After McConnell Tried to Blame Trump for Senate Border Bill Failure – Today McConnell Returns to Back Ukraine Funding Joined to Immigration Bill

Posted originally on the CTH on January 25, 2024 | Sundance

The most brutally Machiavellian Senator, Mitch McConnell (U-DC), is the leader and source of anxiety created by the coalition of professionally Republican liars we call DeceptiCons.  They are a select group of around 16 “Republican” senators who scheme, lie and support the left-wing of the UniParty vulture.  McConnell is their leader.

Yesterday, on the heels of the New Hampshire primary win by Donald Trump, Senator McConnell intentionally fed a media narrative that a border crisis deal could not be reached because candidate Trump didn’t want one.  The media ran with the story based on comments by Republican senators who were in the meeting.  McConnell made those comments intentionally, because he is trying to create as much friction for MAGA and Trump as possible.

Today, McConnell says he supports the Ukraine funding proposal connected to the “border security” proposal being negotiated by James Lankford (U-DC).  The red-haired DeceptiCon from Oklahoma, shifted from his prior role on the Senate Intel Committee (SSCI) to his current role in supporting the U.S. Chamber of Commerce plan for amnesty and expanded illegal entry (cheap labor) at the border.

[NOTE: It’s not about USA “food pickers” and farm workers for domestic agriculture operations.  The illegal aliens are needed to expand the export equation for Big AG multinational corporations who ship U.S. harvests and protein derivatives (pork, chicken, beef & bugs) overseas. Enhanced, bioengineered and genetically modified harvests, created by science for maximum yield per acre, is a food production industry for maximum profit.  USA Big Ag creates processed food products mostly for controlled global markets, not for domestic consumption.]

Just like their friends on the “other side of the wing aisle,” the DeceptiCons do not want a secure border.  The Republican politicians are paid well to ensure immigration issues follow the chosen pathway of corporate lobbyists.  Meanwhile, Joe Biden’s administration is in court fighting against Texas enforcing border security, while simultaneously saying they are working with James Lankford to secure the border.  The border security/immigration bill is so transparently fraudulent and manipulative, that even Marco Rubio has withdrawn support for it.

WASHINGTON DC – […] At the tail end of the Senate GOP’s last meeting of the week, however, McConnell removed any doubts: He is still forcefully pushing a deal that would pair new border and immigration restrictions with money for Ukraine. It’s a critical piece of McConnell’s legacy — and the GOP leader isn’t letting go at this late stage in the game.

Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.), a Ukraine aid skeptic, said McConnell’s comments on Wednesday had somehow gotten “flipped around” and a day later “he just tried to get it straight … some of the senators came out and got kind of misconstrued on what he was talking about.”

“For me it was certainly clarifying … He made clear that he has been supportive of Senator Lankford’s negotiating efforts and that we should be supportive of any work product that leads to greater border security,” Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.) said.

Still, McConnell is clearly at an inflection point with his own party. He has no working relationship with Trump, who is racking up endorsements from GOP leaders and consulting with Speaker Mike Johnson on how to handle any border deal that may emerge from the Senate.

Many of McConnell’s own members are Ukraine funding critics, and Johnson counts many more skeptics in the House GOP. Yet McConnell is clearly determined to keep maneuvering toward a politically feasible compromise to boost Kyiv’s fight against Russia, which stands to serve as the capstone to his record-setting leadership of the Senate GOP.

“Sen. McConnell has not changed his point of view,” said Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.). McConnell’s remarks on Wednesday amounted to dispassionate analysis, Wicker explained: “And I don’t think anybody disagreed with him. We are at a particular set of crossroads and intersections.” (read more)

Take Mitch McConnell out of politics, and half the Republican resistance to President Trump and MAGA goes with him.

House Passes $14.3 Billion Stand Alone Bill to Support Israel – Vote 226-196 With 12 Democrats in Support

Posted originally on the CTH on November 2, 2023 | Sundance

If it was a Democrat sponsored bill, the media would be highlighting the bipartisan nature of the vote.  However, because it is a Republican sponsored bill, the media immediately say the stand alone measure to support Israel is dead upon arrival in the Senate.

Joe Biden has said he will veto the House version of the bill, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has said he will not entertain the bill due to the pay-go funding mechanism (removal of $14.3 billion in IRS funding) and the fact it is not a package bill that includes support for Ukraine.   Biden wants his $106 billion bill with funds for Israel, Ukraine, Hamas (via USAID), Taiwan and support for arriving migrants.  Chuck Schumer is working with Mitch McConnell to put the combined package together.

Twelve Democrats supported the $14.3 billion House bill, and two Republicans voted against it (MTGreene and Massie). The vote was 226-196 for passage.

WASHINGTON – […] While aid to Israel is something both parties strongly agree with, Democratic support for the legislation broke down after Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) added a provision in the bill that would cut $14.3 billion in funding from the Internal Revenue Service to offset the cost of the aid to Israel — prompting Democratic leaders to encourage party members to vote against it.

“It’s a bad precedent to set. It costs resources. But we have never conditioned emergency aid like we have under Speaker Johnson this week. This is wrong. This is wrong for Israelis, this is wrong for the region,” House Democratic Caucus Chairman Pete Aguilar (D-CA) said on Thursday. “This is Republicans playing politics with aid to Israel.”

However, Johnson and Republicans have defended the decision to add a pay-for in the bill because of the growing national debt.

“We are in dire straits as a nation,” Johnson said at a press conference. “We have obligations, and we have commitments, and we want to protect and help and assist our friend Israel, but we have to keep our own house in order as well. And I think people at home — I think the American people understand that.” (read more)

As noted by Politico, “I am glad that the president issued a veto threat over this stunningly unserious proposal,” Schumer said Thursday. “The Senate will not be considering this deeply flawed proposal from the House GOP.”

Speaker Mike Johnson remarks. Prompted:

Sunday Talks – Mitch McConnell Fully Supports Biden Request for $106 Billion in Aid for Ukraine, Israel and Hamas Humanitarian Assistance

Posted Originally on the CTH on October 22, 2023 | Sundance 

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell requested for CBS to travel to his office in DC so that he could visibly show support for the Biden administration spending effort on behalf of Ukraine, Israel and Gaza.  McConnell noted in the interview on the policy agenda for these priorities, he and Joe Biden are in direct agreement.

At the 08:32 moment, Mitch McConnell is questioned about his health and says he is healthy, “in good shape and completely recovered.”  WATCH:

[Transcript] – MARGARET BRENNAN: Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell has not done many interviews this year, but he invited us to Capitol Hill Friday to talk about President Biden’s request to Congress for $100 billion in aid for Ukraine, Israel and US border security. And that’s where our conversation began.

SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL: We have big power competition from China, and Russia and we still have terrorism problems, as the Israelis have certainly experienced in a brutal way in the last week. So I think that requires a worldwide approach rather than trying to take parts of it out. It’s all connected. The Chinese and the Russians said they’re now friends forever. Iranian drones are being used in Ukraine and against the Israelis.

MARGARET BRENNAN: There’s resistance among some Republicans, including here in the Senate, about bundling things together. Is it possible to pass Ukraine aid if it’s not tied to Israel?

SEN. MCCONNELL: I just think that’s a mistake. I mean, I know there are some Republicans in the Senate, and maybe more in the House, saying Ukraine is somehow different. I view it as all interconnected.

MARGARET BRENNAN: And you’ve said that you believe there is enough oversight of aid to Ukraine. Why hasn’t that persuaded some members of the- of the Republican caucus?
SEN. MCCONNELL: If you look at the Ukraine assistance, let’s- let’s talk about where the money is really going. A significant portion of its being spent in the United States in 38 different states, replacing the weapons that we sent to Ukraine with more modern weapons. So we’re rebuilding our industrial base.

MARGARET BRENNAN: That’s what President Biden is seeking to do.

SEN. MCCONNELL: It’s- it’s correct. No Americans are getting killed in Ukraine. We’re rebuilding our industrial base. The Ukrainians are destroying the army of one of our biggest rivals. I have a hard time finding anything wrong with that. I think it’s wonderful that they’re defending themselves- and also the notion that the Europeans are not doing enough. They’ve done almost 90 billion dollars, they’re housing a bunch of refugees who escaped. I think that our NATO allies in Europe have done quite a lot.

MARGARET BRENNAN: You sound like you have a lot in common with President Biden, and his worldview, based on what you just laid out.

SEN. MCCONNELL: Well, not on the domestic side, but on this issue that we- we’re discussing today, we’re generally in the same place.

MARGARET BRENNAN: On the issue of Israel, that does seem to be a unifying issue for many Republicans, and I want to ask you about this 10 billion dollar request the President is making. Do you think there needs to be any provisions in there that would account for the risk of human rights- human rights violations in Gaza?

SEN. MCCONNELL: Well, we want to make sure we’re not sending money to Hamas. I can tell you that. But there are genuine humanitarian needs of the people of Gaza who are not Hamas, who’ve been thrown under the bus by what Hamas did. Innocent people. But we want to be careful about how the money is spent, be sure it actually gets where it’s supposed to get.

MARGARET BRENNAN: For any military aid that’s going to Israel right now, do you think there needs to be- need to be strings attached?

SEN. MCCONNELL: Israel is our strongest ally in the world. We trust them, and we have a very tight relationship with them both on the intelligence side and the military side. So I don’t think the kind of oversight we’re talking about for Ukraine, for example, would be necessary for Israel.

MARGARET BRENNAN: You know, to do all of these things you need a partner in Congress. Senator Welch said, you are the only Republican negotiator right now, because of all the disarray in the House. How can you deliver on this at a time when you’re saying it’s essential?

SEN. MCCONNELL: Well, I hope we’re going to have a speaker sometime soon and we–

MARGARET BRENNAN: Before November 17th, when government funding-

SEN. MCCONNELL: We need one. We need one because the House can’t do anything without a speaker. And it’s a- it’s a problem, but I hope it’s gonna get solved pretty quickly.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Is there anyone in the House who can lead the Republicans?

SEN. MCCONNELL: Look, I’m not an expert on the House. I have my hands full here in the Senate, and we’re gonna do our job and hope the House can get functional here sometime soon.

MARGARET BRENNAN: There is no current U.S. ambassador to Israel right now. And some of your Republican colleagues have voiced concerns about President Biden’s nominee. Do you have concerns about Jack Lew?

SEN. MCCONNELL: He is a very controversial nominee because of his relationship with the Iran nuclear deal, which was opposed by everybody in my party. And by the way, I hope that flirtation with Iran is finally over with regard to the nuclear deal. And Senator Cotton and I also have a bill to freeze the 6 billion dollars that was on the way to the Iranians in relation to the hostage release, so-

MARGARET BRENNAN: Well, it’s in Qatar, the White House says Iran hasn’t been able to make any withdrawals from it.

SEN. MCCONNELL: Yeah, but we’d like to make it law so that it can’t be undone. Look, I think we need to get tougher with Iran. And I do think the weakness of both the Obama administration and the Biden administration, is the thought that somehow we could do business with Iran on something. And I think it’s pretty clear we can’t. I mean, they’re funding Hezbollah, Hamas, creating problems all over the Middle East, and we shouldn’t be doing any business with them.

MARGARET BRENNAN: President Biden said that he’s going to hold Iran accountable. What do you think that means?

SEN. MCCONNELL: Yeah well, I think the proof will be – what are we going to do to hold them accountable? And that’s- it’s got to be credible. You- you can’t on the one hand, be negotiating with Iran on some kind of nuclear deal that you know they won’t keep, and then turn around and declare that you’re going to get tougher with Iran. I think, number one, quit talking to the Iranians about any kind of nuclear deal. Number two, don’t give them the $6 billion. Number three, back up the Israelis in every conceivable way, after this attack by Iran-sponsored Hamas.

MARGARET BRENNAN: You-you oppose all diplomacy with Iran?

SEN. MCCONNELL: It’s not a question of whether you ever talk to them or not. But it’s a question- what do you do? What do you do? And clearly, the nuclear deal that the Obama administration agreed to and the Biden administration tried to reconnect is- is not the way to go. There’s an axis of evil in the world: China, Russia, North Korea, and Iran. And we need to stand up to the axis of evil, not try to do business with them.

MARGARET BRENNAN: I want to ask you as well about the moment here in Washington that we are in. A number of members of Congress, including Representatives Miller-Meeks, Ferguson, Bacon, Ken Buck, have said just this week that they have had death threats against them. How concerned are you about violence against lawmakers working here?

SEN. MCCONNELL: Well, I think there have been more threats lately, and I am concerned about it.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Are you concerned about more political violence? Going into an election year here?

SEN. MCCONNELL: Look, I think since 9/11, and January 6th, we’ve had heightened security here at the Capitol. I’m sure we’re a target for all kinds of evil doers both in the United States and abroad.

MARGARET BRENNAN: People wonder about your health, how are you feeling? How are you doing?

SEN. MCCONNELL: I’m fine. I’m completely recovered, and I’m just fine.

MARGARET BRENNAN: You and your office felt the need to share and disclose some of the details about your health because of some of these public incidents. And the doctor here said there was no evidence of Parkinson’s disease or a stroke or- or a seizure. And I wonder, is there anything the public should know that wasn’t disclosed?

SEN. MCCONNELL: I’m in good shape, completely recovered and back on the job.

MARGARET BRENNAN: So does that mean that you think you are able to continue serving, and you want to continue serving here at a time when we are talking about incredible dysfunction in Washington?

SEN. MCCONNELL: I think we ought to be talking about what we were talking about earlier, rather than my health.

MARGARET BRENNAN: You’ve made clear you have a lot of policy disagreements with the former president, Donald Trump. Doesn’t it trouble you that he is the front runner for the Republican nomination, given the questions he has raised about aid for Ukraine, for example?

SEN. MCCONNELL: I’m not going to comment on the various candidates for president on either side. I’ve got my hands full here in the Senate.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Former Secretary of Defense Gates told us this is one of the most dangerous moments that he has ever seen for our country. And we’re talking about the basic functioning of our democracy being a problem right now. I’ll ask you, again, who can lead the Republican Party, not just in the House, but to deliver on the vision that you are laying out here?

SEN. MCCONNELL: Typically, it’s the candidate for president, when you have a presidential election, who becomes obviously the most visible person in your party. And we don’t know who that’s going to be. In the meantime, we have divided government, we have a job to do, the election is not until next year. Dabbling in the presidential election is something I’m just not going to do. I don’t think it’s productive.

[End Transcript]

Mitch McConnell Says, “The Things That People Saw Happen to Me, Really Didn’t Happen”

Posted originally on the CTH on September 6, 2023 | Sundance 

Sticking to the advance narrative as promoted by the DC machinery that is relying on Mitch McConnell to preserve, protect and defend the graft that is represented by the business of DC politics, Mitch McConnell delivered remarks today about his cognitive mental health.

During his statement McConnell says, “the things that people saw happening to me, really didn’t happen.”   Now, let’s get back to the primary concern issue of sending more money to Ukraine.  The DC laundry operation needs our full support.   WATCH:


There are trillions at stake.

RNC Announces Debate Qualifications for Approved “Republican” Candidates, Including Loyalty Pledge

Posted originally on the CTH on June 2, 2023 | Sundance 

Let us be clear and non-pretending.  The RNC, a private corporation run by U.S. multinational corporations, billionaires and donors who control it, is a private club – who construct the rules of affiliation according to the interests and demands of the benefactors.

The RNC club, the right side of the UniParty corporate structure, has zero consideration or interest in the opinion of voters forced to register in their affiliation.

The people who fund the RNC have established the rules for participation in the club debate.  The first club debate is scheduled for August 23, 2023, on Fox News with the approved process through the prism of Rupert Murdoch and Paul Ryan.  Those club rules include:

♦ A qualifying candidate must poll support at least 1% in three national polls, OR 1% in two national polls and 1% in one early state poll from two separate “carve out” states (Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, South Carolina) as conducted by polling recognized and approved by the RNC club. 

This rule will elevate all the purposeful idiot club members the voters do not like onto the stage.  After all, what good is a plan to split the vote if the club cannot give the optics needed for the operation.  In essence, and in fact, in order for Chris Christie and Nikki Haley to attack Trump on behalf of DeSantis, they must be on the stage.

♦ Each candidate must meet this polling requirement no later than 48 hours prior to the first scheduled debate and must originate from polling conducted on or after July 1, 2023.  

♦ The Candidate must have a minimum of 40,000 unique donors to candidate’s principal presidential campaign committee (or exploratory committee), with at least 200 unique donors per state or territory in 20+ states and/or territories. Evidence of this donor support must be presented to RNC club no later than 48 hours prior to the first scheduled debate.

The RNC club will then use this donor data to request more money for their club operations.

♦ Each candidate must have signed a pledge agreeing to support the eventual club nominee, in order to be considered an “approved republican.” 

If the candidate does not support the club rules, the candidate is not approved.

Do you guys see how ridiculously screwed up our system of American party politics is?

If I were advising Donald Trump, or any candidate, I would tell them to put out an official statement that says:

“My loyalty is to the American people, not a private club or politically affiliated corporation. I will not be signing a loyalty pledge to anyone except the American people through my oath of office.  Additionally, my view of our nation does not include any division, subset or categorization of personage based on political affiliation.”

The first rule in the maintenance of a constitutional republic, with the end goal to eliminate corporatism in US politics, should be to outlaw the formation of any political party.

Get rid of political parties, and Bernie Sanders would have been the DNC club candidate in 2016.  Get rid of political parties, and Newt Gingrich would have been the RNC club candidate in 2012.  Get rid of political parties, and voters would see bold contrasts instead of UniParty pastels.

Counter argument – Oh, but if you get rid of political parties then billionaires will just select their guy for office.   My point – WTF do you think we have now?
Of course, Politico gets it exactly wrong – on purpose.

(Via Politico) – The Republican National Committee says it will consider adding a second night to the first GOP presidential primary debate this August in Milwaukee, according to new qualifying standards announced Friday.

The first debate will be Aug. 23 on Fox News Channel, with a possible second date of Aug. 24 if enough candidates meet polling and fundraising criteria — and also commit to supporting the eventual Republican nominee and pledge that they will not participate in any outside debates.

Candidates will have to garner donations from at least 40,000 national contributors and poll consistently above 1 percent in three national polls or two national polls and a state poll, according to the RNC’s announcement. Candidates must secure donations “with at least 200 unique donors per state or territory in 20+ states and/or territories.”

The candidates will have until Aug. 21 — 48 hours before the debate — to meet the criteria. Polls conducted prior to July 1 won’t count toward qualification.

The new standards appear designed to prevent the free-for-all, circus-like debates that occurred in the 2016 Republican primaries. Though it’s too soon to know which candidates will clear the thresholds, the criteria are likely to be difficult for at least some hopefuls to clear.

A smaller stage could benefit Ron DeSantis, who wants a one-on-one matchup with former President Donald Trump. The former president is welcoming a large field to splinter the opposition to him. (read more)

Payback For Backstabbing – Lee Zeldin Endorses President Donald Trump

Posted originally on the CTH on April 24, 2023 | Sundance 

A well-timed counterpunch against the duplicitous backstabbing by Ron DeSantis that took place in August of 2022 is delivered by former New York Congressman and former New York Governor candidate Lee Zeldin today.  Zeldin endorses Donald Trump for the 2024 GOP nomination:


If you have followed the deep weeds of GOP politics, you already knew this was likely.

At a key moment in the New York governor race, in late August of 2022, shortly after the Mar-a-Lago raid, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was scheduled to be keynote speaker at a New York City Zeldin dinner/fundraiser.  Before the fundraiser, DeSantis went to pick up a six-figure donor check from Billionaire developer Joseph Cayre of Midtown Equities.

Cayre told DeSantis that he supported Zeldin’s Democrat opponent Kathy Hochul.  The contingency for the contribution appeared to be that DeSantis would cancel attendance of the dinner for Zeldin.  DeSantis took the Cayre donor check and at the last minute cancelled his attendance at the Zeldin dinner. {GO DEEP}

[…] While unable to attend the evening event, DeSantis was in Deal, New Jersey, earlier in the day at the home of Jay Cayre, head of Midtown Equities, sources told The Post. (link)

Team DeSantis tried to sell a story about an emergency funeral the following day for slain police officer Jose Perez as the reason for his cancellation.  However, we did a deep dive on the details and the timeline, and nothing matched the claims by DeSantis. {GO DEEP}

Officer Perez died on August 20th.  The funeral was announced by the family and FDLE on August 26th, to be held August 29th.

When DeSantis left Florida on August 28th to pick up the check from Cayre and then attend the dinner later that night, he was well aware of the Perez funeral the next day.  DeSantis took the time to pick up the check, then cancelled the evening dinner with Zeldin.

Two months later, long after the value of the fundraising would have been useful, on October 30, 2022, DeSantis made a return trip to New York to fulfill his obligation.

With only a week left before the 2022 mid-term election the value of the “fundraising window” had closed.  DeSantis made an innocuous speech about police officer support, and then left New York.  Essentially Zeldin was railroaded by the financial priority of the Florida Governor.

Actions create consequences.

Today, Lee Zeldin endorsed President Trump – who was very gracious in his appreciation and acceptance:


So, that’s how that happens….

Representatives Steube, Mills and Donalds Leave Fox News Hosts Crying on Air for Their Beloved DeSantis – Video

Posted originally on the CTH on April 21, 2023 | Sundance 

Oh, this is funny.  Rupert Murdoch’s little foot soldiers, Bill Hemmer and Dana Perino, hosted three Florida Republicans on their broadcast to explain why they support Donald Trump and not Ron DeSantis.  Fox News has big sad.

Congressional Republicans Greg Steube, Cory Mills and Byron Donalds all explain why President Donald Trump is the better choice in 2024.  Bill Hemmer pleads with them to evaluate how brilliant Ron DeSantis is, but Donalds, Mills and Steube brought the MAGA hammer.   Epic Video. WATCH:


Joe Biden Sees Ukraine Flags Flying from Homes All Over Small Town America

Posted originally on the CTH on February 21, 2023 | Sundance 

Perhaps he believes this, but if it is true, I have not been able to locate any evidence.

During his speech in Poland Tuesday, Joe Biden said he sees Ukraine flags flying on American homes “all across – big cities and small towns.”

…”And the American people are united in our resolve as well. All across my country, in big cities and small towns, Ukrainian flags fly from American homes.  Over the past year, Democrats and Republicans in our United States Congress have come together to stand for freedom.  That’s who Americans are, and that’s what Americans do.”…


DC Report – Team Mitch McConnell Worried DeSantis Might Be Taking Too Long to Enter 2024 Race – FL Legislature Needs to Change Election Laws Quickly

Posted originally on the CTH on February 20, 2023 | Sundance

At this point it’s a little humorous to read the DC inside Republican narrative as they produce their DeSantis messaging.  The Hill has an article {SEE HERE} titled “GOP Impatience Grows for DeSantis to Make Move on Trump.”

However, political followers will notice the tell behind the story in the first few sentences:

(WASHINGTON DC) – Senate Republicans nervous about former President Trump’s lead in presidential primary polls are impatiently awaiting Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis to jump into the race.  

GOP lawmakers don’t expect DeSantis to make his move until after the Florida legislative session ends in early May, but the waiting game is playing on nerves, with some thinking DeSantis has lost political momentum since his big reelection win in November. (link)

Setting aside the reality that Ron DeSantis cannot run for office without first legally abdicating his role as governor, as required by Florida law, the “Senate Republicans” are “nervous.”  Gee, I wonder who those Senate Republicans might be.

Later in the DC script as written, “I suspect he is going to run. I’ve been told that he’s very focused right now — the Florida legislature is in session — he’s very focused on Florida issues,” Sen. Cynthia Lummis (R-Wyo.) said of DeSantis, whom she called “the leader of the Republican Party” after he won an impressive reelection victory in November.”

Ah yes, so very focused on “Florida issues” that Governor Ron DeSantis is in New York, Pennsylvania and Illinois on his not-campaigning, campaigning tour.

The DC stenographers really need to work a little harder to cover the narrative.  Just saying.