an enemy and gave that enemy “aid and comfort” which Biden is doing.

As the Cramer Court explained:

“A citizen intellectually or emotionally may favor the enemy and harbor sympathies or convictions disloyal to this country’s policy or interest, but, so long as he commits no act of aid and comfort to the enemy, there is no treason. On the other hand, a citizen may take actions which do aid and comfort the enemy—making a speech critical of the government or opposing its measures, profiteering, striking in defense plants or essential work, and the hundred other things which impair our cohesion and diminish our strength—but if there is no adherence to the enemy in this, if there is no intent to betray, there is no treason.”

In other words, the Constitution requires both concrete action and an intent to betray the nation before a citizen can be convicted of treason; expressing traitorous thoughts or intentions alone does not suffice.

From October 2022 last year to September 2023, officials at the southern border have arrested 169 people whose names matched those on the terrorist watch list, compared with 98 during the previous fiscal year and 15 in 2021, according to government data. These are just the people they caught. Watch RFK’s Nightmare at the Border, and he has confirmed that the majority of the people coming in are NOT from South America.

Governor Abbot is Correct

Biden is REFUSING to execute the law passed by Congress and has embarked on an agenda that, WHATEVER Trump did, he has to reverse regardless of the consequences. For a president to REFUSE to execute the law, NO statutory or constitutional authority allows him to do so. Not only is the Governor correct, but this illustrates why the United States cannot stand as a union, for once again, the government usurps all authority to a central government as did Stalin in Russia, and it is only a matter of time before the government to collapse. That is the verdict throughout history – no dictatorial central government has ever survived long-term.

Empires 3rdCentury Gallic Postumus Roman

The Roman Empire split over this same issue. In fact, Postumus (260-269AD) issued a coin with the reverse showing him coming to the rescue to defend France, Netherlands, and Britain against the flood of immigrants pouring in from the other side of the Danube – the Restitutor Galliar” (the restorer of Gaul).

Postumus Restorer of Gall

As many know, the computer has been forecasting civil unrest, and eventually, the United States will split, as will Europe. Centralized Control, when adopted by a government, ends the very purpose of forming a civilization when everyone benefits. This Biden Administration is acting by an executive order bypassing the Congress that theoretically represented We the People. These forecasts are by no means my personal opinion or wish. I have done my best to WARN the government that this path leads to dissolution. But they refuse to listen and prefer to roll around in the mud like a pig with no cares in the world. It is HISTORY that warns this is not going to end nicely. But nobody will listen because they prefer Klaus Schwab’s new world of total power ending elections.

Breaking Up Is Hard to Do

The Catalyst for the Next US Civil War?

Posted originally on Jan 19, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Could this be the catalyst for the next civil war? The federal government warned the Texas National Guard to  “cease and desist its efforts to block Border Patrol’s access in and around the Shelby Park area and remove all barriers to access to the U.S.-Mexico border.” Texas said NO and numerous states are sending resources to Texas to stand against the federal government.

Since the Biden Administration has adopted an open border policy, Texas has implemented a state law whereby they will arrest all illegal aliens entering their state. The federal government has done everything to prevent Texas from stopping the surge of migrants and neither side will cave. “The recent actions by the State of Texas have impeded operations of the Border Patrol. Those actions conflict with the authority and duties of Border Patrol under federal law and are preempted under the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution. Texas’s actions also improperly seek to regulate the federal government,” the DHS said in a letter to Texas AG Ken Paxton. Texas responded by saying it will “not surrender to Biden’s destructive open-border policies.”

A mother and her two children drowned in the river while crossing into Texas. The federal government is solely blaming Texas rather than their failed policies that invited people to cross into the nation in the first place. The Mexican government stepped in to retrieve the family, and US Border Patrol did not show up until after the incident. Forget the millions who have died from the drugs and crime crossing into the US; the MSM will now focus on these three people over the coming weeks.

Numerous Republican governors in other states, especially the south, are sending resources to Texas immediately. Around 100 migrants are crossing into Texas from this specific area every HOUR. This is one of the dirtiest ploys in recent political history. The year 2023 marked the first time in modern US history that the number of migrants far outpaced the number of births in America. The demographics of America have been permanently altered and people are continuing to pile into the country. The Democrats admitted the open border policy was a deliberate attempt to flood the nation with people who would vote for socialistic policies as the usher in the New World Order, but most were utterly clueless regarding the resources required to carry out their failed scheme. Now, their Sanctuary cities and states are in ruin; they have run out of resources.

American Dream

The far-left told migrants to come to America where the American dream would await them. The American Dream of the 1950s is DEAD. Even hardworking Americans can no longer obtain the lifestyle that was once promised and provided to legal immigrants. These migrants today are unable to work and expect the taxpaying citizens of this nation to pay for their new lives. The future of our nation depends on stopping the deliberate invasion of America.

TMobile Provides Government Access to Your Texts

Posted originally on Dec 28, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 


(Click on above image for clear resolution)

TMobile now has the authority to read your personal text messages. The mobile provider quietly updated their terms of conditions to monitor SHAFT (sex, hate, alcohol, firearms, and tobacco). The list of questionable categories may now be monitored by the Cellular Telephone Industries Association (CITA) as we move closer to full totalitarianism.

Other companies, such as AT&T, have a long history of partnering with the US government to enable backdoor access into their systems. Warrants are no longer required for investigations as EVERYONE is seen as a potential criminal. Violations could come with a fine of up to $2,000.


The government has the moral authority to tell us what is considered “hate speech.” Conservatives will be targeted. As we have seen countless times in Biden’s America, anyone who questions his administration is censored, deplatformed, or fined. MAGA supporters have been deemed the most dangerous domestic terrorist group in the nation by the standing [often falling] president. Have an issue with vaccines or COVID? Planning to attend a rally for Trump’s re-election? Upset by the blatant sexualization of youth and dismantling of the family unit? Disagree with Bidenomics? Well, if you answered yes to any of these, you may be in violation of the law beginning on January 1, 2024.

This may be one of the largest abuses of power since the Patriot Act. Clearly, they are implementing this ahead of the 2024 US Presidential Election, as we will see massive civil unrest as we head into the new year.