The Fallout from The Extreme Left’s Judge Engoron Destroying NY City

Posted originally on Feb 17, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Judge Erogadan

Justice Arthur F. Engoron represents the vile, disgusting degree of the completely out-of-control judicial system in New York City. It has been people like him throughout history that spark revolutions. I have warned that New York is the most unconstitutional judicial system on the face of the earth, and it really should be shut down and all judges dismissed or imprisoned. They genuinely think they are above the law and have such ABSOLUTE IMMUNITY that they can do anything they desire. This judgment against Trump of nearly half a billion dollars is so outrageous it violates the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution, which was intended to prevent the action of judges like this.

What this outrageous judge has done to Trump can be done now to any company in New York City. Because of that, the risk of owning shares in a New York domicled company must be considered to be a political high-risk. This factor now needs to be addressed in asset allocation in the same way as Country Risk – now we have City & State Risk. Miami is rapidly replacing New York as the new Wall Street. This decision will only accelerate that move to Florida ASAP. Only a fool would now remain in New York City. This judgment was intentionally designed to bankrupt Trump and his companies. It is indistinguishable from a country like Iran just nationalizing private assets.

Eighth Amendment

I cannot believe the reaction I am hearing worldwide and domestically. Truckers are starting to band together to refuse to transport anything to New York City. If the truckers band together to show the world that New York City will no longer be tolerated, at best, they will have seven days’ worth of food supply before New York begins to slide into chaos.

Judge Against Trump

Internationally, I am hearing many institutions are starting to talk the same game. They are looking to boycott any securities domiciled in New York City that could be destroyed on the whim of a judge.  This is a direct assault on Democracy and is intended to interfere in the 2024 election and deprive 50% of the nation of the right to vote. This judge should be arrested forthwith for violating the civil rights of half the nation.

2024 Presidential Election by Popular Vote

I have been saying in various interviews that I have NEVER witnessed the computer projecting such a potential for a landslide in the 2024 election. Look at the 2008 election. Obama won only 52.9% of the popular vote, and in 2012, he won with just 51.1%. Only FDR, LBJ, and Richard Nixon won over 60% of the popular vote. To see two of our models project a landslide is incredible.

2028 Presidential forecast

Now, look at the stark forecast the computer has for 2028. Never have I ever seen such a landslide in the entire history of the United States. I do not see how it is possible for the country not to separate. These tactics by Judge Engoron are so un-American it is outrageous. What’s next? He will pull a Trudeau and fine everyone who donates to Trump as a co-conspirator and impose fines greater than their entire net worth? He is a total disgrace to to the rule of law.

Lincoln House Divided

As I pointed out to the Supreme Court, not since Abraham Lincoln was removed from the ballot of ten states have we ever witnessed what they are trying to do to Trump. The people should decide who is president – not tactics like this and fake judges who swore an oath to defend the Constitution he just tore to shreds.

Truckers Canada

Thank God for the Truckers! Those truckers in Canada showed the world that they could bring down government policies. Eventually, the High Court ruled what Trudeau did was unconstitutional. The truckers of Canada were an inspiration, and we are witnessing protests from Farmers worldwide following their lead. What New York City has done to Trump is so unconstitutional and in-your-face corrupt that this city no longer even deserves to call itself part of America. It is so foreign to the foundation of everything the Founding Fathers stood for; it is merely a prelude to what our computer has warned will happen – a national divorce between the red and blue states for civilization can no longer be maintained when one side thinks they have a right to oppress the other.

Civilization only makes sense when everyone benefits from joining together.

Ep 3284b – Message Sent & Received, Witness Tampering, Information Waterfall

Posted originally on Rumble By Z22 Report on: Feb 17, 2024 at 9:30 pm EST

War & Justice The Coming Movie

Posted originally on Feb 16, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

War and Justice Marcus_Vetter

The War And Justice movie is already being banned by those who are far-left, pro-war, and pro-the corruption at the International Criminal Court when the Neocons got it to indicate Putin when they had no jurisdiction over non-members – such as the United States, China, and Russia. In this world where George Soros is silencing all dissent and his son Alex has displayed behavior that would land anyone else in prison, our future grows dark as we have to stand up to defend our fundamental freedoms. Here is the Trailer.

Mike Benz Gives Background Context on Internet Censorship Programs

Posted originally on the CTH on February 16, 2024 | Sundance 

The national security state is the main driver of censorship and election interference in the United States. “What I’m describing is military rule,” says Mike Benz. “It’s the inversion of democracy.”

CTH readers have discussed this issue for several years.  What Benz describes in the video below is the reality of what systems and tech architecture are in place right now.  The big picture of who wants control over the domestic internet apparatus and how.  WATCH: 

It is important to begin with the end in mind.  Perhaps some people are unaware that internet services, meaning the actual experience of using the internet for communication and commerce, are not the same in every nation.  In fact, it is quite a different experience depending on where on the globe you are located.  The differences are driven by internal controls, the intranet of the regional internet per se.

The internet in China is not the same as the internet in Europe, which is not the same as the internet in Australia, which is not the same as the internet in North America, which is not the same -at all- as the internet that now exists within Russia.  Even in some continents, the internet traffic flows are controlled at different levels within each nation. The “world wide web” is a format, but when you get down to the national level, things change.

This baseline helps to understand that internet freedom is defined by access to information and commerce.

To the extent the information or commerce is defined as against the interests of the authority structure, or potentially a threat to the national security interest of the government therein, the internet content is filtered, modified, censored, removed or just simply blocked from view.  This is one layer in the information control system.

Another layer is the flow of commerce that floats atop the flow of information.  This is where advertising, product sales, purchasing and general e-commerce takes place. This layer represents another option for control; therefore, this e-commerce layer should be considered running in parallel to the information, albeit perhaps indirectly attached.

When western government applied economic sanctions against Russia via financial restrictions writ large, the layer of internet commerce control merged with the information and national security control systems of the internet.

Russian citizens were blocked from e-commerce access, specifically from western nations in alignment with the sanctions, and the mechanisms of online purchasing were restricted.  However, the entire world did not participate in the sanctions, and there is a massive amount of e-commerce that takes place, even with the systems of western control financial blocks in place.

Additionally, there is a large black-market system for commerce and financial transactions that started organically in the aftermath of the Russian sanctions.  Crypto currency, as a financial transaction mechanism, was predictable; however, over time people became even more strategic and alternate transfer systems were created.  You can purchase advertising in Russia, but are you really purchasing advertising – or are the purchasers really just transferring funds?  Think about it.

I share that Russia example, because I do not want people to get too disheartened in what is going to happen here in the United States.  There will always be a market for information, regardless of the control systems that are created to stop it.  Additionally, there will always be smart rebellious people who think of ways to subvert the intents of the control mechanisms.  Freedom may be diminished from a raging fire to a small burning flame, but it will never be fully extinguished.  WE just need to learn to adapt.

It took me over two years to assemble The Benghazi Brief, because the background story was so large and complex that it took time, research and retrospection to appropriately contextualize the truth of the issue. {GO DEEP}  The Benghazi attack was a small, albeit deadly outcome, of a much larger story.  The brief walks through everything in context.

In a similar construct, the Shadow banning of The United States internet is a big and complex story, and I am only about halfway through the assembly of all the data to put context to it.  However, as time becomes critical, it is important for me to push the information forward – because many of the timelines in the construct are likely to surface before I am complete with the fully assembled story.

I am going to drop some links that will help serve as a flashlight into the rabbit hole.  Each story may seem initially disparate or disconnected.  However, I would encourage you to think big picture with each of the puzzle pieces that are presented.  This is likely to become a series, and I will create a new “Internet” category on the side bar where I will tag any future elements.

Please keep in mind, the issues of e-commerce: ie. information monetization, advertising, deplatforming and debanking, are not disconnected from the issues of information control.  The same larger national security system that has mandated (and will mandate), information blocks, content censorship, content restrictions, content removal and various platform control elements, is all part of one interconnected compliance system.  Electronic Commerce and Electronic Information are all subject to the online control process.  This is a public-private partnership on the internet.

The origin of the public-private partnership goes all the way back to the origin of the tech system in relationship to the DARPA programs and government sponsored research labs.  The outcome of the modern partnership is evident in the Dept of Homeland Security (DHS) collaboration with the various communication platforms or pipes of information. Systems like the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism’s (GIFCT) database, are simply outcomes of the partnership.  There are hundreds more.

There is a rush now to provide context because Artificial Intelligence (AI), or smart data systems, are launching into the United States internet control mechanisms almost daily.  We are close to the time when AI will be triggered to help control the content of the internet under the guise of national security.

The timeline for full deployment of the modern United States internet control system, is likely around late fall and early winter this year, in advance of the 2024 U.S. election cycle.

Everything will change.  Every route of online traffic including Internet Service Providers (ISP’s) to filters and rerouting on Domain Name Systems (DNS), to the Internet Protocol (IP) itself will be subject to change in the form of background shadow banning.  If the DHS partnership is successful, you will not initially notice – much like a shadow banned platform user doesn’t notice their new defined status.  The shift will become more obvious over time.

One odd outcome will be a regional targeting system.  Depending on where you are in the USA, your online experience will be different. There will also be enhancements to your internet travel based on your profile.  Good thinking users will have benefits that enhance the experience of the user and supports the interests of the national security guardians.

♦ Deployment of a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is irrelevant in this construct.  A VPN is like you renting a car without a license plate.  You travel past all the Automatic License Plate Readers, arrive at your destination, leave the keys in the ignition and just abandon the car.  Your personal travel was essentially invisible to the APLR system.  However, when the internet roads are controlled by the national security state, and there is no longer an offramp to the destination, your VPN use is irrelevant – you cannot reach your destination.  That’s part of the shift.

You will notice I use the term “definition” quite often.  That is because the root of every control mechanism is grounded upon defining things.  When you accept the terms ‘disinformation’, ‘misinformation’, and/or ‘malinformation’, you are buying into the process that permits definitions to determine your travel. Those who define both you and your destination, ultimately control your online experience.

Now, before getting to a recent example of this construct as it is being built, it is important to return to the e-commerce aspect and overlay the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) index into the world of online commerce.

♦ Right now, you can physically boycott Bud Light by choosing another brand.  However, for total goods and services the amount of online purchasing is now exceeding the amount of purchasing in real life (brick and mortar shopping).   Overlay the economic control system (think Russian sanctions approach) with the national security requirements for DEI, amid all online commerce, and apply that layer of analysis.  In the e-commerce world, choosing not to buy Bud Light will become a little more difficult; and those who do support the boycott become subject to the previously mentioned “definitions”.

I’m jumping ahead, because today there was a big development. As you read this, do not think small as presented – think bigger.  Think beyond the use of AI moderation on a platform, and think of AI moderation on the U.S. Internet System.  Online moderation conducted by AI:

OPEN AI – […] GPT-4 is also able to interpret rules and nuances in long content policy documentation and adapt instantly to policy updates, resulting in more consistent labeling. We believe this offers a more positive vision of the future of digital platforms, where AI can help moderate online traffic.

[…] Content moderation demands meticulous effort, sensitivity, a profound understanding of context, as well as quick adaptation to new use cases, making it both time consuming and challenging. Traditionally, the burden of this task has fallen on human moderators sifting through large amounts of content to filter out toxic and harmful material, supported by smaller vertical-specific machine learning models. The process is inherently slow and can lead to mental stress on human moderators.

We’re exploring the use of LLMs to address these challenges. Our large language models like GPT-4 can understand and generate natural language, making them applicable to content moderation. The models can make moderation judgments based on policy guidelines provided to them. (read more

Do you remember me telling you about what I noticed in the most recent Google spider crawls?

“The Alpha/Google spiders are not crawling around with their enhanced AI looking for words, phrases or content issues.  Enhanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) has given the spiders the ability to look for context.  The new Alpha/Goog AI spiders are crawling the internet looking for information provided with a detrimental and accurate context.  Those who are applying truthful context are the subversive voices that must be targeted.  Keep this in mind.”

I can get in big trouble for sharing this next graphic, but f**kit… I’m all in.

Google Spider Crawl Result, CTH Subversive Content, July 2023

As we have shared, the crawl is not headlines, the crawl is in content.  Yes, even content in the comment section is now flagging to the control systems.  Why? Because we operate a proprietary constructed private commenting system that doesn’t have a backdoor and protects you, the user.

The Google Spiders are newly enhanced with AI instructions, dispatched looking for content and ‘context’ that is against the interests of the Vanguard, Blackrock, Larry Page (Alpha/Goog owners), and the public-private partnership.

Look at the one I have highlighted above titled “Have you ever noticed this.”  Do you remember it?  [Reminder Here] This content is considered “dangerous or derogatory”. Think about that for a moment.  Discussing the humor of Donald Trump, and the fellowship it creates, is considered “dangerous” to the interests of Google.

Do not get alarmed, get informed.

I share this information with you so that you understand what is being constructed and what is about to be deployed on a large scale throughout the U.S. internet operating system.  The U.S. internet will be different.  The social media restrictions became more prevalent and noticeable in the past several years; now it is time for DHS to expand that process to the entire U.S. internet.

When I wrote about Jack’s Magic Coffee shop, people initially thought I was crazy – but the guys inside the coffee shop didn’t.  Eventually DHS control over Twitter was revealed in the Twitter files.  The same background is true here.  The entire American online apparatus is going to change.

More will follow….


Using AI for Content Moderation

Facebook / META / Tech joining with DHS

Zoom with allow Content Scraping by AI 

AI going into The Cloud

U.S. Govt Going into The Cloud With AI

Pentagon activates 175 Million IP’s

2024 Election Poll

Posted originally on Feb 13, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

2024 Election

Deep State wants Absentee Presidents

Posted originally on Feb 12, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

COMMENT: You have far more experience dealing with governments than any of these newsletter commentators. RFK just confirmed what you have been saying and what Putin said: that the president does not really make the decisions. RFK just said, “There are entrenched interests and special interests in government that actually benefit from having a president who is not completely competent. ” He is talking about the Deep State without using that term.

I was in Austin. I didn’t get a chance to shake your hand at Mikki’s event. I did see you talking to RFK’s people. I hope he listens to you.


Trump Cabinet Meeting

ANSWER: The role of the President is to be the referee at these Cabinet Meetings. Biden is on vacation 40% of the time. He does not have the mental capacity nor the stamina to do the job. The agencies always want an ABSENTEE president. They get to do what they want and never have to answer to anyone. This is what is tearing the country apart. We have all of these agencies doing their own thing, and nobody is coordinating anything. The State Department is driving us into World War III, and nobody can put the brakes on these people. They threaten China over Taiwan when China is the largest holder of US debt. Then, the Treasury has to send Yellen over to beg for them to keep buying US debt. If they stop, long-term interest rates will soar.

Deep State 1

We can’t even take 90 days more of this insanity. They are trying to create war by July under the theory no president has ever lost during the war. The Democrats would not even allow anyone else to be on the ticket against Biden, fearing he cannot debate and will lose. They have told Democratic states to try to remove Trump and launched relentless actions against Trump, desperate to ensure four more years with Biden and absentee leadership. This is the Deep State in complete control.

President Trump Gives Press Conference Following Meeting with Teamsters Union in Washington DC

Posted originally on the CTH on January 31, 2024 | Sundance

Earlier today, President Donald Trump participated in a roundtable discussion with the Teamsters executive board, its president and members at the annual meeting in Washington DC.  President Trump chose to attend the conference as he continues to focus on Main Street blue collar workers who helped fuel the MAGA 2016 victory.

The blue collar MAGA coalition is expected to play a major role in the November election – particularly in Midwestern swing states like Wisconsin and Michigan.  The America First agenda delivered significant gains for U.S. manufacturing workers throughout President Trump’s first term.  At the conclusion of the meeting with Teamsters, President Trump delivered comments to the oppositional media.  [The audio improves at 01:50 of the video] WATCH:


Rudy and VDH Debrief on the New Lawfare Era Showcased by the E Jean Carroll Nonsense

Posted originally on the CTH on January 27, 2024

Rudy Giuliani brought up some good points that were surreptitiously also noted by Victor Davis Hanson.   As Giuliani noted in an interview with Newsmax, the core elements of the E Jean Carroll claims never made any sense.

Specifically, Carroll couldn’t even put a date or YEAR on her claims against Donald Trump, but that really didn’t matter in a civil case where the New York state legislature literally wrote a new law that permitted the lawsuit against Donald Trump.  WATCH:

Victor Davis Hanson makes some of the same points, only with a little more detail:

VDH – […] “The civil suit serves as a mere preview of four additional leftwing criminal prosecutions, leftwing judges, and leftwing juries to come—all on charges that would never had been filed if Trump either had not run for president or been a liberal progressive.

Yet here we are.

The E. Jean Carroll case is the most baffling of all five. She, the alleged victim, did not remember even the year in which the purported sexual assault took place, nearly three decades ago. Observers have pointed out dozens of inconsistencies in her story.

It was never clear what were the preliminaries that supposedly (Trump denies meeting her) led both, allegedly, willingly to retreat together to a department store dressing room, where during normal business hours the alleged violence took place.

Moreover, the sexual assault complaint came forward decades post facto—and only after Trump was running for and then president.

Carroll eventually sued him for battery, but well after the statute of limitations had expired and thus the case seemed defunct.

Her claims of defamation injuries arise from being fired from her advice column job at ELLE magazine.

She claimed that Trump’s sharp denials and ad hominem retorts led to her career ruin. But the loss for anyone of a column at 76 does not seem such a rare occurrence, and the absence of a salaried job in one’s late seventies for four years does not seem to equate to a $83 million hit.

And note the allegation that her dispute with Trump led to her firing was strongly denied by the very magazine that cut her loose.

But then another strange thing happened. In 2022, a new law (“The Adult Survivors Act”) was passed in the New York legislature. It also post facto established a twelve-month window (beginning six months from the signing of bill) that permitted survivors of long ago alleged sexual assaults suddenly to sue the accused long-ago perpetrator—regardless of the previous statute of limitations.

That unexpected opening suddenly gave Carroll’s prior unsuccessful efforts a rebirth. And she quickly refiled with the help of arch-Trump hating billionaire Hoffman.

Yet the bill may have been introduced with Trump particularly in mind—given the legislator who introduced it, Brad Hoylman-Siga, was known as another Trump antagonist.

More interestingly, he had earlier introduced and had passed another Trump-targeted bill. That “TRUST” act had empowered particular federal Congressional committees to have access to the New York State once sealed tax returns of high-ranking government officials—such as Trump.

That bill’s generally agreed subtext was a green light for anti-Trump members of Congress to obtain legal access to Donald J. Trump’s tax returns.

So there is an eerie feeling that the New York legislature may have abruptly passed legislation that was aimed at the past conduct of Donald Trump but only after he entered the political arena.

While these are not quite bills of attainder, there is something unsettling if they are post facto laws aimed at targeting the most famous and controversial man in America and the leading candidate for the presidency.

In essence they were targeted statutes designed to make Trump’s prior legally unactionable behavior suddenly quite legally actionable.

Trump will be subject to such special treatment all summer and fall.

Prosecutors Bragg, James, Smith, and Willis will synchronize their court business for maximum effect.

Trump again will face leftwing prosecutors, judges, and juries on charges that are politically driven, involving alleged behavior that is either usually not criminalized or not to the same degree as Trump’s case. (Do we remember the nearly $375,000 federal fine belatedly leveled at an exempt Obama but only five years after his 2008 illegal garnering of, and not reporting, foreign campaign contributions?)

The stakes are higher each day as Trump closes in on the nomination and thus becomes the hope of half the country to end the Biden madness.

Somehow Trump will have to stay calm, give no opening to his legion of hostile prosecutors, while conducting a nonstop campaign against Biden (and for a while Hayley), and while fighting to keep his name on various state ballots.

So what we are witnessing is not even the extralegal efforts of Steele/Fusion GPS, Perkins Coie/DNC/Hillary Clinton in 2016, or the 2020 “Russian disinformation” ruse/change the voting laws/infuse half a billion dollars to absorb the work of the registrar machinations against Trump.

We are way beyond all that. The legal system itself, hand-in-glove with leftwing politicos (compare campaign boasts of James and Willis, or prosecutorial visits to the January 6 committee and the White House) is turning the process of balloting and elections into an embarrassing farce.

Still, Trump will have to soldier on. He must stay controlled amid the tsunamis, not play into the hands of his accusers, and remember that he may soon be the only eleventh-hour hope to stop this mockery of American law, customs and traditions.” (link)

Charles Payne Defends Half of America from Biden Attacks and Democrat Vitriol

Posted originally on the CTH on January 24, 2024 | Sundance 

Fox News host Charles Payne was on a panel discussion about USA politics and the Trump support in New Hampshire.   After some back and forth about MAGA voters, Charles Payne unloads on Biden and the Democrats for ridiculing half the country.  WATCH:


The segment mentioned about Dean Phillips visiting a MAGA rally is below.


The Catalyst for the Next US Civil War?

Posted originally on Jan 19, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Could this be the catalyst for the next civil war? The federal government warned the Texas National Guard to  “cease and desist its efforts to block Border Patrol’s access in and around the Shelby Park area and remove all barriers to access to the U.S.-Mexico border.” Texas said NO and numerous states are sending resources to Texas to stand against the federal government.

Since the Biden Administration has adopted an open border policy, Texas has implemented a state law whereby they will arrest all illegal aliens entering their state. The federal government has done everything to prevent Texas from stopping the surge of migrants and neither side will cave. “The recent actions by the State of Texas have impeded operations of the Border Patrol. Those actions conflict with the authority and duties of Border Patrol under federal law and are preempted under the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution. Texas’s actions also improperly seek to regulate the federal government,” the DHS said in a letter to Texas AG Ken Paxton. Texas responded by saying it will “not surrender to Biden’s destructive open-border policies.”

A mother and her two children drowned in the river while crossing into Texas. The federal government is solely blaming Texas rather than their failed policies that invited people to cross into the nation in the first place. The Mexican government stepped in to retrieve the family, and US Border Patrol did not show up until after the incident. Forget the millions who have died from the drugs and crime crossing into the US; the MSM will now focus on these three people over the coming weeks.

Numerous Republican governors in other states, especially the south, are sending resources to Texas immediately. Around 100 migrants are crossing into Texas from this specific area every HOUR. This is one of the dirtiest ploys in recent political history. The year 2023 marked the first time in modern US history that the number of migrants far outpaced the number of births in America. The demographics of America have been permanently altered and people are continuing to pile into the country. The Democrats admitted the open border policy was a deliberate attempt to flood the nation with people who would vote for socialistic policies as the usher in the New World Order, but most were utterly clueless regarding the resources required to carry out their failed scheme. Now, their Sanctuary cities and states are in ruin; they have run out of resources.

American Dream

The far-left told migrants to come to America where the American dream would await them. The American Dream of the 1950s is DEAD. Even hardworking Americans can no longer obtain the lifestyle that was once promised and provided to legal immigrants. These migrants today are unable to work and expect the taxpaying citizens of this nation to pay for their new lives. The future of our nation depends on stopping the deliberate invasion of America.