Descending Deep into this Darkness

Armstrong Economics Blog/Rule of Law Re- Posted Aug 26, 2023 by Martin Armstrong


One of my mentors told me about you 6 months ago. Since that time, I have been an avid reader of your public and private blogs. Additionally, I’ve incorporated the Socrates arrays into my trading strategy.

First and foremost, thank you so much for everything you do. The world needs a voice like you during these difficult times as we are descending into darkness. You are helping so many people wakeup to the truth. Your integrity from within, courage in adversity and service above self have helped me to find my own voice. It is time for humanity to rise against our oppressors and take back our freedoms.

My question this morning is what happens to Socrates after you’re gone? I have watched several interviews as well as your documentary where you talk about how the CIA desperately wants the technology. Do you have a plan in place for protecting this powerful tool?

Wishing you many more years of health and happiness!



ANSWER: Thank you. I do not regret what they did to me. I survived but emerged with a deeper understanding of how corrupt the system is. Having a working knowledge of law, I went toe-to-toe with my oppressors, who were clearly taking orders from those who sought to take over Russia and strip it clean of its wealth. I watched how they rigged trials, selected judges, and pretended it was random, and then saw how they altered transcripts to change the very words spoken in courts only to find the Second Circuit Court of Appeals to be as fake as a $3 bill. I helped others in their legal defense. I told one black kid to go to trial. He won. My own court-appointed counsel dared to say I helped a criminal escape. He said the jury did not find him innocent, only that there was insufficient evidence. That was the view of even these fake lawyers who pretend to defend people but are paid for by the court to make sure they lose 99% of the time. His mother hugged me and said I was the first white person who ever helped her family.

I have seen it all. I watched them prosecute three separate Italian Mafia families for “conspiracy” to murder the same alleged murder using three different theories, and no corpse was ever found. It was as if your spouse vanished, and they then charged you with conspiracy to murder them without any corpse ever found whatsoever. All they had was a car parked at the airport and nothing more. They found them all guilty and sentenced to 20+ years for nothing. I have ZERO respect for our legal system anymore. It is so corrupt I cannot even recant all the horror stories I witnessed. My own real lawyer warned me they would try to kill me. They did; I was in a coma but survived, to their dismay.

When the Rule of Law collapses, so does society. Lady Margaret Thatcher explained that Britain, in its golden age, brought the rule of law to the world. Civilization exists ONLY when everyone benefits. What is going on now is that when the LEFT seizes control, they seek to force their view on everyone else. This is simply an economic religion that has doomed the world, and we will not revitalize civilization until this collapses and people see what it really is. Communism collapsed in 1989. Ironically, this is just one Fibonacci count of 34 years later – it’s our time.

As Maggie said, when you run out of other people’s money, that is when it all falls apart. We have reached that point in history. That is why they are now pushing for CBDCs for total control because the debt system is collapsing. They are indeed, running out of other people’s money.

We are descending deep into this darkness. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We will emerge from this stronger, just as I did. When you see the system for what it truly is, that is when it will all change. Thirty years ago, the system was corrupt, but they at least tried to hide it. Today, they no longer care because they control the elections, and only a fool thinks they are fair. They will do as they like, for the government has undergone a silent coup and nobody seems to care in Washington. It’s like J. Edgar Hoover who had files on every politician, and they did as he said, or else. The Neocons are doing the same.

As for Socrates, it will survive me. The government canceled all the visas of my programmers from around the world. This is a worldwide effort to preserve this for posterity. People have always tried to infiltrate my operation to grab whatever they can because they are corrupt and greedy. All they ever see is money and screwing the world. Their greed blinds them, and they cannot fathom that they will not have the life they dream about because they are just corrupt in character. I have seen the evil inside the belly of the beast as well as on the outside. My goal is for Socrates to survive and help post-2032. It is my gift to humanity.

The Public’s Top if not ONLY Concern…

Armstrong Economics Blog/Inflation Re-Posted Aug 20, 2023 by Martin Armstrong


The public is not concerned about “Russian aggression,” the Trump inditement, or even the MSM wrench about aliens. No one cares — the average person is struggling to keep up with the rising cost of living. Homelessness is on the rise as people cannot afford shelter. The blank checks to Ukraine are a slap in the face of those begging for help at home. These politicians need to work for us. No one campaigning is going to make a dent in the polls unless they clearly detail how they plan to address INFLATION! And no, the problem is not limited to America. The solution cannot be a universal income, currency, or Great Reset. The economy was strong before they attempted to BUILD BACK BETTER.

M A interview with, Man in America

Armstrong Economics Blog/Armstrong in the Media Re-Posted Aug 19, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

JUST US – The Rising Tide of Civil Unrest

Armstrong Economics Blog/Civil Unrest Re-Posted Aug 10, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

I have said that the reason they indicted Trump’s valet as a co-defendant in the Mar-a-Lago, was to pull the standard “extortion” where he is to perjure himself for the government or face 120 years in prison. This is how they win Conspiracy Cases. Federal Judge Jed. S. Rakoff wrote a book on the extortion process – WHY THE INNOCENT PLEAD GUILTY AND THE GUILTY GO FREE.

They cannot win a conspiracy case without extorting someone to testify against their target. That was the problem they had in my case, there were no co-defendants. Both Trump’s case and the state of allegations against the Biden family from whistleblowers illustrate how the Rule of Law in the United States no longer exists. This is the final straw behind the collapse of the United States. The allegations against Assistant U.S. Attorney for Delaware Lesley Wolf claims that she warned Hunter Biden’s attorneys about potential scrutiny on a storage unit the first son used. For the prosecutor to call and warn Hunter’s lawyers where the IRS wanted to look for the smoking gun is just unimaginable. This has become a shit show and whatever integrity the United States once had in support of life, liberty, and happiness being the beacon of freedom to the world no longer exists.

Then we have this Special Prosecutor using a pro-government grand jury in Washington to indict Trump when the case would have to be brought in Florida under the venue requirement of the Sixth Amendment, which is a constructive amendment of the Constitution. The King would indict you in London, then transport you back to London for a trial because the American colonists would have delivered a fair verdict. This is why the Sixth Amendment clearly states:

Amendment VI

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

This is precisely where this Special Prosecutor is going. Indicting Trump in Washington where the grand jury will be more likely than not government employees and Democrats, but the venue clause requires Trump to be charged where the crime took place and that is Florida. Smith is doing the EXACT same thing that the King of England did for which we had a Revolution.

They did not prosecute Richard Nixon and they did not prosecute Bill Clinton when they also had him on perjury charges. Hillary’s private servers with classified documents were set up so her emails would not be accessible under the Freedom of Information Act had they gone through the State Department, which was obstruction of justice. Nobody was ever charged because it would have resulted in civil unrest since the country would be divided. This time, they just do not care. It seems as though they KNOW this will cause civil unrest and they want that to unfold so they can justify even more crazy actions of locking us down again.

30 years ago, Washington was always corrupt. The difference was they at least tried to hide it. Today, they no longer care what you think because they will rig the election and you are no longer needed. The corruption is just open and they are laughing at us all the time as we are a gaggle of fools.

The one thing many people are noticing is that tensions are rising. People are frustrated. Some are stabbing people in shopping malls all of a sudden and others get killed over a parking spot. The COVID lockdown has unhinged many and society is becoming more hostile year by year. This is also a precursor to the rising civil unrest we see coming.

These are forecasts made years in advance. We had a serious Directional Change in 2022 and we were expecting a rise in 2023 with this all exploding by 2025. These people really think that they can do whatever they want because we will shut up and do as we are told. This is going to erupt and this 2024 election will be rigged and the entire world will know that because they no longer care to even hide their agenda.

CBDC & the Fall of Western Society

Armstrong Economics Blog/Cryptocurrency Re-Posted Jul 28, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

QUESTION: You said that when Rome fell it took 700 years before gold coins reappeared. Are we facing something like that again?


ANSWER: Yes, when Rome fell, gold continued in the East under the Byzantine and Islamic Empires. However, in Europe, the last Western emperor was Romulus Augustus (475-476AD) who was a puppet anyhow. He was a young son, whereas today, we have senile leaders who are puppets and incapable of independent rational thought. The first gold coin to reappear in Western Europe was that of Frederick II of Sicily (1231-1250AD). The Augustale was a gold denomination of about 5 and a half grams which Frederick II introduced to Sicily in 1231AD, and it was primarily issued for international trade.


Actually, Fibonacci (1170-1240 AD) published in 1202 his “Liber Abaci” (Book of Abacus). He introduced Hindu-Arabic numerals into Western culture. Suddenly, this allowed the calculation of numbers that were not taught in schools and was unknown in Christian circles. Only a very small group of intellectuals had access to translations of the Arab mathematician al-Khwarizmi (780-850 AD). The techniques that Fibonacci introduced were groundbreaking to re-establish a culture that lost its identity with the fall of Rome. Fibonacci illustrated practical problems on how to calculate profit margin, money changing, barter, conversion of weights and measures, partnerships, and, last but not least, interest. He also introduced some geometry and algebra.

However, Fibonacci’s work was so earth-shattering it became the topic of discussion and caught the attention of King Frederick II of Sicily. I believe it was Fibonacci’s introduction to mathematics that also inspired Frederick II to even reintroduce gold coinage in order to trade with the outside world. At the time, that included the Arabs as well as the Byzantines. The gold dinar was the Islamic medieval gold coin first issued in 696–697AD by Caliph Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan with a weight of 4.25 grams. Frederick II made his coin about 1 gram heavier in order to project economic power.

The introduction of CBDC is highly dangerous in war; even a nuclear blast also sends out an EM pulse that will destroy electronics. If I were Russia or China, I would NOT move to any sort of digital currency and then use an EMP against the United States. The entire economy would collapse. People would not even be able to buy anything. We have idiots in power who are so greedy, looking at the power this will place in their hands, they are ignoring the risks. This could mark the collapse of Western society, sending us back to the days of Barter.

The Post-2032 era would most likely be fragmented rather than national states as we know them today. There will most likely emerge regional currencies, as we have witnessed throughout history many times. Even during the Great Depression, over 200 US cities resorted to issuing their own money.

Mr. Speaker!…

Posted originally on the CTH on July 27, 2023 | Sundance 

I tap my glass loudly with a spoon from the back of the room….

The House Oversight and Government Affairs Committee has a team of lawyers and staff.

Evidence in public shows the sitting president of the United States took payments from foreign business interests in a scheme to use the power of the U.S. government to influence foreign government policy and protect/enhance the business interests of the people who paid him.

To wit…. The Republicans in the House of Representatives have thousands of Joe and Hunter Biden bank records, hundreds of trace records for wire transfer statements and payments, hundreds of reported U.S. Treasury suspicious activity reports, thousands of emails and subpoenaed text messages, audio and video recordings, thousands of photographs, access to the laptop of Hunter Biden and all the content therein, documented witnesses to the activity, testimony under oath corroborating how the Bidens collected tens of millions from foreign nations as unregistered foreign agents which was subsequently laundered through 20 shell companies.

The House committee also has FBI witness reports (FD-1023) from verified and reliable Confidential Human Sources who documented the intent and purpose of the transactions, along with US government attorneys in Philadelphia who investigated and confirmed the substance of the confidential human source allegations therein. Additionally, the Republicans in Congress have sworn affidavits and testimony from two IRS whistleblowers who testified the US attorney in Delaware was working with the U.S. Dept of Justice in Washington DC to bury the results of the investigation.

Lastly, and most recently, the Republicans have a transparently corrupt federal plea agreement rejected as presented by U.S. District Court Judge Maryellen Noreika, because the intent of the construct was to protect the son of the President of the United States from legal exposure within the business that provided the material wealth for himself and the family of the President, providing immunity for their Foreign Agent Registration Act violations…

….And the Republican Speaker of the House is letting the Republican controlled Congress go on vacation for the next two months.

All of this,…. ALL OF THIS…. while the former Republican president and current 2024 election front-runner is being railroaded by the same Dept of Justice the Speaker refuses to confront.

There is no Rule of Law

Armstrong Economics Blog/Rule of Law Re-Posted Jul 28, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

Anyone who thinks there is a rule of law in any country is a fool. When the movie The Forecaster came out, and I did a tour of major cities, I was in Frankfurt, and there was a question and answer period after the film. A woman stood up and said this is what is wrong with America after what they did to me. A German attorney rose and said, Germany does this to people here all the time. In Japan, they, too, have a 99% conviction rate. In all of these countries, there is no real rule of law – it is always the self-interest of the government in power. So this is why anyone else would go to prison for 20 years, whereas Hunter Biden will do no time. The Justice Department know the Hunter Laptop was real, and they have been hiding the evidence that showed that Biden takes bribes and has engaged in actual treason.

While the Constitution is supposed to be the supreme law of the land, it is circumvented ALL THE TIME. We are being stripped of our rights to free speech under the fiction that the Constitution only prohibits the government from interfering – not social media. It is a complete joke to think that you have any rights whatsoever. They are there ONLY for propaganda and to get soldiers to die on a foreign battlefield under the delusion that they are defending something worthwhile.

They are going after Trump because they fear he would fire all the Neocons and stop the war while they do nothing to Biden and put on a show for Hunter. There is no equal protection of the law – that is all just fantasies to make you think you are special when you are looked down upon as scum.

The CDBD Crisis of 2025

Armstrong Economics Blog/Cryptocurrency Re-Posted Jul 26, 2023 by Martin Armstrong


1. Due to the draconian rules the US digital currency shall operate under, would you consider the coming US digital currency to be the worst form of currency—worst store of value—worst asset to hold, and if so would it be better to get entirely out of cash before the US Dollar is canceled and the digital currency introduced?
2. When the US Dollar is canceled, will the entire value of all bank and brokerage accounts be automatically converted by banks and brokerage firms to the new digital currency?
3. Do you think there will be draconian rules, such as digital ID’s, instituted to be able to access the internet in 2025 to be able to access and cash out of bank and brokerage accounts?
4. What use will it be to invest in anything post 2024 if money in brokerage and bank accounts automatically becomes digital currency subject to draconian rules with draconian rules to access or take possession of the funds in one’s bank or brokerage account?
5. In the interview you did on May 20th you mentioned “they” are talking about bank bail-in’s. Aside from bank accounts, could bail-in’s be done from people’s brokerage accounts?
6. If one does not “opt in” to the new digital currency and if every legal financial transaction from the point the US introduces the digital currency must be made via the new digital currency, how will one be able to pay their taxes and property tax and will such a person lose their house and their assets be confiscated for not paying their taxes and property tax if they choose not to take part in the digital currency, digital ID and digital health pass?
7. Do you think inheritance will come under rules so draconian that sane children would prefer to forgo their inheritance rather than opt into anything that could harm their health and limit their freedom? Or do you think “they” will just abolish inheritance altogether?
Would you recommend putting all assets and accounts in one’s children’s names now, to avoid this possible scenario as far as it can be avoided?
8. During World War 3, if the US gets nuked or if at any time in the future there is an EMP attack or a severe cyber-attack and the grid goes down for an extended period of time, what shall become of bank and brokerage accounts?
Thank You Sir


ANSWER: Undoubtedly, this entire scheme of digital currencies will be the death of Western Civilization. The Founding Fathers prohibited Direct Taxation which was repealed during the Marxist movement toward creating the Income Tax. Once the income tax was imposed, the government then needed to know everything you did. That is why the Founding Fathers prohibited any form of direct taxation. Now even a journalist, if he fails to comply with the demands of the government, is targeted by the IRS. This allows them to go after anyone unless you are the son of a senile president who does as he is told. So yes, this will be the WORST currency in human history and it will be the final nail in the coffin of freedom.

They will most likely cancel all currencies AFTER the US 2024 election. It will need to be coordinated to prevent capital flight. Whatever is in bank accounts or brokerage accounts will be re-denominated in the new digital currency. The IMF is pushing hard to replace the dollar with its version. The likelihood of the collapse of the IMF and world institutions will probably arrive in 2031.

Big Tech will comply. They are already stripping us of our freedom of speech. This will become IMPERATIVE to oppress all freedom in hopes that they can establish this new totalitarian state which is the dream of Klaus Schwab and his band of merry thieves at the World Economic Forum. So the Internet will be highly monitored and restricted.

The point of investments post-2024 will be to hold on to tangible assets. They will make the transition from one currency to the next.


As far as bail-in’s being applied to people’s brokerage accounts the answer is yes. That was already done by Judge Martin Glenn who presided over M.F. Global bankruptcy and created the first BAIL-IN without Congressional Authority. He was the first one to engage in FORCED LOANS by abandoning the rule of law to help the bankers and protect Corzine from losses by taking client accounts to cover M.F. Global’s losses. That is no different from what we saw in Cyprus. He simply allowed the confiscation of client funds when in fact, the rule of law should have been that the bankers were responsible and M.F. Global’s losses, and it should have been reversed. Never should the client’s funds be taken for M.F. Global’s losses to the NY Bankers.

You will have NO “opt out” avenue. Taxes and commerce will all be digital. This is why they are pushing 5G in order to create instant transfers to enable them to replace cash transactions.

Regarding inheritance, the LEFT is also ready to push behind the curtain that upon death, everything should belong to the state. I fear this will only unleash civil war. Nevertheless, there is the crazy leftist in Australia proposing just that. It is unfair for one person to have wealth and another nothing. Concerning putting all assets and accounts in one’s children’s names now, avoiding this possible scenario as far as it can be avoided carries tremendous risk. It all depends on your country. When I bought a house 30 years ago, I simply added my children’s names. Today, you can’t do that, for it becomes taxable to them.

While we cannot rule out tactical nuclear weapons, the risk of an EMP attack will be devastating. That will wipe out the economy and take down the internet. The prospect of whatever you have in an account could simply vanish. That is one primary reason I am against the whole crypto-CBDC agenda, for in times of war, an EMP could devastate an adversary. I think this simply warns you should have some old silver coins pre-1965.

Crickets For Protein

Armstrong Economics Blog/Climate Re-Posted Jul 26, 2023 by Martin Armstrong

According to World Wild Life, they claim that the production of beef effects “climate change due to emissions of greenhouse gasses such as methane, nitrous oxide, and carbon dioxide. Research shows that ruminant livestock account for between 7% and 18% of global methane emissions from human related activities.” In February of this year, the US Forest Service had gotten approval to fly helicopters over land in southwestern NM to hunt down 150 cattle from the air and shoot them down. This was said to save the threatened habitats and other species. Cattle is supposedly ruining the environment from bodily gasses that are released and causing climate change but no worries- they have already figured out a solution: crickets.

Northern Italy, which holds the largest Cricket Farm in the country, has figured out how to integrate crickets into foods like pasta, bread, energy bars, and even sports drinks. This is a powder form which the process of this is to just freeze the crickets, boil, dry, and then pulverize. According to the Italian Cricket Farms’ website, “One third of the world’s land is used to produce beef. On average, 200m2 of surface area is used to produce 1kg of beef. For insects you only need 15m2 for the same amount.” You will mostly find this is western societies for now, but I wouldn’t doubt that it starts making its way here. The Climate Change zealots have done studies where “a single burp from a cow releases 220 pounds of methane which is shorter lived than carbon dioxide but 28 times more potent in warming the atmosphere” so we should watch out for the gasses coming from cattle. I wouldn’t be surprised if you found 50% crickets in your hamburger, soon they won’t leave us with much of a choice.