The World’s Most Censored Democracy

Posted originally on Apr 24, 2024 By Martin Armstrong  

Australia is rapidly becoming the most censored “democracy” in the world. The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) regulates all media from broadcasting, telecommunications, online search results, video games, to social media platforms. The Classification Board and Classification Review Board decides what information Australians can and cannot see. The government has even appointed an eSafety Commissioner to specifically oversee “online safety” and prohibit Australians from viewing anything the government deems unfit.

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel is an Orthodox Christian priest with a massive online following. Mari preaches at the Christ the Good Shepherd Church in Wakeley, delivering powerful messages that have been resonating with believers and non-believers alike. Everyone is aware that Australia has a migrant crisis no different from other developed nations. A few weeks ago, Mari was delivering a sermon when an Islamic extremist approached him with a knife. Australia does not want the people to bear arms but that does not deter attacks.

The 16-year-old terrorist, who was clearly motivated by religion, rushed the altar with a knife and attempted to repeatedly stab Mari. The unarmed bishop held his crucifix up to the attacker and miraculously prevented the switchblade from fully opening, saving his life. The video of the attack has gone viral across the internet, met with an outpouring of sympathy from people around the world. The Australian government is angry that this video is painting migrants in a poor light and is demanding that it be scrubbed from the internet.

If he [the bishop] didn’t get himself involved in my religion, if he hadn’t spoken about my prophet, I wouldn’t have come here. … If he just spoke about his own religion, I wouldn’t have come,” the attacker said. It took the Australian government time to investigate whether this was a religiously motivated attack. After all, Christians are not a protected class and acts of violence against them are dismissed. “We believe there are elements that are satisfied in terms of religious motivated extremism,” New South Wales Police Force Commissioner Karen Webb stated before she later deemed it a “terrorist incident” due to public backlash.

Mari was also outspoken about COVID, lockdowns, and vaccine mandates. He criticizes the Australian government openly and honestly.


Australia’s eSafety Commissioner is attempting to remove the video from the internet. X (formerly Twitter) owned by Elon Musk revealed that the eSafety Commissioner contacted them to take down the video. “The Australian eSafety Commissioner ordered X to remove certain posts in Australia that publicly commented on the recent attack against a Christian Bishop. These posts did not violate X’s rules on violent speech,” the company stated.

Julie Inman Grant

Julie Inman Grant of the eSafety Commissioner is far within the deep state. She was offered a role with the CIA in the 90s but declined as she wanted the acknowledgement. “I wouldn’t be able to tell my friends and family what I was doing,” Grant stated on turning down the job. She proceeded to find a role in Microsoft as a government affairs manager before moving to Australia in 2000. Grant was awarded the title of national eSafety Commissioner in 2017.

Australia is livid that Elon Musk will not remove the video. “We know, I think overwhelmingly, Australians want misinformation and disinformation to stop. This isn’t about freedom of expression,” said Prime Minister Anthony Albanese. “This is about the dangerous implications that can occur when things that are simply not true, that everyone knows is not true, are replicated and weaponized in order to cause division and in this case to promote negative statements and potentially to just inflame what was a very difficult situation.”

What disinformation? It is a real video of an attack that occurred as a direct result of hatred against Christians. “I’d like to take a moment to thank the PM for informing the public that this platform is the only truthful one,” Musk responded, adding, it is “absurd for any one country to attempt to censor the entire world.”

The World Economic Forum has praised Australia for their extreme censorship efforts, deeming the eSafety Commissioner Grant “the world’s most influential leaders revolutionizing government.”

One must ask – why are they afraid of this particular video circulating? We must recognize the content that the globalists do not want us to see in order to understand the larger agenda.

Happy Transgender Day – Forget Easter

Posted originally on Mar 31, 2024 By Martin Armstrong 

Easter is Transgender Day

If anyone dares to question why the United States will break apart and separate, you must move to California. Biden has just declared Easter is really Transgender Day. He did not give us a memo on how to celebrate. I guess we do not have to hunt for eggs or give presents. So, I guess we are all supposed to be cross-dressers today. We now have Biden effectively declaring Easter Sunday Transgender Day, which is basically a FU to all Christians while they are really saying take your religion and stuff it. The Biden Administration, like Marx, has effectively declared religion the OPIUM OF THE PEOPLE, and they have no respect for anything you believe.

Like Zelensky in Ukraine outlawing Eastern Orthodox religion and nullifying their holidays, including outlawing their Christmas in January, which has been celebrated for more than 1,000 years, the Biden White House is trying to eradicate our religious beliefs and customs.

When Biden won the White House, they were cheering that they would change America into their vision of la la land – Californization of the entire country. That is what I mean; the people who are really running the show in the White House HATE America! They hate religion, our culture, and everything about what made America – America. They are trying to desperately destroy everything about the United States that once made our country great and the beacon of liberty around the world. LIBERTY is old fashioned – they are now autocratic dictators that we MUST live by what they decree or else!

Those Days of Freedom Are Gone

Sleep Walking into WWIII

This Biden Administration is sleep-walking the country into World War III to reduce the population all for the Climate Change zealots and to appease the NEOCONs who cannot sleep at night without hating someone.


The Neocons wrote the script for Biden to read, for they made sure they started the civil war in Ukraine as the spearhead to use to go after Russia. This was a Declaration of War that they announced on March 26th, 2022, and bypassed Congress entirely to manipulate the country into war.

CNN Biden Denying Free Speech

We already knew that FREEDOM OF SPEECH means nothing anymore, as the Biden Administration orders private companies to censor people they cannot do directly. Biden even created, on April 27, 2022, the Disinformation Governance Board (DGB), an advisory board of the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to control the free press. Then Biden tells Texas it has NO RIGHT whatsoever to defend its own people.

Voter ID

I am sorry, but with this agenda, it is only a matter of time before History Repeats, and we will see a unified separatist movement start to form. NOBODY will accept the results of this election, and there is NO WAY these people in Washington will allow either Trump or RFK to win the White House. All the studies show that Trump would have won in 2020 without mail-in ballots. The Democrats are handing out voter registrations to noncitizens. Merrick tells Congress VOTER IDs are not necessary, yet they threaten any state that insists on IDs to vote as discriminatory. You cannot board a plane or drive a car without a photo ID, but you can vote with nothing? This is all to rig the elections. There is no way this will be a fair election, and they DO NOT GIVE A SHIT anymore what you vote for or what you think. They will win no matter what.



Because it is for the DEEP STATE

Civil War in any country typically followed two factors. When a nation PRETENDS to be a democracy, like the Roman Republic, but while people may vote, once in power, the leaders do whatever they want. This has unfolded in the United States, and the Biden Administration has taken this to new heights. Zelensky was elected promising peace in Ukraine and has done the opposite. This is the #1 factor that led to all civil wars throughout history. The #2 factor was when the people become divided according to IDENTITY rather than philosophy, such as Catholic vs. Protestant, Suni vs. Shitie, Black vs. White, Marxist vs. Capitalist. Today, 40% of Democrats vote Democrat not because of philosophy but because of IDENTITY. The same is true about Republicans. This is the crisis in Washington that has identified Republicans who no longer represent the philosophy but vote because they are part of the Deep State IDENTITY – hence RINOs.

When the people are so divided, and the groups begin to hate each other as is unfolding, then our failed Republican form of government is NOT a democracy in the slightest, and they, like Zelensky, will say whatever needs to be said to win an election and then do as they like. This clip from the London Financial Times shows how DEMOCRACY suddenly became POPULISM because people voted for an outsider like Trump, and they were terrified.

This is why the United States will go into a civil war. This formula has identified civil wars for thousands of years, leaping out from our computer models that have looked at the rise and fall of nations. It is NOT equality or the differential in wealth. It is when fundamental fairness is thrown out the window for power. EVERY single city-state, nation, or empire has fallen when it has crossed this threshold and is buried in a common grave.

That said, I personally do not believe those controlling the White House, and thus all the government agencies, will allow anyone BUT Biden to win this election. They have gone too far to allow anyone to overturn their agenda. I find it very curious that this movie comes out on April 12th on the future American Civil War.  The American Civil War actually began on April 12th, 1861 (1861.279). So, the release date is historical. Our computer shows that the United States will no longer stand united by 2036.489.

Our computer has projected that 2024 will sow the seeds for the end of the United States. According to the historian Suetonius, Caesar said his famous phrase, ālea iacta est (“the die has been cast”). In other words, the dice have been thrown. That is what our computer has forecast for 2024. The precise date of that turning point is September 4/5th, 2024.

The Dice Have Been Cast

Dr. Carol Swain On Societal Decline Felt Everywhere From Universities To Churches

Posted originally on Rumble By Steve Bannons War Room on Dec 23 2023

NY Rep Elise Stefanik Asks Simple Questions About Antisemitism, Three Left-Wing Ivy League Presidents Collapse Under Spotlight

Posted originally on the CTH on December 9, 2023 | Sundance 

Last Tuesday, Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) pressed the presidents of the University of Pennsylvania, Harvard and MIT about rising antisemitism on college campuses and whether the speech calling for “intifada” or the elimination of the Jewish people violates their schools’ codes of conduct. The alarming responses are now leading to severe blowback on the presidents.

“Does calling for the genocide of Jews violate Penn’s rules or code of conduct?” Rep. Stefanik asked. “It is a context-dependent decision,” replied UPenn’s Elizabeth Magill. “If the speech becomes conduct, it can be harassment.” Stefanik was stunned.  “‘Conduct’ meaning committing the act of genocide?” an incredulous Rep. Stefanik asked. “The speech is not harassment. This is unacceptable.”

The New York Republican then went on to ask each of the university presidents the same series of questions.

“Does calling for the genocide of Jews violate Harvard’s rules on bullying and harassment?” she asked Harvard’s Claudine Gay. “It can be, depending on the context,” Ms. Gay responded. “What’s the context?” Rep. Stefanik followed up. “Targeted at an individual,” the Harvard president said. “It’s targeted at Jewish students, Jewish individuals,” Rep. Stefanik shot back. “Do you understand your testimony is dehumanizing them? Do you understand that dehumanization is part of antisemitism?” WATCH:

Today, Ms. Liz Magill was removed from her position as U-Penn president.

(Politico) – […] University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill on Saturday voluntarily stepped down from her role after facing intense blowback following a House Education committee hearing this week.

Magill has agreed to stay in her role until an interim president is selected, according to a statement from Penn Trustee Board Chair Scott Bok.

“It has been my privilege to serve as President of this remarkable institution,” Magill said in the statement. “It has been an honor to work with our faculty, students, staff, alumni and community members to advance Penn’s vital mission.”

Magill, along with Harvard President Claudine Gay and Massachusetts Institute of Technology President Sally Kornbluth, participated in a contentious, more than five-hour grilling from lawmakers Tuesday over their response to antisemitism on their campuses.

[…] Magill is the first president to step down over a response to campus antisemitism. Stefanik called for all three presidents to be fired after the hearing. And in response to their testimony, several lawmakers and top officials across the aisle have slammed the presidents for refusing to say calls for “Jewish genocide” violate their codes of conduct around bullying or harassment.

[…] Stefanik, who led the toughest questioning at Tuesday’s hearing and has called for all of the presidents to be fired, wrote on X that Magill’s “forced resignation” is only the beginning for addressing antisemitism on college campuses.

“One down,” Stefanik said. “Two to go.” (read more

This is what happens when we stop pretending the leftists are stable people; they are not.

Leftism, in the most modern and culturally Marxist ideology, is fraught with intended hypocrisy.  If the word “Jew” had been replaced with any other characteristic of personage like black, Latino, gay, lesbian etc., and the same question about pronouncements for the elimination of people carrying those characteristics was questioned, the answers would have been entirely the opposite.   This is the nature of hate-filled leftist thought.

Stefanik called it out openly; she did not pretend.  Now we see the consequences.

Let us hope that more people can begin calling out the pretenses, the absurd ideological hypocrisy framed from hate, that forms the culturally Marxist mindset.

Christians are on the FBI Watchlist

Armstrong Economics Blog/Politics Re-Posted Oct 27, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Spread the love

America was once a Christian nation with shared values, morals, and traditions. The government has done everything possible to remove any mention of God, as there can be no higher entity. This goes far beyond separating the church from state. Christian beliefs have been demonized with this woke agenda that goes against all mainstream religions. Worse, a leaked FBI memo reveals that Christians are being watched and labeled “radical traditionalists” and “potential terrorists.”

“If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first.” John 15:18

The FBI has been sending undercover agents into churches, predominately Catholic Churches. “Interest of Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violent Extremists in Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Opportunities,” was leaked in January but no one has been held responsible and Christians are still being targeted by the government.

The FBI deemed pro-life supporters as terrorists. Why? This clearly violates the constitution and shows that the government wants to dismantle religion.

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Who authorized FBI agents to attend Sunday masses and treat Christians as domestic terrorists? Pro-abortionists were permitted to interrupt church services, screaming, “Jesus hates you! Fund abortion, not cops!” Now if that happened in a synagogue or a mosque, those people would be arrested for a hate crime. Soros and the Open Society Foundation openly funds pro-abortion protests and rallies. Alex Soros commented in 2019, “Far-right and anti-abortion groups around the world are emboldened by the Trump administration’s extreme policies that are harming vulnerable groups and undermining global health.” They are aiming to group religion and politics together. The Open Society Foundations spent millions to repeal abortion restrictions in the US and Europe, and it was successful in repealing some restrictions in Ireland. Yet, the parishioners are seen as violent terrorists? The FBI has truly become Biden’s Gestapo as conservative views are not permitted under his rule. The FBI infiltrated American churches without just cause. Nothing is sacred anymore.

Sunday Talks – Senator Mark Warner Says SSCI Bill to Block All Presidents from Fourth Branch Classified Intelligence Close to Completion

Posted originally on the CTH on September 17, 2023 | Sundance 

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) created the systems that permit intelligence weaponization.  The SSCI is the organizational institution that supports the Fourth Branch of Government, the intelligence branch.  Keep in mind, the SSCI previously created a bipartisan “Restrict Act,” to deal with what they deemed dangerous information on the internet (under auspices of TikTok ban).  SSCI Chairman Mark Warner is the current enabler of the continued weaponized intel operations.

In this video segment below, notice how Chairman Warner leads off his remarks.  Two flares triggered.  First, you can tell by his response, that President Trump’s “classified documents” were exactly what we thought they were; evidence against those who constructed the Trump-Russia claims from inside govt.  Second, notice how Warner now wants to block any President from controlling intelligence as defined by the Fourth Branch.  This stuff is getting brutally obvious.  WATCH:

“I’ve got bipartisan legislation that would reform the whole classification process. We way overclassify. We, frankly, should have a process in place so that no president or vice president ever takes documents after they leave office.” 

MARGARET BRENNAN: We turn now to Virginia Democrat Mark Warner. He is the chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Great to have you here.

REP. MARK WARNER (D-VA): Thank you, Margaret.

MARGARET BRENNAN: I have to pick up where your Republican colleague just left off. Are the Trump and Biden classified documents that were in their personal possession, and not in controlled areas, equally egregious?

MARK WARNER: Well, Margaret, three things quickly. One, the administration took way too long to get us these documents. Two, while Mike and I have a great working relationship, I believe, based on the documents I’ve seen, that there is a difference in terms of the potential abuse that came from the Trump documents. And, third, it’s one of the reasons why I’ve got bipartisan legislation that would reform the whole classification process. We way overclassify. We, frankly, should have a process in place so that no president or vice president ever takes documents after they leave office. That is kind of the lowest common fruit.


MARK WARNER: We ought to get that passed. We’ve got part of that in the intel authorization bill and I hope becomes the law of the land so we can prevent this from happening going forward.

MARGARET BRENNAN: You’ve said based on documents you’ve seen, but you want to see more documents?

MARK WARNER: We have actually — I’m about at 98 percent satisfaction at this point.

MARGARET BRENNAN: OK, 98 percent satisfaction.

There’s a lot more on the national security front that we’re tracking right now, including this potential prisoner swap with Iran to bring five Americans home. Are you comfortable with the trade?

MARK WARNER: I’ve not gotten the brief. The Senate Intel Committee has not gotten the brief. We will be getting it shortly.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Wasn’t the staff briefed?

MARK WARNER: Well, I can tell you, I have not been personally briefed.


MARK WARNER: I think we need to start with the premise, it’s always the policy of our country to try to bring back Americans, who are held hostage. That was not only under Biden, it was Trump, it was Obama, Bush. I want to hear what kind of constraints are being put on in this exchange in terms of what has been reported of the $6 billion that was South Korean payments to Iran that would be released. I want to hear that and get those details before I weigh in further.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Because you have concern that money is fungible and there could be abuse?

MARK WARNER: I – you know, there is obviously — money is fungible. The administration has said there are guardrails. I want to get a better description of those guardrails first.

MARGARET BRENNAN: You have been very active on artificial intelligence. And we talked about this back in January.

Microsoft just announced a few days ago that China has a new capability to automatically generate images for use in influence operations to mimic American voters across the political spectrum and create controversy along racial, economic and ideological lines. How much of a risk is this to our upcoming elections?

MARK WARNER: It’s an enormous risk. And artificial intelligence, I’ve spent as much time on this I think as any member of the Senate, and I never spent something where you — the more time I spend, in certain ways the more confused I get. The whole economics around these large language models, which used to be, you know, who had the most data, who had the most compute power would win. That fundamentally changed after Facebook released its so- called llama model into the wild in the spring.

We just had a major session, Leader Schumer put together, had the kind of the who’s who in the room. And what it – what I’m concerned about is even the AI leaders who say they want rules, guardrails, I’m concerned that when you actually put words on paper will those major tech companies support that? Because you’ve seen, we in social media have done zero.


MARK WARNER: Now, in terms of China, China is a major player in AI. And where I think we ought to start, where AI tools, whether it comes from China or domestically, could have the most immediate effect would be the public (INAUDIBLE) in our elections –

MARGARET BRENNAN: Right. And (INAUDIBLE) legislative reaction.

MARK WARNER: Which Microsoft just cited. And hear — hear me – hear me out – hear me out on this. But the other area beyond elections is faith in our public markets. These same tools could completely disrupt the confidence in our public markets by using these same deep fake tools.


MARK WARNER: So, I believe we ought to start. If we can put together an alliance between the capitalists and the small d democrats, we might at least get guardrails coming in the next year with the elections and the concerns about our markets.

MARGARET BRENNAN: So, you’re concerned not just about spooking, you know, the stock market. We’re talking about misleading people going into an election. Congress isn’t going to legislate ahead of the election, are they? I mean Leader Schumer said this is the most difficult thing we’ve ever undertaken.

MARK WARNER: I think this is – this is why the notion of trying to solve it all, the bias questions, the whole questions around deep fakes –


MARK WARNER: The questions around what’s called hallucination, where you get answers that have no relationship to what the question was asked. But we ought to at least start with some guardrails around trust in our public election, trust in our public markets. There I think we can move before our elections. I think it will be bipartisan. Let’s start on that framing point. I think we can all agree there could be huge disruption in both of those areas. And that’s where I’m focusing my time.

MARGARET BRENNAN: You may have heard our CBS polling there at the top of the program. And one of the data points I want to show you here. It says, when people compare their finances now to how they were before the pandemic, by two to one they say they’re worse, not better. And when they feel worse, they tell us they’re voting for Donald Trump.

How can President Biden win over those voters?

MARK WARNER: Well, I think we’ve seen from President Biden’s actual record, record amounts of job growth coming again after Covid. We’ve seen major legislation. There are now laws in infrastructure, in the so-called CHIPS bill, and transition in our energy economy, and most of that has only been about 10 cents on every dollar spent out. So, I think the positive effects of that will really continue to penetrate this coming year.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Do the people in Virginia feel that, that you talk to?

MARK WARNER: I – listen, I think there is a general feeling, oh, my gosh, everybody seems to be at each other’s throats here in Washington.


MARK WARNER: You know, the notion that we’re going to potentially go into a government shutdown. Mike Turner and I work very closely together.

But I do think – I wish the House leadership would be spending a little more time on what would happen with a government shutdown, which makes us look bad around the world, and, frankly, in a state like mine, in Virginia, where we have so many government workers, government contractors, it will be a disaster. And yet the attention coming out of the House leadership is on impeachment and putting forward things they know will not ever pass the Senate in any kind of bipartisan fashion. And I think that is part of the underlying unease that voters feel.

MARGARET BRENNAN: So, you believe we are headed for a government shutdown?

MARK WARNER: I would like to say no, but we’re eight or nine days away and we’ve not even been able to see the House pass the most basic defense appropriations bills. I hope and pray that Speaker McCarthy will say, hey, I’m going to throw over the far right, and I’m going to put together a bipartisan effort with the Democrats and mainstream Republicans to keep the government funded. I think that would get, again, 350, 400 votes.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Senator, good to have you here in person.

Disobey and Live – Maui Fire Barricades

Armstrong Economics Blog/Corruption Re-Posted Aug 25, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

There are a number of factors that do not add up regarding the Maui fires. I am refraining from speculating, but based on the facts, the government allowed people to die. I reported that the fire hydrants were dry and the top official refused to use water reserves. The notification system and sirens mysteriously failed, leaving many clueless as to what was happening. Now it has been reported that the authorities barricaded residents within the fire zone.

Maui Police Chief John Pelletier said that the barricades were intended to prevent residents from coming into contact with over 30 downed power poles. Yet, they prevented the public from accessing Highway 30. Pelletier insists that the barricades were merely a suggestion, but first-hand reports state that people were forbidden to leave. Those who disobeyed and bypassed the barricades narrowly survived.

Kim Cuevas-Reyes told the Associated Press that she was fleeing the fires with her two sons when the authorities told her to turn right toward Lahaina’s Civic Center. She disobeyed and lived. “The gridlock would have left us there when the firestorm came,” said Cuevas-Reyes. “I would have had to tell my children to jump into the ocean as well and be boiled alive by the flames or we would have just died from smoke inhalation and roasted in the car.”

Another resident by the name Nate Baird was not aware of the fires until his two young sons said they smelled smores. He fled with his family but was told to turn around and go back to Lahaina. He disobeyed and lived. “Nobody realized how little time we really had,” Baird said. “Like even us being from the heart of the fire, we did not comprehend. Like we literally had minutes and one wrong turn. We would all be dead right now.”

What would you do if you were in the car with your family? Would you be obedient to authority or defy the law and save yourself? Stanley Milgram conducted a famous study that showed most people would blindly listen to an authoritative figure. COVID was a mass social experiment that also proved most people will blindly listen to authority figures. Even now, after knowing the damage that COVID caused, people are potentially willing to go back to masks and boosters despite it being ineffective the first time around. It is now more important than ever to think independently. No one is coming to save you and the authorities are not there to protect you.

As Stanley Milgram said:

“It may be that we are puppets – puppets controlled by the strings of society. But at least we are puppets with perception, with awareness. And perhaps our awareness is the first step to our liberation.”

A Message From Rush Limbaugh

Posted originally on the CTH on August 2, 2023 

Wow, does this message from Rush Limbaugh ring true today. {Direct Rumble LinkWATCH:

God Bless Him – We all miss Rush Limbaugh.

Before Donald Trump entered politics there was no home for people voting on the issues of a national economic agenda. Both Democrat and Republican candidates had essentially the same worldview on national economic policy because they are all getting money from the same multinational corporate trough.  However, President Trump changed that dynamic by presenting an alternative national economic policy called America-First.

For decades middle America was begging the McConnell’s, Ryans, Boehners, Romney’s, McCain’s, Bushes, et al, to make America-Fist economic policies their priority.  All of our shouts for help fell upon deaf political ears plugged by corporate donations and influence.  Our communities were literally collapsing around us (see rust belt), and yet no national politician would do anything of consequence.

By the time Donald Trump arrived decades of frustration exploded in an eruption of massive applause because he was articulating the central economic issue that was being ignored by the professional political class.  The America-First agenda is the restoration agenda.  From Trump’s national economic policy, the middle-class erosion stopped. Economic security, specifically U.S. employment stability and wage rates, goes hand in glove with border security and immigration controls.

MAGAnomics is the core of the great MAGA republican coalition, a working-class coalition that cuts through all other distinctions and divisions.  It is not republican because of political affiliation, it is “MAGA republican” only because the republican party was the political vehicle selected by Donald Trump to install the policy.

This reality creates a problem for the DC professional political class and the corporate media. Because MAGAnomics is the fundamentally binding principle there is no way to fracture the Trump supporter coalition.

I am a “MAGA republican” by default of my wanting a national economic agenda that looks out for the economic interests of American’s first.

Donald Trump is the irreplaceable Great MAGA King because Donald Trump is the only one who holds that same outlook.

It ‘seems’ chaotic and mad because it has been created to appear that way.  There are more of us than them; they just control the systems that allow us to connect, share messages and recognize the scale of our assembly.

And here we are… divided by a network of seemingly intoxicating systems; many purposefully driven by the modern dynamic of social media, steering a tribal outcome we are only now just beginning to fathom.

Ultimately the collective weight of progressive leftism is putting us is isolation. There are many historic references to this disconcerting sentiment to review with hindsight. However, ultimately the feeling of isolation first begins with a rejection of God.  Defeat it by embracing Him.

Our nation needs more people like you, right now. Don’t wait… engage life, get optimistic however you need to do it. Then let that part of you shine right now… This is how we fight. Hold up that flag; give the starter smile… rally to the standard you create and spread fellowship again.

Once restored, fight these bastards!

Vanlords – A New Form of Urban Encampment

Armstrong Economics Blog/Real Estate Re-Posted Jul 7, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

I’ve discussed Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) at length as they have been marketed as a new way to force people into perpetual renting. They have even advertised micro-ADUs that are no more than a shed with plumbing. Since addressing the housing crisis would go against plans for the Great Reset, people are turning to desperate measures.

Vanlords is the newly deemed term for people who rent out RVs to desperate families. This has become prominent in Los Angeles, California, where thousands of rental RVs have appeared. The government found a way to house all the illegals who Biden let in the country. The citizens sleep on the street or in vans. ‘”Vanlords,” as L.A. City Councilmember Traci Park calls them, typically buy RVs at auction, then either drive or get them towed to their location of choice.” These are not completely legal, but they are increasing in popularity as people have no alternative to affordable housing. “A lot of times, the inhabitants of the vehicle don’t know the name of the person who rented it from, they don’t have valid contact information, a lot of these vehicles are not registered, they’re not adequately insured,” said Park.

Not all RVs are hooked up to plumbing, and they are not legally hooked up to any electrical system. People have begun dumping waste into storm drains and using public facilities for basic hygiene. This is a step up from a large homeless encampment. Cities are working on changing municipal codes to permit these eyesores to line residential streets. This is not an adequate solution to homelessness and once more hurts the middle class as the upper class would have no need for a few hundred per month. This is another form of urban encampment that will drive down property values and create a dangerous situation for residents, who don’t have many rights, and neighboring residents.