Interview: Gold Surges Between War-Driven Inflation Dynamics

Posted originally on Jan 14, 2024 By Martin Armstrong |

Interview with GoldSeek Radio:

Head of Armstrong Economics, Martin Armstrong, reviews charts of the major indexes in real-time, noting “2024 could be a chaotic year.”

– Interest rates rise during boom periods.

“Yeah, I think people have to understand that the vast majority of analysis out there is all domestic. They’re just calling for the Fed and I think so many of them are talking about a major crash in 2024. What they never do is look outside the country. And honestly, if you look at the 3 indexes look at the Dow, the S&P, and then the NASDAQ, you’ll see the Dow leading.

And that is basically showing you that what’s going on here is international capital inflows. I mean, the more it’s getting crazy for wars just about everywhere. From Asia, you’re looking at the Middle East. You’re looking at Europe. We have probably more institutional clients than anybody in the world and they’re all starting to wake up a little bit and hedging their bets and they’re moving money to the States. That’s why the Dow has been rising, more so than you see. We have probably more institutional clients than anybody in the world and they’re all starting to wake up a little.

… but then again you have people just looking at the Fed and talking about ‘Oh, transparency.’ And is they only ever keep talking about old defense, going to ‘Lower rates, lower rates, lower rates.’

If you really look at it, objectively, interest rates always rise during boom periods, and they decline during recessions and depressions. We are looking at increased inflation, probably into 2028 caused by shortages and war. But you’re looking at a declining economic growth, so that ends up being more like the 1970s…and you’re looking there at what we call “Stagflation” where the inflation rate will be higher than economic growth.

– Increased inflation could erupt due to supply shortages and skirmishes.
– Stagflation similar to the 70’s could soon come to the domestic economy.

“That was basically caused by OPEC raising the price of oil dramatically and that created a cost-push inflation. So everybody’s costs were rising dramatically. Anything that had to do with plastic, went up dramatically and that created eventually the inflationary boom between 1976 going into 1980. As for gold rose to $875, etc…I think gold was about a $100 in 1976 and it rose to about $400 but that was by December 1979, the last six weeks of the rally, which peaked in 1980 on January 21st. So from December to January 21st, that’s when Russia invaded Afghanistan. So it was the geopolitical stuff that took gold from $400 to $875. So it’s important to understand inflation is not the major driving power but inflation when war is around – that’s what broke Bretton Woods…it was the Vietnam War.”

– Funds may be flowing into the blue-chip Dow Jones 30 stocks from global unrest.
– Geopolitical opinion and commentary.

CBDC – The End of All Freedom

Posted originally on Dec 17, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 


QUESTION: Marty: You have mentioned that Trudeau’s freezing of accounts of anyone who donated to the Truckers was a test run for CBDCs. Do you think this is the end goal to control 100% of our lives?


ANSWER: Hopefully, this will become a Presidential campaign issue. But they are desperate to stop Trump. Congress, including the traitors pretending to be Republicans, passed legislation that NO president can withdraw the US from NATO. This will enable the Neocons to start war BEFORE the 2024 election, and this legislation is to usurp the power of the president, assuming it might be Trump to make it so that he cannot exit World War III. Every politician who voted for that legislation should be thrown out of office in 2024 – PERIOD!

That said, the CBDCs are intended to control our social behavior. This transforms society into a digital prison, which is why the Founding Fathers outlawed Direct Taxation. The rally to Marx at the end of the 19th century led to the introduction of the Income Tax in 1913, and they swore they were going only after the trich. By World War II, they introduced the Payroll Tax because Roosevelt’s Marxist agenda was to include Social Security, and we, of course, had to be FORCED to save for our own future. That became a slush fund that was restricted to buying only government debt to fund this Marxist agenda.

You are being imprisoned with every piece of legislation, like reporting $600 transactions through various cash apps. You have lost ALL your LIBERTY – you don’t know it yet. They could simply create some nonsense and prevent you from donating to Trump or RFK and just make up some nonsense charge. The January 6th had unmarked buses filled with federal agents dressed as MAGA supporters before anyone showed up to stage the event so they could charge Trump and use the 14th Amendment to prevent him from gaining the White House. The Democrats refused to let RFK in, and Biden refused to give him Secret Service protection. In Florida, they tried to remove any contender from the ballot to challenge Biden. This is all about creating war. They let the border open to allow terrorists in so they can declare Martial Law and restrict everyone’s movement. All FREEDOM has been lost!

crusing the people

What Trudeau did in Canada permitted the bypassing of due process of law, which is the foundation of a free society. Wake up! Digitization of the monetary system will allow them to totally kill all dissent. There will be NOTHING left standing. This is what 2032 is all about. We are the ants beneath their feet. Anyone who thinks they care at all about us is an absolute fool.

We cannot stop it. This is NECESSARY for political change. This is them fighting to retain power when they fully understand that this monetary system is collapsing. This is not going to be this Great Taking. That would be an instantaneous revolution. They are not that stupid for even the army would rise up against them. This is about total control leaving you with your trinkets.

As this is rolled out, ONLY then will it open the eyes of the masses. Unfortunately, this is also why movements like Transgender, Black Lives Matter, you name it, are all about dividing the people. They MUST keep the people divided and fighting among themselves so they do not unite against the government, where the common denominator is FREEDOM.

Nazi Papers Please

It was Julius Caesar who said – Divide and conquer. Hitler attacked the Jews BECAUSE they were the bankers, and he needed to blame the hyperinflation on the bankers. He divided the people and then came – Papers, please! That is precisely what they are doing to us with CBDCs. This is the purpose of Gates’ UN-organized digital IDs. To prevent freedom of movement. Digital IDs to vaccine passports are all designed to prevent movement. Europe, as of January 1, 2025, will require visas from Americans to visit, and they will apply your social credit score to determine if you are eligible. Still, they intend to start World War III before that, creating an external distraction to divert people from the loss of liberty. This is the government’s objective- the enemy of freedom – as always, no matter what century or culture to look at.

Gates Digital ID

US DC Court of Appeals Just Destroyed America

Posted originally on Dec 1, 2023 By Martin Armstrong

Sri_Srinivasan Chief Judge DC Court of Appeals

The legal system is clearly trying to absolutely destroy Donald Trump for simply going to Washington to “Drain the Swamp,” which he discovered included both sides. We now have a ruling that is so BIASED against Trump that it has now effectively removed all immunity for anyone in Congress and even prosecutors. All you need to allege now is that any act by any of these pretend representatives or protectors of the people they pulled off was NOT in their official capacity but as a candidate for the next endless re-election term. The average Congressman spends about 60% of their time preparing for the next election as a candidate.

U.S. Circuit Judge Sri Srinivasan, who was NEVER even a judge, was controversially appointed under former President Barack Obama to the position of Chief Judge no less of the DC US Court of Appeals. This biased judge, in trying to destroy Donald Trump, wrote in the ruling:

“In arguing that he is entitled to official-act immunity in the cases before us, President Trump does not dispute that he engaged in his alleged actions up to and on January 6 in his capacity as a candidate. But he thinks that does not matter. Rather, in his view, a president’s speech on matters of public concern is invariably an official function, and he was engaged in that function when he spoke at the January 6 rally and in the leadup to that day. We cannot accept that rationale,” 

This decision was unimaginable for any true court decision. Srinivasan went out of his way to make sure Trump could be sued by hundreds of people over January 6th. We should file class action suits against EVERY politician in Washington who voted for mandatory vaccines and loss of jobs for refusing to comply when they received ANY money whatsoever from Pfizer – like Fauci. This so-called judge, who was never a judge before, is outrageous. Back in 2010, the Obama administration nominated Srinivasan to one of two vacancies on the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, thinking he was clever because, never being a judge, nobody could review his past rulings. That was unheard of.

The nomination of Srinivasan was rigged, for he was opposed even by Obama supporters since he was only a prosecutor. Then, in June 2012, Obama nominated Srinivasan to the seat on the D.C. Circuit on January 2, 2013. His nomination was returned due to the sine die adjournment of the Senate, meaning it was adjourned without a date to reconvene. Obama resubmitted it the next day.

2024 Rotate

To twist the law like this to desperately find a way to hold Trump guilty on every possible move has turned the entire rule of law upside down. I now encourage an onslaught of class-action lawsuits should be unleashed on politicians with any connection to Pfizer. Even Judges are no longer immune under this decision if they ruled for political or personal purposes and not in their official capacity. Any judge who ruled on COVID and had shares in Pfizer acted illegally. When the computer forecast that the 2024 election will be the death knell to the longevity of the United States, NEVER in my wildest imagination would I have ever guessed that the rule of law would have collapsed in such a manner.

Voter Fraud

Our Computer Projected that the 2024 election will NEVER be accepted by either side.

For a judge to move from the district court to the Court of Appeals, he typically must be 65.

Srinivasan was previously NEVER a judge but is also 56 years old today and was in his 40s when appointed.

Was his qualification being non-WHITE?

Welcome to the World of No Privacy Re-Posted Nov 3, 2023 By Martin Armstrong 

Nazi Papers Please

I have been buying ancient coins at public auction, probably since the 1970s. Now, you cannot buy anything anywhere without providing full identification of who you are. This is an email I got from another European auction house.


Dear customer,

With regards to our business relationship, and following the legal obligations of the Principality of Monaco, could you please send us :

– Your ID card, or the one of the legal representative of your company.

– The Certificate of Incorporation, or a legal document certifying the existence of your company.

– The statutes of your company.

Thank you for your understanding.

Remaining at your service.

Best regards.

Crime in US is an Internal Operation

Armstrong Economics Blog/Corruption Re-Posted Oct 26, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

El Salvador was the murder capital of the world not long ago. The country has gone over 300 days without a homicide after El Salvador’s President Nayib Bukele implemented a zero-tolerance policy for gang  violence. The nation rounded up over 50,000 suspected gang members, also referred to as terrorists, and the rest likely fled to the US since the border is non-existent. Since the system has been very efficient, videos of Bukele criticizing US politicians for allowing crime to escalate across America are beginning to recirculate.

The demise of America has to come from within,” Bukele told Tucker Carlson. “The enemies have to be inside. No external enemy can cause so much damage as internal. It is an internal operation. You’re watching an internal operation here. You can see them and see these cities that were pristinely beautiful 30 years ago are wastelands now,” he stated. He went on to say that he admits he is from a third-world country but would feel unsafe in any US city due to violent crime.

Now Bukele was harshly criticized for rounding up the criminals but it worked. Crime is on the rise in America but our policies are continually favoring the criminals. “When you look how the cities are eroding so fast, this has to be by design. I mean who would make so many stupid decisions?” Bukele asked Carlson. “They’re literally giving some people drugs in some us cities, or they say we’re going to give you money if you don’t work. They make all these laws that make no sense. If they have high crime, they say okay I have a solution, let’s defund the police.”

I continually point to the Cloward-Piven Strategy of creating civil unrest. Look at what the Open Society Foundation promoted during the last election. They funded protests in all major US cities, violent protests where people were murdered and small business were burned to the ground. They funded the media to report on how the criminals were misunderstood and the police needed to be defunded. Some ask whether people have simply lost their minds after COVID. Perhaps, but the real reason the US is spiraling down internally is INTENTIONAL. Burn it down to BUILD BACK BETTER.

Interview: The US Gov’t Will COLLAPSE, and WE Will Rebuild the Future America

Armstrong Economics Blog/Armstrong in the Media Re-Posted Oct 22, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Seattle: You Get What You Vote For

Armstrong Economics Blog/USA Current Events Re-Posted Sep 29, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Jesse Watters of Fox recently took to the streets of Seattle to see how residents were handling the drastic spike in crime. The replies are far from what one would expect and are indicative of the two Americas. Polarized ideologies have drifted so far to the left or right that people are living in different realities.

Violent crime is up 25%, but the residents interviewed say they feel safe. “Crime is a social issue that could be solved by giving people their basic needs,” one woman stated. Nearly everyone interviewed said they supported defunding the police. Doing so has had a direct impact on rising crime, but they do not seem bothered. One woman said there are better ways to spend money, while others said the pandemic was still their main fear.

Seattle police are unable to peruse criminals. There is nothing deterring people from committing crimes. Those interviewed said they do not believe the police should chase or arrest criminals. The general consensus is that crime should be ignored. When the reporter told a resident he saw people “shooting up” in broad daylight, she mocked him and asked if they were bothering him by using drugs out in the open. These liberals believe everyone should do as they please, even if that includes crime. You or I may be shocked and deem numerous store closings due to looting, upticks in homelessness, and violent crime unacceptable. Others do not feel this way because they believe individuals are not responsible for their actions.

Seattle is the fourth largest port in America and was once a major business hub. The city is now a hub for crime and disorder, but this is their version of “don’t tread on me” that the people voted to have. State politics are becoming more prominent than ever as America begins to divide. The left is OK with the government implementing COVID laws and woke policies. The right is OK with the police stepping up and arresting criminals. Both sides believe their versions of utopia create a safe haven.

One-Third of Democrats Say Americans Have Too Much Freedom

Armstrong Economics Blog/Politics Re-Posted Sep 29, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

RealClear Opinion Research conducted a study to see if censorship is a partisan issue in America. What they found was astounding as a portion of the population is begging for government to take over and replace our pretend democracy with something more akin to communism or fascism. Almost one-third (34%) of Democratic voters believe that Americans have “too much freedom.”

That’s right – the land of the free is too free for some. About half (46%) of Republicans believe Americans have too little freedom, with 22% of Democrats agreeing. The aftermath of COVID has changed the landscape for what people find acceptable, and questioning the narrative – be it the science or new societal norms – are not tolerable to some. Independent voters (61%) and Republicans (74%) believe free speech should be protected under any circumstance as outlined in the First Amendment. Yet, the Democrats are divided on 1A as 47% believe there should be some censorship.

Three-fourths of Democrats want hateful speech censored, but we have seen what the government considers “hateful” amounts to anything that goes against the status quo. For example, protesters can burn down cities shouting that white people are slavers who should die and that is perfectly fine for the MSM. But if you question why schools are indoctrinating children with sexual messages and drag shows, you are considered hateful and intolerant. Why should the government and MSM decide what is just and right?

Counter-culture was once the leftist hippies who opposed the Vietnam War. They did not trust the government or authority and were seen as extremists. Today, the extremists are those on the right who oppose war and question the government. If only the Founding Fathers knew how the politicians today would twist the Constitution to fit their rhetoric.

Debanking Gold Dealers

Armstrong Economics Blog/Banking Crisis Re-Posted Aug 28, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

I reported previously that a dealer I knew suddenly had his credit line closed. I have warned that besides banks preparing for the coming CBCDs closing local branches in the USA as well as in Britain, I seriously question if they will allow people to buy precious metals and use cryptocurrencies post-CBDC. This is about control, and they want to shut down what they view as the underground economy, which they estimate is 20%-35%, and this is about increasing their taxation to automatic theft. This is the net result of Direct Taxation, which the Founding Fathers warned would happen, so they prohibited any form of Direct Taxation in the Constitution. The Socialists seized power and pushed for the income tax in 1913, and that has been a slow grinding process that led to eventually owning nothing and being very miserable – not happy.

Welcome to the Tyranny of Republics that NEVER Represent the People as History Warns

Neil Oliver Contemplates Western Leaders Squeezing Jello in a Closed Fist, While BRICS Leaders Smile

Posted originally on the CTH on August 26, 2023 | Sundance 

Comrade rebels, for his weekly monologue UK pundit Neil Oliver reviews the ever-controlling, increasingly totalitarian, western political landscape, and then gives his perspective on how the BRICS formation seems to be benefiting from it.  It is an interesting contrast worth review.  WATCH:
